#!/bin/sh # This script should be run as a postinstall script from genimage when # creating minimal diskless images # It will remove various rpms from the image that are probably not needed # for runtime compute nodes # Review this script carefully in case you need any of these rpms in your # image # #-- $1 = install root (chroot directory for profile) #-- $2 = OS version #-- $3 = architecture #-- $4 = profile name #-- $5 = work dir (where genimage is located) #-- #-- installroot=$1 osver=$2 arch=$3 profile=$4 workdir=$5 #uninstall the ibm-java2 and rpms pulled in by it rpm -e --root $installroot ibm-java2-ppc64-jre.ppc64 libXp.ppc libXp.ppc64 #uninstall the rpms pulled in by LoadL_resmgr rpm -e --nodeps --root $installroot libX11.ppc libX11.ppc64 libX11-common libXext.ppc libXext.ppc64 libXScrnSaver.ppc64 libXau.ppc libXau.ppc64 libICE.ppc64 libSM.ppc64 libXmu.ppc64 libXt.ppc64 libXtst.ppc64 libXi.ppc64 libxcb.ppc libxcb.ppc64 libstdc++.ppc libstdc++.ppc64 #uninstall the rpms pulled in by vacpp.rte rpm -e --nodeps --root $installroot gcc.ppc64 gcc-c++.ppc64 cpp.ppc64 glibc-devel.ppc glibc-devel.ppc64 glibc-headers.ppc64 libstdc++-devel.ppc libstdc++-devel.ppc64 #uninstall rpms that should not be on a compute node #rpm -e --root $installroot libjpeg libtiff fontconfig freetype #uninstall yast2 rpms #rpm -e --root $installroot yast2 yast2-bootloader yast2-kdump yast2-packager yast2-storage yast2-branding-SLES yast2-core yast2-hardware-detection yast2-ncurses-pkg yast2-perl-bindings yast2-pkg-bindings yast2-theme-SLE yast2-transfer yast2-xml yast2-ycp-ui-bindings yast2-country-data yast2-libyui yast2-ncurses yast2-storage-lib