<?php /* * Created on 2010-6-3 * * To change the template for this generated file go to * Window - Preferences - PHPeclipse - PHP - Code Templates */ require_once "lib/functions.php"; require_once "lib/security.php"; require_once "lib/display.php"; function checkRpmPath($sUrl) { $hFileHandle = fopen($sUrl, 'r'); if ($hFileHandle) { fclose($hFileHandle); return true; } else { return false; } } //check rpm_path & rpm_name in request if(!isset($_REQUEST['repo'])) { echo "Please input a filepath."; exit; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['rpmname'])) { echo "Please select package."; exit; } $sRpmPath = $_REQUEST['repo']; if ("" == $sRpmPath) { echo "<label style=\"color:red\">Please input a filepath.</label>"; exit; } $sRpmNames = $_REQUEST['rpmname']; if ("" == $sRpmNames) { echo "<label style=\"color:red\">Please select package.</label>"; exit; } if (!checkRpmPath($sRpmPath)) { echo "<li style=\"color:red\">Repository Path Error!!</li>"; echo "</ul></div>"; return; } //set cookie must in front of any output if (1 == $_REQUEST["remember"]) { setcookie("xcatrepository", "1", time() + 864000, "/"); } elseif(2 == $_REQUEST["remember"]) { setcookie("xcatrepository", "2", time() + 864000, "/"); } else { setcookie("xcatrepository", $sRpmPath, time() + 864000, "/"); } echo "<div class=\"mContent\">It will update <b>" . $sRpmNames ."</b> from <b>" . $sRpmPath . "</b>.<ul>"; echo "<li>Repository Path Check OK!</li>"; $Ret = docmd("webrun", array(), array("update", $sRpmNames, $sRpmPath)); var_dump($Ret); echo "</ul></div>"; ?>