=head1 B<NAME> B<renergy> - remote energy management tool =head1 B<SYNOPSIS> B<renergy> [-h | --help] B<renergy> [-v | --version] B<Power 6 server specific :> =over 2 B<renergy> I<noderange> [-V] { all | [savingstatus] [cappingstatus] [cappingmaxmin] [cappingvalue] [cappingsoftmin] [averageAC] [averageDC] [ambienttemp] [exhausttemp] [CPUspeed] } B<renergy> I<noderange> [-V] { savingstatus={on | off} | cappingstatus={on | off} | cappingwatt=watt | cappingperc=percentage } =back B<Power 7 server specific :> =over 2 B<renergy> I<noderange> [-V] { all | [savingstatus] [dsavingstatus] [cappingstatus] [cappingmaxmin] [cappingvalue] [cappingsoftmin] [averageAC] [averageDC] [ambienttemp] [exhausttemp] [CPUspeed] [syssbpower] [sysIPLtime] [fsavingstatus] [ffoMin] [ffoVmin] [ffoTurbo] [ffoNorm] [ffovalue]} B<renergy> I<noderange> [-V] { savingstatus={on | off} | dsavingstatus={on-norm | on-maxp | off} | fsavingstatus={on | off} | ffovalue=MHZ | cappingstatus={on | off} | cappingwatt=watt | cappingperc=percentage } =back B<BladeCenter specific :> =over 2 B<For Management Modules as the target:> =over 4 B<renergy> I<noderange> [-V] { all | pd1all | pd2all | [pd1status] [pd2status] [pd1policy] [pd2policy] [pd1powermodule1] [pd1powermodule2] [pd2powermodule1] [pd2powermodule2] [pd1avaiablepower] [pd2avaiablepower] [pd1reservedpower] [pd2reservedpower] [pd1remainpower] [pd2remainpower] [pd1inusedpower] [pd2inusedpower] [availableDC] [averageAC] [thermaloutput] [ambienttemp] [mmtemp] } =back B<For a blades as the target:> =over 4 B<renergy> I<noderange> [-V] { all | [averageDC] [capability] [cappingvalue] [CPUspeed] [maxCPUspeed] [savingstatus] [dsavingstatus] } B<renergy> I<noderange> [-V] { savingstatus={on | off} | dsavingstatus={on-norm | on-maxp | off} } =back =back B<iDataPlex specific :> =over 2 B<renergy> I<noderange> [-V] [ { cappingmaxmin | cappingmax | cappingmin } ] [cappingstatus] [cappingvalue] [relhistogram] B<renergy> I<noderange> [-V] { cappingstatus={on | enable | off | disable} | {cappingwatt|cappingvalue}=watt } =back =head1 B<DESCRIPTION> This B<renergy> command can be used to manage the energy consumption of IBM servers which support IBM EnergyScale technology. Through this command, user can query and set the power saving and power capping status, and also can query the average consumed energy, the ambient and exhaust temperature, the processor frequency for a server. B<renergy> command supports IBM POWER6 and POWER7 rack-mounted servers, BladeCenter management modules, blade servers, and iDataPlex servers. For system p rack-mounted servers, the following specific hardware types are supported: I<8203-E4A>, I<8204-E8A>, I<9125-F2A>, I<8233-E8B>, I<8236-E8C>. The parameter I<noderange> needs to be specified for the B<renergy> command to get the target servers. The I<noderange> should be a list of CEC node names, blade management module node names or blade server node names. Lpar name is not acceptable here. B<renergy> command can accept multiple of energy attributes to query or one of energy attribute to set. If only the attribute name is specified, without the '=', B<renergy> gets and displays the current value. Otherwise, if specifying the attribute with '=' like 'savingstatus=on', B<renergy> will set the attribute savingstatus to value 'on'. The attributes listed in the B<SYNOPSIS> section are which ones can be handled by B<renergy> command. But for each specific type of server, there are some attributes that are not supported. If user specifies an attribute which is not supported by a specific server, the return value of this attribute will be 'na'. The supported attributes for each specific system p hardware type is listed as follows: =over 2 B<8203-E4A>, B<8204-E8A> =over 4 Supported attributes: B<Query>: savingstatus,cappingstatus,cappingmin,cappingmax, cappingvalue,cappingsoftmin,averageAC,averageDC,ambienttemp, exhausttemp,CPUspeed B<Set>: savingstatus,cappingstatus,cappingwatt,cappingperc =back B<9125-F2A> =over 4 Supported attributes: B<Query>: savingstatus,averageAC,ambienttemp,exhausttemp, CPUspeed B<Set>: savingstatus =back B<8233-E8B>, B<8236-E8C> =over 4 Supported attributes: B<Query>: savingstatus,dsavingstatus,cappingstatus,cappingmin, cappingmax,cappingvalue,cappingsoftmin,averageAC,averageDC, ambienttemp,exhausttemp,CPUspeed,syssbpower,sysIPLtime B<Set>: savingstatus,dsavingstatus,cappingstatus,cappingwatt, cappingperc =back B<9125-F2C> =over 4 Supported attributes: B<Query>: savingstatus,dsavingstatus,cappingstatus,cappingmin, cappingmax,cappingvalue,cappingsoftmin,averageAC,averageDC, ambienttemp,exhausttemp,CPUspeed,syssbpower,sysIPLtime, fsavingstatus,ffoMin,ffoVmin,ffoTurbo,ffoNorm,ffovalue B<Set>: savingstatus,dsavingstatus,cappingstatus,cappingwatt, cappingperc,fsavingstatus,ffovalue =back =back Note: For system P CEC nodes, each query operation for attribute CPUspeed, averageAC or averageDC needs about 30 seconds to complete. The query for others attributes will get response immediately. =head1 B<PREREQUISITES> For the system p nodes, the B<renergy> command depends on the Energy Management Plugin B<xCAT-pEnergy> to communicate with server. B<xCAT-pEnergy> can be downloaded from the IBM web site: http://www.ibm.com/support/fixcentral/. (Other Software -> EM) For iDataPlex nodes, the B<renergy> command depends on the Energy Management Plugin B<xCAT-xEnergy> to communicate with server. This plugin must be requested from IBM. (The support for BladeCenter energy management is built into base xCAT, so no additional plugins are needed for BladeCenter.) =head1 B<OPTIONS> =over 4 =item B<-h | --help> Display the usage message. =item B<-v | --version> Display the version information. =item B<-V> Verbose output. =item B<all> Query all energy attributes which supported by the specific type of hardware. =item B<pd1all> Query all energy attributes of the power domain 1 for blade management module node. =item B<pd2all> Query all energy attributes of the power domain 2 for blade management module node. =item B<ambienttemp> Query the current ambient temperature. (Unit is centigrade) =item B<availableDC> Query the total DC power available for the entire blade center chassis. =item B<averageAC> Query the average power consumed (Input). (Unit is watt) Note: For 9125-F2A,9125-F2C server, the value of attribute averageAC is the aggregate for all of the servers in a rack. Note: For Blade Center, the value of attribute averageAC is the total AC power being consumed by all modules in the chassis. It also includes power consumed by the Chassis Cooling Devices for BCH chassis. =item B<averageDC> Query the average power consumed (Output). (Unit is watt) =item B<capability> Query the Power Capabilities of the blade server. staticPowerManagement: the module with the static worst case power values. fixedPowermanagement: the module with the static power values but ability to throttle. dynamicPowerManagement: the module with power meter capability, measurement enabled, but capping disabled. dynamicPowerMeasurement1: the module with power meter capability, measurement enabled, phase 1 only dynamicPowerMeasurement2: the module with power meter capability, measurement enabled, phase 2 or higher dynamicPowerMeasurementWithPowerCapping: the module with power meter capability, both measurement and capping enabled, phase 2 or higher =item B<cappingmaxmin> Query the maximum and minimum of power capping value which can be set for a CEC or blade server. (Unit is watt) =item B<cappingperc>=B<percentage> Set the power capping value base on the percentage of the max-min of capping value which getting from I<cappingmaxmim> attribute. The valid value must be from 0 to 100. =item B<cappingsoftmin> Query the minimum value that can be assigned to power capping without guaranteed enforceability. (Unit is watt) =item B<cappingstatus> Query the power capping status. The result should be 'on' or 'off'. =item B<cappingstatus>={B<on> | B<off>} Set the power capping status. The value must be 'on' or 'off'. This is the switch to turn on or turn off the power capping function. =item B<cappingvalue> Query the current power capping value. (Unit is watt) =item B<cappingwatt>=B<watt> Set the power capping value base on the watt unit. If the 'watt' > maximum of I<cappingmaxmin> or 'watt' < I<cappingsoftmin>, the setting operation will be failed. If the 'watt' > I<cappingsoftmin> and 'watt' < minimum of I<cappingmaxmin>, the value can NOT be guaranteed. =item B<CPUspeed> Query the effective processor frequency. (Unit is MHz) =item B<dsavingstatus> Query the dynamic power saving status. The result should be 'on-norm', 'on-maxp' or 'off'. If turning on the dynamic power saving, the processor frequency and voltage will be dropped dynamically based on the core utilization. It supports two modes for turn on state: I<on-norm> - means normal, the processor frequency cannot exceed the nominal value; I<on-maxp> - means maximum performance, the processor frequency can exceed the nominal value. =item B<dsavingstatus>={B<on-norm> | B<on-maxp> | B<off>} Set the dynamic power saving. The value must be 'on-norm', 'on-maxp' or 'off'. The dsavingstatus setting operation needs about 2 minutes to take effect. (The used time depends on the hardware type) The B<dsavingstatus> only can be turned on when the B<savingstatus> is in turn off status. =item B<exhausttemp> Query the current exhaust temperature. (Unit is centigrade) =item B<ffoMin> Query the minimum cpu frequency which can be set for FFO. (Fixed Frequency Override) =item B<ffoNorm> Query the maximum cpu frequency which can be set for FFO. =item B<ffoTurbo> Query the advertised maximum cpu frequency (selling point). =item B<ffoVmin> Query the minimum cpu frequency which can be set for dropping down the voltage to save power. That means when you drop the cpu frequency from the ffoVmin to ffoVmin, the voltage won't change, then there's no obvious power to be saved. =item B<ffovalue> Query the current value of FFO. =item B<ffovalue>=B<MHZ> Set the current value of FFO. The valid value of ffovalue should be between the ffoMin and ffoNorm. Note1: Due to the limitation of firmware, the frequency in the range 3501 MHz - 3807 MHz can NOT be set to ffovalue. This range may be changed in future. Note2: The setting will take effect only when the fsavingstatus is in 'on' status. But you need to set the ffovalue to a valid value before enabling the fsavingstatus. (It's a limitation of the initial firmware and will be fixed in future.) The ffovalue setting operation needs about 1 minute to take effect. =item B<fsavingstatus> Query the status of FFO. The result should be 'on' or 'off'. 'on' - enable; 'off' - disable. =item B<fsavingstatus>={B<on> │ B<off>} Set the status of FFO. The value must be 'on' or 'off'. 'on' - enable. It will take effect only when the B<ffovalue> has been set to a valid value. 'off' -disable. It will take effect immediately. Note: See the Note2 of ffovalue=MHZ. =item B<maxCPUspeed> Query the maximum processor frequency. (Unit is MHz) =item B<mmtemp> Query the current temperature of management module. (Unit is centigrade) =item B<pd1status> Query the status of power domain 1 for blade management module node. =item B<pd1policy> Query the power management policy of power domain 1. =item B<pd1powermodule1> Query the First Power Module capacity in power domain 1. =item B<pd1powermodule2> Query the Second Power Module capacity in power domain 1. =item B<pd1avaiablepower> Query the total available power in power domain 1. =item B<pd1reservedpower> Query the power that has been reserved for power domain 1. =item B<pd1remainpower> Query the remaining power available in power domain 1. =item B<pd1inusedpower> Query the total power being used in power domain 1. =item B<pd2status> Query the status of power domain 2 for blade management module node. =item B<pd2policy> Query the power management policy of power domain 2. =item B<pd2powermodule1> Query the First Power Module capacity in power domain 2. =item B<pd2powermodule2> Query the Second Power Module capacity in power domain 2. =item B<pd2avaiablepower> Query the total available power in power domain 2. =item B<pd2reservedpower> Query the power that has been reserved for power domain 2. =item B<pd2remainpower> Query the remaining power available in power domain 2. =item B<pd2inusedpower> Query the total power being used in power domain 2. =item B<relhistogram> Query histogram data for wattage information =item B<savingstatus> Query the static power saving status. The result should be 'on' or 'off'. 'on' - enable; 'off' - disable. =item B<savingstatus>={B<on> | B<off>} Set the static power saving. The value must be 'on' or 'off'. If turning on the static power saving, the processor frequency and voltage will be dropped to a fixed value to save energy. The savingstatus setting operation needs about 2 minutes to take effect. (The used time depends on the hardware type) The B<savingstatus> only can be turned on when the B<dsavingstatus> is in turn off status. =item B<sysIPLtime> Query the time used from FSP standby to OS standby. (Unit is Second) =item B<syssbpower> Query the system power consumed prior to power on. (Unit is MHz) =item B<thermaloutput> Query the thermal output (load) in BTUs per hour for the blade center chassis. =back =head1 B<RETURN VALUE> 0 The command completed successfully. 1 An error has occurred. =head1 B<EXAMPLES> =over 3 =item 1 Query all the attributes which CEC1,CEC2 supported. B<renergy> CEC1,CEC2 all The output of the query operation: CEC1: savingstatus: off CEC1: dsavingstatus: off CEC1: cappingstatus: off CEC1: cappingmin: 1953 W CEC1: cappingmax: 2358 W CEC1: cappingvalue: 2000 W CEC1: cappingsoftmin: 304 W CEC1: averageAC: na CEC1: averageDC: na CEC1: ambienttemp: na CEC1: exhausttemp: na CEC1: CPUspeed: na CEC1: syssbpower: 40 W CEC1: sysIPLtime: 900 S CEC2: savingstatus: off CEC2: cappingstatus: off CEC2: cappingmin: 955 W CEC2: cappingmax: 1093 W CEC2: cappingvalue: 1000 W CEC2: cappingsoftmin: 226 W CEC2: averageAC: 627 W CEC2: averageDC: 531 W CEC2: ambienttemp: 25 C CEC2: exhausttemp: 40 C CEC2: CPUspeed: 4695 MHz =item 2 Query all the attirbutes for management module node MM1. (For chassis) B<renergy> MM1 all The output of the query operation: mm1: availableDC: 5880W mm1: frontpaneltmp: 18.00 Centigrade mm1: inusedAC: 2848W mm1: mmtmp: 28.00 Centigrade mm1: pd1avaiablepower: 2940W mm1: pd1inusedpower: 848W mm1: pd1policy: redundantWithoutPerformanceImpact mm1: pd1powermodule1: Bay 1: 2940W mm1: pd1powermodule2: Bay 2: 2940W mm1: pd1remainpower: 1269W mm1: pd1reservedpower: 1671W mm1: pd1status: 1 - Power domain status is good. mm1: pd2avaiablepower: 2940W mm1: pd2inusedpower: 1490W mm1: pd2policy: redundantWithoutPerformanceImpact mm1: pd2powermodule1: Bay 3: 2940W mm1: pd2powermodule2: Bay 4: 2940W mm1: pd2remainpower: 51W mm1: pd2reservedpower: 2889W mm1: pd2status: 2 - Warning: Power redundancy does not exist in this power domain. mm1: thermaloutput: 9717.376000 BTU/hour =item 3 Query all the attirbutes for blade server node blade1. B<renergy> blade1 all The output of the query operation: blade1: CPUspeed: 4204MHZ blade1: averageDC: 227W blade1: capability: dynamicPowerMeasurement2 blade1: cappingvalue: 315W blade1: dsavingstatus: off blade1: maxCPUspeed: 4204MHZ blade1: savingstatus: off =item 4 Query the attributes savingstatus, cappingstatus and CPUspeed for server CEC1. B<renergy> CEC1 savingstatus cappingstatus CPUspeed The output of the query operation: CEC1: savingstatus: off CEC1: cappingstatus: on CEC1: CPUspeed: 3621 MHz =item 5 Turn on the power saving function of CEC1. B<renergy> CEC1 savingstatus=on The output of the setting operation: CEC1: Set savingstatus succeeded. CEC1: This setting may need some minutes to take effect. =item 6 Set the power capping value base on the percentage of the max-min capping value. Here, set it to 50%. B<renergy> CEC1 cappingperc=50 If the maximum capping value of the CEC1 is 850w, and the minimum capping value of the CEC1 is 782w, the Power Capping value will be set as ((850-782)*50% + 782) = 816w. The output of the setting operation: CEC1: Set cappingperc succeeded. CEC1: cappingvalue: 816 =back =head1 B<REFERENCES> =over 3 =item 1 For more information on 'Power System Energy Management': http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/power/software/energy/index.html =item 2 EnergyScale white paper for Power6: http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/power/hardware/whitepapers/energyscale.html =item 3 EnergyScale white paper for Power7: http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/power/hardware/whitepapers/energyscale7.html =back =head1 B<FILES> /opt/xcat/bin/renergy