# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html

# Sample xCAT post script for configuring eth1 based on eth0 settings and
# some conventions.  This scripts works for both diskfull installs and diskless boots.

use Socket;

# Take primary node name, add "-eth1" for linux and "-en1" for AIX  and 
#	then reverse resolve to get what ip should be
my $nic;
if ($^O =~ /^aix/i) {
    $nic = 'en1';
} else {
    $nic = 'eth1';

my $hostname = "$ENV{NODE}-$nic";
my $packed_ip = gethostbyname($hostname);
if (!$packed_ip) { system("logger -t xcat 'configeth: cannot resolve $hostname.'"); exit 1; }
my $ip = inet_ntoa($packed_ip);

#TODO: should contact xcatd on the service node to get the netmask and gateway from the networks table
my $netmask = "";
my ($first, $second, $rest) = split(/\./, $ip);
my $gateway = "$first.$second.255.254";

if ($^O =~ /^aix/i) { 
	runcmd("chdev -l 'en1' -a netaddr=$ip -a netmask=$netmask -a state='up'");
elsif (($ENV{OSVER} && ($ENV{OSVER} =~ /sles|suse/i)) || (-f "/etc/SuSE-release")) { 
	# Write the info to the ifcfg file
	my $dir = "/etc/sysconfig/network";
	if (!open(FILE, ">$dir/ifcfg-$nic")) { system("logger -t xcat 'configeth: cannot open $dir/ifcfg-$nic.'"); exit 1; }
	# Not sure what is really REQUIRED from below -- copied the eth file from
	# the system
	print FILE "BOOTPROTO=\'static\'\n";
	print FILE "BROADCAST=\'\'\n";
	print FILE "ETHTOOL_OPTIONS=\'\'\n";
	print FILE "IPADDR=\'".$ip."\'\n";
	print FILE "MTU=\'\'\n";
	print FILE "NAME=\'\'\n";
	print FILE "NETMASK=\'".$netmask."\'\n";
	print FILE "NETWORK=\'\'\n";
	print FILE "REMOTE_IPADDR=\'\'\n";
	print FILE "STARTMODE=\'onboot\'\n";
	print FILE "UNIQUE=\'\'\n";
	print FILE "USERCONTROL=\'no\'\n";
	print FILE "_nm_name=\'static-0\'\n";

	close FILE;
	runcmd("ifup $nic");

        my $nic = 'eth0';
        # make file for eth0, too
	if (! -f "$dir/ifcfg-$nic") {
	    my $hostname = "$ENV{NODE}";
	    my $packed_ip = gethostbyname($hostname);
	    if (!$packed_ip) { system("logger -t xcat 'configeth: cannot resolve $hostname.'"); exit 1; }
	    my $ip = inet_ntoa($packed_ip);
            #TODO: should contact xcatd on the service node to get the netmask and gateway from the networks table
	    my $netmask = "";
	    my ($first, $second, $rest) = split(/\./, $ip);
	    my $gateway = "$first.$second.255.254";
	    # Write the info to the ifcfg file
	    my $dir = "/etc/sysconfig/network";
	    if (!open(FILE, ">$dir/ifcfg-$nic")) { system("logger -t xcat 'configeth: cannot open $dir/ifcfg-$nic.'"); exit 1; }
	    # Not sure what is really REQUIRED from below -- copied the eth file from
	    # the system
	    print FILE "BOOTPROTO=\'static\'\n";
	    print FILE "BROADCAST=\'\'\n";
	    print FILE "ETHTOOL_OPTIONS=\'\'\n";
	    print FILE "IPADDR=\'".$ip."\'\n";
	    print FILE "MTU=\'\'\n";
	    print FILE "NAME=\'\'\n";
	    print FILE "NETMASK=\'".$netmask."\'\n";
	    print FILE "NETWORK=\'\'\n";
	    print FILE "REMOTE_IPADDR=\'\'\n";
	    print FILE "STARTMODE=\'onboot\'\n";
	    print FILE "UNIQUE=\'\'\n";
	    print FILE "USERCONTROL=\'no\'\n";
	    print FILE "_nm_name=\'static-0\'\n";
	    close FILE;
	    runcmd("ifup $nic");
else {
	# Write the info to the ifcfg file
	my $dir = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts";
	if (!open(FILE, ">$dir/ifcfg-$nic")) { system("logger -t xcat 'configeth: cannot open $dir/ifcfg-$nic.'"); exit 1; }
	print FILE "DEVICE=$nic\n";
	print FILE "BOOTPROTO=none\n";
	print FILE "IPADDR=$ip\n";
	print FILE "NETMASK=$netmask\n";
	print FILE "GATEWAY=$gateway\n";
	print FILE "ONBOOT=yes\n";
	close FILE;

	runcmd("$dir/ifup $nic");
system("logger -t xcat 'configeth: successfully configured $nic.'");

exit 0;

sub runcmd {
	my $cmd = shift @_;
	$cmd .= ' 2>&1';
	my @output = `$cmd`;
	my $rc = $? >> 8;
	if ($rc) {
		system("logger -t xcat 'configeth: command $cmd failed with rc $rc: " . join('',@output) . "'");
		exit $rc;

#if ($^O =~ /^aix/i) { }
#elsif (($ENV{OSVER} && ($ENV{OSVER} =~ /fedora/i)) || (-f "/etc/fedora-release")) { }
#elsif (($ENV{OSVER} && ($ENV{OSVER} =~ /sles|suse/i)) || (-f "/etc/SuSE-release")) { }
#$result=`grep "^SYSLOG_DAEMON=" $sysconfig 2>&1`;
#`logger -t xcat "Install: syslog setup"`;