# Build the xCAT-genesis-base rpm on a host system. # Option 1: install the xCAT-genesis-builder rpm (that includes this file) on a system installed with # the distro you want to use to build xCAT-genesis-base. # Option 2: untar the root file system of the distro you want to use and then chroot into it and copy # this whole dir into it somewhere (like /tmp). # Then run this script. The optional 1st arg should be mcp if you are building against mcp. HOSTOS="$1" DIR=`dirname $0` #DIR=`realpath $DIR` DIR=`readlink -f $DIR` # get the input files for dracut in the right place DRACUTMODDIR=/usr/share/dracut/modules.d/97xcat mkdir -p $DRACUTMODDIR cp $DIR/* $DRACUTMODDIR # For ppc64 platform, needs to remove some files, # and some files are in different directories if [ `uname -m` = "ppc64" ]; then sed -i 's/dracut_install efibootmgr//' $DRACUTMODDIR/install sed -i 's/ dmidecode//' $DRACUTMODDIR/install sed -i 's/\/lib\/libncurses.so.5.7/\/lib64\/libncurses.so.5.7/' $DRACUTMODDIR/install sed -i 's/\/usr\/lib\/libstdc++.so.6.0.13/\/usr\/lib64\/libstdc++.so.6.0.13/' $DRACUTMODDIR/install sed -i 's/\/lib\/libgcc_s.so.1/\/lib64\/libgcc_s.so.1/' $DRACUTMODDIR/install sed -i 's/\/lib\/libtinfo.so.5.7/\/lib64\/libtinfo.so.5.7/' $DRACUTMODDIR/install fi if [ "$HOSTOS" = "mcp" ]; then sed -i 's/mkfs.btrfs//' $DRACUTMODDIR/install sed -i 's/\/etc\/redhat-release/\/etc\/base-release \/etc\/system-release/' $DRACUTMODDIR/install sed -i 's/btrfs//' $DRACUTMODDIR/installkernel # these are needed for sysclone, but are not yet in mcp sed -i 's/ bc//' $DRACUTMODDIR/install sed -i 's/ mkdosfs//' $DRACUTMODDIR/install sed -i 's/ rsync//' $DRACUTMODDIR/install sed -i 's/ kexec//' $DRACUTMODDIR/install sed -i 's/ klogd//' $DRACUTMODDIR/install sed -i 's/ mdadm//' $DRACUTMODDIR/install # These timezone files are not available in the latest mcp build sed -i 's/dracut_install \/usr\/share\/zoneinfo\/posix\/Asia\/Riyadh87//' $DRACUTMODDIR/install sed -i 's/dracut_install \/usr\/share\/zoneinfo\/posix\/Asia\/Riyadh88//' $DRACUTMODDIR/install sed -i 's/dracut_install \/usr\/share\/zoneinfo\/posix\/Asia\/Riyadh89//' $DRACUTMODDIR/install sed -i 's/dracut_install \/usr\/share\/zoneinfo\/posix\/Mideast\/Riyadh87//' $DRACUTMODDIR/install sed -i 's/dracut_install \/usr\/share\/zoneinfo\/posix\/Mideast\/Riyadh88//' $DRACUTMODDIR/install sed -i 's/dracut_install \/usr\/share\/zoneinfo\/posix\/Mideast\/Riyadh89//' $DRACUTMODDIR/install fi mkdir -p /tmp/xcatgenesis.$$/opt/xcat/share/xcat/netboot/genesis/`uname -m`/fs # run dracut if [ "$HOSTOS" = "mcp" ]; then KPATH=`/bin/ls -d /lib/modules/*.x86_64` KERNELVERSION=`basename $KPATH` echo Creating the initramfs in /tmp/xcatgenesis.$$.rfs using dracut and kernel $KERNELVERSION ... else echo Creating the initramfs in /tmp/xcatgenesis.$$.rfs using dracut ... fi dracut -m "xcat base" -f /tmp/xcatgenesis.$$.rfs $KERNELVERSION echo Expanding the initramfs into /tmp/xcatgenesis.$$/opt/xcat/share/xcat/netboot/genesis/`uname -m`/fs ... cd /tmp/xcatgenesis.$$/opt/xcat/share/xcat/netboot/genesis/`uname -m`/fs zcat /tmp/xcatgenesis.$$.rfs|cpio -dumi # add the kernel if [ "$HOSTOS" = "mcp" ]; then echo Adding kernel /boot/vmlinuz-* ... cp /boot/vmlinuz-*.x86_64 /tmp/xcatgenesis.$$/opt/xcat/share/xcat/netboot/genesis/`uname -m`/kernel else echo Adding kernel /boot/vmlinuz-`uname -r` ... cp /boot/vmlinuz-`uname -r` /tmp/xcatgenesis.$$/opt/xcat/share/xcat/netboot/genesis/`uname -m`/kernel fi cd - # create tar file echo Tarring /tmp/xcatgenesis.$$/opt into ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/xCAT-genesis-base-`uname -m`.tar.bz2 ... cd /tmp/xcatgenesis.$$ tar jcf ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/xCAT-genesis-base-`uname -m`.tar.bz2 opt # build the rpm echo Building xCAT-genesis-base rpm from ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/xCAT-genesis-base-`uname -m`.tar.bz2 and $DIR/xCAT-genesis-base.spec ... rpmbuild -ba $DIR/xCAT-genesis-base.spec rm -rf $DRACUTMODDIR