and not available in python 2.6... switched to using docopt for
command line interface argument parsing. This python library is
pulled in by the SoftLayer python bindings so it's not an extra step.
Extended the utility to support mounting of --type=nas|consistent
The consistent performance file storage is the high available
storage type on SoftLayer. One we supported multiple types
the "nas" in the utility name no longer made sense.
Create a python library for xcat as a starting point for transition
to Python based in xCAT3. There are also plans to switch over to
using the SoftLayer Python API (over Perl)
xCAT-SoftLayer.spec file will ship lib/python/xcat directory. A new
bin file '" is created to help assist users with
mounting and unmount the SoftLayer NAS shared filesystem
DevOps Task #10959 unser xCAT_SoftLayer project