diff --git a/perl-xCAT/xCAT/Client.pm b/perl-xCAT/xCAT/Client.pm
index 4e59f059e..04890a4d2 100644
--- a/perl-xCAT/xCAT/Client.pm
+++ b/perl-xCAT/xCAT/Client.pm
@@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ unless ($inet6support) {
use XML::Simple; #smaller than libxml....
+use Fcntl;
+use POSIX qw/:errno_h/;
+use IO::Select;
#require Data::Dumper;
my $xcathost='localhost:3001';
@@ -220,30 +223,52 @@ if (ref($request) eq 'HASH') { # the request is an array, not pure XML
my $cleanexit=0;
my $massresponse="";
my $nextcoalescetime=time()+1;
- while (<$client>) {
- $response .= $_;
- if (m/<\/xcatresponse>/) {
- #replace ESC with xxxxESCxxx because XMLin cannot handle it
- $response =~ s/\e/xxxxESCxxxx/g;
- if ($ENV{XCATXMLTRACE}) { print $response; }
- $massresponse.=$response;
- validateXML($response);
- }
+ my $coalescenow=0;
+ my $flags;
+ fcntl($client,F_GETFL,$flags);
+ $flags |= O_NONBLOCK; #select can be a bit.. fickle, make sysread work more easily...
+ fcntl($client,F_SETFL,$flags);
+ my $clientsel = new IO::Select;
+ $clientsel->add($client);
+ my $line;
+ my $newdata=0;
+ while (1) {
my $shouldexit;
- if (time() > $nextcoalescetime) {
+ if ($newdata and ($coalescenow or time() > $nextcoalescetime)) {
+ $coalescenow=0;
+ $newdata=0;
$massresponse .= "";
$shouldexit = rspclean($massresponse,$callback);
- $response='';
if ($shouldexit) {
+ $line = "";
+ $clientsel->can_read(0.5);
+ my $readbytes;
+ do { $readbytes=sysread($client,$line,65535,length($line)); } while ($readbytes);
+ unless (length($line)) {
+ if (not defined $readbytes and $! == EAGAIN) { next; }
+ last;
+ }
+ $newdata=1;
+ $response .= $line;
+ if ($line =~ m/<\/xcatresponse>/) {
+ if ($line =~ /serverdone/) { $coalescenow=1; } #if serverdone was detected, hint at coalesce code to flush things out now
+ #this means that coalesce can be triggered by stray words in the output prematurely, but that's harmless
+ #replace ESC with xxxxESCxxx because XMLin cannot handle it
+ $response =~ s/\e/xxxxESCxxxx/g;
+ if ($ENV{XCATXMLTRACE}) { print $response; }
+ $massresponse.=$response;
+ $response='';
+ validateXML($response);
+ }
if (not $cleanexit and $massresponse ne "") {