fixing several kit related bugs: 3657,3629,3409. the major change is now addkitcomp -a will add its dependency recursively, and in each level, it will check if the dependency fits to the osimage.

git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
wanghuaz 2013-07-01 02:24:15 +00:00
parent 3ddb75d072
commit e917ce1579

View File

@ -832,6 +832,150 @@ sub assign_to_osimage
=head3 check_kit_config
Check if this kit is suitable to add
sub check_kit_config
my $tabs = shift;
my $kithash = shift;
my $kitrepohash = shift;
my $kitcomphash = shift;
#TODO: add check to see the the attributes name are acceptable by xCAT DB.
#TODO: need to check if the files are existing or not, like exlist,
unless (keys %kithash) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Failed to add kit $kit because kit.conf is invalid";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $::CALLBACK );
return 1;
if ( $::INSPECTION ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "kitname=$kithash{kitname}";
push@{ $rsp{data} }, " description=$kithash{description}";
push@{ $rsp{data} }, " version=$kithash{version}";
push@{ $rsp{data} }, " ostype=$kithash{ostype}";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $::CALLBACK );
(my $ref1) = $tabs->{kit}->getAttribs({kitname => $kithash{kitname}}, 'basename');
if ( $ref1 and $ref1->{'basename'}){
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Failed to add kit $kithash{kitname} because it is already existing";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $::CALLBACK );
return 1;
# Check if the kitcomponent is existing
my @kitcomps = $tabs->{kitcomponent}->getAllAttribs( 'kitcompname' );
foreach my $kitcomp (@kitcomps) {
if ( $kitcomp->{kitcompname} ) {
foreach my $kitcompid (keys %kitcomphash) {
if ( $kitcomphash{$kitcompid}{kitcompname} and $kitcomphash{$kitcompid}{kitcompname} =~ /$kitcomp->{kitcompname}/ ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Failed to add kitcomponent $kitcomp->{kitcompname} because it is already existing";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $::CALLBACK );
return 1;
=head3 read_kit_config
Read kit configuration file
sub read_kit_config
my $fn = shift;
my @lines = @$fn;
my $sec;
my $kitname;
my $kitreponame;
my $kitcompname;
my $scripts;
my $kitrepoid = 0;
my $kitcompid = 0;
foreach my $line (@lines) {
# Read through each line of kit.conf.
my $key, $value;
chomp $line;
next if ($line =~ /^$/);
next if ($line =~ /^\s*#/);
# Split the kit.conf to different parts: kit, kitrepo, kitcomponent.
if ($line =~ /kit:/) {
$sec = "KIT";
} elsif ($line =~ /kitrepo:/) {
$sec = "KITREPO";
$kitrepoid = $kitrepoid + 1;
} elsif ($line =~ /kitcomponent:/) {
$kitcompid = $kitcompid + 1;
} else {
if ( $line =~ /kitcompdeps/ ) {
$key = $line;
$value = $line;
$key =~ s/\s+(\w+)\s+=.*$/$1/;
$key =~ s/\s+//g;
$value =~ s/$key\s+=(.*)$/$1/;
$key =~ s/\s+//g;
$value =~ s/\s+//g;
} else {
($key,$value) = split /=/, $line;
# Remove spaces in each lines.
$key =~s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
$value =~s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
# Add each attribute to different hash.
if ( $sec =~ /KIT$/) {
$kithash{$key} = $value;
} elsif ( $sec =~ /KITREPO$/ ) {
$kitrepohash{$kitrepoid}{$key} = $value;
} elsif ( $sec =~ /KITCOMPONENT$/ ) {
if ( $key =~ /postbootscripts/ or $key =~ /genimage_postinstall/ ) {
$scripts = $scripts . ',' . $value;
$kitcomphash{$kitcompid}{$key} = $value;
} else {
$kitcomphash{$kitcompid}{$key} = $value;
=head3 addkit
@ -872,7 +1016,7 @@ sub addkit
'h|help' => \$help,
'V|verbose' => \$::VERBOSE,
'i|inspection' => \$inspection,
'i|inspection' => \$::INSPECTION,
'p|path=s' => \$path,
@ -904,9 +1048,13 @@ sub addkit
my $kitdir = '';
my $kittmpdir = '';
my %kithash;
my %kitrepohash;
my %kitcomphash;
if ( $kit =~ /NEED_PRODUCT_PKGS/ ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Not allowed to add partial kit $kit";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
# extract the Kit to kitdir
my $installdir = xCAT::TableUtils->getInstallDir();
@ -945,9 +1093,9 @@ sub addkit
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Extract Kit $kit to /tmp";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
$rc = system("tar jxvf $kit -C /tmp/tmpkit/");
$rc = system("tar jxvf $kit -C /tmp/tmpkit/ */kit.conf");
} else {
$rc = system("tar jxf $kit -C /tmp/tmpkit/");
$rc = system("tar jxf $kit -C /tmp/tmpkit/ */kit.conf");
@ -961,7 +1109,7 @@ sub addkit
if ( !$kittmpdir ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Could not find extracted kit in /tmp/tmpkit";
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Could not find extracted kit.conf in /tmp/tmpkit";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
@ -970,11 +1118,12 @@ sub addkit
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Failed to extract Kit $kit, (Maybe there was no space left?)";
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Failed to extract kit.conf from $kit, (Maybe there was no space left?)";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
# Read kit info from kit.conf
my @lines;
if (open(KITCONF, "<$kittmpdir/$kitconf")) {
@ -1000,98 +1149,47 @@ sub addkit
return 1;
my $sec;
my $kitname;
my $kitreponame;
my $kitcompname;
my $scripts;
my $kitrepoid = 0;
my $kitcompid = 0;
foreach my $line (@lines) {
# Read through each line of kit.conf.
my $key, $value;
chomp $line;
next if ($line =~ /^$/);
next if ($line =~ /^\s*#/);
# Read kit configuration file
my ($kithash,$kitrepohash,$kitcomphash) = read_kit_config(\@lines);
# Split the kit.conf to different parts: kit, kitrepo, kitcomponent.
if ($line =~ /kit:/) {
$sec = "KIT";
} elsif ($line =~ /kitrepo:/) {
$sec = "KITREPO";
$kitrepoid = $kitrepoid + 1;
} elsif ($line =~ /kitcomponent:/) {
$kitcompid = $kitcompid + 1;
# Check if this kit is allowed to add.
if ( &check_kit_config(\%tabs,\$kithash,\$kitrepohash,\$kitcomphash) ) {
return 1;
if( !-d "$kit") {
# should be a tar.bz2 file
system("rm -rf /tmp/tmpkit/");
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Extract Kit $kit to /tmp";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
$rc = system("tar jxvf $kit -C /tmp/tmpkit/");
} else {
($key,$value) = split /=/, $line;
$rc = system("tar jxf $kit -C /tmp/tmpkit/");
# Remove spaces in each lines.
$key =~s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
$value =~s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
my @files = readdir($dir);
# Add each attribute to different hash.
if ( $sec =~ /KIT$/) {
$kithash{$key} = $value;
} elsif ( $sec =~ /KITREPO$/ ) {
$kitrepohash{$kitrepoid}{$key} = $value;
} elsif ( $sec =~ /KITCOMPONENT$/ ) {
if ( $key =~ /postbootscripts/ or $key =~ /genimage_postinstall/ ) {
$scripts = $scripts . ',' . $value;
$kitcomphash{$kitcompid}{$key} = $value;
} else {
$kitcomphash{$kitcompid}{$key} = $value;
foreach my $file ( @files ) {
next if ( $file eq '.' || $file eq '..' );
$kittmpdir = "/tmp/tmpkit/$file";
if ( !$kittmpdir ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Could not find extracted kit in /tmp/tmpkit";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
#TODO: add check to see the the attributes name are acceptable by xCAT DB.
#TODO: need to check if the files are existing or not, like exlist,
unless (keys %kithash) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Failed to add kit $kit because kit.conf is invalid";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
if ( $inspection ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "kitname=$kithash{kitname}";
push@{ $rsp{data} }, " description=$kithash{description}";
push@{ $rsp{data} }, " version=$kithash{version}";
push@{ $rsp{data} }, " ostype=$kithash{ostype}";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", \%rsp, $callback );
(my $ref1) = $tabs{kit}->getAttribs({kitname => $kithash{kitname}}, 'basename');
if ( $ref1 and $ref1->{'basename'}){
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Failed to add kit $kithash{kitname} because it is already existing";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
# Check if the kitcomponent is existing
my @kitcomps = $tabs{kitcomponent}->getAllAttribs( 'kitcompname' );
foreach my $kitcomp (@kitcomps) {
if ( $kitcomp->{kitcompname} ) {
foreach my $kitcompid (keys %kitcomphash) {
if ( $kitcomphash{$kitcompid}{kitcompname} and $kitcomphash{$kitcompid}{kitcompname} =~ /$kitcomp->{kitcompname}/ ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Failed to add kitcomponent $kitcomp->{kitcompname} because it is already existing";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Adding Kit $kithash{kitname}";
@ -1220,7 +1318,7 @@ sub addkit
push @kitnames, $kithash{kitname};
unless ( $inspection ) {
unless ( $::INSPECTION ) {
my $kitlist = join ',', @kitnames;
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Kit $kitlist was successfully added.";
@ -1496,6 +1594,94 @@ sub rmkit
=head3 validate_os
Validate if the input OS fit to the osimage or not.
sub validate_os{
my $os = shift;
my $osimage = shift;
my $kitcomp = shift;
# Validate each attribute in kitcomp.
my $catched = 0;
my @osbasename = split ',', $kitcomp->{osbasename};
foreach (@osbasename) {
if ( $osimage->{basename} eq $_ ) {
$catched = 1;
unless ( $catched ) {
# my %rsp;
# push@{ $rsp{data} }, "osimage $os doesn't fit to kit component $kitcomp->{kitcompname} with attribute OS";
# xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $::CALLBACK );
return 1;
if ( $osimage->{majorversion} ne $kitcomp->{osmajorversion} ) {
# my %rsp;
# push@{ $rsp{data} }, "osimage $os doesn't fit to kit component $kitcomp->{kitcompname} with attribute majorversion";
# xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $::CALLBACK );
return 1;
if ( $kitcomp->{osminorversion} and ($osimage->{minorversion} ne $kitcomp->{osminorversion}) ) {
# my %rsp;
# push@{ $rsp{data} }, "osimage $os doesn't fit to kit component $kitcomp->{kitcompname} with attribute minorversion";
# xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $::CALLBACK );
return 1;
if ( $osimage->{arch} ne $kitcomp->{osarch} ) {
# my %rsp;
# push@{ $rsp{data} }, "osimage $os doesn't fit to kit component $kitcomp->{kitcompname} with attribute arch";
# xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $::CALLBACK );
return 1;
if ( $osimage->{type} ne $kitcomp->{ostype} ) {
# my %rsp;
# push@{ $rsp{data} }, "osimage $os doesn't fit to kit component $kitcomp->{kitcompname} with attribute type";
# xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $::CALLBACK );
return 1;
if ( $osimage->{serverrole} ) {
my $match = 0;
my @os_serverroles = split /,/, $osimage->{serverrole};
my @kitcomp_serverroles = split /,/, $kitcomp->{serverroles};
foreach my $os_serverrole (@os_serverroles) {
foreach my $kitcomp_serverrole (@kitcomp_serverroles) {
if ( $os_serverrole eq $kitcomp_serverrole ) {
$match = 1;
if ( $match ) {
if ( !$match ) {
# my %rsp;
# push@{ $rsp{data} }, "osimage $os doesn't fit to kit component $kitcomp->{kitcompname} with attribute serverrole";
# xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $::CALLBACK );
return 1;
return 0;
=head3 addkitcomp
@ -1764,8 +1950,9 @@ sub addkitcomp
if ( $kitcomptable and $kitcomptable->{'kitcompdeps'} ) {
my @kitcompdeps = split ',', $kitcomptable->{'kitcompdeps'};
foreach my $kitcompdep ( @kitcompdeps ) {
my @entries = $tabs{kitcomponent}->getAllAttribsWhere( "basename = '$kitcompdep'", 'kitcompname' , 'version', 'release');
foreach my $kitcompdependency ( @kitcompdeps ) {
my ($kitcompdep, $vers) = split /<=|>=|=|<|>/, $kitcompdependency;
my @entries = $tabs{kitcomponent}->getAllAttribsWhere( "basename = '$kitcompdep'", 'kitreponame', 'kitname', 'kitcompname' , 'serverroles', 'kitcompdeps', 'version', 'prerequisite', 'release');
unless (@entries) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Cannot find any matched kit component for kit component $kitcomp dependency $kitcompdep";
@ -1773,11 +1960,103 @@ sub addkitcomp
return 1;
my $highest = get_highest_version('kitcompname', 'version', 'release', @entries);
my $highest;
if ( $vers ) {
my @valid_kitcomp;
my $tmpkitcomp;
my ($vers, $rel) = split /-/, $vers;
$tmpkitcomp->{version} = $vers;
$tmpkitcomp->{release} = $rel;
foreach my $entry ( @entries ) {
my $rc = &compare_version($entry, $tmpkitcomp, 'kitcompname', 'version', 'release');
if ( ($rc == -1 and $kitcompdependency =~ />/ )
|| ($rc == 1 and $kitcompdependency =~ /</)
|| ($rc == 0 and $kitcompdependency =~ /=/) ) {
if ( $adddeps ) {
if ( !$kitcomps{$highest}{name} ) {
$kitcomps{$highest}{name} = $highest;
# Check if this kitcomp fits to the osimage
(my $krtable) = $tabs{kitrepo}->getAttribs({kitreponame => $entry->{'kitreponame'}}, 'osbasename', 'osmajorversion', 'osminorversion', 'osarch', 'compat_osbasenames');
if ($krtable->{compat_osbasenames}) {
$entry->{osbasename} = lc($krtable->{osbasename}) . ',' . lc($krtable->{compat_osbasenames});
} else {
$entry->{osbasename} = lc($krtable->{osbasename});
$entry->{osmajorversion} = lc($krtable->{osmajorversion});
$entry->{osminorversion} = lc($krtable->{osminorversion});
$entry->{osarch} = lc($krtable->{osarch});
(my $ktable) = $tabs{kit}->getAttribs({kitname => $entry->{'kitname'}}, 'ostype');
$entry->{ostype} = lc($ktable->{ostype});
unless ( &validate_os($osimage, $os{$osimage}, $entry) ) {
push @valid_kitcomp, $entry;
if ( scalar(@valid_kitcomp) ) {
$highest = get_highest_version('kitcompname', 'version', 'release', @valid_kitcomp);
} else {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Cannot find any kit component could match for kit component $kitcomp dependency $kitcompdep";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
} else {
my @valid_kitcomp;
foreach my $entry ( @entries ) {
# Check if this kitcomp fits to the osimage
(my $krtable) = $tabs{kitrepo}->getAttribs({kitreponame => $entry->{'kitreponame'}}, 'osbasename', 'osmajorversion', 'osminorversion', 'osarch', 'compat_osbasenames');
if ($krtable->{compat_osbasenames}) {
$entry->{osbasename} = lc($krtable->{osbasename}) . ',' . lc($krtable->{compat_osbasenames});
} else {
$entry->{osbasename} = lc($krtable->{osbasename});
$entry->{osmajorversion} = lc($krtable->{osmajorversion});
$entry->{osminorversion} = lc($krtable->{osminorversion});
$entry->{osarch} = lc($krtable->{osarch});
(my $ktable) = $tabs{kit}->getAttribs({kitname => $entry->{'kitname'}}, 'ostype');
$entry->{ostype} = lc($ktable->{ostype});
unless ( &validate_os($osimage, $os{$osimage}, $entry) ) {
push @valid_kitcomp, $entry;
$highest = get_highest_version('kitcompname', 'version', 'release', @valid_kitcomp);
if ( $adddeps and $highest ) {
my $catched = 0;
if ( $osimagetable and $osimagetable->{'kitcomponents'}) {
my @oskitcomps = split ',', $osimagetable->{'kitcomponents'};
foreach my $oskitcomp ( @oskitcomps ) {
if ( $highest eq $oskitcomp ) {
$catched = 1;
if ( !$catched ) {
# Add dependencies recursive
my $ret = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({ command => ['addkitcomp'], arg => ['-a','-i',$osimage, $highest] }, $request_command, 0, 1);
if ( $::RUNCMD_RC ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "Failed to add dependency $highest to osimage $osimage";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
} else {
@ -2075,8 +2354,9 @@ sub rmkitcomp
if ( $kitcomptable and $kitcomptable->{'kitcompdeps'} ) {
my @kitcompdeps = split(',', $kitcomptable->{'kitcompdeps'});
foreach my $kitcompdep (@kitcompdeps) {
foreach my $kitcompdependency (@kitcompdeps) {
my ($kitcompdep, $vers) = split /<=|>=|=|<|>/, $kitcompdependency;
# Get the kit component full name from basename.
my @entries = $tabs{kitcomponent}->getAllAttribsWhere( "basename = '$kitcompdep'", 'kitcompname' , 'version', 'release');
unless (@entries) {
@ -2963,11 +3243,14 @@ sub chkkitcomp
# Check if this kit component's dependencies are in the kitcomponent list.
if ( $kitcomps{$kitcomp}{kitcompdeps} and !exists( $kitcompbasename{ $kitcomps{$kitcomp}{kitcompdeps} } ) ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "kit component $kitcomp dependency $kitcomps{$kitcomp}{kitcompdeps} doesn't exist";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
if ( $kitcomps{$kitcomp}{kitcompdeps} ) {
my ($kitcompdep, $vers) = split /<=|>=|=|<|>/, $kitcomps{$kitcomp}{kitcompdeps};
if ( !exists( $kitcompbasename{ $kitcompdep } ) ) {
my %rsp;
push@{ $rsp{data} }, "kit component $kitcomp dependency $kitcomps{$kitcomp}{kitcompdeps} doesn't exist";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "E", \%rsp, $callback );
return 1;
push @kitcompnames, $kitcomp;