use proper messages
git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ sub process_request {
my $lock = xCAT::Utils->acquire_lock("nodemgmt", 1);
if (! $lock){
setrsp_errormsg("Can not acquire lock, some process is operating node related actions.");
setrsp_errormsg("Cannot acquire lock, another process is already running.");
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ sub process_request {
if (grep{ $_ eq $command} ("nodeimport", "nodepurge", "nodechprofile", "nodeaddunmged", "nodechmac")){
my $discover_running = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->is_discover_started();
if ($discover_running){
setrsp_errormsg("Can not run command $command as profiled nodes discover is running.");
setrsp_errormsg("Cannot run the $command command, the node discovery process is already running.");
xCAT::Utils->release_lock($lock, 1);
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ sub parse_args{
my @argarray = split(/=/,$arg);
my $arglen = @argarray;
if ($arglen > 2){
return "Illegal arg $arg specified.";
return "Illegal argument $arg specified.";
# translate the profile names into real group names in db.
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ sub validate_args{
foreach (@mandatoryparams){
if(! exists($args_dict{$_})){
setrsp_errormsg("Mandatory parameter $_ not specified.");
setrsp_errormsg("You must specify the $_ option.");
return 0;
@ -279,14 +279,14 @@ Usage:
if(! (-e $args_dict{'file'})){
setrsp_errormsg("The hostinfo file not exists.");
setrsp_errormsg("Node information file does not exist.");
# validate hostnameformat:
my $nameformattype = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_hostname_format_type($args_dict{'hostnameformat'});
if ($nameformattype eq "unknown"){
setrsp_errormsg("Invalid hostname format: $args_dict{'hostnameformat'}");
setrsp_errormsg("Invalid node name format: $args_dict{'hostnameformat'}");
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ Usage:
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "Generate temporary hostnames.");
my ($retcode_read, $retstr_read) = read_and_generate_hostnames($args_dict{'file'});
if ($retcode_read != 0){
setrsp_progress("Validate hostinfo file failed");
setrsp_progress("Failed to validate node information file.");
@ -335,13 +335,13 @@ Usage:
my %hostinfo_dict = %$hostinfo_dict_ref;
my @invalid_records = @$invalid_records_ref;
if (@invalid_records){
setrsp_progress("Validate hostinfo file failed");
setrsp_progress("Failed to validate node information file.");
unless (%hostinfo_dict){
setrsp_progress("Validate hostinfo file failed");
setrsp_errormsg("No valid host records found in hostinfo file.");
setrsp_progress("Failed to validate node information file.");
setrsp_errormsg("Cannot find node records in node information file.");
@ -349,19 +349,19 @@ Usage:
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "Generating new hostinfo string.");
my ($retcode_gen, $retstr_gen) = gen_new_hostinfo_string(\%hostinfo_dict);
unless ($retcode_gen){
setrsp_progress("Validate hostinfo file failed");
setrsp_progress("Failed to validate node information file.");
# call mkdef to create hosts and then call nodemgmt for node management plugins.
setrsp_progress("Import nodes started.");
setrsp_progress("call mkdef to create nodes.");
setrsp_progress("Importing nodes...");
setrsp_progress("Creating nodes...");
my $warnstr = "";
my $retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["mkdef"], stdin=>[$retstr_gen], arg=>['-z']}, $request_command, 0, 2);
my $retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
# runxcmd failed.
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
$warnstr = "Warning: failed to import some nodes into db while running mkdef.";
$warnstr = "Warning: failed to import some nodes.";
if ($retstrref->[1]) {
$warnstr .= "Details: $retstrref->[1]";
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ Usage:
my @nodelist = keys %hostinfo_dict;
setrsp_progress("call nodemgmt plugins.");
setrsp_progress("Configuring nodes...");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["kitnodeadd"], node=>\@nodelist}, $request_command, 0, 2);
$retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ Usage:
setrsp_progress("Import nodes success.");
setrsp_progress("Imported nodes.");
#TODO: get the real nodelist here.
setrsp_success(\@nodelist, $warnstr);
@ -398,9 +398,9 @@ sub nodepurge{
my $nodes = $request->{node};
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "Purging nodes.");
# For remove nodes, we should call 'nodemgmt' in front of 'noderm'
setrsp_progress("Call kit node plugins.");
setrsp_progress("Configuring nodes...");
my $helpmsg = "nodepurge: Remove nodes from database, also remove them from system configuration.
my $helpmsg = "nodepurge: Removes nodes from database and system configuration.
\tnodepurge <noderange>
\tnodepurge [-h|--help]
@ -416,24 +416,24 @@ Usage:
my $retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
# runxcmd failed.
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
setrsp_progress("Warning: failed to call command kitnoderemove.");
$warnstr .= "Warning: failed to call command kitnoderemove.";
setrsp_progress("Warning: failed to call kitnoderemove command.");
$warnstr .= "Warning: failed to call kitnoderemove command.";
if ($retstrref->[1]) {
$warnstr .= "Details: $retstrref->[1]";
setrsp_progress("Call noderm to remove nodes.");
setrsp_progress("Removing nodes...");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["noderm"], node=>$nodes}, $request_command, 0, 2);
$retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
setrsp_progress("Warning: failed to call command noderm to remove some nodes.");
$warnstr .= "Warning: failed to call command noderm to remove some nodes.";
setrsp_progress("Warning: Cannot remove all nodes. The noderm command failed to remove some of the nodes.");
$warnstr .= "Warning: Cannot remove all nodes. The noderm command failed to remove some of the nodes.";
if ($retstrref->[1]) {
$warnstr .= "Details: $retstrref->[1]";
setrsp_progress("Purge nodes success.");
setrsp_progress("Removed all nodes.");
setrsp_success($nodes, $warnstr);
@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ Usage:
sub noderefresh
my $nodes = $request->{node};
my $helpmsg = "noderefresh: Re-Call kit plugins for profiled nodes
my $helpmsg = "noderefresh: Calls kit plugins for the nodes in the profile.
\tnoderefresh <noderange>
\tnoderefresh [-h|--help]
@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ Usage:
my $retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
# runxcmd failed.
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
setrsp_progress("Warning: failed to call some kit commands.");
setrsp_progress("Warning: Failed to call kit commands.");
@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ Usage:
my %updated_groups;
# Get current templates for all nodes.
setrsp_progress("Read database to get groups for all nodes.");
setrsp_progress("Getting all node groups from the database...");
my %groupdict;
my $nodelstab = xCAT::Table->new('nodelist');
my $nodeshashref = $nodelstab->getNodesAttribs($nodes, ['groups']);
@ -530,20 +530,20 @@ Usage:
#update DataBase.
setrsp_progress("Update database records.");
setrsp_progress("Updating database records...");
my $nodetab = xCAT::Table->new('nodelist',-create=>1);
# call plugins
setrsp_progress("Call nodemgmt plugins.");
setrsp_progress("Configuring nodes...");
my $retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["kitnodeupdate"], node=>$nodes}, $request_command, 0, 2);
my $retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
setrsp_progress("Warning: failed to call some kit commands.");
setrsp_progress("Warning: failed to call kit commands.");
setrsp_progress("Update node's profile success");
setrsp_progress("Updated the image/network/hardware profiles used by nodes.");
@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ Usage:
sub nodeaddunmged
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("Adding a unmanaged node.");
my $helpmsg = "nodeaddunmged: Create a un-managed node with hostname and ip address specified.
my $helpmsg = "nodeaddunmged: Creates an unmanaged node specifying the node name and IP address
\tnodeaddunmged hostname<hostname> ip=<ip>
\tnodeaddunmged [-h|--help]
@ -586,13 +586,13 @@ Usage:
%allips = (%allips, %allbmcips, %allinstallips);
if (exists $allips{$args_dict{'ip'}}){
setrsp_errormsg("Specified IP address $args_dict{'ip'} conflicts with IPs in database");
setrsp_errormsg("The specified IP address $args_dict{'ip'} already exists in the IP address database. You must use a different IP address.");
}elsif((xCAT::NetworkUtils->validate_ip($args_dict{'ip'}))[0]->[0] ){
setrsp_errormsg("Specified IP address $args_dict{'ip'} is invalid");
setrsp_errormsg("The specified IP address $args_dict{'ip'} is invalid. You must use a valid IP address.");
setrsp_errormsg("Specified IP address $args_dict{'ip'} is invalid");
setrsp_errormsg("The specified IP address $args_dict{'ip'} is invalid. You must use a valid IP address.");
@ -600,11 +600,11 @@ Usage:
$recordsref = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_allnode_singleattrib_hash('nodelist', 'node');
%allhostnames = %$recordsref;
if (exists $allhostnames{$args_dict{'hostname'}}){
setrsp_errormsg("Specified hostname $args_dict{'hostname'} conflicts with records in database");
setrsp_errormsg("The specified node name $args_dict{'hostname'} already exists. You must use a different node name.");
if (! xCAT::NetworkUtils->isValidFQDN($args_dict{'hostname'})){
setrsp_errormsg("Specified hostname: $args_dict{'hostname'} is invalid");
setrsp_errormsg("The specified node name $args_dict{'hostname'} is invalid. You must use a valid node name.");
@ -623,10 +623,10 @@ Usage:
my $retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makehosts"], node=>[$args_dict{"hostname"}]}, $request_command, 0, 2);
my $retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
setrsp_progress("Warning: failed to call makehosts.");
setrsp_progress("Warning: failed to update /etc/hosts for unmanaged node.");
setrsp_infostr("Create unmanaged node success");
setrsp_infostr("Created unmanaged node.");
@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ Usage:
sub nodechmac
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("Replacing node's mac address.");
my $helpmsg = "nodechmac: Update a profiled node's provisioning NIC's MAC address.
my $helpmsg = "nodechmac: updates the MAC address for a provisioning network interface.
\tnodechmac <node> mac=<mac>
\tnodechmac [-h|--help]
@ -669,28 +669,28 @@ Usage:
if (exists $allmacs{$args_dict{"mac"}}){
setrsp_errormsg("Specified MAC address $args_dict{'mac'} conflicts with MACs in database");
setrsp_errormsg("The specified MAC address $args_dict{'mac'} already exists. You must use a different MAC address.");
} elsif(! xCAT::NetworkUtils->isValidMAC($args_dict{'mac'})){
setrsp_errormsg("Specified MAC address $args_dict{'mac'} is invalid");
setrsp_errormsg("The specified MAC address $args_dict{'mac'} is invalid. You must use a valid MAC address.");
# Update database records.
setrsp_progress("Updating database records");
setrsp_progress("Updating database...");
my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new('mac',-create=>1);
$mactab->setNodeAttribs($hostname, {mac=>$args_dict{'mac'}});
# Call Plugins.
setrsp_progress("Calling kit plugins");
setrsp_progress("Configuring nodes...");
my $retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["kitnodeupdate"], node=>[$hostname]}, $request_command, 0, 2);
my $retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
setrsp_progress("Warning: failed to call kit commands.");
setrsp_progress("Change node's mac success");
setrsp_progress("Updated MAC address.");
@ -731,7 +731,7 @@ Usage:
# validate hostnameformat:
my $nameformattype = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_hostname_format_type($args_dict{'hostnameformat'});
if ($nameformattype eq "unknown"){
setrsp_errormsg("Invalid hostname format: $args_dict{'hostnameformat'}");
setrsp_errormsg("Invalid node name format: $args_dict{'hostnameformat'}");
@ -742,12 +742,12 @@ Usage:
# check rack
if (exists $args_dict{'rack'}){
if (! exists $allracks{$args_dict{'rack'}}){
setrsp_errormsg("Specified rack $args_dict{'rack'} not defined");
setrsp_errormsg("Specified rack $args_dict{'rack'} is not defined");
# rack must be specified with chassis or unit + height.
if (exists $args_dict{'chassis'}){
setrsp_errormsg("Argument chassis can not be used together with rack");
setrsp_errormsg("Specified chassis cannot be used with rack.");
} else{
# We set default value for height and u if rack specified
@ -759,11 +759,11 @@ Usage:
# chassis jdugement.
if (exists $args_dict{'chassis'}){
if (! exists $allchassis{$args_dict{'chassis'}}){
setrsp_errormsg("Specified chassis $args_dict{'chassis'} not defined");
setrsp_errormsg("Specified chassis $args_dict{'chassis'} is not defined.");
if (exists $args_dict{'unit'} or exists $args_dict{'height'}){
setrsp_errormsg("Argument chassis can not be specified together with unit or height");
setrsp_errormsg("Specified chassis cannot be used with unit or height.");
@ -772,24 +772,24 @@ Usage:
if (exists $args_dict{'unit'}){
# unit must be specified together with rack.
if (! exists $args_dict{'rack'}){
setrsp_errormsg("Argument unit must be specified together with rack");
setrsp_errormsg("Specified unit must also include specified rack");
# Not a valid number.
if (!($args_dict{'unit'} =~ /^\d+$/)){
setrsp_errormsg("Specified unit $args_dict{'u'} is a invalid number");
setrsp_errormsg("Specified unit $args_dict{'u'} is invalid");
if (exists $args_dict{'height'}){
# unit must be specified together with rack.
if (! exists $args_dict{'rack'}){
setrsp_errormsg("Argument height must be specified together with rack");
setrsp_errormsg("Specified height must include specified rack.");
# Not a valid number.
if (!($args_dict{'height'} =~ /^\d+$/)){
setrsp_errormsg("Specified height $args_dict{'height'} is a invalid number");
setrsp_errormsg("Specified height $args_dict{'height'} is invalid.");
@ -804,13 +804,13 @@ Usage:
# Make sure provisioning network has a dynamic range.
my $provnet = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_netprofile_provisionnet($args_dict{networkprofile});
if (! $provnet){
setrsp_errormsg("No provisioning network defined for network profile.");
setrsp_errormsg("Provisioning network not defined for network profile.");
my $networkstab = xCAT::Table->new("networks");
my $netentry = ($networkstab->getAllAttribsWhere("netname = '$provnet'", 'ALL'))[0];
if (! $netentry->{'dynamicrange'}){
setrsp_errormsg("No dynamicrange defined for the provisioning network.");
setrsp_errormsg("Dynamic IP address range not defined for provisioning network.");
@ -841,7 +841,7 @@ Usage:
sub nodediscoverstop{
my $helpmsg = "nodediscoverstop: Stop profiled nodes auto discover.
my $helpmsg = "nodediscoverstop: stops node auto-discovery.
\tnodediscoverstop [-h|--help]
@ -856,7 +856,7 @@ Usage:
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("Stopping profiled node's discover.");
my $discover_running = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->is_discover_started();
if (! $discover_running){
setrsp_errormsg("Profiled nodes discovery not started yet.");
setrsp_errormsg("Node discovery for all nodes using profiles is not started.");
@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ Usage:
# There are some nodes discvoered.
my $retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["rmdef"], arg=>["-t", "group", "-o", "__PCMDiscover"]}, $request_command, 0, 2);
setrsp_infostr("Profiled node's discover stopped");
setrsp_infostr("Node discovery for all nodes using profiles stopped.");
@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ Usage:
sub nodediscoverstatus{
my $helpmsg = "nodediscoverstatus: Detect whether Profiled nodes discovery is running or not.
my $helpmsg = "nodediscoverstatus: detects if node discovery is running.
\tnodediscoverstatus [-h|--help]
@ -903,9 +903,9 @@ Usage:
my $discover_running = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->is_discover_started();
setrsp_progress("Profiled nodes discover is running");
setrsp_progress("Node discovery for all nodes using profiles is running");
setrsp_progress("Profiled nodes discover not started");
setrsp_progress("Node discovery for all nodes using profiles is not started");
@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ Usage:
sub nodediscoverls{
my $helpmsg = "nodediscoverls: List all discovered profiled nodes.
my $helpmsg = "nodediscoverls: lists all discovered nodes using profiles.
\tnodediscoverls [-h|--help]
@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ Usage:
# Read DB to confirm the discover is started.
my $discover_running = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->is_discover_started();
if (! $discover_running){
setrsp_errormsg("Profiled nodes discovery not started yet.");
setrsp_errormsg("Node discovery process is not running.");
@ -1202,7 +1202,7 @@ sub gen_new_hostinfo_string{
my $nextip = shift @$freeipsref;
if (!$nextip){
return 0, "No sufficient IP address in network $netname for interface $_";
return 0, "There are no more IP addresses available in the static network range of network $netname for interface $_";
$ipshash{$_} = $nextip;
$allips{$nextip} = 0;
@ -1219,7 +1219,7 @@ sub gen_new_hostinfo_string{
if (exists $ipshash{$installnic}){
$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"ip"} = $ipshash{$installnic};
return 0, "No sufficient IP address for interface $installnic";
return 0, "There are no more IP addresses available in the static network range for interface $installnic";
$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"objtype"} = "node";
@ -1237,7 +1237,7 @@ sub gen_new_hostinfo_string{
if (exists $ipshash{"bmc"}){
$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"bmc"} = $ipshash{"bmc"};
} else{
return 0, "No sufficient IP addresses for BMC";
return 0, "There are no more IP addresses available in the static network range for the BMC network.";
} else{
$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"chain"} = $provmethod;
@ -1282,7 +1282,7 @@ sub read_and_generate_hostnames{
my $nexthost = shift @$freehostnamesref;
# no more valid hostnames to assign.
if (! $nexthost){
return 1, "Can not generate hostname automatically: No more valid hostnames available .";
return 1, "Failed to generate a node name. There are no more valid node names available.";
# This hostname already specified in hostinfo file.
if ((index $filecontent, "$nexthost:") >= 0){
@ -1359,7 +1359,7 @@ sub parse_hosts_string{
# Need convert hostname format into numric format first.
if ($nameformattype eq "rack"){
if (! exists $::FILEATTRS{$_}{"rack"}){
push @invalid_records, ["__hostname__", "No rack info specified. Do specify it because the nameformat contains rack info."];
push @invalid_records, ["__hostname__", "Rack information is not specified. You must enter the required rack information."];
$numricformat = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->rackformat_to_numricformat($nameformat, $::FILEATTRS{$_}{"rack"});
@ -1423,35 +1423,35 @@ sub validate_node_entry{
# duplicate hostname found in hostinfo file.
if (exists $allhostnames{$node_name}) {
return "Specified hostname $node_name conflicts with database records.";
return "Node name $node_name already exists. You must use a new node name.";
# Must specify either MAC or switch + port.
if (exists $node_entry{"mac"} ||
exists $node_entry{"switch"} && exists $node_entry{"port"}){
} else{
return "Neither MAC nor switch + port specified";
return "MAC address, switch and port is not specified. You must specify the MAC address or switch and port.";
if (! xCAT::NetworkUtils->isValidHostname($node_name)){
return "Specified hostname: $node_name is invalid";
return "Node name: $node_name is invalid. You must use a valid node name.";
# validate each single value.
foreach (keys %node_entry){
if ($_ eq "mac"){
if (exists $allmacs{$node_entry{$_}}){
return "Specified MAC address $node_entry{$_} conflicts with MACs in database or hostinfo file";
return "MAC address $node_entry{$_} already exists in the database or in the nodeinfo file. You must use a new MAC address.";
}elsif(! xCAT::NetworkUtils->isValidMAC($node_entry{$_})){
return "Specified MAC address $node_entry{$_} is invalid";
return "MAC address $node_entry{$_} is invalid. You must use a valid MAC address. ";
$allmacs{$node_entry{$_}} = 0;
}elsif ($_ eq "ip"){
if (exists $allips{$node_entry{$_}}){
return "Specified IP address $node_entry{$_} conflicts with IPs in database or hostinfo file";
return "IP address $node_entry{$_} already exists in the database or in the nodeinfo file.";
}elsif((xCAT::NetworkUtils->validate_ip($node_entry{$_}))[0]->[0] ){
return "Specified IP address $node_entry{$_} is invalid";
return "IP address $node_entry{$_} is invalid. You must use a valid IP address.";
return "Specified IP address $node_entry{$_} is invalid";
return "IP address $node_entry{$_} is invalid. You must use a valid IP address.";
}else {
#push the IP into allips list.
$allips{$node_entry{$_}} = 0;
@ -1461,38 +1461,38 @@ sub validate_node_entry{
}elsif ($_ eq "port"){
}elsif ($_ eq "rack"){
if (! exists $allracks{$node_entry{$_}}){
return "Specified rack $node_entry{$_} not defined";
return "Specified rack $node_entry{$_} is not defined";
# rack must be specified with chassis or unit + height.
if (exists $node_entry{"chassis"}){
return "Rack can not be specified together with chassis";
return "Specified rack cannot be used with chassis.";
} elsif (exists $node_entry{"height"} and exists $node_entry{"unit"}){
} else {
return "Rack must be specified together with chassis or height + unit ";
return "Specified rack must also specify the chassis or the height and unit.";
}elsif ($_ eq "chassis"){
if (! exists $allchassis{$node_entry{$_}}){
return "Specified chassis $node_entry{$_} not defined";
return "Specified chassis $node_entry{$_} is not defined";
# Chassis must not be specified with unit and height.
if (exists $node_entry{"height"} or exists $node_entry{"unit"}){
return "Chassis should not be specified together with height or unit";
return "Specified chassis cannot be used with height or unit.";
}elsif ($_ eq "unit"){
if (! exists $node_entry{"rack"}){
return "Unit must be specified together with rack";
return "Specified unit must be used with rack.";
# Not a valid number.
if (!($node_entry{$_} =~ /^\d+$/)){
return "Specified unit $node_entry{$_} is a invalid number";
return "Specified unit $node_entry{$_} is invalid";
}elsif ($_ eq "height"){
if (! exists $node_entry{"rack"}){
return "Height must be specified together with rack";
return "Height must be used with rack";
# Not a valid number.
if (!($node_entry{$_} =~ /^\d+$/)){
return "Specified height $node_entry{$_} is a invalid number";
return "Specified height $node_entry{$_} is invalid";
return "Invalid attribute $_ specified";
@ -1520,7 +1520,7 @@ sub setrsp_invalidrecords
my $rsp;
# The total number of invalid records.
$rsp->{error} = "Some error records detected";
$rsp->{error} = "Errors found in nodeinfo file";
$rsp->{errorcode} = 2;
$rsp->{invalid_records_num} = scalar @$recordsref;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user