Support runimages associating with hardwareprofiles while replace nodes (nodechmac)
This commit is contained in:
@ -690,6 +690,7 @@ sub get_nodes_profiles
my $class = shift;
my $nodelistref = shift;
my $groupnamemode = shift;
my %profile_dict;
my $nodelisttab = xCAT::Table->new('nodelist');
@ -709,8 +710,12 @@ sub get_nodes_profiles
if ( $idx == 2 ){
# The group string will like @NetworkProfile_<profile name>
# So, index should +3, 2 for '__', 1 for _.
my $append_index = length($profile) + 3;
$profile_dict{$_}{$profile} = substr $group, $append_index;
if ($groupnamemode) {
$profile_dict{$_}{$profile} = $group;
} else{
my $append_index = length($profile) + 3;
$profile_dict{$_}{$profile} = substr $group, $append_index;
@ -739,7 +744,7 @@ sub get_imageprofile_prov_method
my $nodetypestab = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype');
my $entry = ($nodetypestab->getAllAttribsWhere("node = '$imgprofilename'", 'ALL' ))[0];
my $osimgname = $entry->{'provmethod'};
return $entry->{'provmethod'};
#my $osimgtab = xCAT::Table->new('osimage');
#my $osimgentry = ($osimgtab->getAllAttribsWhere("imagename = '$osimgname'", 'ALL' ))[0];
@ -1148,3 +1153,70 @@ sub check_nicips{
return (0, \%nics_hash, "");
=head3 gen_chain_for_profiles
Description: Generate a chain string based on Network/Hardware/Image profiles.
Arguments: $profiles_hash: The reference for profiles hash.
For example:
$profiles_hash = { 'HardwareProfile' => 'IBM_NeXtScale_M4',
'ImageProfile' => 'rhels6.5-x86_64-stateful-compute',
'NetworkProfile' => 'default_network_profile',
$hw_reconfig: the flag shows whether we need re-configure all hardware
relative settings or not: like runcmds, runimg...etc
Returns: ($retcode, $chain)
$retcode = 1. Generate chain failed, $chain stands for error message.
$retcode = 0. Generate chain OK. $chain stands for the chain string.
sub gen_chain_for_profiles{
my $class = shift;
my $profiles_hashref = shift;
my $hw_reconfig = shift;
my $final_chain = "";
if (! $profiles_hashref){
return (1, "Missing parameter for gen_chain_for_profiles.");
# A node must have at least imageprofile and network profile.
unless (defined $profiles_hashref->{'ImageProfile'}){
return (1, "No imageprofile specified in profiles hash.");
unless (defined $profiles_hashref->{'NetworkProfile'}){
return (1, "No networkprofile specified in profiles hash.");
my $hwprofile = $profiles_hashref->{'HardwareProfile'};
my $imgprofile = $profiles_hashref->{'ImageProfile'};
my $netprofile = $profiles_hashref->{'NetworkProfile'};
# Get node's provisioning method
my $provmethod = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_imageprofile_prov_method($imgprofile);
unless ($provmethod ){
return (1, "Can not get provisioning method for image profile $imgprofile");
my $netprofileattr = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_nodes_nic_attrs([$netprofile])->{$netprofile};
unless ($netprofileattr){
return (1, "Can not get attributes for network profile $netprofile");
$final_chain = 'osimage='.$provmethod.":--noupdateinitrd";
# get the chain attribute from hardwareprofile and insert it to node.
if (defined $hwprofile and $hwprofile and $hw_reconfig){
my $chaintab = xCAT::Table->new('chain');
my $chain = $chaintab->getNodeAttribs($hwprofile, ['chain']);
if (exists $chain->{'chain'}) {
my $hw_chain = $chain->{'chain'};
$final_chain = $hw_chain.',osimage='.$provmethod.":--noupdateinitrd";
#run bmcsetups.
if ((exists $netprofileattr->{"bmc"}) and $hw_reconfig){
if (index($final_chain, "runcmd=bmcsetup") == -1){
$final_chain = 'runcmd=bmcsetup,'.$final_chain.':reboot4deploy';
$final_chain = $final_chain.':reboot4deploy';
return (0, $final_chain);
@ -783,19 +783,9 @@ Usage:
my $retref;
my $retstrref;
# Call update plugins first.
if(exists $args_dict{'hardwareprofile'} || exists $args_dict{'imageprofile'}){
setrsp_progress("Configuring nodes...");
$retref = "";
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["kitnodeupdate"], node=>$nodes, sequential=>[1]}, $request_command, 0, 2);
$retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
setrsp_progress("Warning: failed to call kit commands.");
# If network profile specified. Need re-generate IPs for all nodess again.
# As new design, ignore BMC/FSP NIC while reinstall nodes
# As new design, ignore BMC/FSP NIC while reinstall nodes
if(exists $args_dict{'networkprofile'}){
my $newNetProfileName = $args_dict{'networkprofile'};
my $oldNetProfileName = $nodeoldprofiles{'networkprofile'};
@ -824,7 +814,73 @@ Usage:
setrsp_progress("Warning: failed to generate IPs for nodes.");
# Update node's chain table if we need to re-provisioning OS...
# We need to re-provision OS if:
# hardware profile changed or
# image profile changed or
# network profile changed.
if ((exists $args_dict{'networkprofile'}) or
(exists $args_dict{'hardwareprofile'}) or
(exists $args_dict{'imageprofile'})){
my $nodetypetab = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype');
my $firstnode = $nodes->[0];
my $profiles = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_nodes_profiles([$firstnode], 1);
unless ($profiles){
setrsp_errormsg("Can not get node profiles.");
# If we have hardware changes, reconfigure everything including BMC.
my $chainret = 0;
my $chainstr = "";
if(exists $args_dict{'hardwareprofile'}){
($chainret, $chainstr) = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->gen_chain_for_profiles($profiles->{$firstnode}, 1);
} else {
($chainret, $chainstr) = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->gen_chain_for_profiles($profiles->{$firstnode}, 0);
if ($chainret != 0){
setrsp_errormsg("Failed to generate chain string for nodes.");
# DB update: chain table.
my %chainAttr = {};
foreach my $node (@$nodes){
$chainAttr{$node}{'chain'} = $chainstr;
my $chaintab = xCAT::Table->new('chain', -create=>1);
# Run node plugins to refresh node relateive configurations.
$retref = {};
setrsp_progress("Updating DNS entries");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makedns"], node=>$nodes, arg=>['-d']}, $request_command, 0, 2);
my $retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
setrsp_progress("Warning: failed to call kit commands.");
$retref = {};
setrsp_progress("Updating hosts entries");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makehosts"], node=>$nodes, arg=>['-d']}, $request_command, 0, 2);
$retref = {};
$retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
setrsp_progress("Warning: failed to call kit commands.");
setrsp_progress("Re-creating nodes...");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["kitnodeadd"], node=>$nodes, macflag=>[1]}, $request_command, 0, 2);
$retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
setrsp_progress("Warning: failed to call kit commands.");
setrsp_progress("Updated the image/network/hardware profiles used by nodes.");
@ -1009,65 +1065,6 @@ Usage:
#9. If provisioning NIC ip or BMC ip changed for nodes, update chain table
# If FSP ip changed for nodes, push the new ip to fsp and establish hardware connection
my @kitcommands = ();
if ( $provision_flag or $bmc_flag) {
#Get node's provmethod.
my $nodetypetab = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype');
my $firstnode = $nodes->[0];
my $records = $nodetypetab->getNodeAttribs($firstnode, ['node', 'provmethod']);
my $imgname = $records->{provmethod};
my $chainstr = "osimage=$imgname";
if ( $bmc_flag ) {
$chainstr = "runcmd=bmcsetup,osimage=$imgname:reboot4deploy";
# Update chain table
my %chainAttr = {};
foreach my $node (@$nodes){
$chainAttr{$node}{'chain'} = $chainstr;
my $chaintab = xCAT::Table->new('chain', -create=>1);
# Remove all nodes information
push(@kitcommands, "removenodes");
# Add all nodes information back
push(@kitcommands, "kitnodeadd");
} elsif ( $fsp_flag ) {
# Remove all nodes information
push(@kitcommands, "removenodes");
# Add all nodes information back
push(@kitcommands, "kitnodeadd");
} else {
push(@kitcommands, "kitnoderefresh");
#10. Call plugins.
foreach my $command (@kitcommands) {
my $retref;
if ($command eq 'removenodes'){
setrsp_progress("Updating DNS entries");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makedns"], node=>$nodes, arg=>['-d']}, $request_command, 0, 2);
setrsp_progress("Updating hosts entries");
$retref = "";
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makehosts"], node=>$nodes, arg=>['-d']}, $request_command, 0, 2);
$retref = "";
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>[$command], node=>$nodes, sequential=>[1]}, $request_command, 0, 2);
my $retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
setrsp_progress("Warning: failed to call kit commands.");
setrsp_progress("Re-generated node's IPs for specified nics.");
@ -1208,20 +1205,59 @@ Usage:
# re-create the chain record as updating mac may means for replacing a new brand hardware...
# Call Plugins.
my $profiles = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_nodes_profiles([$hostname], 1);
unless ($profiles){
setrsp_errormsg("Can not get node profiles.");
(my $chainret, my $chainstr) = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->gen_chain_for_profiles($profiles->{$hostname}, 1);
if ($chainret != 0){
setrsp_errormsg("Failed to generate chain string for nodes.");
# Update database records.
setrsp_progress("Updating database...");
# MAC table
my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new('mac',-create=>1);
$mactab->setNodeAttribs($hostname, {mac=>$args_dict{'mac'}});
# Call Plugins.
# DB update: chain table.
my $chaintab = xCAT::Table->new('chain', -create=>1);
$mactab->setNodeAttribs($hostname, {chain=>$chainstr});
# Run node plugins to refresh node relateive configurations.
setrsp_progress("Configuring nodes...");
my $retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["kitnodeupdate"], node=>[$hostname], sequential=>[1]}, $request_command, 0, 2);
my $retref = {};
setrsp_progress("Updating DNS entries");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makedns"], node=>[$hostname], arg=>['-d']}, $request_command, 0, 2);
my $retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
setrsp_progress("Warning: failed to call kit commands.");
$retref = {};
setrsp_progress("Updating hosts entries");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makehosts"], node=>[$hostname], arg=>['-d']}, $request_command, 0, 2);
$retref = {};
$retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
setrsp_progress("Warning: failed to call kit commands.");
setrsp_progress("Re-creating nodes...");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["kitnodeadd"], node=>[$hostname], macflag=>[1]}, $request_command, 0, 2);
$retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
setrsp_progress("Warning: failed to call kit commands.");
# Update node's status.
setrsp_progress("Updating node status...");
xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["updatenodestat"], node=>[$hostname], arg=>['defined']}, $request_command, -1, 2);
@ -1755,6 +1791,15 @@ sub gen_new_hostinfo_dict{
# Get node's provisioning method
my $provmethod = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_imageprofile_prov_method($args_dict{'imageprofile'});
# Generate node's chain.
my %nodeprofiles = ('NetworkProfile' => $args_dict{'networkprofile'},
'ImageProfile' => $args_dict{'imageprofile'});
if (defined $args_dict{'hardwareprofile'}) {$nodeprofiles{'HardwareProfile'} = $args_dict{'hardwareprofile'}}
(my $errcode, my $chainstr) = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->gen_chain_for_profiles(\%nodeprofiles, 1);
if ($errcode != 0){
return (0, "Failed to generate chain for nodes.");
# start to check windows nodes, product will indicate it is a windows node: win2k8r2.enterprise
my ($osvers, $osprofile) = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_imageprofile_prov_osvers($provmethod);
my $product = undef;
@ -1899,23 +1944,10 @@ sub gen_new_hostinfo_dict{
my $hardwareprofile = $args_dict{'hardwareprofile'};
my $chain = $chaintab->getNodeAttribs($hardwareprofile, ['chain']);
if (exists $chain->{'chain'}) {
my $hardwareprofile_chain = $chain->{'chain'};
$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"chain"} = $hardwareprofile_chain.',osimage='.$provmethod.":--noupdateinitrd";
else {
$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"chain"} = 'osimage='.$provmethod.":--noupdateinitrd";
$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"chain"} = $chainstr;
if (exists $netprofileattr{"bmc"}){ # Update BMC records.
$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"mgt"} = "ipmi";
if (index($hostinfo_dict{$item}{"chain"}, "runcmd=bmcsetup") == -1){
$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"chain"} = 'runcmd=bmcsetup,'.$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"chain"}.':reboot4deploy';
$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"chain"} = $hostinfo_dict{$item}{"chain"}.':reboot4deploy';
if (exists $ipshash{"bmc"}){
$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"bmc"} = $ipshash{"bmc"};
Reference in New Issue
Block a user