fixed the defect2788630, upgrade nodes with different releases

git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
jjhua 2009-05-12 03:04:05 +00:00
parent de58e4ce07
commit dc3230d60d

View File

@ -271,27 +271,29 @@ sub get_lic_filenames {
$filename = File::Spec->catfile( $packages_dir, $dirlist[0] );
$dirlist[0] =~ /(\w(4)(\d(3))_(\w(3))_(\d(3).rpm$))/;
if(($pns eq $2) && ($4 < $active_level)) {
$msg = $msg. "Upgrade $mtms concurrently!";
if($activate ne "concurrent") {
$msg = "Option --actviate's value should be disruptive";
return ("", "","", $msg, -1);
} else {
$msg = $msg . "Upgrade $mtms disruptively!";
if($activate ne "disruptive") {
$msg = "Option --actviate's value should be concurrent ";
return ("", "","", $msg, -1);
#print "filename is $filename\n";
$dirlist[0] =~ /(\w{4}(\d{3})_(\w{3})_(\d{3}.rpm$))/;
#If the release levels are different, it will be upgrade_required.
if($fff ne $2) {
$upgrade_required = 1;
} else {
if(($pns eq $1) && ($4 < $active_level)) {
$msg = $msg. "Upgrade $mtms $activate!";
# if($activate ne "concurrent") {
# $msg = "Option --actviate's value should be disruptive";
# return ("", "","", $msg, -1);
# }
} else {
$msg = $msg . "Upgrade $mtms disruptively!";
if($activate ne "disruptive") {
$msg = "Option --actviate's value shouldn't be concurrent, and it must be disruptive";
return ("", "","", $msg, -1);
#print "filename is $filename\n";
my $xml_file_name = $filename;
$xml_file_name =~ s/(.+\.)rpm/\1xml/;
#print "check_licdd_update: source xml file is $xml_file_name\n";