Show errors in default formatting.
Add function to import exported credential package git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,13 +1,43 @@
# IBM(c) 2013 EPL license
# This function specifically validates that the peer we are talking to is signed by the xCAT blessed CA and no other CA
Function Import-xCATConfig ($credentialPackage) {
$shell = New-Object -com shell.application
$credpkg = $shell.namespace((Get-Location).Path+"\$credentialPackage")
$randname = [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()
mkdir $env:temp+"\"+$randname
Set-Location $env:temp+"\"+$randname
$tmpdir = $shell.namespace((Get-Location).Path)
if (!(Test-Path HKCU:\Software\xCAT)) {
mkdir HKCU:\Software\xCAT
if (Test-Path xcat.cfg) {
$cfgdata=Get-Content xcat.cfg
$keyvalue = $cfgdata.Split("=")
$servername = $keyvalue[1]
Set-ItemProperty HKCU:\Software\xCAT servername $servername
if (Test-Path ca.pem) {
ImportxCATCA ca.pem
if (Test-Path user.pfx) {
SetxCATClientCertificate user.pfx
Function VerifyxCATCert ($sender, $cert, $chain, $polerrs) {
if ($polerrs -ne "None" -and $polerrs -ne "RemoteCertificateChainErrors") { return $false } #if the overall policy suggests rejection, go with it
#why do we tolerate RemoteCertificateChainErrors? Because we are going to check specifically for the CA configured for this xCAT installation
#we chose not to add xCAT's CA to the root store, as that implies the OS should trust xCAT's CA for non-xCAT related things. That is madness.
#Of course, that's the madness typical with x509, but we need not propogate the badness...
#we are measuring something more specific than 'did any old CA sign this', we specifically want to assue the signer CA is xCAT's
$mythumb=Get-ItemProperty HKCU:\Software\xCAT
foreach ($cert in $chain.chainElements) {
if ($script:xcatcacert.thumbprint.Equals($cert.Certificate.thumbprint)) {
if ($mythumb.cacertthumb.Equals($cert.Certificate.thumbprint)) {
return $true
@ -18,25 +48,28 @@ Function VerifyxCATCert ($sender, $cert, $chain, $polerrs) {
#It's not trusted by system policy, but our overidden verify function will find it. Too bad MS doesn't allow us custom store names under the user
#repository for whatever reason. We'll just 'import' it every session from file, which is harmless to do multiple times
#this isn't quite as innocuous as the openssl mechanisms to do this sort of thing, but it's as close as I could figure to get
Function Import-xCATCA ( $certpath ) {
$script:xcatcacert=Import-Certificate -FilePath $certpath -CertStoreLocation Cert:\CurrentUser\My
Function ImportxCATCA ( $certpath ) {
$xcatcacert=Import-Certificate -FilePath $certpath -CertStoreLocation Cert:\CurrentUser\My
Set-ItemProperty HKCU:\Software\xCAT cacertthumb $xcatcacert.thumbprint
#this removes the xCAT CA from trust store, if user wishes to explicitly remove xCAT key post deploy
#A good idea for appliances that want to not show weird stuff. The consequences of not calling it are harmless: a useless extra public cert
#in admin's x509 cert store
Function Remove-xCATCA ( $certpath ) {
Import-xCATCA($certpath) #this seems insane, but it's easiest way to make sure we have the correct path
rm $script:xcatcacert.PSPath
Function RemovexCATCA {
$mythumb=Get-ItemProperty HKCU:\Software\xCAT
rm cert:\CurrentUser\My\$mythumb.cacertthumb
#specify a client certificate to use in pfx format
Function Set-xCATClientCertificate ( $pfxPath ) {
$script:xcatclientcert=Import-pfxCertificate $pfxPath -certStoreLocation cert:\currentuser\my
Function SetxCATClientCertificate ( $pfxPath ) {
$xcatclientcert=Import-pfxCertificate $pfxPath -certStoreLocation cert:\currentuser\my
Set-ItemProperty HKCU:\Software\xCAT usercertthumb $xcatclientcert.thumbprint
Function Remove-xCATClientCertificate( $pfxPath ) {
rm cert:\currentuser\my\$script:xcatclientcert.thumbprint
Function RemovexCATClientCertificate {
$mythumb=Get-ItemProperty HKCU:\Software\xCAT
rm cert:\currentuser\my\$mythumb.usercertthumb
#key here is that we might have two certificates:
@ -44,23 +77,43 @@ Function Remove-xCATClientCertificate( $pfxPath ) {
#-one intended to identify the user to do things like 'rpower'
#however, user will just have to control it by calling Set-xCATClientCertificate on the file for now
#TODO: if user wants password protected PFX file, we probably would want to import it once and retain thumb across sessions...
Function Select-xCATClientCert ($sender, $targetHost, $localCertificates, $remoteCertificate,$acceptableIssuers) {
Function SelectxCATClientCert ($sender, $targetHost, $localCertificates, $remoteCertificate,$acceptableIssuers) {
$mythumb=(Get-ItemProperty HKCU:\Software\xCAT).usercertthumb
Get-Item cert:\CurrentUser\My\$mythumb
Function Set-xCATServer {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $xCATServer
Set-ItemProperty HKCU:\Software\xCAT serveraddress $xCATServer
Function Connect-xCAT {
if (! $mgtServer) {
$mgtServer=(Get-ItemProperty HKCU:\Software\xCAT).serveraddress
if (! $mgtServer) {
$mgtServer=(Get-ItemProperty HKCU:\Software\xCAT).servername
if (! $mgtServerAltName) {
$mgtServerAltName=(Get-ItemProperty HKCU:\Software\xCAT).servername
$script:xcatconnection = New-Object Net.Sockets.TcpClient($mgtServer,$mgtServerPort)
if (! $script:xcatconnection) {
return $false
$verifycallback = Get-Content Function:\VerifyxCATCert
$certselect = Get-Content Function:\Select-xCATClientCert
$certselect = Get-Content Function:\SelectxCATClientCert
$script:xcatstream = $script:xcatconnection.GetStream()
$script:securexCATStream = New-Object System.Net.Security.SSLStream($script:xcatstream,$false,$verifycallback,$certselect)
$script:xcatwriter = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter($script:securexCATStream)
$script:xcatreader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($script:securexCATStream)
Function Get-NodeInventory {
@ -119,7 +172,10 @@ Function Merge-xCATData { #xcoll attempt
$findata = $findata |select-object -excludeproperty NodeRangeHint,stringcontent *
$mobjname = 'MergedxCATSimpleNodeData'
foreach ($do in $findata.dataObjects) {
if ($do.description) {
if ($do.ErrorData) {
} elseif ($do.description) {
@ -166,7 +222,7 @@ Function Send-xCATCommand {
if (!(Connect-xCAT)) { return }
$requestxml = "<xcatrequest>`n`t<command>"+$xcatRequest.command+"</command>`n"
if ($xcatRequest.noderange) {
if ($xcatRequest.noderange.PSObject.TypeNames[0] -eq "xCATNodeData") {
@ -234,6 +290,7 @@ Function NewMergedxCATData { #takes an arbitrary number of nodeData objects and
foreach ($data in $nodeData) {
$rangedata = $data|select-object -ExcludeProperty Node,NodeRangeHint *
foreach ($dataseg in $rangedata) {
if ($dataseg.ErrorData) { $myobj.stringcontent += "ERROR: "+$dataseg.ErrorData }
$myobj.stringcontent += $dataseg.Description+": "+$dataseg.Data+"`n"
$myobj.dataObjects = $myobj.dataObjects + $rangedata
@ -265,6 +322,7 @@ Function NewxCATDataFromXmlElement {
if ($xmlElement.error) {
$objname = 'xCATNodeErrorData'
$errstr= $ + ": " + $xmlElement.error
Write-Error $errstr
Reference in New Issue
Block a user