Updates to system p set up wizard
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xcat/code/xcat-core/trunk@3603 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -452,6 +452,10 @@ function dumpGlobals() {
foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { trace("$key=$val."); }
foreach ($_COOKIE as $key => $val) { trace("$key=$val."); }
foreach ($_ENV as $key => $val) { trace("$key=$val."); }
foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $val) { trace("$key=$val."); }
if (isset($_SESSION)) {
foreach ($_SESSION as $key => $val) { trace("$key=$val."); }
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ echo "</head><body>\n";
echo '<p>'; print_r($_SESSION['editable-hosts']); echo "</p>\n";
//echo '<p>'; print_r($_SESSION['editable-hosts']); echo "</p>\n";
//foreach ($_SESSION['editable-deps'] as $key => $val) { trace("$key=$val."); }
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
.WizardProgressTable P#output { margin-left: 35px; }
.WizardProgressTable IFRAME#output { margin-left: 35px; width: 400px; }
.WizardProgressTable IFRAME#output { margin-left: 35px; width: 400px; height: 400px; }
.WizardProgressOutput { margin: 0px; }
@ -117,26 +117,6 @@ echo "<tr class=WizardInputSection><td class=Right><label for=fspHostname>Hostna
echo "<td width=10></td><td class=Right><label for=fspIP>Starting IP Address:</label></td><td class=Left><input type=text name=fspIP id=fspIP value='", @$_SESSION['fspIP'], "'></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr class=WizardInputSection><td class=Right><label for=numFspsPerFrame>Number of Drawers per Frame:</label></td><td class=Left><input type=text name=numFspsPerFrame id=numFspsPerFrame value='", @$_SESSION['numFspsPerFrame'], "'></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td colspan=2 class=Center><h3>Switch Patterns</h3></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td class=Right><label for=switchHostname>Switch Hostname Pattern:</label></td><td class=Left><input type=text name=switchHostname id=switchHostname value='", @$_SESSION['switchHostname'], "'></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td class=Right><label for=switchIP>Switch IP Address Pattern:</label></td><td class=Left><input type=text name=switchIP id=switchIP value='", @$_SESSION['switchIP'], "'></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td class=Right><label for=portsPerSwitch>Number of Ports Per Switch:</label></td><td class=Left><input type=text name=portsPerSwitch id=portsPerSwitch value='", @$_SESSION['portsPerSwitch'], "'></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td colspan=2 class=Center><h3>HMCs</h3></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td class=Right><label for=hmcHostname>HMC Hostname Pattern:</label></td><td class=Left><input type=text name=hmcHostname id=hmcHostname value='", @$_SESSION['hmcHostname'], "'></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td class=Right><label for=hmcIP>HMC IP Address Pattern:</label></td><td class=Left><input type=text name=hmcIP id=hmcIP value='", @$_SESSION['hmcIP'], "'></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td class=Right><label for=numCECs>Number of CECs per HMC:</label></td><td class=Left><input type=text name=numCECs id=numCECs value='", @$_SESSION['numCECs'], "'></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td colspan=2 class=Center><h3>Frame (BPA) Patterns</h3></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td class=Right><label for=bpaHostname>BPA Hostname Pattern:</label></td><td class=Left><input type=text name=bpaHostname id=bpaHostname value='", @$_SESSION['bpaHostname'], "'></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td class=Right><label for=bpaIP>BPA IP Address Pattern:</label></td><td class=Left><input type=text name=bpaIP id=bpaIP value='", @$_SESSION['bpaIP'], "'></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td colspan=2 class=Center><h3>Drawer (FSP/CEC) Patterns</h3></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td class=Right><label for=fspHostname>FSP Hostname Pattern:</label></td><td class=Left><input type=text name=fspHostname id=fspHostname value='", @$_SESSION['fspHostname'], "'></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td class=Right><label for=fspIP>FSP IP Address Pattern:</label></td><td class=Left><input type=text name=fspIP id=fspIP value='", @$_SESSION['fspIP'], "'></td></tr>\n";
echo "</table></form>\n";
//todo: get HCP userids/pws from the user
@ -145,16 +125,18 @@ echo "</table></form>\n";
function patterns1b($action, $step) {
//todo: do validation of all pages that have input
//todo: do validation of all pages that have input, and strip preceding and trailing blanks
// Figure out how many switches there need to be
//todo: do not want to count the fsps if they are on the bpa hubs
$hmcs = expandNR($_SESSION['hmcHostname']);
$bpas = expandNR($_SESSION['bpaHostname']);
$fsps = expandNR($_SESSION['fspHostname']);
// Note: in the IH case, the FSPs are almost always plugged into the BPA hub, not the service LAN switch, so do not count them
//todo: handle the HV case in which the fsps are plugged directly into the service LAN switch
//$fsps = expandNR($_SESSION['fspHostname']);
//echo "<p>", implode(',',$hmcs), "</p>\n";
$total = count($hmcs) + count($bpas) + count($fsps);
$total = count($hmcs) + count($bpas);
if (!$_SESSION['portsPerSwitch']) { $numswitches = 1; }
else { $numswitches = (integer) ((($total-1) / $_SESSION['portsPerSwitch']) + 1); }
//echo "<p>$numswitches</p>\n";
@ -171,6 +153,7 @@ foreach ($switches as $k => $sw) {
echo "<tr><td colspan=2 class=Center><h3>Discovery Information</h3></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr class=WizardInputSection><td class=Right><label for=dynamicIP>Dynamic IP Range for DHCP:</label></td><td class=Left><input type=text size=30 name=dynamicIP id=dynamicIP value='", @$_SESSION["dynamicIP"], "'></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr class=WizardInputSection><td class=Right><label for=discoveryIP>IP Address to Broadcast From:</label></td><td class=Left><input type=text size=30 name=discoveryIP id=discoveryIP value='", @$_SESSION["discoveryIP"], "'></td></tr>\n";
echo "<p> <br></p>\n";
echo "</table></form>\n";
@ -248,11 +231,13 @@ foreach ($switches as $k => $sw) {
$node = array_shift($ar);
if (!$node) { $port++; continue; }
$data[] = array($node,$sw,@$_SESSION['portPrefix'].$port);
for ($j=1; $j<=$_SESSION['numFspsPerFrame']; $j++) {
$f = array_shift($andFsps);
if (!$f) { break; }
$data[] = array($f,$sw,@$_SESSION['portPrefix'].$port);
if ($andFsps) {
for ($j=1; $j<=$_SESSION['numFspsPerFrame']; $j++) {
$f = array_shift($andFsps);
if (!$f) { break; }
$data[] = array($f,$sw,@$_SESSION['portPrefix'].$port);
/* $xml = docmd('nodeadd',NULL,array($node,'groups=all',"switch.node=$node","switch.switch=$sw","switch.port=$port"));
if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"nodeadd failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); return; }
else { echo "Wrote: $node,$sw,$port<br>\n"; }*/
@ -302,10 +287,6 @@ nextStep(++$step,FALSE);
function incrementIP(& $ip) {
//todo: hard coded for the percs demo cluster - remove
//if ($ip == '') { $ip=''; return; }
//if ($ip == '') { $ip=''; return; }
$parts = explode('.', $ip);
if ($parts[3] >= 255) {
@ -389,44 +370,70 @@ elseif ($step == 1) { lsslp($step); }
function lsslp($step) {
//todo: input the IP addr to disover over
$discoverIP = '';
//todo: enable HMC discovery
//$xml = docmd('nodeadd',NULL,array($_SESSION['hmcHostname'],'groups=hmc,all','nodetype.nodetype=hmc','nodehm.mgt=hmc'));
//if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"nodeadd hmc failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
//echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput>Discovered and defined ", $_SESSION['hmcHostname'], ".</p>\n"; myflush();
$discoveryIP = @$_SESSION["discoveryIP"];
// Discover HMCs
$xml = docmd('nodeadd',NULL,array($_SESSION['hmcHostname'],'groups=hmc,all','nodetype.nodetype=hmc','nodehm.mgt=hmc'));
if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"nodeadd hmc failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput>Defined ", $_SESSION['hmcHostname'], ".</p>\n"; myflush();
echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput>Discovering HMCs...</p>\n"; myflush();
$xml = docmd('lsslp','',array('-s','HMC','-w','-H','-i',$discoveryIP,'-t','3'));
if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"lsslp HMC failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
$numfound = 0;
foreach ($xml->children() as $response) foreach ($response->children() as $line) {
$line = (string) $line;
//echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput>$line</p>\n"; myflush();
$parts = array();
if (preg_match('/^\s+(\S+)\s+=>/', $line, $parts)) {
$hostname = $parts[1];
//if (preg_match('/^Received SLP response from\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/', $line, $parts)) {
// $hostname = gethostbyaddr($parts[1]);
// if ($hostname != $parts[1]) {
echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput> found $hostname</p>\n"; myflush();
// }
echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput>Found $numfound HMCs.</p>\n"; myflush();
// Discover BPAs
//$xml = docmd('nodeadd',NULL,array($_SESSION['bpaHostname'],'groups=frame,all','nodetype.nodetype=bpa','nodehm.mgt=hmc','nodehm.power=hmc','ppc.comments=bpa','vpd.mtm=9A00-100' /* ,'vpd.serial=|(\D+)(\d+)|($2)|' */ ));
$xml = docmd('nodeadd',NULL,array($_SESSION['bpaHostname'],'groups=frame,all','nodetype.nodetype=bpa','ppc.hcp=|^(.+)$|($1)|','ppc.comments=bpa'));
if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"nodeadd bpa failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput>Defined ", $_SESSION['bpaHostname'], ".</p>\n"; myflush();
echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput>Discovering BPAs...</p>\n"; myflush();
//$xml = docmd('lsslp','',array('-s','BPA','-w','-H','-i',$discoverIP,'-c','1000,2000,2000,3000,4000'));
$xml = docmd('lsslp','',array('-s','BPA','-w','-H','-i',$discoverIP,'-t','9'));
//$xml = docmd('lsslp','',array('-s','BPA','-w','-H','-i',$discoveryIP,'-c','1000,2000,2000,3000,4000'));
$xml = docmd('lsslp','',array('-s','BPA','-w','-H','-i',$discoveryIP,'-t','3'));
if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"lsslp BPA failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
$numfound = 0;
foreach ($xml->children() as $response) foreach ($response->children() as $line) {
$line = (string) $line;
//echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput>$line</p>\n"; myflush();
$parts = array();
if (!preg_match('/^\s+(\S+)\s+=>/', $line, $parts)) { continue; }
echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput> found $parts[1]</p>\n"; myflush();
if (preg_match('/^\s+(\S+)\s+=>/', $line, $parts)) {
$hostname = $parts[1];
//if (preg_match('/^Received SLP response from\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/', $line, $parts)) {
// $hostname = gethostbyaddr($parts[1]);
// if ($hostname != $parts[1]) {
echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput> found $hostname</p>\n"; myflush();
// }
echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput>Found $numfound BPAs.</p>\n"; myflush();
//$parts = array();
//preg_match('/^(\D+)/', $_SESSION['bpaHostname'], $parts);
//$bpaprefix = $parts[1];
//todo: we are hardcoding the cage # offset for now
//nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; //todo: REMOVE!!!!!!
// Discover FSPs
//todo: we are hardcoding the cage # offset for now. On the bp cluster, most frames start with cage # 5. This value should be input from the user.
//todo: now that we use the real lsslp, it is not setting nodepos attrs
//$xml = docmd('nodeadd',NULL,array($_SESSION['fspHostname'],'groups=cec,all','nodetype.nodetype=fsp','nodehm.mgt=hmc','nodehm.power=hmc','ppc.id=|\D+(\d+)|((((($1-1)%5)+1)*2)-1)|','ppc.parent=|\D+(\d+)|'.$bpaprefix.'((($1-1)/5)+1)|','nodepos.u=|\D+(\d+)|((((($1-1)%5)+1)*2)-1)|','nodepos.rack=|\D+(\d+)|((($1-1)/5)+1)|','vpd.mtm=9125-F2A' /* ,'vpd.serial=|(\D+)(\d+)|($2)|' */ ));
$xml = docmd('nodeadd',NULL,array($_SESSION['fspHostname'],'groups=cec,all','nodetype.nodetype=fsp','ppc.hcp=|^(.+)$|($1)|','ppc.id=|\D+(\d+)|((($1-1)%'.$_SESSION['numFspsPerFrame'].')+5)|'));
if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"nodeadd fsp failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
//todo: because of the irregularity in the cage numbers in frame 4 and 8, we have to do something special
//todo: because of the irregularity in the cage numbers in the bp cluster in frame 4 and 8, we have to do something special
$fsps = expandNR($_SESSION['fspHostname']);
$xml = docmd('nodech',"$fsps[36]-$fsps[41],$fsps[84]-$fsps[89]",array('ppc.id=|\D+(\d+)|((($1-1)%'.$_SESSION['numFspsPerFrame'].')+1)|'));
if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"nodech frame failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
@ -435,16 +442,22 @@ if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"nodech frame failed: " . implode(' ',
echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput><br>Defined ", $_SESSION['fspHostname'], ".</p>\n"; myflush();
echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput>Discovering FSPs...</p>\n"; myflush();
//$xml = docmd('lsslp','',array('-s','FSP','-w','-H','-i',$discoverIP,'-t','2','-c','3000,3000,3000,3000,3000'));
$xml = docmd('lsslp','',array('-s','FSP','-w','-H','-i',$discoverIP,'-t','9'));
//$xml = docmd('lsslp','',array('-s','FSP','-w','-H','-i',$discoveryIP,'-t','2','-c','3000,3000,3000,3000,3000'));
$xml = docmd('lsslp','',array('-s','FSP','-w','-H','-i',$discoveryIP,'-t','9'));
if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"lsslp FSP failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
$numfound = 0;
foreach ($xml->children() as $response) foreach ($response->children() as $line) {
$line = (string) $line;
$parts = array();
if (!preg_match('/^\s+(\S+)\s+=>/', $line, $parts)) { continue; }
echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput> found $parts[1]</p>\n"; myflush();
if (preg_match('/^\s+(\S+)\s+=>/', $line, $parts)) {
$hostname = $parts[1];
//if (preg_match('/^Received SLP response from\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/', $line, $parts)) {
// $hostname = gethostbyaddr($parts[1]);
// if ($hostname != $parts[1]) {
echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput> found $hostname</p>\n"; myflush();
// }
echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput>Found $numfound FSPs.</p>\n"; myflush();
@ -483,9 +496,13 @@ elseif ($step == 4) { nameres($step); }
// Give frame numbers to each bpa
function assignframenums($step) {
//todo: this just uses the number from the nodename of the frame. Should instead count from the beginning.
$xml = docmd('nodech','frame',array('ppc.id=|\D+(\d+)|($1)|'));
if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"nodech frame failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
$bpas = expandNR($_SESSION['bpaHostname']);
$num = 0;
foreach ($bpas as $b) {
$xml = docmd('nodech',$b,array("ppc.id=$num"));
if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"nodech $b failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
@ -539,7 +556,7 @@ nextStep(++$step,FALSE);
function createhcpgroups($step) {
//todo: may need to do this once we are using the real lsslp
// since we had to create skeleton definitions for the hmcs, bpas, and fsps before discovering them via lsslp, we already created the groups
@ -551,9 +568,10 @@ function nameres($step) {
$xml = docmd('makehosts',NULL,NULL);
if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"makehosts failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
//todo: enable this on non-aix
//$xml = docmd('makedns',NULL,NULL);
//if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"makedns failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
if (!isAIX()) {
$xml = docmd('makedns',NULL,NULL);
if (getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { msg('E',"makedns failed: " . implode(' ',$errors)); nextStep(++$step,TRUE); return; }
@ -599,21 +617,29 @@ elseif ($step == 1) { createlpars($step); }
function createlpars($step) {
$numlpars = $_SESSION['numLPARs'];
$fsps = expandNR($_SESSION['fspHostname']);
$bpas = expandNR($_SESSION['bpaHostname']);
$nodes = expandNR($_SESSION['computeNodename']);
$n = 0; // index into the nodes array
//$parts = array();
//preg_match('/^(\D+)/', $_SESSION['fspHostname'], $parts);
//$fspprefix = $parts[1];
$fspattrs = getNodes($_SESSION['fspHostname'], array('ppc.hcp','ppc.parent'));
$bpaattrs = getNodes($_SESSION['bpaHostname'], array('ppc.id'));
//foreach ($bpaattrs as $k => $v) { echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput>$k:$v.</p>\n"; myflush(); }
// Go thru each fsp and create/define the nodes that should be in that fsp
foreach ($fsps as $f) {
$length = min($numlpars, count($nodes)-$n);
$hcp = $fspattrs[$f]['ppc.hcp'];
$bpa = $fspattrs[$f]['ppc.parent'];
$framenum = $bpaattrs[$bpa];
//echo "<p class=WizardProgressOutput>$bpa:$framenum.</p>\n"; myflush();
//todo: currently can not create the 1st lpar in the cec
$xml = docmd('nodeadd',NULL,array($nodes[$n],"groups=lpars-$f,lpars-$bpa,lpars-$hcp,lpar,compute,all",'nodetype.nodetype=lpar,osi',
//todo: currently can not create the 1st lpar in the cec, but should at least set the lpar name, etc. (See configCEC.)
//todo: for p7, we should accept an lsvm file, or clone the 1st lpar of the 1st cec.
//todo: add lpars- groups back in
//$xml = docmd('nodeadd',NULL,array($nodes[$n],"groups=lpars-$f,lpars-$bpa,f$framenum,lpars-$hcp,lpar,compute,all",'nodetype.nodetype=lpar,osi',
$xml = docmd('nodeadd',NULL,array($nodes[$n],"groups=f$framenum,compute,lpar,all",'nodetype.nodetype=lpar,osi',
@ -672,7 +698,7 @@ nextStep(++$step,TRUE);
// Flush the output buffers
function myflush() {
if ($_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"] != 'IBM_HTTP_Server') { ob_flush(); } // for some reason ob_flush() does not work on aix
if (!isAIX()) { ob_flush(); } // for some reason ob_flush() does not work on aix
Reference in New Issue
Block a user