diff --git a/xCAT-client/pods/man1/imgexport.1.pod b/xCAT-client/pods/man1/imgexport.1.pod
index 7ba54f11e..a7ef501b2 100644
--- a/xCAT-client/pods/man1/imgexport.1.pod
+++ b/xCAT-client/pods/man1/imgexport.1.pod
@@ -6,28 +6,57 @@ B<imgexport> - Exports an xCAT image.
 B<imgexport [-h| --help]>
-B<imgexport [-v| --verbose] imagename exported_file_name >
-B<imgexport> I<imagename> 
+B<imgexport image_name [destination] [[-e|--extra file:dir] ... ] [-p|--postscripts node_name] [-v|--verbose]>
-The imgexport command will export an image that is being used by xCAT.  To export images, you must have the images defined in the osimage table. 
-The following columns must be filled out for an image to be exported:
+The imgexport command will export an image that is being used by xCAT.  To export images, you must have the images defined in the I<osimage> table. All the columns in the I<osimage> and I<linuximage> tables will be exported. In addition, the following files will also be exported.
+For statefull:
+  x.pkglist
+  x.otherpkgs.pkglist
+  x.tmpl
+  x.synclist
+For stateless:
+  kernel
+  intied.gz
+  rootimg.gz
+  x.pkglist
+  x.otherpkgs.pkglist
+  x.synclist
+  x.postinstall
+  x.exlist
+For statelite:
+  intied.gz
+  x.pkglist
+  x.synclist
+  x.otherpkgs.pkglist
+  x.postinstall
+  x.exlist
+where x is the name of the profile.
+Any files specified by the -e flag will also be exported. If -p flag is specified, the postscripts and the postbootscripts for the given node will be exported. 
 =head1 OPTIONS
-B<-h>          Display usage message.
+B<-e|--extra> I<srcfile:destdir>    Pack up extra files. If I<destdir> is omitted, the destination directory will be the same as the source directory. 
-B<-v>          Verbose output.
+B<-h|--help>                      Display usage message.
+B<-p|--postscripts> I<node_name>    Get the postscripts for the given node and pack it into the image. 
+B<-v|--verbose>                   Verbose output.
+I<image_name>                     The name of the image. Use I<lsdef -t> osimage to find out all the image names. 
+I<destination>                    The output bundle file name. 
-B<-extra srcfile:destdir>      Pack up extra files
@@ -41,17 +70,19 @@ B<-extra srcfile:destdir>      Pack up extra files
 B<imgexport foo>
-foo.tgz will be built in the current working directory.  Make sure that you have enough space in the directory
-that you are in to run imgexport if you have a big image to tar up.
+foo.tgz will be built in the current working directory.  Make sure that you have enough space in the directory that you are in to run imgexport if you have a big image to tar up.
 2. To include extra files with your image:
-B<imgexport Default_Stateless_1265981465 foo.tgz --extra=/opt/xcat/share/xcat/netboot/centos/compute.centos5.4.pkglist:/install/custom/netboot/centos --extra=/opt/xcat/share/xcat/netboot/centos/compute.exlist:/install/custom/netboot/centos>
+B<imgexport Default_Stateless_1265981465 foo.tgz -e /install/postscripts/myscript1  -e /tmp/mydir:/usr/mydir>
-This will export the image Default_stateless_1265981465 into a file called foo.tgz.  In addition, it will package up extra files as well:
- compute.centos5.4.pkglist
- compute.exlist
-It will also place the contents of the file in the manifest.xml file that is part of the bundle.
+In addition to all the default files, this will export I</install/postscripts/myscript1> and the whole directory I</tmp/dir> into the file called foo.tgz.  And when imgimport is called  I</install/postscripts/myscript1> will be copied into the same directory and I</tmp/mydir> will be copied to I</usr/mydir>. 
+3. To include postscripts with your image:
+B<imgexport Default_Stateless_1265981465 foo.tgz -p node1>
+The I<postscripts> and the I<postbootscripts> specified in the I<postscripts> table for node1 will be exported into the image.
 =head1 FILES
diff --git a/xCAT-client/pods/man1/imgimport.1.pod b/xCAT-client/pods/man1/imgimport.1.pod
index a24e4ee4b..f1f696409 100644
--- a/xCAT-client/pods/man1/imgimport.1.pod
+++ b/xCAT-client/pods/man1/imgimport.1.pod
@@ -1,25 +1,75 @@
 =head1 NAME
-B<imgimport> - Imports an xCAT image or configuration file into the xCAT tables so that you can immediately begin
-deploying with it..
+B<imgimport> - Imports an xCAT image or configuration file into the xCAT tables so that you can immediately begin deploying with it.
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
-B<imgimport [-h| --help]>
+B<imgimport [-h|--help]>
-B<imgimport> I<imagename> [-v]
+B<imgimport> bundle_file_name [-p|--postscripts nodelist] [-f|--profile new_profile] [-v|--verbose]>
-The imgimport command will import an image that has been exported by imgexport from xCAT.  This is the easiest way 
-to transfer/backup/ or share images created by xCAT whether they be stateless or stateful.
+The imgimport command will import an image that has been exported by I<imgexport> from xCAT.  This is the easiest way to transfer/backup/, change or share images created by xCAT whether they be stateless or stateful. The bundle file will be unpacked in the current working directory. The xCAT configuration such as I<osimage> and I<linuximage> tables will then be updated.
+For statefull, the following files will be copied to the appropriate directories.
+  x.pkglist
+  x.otherpkgs.pkglist
+  x.tmpl
+  x.synclist
+For stateless, the following files will be copied to the appropriate directories.
+  kernel
+  intied.gz
+  rootimg.gz
+  x.pkglist
+  x.otherpkgs.pkglist
+  x.synclist
+  x.postinstall
+  x.exlist
+For statelite, the following files will be copied to the appropriate directories.
+  intied.gz
+  x.pkglist
+  x.synclist
+  x.otherpkgs.pkglist
+  x.postinstall
+  x.exlist
+where x is the profile name. 
+Any extra files, included by --extra flag in the imgexport command, will also be copied to the appropriate directories.
+If -p flag is specified, the I<postscripts> table will be updated with the postscripts and the postbootscripts from the image for the nodes given by this flag.
+If -f flag is not specified, all the files will be copied to the same directories as the source. If it is specified, the old profile name x will be changed to the new and the files will be copied to the appropriate directores for the new profiles. For example, I</opt/xcat/share/xcat/netboot/sles/x.pkglist> will be copied to I</install/custom/netboot/sles/compute_new.pkglist> and I</install/netboot/sles11/ppc64/x/kernel> will be copied to I</install/netboot/sles11/ppc64/compute_new/kernel>. This flag is commonly used when you want to copy the image on the same xCAT mn so you can make modification on the new one. 
+After this command, you can run the I<nodeset> command and then start deploying the nodes. You can also choose to modify the files and run the following commands before the node depolyment. 
+For statefull:
+  nodeset
+For stateless: 
+  genimage
+  packimage
+  nodeset
+For statelite
+  genimage
+  liteimg
+  nodeset
 =head1 OPTIONS
-B<-h>          Display usage message.
+B<-f|--profile> I<new_prof>      Import the image with a new profile name. 
-B<-v>          Verbose output.
+B<-h|--help>                     Display usage message.
+B<-p|--postscripts> I<nodelist>  Import the postscripts. The postscripts contained in the image will be set in the postscripts table for I<nodelist>.
+B<-v|--verbose>                  Verbose output.
@@ -34,8 +84,16 @@ B<-v>          Verbose output.
 I<imgimport foo.gz>
-foo.tgz will be unpacked in the current working directory.  The xCAT configuration will then be updated and the
-files will be copied to the appropriate directories.
+2. Import the image with postscripts
+I<imgimport foo.gz -p node1,node2>
+3. Import the image with a new profile name 
+I<imgimport foo.gz -f compute_test>
 =head1 FILES