Add more comments and remove not used subroutines
This commit is contained in:
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ use xCAT::Table;
# | `--POST - The info is used to handle the POST request
# | `--DELETE - The info is used to handle the DELETE request
# The common messages which can be used in the %URIdef
my %usagemsg = (
objreturn => "Json format: An object which includes multiple \'<name> : {att:value, attr:value ...}\' pairs.",
objchparam => "Json format: An object which includes multiple \'att:value\' pairs.",
@ -994,7 +995,7 @@ my %formatters = (
#'xml' => \&wrapXml
#error status codes
# error status codes
my $STATUS_BAD_REQUEST = "400 Bad Request";
my $STATUS_UNAUTH = "401 Unauthorized";
my $STATUS_FORBIDDEN = "403 Forbidden";
@ -1006,14 +1007,10 @@ my $STATUS_EXPECT_FAILED = "417 Expectation Failed";
my $STATUS_TEAPOT = "418 I'm a teapot";
my $STATUS_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = "503 Service Unavailable";
#good status codes
# good status codes
my $STATUS_OK = "200 OK";
my $STATUS_CREATED = "201 Created";
my $XCAT_PATH = '/opt/xcat/bin';
my $VERSION = "2.8";
# Development notes:
# - added this line to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf to hide the cgi-bin and .cgi extension in the uri:
# ScriptAlias /xcatws /var/www/cgi-bin/xcatws.cgi
@ -1034,34 +1031,34 @@ my $VERSION = "2.8";
# print $q->end_html; #todo: add the </body></html> tags
# $q->url_param() # gets url options, even when there is put/post data (unlike q->param)
#### Main procedure to handle the REST request
# To get the HTTP elements through perl CGI module
my $q = CGI->new;
#my $url = $q->url; # the 1st part of the url, https, hostname, port num, and /xcatws
my $pathInfo = $q->path_info; # the resource specification, i.e. everything in the url after xcatws
#my $requestType = $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'};
my $requestType = $q->request_method(); # GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE
#my $queryString = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; #todo: remove this when not used any more
#my $userAgent = $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}; # curl, etc.
my $userAgent = $q->user_agent(); # the client program: curl, etc.
#my %queryhash; # the queryString will get put into this
my @path = split(/\//, $pathInfo);
#shift(@path); # get rid of the initial /
#my $resource = $path[0];
my $pageContent = ''; # global var containing the ouptut back to the rest client
my $request = {clienttype => 'ws'}; # global var that holds the request to send to xcatd
my $format = 'json';
my $pretty;
my $xmlinstalled;
my @path = split(/\//, $pathInfo); # The uri path like /nodes/node1/...
# Handle the command parameter for debugging and generating doc
# Define the golbal variables which will be used through the handling process
my $pageContent = ''; # Global var containing the ouptut back to the rest client
my $request = {clienttype => 'ws'}; # Global var that holds the request to send to xcatd
my $format = 'json'; # The output format for a request invoke
my $xmlinstalled; # Global var to speicfy whether the xml modules have been loaded
# To easy the perl debug, this script can be run directly with 'perl -d'
# This script also support to generate the rest api doc automatically.
# Following part of code will not be run when this script is called by http server
my $dbgdata;
sub dbgusage { print "Usage:\n $0 -h\n $0 -d\n $0 {GET|PUT|POST|DELETE} URI user:password data\n"; }
sub dbgusage { print "Usage:\n $0 -h\n $0 -g [wiki] (generate document)\n $0 {GET|PUT|POST|DELETE} URI user:password \'{data}\'\n"; }
if ($ARGV[0] eq "-h") {
exit 0;
} elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-g") {
# generate the document
require genrestapidoc;
if (defined ($ARGV[1])) {
genrestapidoc::gendoc(\%URIdef, $ARGV[1]);
@ -1073,6 +1070,7 @@ if ($ARGV[0] eq "-h") {
exit 0;
} elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /(GET|PUT|POST|DELETE)/) {
# parse the parameters when run this script locally
$requestType = $ARGV[0];
$pathInfo= $ARGV[1];
@ -1092,13 +1090,15 @@ if ($ARGV[0] eq "-h") {
my $JSON; # global ptr to the json object. Its set by loadJSON()
#if (isPut() || isPost()) {
loadJSON(); # need to do this early, so we can fetch the params
# Since the json is the only supported format, load it at beginning
# need to do this early, so we can fetch the PUT/POST params
# the input parameters from both the url and put/post data will combined and then
# separated into the general params (not specific to the api call) and params specific to the call
# Note: some of the values of the params in the hash can be arrays
# $generalparams - the general parameters like 'debug=1', 'pretty=1'
# $paramhash - all parameters come from url or put/post data except the ones in $generalparams
my ($generalparams, $paramhash) = fetchParameters();
my $DEBUGGING = $generalparams->{debug}; # turn on or off the debugging output by setting debug=1 (or 2) in the url string
@ -1106,7 +1106,8 @@ if ($DEBUGGING) {
my $XCOLL = $generalparams->{xcoll}; # The filter flag is used to group the nodes which have the same output
# The filter flag is used to group the nodes which have the same output
my $XCOLL = $generalparams->{xcoll};
# Process the format requested
$format = $generalparams->{format} if (defined ($generalparams->{format}));
@ -1135,37 +1136,22 @@ $pathInfo =~ s/\/$//;
if ($format eq 'json') {
# loadJSON(); # in case it was not loaded before
# make the output to be readable if 'pretty=1' is specified
if ($generalparams->{pretty}) { $JSON->indent(1); }
# require XML dynamically and let them know if it is not installed
# we need XML all the time to send request to xcat, even if thats not the return format requested by the user
# Match the first layer of resource URI
# The first layer of resource URI. It should be 'nodes' for URI '/nodes/node1'
my $uriLayer1;
#bmp: why can't you just split on "/" like xcatws.cgi did?
# Get all the layers in the URI
my @layers;
my $portion = index($pathInfo, '/');
while (1) {
my $endportion = index($pathInfo, '/', $portion+1);
if ($endportion >= 0) {
my $layer = substr($pathInfo, $portion+1, ($endportion - $portion - 1));
push @layers, $layer if ($layer);
$portion = $endportion;
} else { # the last layer
my $layer = substr($pathInfo, $portion+1);
push @layers, $layer if ($layer);
my @layers = split('\/', $pathInfo);
shift (@layers);
if ($#layers < 0) {
# If no resource was specified
#addPageContent($q->p("This is the root page for the xCAT Rest Web Service. Available resources are:"));
# If no resource was specified, list all the resource groups which have been defined in the %URIdef
my $json;
foreach (sort keys %URIdef) {
push @{$json}, $_;
@ -1179,7 +1165,7 @@ if ($#layers < 0) {
# set the user and password to access xcatd
#todo: replace with using certificates or an api key
# todo: replace with using certificates or an api key
$request->{becomeuser}->[0]->{username}->[0] = $ENV{userName} if (defined($ENV{userName}));
$request->{becomeuser}->[0]->{username}->[0] = $generalparams->{userName} if (defined($generalparams->{userName}));
$request->{becomeuser}->[0]->{password}->[0] = $ENV{password} if (defined($ENV{password}));
@ -1192,7 +1178,6 @@ if (defined ($URIdef{$uriLayer1})) {
# Make sure the resource has been defined
foreach my $res (keys %{$URIdef{$uriLayer1}}) {
my $matcher = $URIdef{$uriLayer1}->{$res}->{matcher};
#bmp: if you use m|$matcher| here instead then you won't need to escape all of the /'s ?
if ($pathInfo =~ m|$matcher|) {
# matched to a resource
unless (defined ($URIdef{$uriLayer1}->{$res}->{$requestType})) {
@ -1206,17 +1191,15 @@ if (defined ($URIdef{$uriLayer1})) {
$params->{'layers'} = \@layers;
$params->{'resourcegroup'} = $uriLayer1;
$params->{'resourcename'} = $res;
# Call the hanldle subroutine to send request to xcatd and format the output
#@outputdata = $URIdef{$uriLayer1}->{$res}->{$requestType}->{fhandler}->($params);
# get the response from xcatd
# Call the handler subroutine which specified in 'fhandler' to send request to xcatd and get the response
$outputdata = $URIdef{$uriLayer1}->{$res}->{$requestType}->{fhandler}->($params);
# Filter the output data from the response
$outputdata = filterData ($outputdata);
# Restructure the output data
# Restructure the output data with the subroutine which is specified in 'outhdler'
if (defined ($URIdef{$uriLayer1}->{$res}->{$requestType}->{outhdler})) {
$outputdata = $URIdef{$uriLayer1}->{$res}->{$requestType}->{outhdler}->($outputdata, $params);
} else {
# Call the appropriate formatting function stored in the formatters hash
# Call the appropriate formatting function stored in the formatters hash as default output handler
if (exists $formatters{$format}) {
@ -1228,18 +1211,18 @@ if (defined ($URIdef{$uriLayer1})) {
} else {
# not matches to any resource group. Check the 'resource group' to improve the performance
error("Unspported resource.",$STATUS_NOT_FOUND);
# the URI cannot match to any resources which are defined in %URIdef
unless ($handled) {
error("Unspported resource.",$STATUS_NOT_FOUND);
# all output has been added into the global varibale pageContent, call the response funcion
#if (exists $data->[0]->{info} && $data->[0]->{info}->[0] =~ /Could not find an object/) {
# sendResponseMsg($STATUS_NOT_FOUND);
# all output has been added into the global varibale pageContent, call the response funcion to generate HTTP reply and exit
if (isPost()) {
@ -1249,6 +1232,10 @@ else {
#### End of the Main Program
# Subrutines
sub isGET { return uc($requestType) eq "GET"; }
@ -1444,38 +1431,6 @@ sub actionout {
addPageContent($JSON->encode($jsonnode), 1) if ($jsonnode);
sub defout_1 {
my $msg = shift;
my @output;
my $hn;
my $node;
foreach (@{$msg}) {
if (defined ($_->{info})) {
foreach my $line (@{$_->{info}}) {
if ($line =~ /Object name: (.*)/) {
#if ($node) {
# push @output, $hn;
$node = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /(.*)=(.*)/) {
my $n = $1;
my $v = $2;
$n =~ s/^\s*//;
$n =~ s/\s*$//;
$v =~ s/^\s*//;
$v =~ s/\s*$//;
$hn->{$node}->{$n} = $v;
push @output, $hn;
} else {
push @output, $_;
return \@output;
# invoke one of the def cmds
sub defhdl {
my $params = shift;
@ -2017,133 +1972,6 @@ sub wrapJson {
#bmp: this isn't used anymore, just here for reference, right?
# structure the json output for node resource api calls
sub wrapJsonNodes {
# this is an array of responses from xcatd. Often all the output comes back in 1 response, but not always.
my $data = shift;
# Divide the processing into several groups of requests, according to how they return the output
# At this point, these are all gets and posts. The others were taken care of wrapJson()
my $json;
if (isGet()) {
if (!defined $path[2] && !defined($paramhash->{field})) { # querying node list
# The data structure is: array of hashes that have a single key 'node'. The value for that key
# is an array of hashes with a single key 'name'. The value for that key
# is a 1-element array that contains the node name.
# Create a json array of node name strings.
$json = [];
foreach my $d (@$data) {
my $ar = $d->{node};
foreach my $a (@$ar) {
my $nodename = $a->{name}->[0];
if (!defined($nodename)) { error('improperly formatted lsdef output from xcatd', $STATUS_TEAPOT); }
push @$json, $nodename;
elsif (!defined $path[2] && defined($paramhash->{field})) { # querying node attributes
# The data structure is: array of hashes that have a single key 'info'. The value for that key
# is an array of lines of lsdef output (all nodes in the same array).
# Create a json array of node objects. Each node object contains the attributes/values (including
# the nodename) of that object.
$json = [];
foreach my $d (@$data) {
my $jsonnode;
my $lines = $d->{info};
foreach my $l (@$lines) {
if ($l =~ /^Object name: /) { # start new node
if (defined($jsonnode)) { push @$json, $jsonnode; } # push previous object onto array
my ($nodename) = $l =~ /^Object name:\s+(\S+)/;
$jsonnode = { nodename => $nodename };
else { # just an attribute of the current node
if (!defined($jsonnode)) { error('improperly formatted lsdef output from xcatd', $STATUS_TEAPOT); }
my ($attr, $val) = $l =~ /^\s*(\S+)=(.*)$/;
if (!defined($attr)) { error('improperly formatted lsdef output from xcatd', $STATUS_TEAPOT); }
$jsonnode->{$attr} = $val;
if (defined($jsonnode)) { push @$json, $jsonnode; $jsonnode=undef; } # push last object onto array
elsif (grep(/^$path[2]$/, qw(power inventory vitals energy status))) { # querying other node info
# The data structure is: array of hashes that have a single key 'node'. The value for that key
# is a 1-element array that has a hash with keys 'name' and 'data'. The 'name' value is a 1-element
# array that has the nodename. The 'data' value is a 1-element array of a hash that has keys 'desc'
# and 'content' (sometimes desc is ommited), or in the case of status it has the status directly in the array.
# Create a json array of node objects. Each node object contains the attributes/values (including
# the nodename) of that object.
$json = {}; # its keys are nodenames
foreach my $d (@$data) {
# each element is a complex structure that contains 1 attr and value for a node
my $node = $d->{node}->[0];
my $nodename = $node->{name}->[0];
my $nodedata = $node->{data}->[0];
if ($path[2] eq 'status') {
$json->{$nodename} = $nodedata;
else {
my $contents = $nodedata->{contents}->[0];
my $desc = 'power'; # rpower doesn't output a desc tag
if (defined($nodedata->{desc})) { $desc = $nodedata->{desc}->[0]; }
# add this desc and content into this node's hash
$json->{$nodename}->{$desc} = $contents;
if ($path[2] eq 'status') { addPageContent($JSON->encode($json)); }
else {
# convert this hash of hashes into an array of hashes
my @jsonarray;
foreach my $n (sort(keys(%$json))) {
$json->{$n}->{nodename} = $n; # add the key (nodename) inside of the node's hash
push @jsonarray, $json->{$n};
else { # querying a node subresource (rpower, rvitals, rinv, etc.)
} # end else path[2] defined
elsif (isPost()) { # dsh or dcp
if ($path[2] eq 'dsh') {
# The data structure is: array of hashes with a single key, either 'data' or 'errorcode'. The value
# of 'errorcode' is a 1-element array containing the error code. The value of 'data' is an array of
# output lines prefixed by the node name. Some of the lines can be null.
# Create a hash with 2 keys: 'errorcode' and 'nodes'. The 'nodes' value is a hash of nodenames, each
# value is an array of the output for that node.
$json = {}; # its keys are nodenames
foreach my $d (@$data) {
# this is either an errorcode hash or data hash
if (defined($d->{errorcode})) {
$json->{errorcode} = $d->{errorcode}->[0];
elsif (defined($d->{data})) {
foreach my $line (@{$d->{data}}) {
my ($nodename, $output) = $line =~ m/^(\S+): (.*)$/;
if (defined($nodename)) { push @{$json->{$nodename}}, $output; }
else { error('improperly formatted xdsh output from xcatd', $STATUS_TEAPOT); }
elsif ($path[2] eq 'dcp') {
# The data structure is a 1-element array of a hash with 1 key 'errorcode'. That has a 1-element
# array with the code in it. Let's simplify it.
$json->{errorcode} = $data->[0]->{errorcode}->[0];
else {
} # end if isPost
# Append content to the global var holding the output to go back to the rest client
# 1st param - The output message
# 2nd param - A flag to specify the format of 1st param: 1 - json formatted standard xcat output data
@ -2319,6 +2147,8 @@ sub sendRequest {
# Put input parameters from both $q->url_param and put/post data (if it exists) into generalparams and paramhash for all to use
# 1st output param - The params which are listed in @generalparamlis as a general parameters like 'debug=1, pretty=1'
# 2nd output param - All the params from url params and 'PUTDATA'/'POSTDATA' except the ones in @generalparamlis
sub fetchParameters {
my @generalparamlist = qw(userName password pretty debug xcoll);
# 1st check for put/post data and put that in the hash
Reference in New Issue
Block a user