make the output of nodeshell src is grouped with the nodename; support the xcoll flag to group the output with the output message instead of node
This commit is contained in:
@ -101,12 +101,12 @@ my %URIdef = (
nodeattr => {
desc => "[URI:/nodes/{nodename}/attr/{attr1,attr2,attr3 ...}] - The attributes resource for the node {nodename}",
matcher => '^/nodes/[^/]*/attr/\S+$',
desc => "[URI:/nodes/{nodename}/attrs/{attr1,attr2,attr3 ...}] - The attributes resource for the node {nodename}",
matcher => '^/nodes/[^/]*/attrs/\S+$',
GET => {
desc => "Get the specific attributes for the node {nodename}.",
usage => "||$usagemsg{objreturn}|",
example => "|Get the attributes {groups,mgt,netboot} for node node1|GET|/nodes/node1/attr/groups,mgt,netboot|{\n \"node1\":{\n \"netboot\":\"xnba\",\n \"mgt\":\"ipmi\",\n \"groups\":\"all\"\n }\n}|",
example => "|Get the attributes {groups,mgt,netboot} for node node1|GET|/nodes/node1/attrs/groups,mgt,netboot|{\n \"node1\":{\n \"netboot\":\"xnba\",\n \"mgt\":\"ipmi\",\n \"groups\":\"all\"\n }\n}|",
cmd => "lsdef",
fhandler => \&defhdl,
outhdler => \&defout,
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ my %URIdef = (
PUT_backup => {
desc => "Change attributes for the node {nodename}. DataBody: {attr1:v1,att2:v2,att3:v3 ...}.",
usage => "||An array of node objects.|",
example => "|Get the attributes {groups,mgt,netboot} for node node1|GET|/nodes/node1/attr/groups;mgt;netboot||",
example => "|Get the attributes {groups,mgt,netboot} for node node1|GET|/nodes/node1/attrs/groups;mgt;netboot||",
cmd => "chdef",
fhandler => \&defhdl,
outhdler => \&noout,
@ -603,12 +603,12 @@ my %URIdef = (
group_attr => {
desc => "[URI:/groups/{groupname}/attr/{attr1,attr2,attr3 ...}] - The attributes resource for the group {groupname}",
matcher => '^/groups/[^/]*/attr/\S+$',
desc => "[URI:/groups/{groupname}/attrs/{attr1,attr2,attr3 ...}] - The attributes resource for the group {groupname}",
matcher => '^/groups/[^/]*/attrs/\S+$',
GET => {
desc => "Get the specific attributes for the group {groupname}.",
usage => "||$usagemsg{objreturn}|",
example => "|Get the attributes {mgt,netboot} for group all|GET|/groups/all/attr/mgt,netboot|{\n \"all\":{\n \"netboot\":\"yaboot\",\n \"mgt\":\"dfm\"\n }\n}|",
example => "|Get the attributes {mgt,netboot} for group all|GET|/groups/all/attrs/mgt,netboot|{\n \"all\":{\n \"netboot\":\"yaboot\",\n \"mgt\":\"dfm\"\n }\n}|",
cmd => "lsdef",
fhandler => \&defhdl,
outhdler => \&defout,
@ -699,8 +699,8 @@ my %URIdef = (
network_attr => {
desc => "[URI:/network/{netname}/attr/attr1;attr2;attr3 ...] - The attributes resource for the network {netname}",
matcher => '^\/network\/[^\/]*/attr/\S+$',
desc => "[URI:/network/{netname}/attrs/attr1;attr2;attr3 ...] - The attributes resource for the network {netname}",
matcher => '^\/network\/[^\/]*/attrs/\S+$',
GET => {
desc => "Get the specific attributes for the network {netname}.",
cmd => "lsdef",
@ -759,8 +759,8 @@ my %URIdef = (
osimage_attr => {
desc => "[URI:/osimage/{imgname}/attr/attr1;attr2;attr3 ...] - The attributes resource for the osimage {imgname}",
matcher => '^\/osimage\/[^\/]*/attr/\S+$',
desc => "[URI:/osimage/{imgname}/attrs/attr1;attr2;attr3 ...] - The attributes resource for the osimage {imgname}",
matcher => '^\/osimage\/[^\/]*/attrs/\S+$',
GET => {
desc => "Get the specific attributes for the osimage {imgname}.",
cmd => "lsdef",
@ -849,12 +849,12 @@ my %URIdef = (
policy_attr => {
desc => "[URI:/policy/{policyname}/attr/{attr1;attr2;attr3,...}] - The attributes resource for the policy {policy_priority}",
matcher => '^\/policy\/[^\/]*/attr/\S+$',
desc => "[URI:/policy/{policyname}/attrs/{attr1;attr2;attr3,...}] - The attributes resource for the policy {policy_priority}",
matcher => '^\/policy\/[^\/]*/attrs/\S+$',
GET => {
desc => "Get the specific attributes for the policy {policy_priority}.",
usage => "||An array policy object, each object includes the values for each attribute.|",
example => "|Get the name and rule attributes for policy 1.|GET|/policy/1/attr/name;rule|[\n {\n \"name\":\"root\",\n \"rule\":\"allow\"\n }\n]|",
example => "|Get the name and rule attributes for policy 1.|GET|/policy/1/attrs/name;rule|[\n {\n \"name\":\"root\",\n \"rule\":\"allow\"\n }\n]|",
cmd => "lsdef",
fhandler => \&defhdl,
outhdler => \&defout,
@ -891,12 +891,12 @@ my %URIdef = (
site => {
desc => "[URI:/globalconf/attr/{attr1;attr2 ...}] - The specific global configuration resource.",
matcher => '^\/globalconf/attr/\S+$',
desc => "[URI:/globalconf/attrs/{attr1;attr2 ...}] - The specific global configuration resource.",
matcher => '^\/globalconf/attrs/\S+$',
GET => {
desc => "Get the specific configuration in global.",
usage => "||?|",
example => "|Get the \'master\' and \'domain\' configuration.|GET|/globalconf/attr/master;domain|?|",
example => "|Get the \'master\' and \'domain\' configuration.|GET|/globalconf/attrs/master;domain|?|",
cmd => "lsdef",
fhandler => \&sitehdl,
outhdler => \&defout,
@ -904,21 +904,21 @@ my %URIdef = (
PUT => {
desc => "Change the attributes for the site table. DataBody: {name:value}.",
usage => "|Put data: Json formatted name:value pairs.|?|",
example => "|Change the domain attribute.|PUT|/globalconf/attr/domain|?|",
example => "|Change the domain attribute.|PUT|/globalconf/attrs/domain|?|",
cmd => "chdef",
fhandler => \&sitehdl,
POST => {
desc => "Create the global configuration entry. DataBody: {name:value}.",
usage => "|Put data: Json formatted name:value pairs.||",
example => "|Create the domain attribute|POST|/globalconf/attr/domain {\"domain\":\"\"}|?|",
example => "|Create the domain attribute|POST|/globalconf/attrs/domain {\"domain\":\"\"}|?|",
cmd => "chdef",
fhandler => \&sitehdl,
desc => "Remove the site attributes.",
usage => "||?|",
example => "|Remove the domain configure.|DELETE|/globalconf/attr/domain|?|",
example => "|Remove the domain configure.|DELETE|/globalconf/attrs/domain|?|",
cmd => "chdef",
fhandler => \&sitehdl,
@ -1106,6 +1106,8 @@ if ($DEBUGGING) {
my $XCOLL = $generalparams->{xcoll}; # The filter flag is used to group the nodes which have the same output
# Process the format requested
$format = $generalparams->{format} if (defined ($generalparams->{format}));
@ -1259,6 +1261,11 @@ sub isDelete { return uc($requestType) eq "DELETE"; }
#handle the output for def command and rscan
#handle the input like
# ===raw xml input
# $d->{info}->[msg list] - each msg could be mulitple msg which split with '\n'
# $d->{data}->[msg list]
# ===msg format
# Object name: <objname>
# attr=value
@ -1279,10 +1286,16 @@ sub defout {
#my $jsonnode;
my $nodename;
my $lines;
my @alldata;
if (defined ($d->{info})) {
$lines = $d->{info};
foreach (@{$d->{info}}) {
push @alldata, split ('\n', $_);
$lines = \@alldata;
} elsif (defined ($d->{data})) {
my @alldata = split ('\n', $d->{data}->[0]);
foreach (@{$d->{data}}) {
push @alldata, split ('\n', $_);
$lines = \@alldata;
foreach my $l (@$lines) {
@ -1305,7 +1318,7 @@ sub defout {
#if (defined($jsonnode)) { push @$json, $jsonnode; $nodename=undef; $jsonnode=undef; } # push last object onto array
if ($json) {
addPageContent($JSON->encode($json), 1);
# handle the input like
@ -1334,7 +1347,7 @@ sub defout_remove_appended_type {
#if (defined($jsonnode)) { push @$json, $jsonnode; $jsonnode=undef; } # push last object onto array
if ($json) {
addPageContent($JSON->encode($json), 1);
@ -1362,15 +1375,20 @@ sub noout {
# hanlde the output which is node irrelevant
sub infoout {
my $data = shift;
my $param =shift;
my $json;
foreach my $d (@$data) {
if (defined ($d->{info})) {
push @{$json}, @{$d->{info}};
foreach (@{$d->{info}}) {
push @{$json}, split ('\n', $_);
if (defined ($d->{data})) {
if (ref($d->{data}->[0]) ne "HASH") {
push @{$json}, @{$d->{data}};
foreach (@{$d->{data}}) {
push @{$json}, split ('\n', $_);
} else {
if (defined($d->{data}->[0]->{contents})) {
push @{$json}, @{$d->{data}->[0]->{contents}};
@ -1381,8 +1399,20 @@ sub infoout {
push @{$json}, @{$d->{error}};
# for nodeshell (xdsh), group msg with node name
if ($param->{'resourcename'} eq "nodeshell") {
my $jsonnode;
foreach (@{$json}) {
if (/^(\S+):(.*)$/) {
push @{$jsonnode->{$1}}, $2;
addPageContent($JSON->encode($jsonnode), 1) if ($jsonnode);
if ($json) {
addPageContent($JSON->encode($json), 1);
@ -1411,7 +1441,7 @@ sub actionout {
addPageContent($JSON->encode($jsonnode)) if ($jsonnode);
addPageContent($JSON->encode($jsonnode), 1) if ($jsonnode);
sub defout_1 {
@ -1446,7 +1476,6 @@ sub defout_1 {
return \@output;
# invoke one of the def cmds
sub defhdl {
my $params = shift;
@ -1583,7 +1612,13 @@ sub actionhdl {
} elsif ($params->{'resourcename'} eq "nodeshell") {
if (defined ($paramhash->{'command'})) {
push @args, join (';', @{$paramhash->{'command'}});
if (ref($paramhash->{'command'}) eq "ARRAY") {
push @args, join (';', @{$paramhash->{'command'}});
} else {
push @args, $paramhash->{'command'};
} else {
error ("Lack of operation data.",$STATUS_BAD_REQUEST,3);
} elsif ($params->{'resourcename'} eq "nodecopy") {
if (defined ($paramhash->{'src'})) {
@ -2110,8 +2145,46 @@ sub wrapJsonNodes {
# Append content to the global var holding the output to go back to the rest client
# 1st param - The output message
# 2nd param - A flag to specify the format of 1st param: 1 - json formatted standard xcat output data
sub addPageContent {
my $newcontent = shift;
my $userdata = shift;
if ($userdata && $XCOLL) {
my $group;
my $hash = $JSON->decode($newcontent);
if (ref($hash) eq "HASH") {
foreach my $node (keys %{$hash}) {
if (ref($hash->{$node}) eq "HASH") {
my $value;
foreach (sort (keys %{$hash->{$node}})) {
$value .= "$_$hash->{$node}->{$_}";
push @{$group->{$value}->{node}}, $node;
$group->{$value}->{orig} = $hash->{$node};
} elsif (ref($hash->{$node}) eq "ARRAY") {
my $value;
foreach (sort (@{$hash->{$node}})) {
$value .= "$_";
push @{$group->{$value}->{node}}, $node;
$group->{$value}->{orig} = $hash->{$node};
my $groupout;
foreach my $value (keys %{$group}) {
if (defined $group->{$value}->{node}) {
my $nodes = join(',', @{$group->{$value}->{node}});
if (defined ($group->{$value}->{orig})) {
$groupout->{$nodes} = $group->{$value}->{orig};
$newcontent = $JSON->encode($groupout) if ($groupout);
$pageContent .= $newcontent;
@ -2247,7 +2320,7 @@ sub sendRequest {
# Put input parameters from both $q->url_param and put/post data (if it exists) into generalparams and paramhash for all to use
sub fetchParameters {
my @generalparamlist = qw(userName password pretty debug);
my @generalparamlist = qw(userName password pretty debug xcoll);
# 1st check for put/post data and put that in the hash
my $pdata;
if (isPut()) { $pdata = $q->param('PUTDATA'); }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user