diff --git a/xCAT-client/pods/man1/renergy.1.pod b/xCAT-client/pods/man1/renergy.1.pod index 2c7986dee..21ae00166 100644 --- a/xCAT-client/pods/man1/renergy.1.pod +++ b/xCAT-client/pods/man1/renergy.1.pod @@ -378,6 +378,15 @@ Query the current value of FFO. Set the current value of FFO. The valid value of ffovalue should be between the ffoMin and ffoNorm. +Note1: Due to the limitation of firmware, the frequency in the range +3501 MHz - 3807 MHz can NOT be set to ffovalue. This range may be +changed in future. + +Note2: The setting will take effect only when the fsavingstatus is in +'on' status. But you need to set the ffovalue to a valid value before +enabling the fsavingstatus. (It's a limitation of the initial firmware +and will be fixed in future.) + The ffovalue setting operation needs about 1 minute to take effect. =item B @@ -394,6 +403,8 @@ has been set to a valid value. 'off' -disable. It will take effect immediately. +Note: See the Note2 of ffovalue=MHZ. + =item B Query the maximum processor frequency. (Unit is MHz)