1. support minus network incremental value. 2. resolve can not discover nodes issue. 3. create new command noderegenips: for supporting reconfigure nic ips without reinstall
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xcat/code/xcat-core/trunk@14994 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -2269,14 +2269,24 @@ sub get_allips_in_range
my $startip = shift;
my $endip = shift;
my $increment = shift;
my @iplist;
my @iplist = ();
my $tmpip;
my $startipnum = xCAT::NetworkUtils->ip_to_int($startip);
my $endipnum = xCAT::NetworkUtils->ip_to_int($endip);
while ($startipnum <= $endipnum){
my $ip = xCAT::NetworkUtils->int_to_ip($startipnum);
$startipnum += $increment;
push (@iplist, $ip);
if ($increment > 0){
while ($startipnum <= $endipnum){
$tmpip = xCAT::NetworkUtils->int_to_ip($startipnum);
$startipnum += $increment;
push (@iplist, $tmpip);
}elsif($increment < 0){
while ($endipnum >= $startipnum){
$tmpip = xCAT::NetworkUtils->int_to_ip($endipnum);
$endipnum += $increment;
push (@iplist, $tmpip);
return \@iplist;
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ sub get_nodes_nic_attrs{
my $nodes = shift;
my $nicstab = xCAT::Table->new( 'nics');
my $entry = $nicstab->getNodesAttribs($nodes, ['nictypes', 'nichostnamesuffixes', 'niccustomscripts', 'nicnetworks']);
my $entry = $nicstab->getNodesAttribs($nodes, ['nictypes', 'nichostnamesuffixes', 'niccustomscripts', 'nicnetworks', 'nicips']);
my %nicsattrs;
my @nicattrslist;
@ -227,6 +227,7 @@ ln -sf ../bin/xcatclientnnr $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/bin/nodediscoverstatus
ln -sf ../bin/xcatclientnnr $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/bin/nodeaddunmged
ln -sf ../bin/xcatclient $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/bin/nodepurge
ln -sf ../bin/xcatclient $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/bin/nodechprofile
ln -sf ../bin/xcatclient $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/bin/noderegenips
ln -sf ../bin/xcatclient $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/bin/noderefresh
ln -sf ../bin/xcatclient $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/bin/nodechmac
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ sub handled_commands {
nodeimport => 'profilednodes',
nodepurge => 'profilednodes',
nodechprofile => 'profilednodes',
noderegenips => 'profilednodes',
noderefresh => 'profilednodes',
nodediscoverstart => 'profilednodes',
nodediscoverstop => 'profilednodes',
@ -115,6 +116,7 @@ sub process_request {
'nodeimport' => 'import nodes',
'nodepurge' => 'remove nodes',
'nodechprofile' => 'change profiles',
'noderegenips' => 'regenerate node nic IPs',
'nodeaddunmged' => 'add devices',
'nodechmac' => 'change MAC address'
@ -131,6 +133,8 @@ sub process_request {
} elsif ($command eq "nodechprofile"){
} elsif ($command eq "noderegenips"){
} elsif ($command eq "noderefresh"){
} elsif ($command eq "nodediscoverstart"){
@ -161,6 +165,7 @@ sub process_request {
sub parse_args{
%args_dict = ();
foreach my $arg (@ARGV){
my @argarray = split(/=/,$arg);
my $arglen = @argarray;
@ -551,8 +556,6 @@ Usage:
my @groups;
my $attrshashref = $nodeshash{$_}[0];
my %attrshash = %$attrshashref;
# Update node's status to defined
$updatenodeshash{$_}{'status'} = 'defined';
# Update node's groups (profiles) info.
if ($attrshash{'groups'}){
@groups = split(/,/, $attrshash{'groups'});
@ -564,9 +567,13 @@ Usage:
if(exists $args_dict{'hardwareprofile'}){
$groupsref = replace_item_in_array(\@groups, "HardwareProfile", $args_dict{'hardwareprofile'});
# Update node's status to defined
$updatenodeshash{$_}{'status'} = 'defined';
if(exists $args_dict{'imageprofile'}){
$groupsref = replace_item_in_array(\@groups, "ImageProfile", $args_dict{'imageprofile'});
# Update node's status to defined
$updatenodeshash{$_}{'status'} = 'defined';
$updatenodeshash{$_}{'groups'} = join (',', @$groupsref);
@ -578,18 +585,190 @@ Usage:
# call plugins
setrsp_progress("Configuring nodes...");
my $retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["kitnodeupdate"], node=>$nodes, sequential=>[1]}, $request_command, 0, 2);
my $retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
setrsp_progress("Warning: failed to call kit commands.");
# Call plugins.
if(exists $args_dict{'hardwareprofile'} || exists $args_dict{'imageprofile'}){
setrsp_progress("Configuring nodes...");
my $retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["kitnodeupdate"], node=>$nodes, sequential=>[1]}, $request_command, 0, 2);
my $retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
setrsp_progress("Warning: failed to call kit commands.");
setrsp_progress("Updated the image/network/hardware profiles used by nodes.");
=head3 noderegenips
Description: Re-generate IPs automatically for specified nodes.
All these nodes must be in same networkprofile.
If no nics specified, then re-generate IP all nics in the networkprofile.
sub noderegenips
my $nodes = $request->{node};
my $helpmsg = "noderegenips: Regenerate nodes IP addresses.
\tnoderegenips <noderange> [nics=<eth0,eth1...>]
\tnoderegenips [-h|--help]
\tnoderegenips {-v|--version}";
if (! $nodes){
my @enabledparams = ('nics');
my $ret = validate_args($helpmsg, \@enabledparams);
if (! $ret){
my @updateNics = ();
my @removedNics = ();
my $netProfileName = '';
my $netProfileNicsRef;
my %freeIPsHash = ();
# nicipsAttr and ipAttr are for storing node's nicips and ip attribute
my %nicipsAttr = ();
my %ipAttr = ();
my $installnic = '';
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "Start running noderegenips.");
#1. Validate all nodes have same network profile. networkprofile.
my $nodesProfilesRef = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_nodes_profiles($nodes);
foreach my $node (keys %$nodesProfilesRef){
unless( $nodesProfilesRef->{$node}->{NetworkProfile} ){
setrsp_errormsg("Node $node does not have a network profile.");
unless( $netProfileName ){
$netProfileName = "__NetworkProfile_".$nodesProfilesRef->{$node}->{NetworkProfile};
if ("__NetworkProfile_".$nodesProfilesRef->{$node}->{NetworkProfile} ne $netProfileName){
setrsp_errormsg("Node $node has a different network profile with other nodes.");
#2. Get network profile nics settings.
$netProfileNicsRef = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_nodes_nic_attrs([$netProfileName]);
my $nicsref = $netProfileNicsRef->{$netProfileName};
my @nicslist = keys %$nicsref;
#3. validate specified nics
if(exists $args_dict{'nics'}){
@updateNics = split(",", $args_dict{'nics'});
foreach (@updateNics){
unless ($netProfileNicsRef->{$netProfileName}->{$_}){
# We want to remove this nic from these nodes.
push(@removedNics, $_);
unless (@updateNics){
@updateNics = @nicslist;
# get install nic for these nodes.
my $restab = xCAT::Table->new('noderes');
my $installnicattr = $restab->getNodeAttribs($netProfileName, ['installnic']);
$installnic = $installnicattr->{'installnic'};
#4. get all node's current database nics settings.
my $nodesNicsRef = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_nodes_nic_attrs($nodes);
my $recordsref = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_allnode_singleattrib_hash('ipmi', 'bmc');
%allbmcips = %$recordsref;
$recordsref = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_allnode_singleattrib_hash('hosts', 'ip');
%allinstallips = %$recordsref;
$recordsref = xCAT::NetworkUtils->get_all_nicips(1);
%allips = %$recordsref;
$recordsref = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_allnode_singleattrib_hash('ppc', 'hcp');
my %allfspips = %$recordsref;
%allips = (%allips, %allbmcips, %allinstallips, %allfspips);
#5. free currently used IPs for all nodes.
foreach my $node (@$nodes){
foreach my $nicname (@updateNics){
my $nicip = $nodesNicsRef->{$node}->{$nicname}->{"ip"};
if ($nicip){
#6. Generate new free IPs for each network.
my @allknownips = keys %allips;
foreach my $updnic (@updateNics){
#No need generate for removed nics.
unless (grep {$_ eq $updnic} @removedNics){
my $netname = $netProfileNicsRef->{$netProfileName}->{$updnic}->{"network"};
$freeIPsHash{$updnic} = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_allocable_staticips_innet($netname, \@allknownips);
#7. Assign new free IPs for nodes and generate nicips and hosts attribute.
foreach my $node (@$nodes){
foreach my $nicname (@nicslist){
# Remove records from nicips for removed nics.
if (grep {$_ eq $nicname} @removedNics){
unless (grep {$_ eq $nicname} @updateNics){
# if the nic not specified, just keep the old IP&NIC record in nics table.
my $oldip = $nodesNicsRef->{$node}->{$nicname}->{"ip"};
$nicipsAttr{$node}{nicips} .= $nicname."!".$oldip.",";
my $ipsref = $freeIPsHash{$nicname};
my $nextip = shift @$ipsref;
unless ($nextip){
setrsp_errormsg("There are no more IP addresses available in the static network range for nic $nicname.");
$nicipsAttr{$node}{nicips} .= $nicname."!".$nextip.",";
if ($installnic eq $nicname){
$ipAttr{$node}{ip} = $nextip;
#8. Update database.
setrsp_progress("Updating database records...");
my $nicstab = xCAT::Table->new('nics',-create=>1);
#9. If provisioning NIC ip changed for nodes, reconfig boot settings and unset node's status.
if ( grep {$_ eq $installnic} @updateNics){
my $hoststab = xCAT::Table->new('hosts', -create=>1);
#Get node's provmethod.
my $nodetypetab = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype');
my $firstnode = $nodes->[0];
my $records = $nodetypetab->getNodeAttribs($firstnode, ['node', 'provmethod']);
my $imgname = $records->{provmethod};
my $retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["nodeset"], node=>$nodes, arg=>["osimage=$imgname"], sequential=>[1]}, $request_command, 0, 2);
my $retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
setrsp_progress("Warning: failed to call command nodeset.");
#10. Call plugins.
my $retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["kitnoderefresh"], node=>$nodes, sequential=>[1]}, $request_command, 0, 2);
my $retstrref = parse_runxcmd_ret($retref);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0){
setrsp_progress("Warning: failed to call kit commands.");
setrsp_progress("Re-generated node's IPs for specified nics.");
@ -1053,15 +1232,18 @@ Usage:
sub findme{
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "Profield nodes discover: Start.\n");
# re-initalize the global variable
%args_dict = ();
# Read DB to confirm the discover is started.
my @sitevalues = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("__PCMDiscover");
if (! $sitevalues[0]){
my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
my $sitevaluesstr = $sitetab->getAttribs({'key'=>'__PCMDiscover'},('value'))->{'value'};
unless ($sitevaluesstr){
setrsp_errormsg("Profiled nodes discovery not started yet.");
# We store node profiles in site table, key is "__PCMDiscover"
my @profilerecords = split(',', $sitevalues[0]);
my @profilerecords = split(',', $sitevaluesstr);
foreach (@profilerecords){
if ($_){
my ($profilename, $profilevalue) = split(':', $_);
@ -1143,7 +1325,7 @@ sub findme{
my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site',-create=>1);
$sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site',-create=>1);
$sitetab->setAttribs({"key" => "__PCMDiscover"}, {"value" => "$valuestr"});
@ -1443,7 +1625,7 @@ sub validate_node_entries{
my @chassislist = keys %allchassis;
my $chassisrackref = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_racks_for_chassises(\@chassislist);
foreach my $attr (keys %::profiledNodeAttrs){
foreach my $attr (@::profiledNodeObjNames){
my $errmsg = validate_node_entry($attr, $::profiledNodeAttrs{$attr});
# Check whether specified IP is in our prov network, static range.
if ($::profiledNodeAttrs{$attr}->{'ip'}){
Reference in New Issue
Block a user