add support ubuntu part
This commit is contained in:
@ -39,8 +39,10 @@ BEGIN
use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl";
my $date;
#my $regrootdir="/home/autotest_code";
my $regrootdir="/xCATreg";
my $regrootdir="/home/autotest_code";
my $mailtitle="P Cluster";
#my $regrootdir="/xCATreg";
#my $mailtitle="X Cluster";
my $logfiledir = "$regrootdir/log";
my $logfile="";
my $configfiledir = "$regrootdir/conf";
@ -287,21 +289,31 @@ sub mn_install {
&runcmd("nodeset $confkeys{$mn} osimage=$osimage");
if( $arch =~ /x86_64/){
#&runcmd("rsetboot $confkeys{$mn} net");
&runcmd("rpower $confkeys{$mn} boot");
&runcmd("rnetboot $confkeys{$mn}");
&runcmd("sleep 300");
&runcmd("a=0;while ! `lsdef -l $confkeys{$mn}|grep status|grep booted >/dev/null`; do sleep 10;((a++));if [ \$a -gt 200 ];then break;fi done");
if($mn !~ /ubuntu/){
&runcmd("sleep 300");
&runcmd("a=0;while ! `lsdef -l $confkeys{$mn}|grep status|grep booted >/dev/null`; do sleep 10;((a++));if [ \$a -gt 200 ];then break;fi done");}
&runcmd("sleep 900");
&runcmd("lsdef -l $confkeys{$mn}|grep status|grep booted >/dev/null");
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][mn_install] install $osimage for node $confkeys{$mn} failed");
return 1;
if($mn =~ /ubuntu/){
system("updatenode $confkeys{$mn} -P \"confignics -s\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -j ACCEPT\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
return 0;
@ -345,8 +357,12 @@ sub copy_code {
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] untar $depball in $mn successfully");
#copy xcat-core source code to MN:/
$res = system("scp -r $xcatcoredir root\@$confkeys{$mn}:/ >/dev/null");
if ($?){
if($mn =~ /ubuntux/){
$res = system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'mkdir -p /xcatbuild' && scp -r $xcatcoredir root\@$confkeys{$mn}:/xcatbuild/ >/dev/null");
$res = system("scp -r $xcatcoredir root\@$confkeys{$mn}:/ >/dev/null");
if ($res){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] copy the latest xcat code to $mn failed");
return 1;
@ -428,6 +444,30 @@ sub copy_code {
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] For sles11, copy find-requires to $mn successfully");
if($mn =~ /ubuntu/){
$os =~ /(\D+)(\d+\.\d+\.?\d?)/;
my $osversion = $2;
if ($mn =~ /ubuntux/){
$iso=`ls -l $osisodir| awk '{print \$9}'|grep ubuntu|grep amd64 |grep $osversion |tail -n 1`;
}elsif($mn =~ /ubuntupel/){
$iso=`ls -l $osisodir| awk '{print \$9}'|grep ubuntu|grep ppc64el |grep $osversion |tail -n 1`;
#print "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] iso=$iso\n";
if ($iso eq ""){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] can't find ISO for os=$os and arch=$arch under dir $osisodir");
return 1;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] find $iso for os=$os and arch=$arch");
$res = system("scp $osisodir/$iso root\@$confkeys{$mn}:/ >/dev/null");
if ($?){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] copy ISO $iso to $mn failed");
return 1;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][copy_code] copy ISO $iso to $mn successfully");
system ("sed -i 's|ISO=/\\S*|ISO=/$iso|g' $configfiledir/$regconf");
return 0;
@ -440,7 +480,16 @@ sub build_xcat {
#print "=======[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}] build_xcat========\n";
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][build_xcat] starting to build xcat in $confkeys{$mn}");
#modify /etc/resolv.conf
my $dnsserver=`cat /etc/hosts |grep $confkeys{$mn}|awk '{print \$1}'|head -n 1`;
my $res = system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"sed -i 's:nameserver .*:nameserver $dnsserver:g' /etc/resolv.conf\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
if ($res != 0){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][install_xcat] modify resolv.conf in $mn failed");
return 1;
if($mn =~ /rh/){
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'yum -y groupinstall \"Development tools\"' >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'yum -y groupinstall \"Perl Support\"' >/dev/null 2>&1");
@ -451,8 +500,33 @@ sub build_xcat {
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'zypper -n install perl-DBI' >/dev/null 2>&1");
if($mn =~ /ubuntu/){
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"echo \"nameserver\" >> /etc/resolv.conf\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'apt-get -y install software-properties-common' >/dev/null 2>&1");
if($mn =~ /ubuntux/){
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'add-apt-repository \"deb \$(lsb_release -sc) main\"' >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'add-apt-repository \"deb \$(lsb_release -sc)-updates main\"' >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'add-apt-repository \"deb \$(lsb_release -sc) universe\"' >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'add-apt-repository \"deb \$(lsb_release -sc)-updates universe\"' >/dev/null 2>&1");
}elsif($mn =~ /ubuntupel/){
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'add-apt-repository \"deb \$(lsb_release -sc) main\"' >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'add-apt-repository \"deb \$(lsb_release -sc)-updates main\"' >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'add-apt-repository \"deb \$(lsb_release -sc) universe\"' >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'add-apt-repository \"deb \$(lsb_release -sc)-updates universe\"' >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"wget -O - \"\" | apt-key add -\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'apt-get clean all' >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'apt-get update' >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'apt-get -y install build-essential dpkg-dev dh-make debhelper fakeroot gnupg lintian pbuilder quilt reprepro libsoap-lite-perl libdbi-perl' >/dev/null 2>&1");
#build xcat core ball
my $res = system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} '/xcat-core/ CURDIR=/xcat-core' >/dev/null 2>&1");
if($mn =~ /ubuntux/){
$res = system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} '/xcatbuild/xcat-core/build-ubunturepo -c UP=0 BUILDALL=1' >/dev/null 2>&1");
$res = system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} '/xcat-core/ CURDIR=/xcat-core' >/dev/null 2>&1");
if ($res != 0){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][build_xcat] build xcat in $mn failed");
return 1;
@ -468,15 +542,7 @@ sub build_xcat {
sub install_xcat {
my $mn = shift;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][install_xcat] starting to install xcat in $confkeys{$mn}");
#modify /etc/resolv.conf
my $dnsserver=`cat /etc/hosts |grep $confkeys{$mn}|awk '{print \$1}'|head -n 1`;
my $res = system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"sed -i 's:nameserver .*:nameserver $dnsserver:g' /etc/resolv.conf\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
if ($res != 0){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][install_xcat] modify resolv.conf in $mn failed");
return 1;
my $os = $confkeys{$mn."os"};
my $arch = "ppc64";
$arch="x86_64" if($mn !~ /aix/ && $mn =~ /x/);
@ -503,13 +569,18 @@ sub install_xcat {
if($mn =~ /slesx/){
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"zypper -n install perl-Sys-Virt\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
}elsif($mn =~ /ubuntux/){
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"/xcat-core/\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"/xcat-dep/\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'apt-get clean all' >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'apt-get update' >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} 'apt-get -y install xcat xCAT-test' >/dev/null 2>&1");
#check if MN is installed successful
my $lsdefout = `xdsh $confkeys{$mn} "lsdef -v"`;
my $lsdefout = `ssh -t $confkeys{$mn} 'bash -l -i -c "lsdef -v"'`;
#if($lsdefout !~ /^$confkeys{$mn}: lsdef - Version [0-9\.]+ \(git commit [0-9a-z]+, built .+\)$/ ){
if($lsdefout !~ /^$confkeys{$mn}: lsdef - Version/ ){
if($lsdefout !~ /^lsdef - Version/ ){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][install_xcat] install xcat in $mn failed");
return 1;
@ -549,77 +620,128 @@ sub do_test {
$batbundle="p_rhels_cmd.bundle" if($mn =~ /rhp/);
$batbundle="x_rhels_cmd.bundle" if($mn =~ /rhx/);
$batbundle="p_sles_cmd.bundle" if($mn =~ /slesp/);
$batbundle="x_sles_cmd.bundle" if($mn =~ /slesx/);
}elsif($mn =~ /ubuntux/){
}elsif($mn =~ /ubuntupel/){
#diskfull installation in flat mode test
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] doing diskfull installation test in flat mode in $mn.....");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t $diskfull_installation_flat_testcase\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] do diskfull installation test in flat mode in $mn.....[done]");
if($mn !~ /ubuntu/){
#diskfull installation in flat mode test
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] doing diskfull installation test in flat mode in $mn.....");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t $diskfull_installation_flat_testcase\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] do diskfull installation test in flat mode in $mn.....[done]");
#commands bundle in flat mode test
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] doing all commands test in flat mode in $mn.....");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -b $batbundle\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] do all commands test in flat mode in $mn.....[done]");
#commands bundle in flat mode test
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] doing all commands test in flat mode in $mn.....");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -b $batbundle\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] do all commands test in flat mode in $mn.....[done]");
#diskless installation in flat mode test
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] doing diskless installation test in flat mode in $mn.....");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t $diskless_installation_flat_testcase\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] do diskless installation test in flat mode in $mn.....[done]");
#diskless installation in flat mode test
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] doing diskless installation test in flat mode in $mn.....");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t $diskless_installation_flat_testcase\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] do diskless installation test in flat mode in $mn.....[done]");
#statelite installation in flat mode test
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] doing statelite installation test in flat mode in $mn.....");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t $statelite_installation_flat_testcase\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] do statelite installation test in flat mode in $mn.....[done]");
#statelite installation in flat mode test
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] doing statelite installation test in flat mode in $mn.....");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t $statelite_installation_flat_testcase\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] do statelite installation test in flat mode in $mn.....[done]");
#deploy SN
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] setting up mysql for installing SN in $mn.....");
$res = system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"XCATMYSQLADMIN_PW=12345 XCATMYSQLROOT_PW=12345 mysqlsetup -i\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
if ($res != 0){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] set up mysql for installing SN in $mn failed");
return 1;
$res = system ("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"echo \\\"GRANT ALL on xcatdb.* TO xcatadmin@\'%\' IDENTIFIED BY \'12345\'\;\\\" | mysql -u root -p12345\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
if ($res != 0){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] grant right to mysql for installing SN in $mn failed");
return 1;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] set up mysql for installing SN in $mn.....[done]");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] preparing xcat ball for installing SN in $mn.....");
my $os = $confkeys{$mn."os"};
my $arch = "ppc64";
$arch="x86_64" if($mn !~ /aix/ && $mn =~ /x/);
my $xcatballpath = "/install/post/otherpkgs/$os/$arch/xcat";
$res = system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"mkdir -p $xcatballpath/xcat-core && cp -r /xcat-core/build/* $xcatballpath/xcat-core && cp -r /xcat-dep $xcatballpath\"");
if ($res != 0){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] prepare xcat ball for installing SN in $mn failed");
return 1;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] prepare xcat ball for installing SN in $mn.....[done]");
if($mn =~ /rhp/){
my $ping_sn_on_rhp_pid = fork();
if( !defined($ping_sn_on_rhp_pid)){
send_msg(0, "fork process for trigger random number generator on redhat+ppc environment to install SN error");
}elsif($ping_sn_on_rhp_pid ==0){
send_msg(2, "....fork 1 process[pid=$$] for trigger random number generator on redhat+ppc environment to install SN..........");
my $snnodename = `cat $configfiledir/$regconf |grep SN|grep =|awk -F'=' '{print \$2}'`;
&runcmd("sleep 900");
my $timecnt=0;
while($timecnt < 180){
my $booted = system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"lsdef -l $snnodename|grep status|grep booted\"");
last if($booted==0);
my $booting = system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"lsdef -l $snnodename|grep status|grep booting\"");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"xdsh $snnodename \"echo 1\"\"") if($booting==0);
&runcmd("sleep 10");
send_msg(2, "....process[pid=$$] for trigger random number generator on redhat+ppc environment to install SN....[exit]");
exit 0;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] installing SN.....");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t $sn_installation_hierarchy_testcase\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] install SN.....[done]");
#diskfull installation in hierarchy mode test
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] doing diskfull installation test in hierarchy mode in $mn.....");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t $diskfull_installation_hierarchy_testcase\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] do diskfull installation test in hierarchy mode in $mn.....[done]");
#diskless installation in hierarchy mode test
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] doing diskless installation test in hierarchy mode in $mn.....");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t $diskless_installation_hierarchy_testcase\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] do diskless installation test in hierarchy mode in $mn.....[done]");
#deploy SN
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] setting up mysql for installing SN in $mn.....");
$res = system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"XCATMYSQLADMIN_PW=12345 XCATMYSQLROOT_PW=12345 mysqlsetup -i\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
if ($res != 0){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] set up mysql for installing SN in $mn failed");
return 1;
#statelite installation in hierarchy mode test
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] doing statelite installation test in hierarchy mode in $mn.....");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t $statelite_installation_hierarchy_testcase\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] do statelite installation test in hierarchy mode in $mn.....[done]");
#diskfull installation in flat mode test
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] doing diskfull installation test in flat mode in $mn.....");
system("ssh -t $confkeys{$mn} 'exec bash -l -i -c \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t $diskfull_installation_flat_testcase\"' >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] do diskfull installation test in flat mode in $mn.....[done]");
#commands bundle in flat mode test
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] doing all commands test in flat mode in $mn.....");
system("ssh -t $confkeys{$mn} 'exec bash -l -i -c \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -b $batbundle\"' >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] do all commands test in flat mode in $mn.....[done]");
#diskless installation in flat mode test
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] doing diskless installation test in flat mode in $mn.....");
system("ssh -t $confkeys{$mn} 'exec bash -l -i -c \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t $diskless_installation_flat_testcase\"' >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] do diskless installation test in flat mode in $mn.....[done]");
$res = system ("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"echo \\\"GRANT ALL on xcatdb.* TO xcatadmin@\'%\' IDENTIFIED BY \'12345\'\;\\\" | mysql -u root -p12345\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
if ($res != 0){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] grant right to mysql for installing SN in $mn failed");
return 1;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] set up mysql for installing SN in $mn.....[done]");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] preparing xcat ball for installing SN in $mn.....");
my $os = $confkeys{$mn."os"};
my $arch = "ppc64";
$arch="x86_64" if($mn !~ /aix/ && $mn =~ /x/);
my $xcatballpath = "/install/post/otherpkgs/$os/$arch/xcat";
$res = system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"mkdir -p $xcatballpath/xcat-core && cp -r /xcat-core/build/* $xcatballpath/xcat-core && cp -r /xcat-dep $xcatballpath\"");
if ($res != 0){
send_msg(0, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] prepare xcat ball for installing SN in $mn failed");
return 1;
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] prepare xcat ball for installing SN in $mn.....[done]");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] installing SN.....");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t $sn_installation_hierarchy_testcase\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] install SN.....[done]");
#diskfull installation in hierarchy mode test
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] doing diskfull installation test in hierarchy mode in $mn.....");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t $diskfull_installation_hierarchy_testcase\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] do diskfull installation test in hierarchy mode in $mn.....[done]");
#diskless installation in hierarchy mode test
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] doing diskless installation test in hierarchy mode in $mn.....");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t $diskless_installation_hierarchy_testcase\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] do diskless installation test in hierarchy mode in $mn.....[done]");
#statelite installation in hierarchy mode test
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] doing statelite installation test in hierarchy mode in $mn.....");
system("xdsh $confkeys{$mn} \"xcattest -f /opt/xcat/share/xcat/tools/autotest/default.conf -t $statelite_installation_hierarchy_testcase\" >/dev/null 2>&1");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][do_test] do statelite installation test in hierarchy mode in $mn.....[done]");
send_msg(2, "[$mn->$confkeys{$mn}][install_xcat] run regression test in $mn finished");
@ -744,11 +866,11 @@ sub send_email{
# $gitupdateflag = 2 git update failed
my $subject="";
if($gitupdateflag==0 || $gitupdateflag==2){
$subject = "[Autotest]Git update failed, stop regression test today!!!";
$subject = "[$mailtitle] Git update failed, stop regression test today!!!";
}elsif($gitupdateflag==1 && ! $forceregwithoutupdate){
$subject = "[Autotest]No code checkin, stop regression test today!!!";
$subject = "[$mailtitle] No code checkin, stop regression test today!!!";
$subject = "[Autotest] Total:".$totalcnt.", Fail:".$failcnt.", Checkin: ".$checkinlist;
$subject = "[$mailtitle] Total:".$totalcnt.", Fail:".$failcnt.", Checkin: ".$checkinlist;
my $mailreport .= "\n\n======================================\n";
@ -776,6 +898,8 @@ sub send_email{
sub git_update{
send_msg(2, "[git update] starting to update xcat source code from git");
#return 0; #????????????ubuntu debug ??????????????
my $res = system("cd $xcatcoredir && git checkout $branch > /dev/nul 2>&1");
if ($res != 0){
send_msg(0, "[git update] change to branch $branch....[failed]");
@ -1030,6 +1154,9 @@ foreach my $m (keys %mns) {
} elsif ( $pid == 0 ) { # child process
send_msg(2, "..........fork process[pid=$$] for $m [$confkeys{$m}]..........");
if($m =~ /ubuntux/){
&runcmd("sleep 3600");
my $res;
# step 3. Install MNs,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user