Add new features to xcatsetup to support fsp/bpa's name of vlanid.frameid.cecid.1/2 and lpar names of hostname[01,05,09,13,17,21,25,29]. Fix bugs 3392389 xcatsetup to support BPA name using Frame nd Cec,3388654 xcatsetup/lsslp autoconfiguration does not work,3385836 xcatsetup gives invalid message but creates nodes
git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -206,10 +206,20 @@ sub writedb {
if ( ($bpaa0 or $bpaa1 or $bpab0 or $bpab1) and (!scalar(keys(%$sections))||$$sections{'xcat-frames'})) {
unless (writechildren($bpaa0, $bpaa1, $bpab0, $bpab1, "bpa")) { closetables(); return; }
#if ( !($bpaa0 and $bpaa1 and $bpab0 and $bpab1) and
# ($bpaa0 or $bpaa1 or $bpab0 or $bpab1)) {
# # need to do something here?
# for support another kind of fromat for bpa definition: vlan.frame.0.primary/secondary
my $vlan1 = $STANZAS{'xcat-frames'}->{'vlan-1'};
my $vlan2 = $STANZAS{'xcat-frames'}->{'vlan-2'};
if (($vlan1 or $vlan2) and ($bpaa0 or $bpaa1 or $bpab0 or $bpab1)) {
errormsg("Please do not use starting ip and vlan id for bpa at the same time", 3);
closetables(); return; }
if (($vlan1 and !$vlan2) or (!$vlan1 and $vlan2)) {
errormsg("Please specify vlan1 id and vlan2 id at the same time", 3);
closetables(); return; }
if ( ($vlan1 and $vlan2) and ((!scalar(keys(%$sections))||$$sections{'xcat-frames'}))) {
unless (writechildren2($vlan1, $vlan2, "bpa")) { closetables(); return; }
# Write CEC info (hash key=xcat-cecs)
my $cecrange = $STANZAS{'xcat-cecs'}->{'hostname-range'};
if ($cecrange && (!scalar(keys(%$sections))||$$sections{'xcat-cecs'})) {
@ -224,10 +234,15 @@ sub writedb {
if ( ($fspa0 or $fspa1 or $fspb0 or $fspb1) and (!scalar(keys(%$sections))||$$sections{'xcat-cecs'})) {
unless (writechildren($fspa0, $fspa1, $fspb0, $fspb1, "fsp")) { closetables(); return; }
#if ( !($fspa0 and $fspa1 and $fspb0 and $fspb1) and
# ($fspa0 or $fspa1 or $fspb0 or $fspb1)) {
# # need to do something here?
# for support another kind of fromat for fsp definition: vlan.frame.cec.primary/secondary
if (($vlan1 or $vlan2) and ($fspa0 or $fspa1 or $fspb0 or $fspb1) ) {
errormsg("Please do not use starting ip and vlan id for fsp at the same time", 3);
closetables(); return; }
if ($vlan1 and $vlan2 and (!scalar(keys(%$sections))||$$sections{'xcat-cecs'})) {
unless (writechildren2($vlan1, $vlan2, "fsp")) { closetables(); return; }
# Save the CEC positions for all the node definitions later
if ($cecrange) {
$CECPOSITIONS = $tables{'nodepos'}->getNodesAttribs([noderange($cecrange)], ['rack','u']);
@ -618,6 +633,110 @@ sub writechildren {
sub writechildren2 {
my $vlan1 = shift;
my $vlan2 = shift;
my $ntype = shift;
my @ipgroup;
my %sidehash;
my $myip;
my $framehash = parsenoderange($STANZAS{'xcat-frames'}->{'hostname-range'});
my $framebase = $$framehash{'primary-base'};
my $attached = $$framehash{'attach'};
if (!$framebase) { errormsg("when using vlanid, you must also use frame names like frame1",7); return 0; }
my $framestart = $$framehash{'primary-start'};
my $frameend = $$framehash{'primary-end'};
my $cecprimbase;
my $cecsecbase;
if ($ntype =~ /bpa/) {
for (my $ii = $framestart; $ii <= $frameend; $ii++) {
$myip = $vlan1 . '.' . $ii . '.0.1';
$sidehash{$myip}->{side} = 'A-0';
push @ipgroup, $myip;
$myip = $vlan1 . '.' . $ii . '.0.2';
$sidehash{$myip}->{side} = 'A-1';
push @ipgroup, $myip;
$myip = $vlan2 . '.' . $ii . '.0.1';
$sidehash{$myip}->{side} = 'B-0';
push @ipgroup, $myip;
$myip = $vlan2 . '.' . $ii . '.0.2';
$sidehash{$myip}->{side} = 'B-1';
push @ipgroup, $myip;
if ($ntype =~ /fsp/) {
my $cechash = parsenoderange($STANZAS{'xcat-cecs'}->{'hostname-range'});
$cecprimbase = $$cechash{'primary-base'};
$cecsecbase = $$cechash{'secondary-base'};
my $attached = $$cechash{'attach'};
if (!$cecsecbase) { errormsg("when using vlanid, you must also use CEC names like f1c1",7); return 0; }
my $cecstart = $$cechash{'primary-start'};
my $cecend = $$cechash{'secondary-end'};
for (my $ii = $framestart; $ii <= $frameend; $ii++) {
for (my $jj = $cecstart; $jj <= $cecend; $jj++) {
$myip = $vlan1 . '.' . $ii . '.' . $jj . '.1';
$sidehash{$myip}->{side} = 'A-0';
push @ipgroup, $myip;
$myip = $vlan1 . '.' . $ii . '.' . $jj . '.2';
$sidehash{$myip}->{side} = 'A-1';
push @ipgroup, $myip;
$myip = $vlan2 . '.' . $ii . '.' . $jj . '.1';
$sidehash{$myip}->{side} = 'B-0';
push @ipgroup, $myip;
$myip = $vlan2 . '.' . $ii . '.' . $jj . '.2';
$sidehash{$myip}->{side} = 'B-1';
push @ipgroup, $myip;
my $newrange = join(',', @ipgroup);
deletenodes($ntype, $newrange);
return 1;
# write bpa/fsp nodes to database with nodelist.node, nodelist.groups
infomsg("Defining $ntype"."s...");
$tables{'nodelist'}->setNodesAttribs(\@ipgroup, { groups => "$ntype,all" , hidden => 1 });
# Using the bpa group, write: ppc.nodetype, nodetype.nodetype,
$tables{'ppc'}->setNodeAttribs($ntype, {nodetype => $ntype});
$tables{'nodetype'}->setNodeAttribs($ntype, {nodetype => 'ppc'});
# Using the bpa group, write regex for: nodehm.mgt, ppc.node, ppc.hcp
my %hash ;
if ($STANZAS{'xcat-site'}->{'use-direct-fsp-control'}) {
$tables{'nodehm'}->setNodeAttribs($ntype, {mgt => $ntype});
my $hcpregex = '|(.+)|($1)|'; # its managed by itself
$hash{hcp} = $hcpregex;
else {
$tables{'nodehm'}->setNodeAttribs($ntype, {mgt => 'hmc'});
# Using the bpa group, write regex for:ppc.parent
# we should not assume the user define four fsp/bpas with the same starting ip the last bit
my $parentregex;
if ($ntype =~ /bpa/) {
$parentregex = '|^\d+\.(\d+)\.\d+\.\d+$|'.$framebase.$1.$attached.'|';
if ($ntype =~ /bpa/) {
$parentregex = '|^\d+\.(\d+)\.\d+\.\d+$|'.$cecprimbase.$1.$cecsecbase.$2.$attached.'|';
$hash{parent} = $parentregex;
$tables{'ppc'}->setNodeAttribs($ntype, \%hash);
return 1;
sub readwritevpd {
my $filename = shift;
if (!defined($filename)) { return; }
@ -710,7 +829,7 @@ sub writecec {
my %nodehash;
my %nodeposhash;
my $numcecs = 1; # the # of cecs we have assigned to the current frame
my $cageid = 5; #todo: p7 ih starts at 5, but what about other models?
my $cageid = 3; #todo: p7 ih starts at 3, but what about other models?
my $frames = [noderange($STANZAS{'xcat-frames'}->{'hostname-range'}, 0)];
my $frameindex = 0;
foreach my $cec (@$nodes) {
@ -721,9 +840,9 @@ sub writecec {
my ($framenum) = $framename =~ /\S+?(\d+)\D*$/;
$nodeposhash{$cec} = { rack => $framenum+0, u => $cageid };
# increment indexes for the next iteration of the loop
$cageid += 2;
$cageid += 1;
if ($numcecs > $cecsperframe) { $frameindex++; $numcecs=1; $cageid=5; } #todo: p7 ih starts at 5
if ($numcecs > $cecsperframe) { $frameindex++; $numcecs=1; $cageid=3; } #todo: p7 ih starts at 3
@ -747,7 +866,7 @@ sub writecec {
foreach my $k (sort keys %framesupers) {
my $f = $framesupers{$k}; # $f is a ptr to an array of super node numbers
if (!$f) { next; } # in case some frame nums did not get filled in by user
my $cageid = 5; #todo: p7 ih starts at 5, but what about other models?
my $cageid = 3; #todo: p7 ih starts at 3, but what about other models?
my $numcecs = 0;
foreach my $s (@$f) { # loop thru the supernode nums in this frame
my $supernum = $s;
@ -762,7 +881,7 @@ sub writecec {
$nodehash{$nodename} = { groups => "${k}cecs,cec,all" };
my ($framenum) = $k =~ /\S+?(\d+)\D*$/;
$nodeposhash{$nodename} = { rack => $framenum+0, u => $cageid };
$cageid += 2;
$cageid += 1;
$NUMCECSINFRAME{$k} = $numcecs; # save this for later
@ -944,7 +1063,7 @@ sub writelpar {
# If there are an inconsistent # of cecs in each frame, delete the lpars that are not really there
if ($STANZAS{'xcat-cecs'}->{'delete-unused-cecs'} and $STANZAS{'xcat-cecs'}->{'supernode-list'} and !$STANZAS{'xcat-cecs'}->{'num-cecs-per-frame'}) {
if ($STANZAS{'xcat-cecs'}->{'delete-unused-cecs'} and $STANZAS{'xcat-cecs'}->{'supernode-list'} ){#and !$STANZAS{'xcat-cecs'}->{'num-cecs-per-frame'}) {
my @nodestodelete; # the lpars to delete
my $maxcecs = $$rangeparts{'secondary-end'} - $$rangeparts{'secondary-start'} + 1;
foreach my $k (sort keys %NUMCECSINFRAME) {
@ -958,7 +1077,12 @@ sub writelpar {
$index2 = sprintf("%0${len}d", $index2);
$len = length($$rangeparts{'primary-start'});
$framenum = sprintf("%0${len}d", $framenum);
my $nr = $$rangeparts{'primary-base'} . $framenum . $$rangeparts{'secondary-base'} . "[$index1-$index2]" . $$rangeparts{'tertiary-base'} . '[' . $$rangeparts{'tertiary-start'} . '-' . $$rangeparts{'tertiary-end'} . ']';
my $nr;
if ($$rangeparts{'tertiary-range'}) {
$nr = $$rangeparts{'primary-base'} . $framenum . $$rangeparts{'secondary-base'} . "[$index1-$index2]" . $$rangeparts{'tertiary-base'} . '[' . $$rangeparts{'tertiary-range'} . ']';
} elsif ($$rangeparts{'tertiary-start'}) {
$nr = $$rangeparts{'primary-base'} . $framenum . $$rangeparts{'secondary-base'} . "[$index1-$index2]" . $$rangeparts{'tertiary-base'} . '[' . $$rangeparts{'tertiary-start'} . '-' . $$rangeparts{'tertiary-end'} . ']';
if ($$rangeparts{'attach'}) { $nr .= $$rangeparts{'attach'};}
push @nodestodelete, $nr;
@ -979,6 +1103,7 @@ sub writelpar {
my $cecprimbase = $$cechash{'primary-base'};
#my $cecprimlen = length($$cechash{'primary-start'});
my $cecsecbase = $$cechash{'secondary-base'};
my $cecattach = $$cechash{'attach'};
if (!$cecsecbase) { errormsg("when using LPAR names like f1c1p1, you must also use CEC names like f1c1",7); return 0; }
#my $framehash = parsenoderange($STANZAS{'xcat-frames'}->{'hostname-range'});
#my $framebase = $$framehash{'primary-base'};
@ -986,9 +1111,10 @@ sub writelpar {
#my $framelen = length($$framehash{'primary-start'});
my %ppchash;
my %nodeposhash;
$ppchash{id} = '|^\D+\d+\D+\d+\D+(\d+)\D*$|(($1-1)*4+1)|'; #todo: this is p7 ih specific
#$ppchash{id} = '|^\D+\d+\D+\d+\D+(\d+)\D*$|(($1-1)*4+1)|'; #todo: this is p7 ih specific
$ppchash{id} = '|^\D+\d+\D+\d+\D+(\d+)\D*$|($1+0)|';
# convert between the lpar name and the cec name. Assume that numbers are the same, but the base can be different
my $regex = '|^\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+\d+\D*$|' . "$cecprimbase" . '($1)' . "$cecsecbase" .'($2)|';
my $regex = '|^\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+\d+\D*$|' . "$cecprimbase" . '($1)' . "$cecsecbase" .'($2)' . $cecattach . '|';
$ppchash{hcp} = $regex;
$ppchash{parent} = $regex;
$ppchash{nodetype} = 'lpar';
@ -1618,7 +1744,7 @@ sub parsenoderange {
my $ret = {};
# Check for a 3 square bracket range, e.g. f[1-2]c[01-10]p[1-8] or f[1-2]c[01-10]p[1-8]a
if ( $nr =~ /^\s*(\S+?)\[(\d+)[\-\:](\d+)\](\S+?)\[(\d+)[\-\:](\d+)\](\S+?)\[(\d+)[\-\:](\d+)\](\S*?)\s*$/ ) {
if ( $nr =~ /^\s*(\S+?)\[(\d+)[\-\:](\d+)\](\S+?)\[(\d+)[\-\:](\d+)\](\S+?)\[(\d+)[\-\:](\d+)\](\w*?)\s*$/ ) {
($$ret{'primary-base'}, $$ret{'primary-start'}, $$ret{'primary-end'}, $$ret{'secondary-base'}, $$ret{'secondary-start'}, $$ret{'secondary-end'}, $$ret{'tertiary-base'}, $$ret{'tertiary-start'}, $$ret{'tertiary-end'}, $$ret{'attach'}) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10);
if ( (length($$ret{'primary-start'}) != length($$ret{'primary-end'})) || (length($$ret{'secondary-start'}) != length($$ret{'secondary-end'})) || (length($$ret{'tertiary-start'}) != length($$ret{'tertiary-end'})) ) { errormsg("invalid noderange format: $nr. The beginning and ending numbers of the range must have the same number of digits.", 5); return undef; }
#if ( ($$ret{'primary-start'} != 1) || ($$ret{'secondary-start'} != 1) || ($$ret{'tertiary-start'} != 1) ) { errormsg("invalid noderange format: $nr. Currently noderanges must start at 1.", 5); return undef; }
@ -1627,7 +1753,7 @@ sub parsenoderange {
# Check for a 2 square bracket range, e.g. f[1-2]c[01-10] or f[1-2]c[01-10]a
if ( $nr =~ /^\s*(\S+?)\[(\d+)[\-\:](\d+)\](\S+?)\[(\d+)[\-\:](\d+)\](\S*?)\s*$/ ) {
if ( $nr =~ /^\s*(\S+?)\[(\d+)[\-\:](\d+)\](\S+?)\[(\d+)[\-\:](\d+)\](\w*?)\s*$/ ) {
($$ret{'primary-base'}, $$ret{'primary-start'}, $$ret{'primary-end'}, $$ret{'secondary-base'}, $$ret{'secondary-start'}, $$ret{'secondary-end'}, $$ret{'attach'}) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7);
if ( (length($$ret{'primary-start'}) != length($$ret{'primary-end'})) || (length($$ret{'secondary-start'}) != length($$ret{'secondary-end'})) ) { errormsg("invalid noderange format: $nr. The beginning and ending numbers of the range must have the same number of digits.", 5); return undef; }
#if ( ($$ret{'primary-start'} != 1) || ($$ret{'secondary-start'} != 1) ) { errormsg("invalid noderange format: $nr. Currently noderanges must start at 1.", 5); return undef; }
@ -1635,7 +1761,7 @@ sub parsenoderange {
# Check for a square bracket range, e.g. n[01-20] or n[01-20]a
if ( $nr =~ /^\s*(\S+?)\[(\d+)[\-\:](\d+)\](\S*?)\s*$/ ) {
if ( $nr =~ /^\s*(\S+?)\[(\d+)[\-\:](\d+)\](\w*?)\s*$/ ) {
($$ret{'primary-base'}, $$ret{'primary-start'}, $$ret{'primary-end'}, $$ret{'attach'}) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
if (length($$ret{'primary-start'}) != length($$ret{'primary-end'})) { errormsg("invalid noderange format: $nr. The beginning and ending numbers of the range must have the same number of digits.", 5); return undef; }
#if ($$ret{'primary-start'} != 1) { errormsg("invalid noderange format: $nr. Currently noderanges must start at 1.", 5); return undef; }
@ -1645,7 +1771,7 @@ sub parsenoderange {
# Check for normal range, e.g. n01-n20 or n01a-n20a
my $base2;
if ( $nr =~ /^\s*(\S+?)(\d+)(\S*?)\-(\S+?)(\d+)(\S*?)\s*$/ ) {
if ( $nr =~ /^\s*(\S+?)(\d+)(\S*?)\-(\S+?)(\d+)(\w*?)\s*$/ ) {
($$ret{'primary-base'}, $$ret{'primary-start'}, $$ret{'attach'}, $base2, $$ret{'primary-end'}, $$ret{'attach2'}) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
if ($$ret{'primary-base'} ne $base2) { errormsg("invalid noderange format: $nr", 5); return undef; }
if (length($$ret{'primary-start'}) != length($$ret{'primary-end'})) { errormsg("invalid noderange format: $nr. The beginning and ending numbers of the range must have the same number of digits.", 5); return undef; }
@ -1660,6 +1786,14 @@ sub parsenoderange {
return $ret;
# Check for discrete lpar hostname f[1-2]c[1-2]p[01,05,09,13,17,21,25,29] or f[1-2]c[1-2]p[01,05,09,13,17,21,25,29]a
if ( $nr =~ /^\s*(\S+?)\[(\d+)[\-\:](\d+)\](\S+?)\[(\d+)[\-\:](\d+)\](\S+?)\[(\d+\,.+)\](\w*?)\s*$/ ) {
($$ret{'primary-base'}, $$ret{'primary-start'}, $$ret{'primary-end'}, $$ret{'secondary-base'}, $$ret{'secondary-start'}, $$ret{'secondary-end'}, $$ret{'tertiary-base'}, $$ret{'tertiary-range'}, $$ret{'attach'}) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9);
$$ret{'tertiary-start'} = $1 if ($$ret{'tertiary-range'} =~ /(\d+)\,\S?/);
if ( (length($$ret{'primary-start'}) != length($$ret{'primary-end'})) || (length($$ret{'secondary-start'}) != length($$ret{'secondary-end'})) ) { errormsg("invalid noderange format: $nr. The beginning and ending numbers of the range must have the same number of digits.", 5); return undef; }
return $ret;
errormsg("invalid noderange format: $nr", 5);
return undef; # range did not match any of the cases above
Reference in New Issue
Block a user