Moved options over from chvm & lsvm to chhypervisor
git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ sub handled_commands {
nodeset => 'noderes:netboot',
getmacs => 'nodehm:getmac,mgt',
rnetboot => 'nodehm:mgt',
chhypervisor => ['hypervisor:type', 'nodetype:os=(zvm.*)'],
@ -457,6 +458,43 @@ sub process_request {
} # End of foreach
} # End of case
#*** Configure the virtualization hosts ***
elsif ( $command eq "chhypervisor" ) {
foreach (@nodes) {
$pid = xCAT::Utils->xfork();
# Parent process
if ($pid) {
push( @children, $pid );
# Child process
elsif ( $pid == 0 ) {
changeHypervisor( $callback, $_, $args );
# Exit process
else {
# Ran out of resources
die "Error: Could not fork\n";
# Handle 10 nodes at a time, else you will get errors
if ( !( @children % 10 ) ) {
# Wait for all processes to end
foreach (@children) {
waitpid( $_, 0 );
# Clear children
@children = ();
} # End of foreach
} # End of case
#*** Update the node (no longer supported) ***
elsif ( $command eq "updatenode" ) {
@ -697,95 +735,14 @@ sub changeVM {
# adddisk2pool [function] [region] [volume] [group]
elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--adddisk2pool" ) {
my $funct = $args->[1];
my $region = $args->[2];
my $volume = "";
my $group = "";
# Create an array for regions
my @regions;
if ( $region =~ m/,/i ) {
@regions = split( ',', $region );
} else {
push( @regions, $region );
my $tmp;
foreach (@regions) {
$_ = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($_);
# Define region as full volume and add to group
if ($funct eq "4") {
$volume = $args->[3];
$group = $args->[4];
$tmp = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/smcli Image_Volume_Space_Define_DM -T $hcpUserId -f $funct -g $_ -v $volume -p $group -y 0"`;
# Add existing region to group
elsif($funct eq "5") {
$group = $args->[3];
$tmp = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/smcli Image_Volume_Space_Define_DM -T $hcpUserId -f $funct -g $_ -p $group -y 0"`;
$out .= xCAT::zvmUtils->appendHostname( $node, $tmp );
# This is no longer supported in chvm. Using chhypervisor instead.
changeHypervisor( $callback, $node, $args );
# addzfcp2pool [pool] [status] [wwpn] [lun] [size] [owner (optional)]
elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--addzfcp2pool" ) {
# zFCP disk pool located on zHCP at /var/opt/zhcp/zfcp/{pool}.conf
# Entries contain: status,wwpn,lun,size,owner,channel,tag
my $pool = $args->[1];
my $status = $args->[2];
my $wwpn = $args->[3];
my $lun = $args->[4];
my $size = $args->[5];
my $argsSize = @{$args};
if ($argsSize < 6 || $argsSize > 7) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Wrong number of parameters" );
# Size can be M(egabytes) or G(igabytes)
if ($size =~ m/G/i || $size =~ m/M/i || !$size) {
# Do nothing
} else {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Size not recognized. Size can be M(egabytes) or G(igabytes)." );
# Make sure WWPN and LUN do not have 0x prefix
$wwpn = xCAT::zvmUtils->replaceStr($wwpn, "0x", "");
$lun = xCAT::zvmUtils->replaceStr($lun, "0x", "");
# Optional parameter
my $owner = "";
if ($argsSize == 7) {
$owner = $args->[6];
# Find disk pool (create one if non-existent)
if (!(`ssh $hcp "test -d $::ZFCPPOOL && echo Exists"`)) {
# Create pool directory
$out = `ssh $hcp "mkdir -p $::ZFCPPOOL"`;
if (!(`ssh $hcp "test -e $::ZFCPPOOL/$pool.conf && echo Exists"`)) {
# Create pool configuration file
$out = `ssh $hcp "echo '#status,wwpn,lun,size,owner,channel,tag' > $::ZFCPPOOL/$pool.conf"`;
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: New zFCP device pool $pool created" );
# Do not update if the LUN already exists
if (`ssh $hcp "cat $::ZFCPPOOL/$pool.conf" | grep $lun`) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) zFCP device already exists" );
# Update file with given WWPN, LUN, size, and owner
$out = `ssh $hcp "echo \"$status,$wwpn,$lun,$size,$owner,,\" >> $::ZFCPPOOL/$pool.conf"`;
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: Adding zFCP device to $pool pool... Done" );
# This is no longer supported in chvm. Using chhypervisor instead.
changeHypervisor( $callback, $node, $args );
# addnic [address] [type] [device count]
@ -1449,76 +1406,14 @@ sub changeVM {
# removediskfrompool [function] [region] [group]
elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--removediskfrompool" ) {
my $funct = $args->[1];
my $region = $args->[2];
my $group = "";
# Create an array for regions
my @regions;
if ( $region =~ m/,/i ) {
@regions = split( ',', $region );
} else {
push( @regions, $region );
my $tmp;
foreach ( @regions ) {
$_ = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($_);
# Remove region from group | Remove entire group
if ($funct eq "2" || $funct eq "7") {
$group = $args->[3];
$tmp = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/smcli Image_Volume_Space_Remove_DM -T $hcpUserId -f $funct -r $_ -g $group"`;
# Remove region | Remove region from all groups
elsif ($funct eq "1" || $funct eq "3") {
$tmp = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/smcli Image_Volume_Space_Remove_DM -T $hcpUserId -f $funct -r $_"`;
$out .= xCAT::zvmUtils->appendHostname( $node, $tmp );
# This is no longer supported in chvm. Using chhypervisor instead.
changeHypervisor( $callback, $node, $args );
# removezfcpfrompool [pool] [lun]
elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--removezfcpfrompool" ) {
my $pool = $args->[1];
my $lun = $args->[2];
my $argsSize = @{$args};
if ($argsSize != 3) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Wrong number of parameters" );
my @luns;
if ($lun =~ m/,/i) {
@luns = split( ',', $lun );
} else {
push(@luns, $lun);
# Find disk pool (create one if non-existent)
if (!(`ssh $hcp "test -e $::ZFCPPOOL/$pool.conf && echo Exists"`)) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) zFCP pool does not exist" );
# Go through each LUN
foreach (@luns) {
# Make sure WWPN and LUN do not have 0x prefix
$_ = xCAT::zvmUtils->replaceStr($_, "0x", "");
# Do not update if LUN does not exists
if (!(`ssh $hcp "cat $::ZFCPPOOL/$pool.conf" | grep $_`)) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) zFCP device $_ does not exists" );
# Update file with given WWPN, LUN, size, and owner
$out = `ssh $hcp "sed --in-place -e /$_/d $::ZFCPPOOL/$pool.conf"`;
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: Removing zFCP device $_ from $pool pool... Done");
# This is no longer supported in chvm. Using chhypervisor instead.
changeHypervisor( $callback, $node, $args );
# removedisk [virtual address]
@ -1719,17 +1614,8 @@ sub changeVM {
# resetsmapi
elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--resetsmapi" ) {
# Assuming zVM 6.1 or older
# Force each worker machine off
my @workers = ('VSMWORK1', 'VSMWORK2', 'VSMWORK3', 'VSMREQIN', 'VSMREQIU');
foreach ( @workers ) {
$out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp force $_ logoff immediate"`;
# Log on VSMWORK1
$out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp xautolog VSMWORK1"`;
$out = "$node: Resetting SMAPI... Done";
# This is no longer supported in chvm. Using chhypervisor instead.
changeHypervisor( $callback, $node, $args );
# setipl [ipl target] [load parms] [parms]
@ -2008,7 +1894,7 @@ sub scanVM {
# Print output string
# [Node name]:
# objtype=node
# objtype=node
# id=[userID]
# arch=[Architecture]
# hcp=[HCP node name]
@ -2077,7 +1963,7 @@ sub scanVM {
'nodetype' => 'zvm',
'parent' => $lpar
xCAT::zvmUtils->setNodeProps( 'zvm', $host, \%propHash );
xCAT::zvmUtils->setNodeProps( 'zvm', lc($host), \%propHash );
# Search for nodes managed by given zHCP
@ -2120,7 +2006,7 @@ sub scanVM {
'hcp' => $hcp,
'userid' => $id,
'nodetype' => 'vm',
'parent' => $host
'parent' => lc($host)
xCAT::zvmUtils->setNodeProps( 'zvm', $node, \%propHash );
@ -2330,101 +2216,44 @@ sub listVM {
# Get disk pool names
if ( $args->[0] eq "--diskpoolnames" ) {
# If the cache directory does not exist
if (!(`ssh $hcp "test -d $cache && echo Exists"`)) {
# Create cache directory
$out = `ssh $hcp "mkdir -p $cache"`;
my $file = "$cache/diskpoolnames";
# If a cache for disk pool names exists
if (`ssh $hcp "ls $file"`) {
# Get current Epoch
my $curTime = time();
# Get time of last change as seconds since Epoch
my $fileTime = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr(`ssh $hcp "stat -c %Z $file"`);
# If the current time is greater than 5 minutes of the file timestamp
my $interval = 300; # 300 seconds = 5 minutes * 60 seconds/minute
if ($curTime > $fileTime + $interval) {
# Get disk pool names and save it in a file
$out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/getdiskpoolnames $userId > $file"`;
} else {
# Get disk pool names and save it in a file
$out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/getdiskpoolnames $userId > $file"`;
# Print out the file contents
$out = `ssh $hcp "cat $file"`;
# This is no longer supported in lsvm. Using chhypervisor instead.
changeHypervisor( $callback, $node, $args );
# Get zFCP disk pool names
elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--zfcppoolnames") {
# Go through each zFCP pool
my @pools = split("\n", `ssh $hcp "ls $::ZFCPPOOL"`);
foreach (@pools) {
$_ = xCAT::zvmUtils->replaceStr( $_, ".conf", "" );
$out .= "$_\n";
# This is no longer supported in lsvm. Using chhypervisor instead.
changeHypervisor( $callback, $node, $args );
# Get disk pool configuration
elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--diskpool" ) {
my $pool = $args->[1];
my $space = $args->[2];
if ($space eq "all" || !$space) {
$out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/getdiskpool $userId $pool free"`;
# Delete 1st line which is header
$out .= `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/getdiskpool $userId $pool used" | sed 1d`;
} else {
$out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/getdiskpool $userId $pool $space"`;
# This is no longer supported in lsvm. Using chhypervisor instead.
changeHypervisor( $callback, $node, $args );
# Get zFCP disk pool configuration
elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--zfcppool" ) {
my $pool = lc($args->[1]);
my $space = $args->[2];
if ($space eq "all" || !$space) {
$out = `ssh $hcp "cat $::ZFCPPOOL/$pool.conf"`;
} else {
$out = "#status,wwpn,lun,size,owner,channel,tag\n";
$out = `ssh $hcp "cat $::ZFCPPOOL/$pool.conf" | egrep -i $space`;
# This is no longer supported in lsvm. Using chhypervisor instead.
changeHypervisor( $callback, $node, $args );
# Get FCP channels
elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--fcpchannels" ) {
# Display the status of real FCP Adapter devices
# i.e. query fcp active|free|offline|agent
my $space = $args->[1];
if ($space eq "active" || $space eq "free" || $space eq "offline" || $space eq "agent") {
$out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp q fcp $space"`;
my @channels = split( ",", $out );
$out = "";
foreach (@channels) {
$_ =~ s/^\s+//;
$_ =~ s/\s+$//;
$out .= "$_\n";
# This is no longer supported in lsvm. Using chhypervisor instead.
changeHypervisor( $callback, $node, $args );
# Get network names
elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--getnetworknames" ) {
$out = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getNetworkNames($hcp);
# This is no longer supported in lsvm. Using chhypervisor instead.
changeHypervisor( $callback, $node, $args );
# Get network
elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--getnetwork" ) {
my $netName = $args->[1];
$out = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getNetwork( $hcp, $netName );
# This is no longer supported in lsvm. Using chhypervisor instead.
changeHypervisor( $callback, $node, $args );
# Get user entry
@ -5336,3 +5165,344 @@ sub listTree {
} # End of foreach CEC
=head3 changeHypervisor
Description : Configure the virtualization hosts
Arguments : Node
Returns : Nothing
Example : changeHypervisor($callback, $node, $args);
sub changeHypervisor {
# Get inputs
my ( $callback, $node, $args ) = @_;
# Set cache directory
my $cache = '/var/opt/zhcp/cache';
# Get node properties from 'zvm' table
my @propNames = ( 'hcp' );
my $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'zvm', $node, @propNames );
# Get zHCP
my $hcp = $propVals->{'hcp'};
if ( !$hcp ) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing node HCP" );
# Get zHCP user ID
my $hcpUserId = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getUserId($hcp);
$hcpUserId =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
# Output string
my $out = "";
# adddisk2pool [function] [region] [volume] [group]
if ( $args->[0] eq "--adddisk2pool" ) {
my $funct = $args->[1];
my $region = $args->[2];
my $volume = "";
my $group = "";
# Create an array for regions
my @regions;
if ( $region =~ m/,/i ) {
@regions = split( ',', $region );
} else {
push( @regions, $region );
my $tmp;
foreach (@regions) {
$_ = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($_);
# Define region as full volume and add to group
if ($funct eq "4") {
$volume = $args->[3];
$group = $args->[4];
$tmp = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/smcli Image_Volume_Space_Define_DM -T $hcpUserId -f $funct -g $_ -v $volume -p $group -y 0"`;
# Add existing region to group
elsif($funct eq "5") {
$group = $args->[3];
$tmp = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/smcli Image_Volume_Space_Define_DM -T $hcpUserId -f $funct -g $_ -p $group -y 0"`;
$out .= $tmp;
# addzfcp2pool [pool] [status] [wwpn] [lun] [size] [owner (optional)]
elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--addzfcp2pool" ) {
# zFCP disk pool located on zHCP at /var/opt/zhcp/zfcp/{pool}.conf
# Entries contain: status,wwpn,lun,size,owner,channel,tag
my $pool = $args->[1];
my $status = $args->[2];
my $wwpn = $args->[3];
my $lun = $args->[4];
my $size = $args->[5];
my $argsSize = @{$args};
if ($argsSize < 6 || $argsSize > 7) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Wrong number of parameters" );
# Size can be M(egabytes) or G(igabytes)
if ($size =~ m/G/i || $size =~ m/M/i || !$size) {
# Do nothing
} else {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Size not recognized. Size can be M(egabytes) or G(igabytes)." );
# Make sure WWPN and LUN do not have 0x prefix
$wwpn = xCAT::zvmUtils->replaceStr($wwpn, "0x", "");
$lun = xCAT::zvmUtils->replaceStr($lun, "0x", "");
# Optional parameter
my $owner = "";
if ($argsSize == 7) {
$owner = $args->[6];
# Find disk pool (create one if non-existent)
if (!(`ssh $hcp "test -d $::ZFCPPOOL && echo Exists"`)) {
# Create pool directory
$out = `ssh $hcp "mkdir -p $::ZFCPPOOL"`;
if (!(`ssh $hcp "test -e $::ZFCPPOOL/$pool.conf && echo Exists"`)) {
# Create pool configuration file
$out = `ssh $hcp "echo '#status,wwpn,lun,size,owner,channel,tag' > $::ZFCPPOOL/$pool.conf"`;
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: New zFCP device pool $pool created" );
# Do not update if the LUN already exists
if (`ssh $hcp "cat $::ZFCPPOOL/$pool.conf" | grep $lun`) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) zFCP device already exists" );
# Update file with given WWPN, LUN, size, and owner
$out = `ssh $hcp "echo \"$status,$wwpn,$lun,$size,$owner,,\" >> $::ZFCPPOOL/$pool.conf"`;
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: Adding zFCP device to $pool pool... Done" );
$out = "";
# removediskfrompool [function] [region] [group]
elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--removediskfrompool" ) {
my $funct = $args->[1];
my $region = $args->[2];
my $group = "";
# Create an array for regions
my @regions;
if ( $region =~ m/,/i ) {
@regions = split( ',', $region );
} else {
push( @regions, $region );
my $tmp;
foreach ( @regions ) {
$_ = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($_);
# Remove region from group | Remove entire group
if ($funct eq "2" || $funct eq "7") {
$group = $args->[3];
$tmp = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/smcli Image_Volume_Space_Remove_DM -T $hcpUserId -f $funct -r $_ -g $group"`;
# Remove region | Remove region from all groups
elsif ($funct eq "1" || $funct eq "3") {
$tmp = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/smcli Image_Volume_Space_Remove_DM -T $hcpUserId -f $funct -r $_"`;
$out .= $tmp;
# removezfcpfrompool [pool] [lun]
elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--removezfcpfrompool" ) {
my $pool = $args->[1];
my $lun = $args->[2];
my $argsSize = @{$args};
if ($argsSize != 3) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Wrong number of parameters" );
my @luns;
if ($lun =~ m/,/i) {
@luns = split( ',', $lun );
} else {
push(@luns, $lun);
# Find disk pool (create one if non-existent)
if (!(`ssh $hcp "test -e $::ZFCPPOOL/$pool.conf && echo Exists"`)) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) zFCP pool does not exist" );
# Go through each LUN
foreach (@luns) {
# Make sure WWPN and LUN do not have 0x prefix
$_ = xCAT::zvmUtils->replaceStr($_, "0x", "");
# Do not update if LUN does not exists
if (!(`ssh $hcp "cat $::ZFCPPOOL/$pool.conf" | grep $_`)) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) zFCP device $_ does not exists" );
# Update file with given WWPN, LUN, size, and owner
$out = `ssh $hcp "sed --in-place -e /$_/d $::ZFCPPOOL/$pool.conf"`;
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: Removing zFCP device $_ from $pool pool... Done" );
$out = "";
# resetsmapi
elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--resetsmapi" ) {
# This is no longer supported in chvm. Using chhypervisor instead.
changeHypervisor( $callback, $node, $args );
# Assuming zVM 6.1 or older
# Force each worker machine off
my @workers = ('VSMWORK1', 'VSMWORK2', 'VSMWORK3', 'VSMREQIN', 'VSMREQIU');
foreach ( @workers ) {
$out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp force $_ logoff immediate"`;
# Log on VSMWORK1
$out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp xautolog VSMWORK1"`;
$out = "Resetting SMAPI... Done";
# Get disk pool names
elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--diskpoolnames" ) {
# If the cache directory does not exist
if (!(`ssh $hcp "test -d $cache && echo Exists"`)) {
# Create cache directory
$out = `ssh $hcp "mkdir -p $cache"`;
my $file = "$cache/diskpoolnames";
# If a cache for disk pool names exists
if (`ssh $hcp "ls $file"`) {
# Get current Epoch
my $curTime = time();
# Get time of last change as seconds since Epoch
my $fileTime = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr(`ssh $hcp "stat -c %Z $file"`);
# If the current time is greater than 5 minutes of the file timestamp
my $interval = 300; # 300 seconds = 5 minutes * 60 seconds/minute
if ($curTime > $fileTime + $interval) {
# Get disk pool names and save it in a file
$out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/getdiskpoolnames $hcpUserId > $file"`;
} else {
# Get disk pool names and save it in a file
$out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/getdiskpoolnames $hcpUserId > $file"`;
# Print out the file contents
$out = `ssh $hcp "cat $file"`;
# Get zFCP disk pool names
elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--zfcppoolnames") {
# Go through each zFCP pool
my @pools = split("\n", `ssh $hcp "ls $::ZFCPPOOL"`);
foreach (@pools) {
$_ = xCAT::zvmUtils->replaceStr( $_, ".conf", "" );
$out .= "$_\n";
# Get disk pool configuration
elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--diskpool" ) {
my $pool = $args->[1];
my $space = $args->[2];
if ($space eq "all" || !$space) {
$out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/getdiskpool $hcpUserId $pool free"`;
# Delete 1st line which is header
$out .= `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/getdiskpool $hcpUserId $pool used" | sed 1d`;
} else {
$out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/getdiskpool $hcpUserId $pool $space"`;
# Get zFCP disk pool configuration
elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--zfcppool" ) {
my $pool = lc($args->[1]);
my $space = $args->[2];
if ($space eq "all" || !$space) {
$out = `ssh $hcp "cat $::ZFCPPOOL/$pool.conf"`;
} else {
$out = "#status,wwpn,lun,size,owner,channel,tag\n";
$out = `ssh $hcp "cat $::ZFCPPOOL/$pool.conf" | egrep -i $space`;
# Get FCP channels
elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--fcpchannels" ) {
# Display the status of real FCP Adapter devices
# i.e. query fcp active|free|offline|agent
my $space = $args->[1];
if ($space eq "active" || $space eq "free" || $space eq "offline" || $space eq "agent") {
$out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp q fcp $space"`;
my @channels = split( ",", $out );
$out = "";
foreach (@channels) {
$_ =~ s/^\s+//;
$_ =~ s/\s+$//;
$out .= "$_\n";
} else {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Query supported on active, free, offline, or agent devices" );
# Get network names
elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--getnetworknames" ) {
$out = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getNetworkNames($hcp);
# Get network
elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--getnetwork" ) {
my $netName = $args->[1];
$out = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getNetwork( $hcp, $netName );
# Otherwise, print out error
else {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Option not supported" );
# Only print if there is content
if ($out) {
$out = xCAT::zvmUtils->appendHostname( $node, $out );
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$out" );
Reference in New Issue
Block a user