*def commands support for multiple keys in xcat database
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xcat/code/xcat-core/trunk@4109 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -435,53 +435,78 @@ sub getobjdefs
# ex. noderes.nfsdir
my ($tab, $tabattr) = split('\.', $this_attr->{tabentry});
# ex. 'nodelist.node', 'attr:node'
my ($lookup_key, $lookup_value) = split('\=', $this_attr->{access_tabentry});
# ex. 'nodelist', 'node'
my ($lookup_table, $lookup_attr) = split('\.', $lookup_key);
# ex. 'attr', 'node'
my ($lookup_type, $lookup_data) = split('\:', $lookup_value);
# Get the attr values
# lookup_attr is the key to the table we are looking in
# if we're looking up a node attr and the key is 'node'
# then the value should be in %tabhash
if ( ($lookup_attr eq 'node') && ($type eq 'node') )
my %tabentry = ();
# def commands need to support multiple keys in one table
# the subroutine parse_access_tabentry is used for supporting multiple keys
my $rc = xCAT::DBobjUtils->parse_access_tabentry($objname,
$this_attr->{access_tabentry}, \%tabentry);
if ($rc != 0)
if (defined($tabhash{$lookup_table}{$objname}{$tabattr}) ) {
if ($verbose == 1) {
$objhash{$objname}{$attr} = "$tabhash{$lookup_table}{$objname}{$tabattr}\t(Table:$lookup_table - Key:$lookup_attr - Column:$tabattr)";
} else {
$objhash{$objname}{$attr} = $tabhash{$lookup_table}{$objname}{$tabattr};
my $rsp;
$rsp->{data}->[0] =
"access_tabentry \'$this_attr->{access_tabentry}\' is not valid.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $::callback);
# Only allow one table in the access_tabentry
# use multiple tables to look up tabentry does not make any sense
my $lookup_table = $tabentry{'lookup_table'};
my $intabhash = 0;
foreach my $lookup_attr (keys %{$tabentry{'lookup_attrs'}})
# Check whether the attribute is already in %tabhash
# The %tabhash is for performance considerations
if ( ($lookup_attr eq 'node') && ($type eq 'node')
&& (defined($tabhash{$lookup_table}{$objname}{$tabattr})))
if ($verbose == 1)
$objhash{$objname}{$attr} = "$tabhash{$lookup_table}{$objname}{$tabattr}\t(Table:$lookup_table - Key:$lookup_attr - Column:$tabattr)";
$objhash{$objname}{$attr} = $tabhash{$lookup_table}{$objname}{$tabattr};
$intabhash = 1;
# Not in tabhash,
# Need to lookup the table
if ($intabhash == 0)
# look up attr values
my @rows = xCAT::DBobjUtils->getDBtable($lookup_table);
if (defined(@rows))
foreach (@rows)
foreach my $rowent (@rows)
if ($_->{$lookup_attr} eq $objname)
my $match = 1;
my $matchedattr;
# Again, multiple keys support needs the "foreach"
foreach my $lookup_attr (keys %{$tabentry{'lookup_attrs'}})
if (defined($_->{$tabattr}) ) {
if ($verbose == 1) {
$objhash{$objname}{$attr} = "$_->{$tabattr}\t(Table:$lookup_table - Key:$lookup_attr - Column:$tabattr)";
} else {
$objhash{$objname}{$attr} = $_->{$tabattr};
if ($rowent->{$lookup_attr} ne $tabentry{'lookup_attrs'}{$lookup_attr})
$match = 0;
if ($match == 1)
if ($verbose == 1)
my @lookup_attrs = keys %{$tabentry{'lookup_attrs'}};
$objhash{$objname}{$attr} = "$rowent->{$tabattr}\t(Table:$lookup_table - Key: @lookup_attrs - Column:$tabattr)";
$objhash{$objname}{$attr} = $rowent->{$tabattr};
} #end if ($match...
} #end foreach
} # end if (defined...
my $rsp;
@ -490,9 +515,8 @@ sub getobjdefs
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $::callback);
return undef;
} #end if ($intabhash...
} #end foreach my $this_attr
if ($typehash{$objname} eq 'monitoring') {
@ -962,6 +986,7 @@ sub setobjdefs
my %keyhash;
my %updates;
my %tabentry;
my ($lookup_table, $lookup_attr, $lookup_data);
my $attr_name = $this_attr->{attr_name};
@ -1032,17 +1057,25 @@ sub setobjdefs
# - may be different then the attr name used for the object.
($::tab, $::tabattr) = split('\.', $this_attr->{tabentry});
# get the lookup info from defspec in Schema.pm
# ex. 'nodelist.node', 'attr:node'
my ($lookup_key, $lookup_value) =
split('\=', $this_attr->{access_tabentry});
# ex. 'nodelist', 'node'
($lookup_table, $lookup_attr) = split('\.', $lookup_key);
# ex. 'attr', 'node'
my ($lookup_type, $lookup_data) = split('\:', $lookup_value);
my $rc = xCAT::DBobjUtils->parse_access_tabentry($objname,
$this_attr->{access_tabentry}, \%tabentry);
if ($rc != 0)
my $rsp;
$rsp->{data}->[0] =
"access_tabentry \'$this_attr->{access_tabentry}\' is not valid.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $::callback);
my $lookup_table = $tabentry{'lookup_table'};
my $attr_name = $this_attr->{attr_name};
# Set the lookup criteria for this attribute into %allupdates
# the key is 'lookup_attrs'
foreach my $lookup_attr (keys %{$tabentry{'lookup_attrs'}})
@ -1125,8 +1158,11 @@ sub setobjdefs
$allupdates{$lookup_table}{$objname}{$lookup_attr}{$::tabattr} = $val;
my $lookup_table = $tabentry{'lookup_table'};
my $attr_name = $this_attr->{attr_name};
# Set the values into %allupdates
# the key is 'tabattrs'
$allupdates{$lookup_table}{$objname}{$attr_name}{'tabattrs'}{$::tabattr} = $val;
push(@setattrlist, $attr_name);
@ -1160,7 +1196,47 @@ if (0) {
} # end - foreach object
#%allupdates structure:
# for command: chdef -t node -o node1 groups=all
# usercomment=ddee passwd.HMC=HMC
# passwd.admin=cluster passwd.general=abc123
# the %allupdates will be:
#0 'ppcdirect'
#1 HASH(0x12783d30)
# 'node1' => HASH(0x12783cc4)
# 'passwd.HMC' => HASH(0x12783ed4)
# 'lookup_attrs' => HASH(0x12783f70)
# 'hcp' => 'node1'
# 'username' => 'HMC'
# 'tabattrs' => HASH(0x12783e8c)
# 'password' => 'HMC'
# 'passwd.admin' => HASH(0x12783c64)
# 'lookup_attrs' => HASH(0x12784000)
# 'hcp' => 'node1'
# 'username' => 'admin'
# 'tabattrs' => HASH(0x12783f64)
# 'password' => 'cluster'
# 'passwd.general' => HASH(0x12783a6c)
# 'lookup_attrs' => HASH(0x12784198)
# 'hcp' => 'node1'
# 'username' => 'general'
# 'tabattrs' => HASH(0x12783aa8)
# 'password' => 'abc123'
#2 'nodelist'
#3 HASH(0x127842b8)
# 'node1' => HASH(0x12784378)
# 'groups' => HASH(0x12784090)
# 'lookup_attrs' => HASH(0x127844bc)
# 'node' => 'node1'
# 'tabattrs' => HASH(0x1277fd34)
# 'groups' => 'all'
# 'usercomment' => HASH(0x12784318)
# 'lookup_attrs' => HASH(0x12780550)
# 'node' => 'node1'
# 'tabattrs' => HASH(0x127842f4)
# 'comments' => 'ddee'
# now set the attribute values in the tables
# - handles all except site, monitoring & monsetting for now
if ($setattrs) {
@ -1179,45 +1255,40 @@ if (0) {
return 1;
ROW: foreach my $row (keys %{$allupdates{$table}}) {
OBJ: foreach my $obj (keys %{$allupdates{$table}}) {
ROW: foreach my $row (keys %{$allupdates{$table}{$obj}}) {
my %keyhash;
my %updates;
foreach my $key (keys %{$allupdates{$table}{$row}}) {
foreach my $column (keys %{$allupdates{$table}{$row}{$key}}) {
# make sure we have a value for each key
foreach my $k (@$keys) {
if (!$allupdates{$table}{$row}{$key}{$k}) {
my $rsp;
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "\nMissing required attribute values for the \'$row\' object. The required attributes are: @$keys\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $::callback);
$ret = 1;
next ROW;
# need to add obj name
if ( grep(/^$key$/, @$keys)) {
# ex. $keyhash{netname}=clstr_net;
} else {
# if attrs are keys then add to keyhash
if ( grep(/^$column$/, @$keys)) {
# ex. $keyhash{node}= node1
} else {
# ex. $updates{os}= "AIX"
$updates{$column} = $allupdates{$table}{$row}{$key}{$column};
# make sure we have a value for each key
foreach my $k (@$keys) {
if (!$allupdates{$table}{$obj}{$row}{'lookup_attrs'}) {
my $rsp;
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "\nMissing required attribute values for the \'$obj\' object. The required attributes are: @$keys\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $::callback);
$ret = 1;
next ROW;
# lookup keys in %hashkey
# ex. $keyhash{'hcp'} = node1
foreach my $key (keys %{$allupdates{$table}{$obj}{$row}{'lookup_attrs'}}) {
$keyhash{$key} = $allupdates{$table}{$obj}{$row}{'lookup_attrs'}{$key};
# set values in %updates
# ex. $updates{'groups'} = 'all,lpar'
foreach my $attr (keys %{$allupdates{$table}{$obj}{$row}{'tabattrs'}}) {
$updates{$attr} = $allupdates{$table}{$obj}{$row}{'tabattrs'}{$attr};
# do table updates one object/row at a a time???
my ($rc, $str) = $thistable->setAttribs(\%keyhash, \%updates);
} #end foreach my $row
} #end foreach my $obj
} #end forach my $table
return $ret;
@ -1307,24 +1378,83 @@ sub rmobjdefs
# get the info needed to access the DB table
# ex. 'nodelist.node', 'attr:node'
my ($lookup_key, $lookup_value) =
split('\=', $this_attr->{access_tabentry});
# ex. 'nodelist', 'node'
my ($lookup_table, $lookup_attr) = split('\.', $lookup_key);
# def commands need to support multiple keys in one table
# the subroutine parse_access_tabentry is used for supporting multiple keys
my %tabentry = ();
my $rc = xCAT::DBobjUtils->parse_access_tabentry($objname, $this_attr->{access_tabentry}, \%tabentry);
if ($rc != 0)
my $rsp;
$rsp->{data}->[0] =
"access_tabentry \'$this_attr->{access_tabentry}\' is not valid.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $::callback);
# ex. 'attr', 'node'
my ($lookup_type, $lookup_data) = split('\:', $lookup_value);
# we'll need table name, key name, & object name
# Only allow one table in the access_tabentry
# use multiple tables to look up tabentry does not make any sense
my $lookup_table = $tabentry{'lookup_table'};
# The attr_name is the *def attribute name instead of db column
my $attr_name = $this_attr->{'attr_name'};
# we'll need table name, object name, attribute name and the lookup entries
# put this info in a hash - we'll process it later - below
foreach my $lookup_attr (keys %{$tabentry{'lookup_attrs'}})
= $tabentry{'lookup_attrs'}{$lookup_attr};
push @{$tablehash{$lookup_table}{$lookup_attr}}, $objname;
# The tablehash looks like this
# DB<5> x %tablehash
# 'bootparams'
# HASH(0x1280828c)
# 'node1' => HASH(0x127bca50)
# 'addkcmdline' => HASH(0x127fb114)
# 'node' => 'node1'
# 'initrd' => HASH(0x127bcb40)
# 'node' => 'node1'
# 'kcmdline' => HASH(0x127fb24c)
# 'node' => 'node1'
# 'kernel' => HASH(0x127b2e80)
# 'node' => 'node1'
# 'testfsp' => HASH(0x1280e71c)
# 'addkcmdline' => HASH(0x1280e7a0)
# 'node' => 'testfsp'
# 'initrd' => HASH(0x1280e740)
# 'node' => 'testfsp'
# 'kcmdline' => HASH(0x1280e77c)
# 'node' => 'testfsp'
# 'kernel' => HASH(0x1280e758)
# 'node' => 'testfsp'
# 'ppcdirect'
# HASH(0x1278fe1c)
# 'node1' => HASH(0x12808370)
# 'passwd.HMC' => HASH(0x128083e8)
# 'hcp' => 'node1'
# 'username' => 'HMC'
# 'passwd.admin' => HASH(0x128081c0)
# 'hcp' => 'node1'
# 'username' => 'admin'
# 'passwd.general' => HASH(0x128075d8)
# 'hcp' => 'node1'
# 'username' => 'general'
# 'testfsp' => HASH(0x12790620)
# 'passwd.HMC' => HASH(0x1280ee84)
# 'hcp' => 'testfsp'
# 'username' => 'HMC'
# 'passwd.admin' => HASH(0x128082f8)
# 'hcp' => 'testfsp'
# 'username' => 'admin'
# 'passwd.general' => HASH(0x1280843c)
# 'hcp' => 'testfsp'
# 'username' => 'general'
# now for each table - clear the entry
foreach my $table (keys %tablehash)
@ -1333,18 +1463,15 @@ sub rmobjdefs
my $thistable =
xCAT::Table->new($table, -create => 1, -autocommit => 0);
# some tables have multiple keys !!??
foreach my $key (keys %{$tablehash{$table}})
# - may have a list of objects to remove from the table
# ex. say key is "node" and table is "nodelist"
foreach my $obj (@{$tablehash{$table}{$key}})
foreach my $obj (keys %{$tablehash{$table}}) {
foreach my $attr (keys %{$tablehash{$table}{$obj}})
foreach my $key (keys %{$tablehash{$table}{$obj}{$attr}})
# ex. $keyhash{node}=c68m3hvp01
$keyhash{$key} = $obj;
# ex. $keyhash{node}=c68m3hvp01
$keyhash{$key} = $tablehash{$table}{$obj}{$attr}{$key};
# ex. delete the c68m3hvp01 entry of the node column in the
# nodelist table
@ -1728,5 +1855,98 @@ sub getNetwkInfo
return %nethash;
=head3 parse_access_tabentry
Parse the access_tabentry field in Schema.pm.
We needs to support multiple keys in the table
$objname: objectname=>objtype hash
$access_tabentry: the access_tabentry defined in Schema.pm
$tabentry_ref: return the parsed result through this hash ref
The structure of the hash is:
'lookup_tables' => <table_name>
'lookup_attrs =>
'attr1' => 'val1'
'attr2' => 'val2'
0 - success
1 - failed
To parse the access_tabentry field
my $rc = xCAT::DBobjUtils->parse_access_tabentry($objname, $this_attr->{access_tabentry}, \%tabentry);
sub parse_access_tabentry()
my ($class, $objname, $access_tabentry, $tabentry_ref) = @_;
# ex. 'nodelist.node', 'attr:node'
foreach my $ent (split('::', $access_tabentry))
# ex. 'nodelist.node', 'attr:node'
my ($lookup_key, $lookup_value) = split('\=', $ent);
# ex. 'nodelist', 'node'
my ($lookup_table, $lookup_attr) = split('\.', $lookup_key);
# ex. 'attr', 'node'
my ($lookup_type, $lookup_data) = split('\:', $lookup_value);
if (!defined($tabentry_ref->{'lookup_table'}))
$tabentry_ref->{'lookup_table'} = $lookup_table;
# Only support one lookup table in the access_tabentry
# Do we need to support multiple tables in one access_tabentry ????
# has not seen any requirement...
if ($lookup_table ne $tabentry_ref->{'lookup_table'})
my $rsp;
$rsp->{data}->[0] =
"The access_tabentry \"$access_tabentry\" is not valid, can not specify more than one tables to look up.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $::callback);
return 1;
if ($lookup_type eq 'attr')
# TODO: may need to update in the future
# for now, the "val" in attr:val in
# Schema.pm can only be the object name
# In the future, even if we need to change here,
# be caution about the performance
# looking up table is time consuming
$tabentry_ref->{'lookup_attrs'}->{$lookup_attr} = $objname;
elsif ($lookup_type eq 'str')
$tabentry_ref->{'lookup_attrs'}->{$lookup_attr} = $lookup_data;
my $rsp;
$rsp->{data}->[0] =
"The access_tabentry \"$access_tabentry\" is not valid, the lookup type can only be 'attr' or 'str'.";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $::callback);
return 1;
return 0;
@ -728,10 +728,12 @@ foreach my $tabname (keys(%xCAT::ExtTab::ext_tabspec)) {
# # this data object.
# tabentry => '<table.attr>',
# # where the data is stored in the database
# access_tabentry => '<table.attr>=<value>',
# # how to look up tabentry. For <value>,
# access_tabentry => '<table.attr>=<value>::<table.attr>=<value>',
# # how to look up tabentry. Now support multiple lookup entries, useful for 'multiple keys" in the table
# For <value>,
# # if "attr:<attrname>", use a previously resolved
# # attribute value from the data object
# # for now, only supports the objectname in attr:<attrname>
# # if "str:<value>" use the value directly
# description => '<description of this attribute>',
# },
@ -1093,15 +1095,20 @@ my @nodeattrs = (
# ppcdirect table #
{attr_name => 'username',
only_if => 'mgt=fsp',
tabentry => 'ppcdirect.username',
access_tabentry => 'ppcdirect.hcp=attr:node',
{attr_name => 'password',
{attr_name => 'passwd.HMC',
only_if => 'mgt=fsp',
tabentry => 'ppcdirect.password',
access_tabentry => 'ppcdirect.hcp=attr:node',
access_tabentry => 'ppcdirect.hcp=attr:node::ppcdirect.username=str:HMC',
{attr_name => 'passwd.admin',
only_if => 'mgt=fsp',
tabentry => 'ppcdirect.password',
access_tabentry => 'ppcdirect.hcp=attr:node::ppcdirect.username=str:admin',
{attr_name => 'passwd.general',
only_if => 'mgt=fsp',
tabentry => 'ppcdirect.password',
access_tabentry => 'ppcdirect.hcp=attr:node::ppcdirect.username=str:general',
# ipmi table #
Reference in New Issue
Block a user