diff --git a/xCAT-UI/js/custom/blade.js b/xCAT-UI/js/custom/blade.js
index 851d3c06f..3ac788dc4 100644
--- a/xCAT-UI/js/custom/blade.js
+++ b/xCAT-UI/js/custom/blade.js
@@ -14,6 +14,28 @@ var bladePlugin = function() {
+ * Load provision page (service page)
+ *
+ * @param tabId
+ * Tab ID where page will reside
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+bladePlugin.prototype.loadServiceProvisionPage = function(tabId) {
+ * Show node inventory (service page)
+ *
+ * @param data
+ * Data from HTTP request
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+bladePlugin.prototype.loadServiceInventory = function(data) {
* Load node inventory
diff --git a/xCAT-UI/js/custom/hmc.js b/xCAT-UI/js/custom/hmc.js
index 0fac865a3..bf83d1306 100644
--- a/xCAT-UI/js/custom/hmc.js
+++ b/xCAT-UI/js/custom/hmc.js
@@ -14,6 +14,28 @@ var hmcPlugin = function() {
+ * Load provision page (service page)
+ *
+ * @param tabId
+ * Tab ID where page will reside
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+hmcPlugin.prototype.loadServiceProvisionPage = function(tabId) {
+ * Show node inventory (service page)
+ *
+ * @param data
+ * Data from HTTP request
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+hmcPlugin.prototype.loadServiceInventory = function(data) {
* Load node inventory
diff --git a/xCAT-UI/js/custom/ipmi.js b/xCAT-UI/js/custom/ipmi.js
index 2c4ada7b8..2b2e132b6 100644
--- a/xCAT-UI/js/custom/ipmi.js
+++ b/xCAT-UI/js/custom/ipmi.js
@@ -14,6 +14,28 @@ var ipmiPlugin = function() {
+ * Load provision page (service page)
+ *
+ * @param tabId
+ * Tab ID where page will reside
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+ipmiPlugin.prototype.loadServiceProvisionPage = function(tabId) {
+ * Show node inventory (service page)
+ *
+ * @param data
+ * Data from HTTP request
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+ipmiPlugin.prototype.loadServiceInventory = function(data) {
* Load node inventory
diff --git a/xCAT-UI/js/custom/zvm.js b/xCAT-UI/js/custom/zvm.js
index f612f9b24..9db6443db 100644
--- a/xCAT-UI/js/custom/zvm.js
+++ b/xCAT-UI/js/custom/zvm.js
@@ -15,6 +15,399 @@ var zvmPlugin = function() {
+ * Load provision page (service page)
+ *
+ * @param tabId
+ * Tab ID where page will reside
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+zvmPlugin.prototype.loadServiceProvisionPage = function(tabId) {
+ // Create provision form
+ var provForm = $('
+ // Create info bar
+ var infoBar = createInfoBar('Provision a Linux virtual machine on System z by selecting the appropriate choices below. Once you are ready, click on Provision to provision the virtual machine.');
+ provForm.append(infoBar);
+ // Append to provision tab
+ $('#' + tabId).append(provForm);
+ // Create provision table
+ var provTable = $(' zVM Group Image ');
+ var provBody = $(' ');
+ var provFooter = $(' ');
+ provTable.append(provHeader, provBody, provFooter);
+ provForm.append(provTable);
+ provHeader.children('th').css({
+ 'font': 'bold 12px verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif'
+ });
+ // Create row to contain selections
+ var provRow = $(' ');
+ provBody.append(provRow);
+ // Create columns for zVM, group, and image
+ var zvmCol = $(' ');
+ provRow.append(zvmCol);
+ var groupCol = $(' ');
+ provRow.append(groupCol);
+ var imageCol = $(' ');
+ provRow.append(imageCol);
+ // Load zVMs, groups, and images into their respective columns
+ loadzVMs(zvmCol);
+ loadGroups(groupCol);
+ loadOSImages(imageCol);
+ provRow.children('td').css({
+ 'min-width': '250px'
+ });
+ /**
+ * Provision VM
+ */
+ var provisionBtn = createButton('Provision');
+ provisionBtn.bind('click', function(event) {
+ var hcp = $('#select-table tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0) input[name="hcp"]:checked').val();
+ var group = $('#select-table tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1) input[name="group"]:checked').val();
+ var img = $('#select-table tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(2) input[name="image"]:checked').val();
+ var owner = $.cookie('srv_usrname');;
+ // Begin by creating VM
+ createzVM(tabId, group, hcp, img, owner);
+ });
+ provForm.append(provisionBtn);
+ * Show node inventory (service page)
+ *
+ * @param data
+ * Data from HTTP request
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+zvmPlugin.prototype.loadServiceInventory = function(data) {
+ var args = data.msg.split(',');
+ // Get tab ID
+ var tabId = args[0].replace('out=', '');
+ // Get node
+ var node = args[1].replace('node=', '');
+ // Get node inventory
+ var inv = data.rsp[0].split(node + ':');
+ // Remove loader
+ $('#' + tabId).find('img').remove();
+ // Create array of property keys
+ var keys = new Array('userId', 'host', 'os', 'arch', 'hcp', 'priv', 'memory', 'proc', 'disk', 'nic');
+ // Create hash table for property names
+ var attrNames = new Object();
+ attrNames['userId'] = 'z/VM UserID:';
+ attrNames['host'] = 'z/VM Host:';
+ attrNames['os'] = 'Operating System:';
+ attrNames['arch'] = 'Architecture:';
+ attrNames['hcp'] = 'HCP:';
+ attrNames['priv'] = 'Privileges:';
+ attrNames['memory'] = 'Total Memory:';
+ attrNames['proc'] = 'Processors:';
+ attrNames['disk'] = 'Disks:';
+ attrNames['nic'] = 'NICs:';
+ // Create hash table for node attributes
+ var attrs = getAttrs(keys, attrNames, inv);
+ // Create division to hold inventory
+ var invDivId = node + 'Inventory';
+ var invDiv = $('
+ var infoBar = createInfoBar('Below is the inventory for the virtual machine you selected.');
+ invDiv.append(infoBar);
+ /**
+ * General info section
+ */
+ var fieldSet = $(' ');
+ var legend = $('General ');
+ fieldSet.append(legend);
+ var oList = $(' ');
+ var item, label, args;
+ // Loop through each property
+ for ( var k = 0; k < 5; k++) {
+ // Create a list item for each property
+ item = $(' ');
+ // Create a label - Property name
+ label = $('' + attrNames[keys[k]] + ' ');
+ item.append(label);
+ for ( var l = 0; l < attrs[keys[k]].length; l++) {
+ // Create a input - Property value(s)
+ // Handle each property uniquely
+ item.append(attrs[keys[k]][l]);
+ }
+ oList.append(item);
+ }
+ // Append to inventory form
+ fieldSet.append(oList);
+ invDiv.append(fieldSet);
+ /**
+ * Monitoring section
+ */
+ fieldSet = $(' ');
+ legend = $('Monitoring ');
+ fieldSet.append(legend);
+ getMonitorMetrics(node);
+ // Append to inventory form
+ invDiv.append(fieldSet);
+ /**
+ * Hardware info section
+ */
+ var hwList, hwItem;
+ fieldSet = $(' ');
+ legend = $('Hardware');
+ fieldSet.append(legend);
+ oList = $(' ');
+ // Loop through each property
+ var label;
+ for (k = 5; k < keys.length; k++) {
+ // Create a list item
+ item = $(' ');
+ // Create a list to hold the property value(s)
+ hwList = $('');
+ hwItem = $(' ');
+ /**
+ * Privilege section
+ */
+ if (keys[k] == 'priv') {
+ // Create a label - Property name
+ label = $('' + attrNames[keys[k]].replace(':', '') + ' ');
+ item.append(label);
+ // Loop through each line
+ for (l = 0; l < attrs[keys[k]].length; l++) {
+ // Create a new list item for each line
+ hwItem = $(' ');
+ // Determine privilege
+ args = attrs[keys[k]][l].split(' ');
+ if (args[0] == 'Directory:') {
+ label = $('' + args[0] + ' ');
+ hwItem.append(label);
+ hwItem.append(args[1]);
+ } else if (args[0] == 'Currently:') {
+ label = $('' + args[0] + ' ');
+ hwItem.append(label);
+ hwItem.append(args[1]);
+ }
+ hwList.append(hwItem);
+ }
+ item.append(hwList);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Memory section
+ */
+ else if (keys[k] == 'memory') {
+ // Create a label - Property name
+ label = $('' + attrNames[keys[k]].replace(':', '') + ' ');
+ item.append(label);
+ // Loop through each value line
+ for (l = 0; l < attrs[keys[k]].length; l++) {
+ // Create a new list item for each line
+ hwItem = $(' ');
+ hwItem.append(attrs[keys[k]][l]);
+ hwList.append(hwItem);
+ }
+ item.append(hwList);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Processor section
+ */
+ else if (keys[k] == 'proc') {
+ // Create a label - Property name
+ label = $('' + attrNames[keys[k]].replace(':', '') + ' ');
+ item.append(label);
+ // Create a table to hold processor data
+ var procTable = $('');
+ var procBody = $(' ');
+ // Table columns - Type, Address, ID, Base, Dedicated, and Affinity
+ var procTabRow = $('');
+ procTable.append(procTabRow);
+ var procType, procAddr, procId, procAff;
+ // Loop through each processor
+ var n, temp;
+ for (l = 0; l < attrs[keys[k]].length; l++) {
+ if (attrs[keys[k]][l]) {
+ args = attrs[keys[k]][l].split(' ');
+ // Get processor type, address, ID, and affinity
+ n = 3;
+ temp = args[args.length - n];
+ while (!jQuery.trim(temp)) {
+ n = n + 1;
+ temp = args[args.length - n];
+ }
+ procType = $('' + temp + ' ');
+ procAddr = $('' + args[1] + ' ');
+ procId = $('' + args[5] + ' ');
+ procAff = $('' + args[args.length - 1] + ' ');
+ // Base processor
+ if (args[6] == '(BASE)') {
+ baseProc = $('' + true + ' ');
+ } else {
+ baseProc = $('' + false + ' ');
+ }
+ // Dedicated processor
+ if (args[args.length - 3] == 'DEDICATED') {
+ dedicatedProc = $('' + true + ' ');
+ } else {
+ dedicatedProc = $('' + false + ' ');
+ }
+ // Create a new row for each processor
+ procTabRow = $(' ');
+ procTabRow.append(procType);
+ procTabRow.append(procAddr);
+ procTabRow.append(procId);
+ procTabRow.append(baseProc);
+ procTabRow.append(dedicatedProc);
+ procTabRow.append(procAff);
+ procBody.append(procTabRow);
+ }
+ }
+ procTable.append(procBody);
+ item.append(procTable);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Disk section
+ */
+ else if (keys[k] == 'disk') {
+ // Create a label - Property name
+ label = $('' + attrNames[keys[k]].replace(':', '') + ' ');
+ item.append(label);
+ // Create a table to hold disk (DASD) data
+ var dasdTable = $('');
+ var dasdBody = $(' ');
+ // Table columns - Virtual Device, Type, VolID, Type of Access, and Size
+ var dasdTabRow = $('');
+ dasdTable.append(dasdTabRow);
+ var dasdVDev, dasdType, dasdVolId, dasdAccess, dasdSize;
+ // Loop through each DASD
+ for (l = 0; l < attrs[keys[k]].length; l++) {
+ if (attrs[keys[k]][l]) {
+ args = attrs[keys[k]][l].split(' ');
+ // Get DASD virtual device, type, volume ID, access, and size
+ dasdVDev = $('' + args[1] + ' ');
+ dasdType = $('' + args[2] + ' ');
+ dasdVolId = $('' + args[3] + ' ');
+ dasdAccess = $('' + args[4] + ' ');
+ dasdSize = $('' + args[args.length - 9] + ' ' + args[args.length - 8] + ' ');
+ // Create a new row for each DASD
+ dasdTabRow = $(' ');
+ dasdTabRow.append(dasdVDev);
+ dasdTabRow.append(dasdType);
+ dasdTabRow.append(dasdVolId);
+ dasdTabRow.append(dasdAccess);
+ dasdTabRow.append(dasdSize);
+ dasdBody.append(dasdTabRow);
+ }
+ }
+ dasdTable.append(dasdBody);
+ item.append(dasdTable);
+ }
+ /**
+ * NIC section
+ */
+ else if (keys[k] == 'nic') {
+ // Create a label - Property name
+ label = $('' + attrNames[keys[k]].replace(':', '') + ' ');
+ item.append(label);
+ // Create a table to hold NIC data
+ var nicTable = $('');
+ var nicBody = $(' ');
+ // Table columns - Virtual device, Adapter Type, Port Name, # of Devices, MAC Address, and LAN Name
+ var nicTabRow = $('');
+ nicTable.append(nicTabRow);
+ var nicVDev, nicType, nicPortName, nicNumOfDevs, nicLanName;
+ // Loop through each NIC (Data contained in 2 lines)
+ for (l = 0; l < attrs[keys[k]].length; l = l + 2) {
+ if (attrs[keys[k]][l]) {
+ args = attrs[keys[k]][l].split(' ');
+ // Get NIC virtual device, type, port name, and number of devices
+ nicVDev = $('' + args[1] + ' ');
+ nicType = $('' + args[3] + ' ');
+ nicPortName = $('' + args[10] + ' ');
+ nicNumOfDevs = $('' + args[args.length - 1] + ' ');
+ args = attrs[keys[k]][l + 1].split(' ');
+ nicLanName = $('' + args[args.length - 2] + ' ' + args[args.length - 1] + ' ');
+ // Create a new row for each DASD
+ nicTabRow = $(' ');
+ nicTabRow.append(nicVDev);
+ nicTabRow.append(nicType);
+ nicTabRow.append(nicPortName);
+ nicTabRow.append(nicNumOfDevs);
+ nicTabRow.append(nicLanName);
+ nicBody.append(nicTabRow);
+ }
+ }
+ nicTable.append(nicBody);
+ item.append(nicTable);
+ }
+ oList.append(item);
+ }
+ // Append inventory to division
+ fieldSet.append(oList);
+ invDiv.append(fieldSet);
+ invDiv.find('th').css({
+ 'padding': '5px 10px',
+ 'font-weight': 'bold'
+ });
+ // Append to tab
+ $('#' + tabId).append(invDiv);
* Load clone page
diff --git a/xCAT-UI/js/custom/zvmUtils.js b/xCAT-UI/js/custom/zvmUtils.js
index 61b88f649..b29552388 100644
--- a/xCAT-UI/js/custom/zvmUtils.js
+++ b/xCAT-UI/js/custom/zvmUtils.js
@@ -1676,25 +1676,6 @@ function removeNic(node, nic) {
$('#' + node + 'StatusBar').show();
- * Set a cookie for disk pool names of a given node
- *
- * @param data
- * Data from HTTP request
- * @return Nothing
- */
-function setDiskPoolCookies(data) {
- if (data.rsp) {
- var node = data.msg;
- var pools = data.rsp[0].split(node + ': ');
- // Set cookie to expire in 60 minutes
- var exDate = new Date();
- exDate.setTime(exDate.getTime() + (60 * 60 * 1000));
- $.cookie(node + 'diskpools', pools, { expires: exDate });
- }
* Set a cookie for the network names of a given node
@@ -2635,4 +2616,230 @@ function createZProvisionNew(inst) {
return provNew;
+ * Load zVMs into column (service page)
+ *
+ * @param col
+ * Table column where OS images will be placed
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+function loadzVMs(col) {
+ // Get group names and description and append to group column
+ var groupNames = $.cookie('srv_zvms').split(',');
+ var radio, zvmBlock, args, zvm, hcp;
+ for (var i in groupNames) {
+ args = groupNames[i].split(':');
+ zvm = args[0];
+ hcp = args[1];
+ // Create block for each group
+ zvmBlock = $('
+ 'border': '1px solid',
+ 'max-width': '200px',
+ 'margin': '5px auto',
+ 'padding': '5px',
+ 'display': 'block',
+ 'vertical-align': 'middle',
+ 'cursor': 'pointer',
+ 'white-space': 'normal'
+ }).click(function(){
+ $(this).children('input:radio').attr('checked', 'checked');
+ $(this).parents('td').find('div').attr('class', 'ui-state-default');
+ $(this).attr('class', 'ui-state-active');
+ });
+ radio = $(' ').css('display', 'none');
+ zvmBlock.append(radio, $('Name: ' + zvm + ' '), $('zHCP: ' + hcp + ' '));
+ zvmBlock.children('span').css({
+ 'display': 'block',
+ 'margin': '5px',
+ 'text-align': 'left'
+ });
+ col.append(zvmBlock);
+ }
+ * Load groups into column
+ *
+ * @param col
+ * Table column where OS images will be placed
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+function loadGroups(col) {
+ // Get group names and description and append to group column
+ var groupNames = $.cookie('srv_groups').split(',');
+ var groupBlock, radio, args, name, ip, hostname, desc;
+ for (var i in groupNames) {
+ args = groupNames[i].split(':');
+ name = args[0];
+ ip = args[1];
+ hostname = args[2];
+ desc = args[3];
+ // Create block for each group
+ groupBlock = $('
+ 'border': '1px solid',
+ 'max-width': '200px',
+ 'margin': '5px auto',
+ 'padding': '5px',
+ 'display': 'block',
+ 'vertical-align': 'middle',
+ 'cursor': 'pointer',
+ 'white-space': 'normal'
+ }).click(function(){
+ $(this).children('input:radio').attr('checked', 'checked');
+ $(this).parents('td').find('div').attr('class', 'ui-state-default');
+ $(this).attr('class', 'ui-state-active');
+ });
+ radio = $(' ').css('display', 'none');
+ groupBlock.append(radio, $('Name: ' + name + ' '), $('Description: ' + desc + ' '));
+ groupBlock.children('span').css({
+ 'display': 'block',
+ 'margin': '5px',
+ 'text-align': 'left'
+ });
+ col.append(groupBlock);
+ }
+ * Load OS images into column
+ *
+ * @param col
+ * Table column where OS images will be placed
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+function loadOSImages(col) {
+ // Get group names and description and append to group column
+ var imgNames = $.cookie('srv_imagenames').split(',');
+ var imgBlock, radio, args, name, desc;
+ for (var i in imgNames) {
+ args = imgNames[i].split(':');
+ name = args[0];
+ desc = args[1];
+ // Create block for each image
+ imgBlock = $('
+ 'border': '1px solid',
+ 'max-width': '200px',
+ 'margin': '5px auto',
+ 'padding': '5px',
+ 'display': 'block',
+ 'vertical-align': 'middle',
+ 'cursor': 'pointer',
+ 'white-space': 'normal'
+ }).click(function(){
+ $(this).children('input:radio').attr('checked', 'checked');
+ $(this).parents('td').find('div').attr('class', 'ui-state-default');
+ $(this).attr('class', 'ui-state-active');
+ });
+ radio = $(' ').css('display', 'none');
+ imgBlock.append(radio, $('Name: ' + name + ' '), $('Description: ' + desc + ' '));
+ imgBlock.children('span').css({
+ 'display': 'block',
+ 'margin': '5px',
+ 'text-align': 'left'
+ });
+ col.append(imgBlock);
+ }
+ * Set a cookie for zVM host names (service page)
+ *
+ * @param data
+ * Data from HTTP request
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+function setzVMCookies(data) {
+ if (data.rsp) {
+ var zvms = new Array();
+ for ( var i = 0; i < data.rsp.length; i++) {
+ zvms.push(data.rsp[i]);
+ }
+ // Set cookie to expire in 60 minutes
+ var exDate = new Date();
+ exDate.setTime(exDate.getTime() + (240 * 60 * 1000));
+ $.cookie('srv_zvms', zvms, { expires: exDate });
+ }
+ * Set a cookie for disk pool names of a given node (service page)
+ *
+ * @param data
+ * Data from HTTP request
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+function setDiskPoolCookies(data) {
+ if (data.rsp) {
+ var node = data.msg;
+ var pools = data.rsp[0].split(node + ': ');
+ for (var i in pools) {
+ pools[i] = jQuery.trim(pools[i]);
+ }
+ // Set cookie to expire in 60 minutes
+ var exDate = new Date();
+ exDate.setTime(exDate.getTime() + (240 * 60 * 1000));
+ $.cookie(node + 'diskpools', pools, { expires: exDate });
+ }
+ * Create virtual machine (service page)
+ *
+ * @param tabId
+ * Tab ID
+ * @param group
+ * Group
+ * @param hcp
+ * Hardware control point
+ * @param img
+ * OS image
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+function createzVM(tabId, group, hcp, img, owner) {
+ var statBar = createStatusBar('zvmProvsionStatBar');
+ var loader = createLoader('zvmProvisionLoader');
+ statBar.find('div').append(loader);
+ statBar.prependTo($('#' + tabId));
+ // Submit request to create VM
+ // webportal provzlinux [group] [hcp] [image] [owner]
+ $.ajax({
+ url : 'lib/srv_cmd.php',
+ dataType : 'json',
+ data : {
+ cmd : 'webportal',
+ tgt : '',
+ args : 'provzlinux;' + group + ';' + hcp + ';' + img + ';' + owner,
+ msg : ''
+ },
+ success:function(data){
+ $('#zvmProvisionLoader').remove();
+ for(var i in data.rsp){
+ $('#zvmProvsionStatBar').find('div').append('' + data.rsp[i] + ' ');
+ }
+ // Refresh nodes table
+ $.ajax( {
+ url : 'lib/srv_cmd.php',
+ dataType : 'json',
+ data : {
+ cmd : 'tabdump',
+ tgt : '',
+ args : 'nodetype',
+ msg : ''
+ },
+ success : function(data) {
+ setUserNodes(data);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xCAT-UI/js/provision/provision.js b/xCAT-UI/js/provision/provision.js
index c888fc9c7..af0498a7f 100644
--- a/xCAT-UI/js/provision/provision.js
+++ b/xCAT-UI/js/provision/provision.js
@@ -105,33 +105,32 @@ function loadProvisionPage() {
if ($('#' + newTabId).size() > 0){
- }
- else{
- var tabtitle = '';
+ } else {
+ var title = '';
// Create an instance of the plugin
var plugin;
switch (hw) {
case "blade":
plugin = new bladePlugin();
- tabtitle = 'BladeCenter';
+ title = 'BladeCenter';
case "hmc":
plugin = new hmcPlugin();
- tabtitle = 'System p';
+ title = 'System p';
case "ipmi":
plugin = new ipmiPlugin();
- tabtitle = 'iDataPlex';
+ title = 'iDataPlex';
case "zvm":
plugin = new zvmPlugin();
- tabtitle = 'System z';
+ title = 'System z';
// Select tab
- tab.add(newTabId, tabtitle, '', true);
+ tab.add(newTabId, title, '', true);
diff --git a/xCAT-UI/js/service/service.js b/xCAT-UI/js/service/service.js
index f86263ed6..f2947b0f1 100644
--- a/xCAT-UI/js/service/service.js
+++ b/xCAT-UI/js/service/service.js
@@ -56,6 +56,12 @@ function initServicePage() {
+ // Custom plugins
+ includeJs("js/custom/blade.js");
+ includeJs("js/custom/ipmi.js");
+ includeJs("js/custom/zvm.js");
+ includeJs("js/custom/hmc.js");
// Enable settings link
$('#xcat_settings').click(function() {
@@ -89,31 +95,10 @@ function loadServicePage() {
var provTabId = 'provisionTab';
serviceTabs.add(provTabId, 'Provision', '', false);
- loadzProvisionPage(provTabId);
+ loadServiceProvisionPage(provTabId);
- // Get zVM host names
- if (!$.cookie('srv_zvm')){
- $.ajax( {
- url : 'lib/srv_cmd.php',
- dataType : 'json',
- data : {
- cmd : 'webportal',
- tgt : '',
- args : 'lszvm',
- msg : ''
- },
- success : function(data) {
- setzVMCookies(data);
- loadzVMs();
- }
- });
- } else {
- loadzVMs();
- }
// Get OS image names
if (!$.cookie('srv_imagenames')){
$.ajax( {
@@ -128,11 +113,8 @@ function loadServicePage() {
success : function(data) {
- loadOSImages();
- } else {
- loadOSImages();
// Get contents of hosts table
@@ -148,12 +130,9 @@ function loadServicePage() {
success : function(data) {
- setGroupCookies(data);
- loadGroups();
+ setGroupCookies(data);
- } else {
- loadGroups();
// Get nodes owned by user
@@ -172,9 +151,99 @@ function loadServicePage() {
+ });
+ * Load the service portal's provision page
+ *
+ * @param tabId
+ * Tab ID where page will reside
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+function loadServiceProvisionPage(tabId) {
+ // Create info bar
+ var infoBar = createInfoBar('Select a platform to provision a node on, then click Ok.');
+ // Create provision page
+ var provPg = $('
+ $('#' + tabId).append(infoBar, provPg);
+ // Create radio buttons for platforms
+ var hwList = $('Platforms available: ');
+ var ipmi = $(' iDataPlex ');
+ var blade = $(' BladeCenter ');
+ var hmc = $(' System p ');
+ var zvm = $(' System z ');
+ hwList.append(ipmi);
+ hwList.append(blade);
+ hwList.append(hmc);
+ hwList.append(zvm);
+ provPg.append(hwList);
+ /**
+ * Ok
+ */
+ var okBtn = createButton('Ok');
+ okBtn.bind('click', function(event) {
+ // Get hardware that was selected
+ var hw = $(this).parent().find('input[name="hw"]:checked').val();
+ var newTabId = hw + 'ProvisionTab';
+ if ($('#' + newTabId).size() > 0){
+ serviceTabs.select(newTabId);
+ } else {
+ var title = '';
+ // Create an instance of the plugin
+ var plugin;
+ switch (hw) {
+ case "blade":
+ plugin = new bladePlugin();
+ title = 'BladeCenter';
+ break;
+ case "hmc":
+ plugin = new hmcPlugin();
+ title = 'System p';
+ break;
+ case "ipmi":
+ plugin = new ipmiPlugin();
+ title = 'iDataPlex';
+ break;
+ case "zvm":
+ plugin = new zvmPlugin();
+ title = 'System z';
+ // Get zVM host names
+ if (!$.cookie('srv_zvm')){
+ $.ajax( {
+ url : 'lib/srv_cmd.php',
+ dataType : 'json',
+ data : {
+ cmd : 'webportal',
+ tgt : '',
+ args : 'lszvm',
+ msg : ''
+ },
+ success : function(data) {
+ setzVMCookies(data);
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ loadzVMs();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // Select tab
+ serviceTabs.add(newTabId, title, '', true);
+ serviceTabs.select(newTabId);
+ plugin.loadServiceProvisionPage(newTabId);
+ }
+ provPg.append(okBtn);
@@ -214,7 +283,9 @@ function getUserNodesDef() {
success : loadNodesTable
} else {
- prompt('Warning', $('Your session has expired! Please log out and back in.
+ // Clear the tab before inserting the table
+ $('#manageTab').children().remove();
+ $('#manageTab').append(createWarnBar('You are not managing any node. Try to provision a node.'));
@@ -262,7 +333,7 @@ function loadNodesTable(data) {
// Sort headers
var sorted = new Array();
var attrs2hide = new Array('status', 'statustime', 'appstatus', 'appstatustime', 'usercomment');
- var attrs2show = new Array('arch', 'groups', 'hcp', 'hostnames', 'ip', 'os', 'userid');
+ var attrs2show = new Array('arch', 'groups', 'hcp', 'hostnames', 'ip', 'os', 'userid', 'mgt');
for (var key in headers) {
// Show node attributes
if (jQuery.inArray(key, attrs2show) > -1) {
@@ -711,7 +782,35 @@ function loadNode(e) {
msg : msg
- success : showInventory
+ success : function(data) {
+ var args = data.msg.split(',');
+ // Get node
+ var node = args[1].replace('node=', '');
+ // Get the management plugin
+ var mgt = getNodeAttr(node, 'mgt');
+ // Create an instance of the plugin
+ var plugin;
+ switch (mgt) {
+ case "blade":
+ plugin = new bladePlugin();
+ break;
+ case "hmc":
+ plugin = new hmcPlugin();
+ break;
+ case "ipmi":
+ plugin = new ipmiPlugin();
+ break;
+ case "zvm":
+ plugin = new zvmPlugin();
+ break;
+ }
+ // Select tab
+ plugin.loadServiceInventory(data);
+ }
@@ -719,592 +818,6 @@ function loadNode(e) {
- * Show node inventory
- *
- * @param data
- * Data from HTTP request
- * @return Nothing
- */
-function showInventory(data) {
- var args = data.msg.split(',');
- // Get tab ID
- var tabId = args[0].replace('out=', '');
- // Get node
- var node = args[1].replace('node=', '');
- // Get node inventory
- var inv = data.rsp[0].split(node + ':');
- // Remove loader
- $('#' + tabId).find('img').remove();
- // Create array of property keys
- var keys = new Array('userId', 'host', 'os', 'arch', 'hcp', 'priv', 'memory', 'proc', 'disk', 'nic');
- // Create hash table for property names
- var attrNames = new Object();
- attrNames['userId'] = 'z/VM UserID:';
- attrNames['host'] = 'z/VM Host:';
- attrNames['os'] = 'Operating System:';
- attrNames['arch'] = 'Architecture:';
- attrNames['hcp'] = 'HCP:';
- attrNames['priv'] = 'Privileges:';
- attrNames['memory'] = 'Total Memory:';
- attrNames['proc'] = 'Processors:';
- attrNames['disk'] = 'Disks:';
- attrNames['nic'] = 'NICs:';
- // Create hash table for node attributes
- var attrs = getAttrs(keys, attrNames, inv);
- // Create division to hold inventory
- var invDivId = node + 'Inventory';
- var invDiv = $('
- var infoBar = createInfoBar('Below is the inventory for the virtual machine you selected.');
- invDiv.append(infoBar);
- /**
- * General info section
- */
- var fieldSet = $(' ');
- var legend = $('General ');
- fieldSet.append(legend);
- var oList = $(' ');
- var item, label, args;
- // Loop through each property
- for ( var k = 0; k < 5; k++) {
- // Create a list item for each property
- item = $(' ');
- // Create a label - Property name
- label = $('' + attrNames[keys[k]] + ' ');
- item.append(label);
- for ( var l = 0; l < attrs[keys[k]].length; l++) {
- // Create a input - Property value(s)
- // Handle each property uniquely
- item.append(attrs[keys[k]][l]);
- }
- oList.append(item);
- }
- // Append to inventory form
- fieldSet.append(oList);
- invDiv.append(fieldSet);
- /**
- * Monitoring section
- */
- fieldSet = $(' ');
- legend = $('Monitoring ');
- fieldSet.append(legend);
- getMonitorMetrics(node);
- // Append to inventory form
- invDiv.append(fieldSet);
- /**
- * Hardware info section
- */
- var hwList, hwItem;
- fieldSet = $(' ');
- legend = $('Hardware');
- fieldSet.append(legend);
- oList = $(' ');
- // Loop through each property
- var label;
- for (k = 5; k < keys.length; k++) {
- // Create a list item
- item = $(' ');
- // Create a list to hold the property value(s)
- hwList = $('');
- hwItem = $(' ');
- /**
- * Privilege section
- */
- if (keys[k] == 'priv') {
- // Create a label - Property name
- label = $('' + attrNames[keys[k]].replace(':', '') + ' ');
- item.append(label);
- // Loop through each line
- for (l = 0; l < attrs[keys[k]].length; l++) {
- // Create a new list item for each line
- hwItem = $(' ');
- // Determine privilege
- args = attrs[keys[k]][l].split(' ');
- if (args[0] == 'Directory:') {
- label = $('' + args[0] + ' ');
- hwItem.append(label);
- hwItem.append(args[1]);
- } else if (args[0] == 'Currently:') {
- label = $('' + args[0] + ' ');
- hwItem.append(label);
- hwItem.append(args[1]);
- }
- hwList.append(hwItem);
- }
- item.append(hwList);
- }
- /**
- * Memory section
- */
- else if (keys[k] == 'memory') {
- // Create a label - Property name
- label = $('' + attrNames[keys[k]].replace(':', '') + ' ');
- item.append(label);
- // Loop through each value line
- for (l = 0; l < attrs[keys[k]].length; l++) {
- // Create a new list item for each line
- hwItem = $(' ');
- hwItem.append(attrs[keys[k]][l]);
- hwList.append(hwItem);
- }
- item.append(hwList);
- }
- /**
- * Processor section
- */
- else if (keys[k] == 'proc') {
- // Create a label - Property name
- label = $('' + attrNames[keys[k]].replace(':', '') + ' ');
- item.append(label);
- // Create a table to hold processor data
- var procTable = $('');
- var procBody = $(' ');
- // Table columns - Type, Address, ID, Base, Dedicated, and Affinity
- var procTabRow = $('');
- procTable.append(procTabRow);
- var procType, procAddr, procId, procAff;
- // Loop through each processor
- var n, temp;
- for (l = 0; l < attrs[keys[k]].length; l++) {
- if (attrs[keys[k]][l]) {
- args = attrs[keys[k]][l].split(' ');
- // Get processor type, address, ID, and affinity
- n = 3;
- temp = args[args.length - n];
- while (!jQuery.trim(temp)) {
- n = n + 1;
- temp = args[args.length - n];
- }
- procType = $('' + temp + ' ');
- procAddr = $('' + args[1] + ' ');
- procId = $('' + args[5] + ' ');
- procAff = $('' + args[args.length - 1] + ' ');
- // Base processor
- if (args[6] == '(BASE)') {
- baseProc = $('' + true + ' ');
- } else {
- baseProc = $('' + false + ' ');
- }
- // Dedicated processor
- if (args[args.length - 3] == 'DEDICATED') {
- dedicatedProc = $('' + true + ' ');
- } else {
- dedicatedProc = $('' + false + ' ');
- }
- // Create a new row for each processor
- procTabRow = $(' ');
- procTabRow.append(procType);
- procTabRow.append(procAddr);
- procTabRow.append(procId);
- procTabRow.append(baseProc);
- procTabRow.append(dedicatedProc);
- procTabRow.append(procAff);
- procBody.append(procTabRow);
- }
- }
- procTable.append(procBody);
- item.append(procTable);
- }
- /**
- * Disk section
- */
- else if (keys[k] == 'disk') {
- // Create a label - Property name
- label = $('' + attrNames[keys[k]].replace(':', '') + ' ');
- item.append(label);
- // Create a table to hold disk (DASD) data
- var dasdTable = $('');
- var dasdBody = $(' ');
- // Table columns - Virtual Device, Type, VolID, Type of Access, and Size
- var dasdTabRow = $('');
- dasdTable.append(dasdTabRow);
- var dasdVDev, dasdType, dasdVolId, dasdAccess, dasdSize;
- // Loop through each DASD
- for (l = 0; l < attrs[keys[k]].length; l++) {
- if (attrs[keys[k]][l]) {
- args = attrs[keys[k]][l].split(' ');
- // Get DASD virtual device, type, volume ID, access, and size
- dasdVDev = $('' + args[1] + ' ');
- dasdType = $('' + args[2] + ' ');
- dasdVolId = $('' + args[3] + ' ');
- dasdAccess = $('' + args[4] + ' ');
- dasdSize = $('' + args[args.length - 9] + ' ' + args[args.length - 8] + ' ');
- // Create a new row for each DASD
- dasdTabRow = $(' ');
- dasdTabRow.append(dasdVDev);
- dasdTabRow.append(dasdType);
- dasdTabRow.append(dasdVolId);
- dasdTabRow.append(dasdAccess);
- dasdTabRow.append(dasdSize);
- dasdBody.append(dasdTabRow);
- }
- }
- dasdTable.append(dasdBody);
- item.append(dasdTable);
- }
- /**
- * NIC section
- */
- else if (keys[k] == 'nic') {
- // Create a label - Property name
- label = $('' + attrNames[keys[k]].replace(':', '') + ' ');
- item.append(label);
- // Create a table to hold NIC data
- var nicTable = $('');
- var nicBody = $(' ');
- // Table columns - Virtual device, Adapter Type, Port Name, # of Devices, MAC Address, and LAN Name
- var nicTabRow = $('');
- nicTable.append(nicTabRow);
- var nicVDev, nicType, nicPortName, nicNumOfDevs, nicLanName;
- // Loop through each NIC (Data contained in 2 lines)
- for (l = 0; l < attrs[keys[k]].length; l = l + 2) {
- if (attrs[keys[k]][l]) {
- args = attrs[keys[k]][l].split(' ');
- // Get NIC virtual device, type, port name, and number of devices
- nicVDev = $('' + args[1] + ' ');
- nicType = $('' + args[3] + ' ');
- nicPortName = $('' + args[10] + ' ');
- nicNumOfDevs = $('' + args[args.length - 1] + ' ');
- args = attrs[keys[k]][l + 1].split(' ');
- nicLanName = $('' + args[args.length - 2] + ' ' + args[args.length - 1] + ' ');
- // Create a new row for each DASD
- nicTabRow = $(' ');
- nicTabRow.append(nicVDev);
- nicTabRow.append(nicType);
- nicTabRow.append(nicPortName);
- nicTabRow.append(nicNumOfDevs);
- nicTabRow.append(nicLanName);
- nicBody.append(nicTabRow);
- }
- }
- nicTable.append(nicBody);
- item.append(nicTable);
- }
- oList.append(item);
- }
- // Append inventory to division
- fieldSet.append(oList);
- invDiv.append(fieldSet);
- invDiv.find('th').css({
- 'padding': '5px 10px',
- 'font-weight': 'bold'
- });
- // Append to tab
- $('#' + tabId).append(invDiv);
- * Load provision page (z)
- *
- * @param tabId
- * Tab ID where page will reside
- * @return Nothing
- */
-function loadzProvisionPage(tabId) {
- // Create provision form
- var provForm = $('
- // Create info bar
- var infoBar = createInfoBar('Provision a Linux virtual machine on System z by selecting the appropriate choices below. Once you are ready, click on Provision to provision the virtual machine.');
- provForm.append(infoBar);
- // Append to provision tab
- $('#' + tabId).append(provForm);
- // Create provision table
- var provTable = $(' zVM Group Image ');
- var provBody = $(' ');
- var provFooter = $(' ');
- provTable.append(provHeader, provBody, provFooter);
- provForm.append(provTable);
- provHeader.children('th').css({
- 'font': 'bold 12px verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif'
- });
- // Create row to contain selections
- var provRow = $(' ');
- provBody.append(provRow);
- // Create columns for zVM, group, and image
- var zvmCol = $(' ');
- provRow.append(zvmCol);
- var groupCol = $(' ');
- provRow.append(groupCol);
- var imageCol = $(' ');
- provRow.append(imageCol);
- provRow.children('td').css({
- 'min-width': '250px'
- });
- /**
- * Provision VM
- */
- var provisionBtn = createButton('Provision');
- provisionBtn.bind('click', function(event) {
- var hcp = $('#select-table tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0) input[name="hcp"]:checked').val();
- var group = $('#select-table tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1) input[name="group"]:checked').val();
- var img = $('#select-table tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(2) input[name="image"]:checked').val();
- var owner = $.cookie('srv_usrname');;
- // Begin by creating VM
- createVM(tabId, group, hcp, img, owner);
- });
- provForm.append(provisionBtn);
- * Create virtual machine
- *
- * @param tabId
- * Tab ID
- * @param group
- * Group
- * @param hcp
- * Hardware control point
- * @param img
- * OS image
- * @return Nothing
- */
-function createVM(tabId, group, hcp, img, owner) {
- var statBar = createStatusBar('provsionStatBar');
- var loader = createLoader('provisionLoader');
- statBar.find('div').append(loader);
- statBar.prependTo($('#provisionTab'));
- // Submit request to create VM
- // webportal provzlinux [group] [hcp] [image] [owner]
- $.ajax({
- url : 'lib/srv_cmd.php',
- dataType : 'json',
- data : {
- cmd : 'webportal',
- tgt : '',
- args : 'provzlinux;' + group + ';' + hcp + ';' + img + ';' + owner,
- msg : ''
- },
- success:function(data){
- $('#provisionLoader').remove();
- for(var i in data.rsp){
- $('#provsionStatBar').find('div').append('' + data.rsp[i] + ' ');
- }
- // Refresh nodes table
- $.ajax( {
- url : 'lib/srv_cmd.php',
- dataType : 'json',
- data : {
- cmd : 'tabdump',
- tgt : '',
- args : 'nodetype',
- msg : ''
- },
- success : function(data) {
- setUserNodes(data);
- }
- });
- }
- });
- * Load zVMs into column
- */
-function loadzVMs() {
- var zvmCol = $('#select-table tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(0)');
- // Get group names and description and append to group column
- var groupNames = $.cookie('srv_zvms').split(',');
- var radio, zvmBlock, args, zvm, hcp;
- for (var i in groupNames) {
- args = groupNames[i].split(':');
- zvm = args[0];
- hcp = args[1];
- // Create block for each group
- zvmBlock = $('
- 'border': '1px solid',
- 'max-width': '200px',
- 'margin': '5px auto',
- 'padding': '5px',
- 'display': 'block',
- 'vertical-align': 'middle',
- 'cursor': 'pointer',
- 'white-space': 'normal'
- }).click(function(){
- $(this).children('input:radio').attr('checked', 'checked');
- $(this).parents('td').find('div').attr('class', 'ui-state-default');
- $(this).attr('class', 'ui-state-active');
- });
- radio = $(' ').css('display', 'none');
- zvmBlock.append(radio, $('Name: ' + zvm + ' '), $('zHCP: ' + hcp + ' '));
- zvmBlock.children('span').css({
- 'display': 'block',
- 'margin': '5px',
- 'text-align': 'left'
- });
- zvmCol.append(zvmBlock);
- }
- * Load groups into column
- */
-function loadGroups() {
- var groupCol = $('#select-table tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(1)');
- // Get group names and description and append to group column
- var groupNames = $.cookie('srv_groups').split(',');
- var groupBlock, radio, args, name, ip, hostname, desc;
- for (var i in groupNames) {
- args = groupNames[i].split(':');
- name = args[0];
- ip = args[1];
- hostname = args[2];
- desc = args[3];
- // Create block for each group
- groupBlock = $('
- 'border': '1px solid',
- 'max-width': '200px',
- 'margin': '5px auto',
- 'padding': '5px',
- 'display': 'block',
- 'vertical-align': 'middle',
- 'cursor': 'pointer',
- 'white-space': 'normal'
- }).click(function(){
- $(this).children('input:radio').attr('checked', 'checked');
- $(this).parents('td').find('div').attr('class', 'ui-state-default');
- $(this).attr('class', 'ui-state-active');
- });
- radio = $(' ').css('display', 'none');
- groupBlock.append(radio, $('Name: ' + name + ' '), $('Description: ' + desc + ' '));
- groupBlock.children('span').css({
- 'display': 'block',
- 'margin': '5px',
- 'text-align': 'left'
- });
- groupCol.append(groupBlock);
- }
- * Load OS images into column
- */
-function loadOSImages() {
- var imgCol = $('#select-table tbody tr:eq(0) td:eq(2)');
- // Get group names and description and append to group column
- var imgNames = $.cookie('srv_imagenames').split(',');
- var imgBlock, radio, args, name, desc;
- for (var i in imgNames) {
- args = imgNames[i].split(':');
- name = args[0];
- desc = args[1];
- // Create block for each image
- imgBlock = $('
- 'border': '1px solid',
- 'max-width': '200px',
- 'margin': '5px auto',
- 'padding': '5px',
- 'display': 'block',
- 'vertical-align': 'middle',
- 'cursor': 'pointer',
- 'white-space': 'normal'
- }).click(function(){
- $(this).children('input:radio').attr('checked', 'checked');
- $(this).parents('td').find('div').attr('class', 'ui-state-default');
- $(this).attr('class', 'ui-state-active');
- });
- radio = $(' ').css('display', 'none');
- imgBlock.append(radio, $('Name: ' + name + ' '), $('Description: ' + desc + ' '));
- imgBlock.children('span').css({
- 'display': 'block',
- 'margin': '5px',
- 'text-align': 'left'
- });
- imgCol.append(imgBlock);
- }
- * Set a cookie for zVM host names
- *
- * @param data
- * Data from HTTP request
- * @return Nothing
- */
-function setzVMCookies(data) {
- if (data.rsp) {
- var zvms = new Array();
- for ( var i = 0; i < data.rsp.length; i++) {
- zvms.push(data.rsp[i]);
- }
- // Set cookie to expire in 60 minutes
- var exDate = new Date();
- exDate.setTime(exDate.getTime() + (240 * 60 * 1000));
- $.cookie('srv_zvms', zvms, { expires: exDate });
- }
* Set a cookie for disk pool names
@@ -1445,27 +958,7 @@ function setOSImageCookies(data) {
$.cookie('srv_osarchs', tmp);
- * Set a cookie for disk pool names of a given node
- *
- * @param data
- * Data from HTTP request
- * @return Nothing
- */
-function setDiskPoolCookies(data) {
- if (data.rsp) {
- var node = data.msg;
- var pools = data.rsp[0].split(node + ': ');
- for (var i in pools) {
- pools[i] = jQuery.trim(pools[i]);
- }
- // Set cookie to expire in 60 minutes
- var exDate = new Date();
- exDate.setTime(exDate.getTime() + (240 * 60 * 1000));
- $.cookie(node + 'diskpools', pools, { expires: exDate });
- }
* Set a cookie for user nodes
@@ -2410,4 +1903,43 @@ function drawNetworkFlot(node, inPair, outPair) {
showMarker : false
+ * Get an attribute of a given node
+ *
+ * @param node
+ * The node
+ * @param attrName
+ * The attribute
+ * @return The attribute of the node
+ */
+function getNodeAttr(node, attrName) {
+ // Get the row
+ var row = $('[id=' + node + ']').parents('tr');
+ // Search for the column containing the attribute
+ var attrCol;
+ var cols = row.parents('.dataTables_scroll').find('.dataTables_scrollHead thead tr:eq(0) th');
+ // Loop through each column
+ for (var i in cols) {
+ // Find column that matches the attribute
+ if (cols.eq(i).html() == attrName) {
+ attrCol = cols.eq(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // If the column containing the attribute is found
+ if (attrCol) {
+ // Get the attribute column index
+ var attrIndex = attrCol.index();
+ // Get the attribute for the given node
+ var attr = row.find('td:eq(' + attrIndex + ')');
+ return attr.text();
+ } else {
+ return '';
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xCAT-UI/js/ui.js b/xCAT-UI/js/ui.js
index 57b5bf025..ac156e583 100644
--- a/xCAT-UI/js/ui.js
+++ b/xCAT-UI/js/ui.js
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ function createStatusBar(barId) {
* @return Info bar
function createInfoBar(msg) {
- var infoBar = $('
+ var infoBar = $('
').css('margin', '5px 0px');
var icon = $(' ').css({
'display': 'inline-block',
'margin': '10px 5px'
diff --git a/xCAT-UI/xcat/plugins/webportal.pm b/xCAT-UI/xcat/plugins/webportal.pm
index b2d124846..87f4f3332 100644
--- a/xCAT-UI/xcat/plugins/webportal.pm
+++ b/xCAT-UI/xcat/plugins/webportal.pm
@@ -193,38 +193,42 @@ sub provzlinux {
# pool = POOL3
# eckd_size = 10016
- # Create XML object
- my $xml = new XML::Simple;
- # Read XML file
- my $data = $xml->XMLin($tmpl);
- my $type;
- my $virt_addr;
- my $devices = $data->{'dasd'}->{'devices'}->{'listentry'};
- foreach (@$devices) {
- # Get disk virtual address and disk type
- $type = $_->{'drivers'}->{'listentry'}->{'modules'}->{'module_entry'}->{'listentry'};
- $virt_addr = $_->{'sysfs_bus_id'};
- $virt_addr =~ s/0\.0\.//g;
- foreach (@$type) {
- # Add ECKD disk
- if ( $_ =~ m/dasd_eckd_mod/i ) {
- $out = `chvm $node --add3390 $disk_pool $virt_addr $eckd_size MR`;
- println( $callback, "$out" );
- if ( $out =~ m/Error/i ) {
- return;
+ if ( $os =~ m/sles/i ) {
+ # Create XML object
+ my $xml = new XML::Simple;
+ # Read XML file
+ my $data = $xml->XMLin($tmpl);
+ my $type;
+ my $virt_addr;
+ my $devices = $data->{'dasd'}->{'devices'}->{'listentry'};
+ foreach (@$devices) {
+ # Get disk virtual address and disk type
+ $type = $_->{'drivers'}->{'listentry'}->{'modules'}->{'module_entry'}->{'listentry'};
+ $virt_addr = $_->{'sysfs_bus_id'};
+ $virt_addr =~ s/0\.0\.//g;
+ foreach (@$type) {
+ # Add ECKD disk
+ if ( $_ =~ m/dasd_eckd_mod/i ) {
+ $out = `chvm $node --add3390 $disk_pool $virt_addr $eckd_size MR`;
+ println( $callback, "$out" );
+ if ( $out =~ m/Error/i ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ # Add FBA disk
+ elsif ( $_ =~ m/dasd_fba_mod/i ) {
+ # To be continued
+ # $out = `chvm $node --add9336 $disk_pool $virt_addr $fba_size MR`;
- # Add FBA disk
- elsif ( $_ =~ m/dasd_fba_mod/i ) {
- # To be continued
- # $out = `chvm $node --add9336 $disk_pool $virt_addr $fba_size MR`;
- }
- }
- } # End of foreach
+ } # End of foreach
+ } elsif ( $os =~ m/rhel/i ) {
+ # TBD
+ }
# Update DHCP
`makedhcp -a`;