Fixed bug in xCAT-UI for zFCP devices. Added option to set zFCP device as LOADDEV in --addzfcp option.

git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
phamt 2012-10-19 20:26:08 +00:00
parent 1019cf6d9d
commit 8c8e60c12e
3 changed files with 226 additions and 312 deletions

View File

@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ function updateZProvisionNewStatus(data) {
// Parse ajax response
var rsp = data.rsp;
var args = data.msg.split(';');
var cmd = args[0].replace('cmd=', '');
var lastCmd = args[0].replace('cmd=', '');
var out2Id = args[1].replace('out=', '');
// IDs for status bar, tab, and loader
@ -374,16 +374,50 @@ function updateZProvisionNewStatus(data) {
var node = $('#' + tabId + ' input[name=nodeName]').val();
* (2) Update /etc/hosts
* (2) Create user entry
if (cmd == 'nodeadd') {
// If there was an error, do not continue
if (rsp.length) {
if (lastCmd == 'nodeadd') {
if (rsp.length) {
$('#' + loaderId).hide();
$('#' + statBarId).find('div').append('<pre>(Error) Failed to create node definition</pre>');
} else {
$('#' + statBarId).find('div').append('<pre>Node definition created for ' + node + '</pre>');
$.ajax( {
$('#' + statBarId).find('div').append('<pre>Node definition created for ' + node + '</pre>');
// Write ajax response to status bar
var prg = writeRsp(rsp, '');
$('#' + statBarId).find('div').append(prg);
// Create user entry
var userEntry = $('#' + tabId + ' textarea').val();
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/zCmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'mkvm',
tgt : node,
args : '',
att : userEntry,
msg : 'cmd=mkvm;out=' + out2Id
success : updateZProvisionNewStatus
* (3) Update /etc/hosts
else if (lastCmd == 'mkvm') {
// Write ajax response to status bar
var prg = writeRsp(rsp, '');
$('#' + statBarId).find('div').append(prg);
// If there was an error, quit
if (containErrors(prg.html())) {
$('#' + loaderId).hide();
} else {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
@ -399,16 +433,16 @@ function updateZProvisionNewStatus(data) {
* (3) Update DNS
* (4) Update DNS
else if (cmd == 'makehosts') {
// If there was an error, do not continue
else if (lastCmd == 'makehosts') {
// If there was an error, quit
if (rsp.length) {
$('#' + loaderId).hide();
$('#' + statBarId).find('div').append('<pre>(Error) Failed to update /etc/hosts</pre>');
} else {
$('#' + statBarId).find('div').append('<pre>/etc/hosts updated</pre>');
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
@ -423,72 +457,18 @@ function updateZProvisionNewStatus(data) {
* (4) Create user entry
else if (cmd == 'makedns') {
// Reset number of tries
$.cookie('tries4' + tabId, 0);
// Write ajax response to status bar
var prg = writeRsp(rsp, '');
$('#' + statBarId).find('div').append(prg);
// Create user entry
var userEntry = $('#' + tabId + ' textarea').val();
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/zCmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'mkvm',
tgt : node,
args : '',
att : userEntry,
msg : 'cmd=mkvm;out=' + out2Id
success : updateZProvisionNewStatus
* (5) Add disk
else if (cmd == 'mkvm') {
else if (lastCmd == 'makedns') {
// Write ajax response to status bar
var prg = writeRsp(rsp, '');
$('#' + statBarId).find('div').append(prg);
// If there was an error, try again
if (prg.html().indexOf('Error') > -1) {
var tries = parseInt($.cookie('tries4' + tabId));
if (tries < 2) {
$('#' + statBarId).find('div').append('<pre>Trying again...</pre>');
$.cookie('tries4' + tabId, tries);
// Create user entry
var userEntry = $('#' + tabId + ' textarea').val();
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/zCmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'mkvm',
tgt : node,
args : '',
att : userEntry,
msg : 'cmd=mkvm;out=' + out2Id
success : updateZProvisionNewStatus
} else {
$('#' + loaderId).hide();
// If there was an error, quit
if (containErrors(prg.html())) {
$('#' + loaderId).hide();
} else {
// Reset number of tries
$.cookie('tries4' + tabId, 0);
// Set cookie for number of disks
var diskRows = $('#' + tabId + ' table:eq(0):visible tbody tr');
$.cookie('disks2add' + out2Id, diskRows.length);
@ -514,9 +494,9 @@ function updateZProvisionNewStatus(data) {
+ blkSize + ';' + size + ';' + mode + ';' + password + ';'
+ password + ';' + password;
// Attach disk to node
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
@ -529,228 +509,120 @@ function updateZProvisionNewStatus(data) {
success : updateZProvisionNewStatus
} else {
$('#' + loaderId).hide();
* (6) Add zFCP devices
else if (cmd == 'chvm-disk') {
// Write ajax response to status bar
var prg = writeRsp(rsp, '');
$('#' + statBarId).find('div').append(prg);
// If there was an error, try again
if (prg.html().indexOf('Error') > -1) {
$('#' + loaderId).hide();
var tries = parseInt($.cookie('tries4' + tabId));
if (tries < 2) {
$('#' + statBarId).find('div').append('<pre>Trying again...</pre>');
$.cookie('tries4' + tabId, tries);
// Set cookie for number of disks
var diskRows = $('#' + tabId + ' table:visible tbody tr');
$.cookie('disks2add' + out2Id, diskRows.length);
if (diskRows.length > 0) {
for ( var i = 0; i < diskRows.length; i++) {
var diskArgs = diskRows.eq(i).find('td');
var type = diskArgs.eq(1).find('select').val();
var address = diskArgs.eq(2).find('input').val();
var size = diskArgs.eq(3).find('input').val();
var mode = diskArgs.eq(4).find('select').val();
var pool = diskArgs.eq(5).find('select').val();
var password = diskArgs.eq(6).find('input').val();
// Create ajax arguments
var args = '';
if (type == '3390') {
args = '--add' + type + ';' + pool + ';' + address
+ ';' + size + ';' + mode + ';' + password + ';'
+ password + ';' + password;
} else if (type == '9336') {
var blkSize = '512';
args = '--add' + type + ';' + pool + ';' + address + ';'
+ blkSize + ';' + size + ';' + mode + ';' + password + ';'
+ password + ';' + password;
// Attach disk to node
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'chvm',
tgt : node,
args : args,
msg : 'cmd=chvm-disk;out=' + out2Id
success : updateZProvisionNewStatus
} else {
$('#' + loaderId).hide();
} else {
$('#' + loaderId).hide();
} else {
// Reset number of tries
$.cookie('tries4' + tabId, 0);
// Set cookie for number of disks
// One less disk to add
var disks2add = $.cookie('disks2add' + out2Id);
$.cookie('disks2add' + out2Id, disks2add);
if (disks2add < 1) {
// Set cookie for number of zFCP devices
var zfcpRows = $('#' + tabId + ' table:eq(1):visible tbody tr');
$.cookie('zfcp2add' + out2Id, zfcpRows.length);
if (zfcpRows.length > 0) {
for ( var i = 0; i < zfcpRows.length; i++) {
var diskArgs = zfcpRows.eq(i).find('td');
var address = diskArgs.eq(1).find('input').val();
var size = diskArgs.eq(2).find('input').val();
var pool = diskArgs.eq(3).find('select').val();
var tag = diskArgs.eq(4).find('input').val();
var portName = diskArgs.eq(5).find('input').val();
var unitNo = diskArgs.eq(6).find('input').val();
// Create ajax arguments
var args = '--addzfcp;' + pool + ';' + address + ';' + size;
if (tag && tag != "null") {
args += ';' + tag;
} if (portName && tag != "null") {
args += ';' + portName;
} if (unitNo && tag != "null") {
args += ';' + unitNo;
// Attach zFCP device to node
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'chvm',
tgt : node,
args : args,
msg : 'cmd=chvm-zfcp;out=' + out2Id
success : updateZProvisionNewStatus
} else {
$('#' + loaderId).hide();
* (7) Set operating system for given node
else if (cmd == 'chvm-zfcp') {
// Write ajax response to status bar
var prg = writeRsp(rsp, '');
$('#' + statBarId).find('div').append(prg);
// If there was an error, try again
if (prg.html().indexOf('Error') > -1) {
$('#' + loaderId).hide();
var tries = parseInt($.cookie('tries4' + tabId));
if (tries < 2) {
$('#' + statBarId).find('div').append('<pre>Trying again...</pre>');
$.cookie('tries4' + tabId, tries);
var zfcpRows = $('#' + tabId + ' table:eq(1):visible tbody tr');
$.cookie('zfcp2add' + out2Id, zfcpRows.length);
if (zfcpRows.length > 0) {
for ( var i = 0; i < zfcpRows.length; i++) {
var diskArgs = zfcpRows.eq(i).find('td');
var address = diskArgs.eq(1).find('input').val();
var size = diskArgs.eq(2).find('input').val();
var pool = diskArgs.eq(3).find('select').val();
var tag = diskArgs.eq(4).find('input').val();
var portName = diskArgs.eq(5).find('input').val();
var unitNo = diskArgs.eq(6).find('input').val();
// Create ajax arguments
var args = '--addzfcp;' + pool + ';' + address + ';' + size;
if (tag && tag != "null") {
args += ';' + tag;
} if (portName && tag != "null") {
args += ';' + portName;
} if (unitNo && tag != "null") {
args += ';' + unitNo;
// Attach zFCP device to node
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'chvm',
tgt : node,
args : args,
msg : 'cmd=chvm-zfcp;out=' + out2Id
success : updateZProvisionNewStatus
// Set cookie for number of zFCP devices
var zfcpRows = $('#' + tabId + ' table:eq(1):visible tbody tr');
$.cookie('zfcp2add' + out2Id, zfcpRows.length);
if (zfcpRows.length > 0) {
for ( var i = 0; i < zfcpRows.length; i++) {
var diskArgs = zfcpRows.eq(i).find('td');
var address = diskArgs.eq(1).find('input').val();
var size = diskArgs.eq(2).find('input').val();
var pool = diskArgs.eq(3).find('select').val();
var tag = diskArgs.eq(4).find('input').val();
var portName = diskArgs.eq(5).find('input').val();
var unitNo = diskArgs.eq(6).find('input').val();
// This is either true or false
var loaddev = diskArgs.eq(7).find('input').attr('checked');
if (loaddev) {
loaddev = "1";
} else {
loaddev = "0";
// Create ajax arguments
var args = '--addzfcp;' + pool + ';' + address + ';' + loaddev + ';' + size;
if (tag && tag != "null") {
args += ';' + tag;
} if (portName && tag != "null") {
args += ';' + portName;
} if (unitNo && tag != "null") {
args += ';' + unitNo;
} else {
$('#' + loaderId).hide();
// Attach zFCP device to node
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'chvm',
tgt : node,
args : args,
msg : 'cmd=chvm-zfcp;out=' + out2Id
success : updateZProvisionNewStatus
} else {
$('#' + loaderId).hide();
} else {
// Reset number of tries
$.cookie('tries4' + tabId, 0);
// Set cookie for number of disks
// One less disk to add
// Done if no disks to add
var zfcp2add = $.cookie('zfcp2add' + out2Id);
$.cookie('zfcp2add' + out2Id, zfcp2add);
if (zfcp2add < 1) {
var zfcp2add = $.cookie('zfcp2add' + out2Id);
if (disks2add < 1 && zfcp2add < 1) {
$('#' + loaderId).hide();
* (6) Set operating system for given node
else if (lastCmd == 'chvm-disk' || lastCmd == 'chvm-zfcp') {
// Write ajax response to status bar
var prg = writeRsp(rsp, '');
$('#' + statBarId).find('div').append(prg);
// If there was an error, quit
if (containErrors(prg.html())) {
$('#' + loaderId).hide();
} else {
// Set cookie for number of disks
// One less disk to add
var disks2add = $.cookie('disks2add' + out2Id);
if (lastCmd == 'chvm-disk') {
if (disks2add > 0) {
$.cookie('disks2add' + out2Id, disks2add);
var zfcp2add = $.cookie('zfcp2add' + out2Id);
if (lastCmd == 'chvm-zfcp') {
if (zfcp2add > 0) {
$.cookie('zfcp2add' + out2Id, zfcp2add);
// Only set operating system if there are no more disks to add
if (zfcp2add < 1 && disks2add < 1) {
// If an operating system image is given
var osImage = $('#' + tabId + ' input[name=os]:visible').val();
var osImage = $('#' + tabId + ' select[name=os]:visible').val();
if (osImage) {
// Get operating system, architecture, provision method, and profile
var tmp = osImage.split('-');
var tmp = osImage.split('-');
var os = tmp[0];
var arch = tmp[1];
var profile = tmp[3];
// If the last disk is added
if (disks2add < 1) {
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'nodeadd',
tgt : '',
args : node + ';noderes.netboot=zvm;nodetype.os='
+ os + ';nodetype.arch=' + arch
+ ';nodetype.profile=' + profile,
msg : 'cmd=noderes;out=' + out2Id
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'nodeadd',
tgt : '',
args : node + ';noderes.netboot=zvm;nodetype.os='
+ os + ';nodetype.arch=' + arch
+ ';nodetype.profile=' + profile,
msg : 'cmd=noderes;out=' + out2Id
success : updateZProvisionNewStatus
success : updateZProvisionNewStatus
} else {
$('#' + loaderId).hide();
@ -759,9 +631,9 @@ function updateZProvisionNewStatus(data) {
* (8) Update DHCP
* (7) Update DHCP
else if (cmd == 'noderes') {
else if (lastCmd == 'noderes') {
// If there was an error, do not continue
if (rsp.length) {
$('#' + loaderId).hide();
@ -784,9 +656,9 @@ function updateZProvisionNewStatus(data) {
* (9) Prepare node for boot
* (8) Prepare node for boot
else if (cmd == 'makedhcp') {
else if (lastCmd == 'makedhcp') {
// Prepare node for boot
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
@ -803,16 +675,16 @@ function updateZProvisionNewStatus(data) {
* (10) Boot node to network
* (9) Boot node to network
else if (cmd == 'nodeset') {
else if (lastCmd == 'nodeset') {
// Write ajax response to status bar
var prg = writeRsp(rsp, '');
$('#' + statBarId).find('div').append(prg);
// If there was an error
// Do not continue
if (prg.html().indexOf('Error') > -1) {
if (containErrors(prg.html())) {
$('#' + loaderId).hide();
} else {
$.ajax( {
@ -831,9 +703,9 @@ function updateZProvisionNewStatus(data) {
* (11) Done
* (10) Done
else if (cmd == 'rnetboot') {
else if (lastCmd == 'rnetboot') {
// Write ajax response to status bar
var prg = writeRsp(rsp, '');
$('#' + statBarId).find('div').append(prg);
@ -900,7 +772,7 @@ function updateZProvisionExistingStatus(data) {
$('#' + statBarId).find('div').append(prg);
// If there was an error, do not continue
if (prg.html().indexOf('Error') > -1) {
if (containErrors(prg.html())) {
var loaderId = 'zProvisionLoader' + inst;
$('#' + loaderId).remove();
@ -3345,19 +3217,18 @@ function createZProvisionNew(inst) {
// Create operating system image input
var os = $('<div></div>');
var osLabel = $('<label for="os">Operating system image:</label>');
var osInput = $('<input type="text" name="os" title="You must give the operating system to install on this node or node range, e.g. rhel5.5-s390x-install-compute"/>');
// Get image names on focus'focus', function(){
var imageNames = $.cookie('imagenames');
if (imageNames) {
// Turn on auto complete
source: imageNames.split(',')
var osSelect = $('<select name="os"></select>');
osSelect.append($('<option value=""></option>'));
var imageNames = $.cookie('imagenames').split(',');
if (imageNames) {
for (var i in imageNames) {
osSelect.append($('<option value="' + imageNames[i] + '">' + imageNames[i] + '</option>'));
// Create user entry input
@ -3370,7 +3241,7 @@ function createZProvisionNew(inst) {
// Get objects for HCP, user ID, and OS
var userId = $('#' + thisTabId + ' input[name=userId]');
var os = $('#' + thisTabId + ' input[name=os]');
var os = $('#' + thisTabId + ' select[name=os]');
// Get default user entry when clicked
if ($(this).attr('checked')) {
@ -3545,7 +3416,7 @@ function createZProvisionNew(inst) {
var zfcpDiv = $('<div class="provision"></div>');
var zfcpLabel = $('<label>zFCP:</label>');
var zfcpTable = $('<table></table>');
var zfcpHeader = $('<thead class="ui-widget-header"> <th><th>Address</th> <th>Size</th> <th>Pool</th> <th>Tag</th> <th>Port Name</th> <th>Unit #</th></thead>');
var zfcpHeader = $('<thead class="ui-widget-header"> <th><th>Address</th> <th>Size</th> <th>Pool</th> <th>Tag</th> <th>Port Name</th> <th>Unit #</th> <th>LOADDEV</th></thead>');
// Adjust header width
zfcpHeader.find('th').css( {
'width' : '80px'
@ -3610,6 +3481,10 @@ function createZProvisionNew(inst) {
// Create device unit number
var zfcpUnitNo = $('<td><input type="text" name="zfcpUnitNo" title="Optional. You can give the logical unit number for the device."/></td>');
// Create LOADDEV checkbox
var zfcpLoaddev = $('<td><input type="radio" name="zfcpLoaddev" title="Optional. You can specify this device as to be loaded as a result of a guest IPL from SCSI disk."/></td>');
@ -3673,9 +3548,8 @@ function createZProvisionNew(inst) {
// Check disks and zFCP devices
var inputs = $('#' + thisTabId + ' input:visible');
for ( var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
// Do not check OS or disk password
// Do not check some inputs
if (!inputs.eq(i).val()
&& inputs.eq(i).attr('name') != 'os'
&& inputs.eq(i).attr('type') != 'password'
&& inputs.eq(i).attr('name') != 'zfcpTag'
&& inputs.eq(i).attr('name') != 'zfcpPortName'
@ -3686,6 +3560,16 @@ function createZProvisionNew(inst) {
inputs.eq(i).css('border', 'solid #BDBDBD 1px');
var selects = $('#' + thisTabId + ' select:visible');
for ( var i = 0; i < selects.length; i++) {
if (!selects.eq(i).val() && selects.eq(i).attr('name') != 'os') {
selects.eq(i).css('border', 'solid #FF0000 1px');
ready = false;
} else {
selects.eq(i).css('border', 'solid #BDBDBD 1px');
// Check user entry
var thisUserEntry = $('#' + thisTabId + ' textarea:visible');
@ -3711,7 +3595,7 @@ function createZProvisionNew(inst) {
// If no operating system is specified, create only user entry
os = $('#' + thisTabId + ' input[name=os]:visible');
os = $('#' + thisTabId + ' select[name=os]:visible');
// Check number of disks
var diskRows = $('#' + thisTabId + ' table tr');

View File

@ -1056,3 +1056,18 @@ function getNodesChecked(datatableId) {
return tgts;
* Check if return message contains errors
* @param msg Return message
* @return 0 If return message contains no errors
* -1 If return message contains errors
function containErrors(msg) {
if (msg.indexOf('Failed') > -1 || msg.indexOf('Error') > -1) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;

View File

@ -554,7 +554,9 @@ sub removeVM {
$out = `ssh $hcp "sed --in-place -e $expression $::ZFCPPOOL/$pool.conf"`;
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn($callback, "$node: Updating FCP device pool $pool... Done");
if (@luns) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn($callback, "$node: Updating FCP device pool $pool... Done");
# Check for errors
@ -837,7 +839,7 @@ sub changeVM {
$out = xCAT::zvmUtils->appendHostname( $node, $out );
# addzfcp [pool] [device address] [size] [tag] [wwpn] [lun]
# addzfcp [pool] [device address] [loaddev (0 or 1)] [size] [tag (optional)] [wwpn (optional)] [lun (optional)]
elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--addzfcp" ) {
# Find a free disk in the pool
# zFCP devices are contained in /var/opt/zhcp/zfcp/<pool-name>.conf
@ -845,13 +847,19 @@ sub changeVM {
my $device = $args->[2];
my $argsSize = @{$args};
if ($argsSize < 4 || $argsSize > 7) {
if ($argsSize < 5 || $argsSize > 8) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Wrong number of parameters" );
my $loaddev = int($args->[3]);
if ($loaddev != 0 && $loaddev != 1) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) The loaddev can be 0 or 1" );
# Size can be M(egabytes) or G(igabytes)
my $size = $args->[3];
my $size = $args->[4];
if ($size =~ m/G/i) {
# Convert to MegaBytes
$size =~ s/\D//g;
@ -865,7 +873,7 @@ sub changeVM {
# Tag specifies what to replace in the autoyast/kickstart template, e.g. $root_device$
# This argument is optional
my $tag = $args->[4];
my $tag = $args->[5];
# Check if WWPN and LUN are given
my $wwpn;
@ -873,8 +881,8 @@ sub changeVM {
my $useWwpnLun = 0;
if ($argsSize == 7) {
$useWwpnLun = 1;
$wwpn = $args->[5];
$lun = $args->[6];
$wwpn = $args->[6];
$lun = $args->[7];
# Make sure WWPN and LUN do not have 0x prefix
$wwpn = xCAT::zvmUtils->replaceStr($wwpn, "0x", "");
@ -1029,6 +1037,13 @@ sub changeVM {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn($callback, "$node: Adding FCP device... Done");
# Set loaddev statement in directory entry
if ($loaddev) {
$out = `chvm $node --setloaddev $wwpn $lun`;
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn($callback, "$out");
$out = "";