add the URI support for group and makedns/makedhcp
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,12 +6,25 @@ my @apigroups = (
groupname => 'nodes',
header => "Node Resources",
desc => "The URI list which can be used to create, query, change and manage nodes.",
desc => "The URI list which can be used to create, query, change and manage node objects.",
resources => ['allnode', 'nodeallattr', 'nodeattr', 'power', 'energy', 'energyattr', 'serviceprocessor', 'nextboot',
'vitals', 'vitalsattr', 'inventory', 'inventoryattr', 'eventlog', 'beacon', 'bootstat',
'updating','filesyncing','software_maintenance','postscript', 'nodeshell', 'nodecopy',
groupname => 'groups',
header => "Group Resources",
desc => "The URI list which can be used to create, query, change and manage group objects.",
resources => ['all_groups','group_allattr','group_attr',
groupname => 'services',
header => "Services Resources",
desc => "The URI list which can be used to manage the dns and dhcp services on xCAT MN.",
resources => ['dns','dhcp']
groupname => 'policy',
header => "Policy Resources",
@ -360,10 +360,10 @@ my %URIdef = (
updating => {
desc => "[URI:/nodes/{nodename}/updating] - The updating resource for the node {nodename}",
matcher => '^/nodes/[^/]*/updating$',
PUT => {
POST => {
desc => "Update the node with file syncing, software maintenance and rerun postscripts.",
usage => "||An array of messages for performing the node updating.|",
example => "|Initiate an updatenode process.|PUT|/nodes/node2/updating|[\n \"There were no syncfiles defined to process. File synchronization has completed.\",\n \"Performing software maintenance operations. This could take a while, if there are packages to install.\n\",\n \"node2: Wed Mar 20 15:01:43 CST 2013 Running postscript: ospkgs\",\n \"node2: Running of postscripts has completed.\"\n]|",
example => "|Initiate an updatenode process.|POST|/nodes/node2/updating|[\n \"There were no syncfiles defined to process. File synchronization has completed.\",\n \"Performing software maintenance operations. This could take a while, if there are packages to install.\n\",\n \"node2: Wed Mar 20 15:01:43 CST 2013 Running postscript: ospkgs\",\n \"node2: Running of postscripts has completed.\"\n]|",
cmd => "updatenode",
fhandler => \&actionhdl,
outhdler => \&infoout,
@ -372,10 +372,10 @@ my %URIdef = (
filesyncing => {
desc => "[URI:/nodes/{nodename}/filesyncing] - The filesyncing resource for the node {nodename}",
matcher => '^/nodes/[^/]*/filesyncing$',
PUT => {
POST => {
desc => "Sync files for the node {nodename}. DataBody: {location of syncfile}",
usage => "||An array of messages for performing the file syncing for the node.|",
example => "|Initiate an file syncing process.|PUT|/nodes/node2/filesyncing|[\n \"There were no syncfiles defined to process. File synchronization has completed.\"\n]|",
example => "|Initiate an file syncing process.|POST|/nodes/node2/filesyncing|[\n \"There were no syncfiles defined to process. File synchronization has completed.\"\n]|",
cmd => "updatenode",
fhandler => \&actionhdl,
outhdler => \&infoout,
@ -384,10 +384,10 @@ my %URIdef = (
software_maintenance => {
desc => "[URI:/nodes/{nodename}/sw] - The software maintenance for the node {nodename}",
matcher => '^/nodes/[^/]*/sw$',
PUT => {
POST => {
desc => "Perform the software maintenance process for the node {nodename}.",
usage => "||An array of messages for performing the software maintenance for the node.|",
example => "|Initiate an software maintenance process.|PUT|/nodes/node2/sw|[\n \"Performing software maintenance operations. This could take a while, if there are packages to install.\n\",\n \"node2: Wed Mar 20 15:40:27 CST 2013 Running postscript: ospkgs\",\n \"node2: Unable to read consumer identity\",\n \"node2: Postscript: ospkgs exited with code 0\",\n \"node2: Wed Mar 20 15:40:29 CST 2013 Running postscript: otherpkgs\",\n \"node2: ./otherpkgs: no extra rpms to install\",\n \"node2: Postscript: otherpkgs exited with code 0\",\n \"node2: Running of Software Maintenance has completed.\"\n]|",
example => "|Initiate an software maintenance process.|POST|/nodes/node2/sw|[\n \"Performing software maintenance operations. This could take a while, if there are packages to install.\n\",\n \"node2: Wed Mar 20 15:40:27 CST 2013 Running postscript: ospkgs\",\n \"node2: Unable to read consumer identity\",\n \"node2: Postscript: ospkgs exited with code 0\",\n \"node2: Wed Mar 20 15:40:29 CST 2013 Running postscript: otherpkgs\",\n \"node2: ./otherpkgs: no extra rpms to install\",\n \"node2: Postscript: otherpkgs exited with code 0\",\n \"node2: Running of Software Maintenance has completed.\"\n]|",
cmd => "updatenode",
fhandler => \&actionhdl,
outhdler => \&infoout,
@ -396,10 +396,10 @@ my %URIdef = (
postscript => {
desc => "[URI:/nodes/{nodename}/postscript] - The postscript resource for the node {nodename}",
matcher => '^/nodes/[^/]*/postscript$',
PUT => {
POST => {
desc => "Run the postscripts for the node {nodename}. DataBody: {scripts:[p1,p2,p3,...]}",
usage => "|Put data: Json formatted scripts:[scriptname list].|An array of messages for the running postscripts for the node.|",
example => "|Initiate an updatenode process.|PUT|/nodes/node2/postscript {\"scripts\":[\"syslog\",\"remoteshell\"]}|[\n \"node2: Wed Mar 20 15:39:23 CST 2013 Running postscript: syslog\",\n \"node2: Shutting down system logger: [ OK ]\n\",\n \"node2: Starting system logger: [ OK ]\n\",\n \"node2: Postscript: syslog exited with code 0\",\n \"node2: Wed Mar 20 15:39:23 CST 2013 Running postscript: remoteshell\",\n \"node2: \",\n \"node2: Stopping sshd: [ OK ]\n\",\n \"node2: Starting sshd: [ OK ]\n\",\n \"node2: Postscript: remoteshell exited with code 0\",\n \"node2: Running of postscripts has completed.\"\n]|",
example => "|Initiate an updatenode process.|POST|/nodes/node2/postscript {\"scripts\":[\"syslog\",\"remoteshell\"]}|[\n \"node2: Wed Mar 20 15:39:23 CST 2013 Running postscript: syslog\",\n \"node2: Shutting down system logger: [ OK ]\n\",\n \"node2: Starting system logger: [ OK ]\n\",\n \"node2: Postscript: syslog exited with code 0\",\n \"node2: Wed Mar 20 15:39:23 CST 2013 Running postscript: remoteshell\",\n \"node2: \",\n \"node2: Stopping sshd: [ OK ]\n\",\n \"node2: Starting sshd: [ OK ]\n\",\n \"node2: Postscript: remoteshell exited with code 0\",\n \"node2: Running of postscripts has completed.\"\n]|",
cmd => "updatenode",
fhandler => \&actionhdl,
outhdler => \&infoout,
@ -408,10 +408,10 @@ my %URIdef = (
nodeshell => {
desc => "[URI:/nodes/{nodename}/nodeshell] - The nodeshell resource for the node {nodename}",
matcher => '^/nodes/[^/]*/nodeshell$',
PUT => {
POST => {
desc => "Run the command in the shell of the node {nodename}. DataBody: {command:[cmd1,cmd2]}",
usage => "|Put data: Json formatted command:[cmd1,cmd2].|An arry of messages for running commands on the node.|",
example => "|Run the \'data\' command on the node2.|PUT|/nodes/node2/nodeshell {\"command\":[\"date\",\"ls\"]}|[\n \"node2: Wed Mar 20 16:18:08 CST 2013\",\n \"node2: anaconda-ks.cfg\nnode2: install.log\nnode2: install.log.syslog\nnode2: post.log\",\n null\n]|",
example => "|Run the \'data\' command on the node2.|POST|/nodes/node2/nodeshell {\"command\":[\"date\",\"ls\"]}|[\n \"node2: Wed Mar 20 16:18:08 CST 2013\",\n \"node2: anaconda-ks.cfg\nnode2: install.log\nnode2: install.log.syslog\nnode2: post.log\",\n null\n]|",
cmd => "xdsh",
fhandler => \&actionhdl,
outhdler => \&infoout,
@ -420,10 +420,10 @@ my %URIdef = (
nodecopy => {
desc => "[URI:/nodes/{nodename}/nodecopy] - The nodecopy resource for the node {nodename}",
matcher => '^/nodes/[^/]*/nodecopy$',
PUT => {
POST => {
desc => "Copy files to the node {nodename}. DataBody: {src:[file1,file2],target:dir}",
usage => "|Put data: Json formatted src file and target file or directory.|Error messages.|",
example => "|Copy files to the node2.|PUT|/nodes/node2/nodecopy {\"src\":[\"/tmp/f1\",\"/tmp/f2\"],\"target\":\"/tmp\"}|no output for succeeded copy.|",
example => "|Copy files to the node2.|POST|/nodes/node2/nodecopy {\"src\":[\"/tmp/f1\",\"/tmp/f2\"],\"target\":\"/tmp\"}|no output for succeeded copy.|",
cmd => "xdcp",
fhandler => \&actionhdl,
outhdler => \&infoout,
@ -498,7 +498,81 @@ my %URIdef = (
#### definition for group resources
group => {
groups => {
all_groups => {
desc => "[URI:/groups] - The group list resource.",
desc1 => "This resource can be used to display all the groups which have been defined in the xCAT database.",
matcher => '^/groups$',
GET => {
desc => "Get all the groups in xCAT.",
desc1 => "The attributes details for the group will not be displayed.",
usage => "||Json format: An array of group names.|",
example => "|Get all the group names from xCAT database.|GET|/groups|[\n \"__mgmtnode\",\n \"all\",\n \"compute\",\n \"ipmi\",\n \"kvm\",\n]|",
cmd => "lsdef",
fhandler => \&defhdl,
outhdler => \&defout_remove_appended_type,
group_allattr => {
desc => "[URI:/groups/{groupname}] - The group resource",
matcher => '^/groups/[^/]*$',
GET => {
desc => "Get all the attibutes for the group {groupname}.",
usage => "||$usagemsg{objreturn}|",
example => "|Get all the attibutes for group \'all\'.|GET|/groups/all|{\n \"all\":{\n \"members\":\"zxnode2,nodexxx,node1,node4\"\n }\n}|",
cmd => "lsdef",
fhandler => \&defhdl,
outhdler => \&defout,
PUT => {
desc => "Change the attibutes for the group {groupname}.",
usage => "|$usagemsg{objchparam} DataBody: {attr1:v1,att2:v2,...}.|$usagemsg{non_getreturn}|",
example => "|Change the attributes mgt=dfm and netboot=yaboot.|PUT|/groups/all {\"mgt\":\"dfm\",\"netboot\":\"yaboot\"}||",
cmd => "chdef",
fhandler => \&defhdl,
outhdler => \&noout,
group_attr => {
desc => "[URI:/groups/{groupname}/attr/{attr1,attr2,attr3 ...}] - The attributes resource for the group {groupname}",
matcher => '^/groups/[^/]*/attr/\S+$',
GET => {
desc => "Get the specific attributes for the group {groupname}.",
usage => "||$usagemsg{objreturn}|",
example => "|Get the attributes {mgt,netboot} for group all|GET|/groups/all/attr/mgt,netboot|{\n \"all\":{\n \"netboot\":\"yaboot\",\n \"mgt\":\"dfm\"\n }\n}|",
cmd => "lsdef",
fhandler => \&defhdl,
outhdler => \&defout,
#### definition for services resources: dns, dhcp
services => {
dns => {
desc => "[URI:/services/dns] - The dns service resource.",
matcher => '^/services/dns$',
POST => {
desc => "Create the dns records for all the entries in the MN:/etc/hosts configuration file.",
usage => "||$usagemsg{non_getreturn}|",
example => "|Create the dns records for all the entries in the /etc/hosts.|POST|/services/dns||",
cmd => "makedns",
fhandler => \&nonobjhdl,
outhdler => \&noout,
dhcp => {
desc => "[URI:/services/dhcp] - The dhcp service resource.",
matcher => '^/services/dhcp$',
POST => {
desc => "Create the dhcpd.conf for all the networks which are defined in the xCAT Management Node.",
usage => "||$usagemsg{non_getreturn}|",
example => "|Create the dhcpd.conf and restart the dhcpd.|POST|/services/dhcp||",
cmd => "makedhcp",
fhandler => \&nonobjhdl,
outhdler => \&noout,
#### definition for network resources
@ -1186,7 +1260,7 @@ sub noout {
# hanlde the output which is node irrelevant
sub infoout {
my $data = shift;
@ -1196,7 +1270,13 @@ sub infoout {
push @{$json}, @{$d->{info}};
if (defined ($d->{data})) {
push @{$json}, @{$d->{data}};
if (ref($d->{data}->[0]) ne "HASH") {
push @{$json}, @{$d->{data}};
} else {
if (defined($d->{data}->[0]->{contents})) {
push @{$json}, @{$d->{data}->[0]->{contents}};
if (defined ($d->{error})) {
push @{$json}, @{$d->{error}};
@ -1207,7 +1287,7 @@ sub infoout {
# handle the action against noderange
sub actionout {
my $data = shift;
my $param =shift;
@ -1294,7 +1374,7 @@ sub defhdl {
if ($params->{'resourcename'} eq "allnode") {
push @args, '-s';
} elsif ($params->{'resourcename'} eq "nodeattr" or $params->{'resourcename'} eq "osimage_attr") {
} elsif ($params->{'resourcename'} =~ /(nodeattr|osimage_attr|group_attr)/) {
my $attrs = $urilayers[3];
$attrs =~ s/;/,/g;
@ -1319,7 +1399,7 @@ sub actionhdl {
# set the command name
$request->{command} = $params->{'cmd'};
# push the object name - node/noderange
# push the object name - node/noderange
if (defined ($urilayers[1])) {
$request->{noderange} = $urilayers[1];
@ -1407,7 +1487,7 @@ sub actionhdl {
if (defined ($paramhash->{'target'})) {
push @args, $paramhash->{'target'};
push @{$request->{arg}}, @args;
my $req = genRequest();
@ -1416,6 +1496,26 @@ sub actionhdl {
return $responses;
# handle the request for node irrelevant commands like makedns -n and makedhcp -n
sub nonobjhdl {
my $params = shift;
my @args;
# set the command name
$request->{command} = $params->{'cmd'};
if ($params->{'resourcename'} =~ /(dns|dhcp)/) {
push @args, '-n';
push @{$request->{arg}}, @args;
my $req = genRequest();
my $responses = sendRequest($req);
return $responses;
# operate image instance for a osimage
sub imgophdl {
my $params = shift;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user