XCATBYPASS calls preprocess_request, updated copies of subroutines stolen from xcatd
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xcat/code/xcat-core/trunk@1484 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ unless ($inet6support) {
eval { require IO::Socket::INET };
use XML::Simple;
if ($^O =~ /^linux/i) {
@ -164,8 +165,8 @@ sub submit_request {
# will load all plugin perl modules and build a list of supported
# commands
# NOTE: This is copied from xcatd (last merge 10/3/07).
# Will eventually move to using common source....
# NOTE: This is copied from xcatd (last merge 5/21/08).
# TODO: Will eventually move to using common source....
sub scan_plugins {
my @plugins=glob($plugins_dir."/*.pm");
@ -204,8 +205,8 @@ sub scan_plugins {
# plugin_command
# will invoke the correct plugin
# NOTE: This is copied from xcatd (last merge 10/3/07).
# Will eventually move to using common source....
# NOTE: This is copied from xcatd (last merge 5/21/08).
# TODO: Will eventually move to using common source....
sub plugin_command {
my $req = shift;
@ -225,10 +226,11 @@ sub plugin_command {
my @nodes;
if ($req->{node}) {
@nodes = @{$req->{node}};
} elsif ($req->{noderange}) {
} elsif ($req->{noderange} and $req->{noderange}->[0]) {
@nodes = xCAT::NodeRange::noderange($req->{noderange}->[0]);
if (xCAT::NodeRange::nodesmissed()) {
# my $rsp = {errorcode=>1,error=>"Invalid nodes in noderange:".join(',',xCAT::NodeRange::nodesmissed)};
my $rsp->{serverdone} = {};
print "Invalid nodes in noderangex:".join(',',xCAT::NodeRange::nodesmissed())."\n";
# if ($sock) {
# print $sock XMLout($rsp,RootName=>'xcatresponse' ,NoAttr=>1);
@ -236,14 +238,23 @@ sub plugin_command {
# return ($rsp);
return 1;
unless (@nodes) {
$req->{emptynoderange} = [1];
if (@nodes) { $req->{node} = \@nodes; }
my %unhandled_nodes;
foreach (@nodes) {
my $useunhandled=0;
if (defined($cmd_handlers{$req->{command}->[0]})) {
my $hdlspec;
foreach (@{$cmd_handlers{$req->{command}->[0]}}) {
$hdlspec =$_->[1];
my $ownmod = $_->[0];
if ($hdlspec =~ /:/) { #Specificed a table lookup path for plugin name
my $table;
my $cols;
($table,$cols) = split(/:/,$hdlspec);
@ -266,6 +277,9 @@ sub plugin_command {
unless (@nodes) { #register the plugin in the event of usage
$handler_hash{$ownmod} = 1;
foreach $node (@nodes) {
my $attribs = $hdlrtable->getNodeAttribs($node,\@columns);
unless (defined($attribs)) { next; } #TODO: This really ought to craft an unsupported response for this request
@ -275,15 +289,18 @@ sub plugin_command {
if ($colvals->{$col}) { #A pattern match style request.
if ($attribs->{$col} =~ /$colvals->{$col}/) {
$handler_hash{$ownmod}->{$node} = 1;
delete $unhandled_nodes{$node};
} else {
$handler_hash{$attribs->{$col}}->{$node} = 1;
delete $unhandled_nodes{$node};
} else {
unless (@nodes) {
$handler_hash{$hdlspec} = 1;
@ -297,10 +314,29 @@ sub plugin_command {
print "$req->{command}->[0] xCAT command not found \n";
return 1; #TODO: error back that request has no known plugin for it
if ($useunhandled) {
my $queuelist;
foreach (@{$cmd_handlers{$req->{command}->[0]}->[0]}) {
unless (/:/) {
$queuelist .= "$_,";
$queuelist =~ s/,$//;
$queuelist =~ s/:/./g;
foreach (keys %unhandled_nodes) {
# if ($sock) {
# print $sock XMLout({node=>[{name=>[$_],data=>["Unable to identify plugin for this command, check relevant tables: $queuelist"],errorcode=>[1]}]},NoAttr=>1,RootName=>'xcatresponse');
# } else {
$callback->({node=>[{name=>[$_],data=>['Unable to identify plugin for this command, check relevant tables'],errorcode=>[1]}]});
# }
# my $children=0;
# $SIG{CHLD} = sub {while (waitpid(-1, WNOHANG) > 0) { $children--; } };
# $plugin_numchildren=0;
# %plugin_children=();
# $SIG{CHLD} = \&plugin_reaper; #sub {my $plugpid; while (($plugpid = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG)) > 0) { if ($plugin_children{$plugpid}) { delete $plugin_children{$plugpid}; $plugin_numchildren--; } } };
# my $check_fds;
# if ($sock) {
# $check_fds = new IO::Select;
@ -309,39 +345,50 @@ sub plugin_command {
my $modname = $_;
if (-r $plugins_dir."/".$modname.".pm") {
require $plugins_dir."/".$modname.".pm";
# $children++;
# $plugin_numchildren++;
# my $pfd; #will be referenced for inter-process messaging.
# my $parfd; #not causing a problem that I discern yet, but theoretically
# my $child;
# if ($sock) { #If $sock not passed in, don't fork..
# socketpair($pfd, $parent_fd,AF_UNIX,SOCK_STREAM,PF_UNSPEC) or die "socketpair: $!";
# socketpair($pfd, $parfd,AF_UNIX,SOCK_STREAM,PF_UNSPEC) or die "socketpair: $!";
# #pipe($pfd,$cfd);
# $parent_fd->autoflush(1);
# $parfd->autoflush(1);
# $pfd->autoflush(1);
# $child = fork;
# $child = xCAT::Utils->xfork;
# } else {
# $child = 0;
# }
# unless (defined $child) { die "Fork failed"; }
# if ($child == 0) {
# $parent_fd = $parfd;
my $oldprogname=$$progname;
$$progname=$oldprogname.": $modname instance";
# if ($sock) { close $pfd; }
unless ($handler_hash{$_} == 1) {
my @nodes = sort {($a =~ /(\d+)/)[0] <=> ($b =~ /(\d+)/)[0] || $a cmp $b } (keys %{$handler_hash{$_}});
no strict "refs";
# if ($dispatch_requests) {
# } else {
# undef $SIG{CHLD};
# ${"xCAT_plugin::".$modname."::"}{process_request}->($req,$callback,\&do_request);
# }
# if ($sock) {
# close($parent_fd);
# exit(0);
# xexit(0);
# }
# } else {
# close $parent_fd;
# $plugin_children{$child}=1;
# close $parfd;
# $check_fds->add($pfd);
# }
unless ($sock) { return $Main::resps };
# while ($children > 0) {
# while (($plugin_numchildren > 0) and ($check_fds->count > 0)) { #this tracks end of useful data from children much more closely
# relay_fds($check_fds,$sock);
# }
# #while (relay_fds($check_fds,$sock)) {}
@ -355,11 +402,139 @@ sub plugin_command {
# dispatch_request
# dispatch the requested command
# NOTE: This is copied from xcatd (last merge 5/21/08).
# All we really need from this subroutine is to call preprocess_request
# and to only run the command for nodes handled by the local server
# Will eventually move to using common source....
sub dispatch_request {
# %dispatched_children=();
my $req = shift;
$dispatch_cb = shift;
my $modname = shift;
my $reqs = [];
# my $child_fdset = new IO::Select;
no strict "refs";
#Hierarchy support. Originally, the default scope for noderange commands was
#going to be the servicenode associated unless overriden.
#However, assume for example that you have blades and a blade is the service node
#rpower being executed by the servicenode for one of its subnodes would have to
#reach it's own management module. This has the potential to be non-trivial for some quite possible network configurations.
#Since plugins may commonly experience this, a preprocess_request implementation
#will for now be required for a command to be scaled through service nodes
#If the plugin offers a preprocess method, use it to set the request array
if (defined(${"xCAT_plugin::".$modname."::"}{preprocess_request})) {
undef $SIG{CHLD};
$reqs = ${"xCAT_plugin::".$modname."::"}{preprocess_request}->($req,$dispatch_cb,\&do_request);
} else { #otherwise, pass it in without hierarchy support
$reqs = [$req];
# $dispatch_children=0;
# $SIG{CHLD} = \&dispatch_reaper; #sub {my $cpid; while (($cpid =waitpid(-1, WNOHANG)) > 0) { if ($dispatched_children{$cpid}) { delete $dispatched_children{$cpid}; $dispatch_children--; } } };
foreach (@{$reqs}) {
# my $pfd;
# my $parfd; #use a private variable so it won't trounce itself recursively
# my $child;
delete $_->{noderange};
#----- added to Client.pm -----#
if ($_->{node}) {
# socketpair($pfd, $parfd,AF_UNIX,SOCK_STREAM,PF_UNSPEC) or die "socketpair: $!";
# $parfd->autoflush(1);
# $pfd->autoflush(1);
# $child = xCAT::Utils->xfork;
# if ($child) {
# $dispatch_children++;
# $dispatched_children{$child}=1;
# $child_fdset->add($pfd);
# next;
# }
# unless (defined $child) {
# $dispatch_cb->({error=>['Fork failure dispatching request'],errorcode=>[1]});
# }
# undef $SIG{CHLD};
# $dispatch_parentfd = $parfd;
if ($_->{'_xcatdest'} and thishostisnot($_->{'_xcatdest'})) {
#----- added to Client.pm -----#
$dispatch_cb->({warning=>['XCATBYPASS is set, skipping hierarchy call to '.$_->{'_xcatdest'}.'']});
# $ENV{XCATHOST} = ( $_->{'_xcatdest'} =~ /:/ ? $_->{'_xcatdest'} : $_->{'_xcatdest'}.":3001" );
# $$progname.=": connection to ".$ENV{XCATHOST};
# eval {
# undef $_->{'_xcatdest'};
# xCAT::Client::submit_request($_,\&dispatch_callback,$xcatdir."/cert/server-cred.pem",$xcatdir."/cert/server-cred.pem",$xcatdir."/cert/ca.pem");
# };
# if ($@) {
# dispatch_callback({error=>["Error dispatching command to ".$ENV{XCATHOST}.""],errorcode=>[1]});
# syslog("local4|err","Error dispatching request: ".$@);
# }
} else {
$$progname.=": locally executing";
undef $SIG{CHLD};
# xexit;
#while (($dispatch_children > 0) and ($child_fdset->count > 0)) { relay_dispatch($child_fdset) }
#while (relay_dispatch($child_fdset)) { } #Potentially useless drain.
# thishostisnot
# does the requested IP belong to this local host?
# NOTE: This is copied from xcatd (last merge 5/21/08).
# Will eventually move to using common source....
sub thishostisnot {
my $comparison = shift;
# use "ip addr" for linux, since ifconfig
# doesn't list "ip addr add" aliases for linux
my $cmd = ($^O !~ /^aix/i) ? "/sbin/ip addr" : "ifconfig -a";
my @ips = split /\n/,`$cmd`;
# TODO: AIX will hang on the inet_aton call if it gets passed an IPv6
# address, since we have not added INET6 support to AIX yet.
# The ifconfig -a output may contain an IPv6 address for localhost.
# This code should only get called if using hierarchy, which
# is also not supported for AIX yet.
my $comp=IO::Socket::inet_aton($comparison);
foreach (@ips) {
if (/^\s*inet/) {
my @ents = split(/\s+/);
my $ip=$ents[2];
$ip =~ s/\/.*//;
if (IO::Socket::inet_aton($ip) eq $comp) {
return 0;
return 1;
# do_request
# called from a plugin to execute another xCAT plugin command internally
# NOTE: This is copied from xcatd (last merge 10/3/07).
# NOTE: This is copied from xcatd (last merge 5/21/08).
# Will eventually move to using common source....
sub do_request {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user