Modify resetnet for demo

git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
yinle 2012-08-13 06:04:03 +00:00
parent f528c39823
commit 5fd9e8448f

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ package xCAT::PPCcfg;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use xCAT::PPCfsp;
use xCAT::Usage;
use Storable qw(freeze thaw);
@ -848,7 +849,6 @@ sub doresetnet {
%oihash = ();
%machash = ();
%vpdhash = ();
send_msg( $req, 0, "\nStart to reset network..\n" );
$start = Time::HiRes::gettimeofday();
my $children = 0;
$SIG{CHLD} = sub { while (waitpid(-1, WNOHANG) > 0) { $children--; } };
@ -902,74 +902,44 @@ sub doresetnet {
%iphash = ();
close( $parent );
$req->{pipe} = $child;
my @ns = split /,/, $grouphashref;
my $ips ;
my $retrytime = 0;
while (scalar(@ns)) {
foreach my $fspport (@ns) {
my $ip = ${$iphashref->{$fspport}}{tip};
my $rc = system("ping -q -n -c 1 -w 1 $ip > /dev/null");
if ($rc != 0) {
$ip = ${$iphashref->{$fspport}}{sip};
$rc = system("ping -q -n -c 1 -w 1 $ip > /dev/null");
if ($rc != 0) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->verbose_message($req, "$fspport: Ping failed for both ips: ${$iphashref->{$fspport}}{tip}, ${$iphashref->{$fspport}}{sip}. Need to retry for fsp $fspport. Retry $retrytime");
# record verbose info, retry 10 times for the noping situation
if ($retrytime > 5) {
while (@ns) {
my $n1 = shift @ns;
push @data, $n1;
push @data, 1;
xCAT::MsgUtils->verbose_message($req, "$n1: Ping failed for both ips: ${$iphashref->{$n1}}{tip}, ${$iphashref->{$n1}}{sip}. Need to retry for fsp $n1. return");
} else {
xCAT::MsgUtils->verbose_message($req, "$fspport: has got new ip $ip");
my @temp;
foreach my $tn (@ns){
push @temp, $tn unless ($tn eq $fspport);
@ns = @temp;
push @data, $fspport;
push @data, 0;
} else {
xCAT::MsgUtils->verbose_message($req, "$fspport: Begin to use ip $ip to loggin");
$result = invoke_cmd( $req, $ip, $rspdevref);
xCAT::MsgUtils->verbose_message($req, "$fspport: resetnet result is @$result[0]");
if (@$result[0] == 0) {
my @temp;
foreach my $tn (@ns){
push @temp, $tn unless ($tn eq $fspport);
@ns = @temp;
push @data, $fspport;
push @data, 0;
#push @data, @$result[2];
xCAT::MsgUtils->verbose_message($req, "$fspport: reset successfully for node $fspport");
} else {
xCAT::MsgUtils->verbose_message($req, "$fspport: reset fail for node $fspport, retrying...");
my $msgs;
my $report;
my $time = 0;
while (1) {
my $erflag = 0;
$msgs = child_process($grouphashref, $iphashref, $rspdevref, $req, $node );
foreach my $port (keys %$msgs){
unless ($msgs->{$port} =~ /successful/) {
$erflag = 1;
# retry time less than 1 min.
my $elapsed = Time::HiRes::gettimeofday() - $start;
if ($elapsed > 60) {
while (@ns) {
my $n1 = shift @ns;
push @data, $n1;
push @data, 1;
xCAT::MsgUtils->verbose_message($req, "$n1: ASMI retry failed, return.");
if ($erflag) {
$report = ();
foreach my $port1 (keys %$msgs){
$report .= $port1.":".$msgs->{$port1}.";";
xCAT::MsgUtils->verbose_message($req, "========> try again, $report");
send_msg( $req, 0, "========> try again, $report");
sleep 3;
} else {
last if ($time > 10);
$report = ();
foreach my $port (keys %$msgs){
$report .= $port.":".$msgs->{$port}.";";
send_msg( $req, 0, "Resetnet result for fsp $node is : $report");
# Pass result array back to parent
my %data;
$data{errorcode} = 0;
my $out = $req->{pipe};
print $out freeze( \@data );
print $out freeze( [\%data] );
print $out "\nENDOFFREEZE6sK4ci\n";
} else {
@ -998,40 +968,167 @@ sub doresetnet {
my $msg = sprintf( "Total rspconfig Time: %.3f sec\n", $elapsed );
xCAT::MsgUtils->verbose_message($req, $msg);
my @failed_node;
my @succeed_node;
foreach my $ip ( keys %rsp_result ) {
return undef;
sub child_process {
my $grouphashref = shift;
my $iphashref = shift;
my $rspdevref = shift;
my $req = shift;
my $node = shift;
my %msginfo;
my @ns = split /,/, $grouphashref;
my @valid_ips;
my @portneedreset;
my @portsuccess;
# Error logging on
my $result = $rsp_result{$ip};
my $Rc = shift(@$result);
if ( $Rc != SUCCESS ) {
push @failed_node, $ip;
foreach my $fspport (@ns) {
my $ip = ${$iphashref->{$fspport}}{sip};
my $rc = system("ping -q -n -c 1 -w 1 $ip > /dev/null");
if ($rc == 0) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->verbose_message( $req, "ping static $ip successfully");
push @valid_ips, $ip; # static ip should be used first
push @portsuccess, $fspport;
$msginfo{$fspport} = "ping1 successfully";
} else {
push @succeed_node, $ip;
xCAT::MsgUtils->verbose_message( $req, "ping static $ip failed, need to do resetnet for $fspport");
push @portneedreset, $fspport;
if (scalar (@portneedreset) == 0) {
return \%msginfo;
# Print the result
$result = "\nReset network failed nodes:\n";
foreach my $fspport ( @failed_node ) {
$result .= $fspport.",";
foreach my $fspport (@ns) {
my $ip = ${$iphashref->{$fspport}}{tip};
my $rc = system("ping -q -n -c 1 -w 1 $ip > /dev/null");
if ($rc == 0) {
push @valid_ips, $ip;
xCAT::MsgUtils->verbose_message( $req, "ping temp $ip successfully");
} else {
xCAT::MsgUtils->verbose_message( $req, "ping temp $ip failed");
$result .= "\nReset network succeed nodes:\n";
foreach my $fspport ( @succeed_node ) {
$result .= $fspport.",";
xCAT::MsgUtils->verbose_message( $req, "$fspport: Set the otherinterfaces value of $fspport to $iphash{$fspport}{sip} ");
$hoststab->setNodeAttribs( $fspport ,{otherinterfaces=> $iphash{$fspport}{sip}} );
if (scalar (@valid_ips) == 0) {
foreach my $fspport (@ns) {
$msginfo{$fspport} = "failed to find valid ip to log on";
return \%msginfo;
$result .= "\nReset network finished.\n";
send_msg( $req, 0, $result );
return undef;
my @exp;
my $goodip;
my $retry = 2;
foreach my $ip(@valid_ips) {
@exp = xCAT::PPCcfg::connect(${$rspdevref->{$ip}}{username},${$rspdevref->{$ip}}{password}, $ip);
if ( ref($exp[0]) eq "LWP::UserAgent" ) {
$goodip = $ip;
xCAT::MsgUtils->verbose_message( $req, "log in successfully with $ip");
my $msg = "login result is :".join(',', @exp);
xCAT::MsgUtils->verbose_message( $req, $msg);
unless ($goodip) {
foreach my $fspport (@ns) {
$msginfo{$fspport} = "failed to log on with $exp[0]";
return \%msginfo;
my %handled;
my $port;
if (scalar(@portneedreset) == 2 ) { ## do resetnet for the other port first
$port = $portneedreset[0];
my $ip = ${$iphashref->{$port}}{sip};
if ($goodip eq $ip) {
$port = $portneedreset[1];
xCAT::MsgUtils->verbose_message( $req, "begin to reset for port $port.. good ip is $goodip, ip is $ip....................................");
my $rc = system("ping -q -n -c 1 -w 1 $ip > /dev/null");
unless ($rc == 0) {
$ip = ${$iphashref->{$port}}{tip};
$handled{network} = $ip.",".${$rspdevref->{$ip}}{args};
my @cmds = ("network=$ip,${$rspdevref->{$ip}}{args}");
my %request = (
ppcretry => 1,
verbose => 0,
ppcmaxp => 64,
ppctimeout => 0,
fsptimeout => 0,
ppcretry => 3,
maxssh => 8,
arg => \@cmds,
method => \%handled,
command => 'rspconfig',
hwtype => ${$rspdevref->{$ip}}{type},
xCAT::MsgUtils->verbose_message( $req, "Begin to do reset for $port, nic is $ip");
my $result = xCAT::PPCfsp::handler($ip, \%request, \@exp, 1 );
if ($result) {
my $errcode = ${@$result[0]}{errorcode};
if ( $errcode == 0) {
$msginfo{$port} = "successful";
} else {
my $node = ${@$result[0]}{node};
$msginfo{$port} = @{${@{${@$node[0]}{data}}[0]}{contents}}[0];
} else {
$msginfo{$port} = "failed with unknown reason";
} else {
$msginfo{$port} = "ping2 successfully";
if ($port) {
if ($port eq $portneedreset[0] ) {
$port = $portneedreset[1];
} else {
$port = $portneedreset[0];
} else {
$port = $portneedreset[0];
xCAT::MsgUtils->verbose_message( $req, "begin to reset for port $port......................................");
my $ip = ${$iphashref->{$port}}{sip};
my $rc = system("ping -q -n -c 1 -w 1 $ip > /dev/null");
unless ($rc == 0) { #should be unless!!!!!!!!!!!!!
$ip = ${$iphashref->{$port}}{tip};
$handled{network} = $ip.",".${$rspdevref->{$ip}}{args};
my @cmds = ("network=$ip,${$rspdevref->{$ip}}{args}");
my %request = (
ppcretry => 1,
verbose => 0,
ppcmaxp => 64,
ppctimeout => 0,
fsptimeout => 0,
ppcretry => 3,
maxssh => 8,
arg => \@cmds,
method => \%handled,
command => 'rspconfig',
hwtype => ${$rspdevref->{$ip}}{type},
xCAT::MsgUtils->verbose_message( $req, "Begin to do reset for $port, nic is $ip");
my $result = xCAT::PPCfsp::handler($ip, \%request, \@exp);
if ($result) {
my $errcode = ${@$result[0]}{errorcode};
if ( $errcode == 0) {
$msginfo{$port} = "successful";
} else {
my $node = ${@$result[0]}{node};
$msginfo{$port} = @{${@{${@$node[0]}{data}}[0]}{contents}}[0];
} else {
$msginfo{$port} = "failed with unknown reason";
} else {
xCAT::PPCfsp::disconnect( \@exp );
$msginfo{$port} = "ping3 successfully";
return \%msginfo;
@ -1122,68 +1219,20 @@ sub get_rsp_dev
# Run the forked command and send reply to parent
sub invoke_cmd {
my $request = shift;
my $ip = shift;
my $args = shift;
# Telnet (rspconfig) command
my $target_dev = $args->{$ip};
# check args
unless ($target_dev){
send_msg( $request, 1, "invoke_cmd: Can't get the device information about the target $ip" );
my @cmds;
my $result;
if ($target_dev->{'type'} eq 'mm')
@cmds = (
xCAT::MsgUtils->verbose_message($request, "rspconfig :doresetnet run xCAT_plugin::blade::clicmds for node:$target_dev->{name},ip:$ip.");
$result = xCAT_plugin::blade::clicmds(
@cmds );
elsif($target_dev->{'type'} eq 'hmc')
@cmds = ("network_reset=$target_dev->{args}");
xCAT::MsgUtils->verbose_message($request, "sshcmds on hmc $ip");
xCAT::MsgUtils->verbose_message($request, "rspconfig :doresetnet run xCAT::PPC::sshcmds_on_hmc for node:$target_dev->{name},ip:$ip.");
$result = xCAT::PPC::sshcmds_on_hmc(
@cmds );
else #The rest must be fsp or bpa
@cmds = ("network=$ip,$target_dev->{args}");
xCAT::MsgUtils->verbose_message($request, "rspconfig :doresetnet run xCAT::PPC::updconf_in_asm for node:$target_dev->{name},ip:$ip.");
$result = updconf_in_asm(
@cmds );
return $result;
@ -1241,15 +1290,15 @@ sub child_response {
# rspconfig results
if ( @$responses[0] =~ /^RSPCONFIG6sK4ci$/ ) {
shift @$responses;
my $ip = @$responses[0];
my @rsp1 = (@$responses[1]);
$rsp_result{$ip} = \@rsp1;
$ip = @$responses[2];
if ($ip) {
my @rsp2 = (@$responses[3]);
$rsp_result{$ip} = \@rsp2;
#shift @$responses;
#my $ip = @$responses[0];
#my @rsp1 = (@$responses[1]);
#$rsp_result{$ip} = \@rsp1;
#$ip = @$responses[2];
#if ($ip) {
# my @rsp2 = (@$responses[3]);
# $rsp_result{$ip} = \@rsp2;
@ -1272,22 +1321,19 @@ sub child_response {
sub connect {
my $req = shift;
my $username = shift;
my $passwd = shift;
my $server = shift;
my $verbose = $req->{verbose};
my $timeout = $req->{fsptimeout};
my $verbose = shift;
my $lwp_log;
# Use timeout from site table
if ( !$timeout ) {
$timeout = 30;
my $timeout = 10;
# Get userid/password
my $cred = $req->{$server}{cred};
# Redirect STDERR to variable
@ -1322,7 +1368,6 @@ sub connect {
# Set options
my $url = "https://$server/cgi-bin/cgi?form=2";
xCAT::MsgUtils->verbose_message($req, "rspconfig :url for connect is $url \n");
$ua->cookie_jar( $cookie );
$ua->timeout( $timeout );
@ -1330,8 +1375,8 @@ sub connect {
# Submit logon
my $res = $ua->post( $url,
[ user => @$cred[0],
password => @$cred[1],
[ user => $username,
password => $passwd,
lang => "0",
submit => "Log in" ]
@ -1360,122 +1405,30 @@ sub connect {
return( $ua,
\$lwp_log );
# Logon error
$res = $ua->get( $url );
if ( !$res->is_success() ) {
return( $lwp_log.$res->status_line );
my $err;
if ( $res->content =~ /Too many users/i ) {
$err = "Too many users";
# Check for specific failures
if ( $res->content =~ /(Invalid user ID or password|Too many users)/i ) {
return( $lwp_log.$1 . ". Please check node attribute hcp and its password settings.");
}elsif ( $res->content =~ /Invalid user ID or password/i ) {
$err = "Invalid user ID or password";
$err = "Logon failure with unknown reason";
return( $lwp_log."Logon failure" );
return ($lwp_log.$err);
# logon asm and update configuration
sub updconf_in_asm
my $ip = shift;
my $target_dev = shift;
my @cmds = @_;
eval { require xCAT::PPCfsp };
if ( $@ ) {
return ([1,@cmds]);
my %handled;
for my $cmd (@cmds)
if ( $cmd =~ /(.+?)=(.*)/)
my ($command,$value) = ($1,$2);
$handled{$command} = $value;
my %request = (
ppcretry => 1,
verbose => 0,
ppcmaxp => 64,
ppctimeout => 0,
fsptimeout => 0,
ppcretry => 3,
maxssh => 8,
arg => \@cmds,
method => \%handled,
command => 'rspconfig',
hwtype => lc($target_dev->{'type'}),
my $valid_ip;
my @exp;
foreach my $individual_ip ( split /,/, $ip ) {
# Get userid and password
my @cred = ($target_dev->{'username'},$target_dev->{'password'});
$request{$individual_ip}{cred} = \@cred;
$request{node} = [$individual_ip];
@exp = xCAT::PPCcfg::connect(\%request, $individual_ip);
# Successfully connected
if ( ref($exp[0]) eq "LWP::UserAgent" ) {
$valid_ip = $individual_ip;
# Error connecting
if ( ref($exp[0]) ne "LWP::UserAgent" ) {
return ([1,@cmds]);
my $result = xCAT::PPCfsp::handler( $valid_ip, \%request, \@exp );
my $RC = shift( @$result);
my @data;
push @data, @$result[0];
return ([0, undef, \@data]);
# PPing nodes befor loggin the node while doing resetnet
#sub pingnodes {
# my $ips = shift;
# my @ping = split /,/, $ips;
# #my @ping = `pping $ips`;
# foreach my $res (@ping) {
# #if ($res =~ /(\w+)\:\s+ping/i) {
# # my $ip = $1;
# # return $ip
# #}
# my $rc = system("ping -q -n -c 1 -w 1 $res > /dev/null");
# if ($rc == 0) {
# return $res;
# }
# }
# return undef;