-Refinement of offline migration
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xcat/code/xcat-core/trunk@6459 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -232,7 +232,6 @@ sub process_request {
my $distname = undef;
my $arch = undef;
my $path = undef;
my %ignorebadhypervisors;
my $command = $request->{command}->[0];
#The first segment is fulfilling the role of this plugin as
#a hypervisor provisioning plugin (akin to anaconda, windows, sles plugins)
@ -295,7 +294,12 @@ sub process_request {
my $ent;
for (my $i=0; $i<@nodes; $i++){
if ($command eq 'rmigrate' and grep /-f/, @exargs) { #offline migration,
$hyphash{$hyp}->{offline} = 1; #if it is migrate and it has nodes, it is a source hypervisor apt to be offline
#this will hint to relevant code to operate under the assumption of a
#downed hypervisor source
#note this will make dangerous assumptions, it will make a very minimal attempt
#to operate normally, but really should only be called if the source is down and
#fenced (i.e. storage, network, or turned off and stateless
my $node = $nodes[$i];
#my $nodeid = $ids[$i];
@ -379,23 +383,22 @@ sub process_request {
if (grep { $_ == -1 } values %hypready) {
foreach (keys %hypready) {
if ($hypready{$_} == -1) {
if ($ignorebadhypervisors{$_}) { $ignorebadhypervisors{$_} = 'bad'; next; }
push @badhypes,$_;
my @relevant_nodes = sort (keys %{$hyphash{$_}->{nodes}});
foreach (@relevant_nodes) {
sendmsg([1,": hypervisor unreachable"],$_);
delete $hyphash{$_};
push @badhypes,$_;
my @relevant_nodes = sort (keys %{$hyphash{$_}->{nodes}});
foreach (@relevant_nodes) {
sendmsg([1,": hypervisor unreachable"],$_);
delete $hyphash{$_};
if (@badhypes) {
sendmsg([1,": The following hypervisors failed to become ready for the operation: ".join(',',@badhypes)]);
if (@badhypes) {
sendmsg([1,": The following hypervisors failed to become ready for the operation: ".join(',',@badhypes)]);
foreach (@badhypes) { delete $hyphash{$_}; }
foreach my $hyp (sort(keys %hyphash)){
unless (defined $ignorebadhypervisors{$hyp} and $ignorebadhypervisors{$hyp} eq 'bad') { $hyphash{$hyp}->{conn}->logout(); }
@ -928,17 +931,17 @@ sub migrate_callback {
sendmsg("migrated to ".$parms->{target},$parms->{node});
} elsif($parms->{offline}) { #try a forceful RegisterVM instead
my $target = $parms->{target};
my $hostview = $hyphash{$target}->{conn}->find_entity_view(view_type=>'VirtualMachine',properties=>['config.name'],filter=>{name=>$parms->{node}});
if ($hostview) { #this means vcenter still has it in inventory, but on a dead node...
#unfortunately, vcenter won't give up the old one until we zap the dead hypervisor
#also unfortunately, it doesn't make it easy to find said hypervisor..
$hostview = get_hostview(hypname=>$parms->{src},conn=>$hyphash{$target}->{conn},properties=>['summary.config.name','summary.runtime.connectionState','runtime.inMaintenanceMode','parent','configManager']);
$task = $hostview->Destroy_Task();
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&migrate_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{conn} = $hyphash{$target}->{vcenter}->{conn};
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { offline=>1, target=>$target, skiptodeadsource=>1 };
my $target = $parms->{target};
my $hostview = $hyphash{$target}->{conn}->find_entity_view(view_type=>'VirtualMachine',properties=>['config.name'],filter=>{name=>$parms->{node}});
if ($hostview) { #this means vcenter still has it in inventory, but on a dead node...
#unfortunately, vcenter won't give up the old one until we zap the dead hypervisor
#also unfortunately, it doesn't make it easy to find said hypervisor..
$hostview = $hyphash{$parms->{src}}->{conn}->get_view(mo_ref=>$hyphash{$parms->{src}}->{deletionref});
$task = $hostview->Destroy_Task();
$running_tasks{$task}->{task} = $task;
$running_tasks{$task}->{callback} = \&migrate_callback;
$running_tasks{$task}->{conn} = $hyphash{$target}->{vcenter}->{conn};
$running_tasks{$task}->{data} = { offline=>1, target=>$target, skiptodeadsource=>1 };
} else { #it is completely gone, attempt a register_vm strategy
@ -1980,6 +1983,13 @@ sub validate_vcenter_prereqs { #Communicate with vCenter and ensure this host is
$vcenterhash{$vcenter}->{$hyp} = 'good';
if ($_->parent->type eq 'ClusterComputeResource') { #if it is in a cluster, we can directly remove it
$hyphash{$hyp}->{deletionref} = $_->{mo_ref};
} elsif ($_->parent->type eq 'ComputeResource') { #For some reason, we must delete the container instead
$hyphash{$hyp}->{deletionref} = $_->{parent}; #save off a reference to delete hostview off just in case
return 1;
} else {
my $ref_to_delete;
@ -2009,16 +2019,18 @@ sub validate_vcenter_prereqs { #Communicate with vCenter and ensure this host is
#If still in function, haven't found any likely host entries, make a new one
eval {
$hyphash{$hyp}->{conn} = Vim->new(service_url=>"https://$hyp/sdk"); #Direct connect to install/check licenses
if ($@) {
sendmsg([1,": Failed to communicate with $hyp"]);
$hyphash{$hyp}->{conn} = undef;
return "failed";
unless ($hyphash{$hyp}->{offline}) {
eval {
$hyphash{$hyp}->{conn} = Vim->new(service_url=>"https://$hyp/sdk"); #Direct connect to install/check licenses
if ($@) {
sendmsg([1,": Failed to communicate with $hyp"]);
$hyphash{$hyp}->{conn} = undef;
return "failed";
depfun => $depfun,
depargs => $depargs,
@ -2042,6 +2054,15 @@ sub addhosttovcenter {
if ($hyphash{$args->{hypname}}->{offline}) { #let it stay offline
$hypready{$args->{hypname}}=1; #declare readiness
$vcenterhash{$args->{vcenter}}->{$args->{hypname}} = 'good';
if (defined $args->{depfun}) { #If a function is waiting for the host connect to go valid, call it
if ($tablecfg{hypervisor}->{$hyp}->[0]->{cluster}) {
my $cluster = get_clusterview(clustname=>$tablecfg{hypervisor}->{$hyp}->[0]->{cluster},conn=>$hyphash{$hyp}->{vcenter}->{conn});
unless ($cluster) {
Reference in New Issue
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