code drop for the blade power saving support
git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -1773,16 +1773,16 @@ sub beacon {
# The oids which are used in the renergy command
my $bladetype_oid = ""; #bladeCenterVpdMachineType
my $bladetype_oid = "."; #bladeCenterVpdMachineType
my $pdstatus_oid = ""; #fuelGaugeStatus
my $pdpolicy_oid = ""; #fuelGaugePowerManagementPolicySetting
my $pdmodule1_oid = ""; #fuelGaugeFirstPowerModule
my $pdmodule2_oid = ""; #fuelGaugeSecondPowerModule
my $pdavailablepower_oid = ""; #fuelGaugeTotalPower
my $pdreservepower_oid = ""; #fuelGaugeAllocatedPower
my $pdremainpower_oid = ""; #fuelGaugeRemainingPower
my $pdinused_oid = ""; #fuelGaugePowerInUsed
my $pdstatus_oid = "."; #fuelGaugeStatus
my $pdpolicy_oid = "."; #fuelGaugePowerManagementPolicySetting
my $pdmodule1_oid = "."; #fuelGaugeFirstPowerModule
my $pdmodule2_oid = "."; #fuelGaugeSecondPowerModule
my $pdavailablepower_oid = "."; #fuelGaugeTotalPower
my $pdreservepower_oid = "."; #fuelGaugeAllocatedPower
my $pdremainpower_oid = "."; #fuelGaugeRemainingPower
my $pdinused_oid = "."; #fuelGaugePowerInUsed
my $chassisDCavailable_oid = "."; #chassisTotalDCPowerAvailable
my $chassisACinused_oid = "."; #chassisTotalACPowerInUsed
@ -1791,17 +1791,19 @@ my $chassisThermalOutput_oid = "."; #chassis
my $chassisFrontTmp_oid = "."; #frontPanelTemp
my $mmtemp_oid = "."; #mmTemp
my $bladewidth_oid = ""; #bladeWidth
my $bladewidth_oid = "."; #bladeWidth
my $curallocpower_oid = ""; #pd1ModuleAllocatedPowerCurrent
my $maxallocpower_oid = ""; #pd1ModuleAllocatedPowerMax
my $minallocpower_oid = ""; #pd1ModuleAllocatedPowerMin
my $powercapability_oid = ""; #pd1ModulePowerCapabilities
my $curallocpower_oid = "."; #pd1ModuleAllocatedPowerCurrent
my $maxallocpower_oid = "."; #pd1ModuleAllocatedPowerMax
my $minallocpower_oid = "."; #pd1ModuleAllocatedPowerMin
my $powercapability_oid = "."; #pd1ModulePowerCapabilities
my $powercapping_oid = ""; #bladeDetailsMaxPowerConfig
my $effCPU_oid = ""; #bladeDetailsEffectiveClockRate
my $maxCPU_oid = ""; #bladeDetailsMaximumClockRate
my $savingstatus_oid = ""; #bladeDetailsPowerSaverMode
my $powercapping_oid = "."; #bladeDetailsMaxPowerConfig
my $effCPU_oid = "."; #bladeDetailsEffectiveClockRate
my $maxCPU_oid = "."; #bladeDetailsMaximumClockRate
my $savingstatus_oid = "."; #bladeDetailsPowerSaverMode
my $dsavingstatus_oid = "."; #bladeDetailsDynamicPowerSaver
my $dsperformance_oid = "."; #bladeDetailsDynamicPowerFavorPerformanceOverPower
# The meaning of obj fuelGaugePowerManagementPolicySetting
my %pdpolicymap = (
@ -1855,17 +1857,18 @@ my %mm_valid_items = (
my %blade_valid_items = (
'all' => 1,
'averageAC' => 1,
'cappingmaxmin' => 1,
'cappingmax' => 1,
'cappingmin' => 1,
'averageDC' => 1,
'cappingmaxmin' => 0,
'cappingmax' => 0,
'cappingmin' => 0,
'capability' => 1,
'cappingvalue' => 1,
'cappingwatt' => 2,
'cappingwatt' => 0,
'cappingperc' => 0,
'CPUspeed' => 1,
'maxCPUspeed' => 1,
'savingstatus' => 2,
'dsavingstatus' => 2,
'savingstatus' => 3,
'dsavingstatus' => 3,
@ -1927,7 +1930,7 @@ sub renergy {
if (!$mpa) {
return (1, "The attribute [mpa] needs to be set for the node $node.");
if (!$slot) {
if (!$slot && ($mpa ne $node)) {
return (1, "The attribute [id] needs to be set for the node $node.");
@ -1937,6 +1940,7 @@ sub renergy {
#check the validity of all the attributes
my @readlist = ();
my %writelist = ();
my @r4wlist = ();
foreach my $item (@items) {
if (!$item) {
@ -1952,8 +1956,7 @@ sub renergy {
} else {
push @readlist, ('averageAC','cappingmax','cappingmin','capability',
push @readlist, ('averageDC','capability','cappingvalue','CPUspeed','maxCPUspeed','savingstatus','dsavingstatus');
} elsif ($item =~ /^pd1all$/) {
push @readlist, ('pd1status','pd1policy','pd1powermodule1',
@ -1978,6 +1981,9 @@ sub renergy {
$writelist{$name} = $value;
#if ($name eq "cappingwatt" || $name eq "cappingperc") {
# push @r4wlist, ('cappingmin','cappingmax');
} else {
if ($mpa eq $node) {
if ($mm_valid_items{$item} != 1 && $mm_valid_items{$item} != 3) {
@ -1997,17 +2003,24 @@ sub renergy {
return (1, "Cannot handle read and write in one command.");
if (scalar(keys %writelist) > 1) {
return (1, "renergy cannot set multiple attributes at one command.");
if (! (@readlist || %writelist) ) {
return (1, "Does not get any valid attributes.");
if ((!@readlist) && %writelist) {
push @readlist, @r4wlist;
# get the blade center type first
if (grep (/^averageAC|cappingmax|cappingmin|capability$/, @readlist)) {
$bc_type =$session->get([$bladetype_oid]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
my @output = ();
foreach my $item (sort(@readlist)) {
my $oid = "";
@ -2052,17 +2065,15 @@ sub renergy {
} elsif ($item eq "mmtemp") {
$oid = $mmtemp_oid;
} elsif ($item eq "averageAC") {
if ($mpa eq $node) {
# for management module
$oid = $chassisACinused_oid;
} else {
# for server blade
my ($pdnum, $pdbay) = getpdbayinfo($bc_type, $slot);
$oid = $curallocpower_oid;
$oid =~ s/pdnum/$pdnum/;
$oid = $oid.".".$pdbay;
# just for management module
$oid = $chassisACinused_oid;
} elsif ($item eq "averageDC") {
# just for server blade
my ($pdnum, $pdbay) = getpdbayinfo($bc_type, $slot);
$oid = $curallocpower_oid;
$oid =~ s/pdnum/$pdnum/;
$oid = $oid.".".$pdbay;
} elsif ($item eq "cappingmax") {
my ($pdnum, $pdbay) = getpdbayinfo($bc_type, $slot);
$oid = $maxallocpower_oid;
@ -2088,11 +2099,11 @@ sub renergy {
} elsif ($item eq "maxCPUspeed") {
$oid = $maxCPU_oid.".".$slot;
} elsif ($item eq "savingstatus") {
$oid = "";
push @output, "$item: not support now.";
$oid = $savingstatus_oid.".".$slot;
} elsif ($item eq "dsavingstatus") {
$oid = "";
push @output, "$item: not support now.";
$oid = $dsavingstatus_oid.".".$slot;
} else {
push @output, "$item is NOT a valid attribute.";
if ($oid ne "") {
@ -2106,24 +2117,46 @@ sub renergy {
push @output, "$item: $pdpolicymap{$data}";
} elsif ($item eq "capability") {
push @output, "$item: $capabilitymap{$data}";
} elsif ($item eq "cappingvalue") {
if ($data eq "0") {
} elsif ($item =~/cappingvalue|averageDC|cappingmax|cappingmin/) {
if ($item eq "cappingvalue" && $data eq "0") {
push @output,"$item: na";
} else {
my $bladewidth = $session->get([$bladewidth_oid.".$slot"]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
$data =~ s/W$//;
foreach (1..$bladewidth-1) {
$oid =~ /(\d+)$/;
my $next = $1+$_;
$oid =~ s/(\d+)$/$next/;
my $nextdata=$session->get([$oid]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
$nextdata =~ s/W$//;
$data += $nextdata;
push @output, "$item: $data"."W";
} elsif ($item =~/averageAC|cappingmax|cappingmin/) {
my $bladewidth = $session->get([$bladewidth_oid.".$slot"]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
foreach (1..$bladewidth-1) {
$oid =~ /(\d+)$/;
my $next = $1+$_;
$oid =~ s/(\d+)$/$next/;
my $nextdata=$session->get([$oid]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
$data += $nextdata;
} elsif ($item eq "savingstatus") {
if ($data eq "0") {
push @output,"$item: off";
} elsif ($data eq "1") {
push @output, "$item: on";
} else {
push @output,"$item: na";
} elsif ($item eq "dsavingstatus") {
# get the favor performance
my $pdata=$session->get([$dsperformance_oid.".".$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($data eq "0") {
push @output,"$item: off";
} elsif ($data eq "1" && $pdata eq "0") {
push @output, "$item: on-norm";
} elsif ($data eq "1" && $pdata eq "1") {
push @output, "$item: on-maxp";
} else {
push @output,"$item: na";
push @output, "$item: $data";
} else {
push @output,"$item: $data";
@ -2133,15 +2166,205 @@ sub renergy {
# save the values gotten for setting
my @setneed;
if (scalar(keys %writelist)) {
@setneed = @output;
@output = ();
# Handle the setting operation
foreach my $item (keys %writelist) {
my $oid = "";
if ($item eq "cappingvalue") {
$oid = $powercapping_oid;
my $svalue;
my $capmax;
my $capmin;
if ($item eq "cappingwatt" || $item eq "cappingperc") {
if (0) {
foreach my $i (@setneed) {
if ($i =~ /^cappingmax: (\d*)W/) {
$capmax = $1;
} elsif ($i =~ /^cappingmin: (\d*)W/) {
$capmin = $1;
if (! (defined ($capmax) && defined ($capmin))) {
return (1, "Cannot get the value of cappingmin or cappingmax.");
if ($item eq "cappingwatt" && ($writelist{$item} > $capmax || $writelist{$item} < $capmin)) {
return (1, "The set value should be in the range $capmin - $capmax.");
if ($item eq "cappingperc") {
if ($writelist{$item} > 100 || $writelist{$item} < 0) {
return (1, "The percentage value should be in the range 0 - 100");
$writelist{$item} = int (($capmax-$capmin)*$writelist{$item}/100 + $capmin);
my $data = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([$powercapping_oid, $slot, $writelist{$item} ,'INTEGER']));
unless ($data) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
my $ndata=$session->get([$powercapping_oid.".".$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($ndata ne $writelist{$item}) {
return (1, "$item: set operation failed.");
} elsif ($item eq "savingstatus") {
if ($writelist{$item} eq "on") {
$svalue = "1";
} elsif ($writelist{$item} eq "off") {
$svalue = "0";
} else {
return (1, "The setting value should be on|off.");
# static power saving and dynamic power saving cannot be turn on at same time
if ($svalue eq "1") {
my $gdata = $session->get([$dsavingstatus_oid.".".$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($gdata eq "1") {
return (1, "The attributes savingstatus and dsavingstatus cannot be turn on at same time.");
# get the attribute static power save
my $data=$session->get([$savingstatus_oid.".".$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($data eq "NOSUCHINSTANCE" || $data eq "notApplicable" || $data eq "255") {
return (1, "Does not supported by this blade server.");
if ($data ne $svalue) {
# set it
my $sdata = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([$savingstatus_oid, $slot, $svalue ,'INTEGER']));
unless ($sdata) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
my $ndata=$session->get([$savingstatus_oid.".".$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($ndata ne $svalue) {
return (1, "Set operation failed.");
} elsif ($item eq "dsavingstatus") {
if ($writelist{$item} eq "on-norm") {
$svalue = "1";
} elsif ($writelist{$item} eq "on-maxp") {
$svalue = "2";
} elsif ($writelist{$item} eq "off") {
$svalue = "0";
} else {
return (1, "The setting value should be one of on-norm|on-maxp|off.");
# static power saving and dynamic power saving cannot be turn on at same time
if ($svalue gt "0") {
my $gdata = $session->get([$savingstatus_oid.".".$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($gdata eq "1") {
return (1, "The attributes savingstatus and dsavingstatus cannot be turn on at same time.");
# get the attribute dynamic power save
my $data = $session->get([$dsavingstatus_oid.".".$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($data eq "NOSUCHINSTANCE" || $data eq "notApplicable" || $data eq "255") {
return (1, "Does not supported by this blade server.");
# get the attribute favor performance
my $pdata = $session->get([$dsperformance_oid.".".$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($pdata eq "NOSUCHINSTANCE" || $pdata eq "notApplicable" || $pdata eq "255") {
$pdata = "255";
# turn off the dynamic power save
if ($svalue eq "0" && ($data eq "1" || $pdata eq "1")) {
if ($data eq "1") {
my $sdata = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([$dsavingstatus_oid, $slot, "0" ,'INTEGER']));
unless ($sdata) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
my $ndata=$session->get([$dsavingstatus_oid.".".$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($ndata ne "0") {
return (1, "Set operation failed.");
if ($pdata eq "1") {
my $sdata = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([$dsperformance_oid, $slot, "0" ,'INTEGER']));
unless ($sdata) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
my $ndata=$session->get([$dsperformance_oid.".".$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($ndata ne "0") {
return (1, "Set operation failed.");
# trun on the dynamic power save but trun off the favor performance
if ($svalue eq "1" && ($data eq "0" || $pdata eq "1")) {
if ($data eq "0") {
my $sdata = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([$dsavingstatus_oid, $slot, "1" ,'INTEGER']));
unless ($sdata) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
my $ndata=$session->get([$dsavingstatus_oid.".".$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($ndata ne "1") {
return (1, "Set operation failed.");
if ($pdata eq "1") {
my $sdata = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([$dsperformance_oid, $slot, "0" ,'INTEGER']));
unless ($sdata) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
my $ndata=$session->get([$dsperformance_oid.".".$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($ndata ne "0") {
return (1, "Set operation failed.");
# trun on the dynamic power save and trun on the favor performance
if ($svalue eq "2" && $pdata eq "255") {
return (1, "The on-maxp is NOT supported.");
if ($svalue eq "2" && ($data eq "0" || $pdata eq "0")) {
if ($data eq "0") {
my $sdata = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([$dsavingstatus_oid, $slot, "1" ,'INTEGER']));
unless ($sdata) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
my $ndata=$session->get([$dsavingstatus_oid.".".$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($ndata ne "1") {
return (1, "Set operation failed.");
if ($pdata eq "0") {
my $sdata = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([$dsperformance_oid, $slot, "1" ,'INTEGER']));
unless ($sdata) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
my $ndata=$session->get([$dsperformance_oid.".".$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($ndata ne "1") {
return (1, "Set operation failed.");
my $data = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([".".$oid, $slot, $writelist{$item} ,'INTEGER']));
unless ($data) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
push @output, "$item: set value to $writelist{$item}";
push @output, "$item: Set operation succeeded.";
return (0, @output);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user