diff --git a/xCAT-UI/js/custom/blade.js b/xCAT-UI/js/custom/blade.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d3fcec564
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xCAT-UI/js/custom/blade.js
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+	// Include utility scripts
+ * Load node inventory
+ * 
+ * @param data
+ *            Data from HTTP request
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+function loadInventory(data) {
+ * Load clone page
+ * 
+ * @param node
+ *            Source node to clone
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+function loadClonePage(node) {
+ * Load provision page
+ * 
+ * @param tabId
+ *            The provision tab ID
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+function loadProvisionPage(tabId) {
+	var errMsg;
+	// Get the OS image names
+	$.ajax( {
+		url : 'lib/cmd.php',
+		dataType : 'json',
+		data : {
+			cmd : 'tabdump',
+			tgt : '',
+			args : 'osimage',
+			msg : ''
+		},
+		success : setOSImageCookies
+	});
+	// Get groups
+	$.ajax( {
+		url : 'lib/cmd.php',
+		dataType : 'json',
+		data : {
+			cmd : 'extnoderange',
+			tgt : '/.*',
+			args : 'subgroups',
+			msg : ''
+		},
+		success : setGroupsCookies
+	});
+	// Generate new tab ID
+	var inst = tabId.replace('bladeProvisionTab', '');
+	// Open new tab
+	// Create provision form
+	var provForm = $('<div class="form"></div>');
+	// Create status bar
+	var barId = 'bladeProvisionStatBar' + inst;
+	var statBar = createStatusBar(barId);
+	statBar.hide();
+	provForm.append(statBar);
+	// Create loader
+	var loader = createLoader('bladeProvisionLoader' + inst);
+	loader.hide();
+	statBar.append(loader);
+	// Create info bar
+	var infoBar = createInfoBar('Provision a blade node');
+	provForm.append(infoBar);
+	// Append to provision tab
+	$('#' + tabId).append(provForm);
+	// Node name
+	var nodeName = $('<div><label for="nodeName">Node:</label><input type="text" name="nodeName"/></div>');
+	provForm.append(nodeName);
+	// Group
+	var group = $('<div></div>');
+	var groupLabel = $('<label for="group">Group:</label>');
+	var groupInput = $('<input type="text" name="group"/>');
+	// Get the groups on-focus
+	groupInput.focus(function() {
+		var groupNames = $.cookie('Groups');
+		// If there are groups, turn on auto-complete
+		if (groupNames) {
+			$(this).autocomplete(groupNames.split(','));
+		}
+	});
+	group.append(groupLabel);
+	group.append(groupInput);
+	provForm.append(group);
+	// Boot method (boot, install, stat, iscsiboot, netboot, statelite)
+	var method = $('<div></div>');
+	var methodLabel = $('<label for="method">Boot method:</label>');
+	var methodSelect = $('<select id="bootMethod" name="bootMethod"></select>');
+	methodSelect.append('<option value="boot">boot</option>');
+	methodSelect.append('<option value="install">install</option>');
+	methodSelect.append('<option value="iscsiboot">iscsiboot</option>');
+	methodSelect.append('<option value="netboot">netboot</option>');
+	methodSelect.append('<option value="statelite">statelite</option>');
+	method.append(methodLabel);
+	method.append(methodSelect);
+	provForm.append(method);
+	// Boot type (zvm, pxe, yaboot)
+	var type = $('<div></div>');
+	var typeLabel = $('<label for="type">Boot type:</label>');
+	var typeSelect = $('<select id="bootType" name="bootType"></select>');
+	typeSelect.append('<option value="zvm">zvm</option>');
+	typeSelect.append('<option value="install">pxe</option>');
+	typeSelect.append('<option value="iscsiboot">yaboot</option>');
+	type.append(typeLabel);
+	type.append(typeSelect);
+	provForm.append(type);
+	// Operating system
+	var os = $('<div></div>');
+	var osLabel = $('<label for="os">Operating system:</label>');
+	var osInput = $('<input type="text" name="os"/>');
+	// Get the OS versions on-focus
+	var tmp;
+	osInput.focus(function() {
+		tmp = $.cookie('OSVers');
+		// If there are any, turn on auto-complete
+		if (tmp) {
+			$(this).autocomplete(tmp.split(','));
+		}
+	});
+	os.append(osLabel);
+	os.append(osInput);
+	provForm.append(os);
+	// Architecture
+	var arch = $('<div></div>');
+	var archLabel = $('<label for="arch">Architecture:</label>');
+	var archInput = $('<input type="text" name="arch"/>');
+	// Get the OS architectures on-focus
+	archInput.focus(function() {
+		tmp = $.cookie('OSArchs');
+		// If there are any, turn on auto-complete
+		if (tmp) {
+			$(this).autocomplete(tmp.split(','));
+		}
+	});
+	arch.append(archLabel);
+	arch.append(archInput);
+	provForm.append(arch);
+	// Profiles
+	var profile = $('<div></div>');
+	var profileLabel = $('<label for="profile">Profile:</label>');
+	var profileInput = $('<input type="text" name="profile"/>');
+	// Get the profiles on-focus
+	profileInput.focus(function() {
+		tmp = $.cookie('Profiles');
+		// If there are any, turn on auto-complete
+		if (tmp) {
+			$(this).autocomplete(tmp.split(','));
+		}
+	});
+	profile.append(profileLabel);
+	profile.append(profileInput);
+	provForm.append(profile);
+	/**
+	 * Provision
+	 */
+	var provisionBtn = createButton('Provision');
+	provisionBtn.bind('click', function(event) {
+		// Insert provision code here
+	});
+	provForm.append(provisionBtn);
+ * Load resources
+ * 
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+function loadResources() {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xCAT-UI/js/custom/fsp.js b/xCAT-UI/js/custom/fsp.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a69587737
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xCAT-UI/js/custom/fsp.js
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+	// Include utility scripts
+ * Load node inventory
+ * 
+ * @param data
+ *            Data from HTTP request
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+function loadInventory(data) {
+ * Load clone page
+ * 
+ * @param node
+ *            Source node to clone
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+function loadClonePage(node) {
+ * Load provision page
+ * 
+ * @param tabId
+ *            The provision tab ID
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+function loadProvisionPage(tabId) {
+	var errMsg;
+	// Get the OS image names
+	$.ajax( {
+		url : 'lib/cmd.php',
+		dataType : 'json',
+		data : {
+			cmd : 'tabdump',
+			tgt : '',
+			args : 'osimage',
+			msg : ''
+		},
+		success : setOSImageCookies
+	});
+	// Get groups
+	$.ajax( {
+		url : 'lib/cmd.php',
+		dataType : 'json',
+		data : {
+			cmd : 'extnoderange',
+			tgt : '/.*',
+			args : 'subgroups',
+			msg : ''
+		},
+		success : setGroupsCookies
+	});
+	// Generate new tab ID
+	var inst = tabId.replace('fspProvisionTab', '');
+	// Open new tab
+	// Create provision form
+	var provForm = $('<div class="form"></div>');
+	// Create status bar
+	var barId = 'fspProvisionStatBar' + inst;
+	var statBar = createStatusBar(barId);
+	statBar.hide();
+	provForm.append(statBar);
+	// Create loader
+	var loader = createLoader('fspProvisionLoader' + inst);
+	loader.hide();
+	statBar.append(loader);
+	// Create info bar
+	var infoBar = createInfoBar('Provision a FSP node');
+	provForm.append(infoBar);
+	// Append to provision tab
+	$('#' + tabId).append(provForm);
+	// Node name
+	var nodeName = $('<div><label for="nodeName">Node:</label><input type="text" name="nodeName"/></div>');
+	provForm.append(nodeName);
+	// Group
+	var group = $('<div></div>');
+	var groupLabel = $('<label for="group">Group:</label>');
+	var groupInput = $('<input type="text" name="group"/>');
+	// Get the groups on-focus
+	groupInput.focus(function() {
+		var groupNames = $.cookie('Groups');
+		// If there are groups, turn on auto-complete
+		if (groupNames) {
+			$(this).autocomplete(groupNames.split(','));
+		}
+	});
+	group.append(groupLabel);
+	group.append(groupInput);
+	provForm.append(group);
+	// Boot method (boot, install, stat, iscsiboot, netboot, statelite)
+	var method = $('<div></div>');
+	var methodLabel = $('<label for="method">Boot method:</label>');
+	var methodSelect = $('<select id="bootMethod" name="bootMethod"></select>');
+	methodSelect.append('<option value="boot">boot</option>');
+	methodSelect.append('<option value="install">install</option>');
+	methodSelect.append('<option value="iscsiboot">iscsiboot</option>');
+	methodSelect.append('<option value="netboot">netboot</option>');
+	methodSelect.append('<option value="statelite">statelite</option>');
+	method.append(methodLabel);
+	method.append(methodSelect);
+	provForm.append(method);
+	// Boot type (zvm, pxe, yaboot)
+	var type = $('<div></div>');
+	var typeLabel = $('<label for="type">Boot type:</label>');
+	var typeSelect = $('<select id="bootType" name="bootType"></select>');
+	typeSelect.append('<option value="zvm">zvm</option>');
+	typeSelect.append('<option value="install">pxe</option>');
+	typeSelect.append('<option value="iscsiboot">yaboot</option>');
+	type.append(typeLabel);
+	type.append(typeSelect);
+	provForm.append(type);
+	// Operating system
+	var os = $('<div></div>');
+	var osLabel = $('<label for="os">Operating system:</label>');
+	var osInput = $('<input type="text" name="os"/>');
+	// Get the OS versions on-focus
+	var tmp;
+	osInput.focus(function() {
+		tmp = $.cookie('OSVers');
+		// If there are any, turn on auto-complete
+		if (tmp) {
+			$(this).autocomplete(tmp.split(','));
+		}
+	});
+	os.append(osLabel);
+	os.append(osInput);
+	provForm.append(os);
+	// Architecture
+	var arch = $('<div></div>');
+	var archLabel = $('<label for="arch">Architecture:</label>');
+	var archInput = $('<input type="text" name="arch"/>');
+	// Get the OS architectures on-focus
+	archInput.focus(function() {
+		tmp = $.cookie('OSArchs');
+		// If there are any, turn on auto-complete
+		if (tmp) {
+			$(this).autocomplete(tmp.split(','));
+		}
+	});
+	arch.append(archLabel);
+	arch.append(archInput);
+	provForm.append(arch);
+	// Profiles
+	var profile = $('<div></div>');
+	var profileLabel = $('<label for="profile">Profile:</label>');
+	var profileInput = $('<input type="text" name="profile"/>');
+	// Get the profiles on-focus
+	profileInput.focus(function() {
+		tmp = $.cookie('Profiles');
+		// If there are any, turn on auto-complete
+		if (tmp) {
+			$(this).autocomplete(tmp.split(','));
+		}
+	});
+	profile.append(profileLabel);
+	profile.append(profileInput);
+	provForm.append(profile);
+	/**
+	 * Provision
+	 */
+	var provisionBtn = createButton('Provision');
+	provisionBtn.bind('click', function(event) {
+		// Insert provision code here
+	});
+	provForm.append(provisionBtn);
+ * Load resources
+ * 
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+function loadResources() {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xCAT-UI/js/custom/hmc.js b/xCAT-UI/js/custom/hmc.js
index 52ba6486d..367a69f30 100644
--- a/xCAT-UI/js/custom/hmc.js
+++ b/xCAT-UI/js/custom/hmc.js
@@ -32,7 +32,171 @@ function loadClonePage(node) {
  * @return Nothing
 function loadProvisionPage(tabId) {
+	var errMsg;
+	// Get the OS image names
+	$.ajax( {
+		url : 'lib/cmd.php',
+		dataType : 'json',
+		data : {
+			cmd : 'tabdump',
+			tgt : '',
+			args : 'osimage',
+			msg : ''
+		},
+		success : setOSImageCookies
+	});
+	// Get groups
+	$.ajax( {
+		url : 'lib/cmd.php',
+		dataType : 'json',
+		data : {
+			cmd : 'extnoderange',
+			tgt : '/.*',
+			args : 'subgroups',
+			msg : ''
+		},
+		success : setGroupsCookies
+	});
+	// Generate new tab ID
+	var inst = tabId.replace('hmcProvisionTab', '');
+	// Open new tab
+	// Create provision form
+	var provForm = $('<div class="form"></div>');
+	// Create status bar
+	var barId = 'hmcProvisionStatBar' + inst;
+	var statBar = createStatusBar(barId);
+	statBar.hide();
+	provForm.append(statBar);
+	// Create loader
+	var loader = createLoader('hmcProvisionLoader' + inst);
+	loader.hide();
+	statBar.append(loader);
+	// Create info bar
+	var infoBar = createInfoBar('Provision a HMC node');
+	provForm.append(infoBar);
+	// Append to provision tab
+	$('#' + tabId).append(provForm);
+	// Node name
+	var nodeName = $('<div><label for="nodeName">Node:</label><input type="text" name="nodeName"/></div>');
+	provForm.append(nodeName);
+	// Group
+	var group = $('<div></div>');
+	var groupLabel = $('<label for="group">Group:</label>');
+	var groupInput = $('<input type="text" name="group"/>');
+	// Get the groups on-focus
+	groupInput.focus(function() {
+		var groupNames = $.cookie('Groups');
+		// If there are groups, turn on auto-complete
+		if (groupNames) {
+			$(this).autocomplete(groupNames.split(','));
+		}
+	});
+	group.append(groupLabel);
+	group.append(groupInput);
+	provForm.append(group);
+	// Boot method (boot, install, stat, iscsiboot, netboot, statelite)
+	var method = $('<div></div>');
+	var methodLabel = $('<label for="method">Boot method:</label>');
+	var methodSelect = $('<select id="bootMethod" name="bootMethod"></select>');
+	methodSelect.append('<option value="boot">boot</option>');
+	methodSelect.append('<option value="install">install</option>');
+	methodSelect.append('<option value="iscsiboot">iscsiboot</option>');
+	methodSelect.append('<option value="netboot">netboot</option>');
+	methodSelect.append('<option value="statelite">statelite</option>');
+	method.append(methodLabel);
+	method.append(methodSelect);
+	provForm.append(method);
+	// Boot type (zvm, pxe, yaboot)
+	var type = $('<div></div>');
+	var typeLabel = $('<label for="type">Boot type:</label>');
+	var typeSelect = $('<select id="bootType" name="bootType"></select>');
+	typeSelect.append('<option value="zvm">zvm</option>');
+	typeSelect.append('<option value="install">pxe</option>');
+	typeSelect.append('<option value="iscsiboot">yaboot</option>');
+	type.append(typeLabel);
+	type.append(typeSelect);
+	provForm.append(type);
+	// Operating system
+	var os = $('<div></div>');
+	var osLabel = $('<label for="os">Operating system:</label>');
+	var osInput = $('<input type="text" name="os"/>');
+	// Get the OS versions on-focus
+	var tmp;
+	osInput.focus(function() {
+		tmp = $.cookie('OSVers');
+		// If there are any, turn on auto-complete
+		if (tmp) {
+			$(this).autocomplete(tmp.split(','));
+		}
+	});
+	os.append(osLabel);
+	os.append(osInput);
+	provForm.append(os);
+	// Architecture
+	var arch = $('<div></div>');
+	var archLabel = $('<label for="arch">Architecture:</label>');
+	var archInput = $('<input type="text" name="arch"/>');
+	// Get the OS architectures on-focus
+	archInput.focus(function() {
+		tmp = $.cookie('OSArchs');
+		// If there are any, turn on auto-complete
+		if (tmp) {
+			$(this).autocomplete(tmp.split(','));
+		}
+	});
+	arch.append(archLabel);
+	arch.append(archInput);
+	provForm.append(arch);
+	// Profiles
+	var profile = $('<div></div>');
+	var profileLabel = $('<label for="profile">Profile:</label>');
+	var profileInput = $('<input type="text" name="profile"/>');
+	// Get the profiles on-focus
+	profileInput.focus(function() {
+		tmp = $.cookie('Profiles');
+		// If there are any, turn on auto-complete
+		if (tmp) {
+			$(this).autocomplete(tmp.split(','));
+		}
+	});
+	profile.append(profileLabel);
+	profile.append(profileInput);
+	provForm.append(profile);
+	/**
+	 * Provision
+	 */
+	var provisionBtn = createButton('Provision');
+	provisionBtn.bind('click', function(event) {
+		// Insert provision code here
+	});
+	provForm.append(provisionBtn);
diff --git a/xCAT-UI/js/custom/ipmi.js b/xCAT-UI/js/custom/ipmi.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c5432e7a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xCAT-UI/js/custom/ipmi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+	// Include utility scripts
+ * Load node inventory
+ * 
+ * @param data
+ *            Data from HTTP request
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+function loadInventory(data) {
+ * Load clone page
+ * 
+ * @param node
+ *            Source node to clone
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+function loadClonePage(node) {
+ * Load provision page
+ * 
+ * @param tabId
+ *            The provision tab ID
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+function loadProvisionPage(tabId) {
+	var errMsg;
+	// Get the OS image names
+	$.ajax( {
+		url : 'lib/cmd.php',
+		dataType : 'json',
+		data : {
+			cmd : 'tabdump',
+			tgt : '',
+			args : 'osimage',
+			msg : ''
+		},
+		success : setOSImageCookies
+	});
+	// Get groups
+	$.ajax( {
+		url : 'lib/cmd.php',
+		dataType : 'json',
+		data : {
+			cmd : 'extnoderange',
+			tgt : '/.*',
+			args : 'subgroups',
+			msg : ''
+		},
+		success : setGroupsCookies
+	});
+	// Generate new tab ID
+	var inst = tabId.replace('ipmiProvisionTab', '');
+	// Open new tab
+	// Create provision form
+	var provForm = $('<div class="form"></div>');
+	// Create status bar
+	var barId = 'ipmiProvisionStatBar' + inst;
+	var statBar = createStatusBar(barId);
+	statBar.hide();
+	provForm.append(statBar);
+	// Create loader
+	var loader = createLoader('ipmiProvisionLoader' + inst);
+	loader.hide();
+	statBar.append(loader);
+	// Create info bar
+	var infoBar = createInfoBar('Provision a IPMI node');
+	provForm.append(infoBar);
+	// Append to provision tab
+	$('#' + tabId).append(provForm);
+	// Node name
+	var nodeName = $('<div><label for="nodeName">Node:</label><input type="text" name="nodeName"/></div>');
+	provForm.append(nodeName);
+	// Group
+	var group = $('<div></div>');
+	var groupLabel = $('<label for="group">Group:</label>');
+	var groupInput = $('<input type="text" name="group"/>');
+	// Get the groups on-focus
+	groupInput.focus(function() {
+		var groupNames = $.cookie('Groups');
+		// If there are groups, turn on auto-complete
+		if (groupNames) {
+			$(this).autocomplete(groupNames.split(','));
+		}
+	});
+	group.append(groupLabel);
+	group.append(groupInput);
+	provForm.append(group);
+	// Boot method (boot, install, stat, iscsiboot, netboot, statelite)
+	var method = $('<div></div>');
+	var methodLabel = $('<label for="method">Boot method:</label>');
+	var methodSelect = $('<select id="bootMethod" name="bootMethod"></select>');
+	methodSelect.append('<option value="boot">boot</option>');
+	methodSelect.append('<option value="install">install</option>');
+	methodSelect.append('<option value="iscsiboot">iscsiboot</option>');
+	methodSelect.append('<option value="netboot">netboot</option>');
+	methodSelect.append('<option value="statelite">statelite</option>');
+	method.append(methodLabel);
+	method.append(methodSelect);
+	provForm.append(method);
+	// Boot type (zvm, pxe, yaboot)
+	var type = $('<div></div>');
+	var typeLabel = $('<label for="type">Boot type:</label>');
+	var typeSelect = $('<select id="bootType" name="bootType"></select>');
+	typeSelect.append('<option value="zvm">zvm</option>');
+	typeSelect.append('<option value="install">pxe</option>');
+	typeSelect.append('<option value="iscsiboot">yaboot</option>');
+	type.append(typeLabel);
+	type.append(typeSelect);
+	provForm.append(type);
+	// Operating system
+	var os = $('<div></div>');
+	var osLabel = $('<label for="os">Operating system:</label>');
+	var osInput = $('<input type="text" name="os"/>');
+	// Get the OS versions on-focus
+	var tmp;
+	osInput.focus(function() {
+		tmp = $.cookie('OSVers');
+		// If there are any, turn on auto-complete
+		if (tmp) {
+			$(this).autocomplete(tmp.split(','));
+		}
+	});
+	os.append(osLabel);
+	os.append(osInput);
+	provForm.append(os);
+	// Architecture
+	var arch = $('<div></div>');
+	var archLabel = $('<label for="arch">Architecture:</label>');
+	var archInput = $('<input type="text" name="arch"/>');
+	// Get the OS architectures on-focus
+	archInput.focus(function() {
+		tmp = $.cookie('OSArchs');
+		// If there are any, turn on auto-complete
+		if (tmp) {
+			$(this).autocomplete(tmp.split(','));
+		}
+	});
+	arch.append(archLabel);
+	arch.append(archInput);
+	provForm.append(arch);
+	// Profiles
+	var profile = $('<div></div>');
+	var profileLabel = $('<label for="profile">Profile:</label>');
+	var profileInput = $('<input type="text" name="profile"/>');
+	// Get the profiles on-focus
+	profileInput.focus(function() {
+		tmp = $.cookie('Profiles');
+		// If there are any, turn on auto-complete
+		if (tmp) {
+			$(this).autocomplete(tmp.split(','));
+		}
+	});
+	profile.append(profileLabel);
+	profile.append(profileInput);
+	provForm.append(profile);
+	/**
+	 * Provision
+	 */
+	var provisionBtn = createButton('Provision');
+	provisionBtn.bind('click', function(event) {
+		// Insert provision code here
+	});
+	provForm.append(provisionBtn);
+ * Load resources
+ * 
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+function loadResources() {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xCAT-UI/js/custom/ivm.js b/xCAT-UI/js/custom/ivm.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c43dddc77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xCAT-UI/js/custom/ivm.js
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+	// Include utility scripts
+ * Load node inventory
+ * 
+ * @param data
+ *            Data from HTTP request
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+function loadInventory(data) {
+ * Load clone page
+ * 
+ * @param node
+ *            Source node to clone
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+function loadClonePage(node) {
+ * Load provision page
+ * 
+ * @param tabId
+ *            The provision tab ID
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+function loadProvisionPage(tabId) {
+	var errMsg;
+	// Get the OS image names
+	$.ajax( {
+		url : 'lib/cmd.php',
+		dataType : 'json',
+		data : {
+			cmd : 'tabdump',
+			tgt : '',
+			args : 'osimage',
+			msg : ''
+		},
+		success : setOSImageCookies
+	});
+	// Get groups
+	$.ajax( {
+		url : 'lib/cmd.php',
+		dataType : 'json',
+		data : {
+			cmd : 'extnoderange',
+			tgt : '/.*',
+			args : 'subgroups',
+			msg : ''
+		},
+		success : setGroupsCookies
+	});
+	// Generate new tab ID
+	var inst = tabId.replace('ivmProvisionTab', '');
+	// Open new tab
+	// Create provision form
+	var provForm = $('<div class="form"></div>');
+	// Create status bar
+	var barId = 'ivmProvisionStatBar' + inst;
+	var statBar = createStatusBar(barId);
+	statBar.hide();
+	provForm.append(statBar);
+	// Create loader
+	var loader = createLoader('ivmProvisionLoader' + inst);
+	loader.hide();
+	statBar.append(loader);
+	// Create info bar
+	var infoBar = createInfoBar('Provision a IVM node');
+	provForm.append(infoBar);
+	// Append to provision tab
+	$('#' + tabId).append(provForm);
+	// Node name
+	var nodeName = $('<div><label for="nodeName">Node:</label><input type="text" name="nodeName"/></div>');
+	provForm.append(nodeName);
+	// Group
+	var group = $('<div></div>');
+	var groupLabel = $('<label for="group">Group:</label>');
+	var groupInput = $('<input type="text" name="group"/>');
+	// Get the groups on-focus
+	groupInput.focus(function() {
+		var groupNames = $.cookie('Groups');
+		// If there are groups, turn on auto-complete
+		if (groupNames) {
+			$(this).autocomplete(groupNames.split(','));
+		}
+	});
+	group.append(groupLabel);
+	group.append(groupInput);
+	provForm.append(group);
+	// Boot method (boot, install, stat, iscsiboot, netboot, statelite)
+	var method = $('<div></div>');
+	var methodLabel = $('<label for="method">Boot method:</label>');
+	var methodSelect = $('<select id="bootMethod" name="bootMethod"></select>');
+	methodSelect.append('<option value="boot">boot</option>');
+	methodSelect.append('<option value="install">install</option>');
+	methodSelect.append('<option value="iscsiboot">iscsiboot</option>');
+	methodSelect.append('<option value="netboot">netboot</option>');
+	methodSelect.append('<option value="statelite">statelite</option>');
+	method.append(methodLabel);
+	method.append(methodSelect);
+	provForm.append(method);
+	// Boot type (zvm, pxe, yaboot)
+	var type = $('<div></div>');
+	var typeLabel = $('<label for="type">Boot type:</label>');
+	var typeSelect = $('<select id="bootType" name="bootType"></select>');
+	typeSelect.append('<option value="zvm">zvm</option>');
+	typeSelect.append('<option value="install">pxe</option>');
+	typeSelect.append('<option value="iscsiboot">yaboot</option>');
+	type.append(typeLabel);
+	type.append(typeSelect);
+	provForm.append(type);
+	// Operating system
+	var os = $('<div></div>');
+	var osLabel = $('<label for="os">Operating system:</label>');
+	var osInput = $('<input type="text" name="os"/>');
+	// Get the OS versions on-focus
+	var tmp;
+	osInput.focus(function() {
+		tmp = $.cookie('OSVers');
+		// If there are any, turn on auto-complete
+		if (tmp) {
+			$(this).autocomplete(tmp.split(','));
+		}
+	});
+	os.append(osLabel);
+	os.append(osInput);
+	provForm.append(os);
+	// Architecture
+	var arch = $('<div></div>');
+	var archLabel = $('<label for="arch">Architecture:</label>');
+	var archInput = $('<input type="text" name="arch"/>');
+	// Get the OS architectures on-focus
+	archInput.focus(function() {
+		tmp = $.cookie('OSArchs');
+		// If there are any, turn on auto-complete
+		if (tmp) {
+			$(this).autocomplete(tmp.split(','));
+		}
+	});
+	arch.append(archLabel);
+	arch.append(archInput);
+	provForm.append(arch);
+	// Profiles
+	var profile = $('<div></div>');
+	var profileLabel = $('<label for="profile">Profile:</label>');
+	var profileInput = $('<input type="text" name="profile"/>');
+	// Get the profiles on-focus
+	profileInput.focus(function() {
+		tmp = $.cookie('Profiles');
+		// If there are any, turn on auto-complete
+		if (tmp) {
+			$(this).autocomplete(tmp.split(','));
+		}
+	});
+	profile.append(profileLabel);
+	profile.append(profileInput);
+	provForm.append(profile);
+	/**
+	 * Provision
+	 */
+	var provisionBtn = createButton('Provision');
+	provisionBtn.bind('click', function(event) {
+		// Insert provision code here
+	});
+	provForm.append(provisionBtn);
+ * Load resources
+ * 
+ * @return Nothing
+ */
+function loadResources() {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xCAT-UI/js/custom/zvm.js b/xCAT-UI/js/custom/zvm.js
index 57cc418c0..1457349ca 100644
--- a/xCAT-UI/js/custom/zvm.js
+++ b/xCAT-UI/js/custom/zvm.js
@@ -899,8 +899,6 @@ function loadInventory(data) {
  * @return Nothing
 function loadProvisionPage(tabId) {
-	// Get tab area where new tab will go
-	var myTab = getProvisionTab();
 	var errMsg;
 	// Get the OS image names