diff --git a/xCAT-client-2.0/bin/xcatDBcmds b/xCAT-client-2.0/bin/xcatDBcmds
index 4bd540a5d..85bea7581 100755
--- a/xCAT-client-2.0/bin/xcatDBcmds
+++ b/xCAT-client-2.0/bin/xcatDBcmds
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-# !/usr/bin/env perl
 # IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
@@ -20,11 +19,14 @@ my $bname = basename($0);
 #	Build hash and submit request
-#	Handles: mkdef, chdef, lsdef, rmdef commands
+#	Handles: mkdef, chdef, lsdef, rmdef, and xcat2nim commands
 #	Note: The subroutines that implement these commands
-#		are in /usr/lib/xcat/plugins/DBobjectdefs.pm
-#		on the xCAT management node
+#		are, for the most part, in:
+#			/opt/xcat/lib/perl/xCAT_plugin/DBobjectdefs.pm
+#			/opt/xcat/lib/perl/xCAT_plugin/xcat2nim.pm
+#			/opt/xcat/lib/perl/xCAT/DBobjUtils.pm 
+#		-on the xCAT management node
@@ -60,35 +62,21 @@ foreach (@ARGV)
     push(@{$cmdref->{arg}}, $_);
-# Is it necessary to pass the node range through the client-server path ??
-#   !!!!!
-# BUT - also want to pass in a list of object definitions that are
-#	not noderanges
-#   In any case - this doesn't work for mkdef & chdef because we may be
-#	creating the node definition for the first time
-#if (!($bname =~ /mkdef/))
-if (0)
-    #
-    #  We need to see if a noderange was provided on the command line
-    #  - the command line could be flags(options) -> noderange -> attr=val pairs
-    #  - the noderange is used by xCAT remote access support infrastructure
-    #  	so we need to set it now
-    #
+#  We need to see if a noderange was provided on the command line
+#  - the command line could be flags(options) -> noderange -> attr=val pairs
+#  - the noderange is used by xCAT remote access support infrastructure
+#  	so we need to set it now
-    use Getopt::Long;
+use Getopt::Long;
-    # Allows opts to be grouped (e.g. -avx)
-    Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling");
+# Allows opts to be grouped (e.g. -avx)
-    # parse the options
-    if (
+# parse the options
+if (
                     'all|a'     => \$::opt_a,
                     'dynamic|d' => \$::opt_d,
@@ -98,33 +86,33 @@ if (0)
                     'long|l'    => \$::opt_l,
                     'm|minus'   => \$::opt_m,
                     'o=s'       => \$::opt_o,
-                    'r|relace'  => \$::opt_r,
+                    'r|replace' => \$::opt_r,
                     't=s'       => \$::opt_t,
+					'update|u'  => \$::opt_u,
                     'verbose|V' => \$::opt_V,
                     'version|v' => \$::opt_v,
                     'w=s'       => \$::opt_w,
                     'x|xml'     => \$::opt_x,
                     'z|stanza'  => \$::opt_z
-        )
-      )
-    {
-        return 1;
-    }
+    )
+  )
+    return 1;
-    #  a node range would be the next arg - but not if it contains an "=" sign
-    #	- then it would be an attr=val operand
-    my $arg = shift(@ARGV);
-    if (!($arg =~ /=/))
-    {
-		# only set the noderange if it was a type of node or the type
-		#	wasn't specified.
-		if (!$::opt_t || ($::opt_t eq 'node')) {
-       		$cmdref->{noderange}->[0] = $arg;
-		}
-    }
+#  a node range would be the next arg - but not if it contains an "=" sign
+#	- then it would be an attr=val operand
+my $arg = shift(@ARGV);
+if (!($arg =~ /=/))
+	# only set the noderange if it was a type of node or the type
+	#	wasn't specified.
+	if (!$::opt_t || ($::opt_t eq 'node')) {
+   		$cmdref->{noderange}->[0] = $arg;
+	}
 exit $xCAT::Client::EXITCODE;