Added partial support for creating routes in xcatsetup

git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
bp-sawyers 2011-04-09 13:19:45 +00:00
parent 4e5445281a
commit 292c93b02a

@ -18,14 +18,16 @@ package xCAT_plugin::setup;
use strict;
#use warnings;
use Socket; #todo: also support ipv6 for routes
use xCAT::NodeRange;
use xCAT::Schema;
use xCAT::Table;
use xCAT::Utils;
use xCAT::MsgUtils;
use Data::Dumper;
require xCAT::Schema;
require xCAT::Table;
require xCAT::Utils;
require xCAT::MsgUtils;
require xCAT::NetworkUtils;
#use Data::Dumper;
use xCAT::DBobjUtils;
use xCAT_plugin::networks;
require xCAT_plugin::networks;
@ -154,6 +156,7 @@ my %tables = ('site' => 1,
'servicenode' => 1,
'nodegroup' => 0,
'networks' => 1,
'routes' => 0,
my $CECPOSITIONS; # a hash of the cec values in the nodepos table
@ -678,7 +681,8 @@ sub writelpar {
# Write regex for hosts.node, hosts.ip, etc, for all lpars. Also write a special entry
# for service nodes, since they also have an ethernet adapter.
my $startip = $STANZAS{'xcat-lpars'}->{'starting-ip'};
if ($startip && isIP($startip)) {
if (!isIP($startip)) { errormsg("$startip is not a valid IP address for xcat-lpars:starting-ip.", 5); }
else {
my ($ipbase, $ip2nd, $ip3rd, $ip4th) = $startip =~/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/;
# take the number from the nodename, and as it increases, increase the ip addr
# using name like f1c1p1
@ -694,7 +698,8 @@ sub writelpar {
my $serviceip = $STANZAS{'xcat-service-nodes'}->{'starting-ip'};
my ($servbase, $serv2nd, $serv3rd, $serv4th) = $serviceip =~/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/;
my %servicehash;
if ($serviceip && isIP($serviceip)) {
if (!isIP($serviceip)) { errormsg("$serviceip is not a valid IP address for xcat-service-nodes:starting-ip.", 5); }
else {
my $serviceregex = '|\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D*$|' . "$servbase.($serv2nd+" . '$1' . "-$primstartnum).($serv3rd+" . '$2' . "-$secstartnum).($serv4th+" . '$3' . "-$thirdstartnum)|";
$servicehash{ip} = $serviceregex;
@ -800,21 +805,22 @@ sub writelpar {
my %servicenodes;
my %storagenodes;
my %lpars;
my @mnroutes;
#my $cecsperbb = $STANZAS{'xcat-building-blocks'}->{'num-cecs-per-bb'};
#if ($cecsperbb !~ /^\d+$/) { errormsg("invalid non-integer value for num-cecs-per-bb: $cecsperbb", 7); return 0; }
for (my $b=1; $b<=$numbbs; $b++) {
my $framebase = ($b-1) * $framesperbb + 1;
findSNsinBB('service', $b, $framebase, $rangeparts, \%servicenodes, \%lpars, \@mnroutes) or return 0;
findSNsinBB('service', $b, $framebase, $rangeparts, \%servicenodes, \%lpars) or return 0;
findSNsinBB('storage', $b, $framebase, $rangeparts, \%storagenodes) or return 0;
if (scalar(keys(%servicenodes))) { $tables{'nodelist'}->setNodesAttribs(\%servicenodes); }
if (scalar(keys(%servicenodes))) {
if (scalar(keys(%storagenodes))) { $tables{'nodelist'}->setNodesAttribs(\%storagenodes); }
if (scalar(keys(%lpars))) { $tables{'noderes'}->setNodesAttribs(\%lpars); }
if (scalar(@mnroutes)) { $tables{'site'}->setAttribs({key => 'mnroutenames'}, {value => join(',',@mnroutes)}); }
# Set some more service node specific attributes
$tables{'servicenode'}->setNodeAttribs('service', {nameserver=>1, dhcpserver=>1, tftpserver=>1, nfsserver=>1, conserver=>1, monserver=>1, ftpserver=>1, nimserver=>1, ipforward=>1});
$tables{'servicenode'}->setNodeAttribs('service', {nameserver=>1, dhcpserver=>1, tftpserver=>1, nfsserver=>1, conserver=>1, monserver=>1, ftpserver=>1, nimserver=>1, ipforward=>defined($STANZAS{'xcat-service-nodes'}->{'route-masks'})});
if ($STANZAS{'ll-config'}->{'central_manager_list'}) { # write the LL postscript for service nodes
addPostscript('service', '');
addPostscript('compute', '');
@ -827,7 +833,7 @@ sub writelpar {
# Find either service nodes or storage nodes in a BB. Adds the nodenames of the lpars to the snodes hash,
# and defines the groups in the hash, and assigns the other lpars to the correct service node.
sub findSNsinBB {
my ($sntext, $bb, $framebase, $rangeparts, $snodes, $lpars, $mnroutes) = @_;
my ($sntext, $bb, $framebase, $rangeparts, $snodes, $lpars) = @_;
my $primbase = $$rangeparts{'primary-base'};
my $primlen = length($$rangeparts{'primary-start'});
my $secbase = $$rangeparts{'secondary-base'};
@ -859,7 +865,6 @@ sub findSNsinBB {
#print "nodename=$nodename\n";
$$snodes{$nodename} = { groups => "bb$bb$sntext,$sntext,lpar,all" };
push @snsinbb, "$frame,$cecinframe"; # save for later
push @$mnroutes, "mnto$nodename"; # gather all the routenames for site.mnroutenames
if ($lpars) {
@ -914,6 +919,51 @@ sub buildNodename {
# For the list of route names (basically the list of SNs), create entries in the routes table
sub writeMnRouteNames {
my $sns = shift;
my $serviceip = $STANZAS{'xcat-service-nodes'}->{'starting-ip'};
my $routemasks = $STANZAS{'xcat-service-nodes'}->{'route-masks'};
if (!$serviceip || !isIP($serviceip) || !$routemasks) { return; }
#todo: delete the routes if in delete mode
# Parse the route masks
my @parts = split(/[\s,]+/, $routemasks);
my %nicmasks;
foreach my $p (@parts) {
my ($nic, $nicmask) = split(/:/, $p);
$nicmasks{$nic} = $nicmask;
# Go thru the route names and create entries in the routes table
my @mnroutes;
my $rtab = $tables{'routes'};
foreach my $sn (@$sns) {
#my ($sn) = $r =~ /^mnto(.+)$/;
my $ref = $tables{'hosts'}->getNodeAttribs($sn, ['ip','otherinterfaces']);
if (!$ref || $ref->{ip}!~/\S/ || $ref->{otherinterfaces}!~/\S/) { next; }
my %routehash = ( gateway => $ref->{ip} );
# go thru each nic to create a route for it
my @ifs = split(/[\s,]+/, $ref->{otherinterfaces});
foreach my $i (@ifs) {
my ($nic, $nicip) = split(/:/, $i);
my $routename = "mnto$sn$nic";
$routehash{mask} = $nicmasks{$nic};
# and together $nicip with $nicmasks{$nic} to get the $routehash{net}
my $mask = xCAT::NetworkUtils::getipaddr($nicmasks{$nic}, GetNumber=>1);
my $ip = xCAT::NetworkUtils::getipaddr($nicip, GetNumber=>1);
my $subnet = $ip & $mask;
$subnet = inet_ntoa(pack('N',$subnet));
$routehash{net} = $subnet;
$rtab->setAttribs({routename => $routename}, \%routehash);
push @mnroutes, $routename; # gather all the routenames for site.mnroutenames
$tables{'site'}->setAttribs({key => 'mnroutenames'}, {value => join(',',@mnroutes)});
# Create service node definitions
sub writesn {
my $range = shift;
@ -963,7 +1013,7 @@ sub writesn {
$tables{'nodetype'}->setNodeAttribs('service', {nodetype => 'osi', arch => 'ppc64'});
$tables{'nodehm'}->setNodeAttribs('service', {mgt => 'fsp', cons => 'fsp'});
$tables{'noderes'}->setNodeAttribs('service', {netboot => 'yaboot'});
$tables{'servicenode'}->setNodeAttribs('service', {nameserver=>1, dhcpserver=>1, tftpserver=>1, nfsserver=>1, conserver=>1, monserver=>1, ftpserver=>1, nimserver=>1, ipforward=>1});
$tables{'servicenode'}->setNodeAttribs('service', {nameserver=>1, dhcpserver=>1, tftpserver=>1, nfsserver=>1, conserver=>1, monserver=>1, ftpserver=>1, nimserver=>1, ipforward=>defined($STANZAS{'xcat-service-nodes'}->{'route-masks'})});
if ($STANZAS{'ll-config'}->{'central_manager_list'}) { # write the LL postscript for service nodes
addPostscript('service', '')
@ -1015,9 +1065,11 @@ sub writesn {
#print "cecname=$cecname\n";
$nodeposhash{$$nodes[$i]} = {rack => $CECPOSITIONS->{$cecname}->[0]->{rack}, u => $CECPOSITIONS->{$cecname}->[0]->{u}};
# Form the list of route names for MN to CN
my $routes = 'mnto' . join(',mnto', @$nodes);
$tables{'site'}->setAttribs({key => 'mnroutenames'}, {value => $routes});
# Form the list of route for MN to CN
#my $routes = 'mnto' . join(',mnto', @$nodes);
#$tables{'site'}->setAttribs({key => 'mnroutenames'}, {value => $routes});