add configth ipv6 support work with nics table
git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,10 +28,16 @@ my $netmask ='';
my $ipaddr = '';
my $nic_num = '';
my $subnet = '';
my $gateway = ''; # this is only used for ipv6, ipv4 gateway is assigned by dhcp
my $ipv4nic = 0;
my $nic_net = '';
my $net_name = '';
my @nic_nets = (); # array of networks for this nic
my @nic_ips =(); # array of ipaddresses for this nic
my @nic_nets_all = (); # array of all networks for this nic
my @nic_nets4 = (); # array of ipv4 networks for this nic
my @nic_nets6 = (); # array of ipv6 networks for this nic
my @nic_ips_all =(); # array of all ip addresses for this nic
my @nic_ips4 =(); # array of ipv4 addresses for this nic
my @nic_ips6 =(); # array of ipv6 addresses for this nic
my @networks = (); # array of all networks from networks table.
# { network_name, subnet, netmask }
@ -52,7 +58,9 @@ while ( $cnt <= $net_cnt ) {
$subnet = $1;
$net_info =~ /mask=([^\|]*)\|\|/;
$netmask = $1;
push @{ $networks[$cnt-1] }, ($net_name, $subnet, $netmask);
$net_info =~ /gateway=([^\|]*)\|\|/;
$gateway = $1;
push @{ $networks[$cnt-1] }, ($net_name, $subnet, $netmask, $gateway);
$cnt +=1;
@ -67,11 +75,35 @@ foreach my $nic_networks (split(/,/,$nicnetworks)) {
@net = split(/:/,$nic_networks);
if ($net[0] eq $nic) {
@nic_nets = split(/\|/,$net[1]);
@nic_nets_all = split(/\|/,$net[1]);
# Put all ipv4 nets into nic_nets4,
# put all ipv6 nets into nic_nets6.
my $i = 0;
for ($i=0; $i < (scalar @nic_nets_all) ; $i++ ) {
# The network name itself does not indicate ipv4 or ipv6
# should use the subnet to determine.
# Do not use foreach (@networks), needs to keep the order of nets and ips
my $net = $nic_nets_all[$i];
foreach my $netinfo (@networks)
if ($netinfo->[0] eq $net)
if ($netinfo->[1] =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/)
push @nic_nets4, $net;
} elsif ($netinfo->[1] =~ /:/) {
push @nic_nets6, $net;
} else {
system("logger -t xcat -p local4.err 'The subnet $net is not valid.'");
# get all nic ipaddress from $nicips: i.e. eth0:|,eth1:
# Then get all ips for this specific nic, i.e. eth0.
foreach my $ips (split(/,/,$nicips)) {
@ -82,12 +114,29 @@ foreach my $ips (split(/,/,$nicips)) {
@ip = split(/:/,$ips);
if ($ip[0] eq $nic ) {
@nic_ips = split(/\|/,$ip[1]);
@nic_ips_all = split(/\|/,$ip[1]);
my $i;
for ($i=0; $i < (scalar @nic_ips) ; $i++ ) {
# Put all ipv4 addresses in @nic_ips4,
# put all ipv6 addresses in @nic_ips6.
# Do not use forach, needs to keep the order of networks and ips
for ($i=0; $i < (scalar @nic_ips_all) ; $i++ ) {
my $ip = $nic_ips_all[$i];
# ipv4 address
if ($ip =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) {
push @nic_ips4, $ip;
} elsif ($ip =~ /:/) { # ipv6
push @nic_ips6, $ip;
} else {
system("logger -t xcat -p local4.err 'configeth: The ip address $ip is not valid.'");
for ($i=0; $i < (scalar @nic_ips4) ; $i++ ) {
# ipv6 configuration needs to know if this nic as ipv4 configured
$ipv4nic = 1;
# Time to create the interfaces.
# loop through the nic networks, find the matching networks to get the
@ -103,7 +152,7 @@ for ($i=0; $i < (scalar @nic_ips) ; $i++ ) {
$netmask = "";
$net_name = "";
while ( $cnt < $net_cnt ) {
if ( $networks[$cnt][0] eq $nic_nets[$i] ) {
if ( $networks[$cnt][0] eq $nic_nets4[$i] ) {
$subnet = $networks[$cnt][1];
$netmask = $networks[$cnt][2];
@ -122,14 +171,14 @@ for ($i=0; $i < (scalar @nic_ips) ; $i++ ) {
if ($^O =~ /^aix/i) {
if ($i == 0) {
if ($nic_ips[$i] =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) {
runcmd("chdev -l '$nic' -a netaddr=$nic_ips[$i] -a netmask=$netmask -a state='up'");
if ($nic_ips4[$i] =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) {
runcmd("chdev -l '$nic' -a netaddr=$nic_ips4[$i] -a netmask=$netmask -a state='up'");
# } else { #ipv6
# runcmd("autoconf6 -6i en$nic_num");
} else {
if ($nic_ips[$i] =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) {
runcmd("chdev -l '$nic' -a alias4=$nic_ips[$i],$netmask");
if ($nic_ips4[$i] =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) {
runcmd("chdev -l '$nic' -a alias4=$nic_ips4[$i],$netmask");
# } else { #ipv6
# runcmd("autoconf6 -6i en$nic_num");
@ -147,7 +196,7 @@ for ($i=0; $i < (scalar @nic_ips) ; $i++ ) {
print FILE "BOOTPROTO=\'static\'\n";
print FILE "BROADCAST=\'\'\n";
print FILE "ETHTOOL_OPTIONS=\'\'\n";
print FILE "IPADDR=\'".$nic_ips[$i]."\'\n";
print FILE "IPADDR=\'".$nic_ips4[$i]."\'\n";
print FILE "MTU=\'\'\n";
print FILE "NAME=\'\'\n";
print FILE "NETMASK=\'".$netmask."\'\n";
@ -163,7 +212,7 @@ for ($i=0; $i < (scalar @nic_ips) ; $i++ ) {
# open ifconfig-eth file and append additional info.
if (!open(FILE, ">>$dir/ifcfg-$nic")) { system("logger -t xcat -p local4.err 'configeth: cannot open $dir/ifcfg-$nic for appending ip alias info'"); exit 1; }
print FILE "IPADDR_$i=\'".$nic_ips[$i]."\'\n";
print FILE "IPADDR_$i=\'".$nic_ips4[$i]."\'\n";
print FILE "NETMASK_$i=\'".$netmask."\'\n";
print FILE "NETWORK_$i=\'".$subnet."\'\n";
print FILE "LABEL_$i=\'".$i."\'\n";
@ -177,7 +226,7 @@ for ($i=0; $i < (scalar @nic_ips) ; $i++ ) {
if (!open(FILE, ">$dir/ifcfg-$specific_nic")) { system("logger -t xcat -p local4.err 'configeth: cannot open $dir/ifcfg-$specific_nic.'"); exit 1; }
print FILE "DEVICE=$specific_nic\n";
print FILE "BOOTPROTO=none\n";
print FILE "IPADDR=$nic_ips[$i]\n";
print FILE "IPADDR=$nic_ips4[$i]\n";
print FILE "NETMASK=$netmask\n";
#if (defined($gateway)) { print FILE "GATEWAY=$gateway\n"; }
print FILE "ONBOOT=yes\n";
@ -187,6 +236,123 @@ for ($i=0; $i < (scalar @nic_ips) ; $i++ ) {
# system("logger -t xcat -p 'configeth: successfully configured $specific_nic.'");
# ipv6 configuration
# ipv6 address does not use the nic alias like eth0:1,
# should use the main nic like eth0
my $configured = 0;
for ($i=0; $i < (scalar @nic_ips6) ; $i++ )
# Get the network information: netname, subnet, netmask
my $found = 0;
my $subnet;
my $prefixlen;
my $ipv6gateway;
my $ip6addr = $nic_ips6[$i];
my $net = $nic_nets6[$i];
foreach my $netinfo (@networks)
if ($netinfo->[0] eq $net)
$found = 1;
$subnet = $netinfo->[1];
$prefixlen = $netinfo->[2];
$ipv6gateway = $netinfo->[3];
# Remove the postfix like /64 from subnet
if ($subnet && ($subnet =~ /\//)) {
$subnet =~ s/\/.*$//;
# Remove the "/" from prefixlen
if ($prefixlen && ($prefixlen =~ /^\//))
$prefixlen =~ s/^\///;
if ($found == 0)
system("logger -t xcat -p local4.err 'configeth: Could not find network entry for ip address $ip6addr'");
if ($^O =~ /^aix/i) {
if (!$configured)
runcmd("chdev -l en0 -a netaddr6=$ip6addr -a prefixlen=$prefixlen -a state=up");
$configured = 1;
} else {
runcmd("chdev -l en0 -a alias6=$ip6addr/$prefixlen");
} elsif (($ENV{OSVER} && ($ENV{OSVER} =~ /sles|suse/i)) || (-f "/etc/SuSE-release")) {
my $dir = "/etc/sysconfig/network";
# If there are only ipv6 addresses on this nic,
# needs to flush the ifcfg-$nic file when configuring the first ipv6 addr,
# to avoid duplicate entries when run confignics/configeth multiple times.
if (!$ipv4nic && !$configured)
if (!open(FILE, ">$dir/ifcfg-$nic")) {
system("logger -t xcat -p local4.err 'configeth: cannot open $dir/ifcfg-$nic.'");
exit 1;
print FILE "DEVICE=$nic\n";
print FILE "BOOTPROTO=static\n";
print FILE "STARTMODE=onboot\n";
} else {
if (!open(FILE, ">>$dir/ifcfg-$nic")) {
system("logger -t xcat -p local4.err 'configeth: cannot open $dir/ifcfg-$nic.'");
exit 1;
# Use the label=ipv6$i in ifcfg-ethx file, like ipv60, ipv61
print FILE "LABEL_ipv6$i=ipv6$i\n";
print FILE "IPADDR_ipv6$i=$ip6addr\n";
print FILE "PREFIXLEN_ipv6$i=$prefixlen\n";
close FILE;
if ($ipv6gateway && $ipv6gateway !~ /xcatmaster/) {
# Do not add duplicate entries
`grep -E "default\\s+$ipv6gateway\\s+" /etc/sysconfig/network/routes 2>&1 1>/dev/null`;
if ($? != 0) {
`echo "default $ipv6gateway - -" >> /etc/sysconfig/network/routes`;
runcmd("ifup $nic");
} else {
# Ubuntu TODO
my $dir = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts";
# If there are only ipv6 addresses on this nic,
# needs to flush the ifcfg-$nic file when configuring the first ipv6 addr,
# to avoid duplicate entries when run confignics/configeth multiple times.
if (!$ipv4nic && !$configured)
if (!open(FILE, ">$dir/ifcfg-$nic")) {
system("logger -t xcat -p local4.err 'configeth: cannot open $dir/ifcfg-$nic.'");
exit 1;
print FILE "DEVICE=$nic\n";
print FILE "BOOTPROTO=static\n";
print FILE "ONBOOT=yes\n";
} else {
if (!open(FILE, ">>$dir/ifcfg-$nic")) {
system("logger -t xcat -p local4.err 'configeth: cannot open $dir/ifcfg-$nic.'");
exit 1;
if (!$configured) {
print FILE "IPV6INIT=yes\n";
print FILE "IPV6ADDR=$ip6addr/$prefixlen\n";
$configured = 1;
} else {
print FILE "IPV6ADDR_SECONDARIES=$ip6addr/$prefixlen\n";
if ($ipv6gateway && $ipv6gateway !~ /xcatmaster/) {
print FILE "IPV6_DEFAULTGW=$ipv6gateway\n";
close FILE;
runcmd("$dir/ifup $nic");
exit 0;
sub runcmd {
@ -197,7 +363,7 @@ sub runcmd {
if ($rc) {
system("logger -t xcat -p local4.err 'configeth: command $cmd failed with rc $rc: " . join('',@output) . "'");
my $errout= "configeth: command $cmd failed with rc $rc.";
echo $errout;
`echo $errout`;
exit $rc;
Reference in New Issue
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