zVM specific files

This commit is contained in:
Chuck Brazie 2013-10-23 15:40:25 -04:00
parent 969244bbe9
commit 180ed68679
5 changed files with 842 additions and 359 deletions

@ -611,25 +611,39 @@ sub punch2Reader {
# Punch to reader
# VMUR located in different directories on RHEL and SLES
my $out;
my $vmur;
if ( $os =~ m/sles10/i ) {
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $user\@$hcp "$sudo /sbin/vmur punch $options -u $userId -r $srcFile -N $tgtFile"`;
} elsif ( $os =~ m/sles11/i ) {
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $user\@$hcp "$sudo /usr/sbin/vmur punch $options -u $userId -r $srcFile -N $tgtFile"`;
} elsif ( $os =~ m/rhel/i ) {
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $user\@$hcp "$sudo /usr/sbin/vmur punch $options -u $userId -r $srcFile -N $tgtFile"`;
$vmur = "/sbin/vmur";
} else {
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $user\@$hcp "$sudo /usr/sbin/vmur punch $options -u $userId -r $srcFile -N $tgtFile"`;
$vmur = "/usr/sbin/vmur";
my $out;
my $done = 0;
until ( $done ) {
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $user\@$hcp "$sudo $vmur punch $options -u $userId -r $srcFile -N $tgtFile" 2>&1`;
my $rc = $? >> 8;
if ( $rc == 255 ) {
$out = "(Error) Unable to communicate with the zHCP system: $hcp";
$done = 1;
} elsif ( $out =~ m/A concurrent instance of vmur is already active/i ) {
# Recoverable error: retry the command after a delay
xCAT::zvmUtils->printSyslog( "punch2Reader() Punch in use on $hcp, retrying in 15 seconds" );
sleep( 15 );
} else {
# Punch appears successful -- Look for the completion string
my $searchStr = "created and transferred";
if ( !( $out =~ m/$searchStr/i ) ) {
chomp( $out );
$out = "Failed, punch info: '$out'\n";
xCAT::zvmUtils->printSyslog( "punch2Reader() Failed punching $srcFile to $userId from $hcp, info: '$out'" );
} else {
$out = "Done\n";
$done = 1;
# If punch is successful -- Look for this string
my $searchStr = "created and transferred";
if ( !( $out =~ m/$searchStr/i ) ) {
$out = "Failed\n";
} else {
$out = "Done\n";
return $out;

@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ sub printLn {
# Print string
my $rsp;
my $type = "I";
if ($str =~ m/error/i) { # Set to print error if the string contains error
if ($str =~ m/(\(error\)|\sfailed)/i) { # Set to print error if the string contains error
$type = "E";
@ -1246,7 +1246,7 @@ sub getArch {
# Get host using VMCP
my $arch = `ssh $user\@$node "$sudo uname -p"`;
my $arch = `ssh $user\@$node "$sudo uname -m"`;
return ( xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($arch) );
@ -2308,19 +2308,20 @@ sub getUsedFcpDevices {
Arguments : Sudoer user name
Sudo keyword
zHCP hostname
Install root directory
Local directory to remotely mount
Mount access ('ro' for read only, 'rw' for read write)
Directory as known to zHCP (out)
Returns : 0 - Mounted, or zHCP and MN are on the same system
1 - Mount failed
Example : establishMount( $callback, $::SUDOER, $::SUDO, $hcp, "$installRoot/$provMethod", "ro", \$remoteDeployDir );
Example : establishMount( $callback, $::SUDOER, $::SUDO, $hcp, $installRoot, $provMethod, "ro", \$remoteDeployDir );
sub establishMount {
# Get inputs
my ($class, $callback, $sudoer, $sudo, $hcp, $localDir, $access, $mountedPt) = @_;
my ($class, $callback, $sudoer, $sudo, $hcp, $installRoot, $localDir, $access, $mountedPt) = @_;
my $out;
# If the target system is not on this system then establish the NFS mount point.
@ -2338,7 +2339,7 @@ sub establishMount {
if ($masterIp eq $hcpIP) {
# xCAT MN and zHCP are on the same box and will use the same directory without the need for an NFS mount.
$$mountedPt = $localDir;
$$mountedPt = "$installRoot/$localDir";
} else {
# Determine the hostname for this management node
my $masterHostname = Sys::Hostname::hostname();
@ -2347,15 +2348,23 @@ sub establishMount {
$masterHostname = $masterIp;
$$mountedPt = "/mnt/$masterHostname$installRoot/$localDir";
# If the mount point already exists then return because we are done.
my $rc = `ssh $sudoer\@$hcp "$sudo mount | grep $$mountedPt > /dev/null; echo \\\$?"`;
if ($rc == 0) {
return 0;
xCAT::zvmUtils->printSyslog( "establishMount() Preparing the NFS mount point on zHCP ($hcpIP) to xCAT MN $masterHostname($masterIp) for $localDir" );
# Prepare the staging mount point on zHCP, if they need to be established
$$mountedPt = "/mnt/$masterHostname$localDir";
my $rc = `ssh $sudoer\@$hcp "$sudo mkdir -p $$mountedPt && mount -t nfs -o $access $masterIp:$localDir $$mountedPt; echo \\\$?"`;
$rc = `ssh $sudoer\@$hcp "$sudo mkdir -p $$mountedPt && mount -t nfs -o $access $masterIp:/$localDir $$mountedPt; echo \\\$?"`;
# Return code = 0 (mount succeeded) or 32 (mount already exists)
if ($rc != '0' && $rc != '32') {
# Return code = 0 (mount succeeded)
if ($rc != '0') {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$hcp: (Error) Unable to establish zHCP mount point: $$mountedPt" );
xCAT::zvmUtils->printSyslog( "establishMount() Unable to establish zHCP mount point: $$mountedPt, rc: $rc" );
return 1;
@ -2367,9 +2376,12 @@ sub establishMount {
=head3 getFreeRepoSpace
Description : Get the free space of image repository under /install
Description : Get the free space of image repository under /install.
Arguments : Node
Returns : The available space for /install
Returns : The available space for /install (e.g. "2.1G ").
The value is returned as a perl string (e.g. "0 ") to
avoid perl returning null instead of "0" in the case
of no space available.
Example : my $free = getFreeRepoSpace($callback, $node);
@ -2395,7 +2407,10 @@ sub getFreeRepoSpace {
my $out = `$sudo /bin/df -h /install | sed 1d`;
$out =~ s/\h+/ /g;
my @results = split(' ', $out);
return ($results[3]);
if ( $results[3] eq "0" ) {
$results[3] = "0M";
return $results[3];
@ -2475,12 +2490,12 @@ sub findAndUpdatezFcpPool {
return \%results;
# Check WWPN and LUN syntax
if ( $wwpn && ($wwpn =~ /[^0-9a-f;"]/i) ) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$header: (Error) Invalid world wide portname $wwpn." );
# Owner must be specified if status is used
if ($status =~ m/used/i && !$owner) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$header: (Error) Owner must be specified if status is used." );
return \%results;
} if ( $lun && ($lun =~ /[^0-9a-f]/i) ) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$header: (Error) Invalid logical unit number $lun." );
} elsif ($status =~ m/free/i && $owner) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$header: (Error) Owner must not be specified if status is free." );
return \%results;
@ -2509,6 +2524,15 @@ sub findAndUpdatezFcpPool {
# Make sure WWPN and LUN do not have 0x prefix
$wwpn = xCAT::zvmUtils->replaceStr($wwpn, "0x", "");
$lun = xCAT::zvmUtils->replaceStr($lun, "0x", "");
# Check WWPN and LUN syntax
if ( $wwpn && ($wwpn =~ /[^0-9a-f;"]/i) ) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$header: (Error) Invalid world wide portname $wwpn." );
return \%results;
} if ( $lun && ($lun =~ /[^0-9a-f]/i) ) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$header: (Error) Invalid logical unit number $lun." );
return \%results;
# Find disk pool (create one if non-existent)
@ -2569,15 +2593,19 @@ sub findAndUpdatezFcpPool {
# Do not continue if no devices can be found
if (!$wwpn && !$lun) {
if (!$wwpn || !$lun) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn($callback, "$header: (Error) A suitable device of $size" . "M or larger could not be found");
return \%results;
} else {
# Find given WWPN and LUN. Do not continue if device is used
# Find given WWPN and LUN. Do not continue if device is used
my $select = `ssh $user\@$hcp "$sudo cat $zfcpDir/$pool.conf" | grep -i "$wwpn,$lun"`;
if (!$select) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn($callback, "$header: (Error) zFCP device 0x$wwpn/0x$lun could not be found in zFCP pool $pool");
return \%results;
@info = split(',', $select);
if ($size) {
@ -2585,13 +2613,11 @@ sub findAndUpdatezFcpPool {
# Convert to MegaBytes
$info[3] =~ s/\D//g;
$info[3] = int($info[3]) * 1024
} elsif ($info[3] =~ m/M/i) {
} else {
# Do nothing
$info[3] =~ s/\D//g;
} else {
# Do not continue if specified device does not have enough capacity
if ($info[3] < $size) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn($callback, "$header: (Error) FCP device $wwpn/$lun is not large enough");
@ -2602,7 +2628,7 @@ sub findAndUpdatezFcpPool {
# Find range of the specified disk
$range = $info[4];
# If there are multiple paths, take the 1st one
# Handle multi-pathing in postscript because autoyast/kickstart does not support it.
my $origWwpn = $wwpn;
@ -2612,117 +2638,23 @@ sub findAndUpdatezFcpPool {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn($callback, "$header: Found FCP device 0x$wwpn/0x$lun");
# Find a free FCP device based on the given range
if ($fcpDevice =~ m/^auto/i) {
my @ranges;
my $min;
my $max;
my $found = 0;
if ($range =~ m/;/i) {
@ranges = split(';', $range);
} else {
push(@ranges, $range);
if (!$found) {
# If the node has an eligible FCP device, use it
my @deviceList = xCAT::zvmUtils->getDedicates($callback, $user, $owner);
foreach (@deviceList) {
# Check if this devide is eligible (among the range specified for disk $lun)
@info = split(' ', $_);
my $candidate = $info[2];
foreach (@ranges) {
($min, $max) = split('-', $_);
if (hex($candidate) >= hex($min) && hex($candidate) <= hex($max)) {
$found = 1;
$fcpDevice = uc($candidate);
if ($found) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn($callback, "$header: Found eligible FCP channel $fcpDevice");
if (!$found) {
# If the node has no eligible FCP device, find a free one for it.
my %usedDevices = xCAT::zvmUtils->getUsedFcpDevices($user, $hcp);
my $hcpUserId = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getUserId($user, $hcp);
$hcpUserId =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
# Find a free FCP channel
$out = `ssh $user\@$hcp "$sudo $dir/smcli System_WWPN_Query -T $hcpUserId" | egrep -i "FCP device number|Status"`;
my @devices = split( "\n", $out );
for (my $i = 0; $i < @devices; $i++) {
# Extract the device number and status
$fcpDevice = $devices[$i];
$fcpDevice =~ s/^FCP device number:(.*)/$1/;
$fcpDevice =~ s/^\s+//;
$fcpDevice =~ s/\s+$//;
my $fcpStatus = $devices[$i];
$fcpStatus =~ s/^Status:(.*)/$1/;
$fcpStatus =~ s/^\s+//;
$fcpStatus =~ s/\s+$//;
# Only look at free FCP devices
if ($fcpStatus =~ m/free/i) {
# If the device number is within the specified range, exit out of loop
# Range: 3B00-3C00;4B00-4C00;5E12-5E12
foreach (@ranges) {
($min, $max) = split('-', $_);
if (hex($fcpDevice) >= hex($min) && hex($fcpDevice) <= hex($max)) {
$fcpDevice = uc($fcpDevice);
# Used found FCP channel if not in use or allocated
if (!$usedDevices{$fcpDevice}) {
$found = 1;
# Break out of loop if FCP channel is found
if ($found) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn($callback, "$header: Found FCP channel within acceptable range $fcpDevice");
# Do not continue if no FCP channel is found
if (!$found) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn($callback, "$header: (Error) A suitable FCP channel could not be found");
if ( ($status =~ m/used/i) && ($fcpDevice =~ /^auto/i) ) {
# select an eligible FCP device
$fcpDevice = xCAT::zvmUtils->selectFcpDevice($callback, $header, $user, $hcp, $fcpDevice, $range, $owner);
if (!$fcpDevice) {
return \%results;
# If there are multiple devices (multipathing), take the 1st one
if ($fcpDevice) {
if ($fcpDevice =~ m/;/i) {
@info = split(';', $fcpDevice);
$fcpDevice = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($info[0]);
# Make sure channel has a length of 4
while (length($fcpDevice) < 4) {
$fcpDevice = "0" . $fcpDevice;
} elsif ($status =~ m/free/i) {
# Owner and FCP channel make no sense when status is free
$fcpDevice = "";
$owner = "";
# Mark WWPN and LUN as used, free, or reserved and set the owner/channel appropriately
# This config file keeps track of the owner of each device, which is useful in nodeset
$size = $size . "M";
my $select = `ssh $user\@$hcp "$sudo cat $zfcpDir/$pool.conf" | grep -i "$lun" | grep -i "$wwpn"`;
my $select = `ssh $user\@$hcp "$sudo cat $zfcpDir/$pool.conf" | grep -i "$lun"`;
if ($select) {
@info = split(',', $select);
@ -2759,6 +2691,156 @@ sub findAndUpdatezFcpPool {
=head3 selectFcpDevice
Description : Select an eligible FCP device for attaching a zFCP device to a node
Arguments : Message header
User (root or non-root)
candidate FCP devices or auto
FCP device range
zFCP device owner
Returns : selected FCP device or empty if no one is selected
Example : my $fcpDevice = xCAT::zvmUtils->selectFcpDevice($callback, $header, $user, $hcp, $fcpDevice, $range, $owner);
sub selectFcpDevice {
# Get inputs
my ($class, $callback, $header, $user, $hcp, $fcpDevice, $range, $owner) = @_;
# Determine if sudo is used
my $sudo = "sudo";
if ($user eq "root") {
$sudo = "";
# Directory where executables are on zHCP
my $dir = "/opt/zhcp/bin";
# Directory where FCP disk pools are on zHCP
my $zfcpDir = "/var/opt/zhcp/zfcp";
my %results = ('rc' => -1); # Default to error
# Check FCP device syntax
if ($fcpDevice && ($fcpDevice !~ /^auto/i) && ($fcpDevice =~ /[^0-9a-f]/i)) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn($callback, "$header: (Error) Invalid FCP channel address $fcpDevice.");
# Find a free FCP device based on the given range
if ($fcpDevice =~ m/^auto/i) {
my @ranges;
my $min;
my $max;
my $found = 0;
if ($range =~ m/;/i) {
@ranges = split(';', $range);
} else {
push(@ranges, $range);
if (!$found) {
# If the node has an eligible FCP device, use it
my @deviceList = xCAT::zvmUtils->getDedicates($callback, $user, $owner);
foreach (@deviceList) {
# Check if this devide is eligible (among the range specified for disk $lun)
my @info = split(' ', $_);
my $candidate = $info[2];
foreach (@ranges) {
($min, $max) = split('-', $_);
if (hex($candidate) >= hex($min) && hex($candidate) <= hex($max)) {
$found = 1;
$fcpDevice = uc($candidate);
if ($found) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn($callback, "$header: Found eligible FCP channel $fcpDevice");
if (!$found) {
# If the node has no eligible FCP device, find a free one for it.
my %usedDevices = xCAT::zvmUtils->getUsedFcpDevices($user, $hcp);
my $hcpUserId = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getUserId($user, $hcp);
$hcpUserId =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
# Find a free FCP channel
my $out = `ssh $user\@$hcp "$sudo $dir/smcli System_WWPN_Query -T $hcpUserId" | egrep -i "FCP device number|Status"`;
my @devices = split( "\n", $out );
for (my $i = 0; $i < @devices; $i++) {
# Extract the device number and status
$fcpDevice = $devices[$i];
$fcpDevice =~ s/^FCP device number:(.*)/$1/;
$fcpDevice =~ s/^\s+//;
$fcpDevice =~ s/\s+$//;
my $fcpStatus = $devices[$i];
$fcpStatus =~ s/^Status:(.*)/$1/;
$fcpStatus =~ s/^\s+//;
$fcpStatus =~ s/\s+$//;
# Only look at free FCP devices
if ($fcpStatus =~ m/free/i) {
# If the device number is within the specified range, exit out of loop
# Range: 3B00-3C00;4B00-4C00;5E12-5E12
foreach (@ranges) {
($min, $max) = split('-', $_);
if (hex($fcpDevice) >= hex($min) && hex($fcpDevice) <= hex($max)) {
$fcpDevice = uc($fcpDevice);
# Use found FCP channel if not in use or allocated
if (!$usedDevices{$fcpDevice}) {
$found = 1;
# Break out of loop if FCP channel is found
if ($found) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn($callback, "$header: Found FCP channel within acceptable range $fcpDevice");
# Do not continue if no FCP channel is found
if (!$found) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn($callback, "$header: (Error) A suitable FCP channel could not be found");
# If there are multiple devices (multipathing), take the 1st one
if ($fcpDevice) {
if ($fcpDevice =~ m/;/i) {
my @info = split(';', $fcpDevice);
$fcpDevice = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($info[0]);
# Make sure channel has a length of 4
while (length($fcpDevice) < 4) {
$fcpDevice = "0" . $fcpDevice;
return $fcpDevice;
=head3 findzFcpDevicePool
Description : Find the zFCP storage pool that contains the given zFCP device
@ -2807,7 +2889,7 @@ sub findzFcpDevicePool {
Returns : Architecture of node
Example : my $deviceRef = xCAT::zvmUtils->findzFcpDeviceAttr($user, $hcp, $wwpn, $lun);
Example : my $deviceRef = xCAT::zvmUtils->findzFcpDeviceAttr($user, $hcp, $pool, $wwpn, $lun);
@ -2827,7 +2909,7 @@ sub findzFcpDeviceAttr {
# Find the SCSI/FCP device
# Entry order: status,wwpn,lun,size,range,owner,channel,tag
my @info = split("\n", `ssh $user\@$hcp "$sudo grep \"$wwpn,$lun\" $zfcpDir/$pool.conf"`);
my @info = split("\n", `ssh $user\@$hcp "$sudo grep -i \"$wwpn,$lun\" $zfcpDir/$pool.conf"`);
my $entry = $info[0];

@ -2664,9 +2664,9 @@ zvmPlugin.prototype.loadLogPage = function(node) {
// If a value is given for every input
if (ready) {
// Disable all inputs
var inputs = $('#' + newTabId + ' input');
inputs.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
// Do not disable all inputs
//var inputs = $('#' + newTabId + ' input');
//inputs.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
* (1) Retrieve, clear, or set options for event logs
@ -2688,8 +2688,8 @@ zvmPlugin.prototype.loadLogPage = function(node) {
$('#' + statBarId).find('div').append(createLoader());
$('#' + statBarId).show();
// Disable run button
$(this).attr('disabled', 'true');
// Do not disable run button
//$(this).attr('disabled', 'true');
} else {
// Show warning message
var warn = createWarnBar(errMsg);

@ -400,9 +400,8 @@ function updateZProvisionNewStatus(data) {
+ ';' + size + ';' + mode + ';' + password + ';'
+ password + ';' + password;
} else if (type == '9336') {
var blkSize = '512';
args = '--add' + type + ';' + pool + ';' + address + ';'
+ blkSize + ';' + size + ';' + mode + ';' + password + ';'
+ size + ';' + mode + ';' + password + ';'
+ password + ';' + password;
@ -1413,7 +1412,6 @@ function openAddDiskDialog(node, hcp) {
$('#' + statusId).show();
} else if (type == '9336') {
// Default block size for FBA volumes = 512
var blkSize = '512';
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
@ -1421,7 +1419,7 @@ function openAddDiskDialog(node, hcp) {
data : {
cmd : 'chvm',
tgt : node,
args : '--add9336;' + pool + ';' + address + ';' + blkSize + ';' + size
args : '--add9336;' + pool + ';' + address + ';' + size
+ ';' + mode + ';' + password + ';' + password + ';' + password,
msg : node

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff