changed in nodeAdd/nodeRemove in monitoring infrastructure
git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -613,42 +613,15 @@ sub processNodelistTableChanges {
if (@nodenames ==0) { return 0;}
my $hierarchy=getMonServerWithInfo(\@nodenames);
#get all possible ip and hostname for the local host
my @hostinfo=xCAT::Utils->determinehostname();
my %iphash=();
foreach(@hostinfo) {$iphash{$_}=1;}
foreach (keys(%$hierarchy)) {
my @server_pair=split(',', $_);
my $svname=$server_pair[0];
my $mon_nodes=$hierarchy->{$_};
if (($iphash{$svname}) || ($svname eq "noservicenode")) { #this is for ms
#call each plug-in to add the nodes into the monitoring domain
foreach(keys(%PRODUCT_LIST)) {
my $aRef=$PRODUCT_LIST{$_};
my $module_name=$aRef->[1];
#print "moduel_name=$module_name\n";
if ($action eq "a") { ${$module_name."::"}{addNodes}->($mon_nodes);}
else { ${$module_name."::"}{removeNodes}->($mon_nodes);} }
} else { #this is for a service node
#call each service node to handle it
my @noderange=();
foreach my $nodetemp (@$mon_nodes) {
push(@noderange, $nodetemp->[0]);
my $cmd;
if ($action eq "a") { $cmd="psh --nonodecheck $svname monaddnode --local " . join(',', @noderange); }
else { $cmd="psh --nonodecheck $svname monrmnode --local " . join(',', @noderange); }
#print "cmd=$cmd\n";
my $result=`$cmd 2>&1`;
#print "result=$result\n";
if ($?) {
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "[mon]:$cmd result=$result\n");
#call each plug-in to add the nodes into the monitoring domain
foreach(keys(%PRODUCT_LIST)) {
my $aRef=$PRODUCT_LIST{$_};
my $module_name=$aRef->[1];
#print "moduel_name=$module_name\n";
if ($action eq "a") { ${$module_name."::"}{addNodes}->(\@nodenames, 1);}
else { ${$module_name."::"}{removeNodes}->(\@nodenames, 1);}
return 0;
@ -1177,7 +1150,7 @@ sub nodeStatMonName {
=head3 pluginsAddNodes
=head3 addNodes
This function informs all the local active monitoring plug-ins to add the given
nodes to their monitoring domain.
@ -1187,7 +1160,7 @@ sub nodeStatMonName {
[return code, error message] as the values.
sub pluginsAddNodes {
sub addNodes {
my $noderef=shift;
if ($noderef =~ /xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl/) {
@ -1201,7 +1174,7 @@ sub pluginsAddNodes {
foreach(keys(%PRODUCT_LIST)) {
my $aRef=$PRODUCT_LIST{$_};
my $module_name=$aRef->[1];
my @ret1=${$module_name."::"}{addNodes}->($noderef);
my @ret1=${$module_name."::"}{addNodes}->($noderef, 0);
#for service node, the error may not be get shown, log it
@ -1213,7 +1186,7 @@ sub pluginsAddNodes {
return %ret;
=head3 pluginsRemoveNodes
=head3 removeNodes
This function informs all the local active monitoring plug-ins to remove the given
nodes to their monitoring domain.
@ -1223,7 +1196,7 @@ sub pluginsAddNodes {
[return code, error message] as the values.
sub pluginsRemoveNodes {
sub removeNodes {
my $noderef=shift;
if ($noderef =~ /xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl/) {
@ -1237,7 +1210,7 @@ sub pluginsRemoveNodes {
foreach(keys(%PRODUCT_LIST)) {
my $aRef=$PRODUCT_LIST{$_};
my $module_name=$aRef->[1];
my @ret1=${$module_name."::"}{removeNodes}->($noderef);
my @ret1=${$module_name."::"}{removeNodes}->($noderef, 0);
if (($ret1[0] >0)) {
@ -1248,166 +1221,6 @@ sub pluginsRemoveNodes {
return %ret;
=head3 addNodes
This function informs all the active monitoring plug-ins to add the given
nodes to their monitoring domain. If the service node of the given nodes are
not the localhost, the request will be sent to the conresponding service nodes.
noderange a pointer to an array of node names
local 0 or 1, if set to 1, the nodes are only handled locally. No need
to find their service nodes.
ret a hash with plug-in name as the keys and the an arry of
[return code, error message] as the values.
sub addNodes {
my $p_input=shift;
if ($p_input =~ /xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl/) {
my $handle_local=shift;
my %ret=();
my @nodenames=@$p_input;
if (@nodenames == 0) { return %ret; }
#print "nodenames=@nodenames\n";
if ($handle_local) {
return pluginsAddNodes($p_input);
my $isSV=xCAT::Utils->isServiceNode();
my @hostinfo=xCAT::Utils->determinehostname();
foreach(@hostinfo) {$iphash{$_}=1;}
my $hierachy=xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl->getMonServer(\@nodenames);
my @mon_servers=keys(%$hierachy);
foreach (@mon_servers) {
#service node come in pairs, the first one is the monserver adapter that facing the mn,
# the second one is facing the cn. we use the first one here
my @server_pair=split(',', $_);
my $svname=$server_pair[0];
my $mon_nodes=$hierachy->{$_};
if ($iphash{$_}) {
#let all actvie modules to process it
my %ret1=pluginsAddNodes($mon_nodes);
my @ret2=();
foreach(keys(%ret1)) {
push(@ret2, "$_ ".$ret1{$_}."\n");
} elsif (!$isSV) {
if ($svname eq "noservicenode") {
my %ret1=pluginsAddNodes($mon_nodes);
my @ret2=();
foreach(keys(%ret1)) {
push(@ret2, "$_ ".$ret1{$_}."\n");
} else {
#forward them to the service nodes
my @noderange=();
foreach my $nodetemp (@$mon_nodes) {
push(@noderange, $nodetemp->[0]);
my $cmd="psh --nonodecheck $svname monaddnode --local " . join(',', @noderange);
my $result=`$cmd 2>&1`;
#print "result=$result\n";
if ($?) {
$ret{$svname}=[1, $result];
return %ret;
=head3 removeNodes
This function informs all the active monitoring plug-ins to remove the given
nodes to their monitoring domain. If the service node of the given nodes are
not the localhost, the request will be sent to the conresponding service nodes.
noderange a pointer to an array of node names
local 0 or 1, if set to 1, the nodes are only handled locally. No need
to find their service nodes.
ret a hash with plug-in name as the keys and the an arry of
[return code, error message] as the values.
sub removeNodes {
my $p_input=shift;
if ($p_input =~ /xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl/) {
my $handle_local=shift;
my %ret=();
my @nodenames=@$p_input;
if (@nodenames == 0) { return %ret; }
#print "nodenames=@nodenames\n";
if ($handle_local) {
return pluginsRemoveNodes($p_input);
my $isSV=xCAT::Utils->isServiceNode();
my @hostinfo=xCAT::Utils->determinehostname();
foreach(@hostinfo) {$iphash{$_}=1;}
my $hierachy=xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl->getMonServer(\@nodenames);
my @mon_servers=keys(%$hierachy);
foreach (@mon_servers) {
my @server_pair=split(',', $_);
my $svname=$server_pair[0];
my $mon_nodes=$hierachy->{$_};
if ($iphash{$_}) {
#let all actvie modules to process it
my %ret1=pluginsRemoveNodes($mon_nodes);
my @ret2=();
foreach(keys(%ret1)) {
push(@ret2, "$_ ".$ret1{$_}."\n");
} elsif (!$isSV) {
if ($svname eq "noservicenode") {
#let all actvie modules to process it
my %ret1=pluginsRemoveNodes($mon_nodes);
my @ret2=();
foreach(keys(%ret1)) {
push(@ret2, "$_ ".$ret1{$_}."\n");
} else {
#forward them to the service nodes
my @noderange=();
foreach my $nodetemp (@$mon_nodes) {
push(@noderange, $nodetemp->[0]);
my $cmd="psh --nonodecheck $svname monrmnode --local " . join(',', @noderange);
my $result=`$cmd 2>&1`;
#print "result=$result\n";
if ($?) {
$ret{$svname}=[1, $result];
return %ret;
@ -155,9 +155,11 @@ sub stopNodeStatusMon {
This function is called by the monitorctrl module when new nodes are added
to the xCAT cluster. It should add the nodes into the product for monitoring.
nodes --nodes to be added. It is a pointer to an array with each element
being a ref to an array of [nodes, nodetype, status]. For example:
[['node1', 'osi', 'active'], ['node2', 'switch', 'booting']..]
nodes --nodes to be added. It is a pointer to an array. If the next argument is
1, each element is a ref to an array of [nodes, nodetype, status]. For example:
[['node1', 'active'], ['node2', 'booting']..].
if the next argument is 0, each element is a node name to be added.
boolean -- 1, or 0.
(error code, error message)
@ -169,11 +171,16 @@ sub addNodes {
#demo how you can parse the input. you may commnet it out.
foreach(@$noderef) {
my $node_info=$_;
print " node=$node_info->[0], nodetype=$node_info->[1], status=$node_info->[2]\n";
my $info=shift;
if ($info) {
foreach(@$noderef) {
my $node_info=$_;
print " node=$node_info->[0], status=$node_info->[1]\n";
} else {
print "noderef=@$noderef\n";
#TODO: include the nodes into the product for monitoring.
return (0, "0k");
@ -184,9 +191,11 @@ sub addNodes {
This function is called by the monitorctrl module when nodes are removed
from the xCAT cluster. It should remove the nodes from the product for monitoring.
nodes --nodes to be removed. It is a pointer to an array with each element
being a ref to an array of [nodes, nodetype, status]. For example:
[['node1', 'osi', 'active'], ['node2', 'switch', 'booting']..]
nodes --nodes to be added. It is a pointer to an array. If the next argument is
1, each element is a ref to an array of [nodes, nodetype, status]. For example:
[['node1', 'active'], ['node2', 'booting']..].
if the next argument is 0, each element is a node name to be added.
boolean -- 1, or 0.
(error code, error message)
@ -198,9 +207,14 @@ sub removeNodes {
#demo how you can parse the input. you may commnet it out.
foreach(@$noderef) {
my $node_info=$_;
print " node=$node_info->[0], nodetype=$node_info->[1], status=$node_info->[2]\n";
my $info=shift;
if ($info) {
foreach(@$noderef) {
my $node_info=$_;
print " node=$node_info->[0], status=$node_info->[1]\n";
} else {
print "noderef=@$noderef\n";
@ -529,24 +529,30 @@ sub stopNodeStatusMon {
=head3 addNodes
This function adds the nodes into the SNMP domain.
nodes --nodes to be added. It is a pointer to an array with each element
being a ref to an array of [nodes, nodetype, status]. For example:
[['node1', 'osi', 'active'], ['node2', 'switch', 'booting']..]
nodes --nodes to be added. It is a pointer to an array. If the next argument is
1, each element is a ref to an array of [nodes, nodetype, status]. For example:
[['node1', 'active'], ['node2', 'booting']..].
if the next argument is 0, each element is a node name to be added.
boolean -- 1, or 0.
(error code, error message)
sub addNodes {
#print "snmpmon::addNodes\n";
if ($noderef =~ /xCAT_monitoring::snmpmon/) {
foreach(@$noderef) {
my $node_info=$_;
print " node=$node_info->[0], nodetype=$node_info->[1], status=$node_info->[2]\n";
# print "snmpmon::addNodes\n";
# $noderef=shift;
# if ($noderef =~ /xCAT_monitoring::snmpmon/) {
# $noderef=shift;
# }
# my $info=shift;
# if ($info) {
# foreach(@$noderef) {
# my $node_info=$_;
# print " node=$node_info->[0], status=$node_info->[1]\n";
# }
# } else {
# print "noderef=@$noderef\n";
# }
return (0, "ok");
@ -555,24 +561,30 @@ sub addNodes {
=head3 removeNodes
This function removes the nodes from the SNMP domain.
nodes --nodes to be removed. It is a pointer to an array with each element
being a ref to an array of [nodes, nodetype, status]. For example:
[['node1', 'osi', 'active'], ['node2', 'switch', 'booting']..]
nodes --nodes to be added. It is a pointer to an array. If the next argument is
1, each element is a ref to an array of [nodes, nodetype, status]. For example:
[['node1', 'active'], ['node2', 'booting']..].
if the next argument is 0, each element is a node name to be added.
boolean -- 1, or 0.
(error code, error message)
sub removeNodes {
print "snmpmon::removeNodes\n";
if ($noderef =~ /xCAT_monitoring::snmpmon/) {
foreach(@$noderef) {
my $node_info=$_;
print " node=$node_info->[0], nodetype=$node_info->[1], status=$node_info->[2]\n";
# print "snmpmon::removeNodes\n";
# $noderef=shift;
# if ($noderef =~ /xCAT_monitoring::snmpmon/) {
# $noderef=shift;
# }
# my $info=shift;
# if ($info) {
# foreach(@$noderef) {
# my $node_info=$_;
# print " node=$node_info->[0], status=$node_info->[1]\n";
# }
# } else {
# print "noderef=@$noderef\n";
# }
return (0, "ok");
@ -166,9 +166,11 @@ sub stopNodeStatusMon {
This function is called by the monitorctrl module when new nodes are added
to the xCAT cluster. It should add the nodes into the product for monitoring.
nodes --nodes to be added. It is a pointer to an array with each element
being a ref to an array of [nodes, nodetype, status]. For example:
[['node1', 'osi', 'active'], ['node2', 'switch', 'booting']..]
nodes --nodes to be added. It is a pointer to an array. If the next argument is
1, each element is a ref to an array of [nodes, nodetype, status]. For example:
[['node1', 'active'], ['node2', 'booting']..].
if the next argument is 0, each element is a node name to be added.
boolean -- 1, or 0.
(error code, error message)
@ -185,9 +187,11 @@ sub addNodes {
This function is called by the monitorctrl module when nodes are removed
from the xCAT cluster. It should remove the nodes from the product for monitoring.
nodes --nodes to be removed. It is a pointer to an array with each element
being a ref to an array of [nodes, nodetype, status]. For example:
[['node1', 'osi', 'active'], ['node2', 'switch', 'booting']..]
nodes --nodes to be added. It is a pointer to an array. If the next argument is
1, each element is a ref to an array of [nodes, nodetype, status]. For example:
[['node1', 'active'], ['node2', 'booting']..].
if the next argument is 0, each element is a node name to be added.
boolean -- 1, or 0.
(error code, error message)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user