the codes about NGP genesis state process

git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
zhaoertao 2012-06-18 08:38:30 +00:00
parent 54f8b58399
commit 0b5567ff3c
2 changed files with 45 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ sub _startssh {
open STDIN, "<&", $tty_fd;
open STDOUT,">&",$tty_fd;
open STDERR, ">&", STDOUT;
my @cmd = ("ssh","-o","StrictHostKeyChecking=no");
if ($args{"-nokeycheck"}) {
@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ sub new {
my $promptex = $args{Prompt};
$promptex =~ s!^/!!;
$promptex =~ s!/\z!!;
my ($prematch,$match) = $self->waitfor(Match => $args{Prompt},Match=>'/password:/i') or die "Login Failed: ",$self->lastline;
my ($prematch,$match) = $self->waitfor(Match => $args{Prompt},Match=>'/password:/i',Match=>'/REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED/') or die "Login Failed:", $self->lastline;
if ($match =~ /password:/i) {
#$self->waitfor("-match" => '/password:/i', -errmode => "return") or die "Unable to reach host ",$self->lastline;
@ -75,6 +76,8 @@ sub new {
} elsif ($match =~ /$promptex/) {
die "Known_hosts issue";
return bless($self,$class);

View File

@ -556,6 +556,7 @@ sub mpaconfig {
elsif ($parameter eq "textid") {
$textid = 1;
if ($assignment) {
my $txtid = ($value =~ /^\*/) ? $node : $value;
@ -564,7 +565,7 @@ sub mpaconfig {
setoid("",$_,$txtid.", slot $extrabay",'OCTET');
} else {
my $data;
if ($slot > 0) {
$data = $session->get([$bladeoname,$nodeid]);
@ -572,11 +573,11 @@ sub mpaconfig {
else {
$data = $session->get([$mmoname->{$mptype},0]);
$textid = 1;
push @cfgtext,"textid: $data";
foreach(@morenodeids) {
$data = $session->get([$bladeoname,$_]);
push @cfgtext,"textid: $data";
elsif ($parameter =~ /^snmpcfg$/i) {
@ -1798,7 +1799,7 @@ sub getmacs {
push @midxary,$1;
} else {
} elsif ($display !~ /yes/){
return -1, "please set noderes.installnic or noderes.primarynic";
@ -4027,6 +4028,7 @@ sub clicmds {
if ($args{nokeycheck}) {
my $promote_pass = $pass; #used for genesis state processing
my $curraddr = $mpa;
if ($args{curraddr}) {
$curraddr = $args{curraddr};
@ -4058,22 +4060,34 @@ sub clicmds {
my $errmsg=$@;
if ($errmsg) {
if ($errmsg =~ /Known_hosts issue/) {
$errmsg = "The entry for $curraddr in known_hosts table is out of date, pls run 'makeknownhosts $curraddr -r' to delete it from known_hosts table.";
push @cfgtext, $errmsg;
return([1, \@unhandled, $errmsg]);
if ($errmsg =~ /Login Failed/) {
$errmsg = "Failed to login to $mpa";
if ($curraddr ne $mpa) { $errmsg .= " (currently at $curraddr)" }
push @cfgtext,$errmsg;
} else { die $@; }
} else {
push @cfgtext, $errmsg;
#die $@;
my $Rc=1;
if ($t and not $t->atprompt) { #we sshed in, but we may be forced to deal with initial password set
my $output = $t->get();
if ($output =~ /Enter current password/) {
if (defined($handled{USERID})) {
$promote_pass = $handled{USERID};
my $result=$t->getline();
$result =~ s/\s*//;
@ -4082,6 +4096,7 @@ sub clicmds {
$result =~ s/\s*//;
if ($result =~ /not compliant/) {
push @cfgtext,"The current account password has expired, please modify it first";
return ([1,\@unhandled,"Management module refuses requested password as insufficiently secure, try another password"]);
@ -4129,12 +4144,17 @@ sub clicmds {
elsif (/^rscanfsp$/) { $result = rscanfsp($t,$mpa,$handled{$_},$mm); }
elsif (/^solcfg$/) { $result = solcfg($t,$handled{$_},$mm); }
elsif (/^network_reset$/) { $result = network($t,$handled{$_},$mpa,$mm,$node,$nodeid,1); $reset=1; }
elsif (/^(USERID)$/) {$result = passwd($t, $mpa, $1, "=".$handled{$_}, $mm);}
elsif (/^userpassword$/) {$result = passwd($t, $mpa, $1, $handled{$_}, $mm);}
elsif (/^(USERID)$/) {$result = passwd($t, $mpa, $1, "=".$handled{$_}, $promote_pass, $mm);}
elsif (/^userpassword$/) {$result = passwd($t, $mpa, $1, $handled{$_}, $promote_pass, $mm);}
if (!defined($result)) {next;}
push @data, "$_: @$result";
$Rc |= shift(@$result);
push @cfgtext,@$result;
# dealing with SNMP v3 disable in genesis state#
if ($promote_pass ne $pass) {
snmpcfg($t, 'disable', $user, $promote_pass, $mm);
if ($reset) {
$t->cmd("reset -T system:$mm");
push @data, "The management module has been reset to load the configuration";
@ -4267,7 +4287,7 @@ sub mmtextid {
my @data = $t->cmd("config -name \"$value\" -T system"); #on cmms, this identifier is frequently relevant...
return([0,"textid: $value"]);
return undef; #([0,"textid: $value"]);
sub get_blades_for_mpa {
@ -4314,6 +4334,7 @@ sub passwd {
my $mpa = shift;
my $user = shift;
my $pass = shift;
my $oldpass = shift;
my $mm = shift;
if ($pass =~ /^=/) {
$pass=~ s/=//;
@ -4328,18 +4349,21 @@ sub passwd {
if ($mpatab) {
#my ($ent)=$mpatab->getNodeSpecAttribs($mpa, {username=>$user},qw(password));
my ($ent)=$mpatab->getAttribs({mpa=>$mpa, username=>$user},qw(password));
my $oldpass = 'PASSW0RD';
if (defined($ent->{password})) {$oldpass = $ent->{password}};
my $cmd = "users -n $user -op $oldpass -p $pass -T system:$mm";
my @data = $t->cmd($cmd);
if (!grep(/OK/i, @data)) {
return ([1, @data]);
#my $oldpass = 'PASSW0RD';
#if (defined($ent->{password})) {$oldpass = $ent->{password}};
my @data = ();
if ($oldpass ne $pass) {
my $cmd = "users -n $user -op $oldpass -p $pass -T system:$mm";
my @data = $t->cmd($cmd);
if (!grep(/OK/i, @data)) {
return ([1, @data]);
@data = ();
my $snmp_cmd = "users -n $user -ap sha -pp des -ppw $pass -t system:$mm";
my $snmp_cmd = "users -n $user -ap sha -pp des -ppw $pass -T system:$mm";
@data = $t->cmd($snmp_cmd);
if (!grep(/ok/i, @data)) {
$cmd = "users -n $user -op $pass -p $oldpass -T system:$mm";
my $cmd = "users -n $user -op $pass -p $oldpass -T system:$mm";
my @back_pwd = $t->cmd($cmd);
if (!grep(/OK/i, @back_pwd)) {