Improve performance of makeconservercf - bug 3691
git-svn-id: 8638fb3e-16cb-4fca-ae20-7b5d299a9bcd
This commit is contained in:
@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ sub process_request {
# Add the initial/global entries to the beginning of the file
sub docfheaders {
# Put in standard headers common to all files
my $content = shift;
@ -279,9 +280,9 @@ sub docfheaders {
push @newheaders,"}\n";
unshift @$content,@newheaders;
# Read the file, get db info, update the file contents, and then write the file
sub makeconservercf {
my $req = shift;
%termservers = (); #clear hash of existing entries
@ -317,11 +318,12 @@ sub makeconservercf {
#print "process_request nodes=@$nodes\n";
# Get db info for the nodes related to console
my $hmtab = xCAT::Table->new('nodehm');
my @cfgents1;# = $hmtab->getAllNodeAttribs(['cons','serialport','mgt','conserver','termserver','termport']);
if (($nodes and @$nodes > 0) or $req->{noderange}->[0]) {
@cfgents1 = $hmtab->getNodesAttribs($nodes,['node','cons','serialport','mgt','conserver','termserver','termport']);
#to make the result consistent to getAllNodeAttribs
# Adjust the data structure to make the result consistent with the getAllNodeAttribs() call we make if a noderange was not specified
my @tmpcfgents1;
foreach my $ent (@cfgents1)
@ -337,12 +339,16 @@ sub makeconservercf {
#cfgents should now have all the nodes, so we can fill in our hashes one at a time.
# skip the one that does not have 'cons' defined, unless a serialport setting suggests otherwise
#cfgents1 should now have all the nodes, so we can fill in the cfgents array and cfgenthash one at a time.
# skip the nodes that do not have 'cons' defined, unless a serialport setting suggests otherwise
my @cfgents=();
my %cfgenthash;
foreach (@cfgents1) {
if ($_->{cons} or defined($_->{'serialport'})) { push @cfgents, $_; }
if ($_->{cons} or defined($_->{'serialport'})) {
unless ($_->{cons}) {$_->{cons} = $_->{mgt};} #populate with fallback
push @cfgents, $_;
$cfgenthash{$_->{node}} = $_; # also put the ref to the entry in a hash for quick look up
if ($::DEBUG) {
@ -350,42 +356,21 @@ sub makeconservercf {
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "In makeconservercf, cfgents is " . Dumper(@cfgents);
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $cb);
# get the teminal servers and terminal port when cons is mrv or cyclades
foreach (@cfgents) {
unless ($_->{cons}) {$_->{cons} = $_->{mgt};} #populate with fallback
#my $cmeth=$_->{cons};
#if (grep(/^$cmeth$/,@cservers)) { #terminal server, more attribs needed
# my $node = $_->{node};
# my $tent = $hmtab->getNodeAttribs($node,["termserver","termport"]);
# $_->{termserver} = $tent->{termserver};
# $termservers{$tent->{termserver}} = 1;
# $_->{termport}= $tent->{termport};
# nodes defined, it is either on the service node or mkconserver is call with noderange on mn
# if nodes defined, it is either on the service node or makeconserver was called with noderange on mn
if (($nodes and @$nodes > 0) or $req->{noderange}->[0]) {
# strip all xCAT configured stuff from config if the original command was for all nodes
# strip all xCAT configured nodes from config if the original command was for all nodes
if (($req->{_allnodes}) && ($req->{_allnodes}->[0]==1)) {zapcfg(\@filecontent);}
foreach (@$nodes) {
my $node = $_;
foreach (@cfgents) {
if ($_->{node} eq $node) {
if ($_->{termserver} and not $termservers{$_->{termserver}}) {
$termservers{$_->{termserver}}=1; #prevent needless cycles being burned
if (donodeent($_,\@filecontent,$delmode) eq "BADCFG") {
$cb->({node=>[{name=>$node,error=>"Bad configuration, check attributes under the nodehm category",errorcode=>1}]});
# call donodeent to add all node entries into the file. It will return the 1st node in error.
my $node;
if ($node=donodeent(\%cfgenthash,\@filecontent,$delmode)) {
#$cb->({node=>[{name=>$node,error=>"Bad configuration, check attributes under the nodehm category",errorcode=>1}]});
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Bad configuration, check attributes under the nodehm category"],$cb,$node);
} else { #no nodes specified, do em all up
zapcfg(\@filecontent); # strip all xCAT configured stuff from config
zapcfg(\@filecontent); # strip all xCAT configured nodes from config
# filter out node types without console support
# get nodetype so we can filter out node types without console support
my $typetab = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype');
my %type;
@ -395,6 +380,7 @@ sub makeconservercf {
# remove nodes that arent for this SN or type of node doesnt have console
foreach (@cfgents) {
my $keepdoing=0;
if ($isSN && $_->{conserver} && exists($iphash{$_->{conserver}})) {
@ -403,17 +389,27 @@ sub makeconservercf {
if (!$isSN) { $keepdoing=1;} #handle all for MN
if ($keepdoing) {
if ($_->{termserver} and not $termservers{$_->{termserver}}) {
# add a terminal server entry to file
$termservers{$_->{termserver}}=1; #prevent needless cycles being burned
$termservers{$_->{termserver}}=1; # dont add this one again
if ( $type{$_->{node}} !~ /fsp|bpa|hmc|ivm/ ) {
if (donodeent($_,\@filecontent) eq "BADCFG") {
$cb->({node=>[{name=>$_->{node},error=>"Bad configuration, check attributes under the nodehm category",errorcode=>1}]});
if ( $type{$_->{node}} =~ /fsp|bpa|hmc|ivm/ ) {
$keepdoing=0; # these types dont have consoles
if (!$keepdoing) { delete $cfgenthash{$_->{node}}; } # remove this node from the hash so we dont process it later
# Now add into the file all the node entries that we kept
my $node;
if ($node=donodeent(\%cfgenthash,\@filecontent)) {
# donodeent will return the 1st node in error
#$cb->({node=>[{name=>$node,error=>"Bad configuration, check attributes under the nodehm category",errorcode=>1}]});
xCAT::SvrUtils::sendmsg([1,"Bad configuration, check attributes under the nodehm category"],$cb,$node);
# Write out the file contents
open $cfile,'>','/etc/';
if ($::VERBOSE) {
my $rsp;
@ -425,7 +421,7 @@ sub makeconservercf {
close $cfile;
# restart conserver
if (!$svboot) {
#restart conserver daemon
my $cmd;
@ -443,6 +439,7 @@ sub makeconservercf {
# Put a terminal server entry in the file - not used much any more
sub dotsent {
my $cfgent = shift;
my $tserv = $cfgent->{termserver};
@ -476,9 +473,11 @@ sub dotsent {
# Add entries in the file for each node. This function used to do 1 node at a time, but was changed to do
# all nodes at once for performance reasons. If there is a problem with a nodes config, this
# function will return that node name as the one in error.
sub donodeent {
my $cfgent = shift;
my $node = $cfgent->{node};
my $cfgenthash = shift;
my $content = shift;
my $delmode = shift;
my $idx=0;
@ -486,14 +485,20 @@ sub donodeent {
my $skip = 0;
my $skipnext = 0;
# Delete all the previous stanzas of the nodes specified
my $isSN=xCAT::Utils->isServiceNode();
my $curnode;
# Loop till find the start of a node stanza and remove lines till get to the end of the stanza
while ($idx <= $#$content) { # Go through and delete that which would match my entry
if ($content->[$idx] =~ /^#xCAT BEGIN $node CONS/) {
$toidx=$idx; #TODO put it back right where I found it
$skip = 1;
} elsif ($content->[$idx] =~ /^#xCAT END $node CONS/) {
my ($begorend, $node) = $content->[$idx] =~ /^#xCAT (\S+) (\S+) CONS/;
if ($begorend eq 'BEGIN') {
if ($cfgenthash->{$node}) {
$toidx=$idx; #TODO put it back right where I found it
$skip = 1; # delete this line
$skipnext=1; # put us in skip mode until we find the end of the stanza
$curnode = $node;
} elsif ($begorend eq 'END' && $node eq $curnode) {
$skipnext = 0;
if ($skip) {
@ -503,17 +508,21 @@ sub donodeent {
$skip = $skipnext;
if ($delmode) {
if ($delmode) {
# dont need to add node entries, so we are done
# Go thru all nodes specified to add them to the file
foreach my $node (sort keys %$cfgenthash) {
my $cfgent = $cfgenthash->{$node};
my $cmeth=$cfgent->{cons};
if (not $cmeth or (grep(/^$cmeth$/,@cservers) and (not $cfgent->{termserver} or not $cfgent->{termport}))) {
return "BADCFG";
# either there is no console method (shouldnt happen) or not one of the supported terminal servers
return $node;
push @$content,"#xCAT BEGIN $node CONS\n";
push @$content,"console $node {\n";
#if ($cfgent->{cons}
#print $cmeth."\n";
if (grep(/^$cmeth$/,@cservers)) {
push @$content," include ".$cfgent->{termserver}.";\n";
push @$content," port ".$cfgent->{termport}.";\n";
@ -532,7 +541,10 @@ sub donodeent {
push @$content,"}\n";
push @$content,"#xCAT END $node CONS\n";
return 0;
# Delete any xcat added node entries from the file
sub zapcfg {
my $content = shift;
my $idx=0;
@ -558,11 +570,3 @@ sub zapcfg {
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