Turn CEC to low power state (state EOCT). This is a disruptive operation which requires the CEC to be powered off prior to entering low power mode. And we can use power off command to get out of lowepower state.
Places the rack in the rack standby state. It requires that all CECs and DE be powered off before it will run.
=item B<exit_rackstandby>
Exit Rack standby will be the default state that a rack goes into when power is initially applied to the rack. It simply moves the BPA from Rack standby to both bpa's in standby state.
Use one or multiple B<-m> flags to specify the node attributes and the expected status for the node installation monitoring and automatic retry mechanism. The operators ==, !=, =~ and !~ are valid. This flag must be used with -t flag.
Note: if the "val" fields includes spaces or any other characters that will be parsed by shell, the "attr<oper-ator>val" needs to be quoted. If the operator is "!~", the "attr<operator>val" needs to be quoted using single quote.
Do not use dependency table (default is to use dependency table). Valid only with B<on|off|boot|reset|cycle> for blade power method and B<on|off|reset|softoff> for hmc/fsp power method.
specify the number of retries that the monitoring process will perform before declare the failure. The default value is 3. Setting the retrycount to 0 means only monitoring the os installation progress and will not re-initiate the installation if the node status has not been changed to the expected value after timeout. This flag must be used with -m flag.