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# IBM(c) 2010 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
This is a utility plugin for z/VM.
package xCAT::zvmUtils;
use xCAT::MsgUtils;
use xCAT::Utils;
use xCAT::Table;
use strict;
use warnings;
=head3 getNodeProps
Description : Get node properties
Arguments : Table
Returns : Node properties from given table
Example : my $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps($tabName, $node, $propNames);
sub getNodeProps {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $tabName, $node, @propNames ) = @_;
# Get table
my $tab = xCAT::Table->new($tabName);
# Get property values
my $propVals = $tab->getNodeAttribs( $node, [@propNames] );
return ($propVals);
=head3 getTabPropsByKey
Description : Get table entry properties by key
Arguments : Table
Key name
Key value
Requested properties
Returns : Table entry properties
Example : my $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getTabPropsByKey($tabName, $key, $keyValue, @reqProps);
sub getTabPropsByKey {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $tabName, $key, $keyVal, @propNames ) = @_;
# Get table
my $tab = xCAT::Table->new($tabName);
my $propVals;
# Get table attributes matching given key
$propVals = $tab->getAttribs( { $key => $keyVal }, @propNames );
return ($propVals);
=head3 getAllTabEntries
Description : Get all entries within given table
Arguments : Table
Returns : All table entries
Example : my $entries = xCAT::zvmUtils->getAllTabEntries($tabName);
sub getAllTabEntries {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $tabName ) = @_;
# Get table
my $tab = xCAT::Table->new($tabName);
my $entries;
# Get all entries within given table
$entries = $tab->getAllEntries();
return ($entries);
=head3 setNodeProp
Description : Set node property in a given table
Arguments : Table
Returns : Nothing
Example : xCAT::zvmUtils->setNodeProp($tabName, $node, $propName, $propVal);
sub setNodeProp {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $tabName, $node, $propName, $propVal ) = @_;
# Get table
my $tab = xCAT::Table->new( $tabName, -create => 1, -autocommit => 0 );
# Set property
$tab->setAttribs( { 'node' => $node }, { $propName => $propVal } );
# Save table
=head3 delTabEntry
Description : Delete a table entry
Arguments : Table
Key name
Key value
Returns : Nothing
Example : xCAT::zvmUtils->delTabEntry($tabName, $keyName, $keyVal);
sub delTabEntry {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $tabName, $keyName, $keyVal ) = @_;
# Get table
my $tab = xCAT::Table->new( $tabName, -create => 1, -autocommit => 0 );
# Delete entry from table
my %key = ( $keyName => $keyVal );
$tab->delEntries( \%key );
# Save table
=head3 tabStr
Description : Tab string (4 spaces)
Arguments : String
Returns : Tabbed string
Example : my $str = xCAT::zvmUtils->tabStr($str);
sub tabStr {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $inStr ) = @_;
my @lines = split( "\n", $inStr );
# Tab output
my $outStr;
foreach (@lines) {
$outStr .= " $_\n";
return ($outStr);
=head3 trimStr
Description : Trim whitespaces within a string
Arguments : String
Returns : Trimmed string
Example : my $str = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($str);
sub trimStr {
# Get string
my ( $class, $str ) = @_;
# Trim right
$str =~ s/\s*$//;
# Trim left
$str =~ s/^\s*//;
return ($str);
=head3 replaceStr
Description : Replace a given pattern within a string
Arguments : String
Returns : String with given pattern replaced
Example : my $str = xCAT::zvmUtils->replaceStr($str, $pattern, $replacement);
sub replaceStr {
# Get string
my ( $class, $str, $pattern, $replacement ) = @_;
# Replace string
$str =~ s/$pattern/$replacement/g;
return ($str);
=head3 printLn
Description : Print string to stdout
Arguments : String
Returns : Nothing
Example : xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn($callback, $str);
sub printLn {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $callback, $str ) = @_;
# Print string
my $rsp;
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "$str";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", $rsp, $callback );
=head3 isZvmNode
Description : Checks if a given node is in the 'zvm' table
Arguments : Node
Returns : TRUE Node exists
FALSE Node does not exists
Example : my $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->isZvmNode($node);
sub isZvmNode {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $node ) = @_;
# zVM guest ID
my $id;
# Look in 'zvm' table
my $tab = xCAT::Table->new( 'zvm', -create => 1, -autocommit => 0 );
my @results = $tab->getAllAttribsWhere( "node like '%" . $node . "%'", 'userid' );
foreach (@results) {
# Get userID
$id = $_->{'userid'};
# Return 'TRUE' if given node is in the table
if ($id) {
return ('TRUE');
return ('FALSE');
=head3 getHwcfg
Description : Get the hardware configuration file path
e.g. /etc/sysconfig/hardwarehwcfg-qeth-bus-ccw-0.0.0600
Arguments : Node
Returns : Hardware configuration file path
Example : my $hwcfg = xCAT::zvmUtils->getHwcfg($node);
sub getHwcfg {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $node ) = @_;
# Get OS
my $os = xCAT::zvmUtils->getOs($node);
# Get network configuration file path
my $out;
my @parms;
# If it is SUSE -- hwcfg-qeth file is in /etc/sysconfig/hardware
if ( $os =~ m/SUSE/i ) {
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $node "ls /etc/sysconfig/hardware/hwcfg-qeth*"`;
@parms = split( '\n', $out );
return ( $parms[0] );
# If no file is found -- Return nothing
=head3 getIp
Description : Get the IP address of a given node
Arguments : Node
Returns : IP address of given node
Example : my $ip = xCAT::zvmUtils->getIp($node);
sub getIp {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $node ) = @_;
# Get IP address
# You need the extra space in the pattern,
# else it will confuse gpok2 with gpok21
my $out = `cat /etc/hosts | grep "$node "`;
my @parms = split( ' ', $out );
return $parms[0];
=head3 getIfcfg
Description : Get the network configuration file path of a given node
Red Hat -- /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth
SUSE -- /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-qeth
Arguments : Node
Returns : Network configuration file path
Example : my $ifcfg = xCAT::zvmUtils->getIfcfg($node);
sub getIfcfg {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $node ) = @_;
# Get OS
my $os = xCAT::zvmUtils->getOs($node);
# Get network configuration file path
my $out;
my @parms;
# If it is Red Hat -- ifcfg-qeth file is in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
if ( $os =~ m/Red Hat/i ) {
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $node "ls /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth*"`;
@parms = split( '\n', $out );
return ( $parms[0] );
# If it is SUSE -- ifcfg-qeth file is in /etc/sysconfig/network
elsif ( $os =~ m/SUSE/i ) {
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $node "ls /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-qeth*"`;
@parms = split( '\n', $out );
return ( $parms[0] );
# If no file is found -- Return nothing
=head3 getIfcfgByNic
Description : Get the network configuration file path of a given node by its NIC address
Arguments : Node
NIC address
Returns : Network configuration file path
Example : my $ifcfg = xCAT::zvmUtils->getIfcfgByNic($node, $nic);
sub getIfcfgByNic {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $node, $nic ) = @_;
# Get OS
my $os = xCAT::zvmUtils->getOs($node);
# Get network configuration file path
my $out;
my @parms;
# If it is Red Hat -- ifcfg-qeth file is in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
if ( $os =~ m/Red Hat/i ) {
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $node "ls /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth*"`;
@parms = split( '\n', $out );
# Go through each line
foreach( @parms ) {
# If the network file contains the NIC address
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $node "cat $_" | grep "$nic"`;
if ( $out ) {
# Return network file path
return ( $_ );
# If it is SUSE -- ifcfg-qeth file is in /etc/sysconfig/network
elsif ( $os =~ m/SUSE/i ) {
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $node "ls /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-qeth*" | grep "$nic"`;
@parms = split( '\n', $out );
return ( $parms[0] );
# If no file is found -- Return nothing
=head3 sendFile
Description : Send a file to a given node using SCP
Arguments : Node
Source file
Target file
Returns : Nothing
Example : xCAT::zvmUtils->sendFile($node, $srcFile, $trgtFile);
sub sendFile {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $node, $srcFile, $trgtFile ) = @_;
# Create destination string
my $dest = "root@" . $node;
# SCP directory entry file over to HCP
my $out = `scp $srcFile $dest:$trgtFile`;
=head3 getRootDiskAddr
Description : Get root disk address of given node
Arguments : Node name
Returns : Root disk address
Example : my $deviceNode = xCAT::zvmUtils->getRootDiskAddr($node);
sub getRootDiskAddr {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $node ) = @_;
# Get device node mounted on (/)
my $out = `ssh $node "mount" | grep "/ type" | sed 's/1//'`;
my @parms = split( " ", $out );
@parms = split( "/", xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr( $parms[0] ) );
my $devNode = $parms[0];
# Get disk address
$out = `ssh $node "cat /proc/dasd/devices" | grep "$devNode" | sed 's/(ECKD)//' | sed 's/(FBA )//' | sed 's/0.0.//'`;
@parms = split( " ", $out );
return ( $parms[0] );
=head3 disableEnableDisk
Description : Disable/enable a disk for a given node
Arguments : Device address
Option [-d|-e]
Returns : Nothing
Example : my $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->disableEnableDisk($callback, $node, $option, $devAddr);
sub disableEnableDisk {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $callback, $node, $option, $devAddr ) = @_;
# Disable/enable disk
if ( $option eq "-d" || $option eq "-e" ) {
my $out = `ssh $node "chccwdev $option $devAddr"`;
=head3 getMdisks
Description : Get the MDisk statements in the user entry of a given node
Arguments : Node
Returns : MDisk statements
Example : my @mdisks = xCAT::zvmUtils->getMdisks($callback, $node);
sub getMdisks {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $callback, $node ) = @_;
# Directory where executables are
my $dir = '/opt/zhcp/bin';
# Get HCP
my @propNames = ( 'hcp', 'userid' );
my $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'zvm', $node, @propNames );
my $hcp = $propVals->{'hcp'};
# Get node userID
my $userId = $propVals->{'userid'};
my $out = `ssh $hcp "$dir/getuserentry $userId" | grep "MDISK"`;
# Get MDISK statements
my @lines = split( '\n', $out );
my @disks;
foreach (@lines) {
$_ = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($_);
# Save MDISK statements
push( @disks, $_ );
return (@disks);
=head3 getUserEntryWODisk
Description : Get the user entry of a given node
without MDISK statments, and save it to a file
Arguments : Node
File name to save user entry under
Returns : Nothing
Example : my $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->getUserEntryWODisk($callback, $node, $file);
sub getUserEntryWODisk {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $callback, $node, $file ) = @_;
# Directory where executables are
my $dir = '/opt/zhcp/bin';
# Get node properties from 'zvm' table
my @propNames = ( 'hcp', 'userid' );
my $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'zvm', $node, @propNames );
# Get HCP
my $hcp = $propVals->{'hcp'};
if ( !$hcp ) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "Error: Missing node HCP" );
# Get node userID
my $userId = $propVals->{'userid'};
if ( !$userId ) {
xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "Error: Missing node ID" );
my $out = `ssh $hcp "$dir/getuserentry $userId" | grep -v "MDISK"`;
# Create a file to save output
open( DIRENTRY, ">$file" );
# Save output
my @lines = split( '\n', $out );
foreach (@lines) {
# Trim line
$_ = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($_);
# Write directory entry into file
print DIRENTRY "$_\n";
=head3 appendHostname
Description : Append a specified hostname in front of a given string
Arguments : Hostname
Returns : String with hostname in front
Example : my $str = xCAT::zvmUtils->appendHostname($hostname, $str);
sub appendHostname {
my ( $class, $hostname, $str ) = @_;
# Append hostname to every line
my @outLn = split( "\n", $str );
$str = "";
foreach (@outLn) {
$str .= "$hostname: " . $_ . "\n";
return $str;
=head3 checkOutput
Description : Check return of given output
Arguments : Output string
Returns : 0 Good output
-1 Bad output
Example : my $ans = xCAT::zvmUtils->checkOutput($callback, $out);
sub checkOutput {
my ( $class, $callback, $out ) = @_;
# Check output string
my @outLn = split( "\n", $out );
foreach (@outLn) {
# If output contains 'Failed' return -1
if ( $_ =~ m/Failed/i ) {
return -1;
return 0;
=head3 isAddressUsed
Description : Check if given an address is used
Arguments : Node
Disk address
Returns : 0 Address used
-1 Address not used
Example : my $ans = xCAT::zvmUtils->isAddressUsed($node, $address);
sub isAddressUsed {
my ( $class, $node, $address ) = @_;
# Search for disk address
my $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $node "vmcp q v dasd" | grep "DASD $address"`;
if ($out) {
return 0;
return -1;
=head3 getMacID
Description : Get the MACID from /opt/zhcp/conf/next_macid on the HCP
Arguments : HCP node
Returns : MACID
Example : my $macId = xCAT::zvmUtils->getMacID($hcp);
sub getMacID {
my ( $class, $hcp ) = @_;
# Check /opt/zhcp/conf directory on HCP
my $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "test -d /opt/zhcp/conf && echo 'Directory exists'"`;
if ( $out =~ m/Directory exists/i ) {
# Check next_macid file
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "test -e /opt/zhcp/conf/next_macid && echo 'File exists'"`;
if ( $out =~ m/File exists/i ) {
# Do nothing
else {
# Create next_macid file
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "echo 'FFFFFF' > /opt/zhcp/conf/next_macid"`;
else {
# Create /opt/zhcp/conf directory
# Create next_mac -- Contains next MAC address to use
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "mkdir /opt/zhcp/conf"`;
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "echo 'FFFFFF' > /opt/zhcp/conf/next_macid"`;
# Read /opt/zhcp/conf/next_macid file
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "cat /opt/zhcp/conf/next_macid"`;
my $macId = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($out);
return $macId;
=head3 generateMacId
Description : Generate a MACID
Arguments : HCP node
Returns : Nothing
Example : my $macId = xCAT::zvmUtils->generateMacId($hcp);
sub generateMacId {
my ( $class, $hcp ) = @_;
# Check /opt/zhcp/conf directory on HCP
my $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "test -d /opt/zhcp/conf && echo 'Directory exists'"`;
if ( $out =~ m/Directory exists/i ) {
# Check next_macid file
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "test -e /opt/zhcp/conf/next_macid && echo 'File exists'"`;
if ( $out =~ m/File exists/i ) {
# Do nothing
else {
# Create next_macid file
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "echo 'FFFFFF' > /opt/zhcp/conf/next_macid"`;
else {
# Create /opt/zhcp/conf directory
# Create next_mac -- Contains next MAC address to use
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "mkdir /opt/zhcp/conf"`;
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "echo 'FFFFFF' > /opt/zhcp/conf/next_macid"`;
# Read /opt/zhcp/conf/next_macid file
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "cat /opt/zhcp/conf/next_macid"`;
my $macId = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($out);
my $int;
if ($macId) {
# Convert hexadecimal -- decimal
$int = hex($macId);
$macId = sprintf( "%d", $int );
# Generate new MAC suffix
$macId = $macId - 1;
# Convert decimal -- hexadecimal
$macId = sprintf( "%X", $macId );
# Save new MACID
$out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "echo $macId > /opt/zhcp/conf/next_macid"`;
=head3 createMacAddr
Description : Create a MAC address using HCP MAC prefix of given node
and given MAC suffix
Arguments : Node
MAC suffix
Returns : MAC address
Example : my $mac = xCAT::zvmUtils->createMacAddr($node, $suffix);
sub createMacAddr {
my ( $class, $node, $suffix ) = @_;
# Get node properties from 'zvm' table
my @propNames = ('hcp');
my $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'zvm', $node, @propNames );
# Get HCP
my $hcp = $propVals->{'hcp'};
if ( !$hcp ) {
return -1;
# Get HCP MAC address
# Get the first MAC address found
my $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "vmcp q nic" | grep "MAC:"`;
my @lines = split( "\n", $out );
my @vars = split( " ", $lines[0] );
# Extract MAC prefix
my $prefix = $vars[1];
$prefix = xCAT::zvmUtils->replaceStr( $prefix, "-", "" );
$prefix = substr( $prefix, 0, 6 );
# Generate MAC address of source node
my $mac = $prefix . $suffix;
# If length is less than 12, append a zero
if ( length($mac) != 12 ) {
$mac = "0" . $mac;
$mac =
substr( $mac, 0, 2 ) . ":"
. substr( $mac, 2, 2 ) . ":"
. substr( $mac, 4, 2 ) . ":"
. substr( $mac, 6, 2 ) . ":"
. substr( $mac, 8, 2 ) . ":"
. substr( $mac, 10, 2 );
return $mac;
=head3 getOs
Description : Get the operating system name of a given node
Arguments : Node
Returns : Operating system name
Example : my $osName = xCAT::zvmUtils->getOs($node);
sub getOs {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $node ) = @_;
# Get operating system
my $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=10 $node "cat /etc/*release"`;
my @results = split( '\n', $out );
return ( xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr( $results[0] ) );
=head3 getArch
Description : Get the architecture of a given node
Arguments : Node
Returns : Architecture of node
Example : my $arch = xCAT::zvmUtils->getArch($node);
sub getArch {
# Get inputs
my ( $class, $node ) = @_;
# Get host using VMCP
my $arch = `ssh $node "uname -p"`;
return ( xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($arch) );