The B<nodeimport> command creates nodes by importing a hostinfo file which is following stanza format. In this hostinfo file, we can define node's hostname, ip, mac, switch name, switch port and host location infomation like rack, chassis, start unit, server height...etc
After nodes imported, the configuration files related with these nodes will be updated automatically. For example: /etc/hosts, dns configuration, dhcp configuration. And the kits node plugins will also be triggered automatically to update kit related configuration/services.
Sets the new image profile name used by the node, where <image-profile> is the new image profile. An image profile defines the provisioning method, OS information, kit information, and provisioning parameters for a node. If the "__ImageProfile_imgprofile" group already exists in the nodehm table, then "imgprofile" is used as the image profile name.
Sets the new network profile name used by the node, where <network-profile> is the new network profile. A network profile defines the network, NIC, and routes for a node. If the "__NetworkProfile_netprofile" group already exists in the nodehm table, then "netprofile" is used as the network profile name.
Sets the new hardware profile name used by the node, where <hardware-profile> is the new hardware management profile used by the node. If a "__HardwareProfile_hwprofile" group exists, then "hwprofile" is the hardware profile name. A hardware profile defines hardware management related information for imported nodes, including: IPMI, HMC, CEC, CMM.
Sets the node name format for all nodes discovered, where <node-name-format> is a supported format. The two types of formats supported are prefix#NNNappendix and prefix#RRand#NNappendix, where wildcard #NNN and #NN are replaced by a system generated number that is based on the provisioning order. Wildcard #RR represents the rack number and stays constant.
For example, if the node name format is compute-#NN, the node name is generated as: compute-00, compute-01, ... , compute-99. If the node name format is blade#NNN-x64, the node name is generated as: blade001-x64, blade002-x64, ... , blade999-x64
For example, if the node name format is compute-#RR-#NN and the rack number is 2, the node name is generated as: compute-02-00, compute-02-01, ..., compute-02-99. If node name format is node-#NN-in-#RR and rack number is 1, the node name is generated as: node-00-in-01, node-01-in-01, ... , node-99-in-01
To import nodes using a profile, follow the following steps:
1. Find all node groups and profiles, run the following command "tabdump nodegroups". For detailed profile information run "lsdef -t group <groupname>". Example of detailed profile information:
The node information file includes the following items:
B<__hostname__:> This is a mandatory item.
Description: The name of the node, where __hostname__ is automatically generated by the node name format. You can also input a fixed node name, for example “compute-node”.
B<mac=<mac-address>> This is a mandatory item.
Description: Specify the MAC address for the NIC used by the provisionging node, where <mac-address> is the NICs MAC address.
Description: Specify nic name, switch name and switch port to define node and switch relationship. We can define multi nic-switch-port relations here, looks like: switches=eth0!switch1!1,eth1!switch1,2
Description: Specify the IP address used for provisioning a node, where <ip-address> is in the form If this item is not included, the IP address used to provision the node is generated automatically according to the Network Profile used by the node.
Description: Lists the IP address for each network interface configuration (NIC) used by the node, excluding the provisioning network, where <nics-ip> is in the form <nic1>!<nic-ip1>,<nic2>!<nic-ip2>,.... For example, if you have 2 network interfaces configured, the nicips attribute should list both network interfaces: nicips=eth1!,bmc! If the nicips attribute is not specified, the IP addresses are generated automatically according to the network profile.
Description: node location info. Specify the rack name which this node will be placed into. If not specify this item, there will be no node location info set for this node. this item must be specified together with height + unit.
Description: node location info, for blade(or PureFlex) only. Specify the chasiss name which this blade will be placed into. this item can not be specified together with rack.
Description: node location info, for rack server only. Specify the server height number, in U. this item must be specified together with rack and unit.
Description: node location info, for rack server only. Specify the node's start unit number in rack, in U. this item must be specified together with rack and height.
3. Import the nodes, by using the following commands. Note: If we want to import PureFlex X/P nodes, hardware profile must be set to a PureFlex hardware type.