
364 lines
8.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Global variables
var gangliaTableId = 'nodesDatatable';
var gangliaData;
* Load Ganglia monitoring tool
* @return Nothing
function loadGangliaMon() {
// Get Ganglia tab
var gangliaTab = $('#gangliamon');
// Check whether Ganglia RPMs are installed on the xCAT MN
url : 'lib/systemcmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'rpm -q rrdtool ganglia-gmetad ganglia-gmond ganglia-web'
success : checkGangliaRPMs
// Create groups and nodes DIV
var groups = $('<div id="groups"></div>');
var nodes = $('<div id="nodes"></div>');
// Create info bar
var gangliaLnk = $('<a href="#">Click here</a>');
gangliaLnk.css( {
'color' : 'blue',
'text-decoration' : 'none'
gangliaLnk.click(function() {
// Open a new window for Ganglia
// Create info bar
var info = $('<div class="ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all"></div>');
info.append('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-info" style="display: inline-block; margin: 10px 5px;"></span>');
var msg = $('<p style="display: inline-block; width: 95%;"></p>');
msg.append('Select a group to view the nodes summary. ');
msg.append(' to open the Ganglia page.');
info.css('margin-bottom', '10px');
// Get groups
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'extnoderange',
tgt : '/.*',
args : 'subgroups',
msg : ''
success : loadGroups4Ganglia
* Check whether Ganglia RPMs are installed
* @param data
* Data returned from HTTP request
* @return Nothing
function checkGangliaRPMs(data) {
var gangliaTab = $('#gangliamon');
// Get the list of Ganglia RPMs installed
var status = data.rsp.split(/\n/);
var gangliaRPMs = [ "rrdtool", "ganglia-gmetad", "ganglia-gmond", "ganglia-web" ];
var warningMsg = 'Before continuing, please install the following packages: ';
var missingRPMs = false;
for ( var i in status) {
if (status[i].indexOf("not installed") > -1) {
warningMsg += gangliaRPMs[i] + ' ';
missingRPMs = true;
// Append Ganglia PDF
if (missingRPMs) {
warningMsg += ". Refer to <a href='http://xcat.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/xcat/xcat-core/trunk/xCAT-client/share/doc/xCAT2-Monitoring.pdf'>xCAT2-Monitoring.pdf</a> for more information.";
var warningBar = createWarnBar(warningMsg);
warningBar.css('margin-bottom', '10px');
} else {
// Check if ganglia is running on the xCAT MN
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'monls',
tgt : '',
args : 'gangliamon',
msg : ''
* Append warning message
* @param data
* Data returned from HTTP request
* @return Nothing
success : function(data) {
if (data.rsp[0].indexOf("not-monitored") > -1) {
// Create link to start Ganglia
var startLnk = $('<a href="#">Click here</a>');
startLnk.css( {
'color' : 'blue',
'text-decoration' : 'none'
startLnk.click(function() {
// Turn on Ganglia for all nodes
monitorNode('', 'on');
// Create warning bar
var warningBar = $('<div class="ui-state-error ui-corner-all"></div>');
var msg = $('<p></p>');
msg.append('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-alert"></span>');
msg.append('Please start Ganglia Monitoring on xCAT. ');
msg.append(' to start Ganglia Monitoring.');
warningBar.css('margin-bottom', '10px');
// If there are any warning messages, append this warning after it
var curWarnings = $('#gangliamon').find('.ui-state-error');
var gangliaTab = $('#gangliamon');
if (curWarnings.length) {
} else {
* Load groups
* @param data
* Data returned from HTTP request
* @return
function loadGroups4Ganglia(data) {
// Remove loader
// Save group in cookie
var groups = data.rsp;
// Create a list of groups
$('#groups').append('<div class="grouplabel">Groups</div>');
var grouplist= $('<div class="groupdiv"></div>');
// Create a link for each group
for (var i = groups.length; i--;) {
grouplist.append('<div><a href="#">' + groups[i] + '</a></div>');
// Bind the click event
$('#groups .groupdiv div').bind('click', function(){
$('#nodes .jqplot-target').remove();
// Create loader
var loader = createLoader();
loader.css('padding', '5px');
var thisGroup = $(this).text();
$('#groups .groupdiv div').removeClass('selectgroup');
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'nodels',
tgt : thisGroup,
args : '',
msg : thisGroup
* Get node definitions
* @param data
* Data returned from HTTP request
* @return Nothing
success : function(data) {
var group = data.msg;
// Get nodes definitions
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'nodestat',
tgt : group,
args : '',
msg : group
success : loadGangliaSummary
* Load Ganglia summary page
* @param data
* Data returned from HTTP request
* @return Nothing
function loadGangliaSummary(data) {
// Data returned
var rsp = data.rsp;
// Group name
var group = data.msg;
// Node attributes hash
var attrs = new Object();
var node, status, args;
for ( var i in rsp) {
// Get key and value
args = rsp[i].split(':', 2);
node = jQuery.trim(args[0]);
status = jQuery.trim(args[1]);
// Create a hash table
attrs[node] = new Object();
attrs[node]['status'] = status;
// Save node attributes hash
gangliaData = attrs;
// Get the status of Ganglia
// Then create pie chart for node and Ganglia status
$.ajax( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php',
dataType : 'json',
data : {
cmd : 'webrun',
tgt : '',
args : 'gangliastatus;' + group,
msg : ''
success : loadGangliaStatus
* Load the status of Ganglia for a given group
* @param data
* Data returned from HTTP request
* @return Nothing
function loadGangliaStatus(data) {
// Remove loader
// Get datatable
var ganglia = data.rsp;
var node, ping, monitored;
// Count nodes that are pingable and not pingable
// and nodes that are pingable and monitored by Ganglia
var pingWGanglia = 0;
var pingWOGanglia = 0;
var noping = 0;
for ( var i in ganglia) {
// ganglia[0] = nodeName and ganglia[1] = state
node = jQuery.trim(ganglia[i][0]);
if (node) {
monitored = jQuery.trim(ganglia[i][1]);
ping = gangliaData[node]['status'];
// If the node is monitored, increment count
if (ping == 'sshd' && monitored == 'on') {
} else if (ping == 'sshd' && monitored == 'off') {
} else {
// Create pie chart
var summary = $('<div id="ganglia_sum"></div>');
// Create pie details
var details = $('<div id="ganglia_details"></div>');
var pie = [['Ping + monitored', pingWGanglia], ['Ping + not monitored', pingWOGanglia], ['Noping', noping]];
var plot = $.jqplot('ganglia_sum',
[pie], {
seriesDefaults: {
renderer: $.jqplot.PieRenderer,
rendererOptions: {
padding: 5,
shadowOffset: 2,
shadowDepth: 5,
shadowAlpha: 0.07,
dataLabels : 'value',
showDataLabels: true
legend: {
show: true,
location: 'e'
// Change CSS styling for legend
'border-style': 'none'
'border-style': 'none'
// Open nodes page on-click
$('#ganglia_sum').bind('jqplotDataClick', function(env, srIndex, ptIndex, data) {
// Special note
// To redraw pie chart:
// - Use chart.series[0].data[i] to reference existing data
// - Use chart.redraw() to redraw chart