347 lines
12 KiB
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header("Cache-control: private");
function getTabNames() {
$xml = docmd('tabdump','',NULL);
$tabs = array();
foreach ($xml->children() as $response) foreach ($response->children() as $t) { $tabs[] = (string) $t; }
return $tabs;
function docmd($cmd, $nr, $args){
// If for some reason we are not logged in yet, do not even try to communicate w/xcatd
if (!is_logged()) {
echo "<p>Docmd: not logged in yet - can not run command.</p>\n";
return simplexml_load_string('<xcat></xcat>','SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
$request = simplexml_load_string('<xcatrequest></xcatrequest>');
if(!empty($nr)) { $request->addChild('noderange',$nr); }
if (!empty($args)) {
foreach ($args as $a) { $request->addChild('arg',$a); }
#echo $request->asXML();
$xml = submit_request($request,0);
return $xml;
// Used by docmd()
// req is a tree of SimpleXML objects
// Returns a tree of SimpleXML objects. See perl-xCAT/xCAT/Client.pm for the format.
function submit_request($req, $skipVerify){
#global $cert,$port,$xcathost;
//$apachehome = '/var/www'; # for sles this should be /var/lib/wwwrun
//$cert = "$apachehome/.xcat/client-cred.pem";
$xcathost = "localhost";
$port = "3001";
$rsp = FALSE;
$response = '';
// Open a socket to xcatd
$context = stream_context_create(); // do not need certificate anymore: array('ssl'=>array('local_cert' => $cert))
if($fp = stream_socket_client('ssl://'.$xcathost.':'.$port,$errno,$errstr,30,STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT,$context)){
fwrite($fp,$req->asXML()); // send the xml to xcatd
while(!feof($fp)){ // and then read until there is no more
$response .= preg_replace('/\n/','', $recentdata); // remove newlines and add it to the response
// Look for the serverdone response
$fullpattern = '/<xcatresponse>\s*<serverdone>\s*<\/serverdone>\s*<\/xcatresponse>/';
$mixedpattern = '/<serverdone>\s*<\/serverdone>.*<\/xcatresponse>/';
$recentpattern = '/<\/xcatresponse>/';
//$shortpattern = '/<serverdone>\s*<\/serverdone>/';
if(preg_match($recentpattern,$recentdata) && preg_match($mixedpattern,$response)) { // transaction is done, pkg up the xml and return it
//echo "<p>", htmlentities($response), "</p>\n";
// remove the serverdone response and put an xcat tag around the rest
$count = 0;
$response = preg_replace($fullpattern,'', $response, -1, $count); // 1st try to remove the long pattern
if (!$count) { $response = preg_replace($mixedpattern,'', $response) . '</xcatresponse>/'; } // if its not there, then remove the short pattern
$response = "<xcat>$response</xcat>";
//echo "<p>", htmlentities($response), "</p>\n";
$rsp = simplexml_load_string($response,'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
//echo '<p>'; print_r($rsp); echo "</p>\n";
$cleanexit = 1;
echo "<p>xCAT Submit request socket Error: $errno - $errstr</p>\n";
if(! $cleanexit){
if (preg_match('/^\s*<xcatresponse>.*<\/xcatresponse>\s*$/',$response)) {
// It is probably an error msg, that is why we didn't get serverdone
$response = "<xcat>$response</xcat>";
$rsp = simplexml_load_string($response,'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
echo "<p>Error: xCAT response ended prematurely: ", htmlentities($response), "</p>";
$rsp = FALSE;
return $rsp;
// Use with submit_request() to get the data fields (output that is not node-oriented)
function getXmlData(& $xml) {
$data = array();
foreach ($xml->children() as $response) foreach ($response->children() as $k => $v) {
if ($k == 'data') { $data[] = (string) $v; }
return $data;
// Use with submit_request() to get any errors that might have occurred
// Returns the errorcode and adds any error strings to the $error array passed in
function getXmlErrors(& $xml, & $errors) {
if (!isset($errors)) { $errors = array(); }
if (!isset($xml) || $xml===FALSE) { $errors[]='rc = 1'; return 1; }
$errorcode = 0;
foreach ($xml->children() as $response) foreach ($response->children() as $k => $v) {
if ($k == 'error') { $errors[] = (string) $v; }
if ($k == 'errorcode') { $errorcode = (string) $v; }
if ($errorcode==0 && count($errors)) { $errorcode = -1 * count($errors); } // the plugin author forgot to set the errorcode
return $errorcode;
function getTabHeaders($xml){
foreach ($xml->children() as $response) foreach ($response->children() as $line) {
$line = (string) $line;
if (ereg("^#", $line)) {
$line = preg_replace('/^#/','', $line);
$headers = explode(',', $line);
return $headers;
// If we get here, we never found the header line
return NULL;
// Parse the columns of 1 line of tabdump output
//Todo: the only thing this doesn't handle is escaped double quotes.
function splitTableFields($line){
$fields = array();
$line = ",$line"; // prepend a comma. this makes the parsing more consistent
for ($rest=$line; !empty($rest); ) {
$vals = array();
// either match everything in the 1st pair of quotes, or up to the next comma
if (!preg_match('/^,"([^"]*)"(.*)$/', $rest, $vals)) { preg_match('/^,([^,]*)(.*)$/', $rest, $vals); }
$fields[] = $vals[1];
$rest = $vals[2];
return $fields;
// SImilar to docmd(), but also takes in data that is the table contents.
function doTabRestore($tab, & $data){
#$headers = getTabHeaders(docmd('tabdump', '', array($tab)));
#$headers[0] = "#" . $headers[0];
#$request->addChild('data', implode(",",$headers));
$request = simplexml_load_string('<xcatrequest></xcatrequest>');
$request->addChild('command', 'tabrestore');
$usernode->addChild('username', $_SESSION["username"]);
$first = 0;
foreach($data as $line){
if($first == 0){
# add this in here because the first one is the # sign
# and doesn't need special processing!
$linestr = implode(",",$line);
$request->addChild('data', $linestr);
$first = 1;
foreach($line as &$f){
if(!empty($f) && !preg_match('/^".*"$/', $f)) {
$f = '&quot;'.$f.'&quot;';
ksort($line, SORT_NUMERIC);
$keys = array_keys($line);
$maxindex = count($line)-1;
if($keys[$maxindex] != $maxindex){
for ($i=0; $i<=$keys[$maxindex]; $i++) {
if (!isset($line[$i])) {$line[$i]='';}
ksort($line, SORT_NUMERIC);
$linestr = implode(",",$line);
$linestr = str_replace('"', '&quot;',$linestr); //todo: should we use the htmlentities function?
$linestr = str_replace("'", '&apos;',$linestr);
//echo "<p>addChild:$linestr.</p>\n";
$request->addChild('data', $linestr);
$request->addChild('table', $tab);
$resp = submit_request($request,0);
return $resp;
// Send the keys and values in the primary global arrays
function dumpGlobals() {
//foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $val) { trace("$key=$val."); }
//foreach ($_ENV as $key => $val) { trace("$key=$val."); }
foreach ($_GET as $key => $val) { trace("$key=$val."); }
foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { trace("$key=$val."); }
foreach ($_COOKIE as $key => $val) { trace("$key=$val."); }
if (isset($_SESSION)) {
foreach ($_SESSION as $key => $val) { trace("$key=$val."); }
foreach ($GLOBALS as $key => $val) { trace("$key=$val."); }
// Debug output ------------------------------------
define("TRACE", "1");
function trace($str) { if (TRACE) { echo "<p class=Trace>$str</p>\n"; } }
// some jbj/bp stuff
$xcatcmds = array(
"rpower" => array("on","off","reset","stat","state","boot","off","cycle"),
"rvitals" => array("all","temp","wattage","voltage","fanspeed","power","leds","state"),
"reventlog" => array("all", "clear"),
"rinv" => array("all", "model", "serial", "vpd", "mprom", "deviceid", "uuid", "guid", "firm", "bios", "diag", "mprom", "sprom", "mparom", "mac", "mtm"),
"resetboot" => array("net", "hd", "cd", "def", "stat")
// take in the
function attributesOfNodes($ht,$meth) {
$arr = array();
if($meth == 'rpower'){
$arr[] = 'Power Status';
$arr[] = 'More Actions';
}elseif($meth == 'rbeacon'){
$arr[] = 'Beacon Status';
$arr[] = 'More Actions';
foreach($ht->xcatresponse as $v){
foreach($v->node as $va){
$val = (string) $va->data->desc;
if($val == ""){
$val = (string) $va->data->contents;
$arr[] = $val;
$arr = array_unique($arr);
function mkNodeHash ($ht,$cmd){
$arr = array();
$name = "";
$desc = "";
$cont = "";
foreach($ht->children() as $response) foreach($response->children() as $node) {
if($node->name) {
$name = (string) $node->name;
$desc = (string) $node->data->desc;
if($cmd == 'rpower'){
$desc = 'Power Status';
}elseif($cmd == 'rbeacon'){
$desc = 'Beacon Status';
$cont = (string) $node->data->contents;
if($cont == ''){
$cont = (string) $node->error;
$arr[$name][$desc] = $cont;
// #print_r($response);
// $name = (string) $node->name;
// $desc = (string) $node->data->desc;
// if($cmd == 'rpower'){
// $desc = 'Power Status';
// }elseif($cmd == 'rbeacon'){
// $desc = 'Beacon Status';
// }
// $cont = (string) $node->data->contents;
// if($cont == ''){
// $cont = (string) $node->error;
// }
// $arr[$name][$desc] = $cont;
// add the more fields so we can click in place.
if($cmd == 'rpower'){
foreach($arr as $n => $val){
$html = "<center><a href='#' onclick='controlCmd(\"rpoweroff\",\"$n\")'>Power Off</a>";
$html .= " <a href='#' onclick='controlCmd(\"rpoweron\",\"$n\")'>Power On</a>";
$html .= " <a href='#' onclick='controlCmd(\"rpowerboot\",\"$n\")'>Reboot</a>";
$html .= " <a href='#' onclick='controlCmd(\"rpowerstat\",\"$n\")'>Status</a></center>";
$arr[$n]['More Actions'] = $html;
}elseif($cmd == 'rbeacon'){
foreach($arr as $n => $val){
$html = "<center><a href='#' onclick='controlCmd(\"rbeaconstat\",\"$n\")'>Beacon Light Status</a>";
$html .= " <a href='#' onclick='controlCmd(\"rbeaconoff\",\"$n\")'>Beacon Off</a>";
$html .= " <a href='#' onclick='controlCmd(\"rbeaconon\",\"$n\")'>Beacon On</a>";
$arr[$n]['More Actions'] = $html;
// Get the nth to last line from the syslog
// use the newlines to go through the syslog starting at the end
function getLastLine($line){
if($line == ''){ $line = 0; };
$f = "/var/log/messages";
$fp = fopen($f, 'r');
if($fp === false){ echo "Couldn't open /var/log/messages. Hint: chmod 644 /var/log/messages might make it work.\n"; return 0; }
$pos = -2;
$t = " ";
// number of new lines we have seen.
$count = -1;
#while($t != "\n"){
while($count < $line){
if(!fseek($fp, $pos, SEEK_END)) {
$t = fgetc($fp);
if($t == "\n"){
$pos = $pos - 1;
}else {
# got a line
$t = fgets($fp);
return ($t);