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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
package xCAT::Client;
$::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : -d '/opt/xcat' ? '/opt/xcat' : '/usr';
require lib;
require xCAT::NodeRange;
require xCAT::Utils;
require xCAT::Table;
my $inet6support;
use IO::Socket::SSL;
$inet6support=eval { require Socket6 };
if ($inet6support) {
$inet6support = eval { require IO::Socket::INET6 };
if ($inet6support) {
$inet6support = eval { require IO::Socket::SSL::inet6 };
unless ($inet6support) {
eval { require Socket };
eval { require IO::Socket::INET };
use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;
use Storable qw(dclone);
my $xcathost='localhost:3001';
my $plugins_dir;
my %resps;
my $EXITCODE; # save the bitmask of all exit codes returned by calls to handle_response()
# submit_request will take an xCAT command and pass it to the xCAT
# server for execution.
# If the XCATBYPASS env var is set, the connection to the server/daemon
# will be bypassed and the plugin will be called directly. If it is
# set to one or more directories (separated by ":"), all perl modules
# in those directories will be loaded in as plugins (for duplicate
# commands, last one in wins). If it is set to any other value
# (e.g. "yes", "default", whatever string you want) the default plugin
# directory /opt/xcat/lib/perl/xCAT_plugin will be used.
# Input:
# Request hash - A hash ref containing the input command and args to be
# passed to the plugin. The the xcatd daemon (or this routine when
# XCATBYPASS) reads the {noderange} entry and builds a flattened array
# of nodes that gets added as request->{node}
# The format for the request hash is:
# { command => [ 'xcatcmd' ],
# noderange => [ 'noderange_string' ],
# arg => [ 'arg1', 'arg2', '...', 'argn' ]
# }
# Callback - A subroutine ref that will be called to process the output
# from the plugin.
# NOTE: The request hash will get converted to XML when passed to the
# xcatd daemon, and will get converted back to a hash before being
# passed to the plugin. The XMLin ForceArray option is used to
# force all XML constructs to be arrays so that the plugin code
# and callback routines can access the data consistently.
# The input request and the response hash created by the plugin should
# always create hashes with array values.
sub submit_request {
my $request = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $keyfile = shift;
my $certfile = shift;
my $cafile = shift;
unless ($keyfile) { $keyfile = $ENV{HOME}."/.xcat/client-key.pem"; }
unless ($certfile) { $certfile = $ENV{HOME}."/.xcat/client-cert.pem"; }
unless ($cafile) { $cafile = $ENV{HOME}."/.xcat/ca.pem"; }
$xCAT::Client::EXITCODE = 0; # clear out exit code before invoking the plugin
# If XCATBYPASS is set, invoke the plugin process_request method directly
# without going through the socket connection to the xcatd daemon
# Load plugins from either specified or default dir
my %cmd_handlers;
my @plugins_dirs = split('\:',$ENV{XCATBYPASS});
if (-d $plugins_dirs[0]) {
foreach (@plugins_dirs) {
$plugins_dir = $_;
} else {
# figure out default plugins dir
my $sitetab=xCAT::Table->new('site');
unless ($sitetab) {
print ("ERROR: Unable to open basic site table for configuration\n");
# don't do XML transformation -- assume request is well-formed
# my $xmlreq=XMLout($request,RootName=>xcatrequest,NoAttr=>1,KeyAttr=>[]);
# $request = XMLin($xmlreq,SuppressEmpty=>undef,ForceArray=>1) ;
# Call the plugin directly
# ${"xCAT_plugin::".$modname."::"}{process_request}->($request,$callback);
return 0;
# No XCATBYPASS, so establish a socket connection with the xcatd daemon
# and submit the request
my $client;
if (-r $keyfile and -r $certfile and -r $cafile) {
$client = IO::Socket::SSL->new(
PeerAddr => $xcathost,
SSL_key_file => $keyfile,
SSL_cert_file => $certfile,
SSL_ca_file => $cafile,
SSL_use_cert => 1,
} else {
$client = IO::Socket::SSL->new(
PeerAddr => $xcathost
unless ($client) {
if ($@ =~ /SSL Timeout/) {
die "Connection failure: SSL Timeout or incorrect certificates in ~/.xcat";
} else {
die "Connection failure: $@"
my $msg=XMLout($request,RootName=>xcatrequest,NoAttr=>1,KeyAttr=>[]);
print $client $msg;
my $response;
my $rsp;
while (<$client>) {
$response .= $_;
if ($response =~ m/<\/xcatresponse>/) {
$rsp = XMLin($response,SuppressEmpty=>undef,ForceArray=>1);
if ($rsp->{serverdone}) {
# scan_plugins
# will load all plugin perl modules and build a list of supported
# commands
# NOTE: This is copied from xcatd (last merge 10/3/07).
# Will eventually move to using common source....
sub scan_plugins {
my @plugins=glob($plugins_dir."/*.pm");
foreach (@plugins) {
my $modname = $1;
require "$_";
no strict 'refs';
my $cmd_adds=${"xCAT_plugin::".$modname."::"}{handled_commands}->();
foreach (keys %$cmd_adds) {
my $value = $_;
if (defined($cmd_handlers{$_})) {
my $add=1;
#This next bit of code iterates through the handlers.
#If the value doesn't contain an equal, and has an equivalent entry added by
# another plugin already, don't add (otherwise would hit the DB multiple times)
# a better idea, restructure the cmd_handlers as a multi-level hash
# prove out this idea real quick before doing that
foreach (@{$cmd_handlers{$_}}) {
if (($_->[1] eq $cmd_adds->{$value}) and (($cmd_adds->{$value} !~ /=/) or ($_->[0] eq $modname))) {
$add = 0;
if ($add) { push @{$cmd_handlers{$_}},[$modname,$cmd_adds->{$_}]; }
#die "Conflicting handler information from $modname";
} else {
$cmd_handlers{$_} = [ [$modname,$cmd_adds->{$_}] ];
# plugin_command
# will invoke the correct plugin
# NOTE: This is copied from xcatd (last merge 10/3/07).
# Will eventually move to using common source....
sub plugin_command {
my $req = shift;
my $sock = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my %handler_hash;
#use xCAT::NodeRange;
my @nodes;
if ($req->{node}) {
@nodes = @{$req->{node}};
} elsif ($req->{noderange}) {
@nodes = noderange($req->{noderange}->[0]);
if (nodesmissed) {
# my $rsp = {errorcode=>1,error=>"Invalid nodes in noderange:".join(',',nodesmissed)};
print "Invalid nodes in noderange:".join(',',nodesmissed)."\n";
# if ($sock) {
# print $sock XMLout($rsp,RootName=>'xcatresponse' ,NoAttr=>1);
# }
# return ($rsp);
return 1;
if (@nodes) { $req->{node} = \@nodes; }
if (defined($cmd_handlers{$req->{command}->[0]})) {
my $hdlspec;
foreach (@{$cmd_handlers{$req->{command}->[0]}}) {
$hdlspec =$_->[1];
my $ownmod = $_->[0];
if ($hdlspec =~ /:/) { #Specificed a table lookup path for plugin name
my $table;
my $cols;
($table,$cols) = split(/:/,$hdlspec);
my @colmns=split(/,/,$cols);
my @columns;
my $hdlrtable=xCAT::Table->new($table);
unless ($hdlrtable) {
#TODO: proper error handling
my $node;
my $colvals = {};
foreach my $colu (@colmns) {
if ($colu =~ /=/) { #a value redirect to a pattern/specific name
my $coln; my $colv;
($coln,$colv) = split(/=/,$colu,2);
$colvals->{$coln} = $colv;
push (@columns,$coln);
} else {
push (@columns,$colu);
foreach $node (@nodes) {
my $attribs = $hdlrtable->getNodeAttribs($node,\@columns);
unless (defined($attribs)) { next; } #TODO: This really ought to craft an unsupported response for this request
foreach (@columns) {
my $col=$_;
if (defined($attribs->{$col})) {
if ($colvals->{$col}) { #A pattern match style request.
if ($attribs->{$col} =~ /$colvals->{$col}/) {
$handler_hash{$ownmod}->{$node} = 1;
} else {
$handler_hash{$attribs->{$col}}->{$node} = 1;
} else {
unless (@nodes) {
$handler_hash{$hdlspec} = 1;
foreach (@nodes) { #Specified a specific plugin, not a table lookup
$handler_hash{$hdlspec}->{$_} = 1;
} else {
print "$req->{command}->[0] xCAT command not found \n";
return 1; #TODO: error back that request has no known plugin for it
# my $children=0;
# $SIG{CHLD} = sub {while (waitpid(-1, WNOHANG) > 0) { $children--; } };
# my $check_fds;
# if ($sock) {
# $check_fds = new IO::Select;
# }
foreach (keys %handler_hash) {
my $modname = $_;
if (-r $plugins_dir."/".$modname.".pm") {
require $plugins_dir."/".$modname.".pm";
# $children++;
# my $pfd; #will be referenced for inter-process messaging.
# my $child;
# if ($sock) { #If $sock not passed in, don't fork..
# socketpair($pfd, $parent_fd,AF_UNIX,SOCK_STREAM,PF_UNSPEC) or die "socketpair: $!";
# #pipe($pfd,$cfd);
# $parent_fd->autoflush(1);
# $pfd->autoflush(1);
# $child = fork;
# } else {
# $child = 0;
# }
# unless (defined $child) { die "Fork failed"; }
# if ($child == 0) {
# if ($sock) { close $pfd; }
unless ($handler_hash{$_} == 1) {
my @nodes = sort {($a =~ /(\d+)/)[0] <=> ($b =~ /(\d+)/)[0] || $a cmp $b } (keys %{$handler_hash{$_}});
no strict "refs";
# if ($sock) {
# close($parent_fd);
# exit(0);
# }
# } else {
# close $parent_fd;
# $check_fds->add($pfd);
# }
unless ($sock) { return $Main::resps };
# while ($children > 0) {
# relay_fds($check_fds,$sock);
# }
# #while (relay_fds($check_fds,$sock)) {}
# my %done;
# $done{serverdone} = {};
# if ($req->{transid}) {
# $done{transid}=$req->{transid}->[0];
# }
# if ($sock) { print $sock XMLout(\%done,RootName => 'xcatresponse',NoAttr=>1); }
# do_request
# called from a plugin to execute another xCAT plugin command internally
# NOTE: This is copied from xcatd (last merge 10/3/07).
# Will eventually move to using common source....
sub do_request {
my $req = shift;
my $second = shift;
my $rsphandler = \&build_response;
my $sock = undef;
if ($second) {
if (ref($second) eq "CODE") {
$rsphandler = $second;
} elsif (ref($second) eq "GLOB") {
$sock = $second;
#my $sock = shift; #If no sock, will return a response hash
if ($cmd_handlers{$req->{command}->[0]}) {
return plugin_command($req,$sock,$rsphandler);
} elsif ($req->{command}->[0] eq "noderange" and $req->{noderange}) {
my @nodes = noderange($req->{noderange}->[0]);
my %resp;
if (nodesmissed) {
$resp{warning}="Invalid nodes in noderange:".join ',',nodesmissed ."\n";
$resp{serverdone} = {};
if ($req->{transid}) {
if ($sock) {
print $sock XMLout(\%resp,RootName => 'xcatresponse',NoAttr=>1);
} else {
return (\%resp);
} else {
my %resp=(error=>"Unsupported request");
$resp{serverdone} = {};
if ($req->{transid}) {
if ($sock) {
print $sock XMLout(\%resp,RootName => 'xcatresponse',NoAttr=>1);
} else {
return (\%resp);
# build_response
# This callback handles responses from nested level plugin calls.
# It builds a merged hash of all responses that gets passed back
# to the calling plugin.
# Note: Need to create a "deep clone" of this response to add to the
# return, otherwise next time through the referenced data is overwritten
sub build_response {
my $rsp = shift;
foreach (keys %$rsp) {
my $subresp = dclone($rsp->{$_});
push (@{$Main::resps->{$_}}, @{$subresp});
} # end of submit_request()
# handle_response is a default callback that can be passed into submit_response()
# It is invoked repeatedly by submit_response() to print out the data returned by
# the plugin.
# The normal flow is:
# -> client cmd (e.g. nodels, which is just a link to xcatclient)
# -> xcatclient
# -> submit_request()
# -> send xml request to xcatd
# -> xcatd
# -> process_request() of the plugin
# <- plugin callback
# <- xcatd
# <- xcatd sends xml response to client
# <- submit_request() read response
# <- handle_response() prints responses and saves exit codes
# <- xcatclient gets exit code and exits
# But in XCATBYPASS mode, the flow is:
# -> client cmd (e.g. nodels, which is just a link to xcatclient)
# -> xcatclient
# -> submit_request()
# -> process_request() of the plugin
# <- handle_response() prints responses and saves exit codes
# <- xcatclient gets exit code and exits
# Format of the response hash:
# {data => [ 'data str1', 'data str2', '...' ] }
# Results are printed as:
# data str1
# data str2
# or:
# {data => [ {desc => [ 'desc1' ],
# contents => [ 'contents1' ] },
# {desc => [ 'desc2 ],
# contents => [ 'contents2' ] }
# :
# ] }
# NOTE: In this format, only the data array can have more than one
# element. All other arrays are assumed to be a single element.
# Results are printed as:
# desc1: contents1
# desc2: contents2
# or:
# {node => [ {name => ['node1'],
# data => [ {desc => [ 'node1 desc' ],
# contents => [ 'node1 contents' ] } ] },
# {name => ['node2'],
# data => [ {desc => [ 'node2 desc' ],
# contents => [ 'node2 contents' ] } ] },
# :
# ] }
# NOTE: Only the node array can have more than one element.
# All other arrays are assumed to be a single element.
# This was generated from the corresponding XML:
# <xcatrequest>
# <node>
# <name>node1</name>
# <data>
# <desc>node1 desc</desc>
# <contents>node1 contents</contents>
# </data>
# </node>
# <node>
# <name>node2</name>
# <data>
# <desc>node2 desc</desc>
# <contents>node2 contents</contents>
# </data>
# </node>
# </xcatrequest>
# Results are printed as:
# node_name: desc: contents
sub handle_response {
my $rsp = shift;
#print "in handle_response\n";
# Handle errors
if ($rsp->{errorcode}) {
if (ref($rsp->{errorcode}) eq 'ARRAY') { foreach my $ecode (@{$rsp->{errorcode}}) { $xCAT::Client::EXITCODE |= $ecode; } }
else { $xCAT::Client::EXITCODE |= $rsp->{errorcode}; } # assume it is a non-reference scalar
if ($rsp->{error}) {
#print "printing error\n";
if (ref($rsp->{error}) eq 'ARRAY') { foreach my $text (@{$rsp->{error}}) { print "Error: $text\n"; } }
else { print ("Error: ".$rsp->{error}."\n"); }
if ($rsp->{warning}) {
#print "printing warning\n";
if (ref($rsp->{warning}) eq 'ARRAY') { foreach my $text (@{$rsp->{warning}}) { print "Warning: $text\n"; } }
else { print ("Warning: ".$rsp->{warning}."\n"); }
if ($rsp->{info}) {
#print "printing info\n";
if (ref($rsp->{info}) eq 'ARRAY') { foreach my $text (@{$rsp->{info}}) { print "$text\n"; } }
else { print ($rsp->{info}."\n"); }
# Handle {node} structure
if (scalar @{$rsp->{node}}) {
#print "printing node\n";
my $nodes=($rsp->{node});
my $node;
foreach $node (@$nodes) {
my $desc=$node->{name}->[0];
if ($node->{errorcode}) {
if (ref($node->{errorcode}) eq 'ARRAY') { foreach my $ecode (@{$node->{errorcode}}) { $xCAT::Client::EXITCODE |= $ecode; } }
else { $xCAT::Client::EXITCODE |= $node->{errorcode}; } # assume it is a non-reference scalar
if ($node->{error}) {
$desc.=": Error: ".$node->{error}->[0];
if ($node->{data}) {
if (ref(\($node->{data}->[0])) eq 'SCALAR') {
$desc=$desc.": ".$node->{data}->[0];
} else {
if ($node->{data}->[0]->{desc}) {
$desc=$desc.": ".$node->{data}->[0]->{desc}->[0];
if ($node->{data}->[0]->{contents}) {
$desc="$desc: ".$node->{data}->[0]->{contents}->[0];
if ($desc) {
print "$desc\n";
# Handle {data} structure with no nodes
if ($rsp->{data}) {
#print "printing data\n";
my $data=($rsp->{data});
my $data_entry;
foreach $data_entry (@$data) {
my $desc;
if (ref(\($data_entry)) eq 'SCALAR') {
} else {
if ($data_entry->{desc}) {
if ($data_entry->{contents}) {
if ($desc) {
$desc="$desc: ".$data_entry->{contents}->[0];
} else {
if ($desc) { print "$desc\n"; }
} # end of handle_response