2010-06-16 18:21:58 +00:00
/ * *
* Global variables
* /
var configTabs ; // Config tabs
var configDataTables = new Object ( ) ; // Datatables on the config page
/ * *
* Set the datatable
* @ param id
* The ID of the datatable
* @ param obj
* Datatable object
* @ return Nothing
* /
function setConfigDatatable ( id , obj ) {
configDataTables [ id ] = obj ;
/ * *
* Get the datatable with the given ID
* @ param id
* The ID of the datatable
* @ return Datatable object
* /
function getConfigDatatable ( id ) {
return configDataTables [ id ] ;
/ * *
* Set the configure tab
* @ param obj
* Tab object
* @ return Nothing
* /
function setConfigTab ( obj ) {
configTabs = obj ;
/ * *
* Get the configure tab
* @ param Nothing
* @ return Tab object
* /
function getConfigTab ( ) {
return configTabs ;
/ * *
* Load configure page
* @ return Nothing
* /
function loadConfigPage ( ) {
// If the configure page has already been loaded
2010-07-14 20:11:07 +00:00
if ( $ ( '#content' ) . children ( ) . length ) {
2010-06-16 18:21:58 +00:00
// Do not reload configure page
return ;
// Create configure tab
var tab = new Tab ( ) ;
setConfigTab ( tab ) ;
tab . init ( ) ;
2010-07-14 20:11:07 +00:00
$ ( '#content' ) . append ( tab . object ( ) ) ;
2010-06-16 18:21:58 +00:00
// Create loader
var loader = createLoader ( ) ;
loader = $ ( '<center></center>' ) . append ( loader ) ;
// Configure xCAT tables
tab . add ( 'configTablesTab' , 'Tables' , loader ) ;
// Get list of tables and their descriptions
$ . ajax ( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php' ,
dataType : 'json' ,
data : {
cmd : 'tabdump' ,
tgt : '' ,
args : '-d' ,
msg : ''
} ,
success : loadTableNames
} ) ;
/ * *
* Load xCAT table names and their descriptions
* @ param data
* Data returned from HTTP request
* @ return Nothing
* /
function loadTableNames ( data ) {
// Get output
var tables = data . rsp ;
// Remove loader
var tabId = 'configTablesTab' ;
$ ( '#' + tabId ) . find ( 'img' ) . hide ( ) ;
// Create a groups division
var tablesDIV = $ ( '<div id="configure_table"></div>' ) ;
$ ( '#' + tabId ) . append ( tablesDIV ) ;
// Create info bar
var infoBar = createInfoBar ( 'Select a table to edit' ) ;
tablesDIV . append ( infoBar ) ;
// Create a list for the tables
var list = $ ( '<ul></ul>' ) ;
// Loop through each table
for ( var i = 0 ; i < tables . length ; i ++ ) {
// Create a link for each table
var args = tables [ i ] . split ( ':' ) ;
var link = $ ( '<a href="#" id="' + args [ 0 ] + '">' + args [ 0 ] + '</a>' ) ;
// Open table on click
link . bind ( 'click' , function ( e ) {
// Get table ID that was clicked
var id = ( e . target ) ? e . target . id : e . srcElement . id ;
// Create loader
var loader = createLoader ( ) ;
loader = $ ( '<center></center>' ) . append ( loader ) ;
// Add a new tab for this table
var configTab = getConfigTab ( ) ;
if ( ! $ ( '#' + id + 'Tab' ) . length ) {
configTab . add ( id + 'Tab' , id , loader ) ;
// Get contents of selected table
$ . ajax ( {
url : 'lib/cmd.php' ,
dataType : 'json' ,
data : {
cmd : 'tabdump' ,
tgt : '' ,
args : id ,
msg : id
} ,
success : loadTable
} ) ;
// Select new tab
configTab . select ( id + 'Tab' ) ;
} ) ;
var item = $ ( '<li></li>' ) ;
item . append ( link ) ;
// Append the table description
item . append ( ': ' + args [ 1 ] ) ;
// Append item to list
list . append ( item ) ;
tablesDIV . append ( list ) ;
/ * *
* Load a given table
* @ param data
* Data returned from HTTP request
* @ return Nothing
* /
function loadTable ( data ) {
// Get response
var rsp = data . rsp ;
// Get table ID
var id = data . msg ;
// Remove loader
var tabId = id + 'Tab' ;
$ ( '#' + tabId ) . find ( 'img' ) . remove ( ) ;
// Create info bar
var infoBar = createInfoBar ( 'Click on a cell to edit. Click outside the table to write to the cell.<br>Once you are satisfied with how the table looks, click on Save.' ) ;
$ ( '#' + tabId ) . append ( infoBar ) ;
// Create action bar
var actionBar = $ ( '<div></div>' ) ;
$ ( '#' + tabId ) . append ( actionBar ) ;
// Get table headers
var args = rsp [ 0 ] . replace ( '#' , '' ) ;
var headers = args . split ( ',' ) ;
// Create container for original table contents
var origCont = new Array ( ) ; // Original table content
origCont [ 0 ] = rsp [ 0 ] . split ( ',' ) ; // Headers
// Create container for new table contents
var newCont = new Object ( ) ;
var tmp = new Object ( ) ;
tmp [ 0 ] = '#' + headers [ 0 ] ; // Put a # in front of the header
for ( var i = 1 ; i < headers . length ; i ++ ) {
tmp [ i ] = headers [ i ] ;
newCont [ 0 ] = tmp ;
// Create a new datatable
var tableId = id + 'DataTable' ;
var table = new DataTable ( tableId ) ;
// Add column for the remove button
headers . unshift ( '' ) ;
table . init ( headers ) ;
headers . shift ( ) ;
// Append datatable to tab
$ ( '#' + tabId ) . append ( table . object ( ) ) ;
// Data table
var dTable ;
// Add table rows
// Start with the 2nd row (1st row is the headers)
for ( var i = 1 ; i < rsp . length ; i ++ ) {
// Split into columns
var cols = rsp [ i ] . split ( ',' ) ;
// Go through each column
for ( var j = 0 ; j < cols . length ; j ++ ) {
// If the column is not complete
if ( cols [ j ] . count ( '"' ) == 1 ) {
while ( cols [ j ] . count ( '"' ) != 2 ) {
// Merge this column with the adjacent one
cols [ j ] = cols [ j ] + "," + cols [ j + 1 ] ;
// Remove merged row
cols . splice ( j + 1 , 1 ) ;
// Replace quote
cols [ j ] = cols [ j ] . replace ( new RegExp ( '"' , 'g' ) , '' ) ;
// Add remove button
. unshift ( '<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-close" onclick="deleteRow(this)"></span>' ) ;
// Add row
table . add ( cols ) ;
// Save original table content
origCont [ i ] = cols ;
/ * *
* Enable editable columns
* /
// Do not make 1st column editable
$ ( '#' + tableId + ' td:not(td:nth-child(1))' ) . editable (
function ( value , settings ) {
// Get column index
var colPos = this . cellIndex ;
// Get row index
var rowPos = dTable . fnGetPosition ( this . parentNode ) ;
// Update datatable
dTable . fnUpdate ( value , rowPos , colPos ) ;
return ( value ) ;
} , {
onblur : 'submit' , // Clicking outside editable area submits
// changes
type : 'textarea' ,
height : '30px' // The height of the text area
} ) ;
// Turn table into datatable
dTable = $ ( '#' + id + 'DataTable' ) . dataTable ( ) ;
setConfigDatatable ( id + 'DataTable' , dTable ) ;
// Create add row button
var addBar = $ ( '<div></div>' ) ;
$ ( '#' + tabId ) . append ( addBar ) ;
var addRowBtn = createButton ( 'Add row' ) ;
addBar . append ( addRowBtn ) ;
// Create save and undo buttons
var saveBtn = createButton ( 'Save' ) ;
var undoBtn = createButton ( 'Undo' ) ;
actionBar . append ( saveBtn ) ;
actionBar . append ( undoBtn ) ;
/ * *
* Add row
* /
. bind (
'click' ,
function ( event ) {
// Create an empty row
var row = new Array ( ) ;
/ * *
* Remove button
* /
. push ( '<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-close" onclick="deleteRow(this)"></span>' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < headers . length ; i ++ ) {
row . push ( '' ) ;
// Get tab ID
var tabId = $ ( this ) . parent ( ) . parent ( ) . attr ( 'id' ) ;
// Get table name
var tableName = tabId . replace ( 'Tab' , '' ) ;
// Get table ID
var tableId = tableName + 'DataTable' ;
// Get datatable
var dTable = getConfigDatatable ( tableId ) ;
// Add the row to the data table
dTable . fnAddData ( row ) ;
// Enable editable columns (again)
// Do not make 1st column editable
$ ( '#' + tabId + ' td:not(td:nth-child(1))' ) . editable (
function ( value , settings ) {
// Get column index
var colPos = this . cellIndex ;
// Get row index
var rowPos = dTable . fnGetPosition ( this . parentNode ) ;
// Update datatable
dTable . fnUpdate ( value , rowPos , colPos ) ;
return ( value ) ;
} , {
onblur : 'submit' , // Clicking outside editable area
// submits changes
type : 'textarea' ,
height : '30px' // The height of the text area
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Save changes
* /
saveBtn . bind ( 'click' , function ( event ) {
// Get tab ID
var tabId = $ ( this ) . parent ( ) . parent ( ) . attr ( 'id' ) ;
// Get table name
var tableName = tabId . replace ( 'Tab' , '' ) ;
// Get table ID
var tableId = tableName + 'DataTable' ;
// Get datatable
var dTable = getConfigDatatable ( tableId ) ;
// Get the nodes from the table
var dRows = dTable . fnGetNodes ( ) ;
// Go through each row
for ( var i = 0 ; i < dRows . length ; i ++ ) {
// If there is row with values
if ( dRows [ i ] ) {
// Go through each column
// Ignore the 1st column because it is a button
var cols = dRows [ i ] . childNodes ;
var vals = new Object ( ) ;
for ( var j = 1 ; j < cols . length ; j ++ ) {
var val = cols . item ( j ) . firstChild . nodeValue ;
// Insert quotes
if ( val == 'Click to edit' ) {
vals [ j - 1 ] = '' ;
} else {
vals [ j - 1 ] = val ;
// Save row
newCont [ i + 1 ] = vals ;
// Update datatable
setConfigDatatable ( tableId , dTable ) ;
// Update xCAT table
$ . ajax ( {
type : 'POST' ,
url : 'lib/tabRestore.php' ,
dataType : 'json' ,
data : {
table : tableName ,
cont : newCont
} ,
success : function ( data ) {
alert ( 'Changes saved' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Undo changes
* /
undoBtn . bind ( 'click' , function ( event ) {
// Get tab ID
var tabId = $ ( this ) . parent ( ) . parent ( ) . attr ( 'id' ) ;
// Get table name
var tableName = tabId . replace ( 'Tab' , '' ) ;
// Get table ID
var tableId = tableName + 'DataTable' ;
// Get datatable
var dTable = getConfigDatatable ( tableId ) ;
// Get the nodes from the table
// Clear entire datatable
dTable . fnClearTable ( ) ;
// Add original content back into datatable
for ( var i = 1 ; i < origCont . length ; i ++ ) {
dTable . fnAddData ( origCont [ i ] , true ) ;
// Enable editable columns (again)
// Do not make 1st column editable
$ ( '#' + tableId + ' td:not(td:nth-child(1))' ) . editable (
function ( value , settings ) {
// Get column index
var colPos = this . cellIndex ;
// Get row index
var rowPos = dTable . fnGetPosition ( this . parentNode ) ;
// Update datatable
dTable . fnUpdate ( value , rowPos , colPos ) ;
return ( value ) ;
} , {
onblur : 'submit' , // Clicking outside editable area submits
// changes
type : 'textarea' ,
height : '30px' // The height of the text area
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Delete a row in the data table
* @ param obj
* The object that was clicked
* @ return Nothing
* /
function deleteRow ( obj ) {
// Get table ID
var tableId = $ ( obj ) . parent ( ) . parent ( ) . parent ( ) . parent ( ) . attr ( 'id' ) ;
// Get datatable
var dTable = getConfigDatatable ( tableId ) ;
// Get all nodes within the datatable
var rows = dTable . fnGetNodes ( ) ;
// Get target row
var tgtRow = $ ( obj ) . parent ( ) . parent ( ) . get ( 0 ) ;
// Find the target row in the datatable
for ( var i in rows ) {
// If the row matches the target row
if ( rows [ i ] == tgtRow ) {
// Remove row
dTable . fnDeleteRow ( i , null , true ) ;
break ;
/ * *
* Count the number of occurrences of a specific character in a string
* @ param char
* Character to count
* @ return The number of occurrences
* /
String . prototype . count = function ( char ) {
return ( this . length - this . replace ( new RegExp ( char , "g" ) , '' ) . length )
/ c h a r . l e n g t h ;
} ;