2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
# This module is used to support the rhev
# The rhev-m is used as the agent to manage the storage domain, network, rhev-h
# There are concepts Datacenter and Cluster for the rhev, SD and network belongs to DC,
# rhev-h (host) belongs to cluster
# When installing rhev-h, it will try to register to rhev-m. From xCAT point of view, just approve.
# The fence must be configured for the rhev-h to enable the SD management, otherwise when
# when the SPM failed, the failure take over for the SPM cannot happen automatically.
# The SD needs to be created with a host as the SPM (Storage Pool Manager), when the current
# SPM failed, SPM will switch to another available rhev-h.
# Add rhevh to the management
# for the rhevh, the adding should be done automatically that specify the rhev-m infor when installing of the rhev-h
# Need to run the approval for the host to be added to the rhevm
# The features that are not used
# tag, to catalog the resources with tag
# role, for access permission
# domain, for user/group management
2012-08-23 09:16:34 +00:00
#TODO: handle the functions base on the version
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
#TODO: handle the datacenter and cluster management
2012-08-27 13:58:14 +00:00
#TODO: add the support of iscsi storage domain
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
package xCAT_plugin::rhevm ;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use POSIX qw( WNOHANG nice ) ;
use POSIX qw( WNOHANG setsid :errno_h ) ;
use IO::Select ;
require IO::Socket::SSL ; IO::Socket::SSL - > import ( 'inet4' ) ;
use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday sleep ) ;
use Fcntl qw/:DEFAULT :flock/ ;
use File::Path ;
use File::Copy ;
use Getopt::Long ;
Getopt::Long:: Configure ( "bundling" ) ;
Getopt::Long:: Configure ( "pass_through" ) ;
use HTTP::Headers ;
use HTTP::Request ;
use XML::LibXML ;
2012-08-30 05:41:24 +00:00
use xCAT::Utils ;
use xCAT::TableUtils ;
use xCAT::ServiceNodeUtils ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
use xCAT::Table ;
use xCAT::MsgUtils ;
2012-08-27 13:58:14 +00:00
use xCAT::Usage ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
sub handled_commands {
return {
copycd = > 'rhevm' ,
mkinstall = > "nodetype:os=(rhevh.*)" ,
rpower = > 'nodehm:power,mgt' ,
2012-09-10 13:15:51 +00:00
rsetboot = > 'nodehm:mgt' ,
rmigrate = > 'nodehm:mgt' ,
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
cfgve = > 'rhevm' ,
lsve = > 'rhevm' ,
lsvm = > [ 'hypervisor:type=(rhev.*)' , 'nodehm:mgt' ] ,
mkvm = > 'nodehm:mgt' ,
rmvm = > 'nodehm:mgt' ,
clonevm = > 'nodehm:mgt' ,
#rinv => 'nodehm:mgt',
chvm = > 'nodehm:mgt' ,
#rshutdown => "nodetype:os=(rhev.*)",
2012-09-10 13:15:51 +00:00
rmhypervisor = > [ 'hypervisor:type' , 'nodetype:os=(rhev.*)' ] ,
chhypervisor = > [ 'hypervisor:type' , 'nodetype:os=(rhev.*)' ] ,
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
rhevhupdateflag = > "nodetype:os=(rhevh.*)" ,
getrvidparms = > 'nodehm:mgt' ,
} ;
my $ verbose ;
my $ global_callback ;
sub preprocess_request {
my $ request = shift ;
my $ callback = shift ;
#if already preprocessed, go straight to request
if ( ( defined ( $ request - > { _xcatpreprocessed } - > [ 0 ] ) )
&& ( $ request - > { _xcatpreprocessed } - > [ 0 ] == 1 ) ) {
return [ $ request ] ;
unless ( $ request and $ request - > { command } and $ request - > { command } - > [ 0 ] ) { return ; }
if ( $ request - > { command } - > [ 0 ] eq 'copycd' ) {
return [ $ request ] ;
my $ nodes = $ request - > { node } ;
my $ command = $ request - > { command } - > [ 0 ] ;
my $ extraargs = $ request - > { arg } ;
if ( $ extraargs ) {
@ ARGV = @ { $ extraargs } ;
2012-08-27 13:58:14 +00:00
my $ help ;
GetOptions ( "V" = > \ $ verbose , 'h|help' = > \ $ help ) ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
$ global_callback = $ callback ;
2012-08-27 13:58:14 +00:00
if ( $ help ) {
my $ usage_string = xCAT::Usage - > getUsage ( $ command ) ;
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , $ usage_string ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "I" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return ( ) ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
# Read the user password for the rhevm
# Only support the general password in passwd table
my $ passtab = xCAT::Table - > new ( 'passwd' ) ;
my ( $ rhevmadminpw , $ rhevhrootpw , $ rhevhadminpw ) ;
if ( $ passtab ) {
my $ pw = $ passtab - > getAttribs ( { 'key' = > 'rhevm' , 'username' = > 'admin' } , 'password' ) ;
if ( defined ( $ pw ) ) {
$ rhevmadminpw = $ pw - > { password } ;
# The $rhevmadminpw must be unencrypted, since http need this to generate the authorized key
if ( ! $ rhevmadminpw ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "The unencrypted password of \'admin\' for the rhevm much be set in the passwd table." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return ( ) ;
$ pw = $ passtab - > getAttribs ( { 'key' = > 'rhevh' , 'username' = > 'admin' } , 'password' ) ;
if ( defined ( $ pw ) ) {
$ rhevhadminpw = $ pw - > { password } ;
if ( ! $ rhevhadminpw ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "The password of \'admin\' for the rhevh much be set in the passwd table." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return ( ) ;
} else {
$ rhevhadminpw = authpw ( $ rhevhadminpw ) ;
$ pw = $ passtab - > getAttribs ( { 'key' = > 'rhevh' , 'username' = > 'root' } , 'password' ) ;
if ( defined ( $ pw ) ) {
$ rhevhrootpw = $ pw - > { password } ;
if ( $ rhevhrootpw ) {
$ rhevhrootpw = authpw ( $ rhevhrootpw ) ;
# Get the host for the nodes
my $ vmtab = xCAT::Table - > new ( "vm" ) ;
my $ vmtabhash = $ vmtab - > getNodesAttribs ( $ nodes , [ 'host' , 'mgr' ] ) ;
my $ hyptab = xCAT::Table - > new ( "hypervisor" ) ;
my $ hyptabhash = $ hyptab - > getNodesAttribs ( $ nodes , [ 'type' , 'mgr' ] ) ;
# The hash that use hyp as key
# In following example: rhevm1 is rhev-m; rhevh1 and rhevh2 are rhev-h
# vm11 is vm which located at rhevh1, vm12 is vm which located at rhevh2
# vm1 has not specific host to bind
# The user and password for rhev-m and rhev-h also specified
# |0 'rhevm1'
# |1 HASH(0x99066e0)
# | 'host' => HASH(0x9906230)
# | 'rhevh1' => HASH(0x99064a0)
# | 'adminpw' => '$1$k343MVXm$tZrjCk5GUJgRguNxdyIrT0'
# | 'node' => ARRAY(0x98f91a8)
# | 0 'vm11'
# | 'rootpw' => '$1$k3Yvim3b$9NLOSVlIiQY3ZYluT.CqP/'
# | 'rhevh2' => HASH(0x99064e8)
# | 'adminpw' => '$1$k343MVXm$tZrjCk5GUJgRguNxdyIrT0'
# | 'node' => ARRAY(0x9905c60)
# | 0 'vm12'
# | 'rootpw' => '$1$k3Yvim3b$9NLOSVlIiQY3ZYluT.CqP/'
# | 'node' => ARRAY(0x98ff378)
# | 0 'vm1'
# | 'pw' => '$1$9IXfmatc$Vcoy23AF5q0BcBE0cB3Uq/'
# | 'user' => 'admin'
my % rhevm_hash ;
foreach my $ node ( @$ nodes ) {
my $ vment = $ vmtabhash - > { $ node } - > [ 0 ] ;
my $ hypent = $ hyptabhash - > { $ node } - > [ 0 ] ;
if ( defined ( $ vment - > { 'mgr' } ) ) { # is a vm and has rhevm info
$ rhevm_hash { $ vment - > { 'mgr' } } - > { 'user' } = "admin" ;
$ rhevm_hash { $ vment - > { 'mgr' } } - > { 'pw' } = $ rhevmadminpw ;
if ( defined ( $ vment - > { 'host' } ) ) { # is a vm and has rhevm, host info
push @ { $ rhevm_hash { $ vment - > { 'mgr' } } - > { 'host' } - > { $ vment - > { 'host' } } - > { 'node' } } , $ node ;
$ rhevm_hash { $ vment - > { 'mgr' } } - > { 'host' } - > { $ vment - > { 'host' } } - > { 'adminpw' } = $ rhevhadminpw ;
$ rhevm_hash { $ vment - > { 'mgr' } } - > { 'host' } - > { $ vment - > { 'host' } } - > { 'rootpw' } = $ rhevhrootpw ;
} else {
push @ { $ rhevm_hash { $ vment - > { 'mgr' } } - > { 'node' } } , $ node ;
} elsif ( defined ( $ hypent - > { 'mgr' } ) ) { # is a rhevh
$ rhevm_hash { $ hypent - > { 'mgr' } } - > { 'user' } = "admin" ;
$ rhevm_hash { $ hypent - > { 'mgr' } } - > { 'pw' } = $ rhevmadminpw ;
push @ { $ rhevm_hash { $ hypent - > { 'mgr' } } - > { 'host' } - > { $ node } - > { 'node' } } , $ node ;
$ rhevm_hash { $ hypent - > { 'mgr' } } - > { 'host' } - > { $ node } - > { 'adminpw' } = $ rhevhadminpw ;
$ rhevm_hash { $ hypent - > { 'mgr' } } - > { 'host' } - > { $ node } - > { 'rootpw' } = $ rhevhrootpw ;
} elsif ( $ command eq 'lsvm' ) { # hope the node is a rhevm, that only the lsvm can be run to display
} else {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: Missing the management point in \'vm.mgr\' or \'hypervisor.mgr\'." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
# For the lsve or cfgve command, get the object from argument
if ( $ command =~ /^(cfgve|lsve)$/ ) {
# -t type -o obj -m mgr
my $ mgr ;
unless ( $ extraargs ) {
return ( ) ;
@ ARGV = @ { $ extraargs } ;
GetOptions ( "m=s" = > \ $ mgr ) ; #use mgr to know where to dispatch this request
if ( $ mgr ) {
$ rhevm_hash { $ mgr } - > { 'user' } = "admin" ;
$ rhevm_hash { $ mgr } - > { 'pw' } = $ rhevmadminpw ;
} else {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "The flag -m is necessary to perform the command." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return ( ) ;
# Prepare the request for each service node
# The dispatch depends on the rhevm. Since the operation is in serial, so no need to use the service node.
my @ requests ;
my @ rhevms = keys ( % rhevm_hash ) ;
2012-08-30 05:41:24 +00:00
my $ sn = xCAT::ServiceNodeUtils - > get_ServiceNode ( \ @ rhevms , 'xcat' , "MN" ) ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
foreach my $ snkey ( keys %$ sn ) {
my $ reqcopy = { %$ request } ;
$ reqcopy - > { '_xcatdest' } = $ snkey ;
$ reqcopy - > { _xcatpreprocessed } - > [ 0 ] = 1 ;
# Search the node base on the hypervisor
my $ rhevms = $ sn - > { $ snkey } ;
my @ moreinfo = ( ) ;
my @ nodes = ( ) ;
foreach my $ rhevm ( @$ rhevms ) {
my $ data_rhevm = "[$rhevm][$rhevm_hash{$rhevm}->{'user'}][$rhevm_hash{$rhevm}->{'pw'}]" ;
if ( defined ( $ rhevm_hash { $ rhevm } - > { 'host' } ) ) {
foreach my $ host ( keys % { $ rhevm_hash { $ rhevm } - > { 'host' } } ) {
my $ data_rhevh = $ data_rhevm . "[$host][$rhevm_hash{$rhevm}->{'host'}->{$host}->{'adminpw'}][$rhevm_hash{$rhevm}->{'host'}->{$host}->{'rootpw'}][" . join ( ',' , @ { $ rhevm_hash { $ rhevm } - > { 'host' } - > { $ host } - > { 'node' } } ) . "]" ;
push @ moreinfo , $ data_rhevh ;
push @ nodes , @ { $ rhevm_hash { $ rhevm } - > { 'host' } - > { $ host } - > { 'node' } } ;
if ( defined ( $ rhevm_hash { $ rhevm } - > { 'node' } ) ) {
my $ data_node = $ data_rhevm . "[][][][" . join ( ',' , @ { $ rhevm_hash { $ rhevm } - > { 'node' } } ) . "]" ;
push @ moreinfo , $ data_node ;
push @ nodes , @ { $ rhevm_hash { $ rhevm } - > { 'node' } } ;
unless ( defined ( $ rhevm_hash { $ rhevm } - > { 'host' } ) || defined ( $ rhevm_hash { $ rhevm } - > { 'node' } ) ) {
push @ moreinfo , $ data_rhevm . "[][][][]" ;
if ( scalar @ nodes ) {
$ reqcopy - > { node } = \ @ nodes ;
$ reqcopy - > { moreinfo } = \ @ moreinfo ;
if ( $ verbose ) {
$ reqcopy - > { verbose } = 1 ;
push @ requests , $ reqcopy ;
return \ @ requests ;
sub process_request {
my $ request = shift ;
my $ callback = shift ;
my $ subreq = shift ;
my $ command = $ request - > { command } - > [ 0 ] ;
my $ args = $ request - > { arg } ;
my $ nodes = $ request - > { node } ;
$ verbose = $ request - > { verbose } ;
if ( $ command eq 'copycd' ) {
return copycd ( $ request , $ callback ) ;
} elsif ( $ command eq 'rhevhupdateflag' ) {
# handle the command to update bootloader configuration file for rhevh installation
return rhevhupdateflag ( $ request , $ callback , $ subreq ) ;
my $ moreinfo ;
if ( $ request - > { moreinfo } ) {
$ moreinfo = $ request - > { moreinfo } ;
} else {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "I" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
my % rhevm_hash ;
foreach my $ info ( @$ moreinfo ) {
$ info =~ /^\[(.*?)\]\[(.*?)\]\[(.*?)\]\[(.*?)\]\[(.*?)\]\[(.*?)\]\[(.*?)\]/ ;
my $ rhevm = $ 1 ;
my $ rhevmuser = $ 2 ;
my $ rhevmpw = $ 3 ;
my $ rhevh = $ 4 ;
my $ rhevhadminpw = $ 5 ;
my $ rhevhrootpw = $ 6 ;
my @ nodes ;
if ( $ 7 ) { @ nodes = split ( ',' , $ 7 ) } ;
$ rhevm_hash { $ rhevm } - > { name } = $ rhevm ;
$ rhevm_hash { $ rhevm } - > { user } = $ rhevmuser ;
$ rhevm_hash { $ rhevm } - > { pw } = $ rhevmpw ;
if ( $ rhevh ) {
$ rhevm_hash { $ rhevm } - > { host } - > { $ rhevh } - > { name } = $ rhevh ;
$ rhevm_hash { $ rhevm } - > { host } - > { $ rhevh } - > { adminpw } = $ rhevhadminpw ;
$ rhevm_hash { $ rhevm } - > { host } - > { $ rhevh } - > { rootpw } = $ rhevhrootpw ;
push @ { $ rhevm_hash { $ rhevm } - > { host } - > { $ rhevh } - > { node } } , @ nodes ;
} elsif ( @ nodes ) {
push @ { $ rhevm_hash { $ rhevm } - > { node } } , @ nodes ;
# TODO: Plan to make long http connection to the every rhevm, but it does not work well
foreach my $ rhevm ( keys % rhevm_hash ) {
# TODO fork process for each rhev-m
# get the ca.crt for the specific rhevm
if ( ! - r "/etc/xcat/rhevm/$rhevm/ca.crt" ) {
if ( ! - d "/etc/xcat/rhevm/$rhevm" ) {
mkpath ( "/etc/xcat/rhevm/$rhevm" ) ;
my $ cmd = "cd /etc/xcat/rhevm/$rhevm/; wget -q http://$rhevm:8080/ca.crt" ;
xCAT::Utils - > runcmd ( $ cmd , - 1 ) ;
if ( $ ::RUNCMD_RC != 0 ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "Could not get the CA certificate from http://$rhevm:8080/ca.crt." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return undef ;
if ( $ command eq 'mkinstall' ) {
mkinstall ( $ request , $ callback , \ % rhevm_hash ) ;
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
} elsif ( $ command eq "rsetboot" ) {
rsetboot ( $ callback , \ % rhevm_hash , $ args ) ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
} elsif ( $ command eq "addhost" ) {
addhost ( $ callback , \ % rhevm_hash ) ;
2012-09-10 13:15:51 +00:00
} elsif ( $ command eq "chhypervisor" ) {
cfghost ( $ callback , \ % rhevm_hash , $ nodes , $ args ) ;
} elsif ( $ command eq "rmhypervisor" ) {
push @$ args , "-r" ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
cfghost ( $ callback , \ % rhevm_hash , $ nodes , $ args ) ;
2012-09-10 13:15:51 +00:00
} elsif ( $ command eq "cfgve" ) {
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
cfgve ( $ callback , \ % rhevm_hash , $ args ) ;
} elsif ( $ command eq "lsve" ) {
lsve ( $ callback , \ % rhevm_hash , $ args ) ;
} elsif ( $ command eq "rmhost" ) {
rmhost ( ) ;
} elsif ( $ command eq "lsvm" ) {
lsvm ( $ callback , \ % rhevm_hash , $ args ) ;
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
} elsif ( $ command eq "chvm" ) {
chvm ( $ callback , \ % rhevm_hash , $ nodes , $ args ) ;
} elsif ( $ command eq "mkvm" ) {
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
mkvm ( $ callback , \ % rhevm_hash , $ nodes , $ args ) ;
} elsif ( $ command eq "rmvm" ) {
rmvm ( $ callback , \ % rhevm_hash , $ args ) ;
} elsif ( $ command eq "clonevm" ) {
clonevm ( $ callback , \ % rhevm_hash , $ args ) ;
} elsif ( $ command eq "rmigrate" ) {
rmigrate ( $ callback , \ % rhevm_hash , $ args ) ;
} elsif ( $ command eq "rpower" ) {
power ( $ callback , \ % rhevm_hash , $ args ) ;
} elsif ( $ command eq "getrvidparms" ) {
getrvidparms ( $ callback , \ % rhevm_hash , $ nodes ) ;
my @ cpiopid ;
# Perform the copycds for rhev-h to a specific dirtory
sub copycd {
my $ request = shift ;
my $ callback = shift ;
my $ distname ;
my $ arch ;
my $ path ;
my $ mntpath ;
my $ file ; # the iso source file must be passed to generate the initrd
@ ARGV = @ { $ request - > { arg } } ;
GetOptions ( 'n=s' = > \ $ distname ,
'a=s' = > \ $ arch ,
'p=s' = > \ $ path ,
'm=s' = > \ $ mntpath ,
'f=s' = > \ $ file ,
) ;
unless ( $ distname && $ arch && $ mntpath ) {
return ;
if ( $ distname && $ distname !~ /^rhev/ ) {
return ;
} elsif ( ! $ file ) {
$ callback - > ( { error = > "Only support to use the iso file for rhev" } ) ;
return ;
my $ installroot = "/install" ;
2012-08-30 05:41:24 +00:00
my @ entries = xCAT::TableUtils - > get_site_attribute ( "installdir" ) ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
my $ t_entry = $ entries [ 0 ] ;
if ( defined ( $ t_entry ) ) {
$ installroot = $ t_entry ;
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "Copying media to $installroot/$distname/$arch/" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "I" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
unless ( $ path ) {
$ path = "$installroot/$distname/$arch" ;
my $ omask = umask 0022 ;
if ( - l $ path )
unlink ( $ path ) ;
mkpath ( "$path" ) ;
umask $ omask ;
my $ rc ;
my $ reaped = 0 ;
$ SIG { INT } = $ SIG { TERM } = sub {
foreach ( @ cpiopid ) {
kill 2 , $ _ ;
if ( $ ::CDMOUNTPATH ) {
chdir ( "/" ) ;
system ( "umount $::CDMOUNTPATH" ) ;
} ;
my $ KID ;
chdir $ mntpath ;
my $ numFiles = `find . -print | wc -l` ;
my $ child = open ( $ KID , "|-" ) ;
unless ( defined $ child )
$ callback - > ( { error = > "Media copy operation fork failure" } ) ;
return ;
if ( $ child )
push @ cpiopid , $ child ;
my @ finddata = `find .` ;
for ( @ finddata )
print $ KID $ _ ;
close ( $ KID ) ;
$ rc = $? ;
nice 10 ;
my $ c = "nice -n 20 cpio -vdump $path" ;
my $ k2 = open ( PIPE , "$c 2>&1 |" ) ||
$ callback - > ( { error = > "Media copy operation fork failure" } ) ;
push @ cpiopid , $ k2 ;
my $ copied = 0 ;
my ( $ percent , $ fout ) ;
while ( <PIPE> ) {
next if /^cpio:/ ;
$ percent = $ copied / $ numFiles ;
$ fout = sprintf "%0.2f%%" , $ percent * 100 ;
$ callback - > ( { sinfo = > "$fout" } ) ;
+ + $ copied ;
exit ;
# copy the iso to the source dir to generate the initrd by nodeset
copy ( $ file , "$installroot/$distname/$arch/rhevh.iso" ) ;
# Perform the install preparation for the installation of rhev-h
sub mkinstall {
my $ request = shift ;
my $ callback = shift ;
my $ rhevm_hash = shift ;
my @ nodes = @ { $ request - > { node } } ;
my % doneimgs ;
my $ installdir = "/install" ;
2012-08-30 05:41:24 +00:00
my @ ents = xCAT::TableUtils - > get_site_attribute ( "installdir" ) ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
my $ site_ent = $ ents [ 0 ] ;
if ( defined ( $ site_ent ) )
$ installdir = $ site_ent ;
my $ tftpdir = "/tftpboot" ;
2012-08-30 05:41:24 +00:00
@ ents = xCAT::TableUtils - > get_site_attribute ( "tftpdir" ) ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
$ site_ent = $ ents [ 0 ] ;
if ( defined ( $ site_ent ) )
$ tftpdir = $ site_ent ;
my $ nttab = xCAT::Table - > new ( 'nodetype' ) ;
my % ntents = % { $ nttab - > getNodesAttribs ( \ @ nodes , [ 'profile' , 'os' , 'arch' , 'provmethod' ] ) } ;
my $ bptab = xCAT::Table - > new ( 'bootparams' , - create = > 1 ) ;
my $ restab = xCAT::Table - > new ( 'noderes' , - create = > 1 ) ;
my % resents = % { $ restab - > getNodesAttribs ( \ @ nodes , [ 'xcatmaster' , 'tftpdir' , 'primarynic' , 'installnic' ] ) } ;
foreach my $ rhevm ( keys % { $ rhevm_hash } ) {
# generate the hash of rhevm which will be used for the action functions
my $ ref_rhevm = { 'name' = > $ rhevm ,
'user' = > $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { user } ,
'pw' = > $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { pw } } ;
if ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } ) {
foreach my $ node ( keys % { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } } ) {
if ( $ node eq $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } - > { $ node } - > { node } - > [ 0 ] ) { #this is a rhev-h
my $ ent = $ ntents { $ node } - > [ 0 ] ;
my $ os = $ ent - > { os } ;
my $ arch = $ ent - > { arch } ;
my $ profile = $ ent - > { profile } ;
my ( $ kcmdline , $ k , $ i ) ;
if ( $ arch =~ /x86/
&& - r "$installdir/$os/$arch/isolinux/vmlinuz0"
&& - r "$installdir/$os/$arch/isolinux/initrd0.img"
&& - r "$installdir/$os/$arch/rhevh.iso" ) {
my $ tftppath = "$tftpdir/xcat/$os/$arch" ;
mkpath ( $ tftppath ) ;
copy ( "$installdir/$os/$arch/isolinux/vmlinuz0" , $ tftppath ) ;
# append the full iso to the initrd. It will be downloaded to the node and as the installation source to install rhev-h
unless ( $ doneimgs { "$os|$arch" } ) {
my $ cmd = "cd $installdir/$os/$arch/; echo rhevh.iso | cpio -H newc --quiet -L -o | gzip -9 | cat $installdir/$os/$arch/isolinux/initrd0.img - > $tftppath/initrd0.img" ;
`$cmd` ;
$ doneimgs { "$os|$arch" } = 1 ;
$ k = "xcat/$os/$arch/vmlinuz0" ;
$ i = "xcat/$os/$arch/initrd0.img" ;
} else {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "Cannot find vmlinux" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
$ kcmdline = " rootflags=loop" ;
$ kcmdline . = " root=live:/rhevh.iso" ;
$ kcmdline . = " rootfstype=auto ro liveimg nomodeset check rootflags=ro crashkernel=512M-2G:64M,2G-:128M elevator=deadline processor.max_cstate=1 install reinstall quiet rd_NO_LVM rhgb rd_NO_LUKS rd_NO_MD rd_NO_DM" ;
# set the boot device
my $ ksdev = "" ;
$ ent = $ resents { $ node } - > [ 0 ] ;
if ( $ ent - > { installnic } ) {
if ( $ ent - > { installnic } eq "mac" ) {
my $ mactab = xCAT::Table - > new ( "mac" ) ;
my $ macref = $ mactab - > getNodeAttribs ( $ node , [ 'mac' ] ) ;
$ ksdev = $ macref - > { mac } ;
} else {
$ ksdev = $ ent - > { installnic } ;
} elsif ( $ ent - > { primarynic } ) {
if ( $ ent - > { primarynic } eq "mac" ) {
my $ mactab = xCAT::Table - > new ( "mac" ) ;
my $ macref = $ mactab - > getNodeAttribs ( $ node , [ 'mac' ] ) ;
$ ksdev = $ macref - > { mac } ;
} else {
$ ksdev = $ ent - > { primarynic } ;
} else {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "No network interface was set: installnic, primarynic" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
# set the storage parameters
$ kcmdline . = " storage_init" ;
# set the bootif
$ kcmdline . = " BOOTIF=$ksdev ip=dhcp" ;
# set the passwd for admin and root
$ kcmdline . = " adminpw=$rhevm_hash->{$rhevm}->{host}->{$node}->{adminpw} rootpw=$rhevm_hash->{$rhevm}->{host}->{$node}->{rootpw} ssh_pwauth=1" ;
# set the hostname and password of the management server for the node so that node could register to the rhevm automatically.
2012-09-04 07:48:26 +00:00
$ kcmdline . = " management_server=$rhevm_hash->{$rhevm}->{name} rhevm_admin_password=$rhevm_hash->{$rhevm}->{host}->{$node}->{rootpw}" ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
# set the flag update trigger, after installing of rhev-h, this url will be 'wget', xCAT MN will handle this event to run the upfateflag for this rhev-h
my $ xcatmaster ;
if ( $ ent and $ ent - > { xcatmaster } ) {
$ xcatmaster = $ ent - > { xcatmaster } ;
} else {
$ xcatmaster = '!myipfn!' ;
$ kcmdline . = " local_boot_trigger=http://$xcatmaster/xcatrhevh/rhevh_finish_install/\@HOSTNAME\@" ;
$ bptab - > setNodeAttribs ( $ node ,
{ kernel = > $ k ,
initrd = > $ i ,
kcmdline = > $ kcmdline } ) ;
# Generate the REST API http request
# $method: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE
# $api: the url of rest api
# $content: an xml section which including the data to perform the rest api
sub genreq {
my $ rhevm = shift ;
my $ method = shift ;
my $ api = shift ;
my $ content = shift ;
if ( ! defined ( $ content ) ) { $ content = "" ; }
my $ header = HTTP::Headers - > new ( 'content-type' = > 'application/xml' ,
'Accept' = > 'application/xml' ,
#'Connection' => 'keep-alive',
'Host' = > $ rhevm - > { name } . ':8443' ) ;
$ header - > authorization_basic ( $ rhevm - > { user } . '@internal' , $ rhevm - > { pw } ) ;
my $ ctlen = length ( $ content ) ;
$ header - > push_header ( 'Content-Length' = > $ ctlen ) ;
my $ url = "https://" . $ rhevm - > { name } . ":8443" . $ api ;
my $ request = HTTP::Request - > new ( $ method , $ url , $ header , $ content ) ;
return $ request ;
# Make connection to rhev-m
# Send REST api request to rhev-m
# Receive the response from rhev-m
# Handle the error cases
# return 1-ssl connection error;
# 2-http response error;
# 3-return a http error message;
# 5-operation failed
sub send_req {
my $ ref_rhevm = shift ;
my $ request = shift ;
my $ rhevm = $ ref_rhevm - > { name } ;
my $ rc = 0 ;
my $ response ;
my $ connect ;
my $ socket = IO::Socket::INET - > new ( PeerAddr = > $ rhevm ,
PeerPort = > '8443' ,
Timeout = > 15 ) ;
if ( $ socket ) {
$ connect = IO::Socket::SSL - > start_SSL ( $ socket , SSL_ca_file = > "/etc/xcat/rhevm/$rhevm/ca.crt" , Timeout = > 0 ) ;
if ( $ connect ) {
my $ flags = fcntl ( $ connect , F_GETFL , 0 ) ;
$ flags |= O_NONBLOCK ;
fcntl ( $ connect , F_SETFL , $ flags ) ;
} else {
$ rc = 1 ;
$ response = "Could not make ssl connection to $rhevm:8443." ;
} else {
$ rc = 1 ;
$ response = "Could not create socket to $rhevm:8443." ;
if ( $ rc ) {
return ( $ rc , $ response ) ;
my $ IOsel = new IO:: Select ;
$ IOsel - > add ( $ connect ) ;
if ( $ verbose ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "\n===================================================\n$request----------------" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "I" , $ rsp , $ global_callback ) ;
print $ connect $ request ;
$ response = "" ;
while ( 1 ) {
my $ readbytes ;
$ IOsel - > can_read ( 0.5 ) ;
do { $ readbytes = sysread ( $ connect , $ response , 65535 , length ( $ response ) ) ; } while ( $ readbytes ) ;
if ( $ response ) {
#return $response;
last ;
} else {
if ( not defined $ readbytes and $! == EAGAIN ) { next ; }
$ rc = 2 ;
last ;
if ( $ verbose ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$response===================================================\n" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "I" , $ rsp , $ global_callback ) ;
$ IOsel - > remove ( $ connect ) ;
close ( $ connect ) ;
if ( $ response ) {
if ( grep ( /<html>/ , $ response ) ) { # get a error message in the html
$ rc = 3 ;
} elsif ( grep ( /<\?xml/ , $ response ) ) {
my $ parser = XML::LibXML - > new ( ) ;
my $ doc = $ parser - > parse_string ( $ response ) ;
if ( $ doc ) {
my $ attr ;
if ( $ attr = getAttr ( $ doc , "/fault/detail" ) ) {
$ response = $ attr ;
$ rc = 5 ;
} elsif ( $ attr = getAttr ( $ doc , "/action/fault/detail" ) ) {
2012-08-23 09:16:34 +00:00
if ( $ attr eq "[]" ) {
if ( $ attr = getAttr ( $ doc , "/action/fault/reason" ) ) {
$ response = $ attr ;
} else {
$ response = "failed" ;
} else {
$ response = $ attr ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
$ rc = 5 ;
return ( $ rc , $ response ) ;
# Add the rhels host since it cannot register automatically.
sub addhost {
my $ callback = shift ;
my $ rhevm_hash = shift ;
2012-08-30 05:41:24 +00:00
my @ domain = xCAT::TableUtils - > get_site_attribute ( "domain" ) ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
if ( ! $ domain [ 0 ] ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "The site.domain must be set to enable the rhev support." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return ;
# Create the xml data
my $ doc = XML::LibXML - > createDocument ( ) ;
my $ root = $ doc - > createElement ( "host" ) ;
$ doc - > setDocumentElement ( $ root ) ;
my $ name_ele = $ doc - > createElement ( "name" ) ;
$ root - > appendChild ( $ name_ele ) ;
my $ name_t = XML::LibXML::Text - > new ( "" ) ;
$ name_ele - > appendChild ( $ name_t ) ;
my $ add_ele = $ doc - > createElement ( "address" ) ;
$ root - > appendChild ( $ add_ele ) ;
my $ add_t = XML::LibXML::Text - > new ( "" ) ;
$ add_ele - > appendChild ( $ add_t ) ;
my $ rootpw_ele = $ doc - > createElement ( "root_password" ) ;
$ root - > appendChild ( $ rootpw_ele ) ;
my $ rootpw_t = XML::LibXML::Text - > new ( "" ) ;
$ rootpw_ele - > appendChild ( $ rootpw_t ) ;
foreach my $ rhevm ( keys % { $ rhevm_hash } ) {
# generate the hash of rhevm which will be used for the action functions
my $ ref_rhevm = { 'name' = > $ rhevm ,
'user' = > $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { user } ,
'pw' = > $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { pw } } ;
if ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } ) {
foreach my $ rhevh ( keys % { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } } ) {
if ( $ rhevh eq $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } - > { $ rhevh } - > { node } - > [ 0 ] ) {
# Create the host first
my $ api = "/api/hosts" ;
my $ method = "POST" ;
# Generate the content
$ name_t - > setData ( $ rhevh ) ;
my $ addofrhevh = $ rhevh . "." . $ domain [ 0 ] ;
$ add_t - > setData ( $ addofrhevh ) ;
$ rootpw_t - > setData ( $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } - > { $ rhevh } - > { pw } ) ;
$ rootpw_t - > setData ( '$1$c5TJgKlJ$CuO6rR5B3d5mZc3Etu9HZ1' ) ;
my $ content = $ doc - > toString ( ) ;
my $ request = genreq ( $ ref_rhevm , $ method , $ api , $ content ) ;
my ( $ rc , $ response ) = send_req ( $ ref_rhevm , $ request - > as_string ( ) ) ;
my $ rsp ;
if ( $ rc ) {
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$rhevh: $response" ;
next ;
} else {
my $ parser = XML::LibXML - > new ( ) ;
my $ doc = $ parser - > parse_string ( $ response ) ;
if ( $ doc ) {
my $ attr ;
if ( $ attr = getAttr ( $ doc , "/vms/hosts/status/state" ) ) {
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$rhevh: state: $attr" ;
# Adding the host to rhevm
# name -> path mapping for the resource display
my $ display = {
'datacenters' = > {
'description' = > [ "description" ] ,
'storagetype' = > [ 'storage_type' ] ,
'storageformat' = > [ 'storage_format' ] ,
'state' = > [ 'status/state' ] ,
} ,
'clusters' = > {
'description' = > [ "description" ] ,
'cpu' = > [ "cpu" , "id" ] ,
'memory_overcommit' = > [ "memory_policy/overcommit" , "percent" ] ,
'memory_hugepage' = > [ "memory_policy/transparent_hugepages/enabled" ] ,
} ,
'storagedomains' = > {
'type' = > [ "type" ] ,
'ismaster' = > [ "master" ] ,
'storage_type' = > [ "storage/type" ] ,
'storage_add' = > [ "storage/address" ] ,
'storage_path' = > [ "storage/path" ] ,
'available' = > [ "available" ] ,
'used' = > [ "used" ] ,
'committed' = > [ "committed" ] ,
'storage_format' = > [ "storage_format" ] ,
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
'status' = > [ "status/state" ] ,
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
} ,
'networks' = > {
'description' = > [ "description" ] ,
2012-09-10 13:15:51 +00:00
'vlan' = > [ "vlan" , "id" ] ,
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
'stp' = > [ "stp" ] ,
'state' = > [ "status/state" ] ,
} ,
'hosts' = > {
'address' = > [ "address" ] ,
'state' = > [ "status/state" ] ,
'type' = > [ "type" ] ,
'storage_manager' = > [ "storage_manager" ] ,
'powermgt' = > [ "power_management/enabled" ] ,
'powermgt_type' = > [ "power_management" , "type" ] ,
'powermgt_addr' = > [ "power_management/address" ] ,
'powermgt_user' = > [ "power_management/username" ] ,
'ksm' = > [ "ksm/enabled" ] ,
'hugepages' = > [ "transparent_hugepages/enabled" ] ,
'iscsi' = > [ "iscsi/initiator" ] ,
'cpu' = > [ "cpu/name" ] ,
'cpuspeed' = > [ "cpu/speed" ] ,
'summary_active' = > [ "summary/active" ] ,
'summary_migrating' = > [ "summary/migrating" ] ,
'summary_total' = > [ "summary/total" ] ,
} ,
'host_nics' = > {
'network' = > [ "network" , "id" , "networks" , "/network/name" ] ,
'mac' = > [ "mac" , "address" ] ,
'ip' = > [ "ip" , "address" ] ,
'netmask' = > [ "ip" , "netmask" ] ,
'gateway' = > [ "ip" , "gateway" ] ,
'speed' = > [ "speed" ] ,
'boot_protocol' = > [ "boot_protocol" ] ,
'state' = > [ "status/state" ] ,
} ,
'vms' = > {
'memory' = > [ "memory" ] ,
'state' = > [ "status/state" ] ,
'type' = > [ "type" ] ,
'cpusocket' = > [ "cpu/topology" , "sockets" ] ,
'cpucore' = > [ "cpu/topology" , "cores" ] ,
'bootorder' = > [ "os/boot" , "dev" ] ,
'display' = > [ "display/type" ] ,
'start_time' = > [ "start_time" ] ,
'creation_time' = > [ "creation_time" ] ,
'stateless' = > [ "stateless" ] ,
'placement_policy' = > [ "placement_policy/affinity" ] ,
'memory_guaranteed' = > [ "memory_policy/guaranteed" ] ,
} ,
'templates' = > {
'memory' = > [ "memory" ] ,
'state' = > [ "status/state" ] ,
'type' = > [ "type" ] ,
'cpusocket' = > [ "cpu/topology" , "sockets" ] ,
'cpucore' = > [ "cpu/topology" , "cores" ] ,
'bootorder' = > [ "os/boot" , "dev" ] ,
'display' = > [ "display/type" ] ,
'creation_time' = > [ "creation_time" ] ,
'stateless' = > [ "stateless" ] ,
} ,
'disks' = > {
'size' = > [ "size" ] ,
'type' = > [ "type" ] ,
'state' = > [ "status/state" ] ,
'iftype' = > [ "interface" ] ,
'format' = > [ "format" ] ,
'bootable' = > [ "bootable" ] ,
'storage_domains' = > [ "storage_domains/storage_domain" , "id" , "storagedomains" , "/storage_domain/name" ] ,
} ,
'nics' = > {
'iftype' = > [ "interface" ] ,
'mac' = > [ "mac" , "address" ] ,
'network' = > [ "network" , "id" , "networks" , "/network/name" ] ,
} ,
} ;
# Display the resource, it's called by lsvm and lsve
# $reponse - xml response return from send_req
# $type -datacenters, clusters, storagedomains ...
# $prelead - space that will be displayed pre the real message
# $criteria - 'dc=<name>' or 'name=<name>', only display when matchs
sub displaysrc {
my $ callback = shift ;
my $ ref_rhevm = shift ;
my $ response = shift ;
my $ type = shift ;
my $ prelead = shift ;
my $ criteria = shift ;
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
my $ individual = shift ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
my @ output ;
my @ displayed ;
my $ prefix ;
if ( $ type eq "datacenters" ) {
$ prefix = "/data_centers/data_center" ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "clusters" ) {
$ prefix = "/clusters/cluster" ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "storagedomains" ) {
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
if ( $ individual ) {
$ prefix = "/storage_domain" ;
} else {
$ prefix = "/storage_domains/storage_domain" ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
} elsif ( $ type eq "networks" ) {
$ prefix = "/networks/network" ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "hosts" ) {
$ prefix = "/hosts/host" ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "vms" ) {
$ prefix = "/vms/vm" ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "templates" ) {
$ prefix = "/templates/template" ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "disks" ) {
$ prefix = "/disks/disk" ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "nics" ) {
$ prefix = "/nics/nic" ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "host_nics" ) {
$ prefix = "/host_nics/host_nic" ;
} else {
return ( ) ;
my $ parser = XML::LibXML - > new ( ) ;
my $ doc = $ parser - > parse_string ( $ response ) ;
if ( $ doc ) {
my @ nodes = $ doc - > findnodes ( $ prefix ) ;
foreach my $ node ( @ nodes ) {
# when crteria specified, the dc or name need to be checked
if ( $ criteria ) {
my ( $ name , $ value ) = split ( '=' , $ criteria ) ;
my $ curval ;
if ( $ name eq "dc" ) {
my $ cnode = $ node - > findnodes ( "data_center" ) ;
if ( defined ( $ cnode - > [ 0 ] ) ) {
$ curval = $ cnode - > [ 0 ] - > getAttribute ( "id" ) ;
} else {
next ;
} elsif ( $ name eq "name" ) {
my $ cnode = $ node - > findnodes ( "name" ) ;
if ( defined ( $ cnode - > [ 0 ] ) ) {
$ curval = $ cnode - > [ 0 ] - > textContent ( ) ;
} else {
next ;
2012-08-27 13:58:14 +00:00
unless ( $ curval eq $ value ) {
next ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
# Get the resource name first and display
my $ objname = getAttr ( $ node , "name" ) ;
push @ displayed , getAttr ( $ node , "" , "id" ) ;
push @ output , $ prelead . $ type . ": [" . $ objname . "]" ;
# Display each item for the specific type
foreach my $ name ( sort ( keys % { $ display - > { $ type } } ) ) {
if ( defined ( $ display - > { $ type } - > { $ name } - > [ 2 ] ) ) { # search the resource from the id
# If the [3] and [4] params are specified, use the [0] and [1] to get the target resouce id,
# Then search the resource of this id, [3] is type and [4] is the path to get the end message
my $ id = getAttr ( $ node , $ display - > { $ type } - > { $ name } - > [ 0 ] , $ display - > { $ type } - > { $ name } - > [ 1 ] ) ;
my $ srctype = $ display - > { $ type } - > { $ name } - > [ 2 ] ;
my $ srcpath = $ display - > { $ type } - > { $ name } - > [ 3 ] ;
my ( $ rc , $ newid , $ stat , $ response ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , $ srctype , "/" . $ id , 1 ) ;
unless ( $ rc ) {
my $ parser = XML::LibXML - > new ( ) ;
my $ doc = $ parser - > parse_string ( $ response ) ;
if ( $ doc ) {
my $ attr ;
if ( $ attr = getAttr ( $ doc , $ srcpath ) || defined ( $ attr ) ) {
push @ output , $ prelead . " " . $ name . ": " . $ attr ;
} else {
my $ value = getAttr ( $ node , $ display - > { $ type } - > { $ name } - > [ 0 ] , $ display - > { $ type } - > { $ name } - > [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( defined ( $ value ) ) {
push @ output , $ prelead . " " . $ name . ": " . $ value ;
my $ rsp ;
if ( @ output ) {
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , @ output ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "I" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return @ displayed ;
# Display the virtual environment
# -t - type of resouce: dc - datacenter; cl - cluster; sd - storage domain; nw - network; tpl - template
# -o - the object that needs to be displayed. It could be multiple objs separated with ','
# -m - the rhevm that manage the resources
sub lsve {
my $ callback = shift ;
my $ rhevm_hash = shift ;
my $ args = shift ;
my $ nodes = shift ;
my @ output ;
my ( $ type , $ objs , $ mgr , $ approve , $ create , $ update , $ active , $ network , $ power , $ remove ) ;
if ( $ args ) {
@ ARGV = @ { $ args } ;
GetOptions ( 't=s' = > \ $ type ,
'o=s' = > \ $ objs ,
'm=s' = > \ $ mgr ) ;
my $ rhevm = ( keys % { $ rhevm_hash } ) [ 0 ] ;
my $ ref_rhevm = { 'name' = > $ rhevm ,
'user' = > $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { user } ,
'pw' = > $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { pw } } ;
my @ objs ;
if ( $ objs ) {
@ objs = split ( ',' , $ objs ) ;
foreach my $ obj ( @ objs ) {
if ( $ type eq "dc" ) {
my ( $ rc , $ id , $ stat , $ response ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "datacenters" , $ obj ) ;
unless ( $ rc ) {
displaysrc ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , $ response , "datacenters" , "" ) ;
my $ dcid = $ id ;
# Display the cluster, storagedomain, network if requiring to display datacenter
( $ rc , $ id , $ stat , $ response ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "clusters" , "datacenter%3D$obj" ) ;
unless ( $ rc ) {
displaysrc ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , $ response , "clusters" , " " ) ;
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
#($rc, $id, $stat, $response) = search_src($ref_rhevm, "storagedomains", "datacenter%3D$obj");
( $ rc , $ id , $ stat , $ response ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "datacenters/$dcid/storagedomains:storagedomains" ) ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
unless ( $ rc ) {
displaysrc ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , $ response , "storagedomains" , " " ) ;
( $ rc , $ id , $ stat , $ response ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "networks" ) ;
unless ( $ rc ) {
displaysrc ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , $ response , "networks" , " " , "dc=$dcid" ) ;
2012-08-27 13:58:14 +00:00
( $ rc , $ id , $ stat , $ response ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "templates" , "datacenter%3D$obj" ) ;
unless ( $ rc ) {
displaysrc ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , $ response , "templates" , " " ) ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
} elsif ( $ type eq "cl" ) {
my ( $ rc , $ id , $ stat , $ response ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "clusters" , "$obj" ) ;
unless ( $ rc ) {
displaysrc ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , $ response , "clusters" , "" ) ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "sd" ) {
my ( $ rc , $ id , $ stat , $ response ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "storagedomains" , "$obj" ) ;
unless ( $ rc ) {
displaysrc ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , $ response , "storagedomains" , "" ) ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "nw" ) {
my ( $ rc , $ id , $ stat , $ response ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "networks" ) ;
unless ( $ rc ) {
displaysrc ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , $ response , "networks" , " " , "name=$obj" ) ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "tpl" ) {
2012-09-12 08:25:07 +00:00
my ( $ rc , $ id , $ stat , $ response ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "templates" , "name%3D$obj" ) ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
unless ( $ rc ) {
displaysrc ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , $ response , "templates" , "" ) ;
} else {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "The type: $type is not supported." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return ;
return ;
# Configure the rhev virtual environment
# -t - type of resouce: dc - datacenter; cl - cluster; sd - storage domain; nw - network
# -o - the object that needs to be configured. It could be multiple objs separated with ','
# -m - the rhevm that manage the resources
# -d - datacenter name that needs by creating
# -c - creating a resource
# -u - updating a resource
# -g - activate a resource
# -s - deactivate a resource
# -a - attach a resource
# -b - detach a resource
# -r - delete a resource
# Working format:
# cfgve -t sd -m <mgr> -o <name> -c
# cfgve -t sd -m <mgr> -o <name> -a/-g/-s
# cfgve -t nw -m <mgr> -o < name> -c
2012-08-23 09:16:34 +00:00
# cfgve -t tpl -m <mgr> -o <name> -r
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
sub cfgve {
my $ callback = shift ;
my $ rhevm_hash = shift ;
my $ args = shift ;
my $ nodes = shift ;
2012-09-10 13:15:51 +00:00
my ( $ type , $ objlist , $ mgr , $ datacenter , $ cluster , $ create , $ update , $ remove , $ activate , $ deactivate , $ attach , $ detach , $ force , $ stype , $ cputype , $ vlan ) ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
if ( $ args ) {
@ ARGV = @ { $ args } ;
GetOptions ( 't=s' = > \ $ type ,
'o=s' = > \ $ objlist ,
'm=s' = > \ $ mgr ,
'd=s' = > \ $ datacenter ,
2012-09-10 13:15:51 +00:00
'l=s' = > \ $ cluster ,
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
'c' = > \ $ create ,
'u' = > \ $ update ,
'g' = > \ $ activate ,
's' = > \ $ deactivate ,
'a' = > \ $ attach ,
'b' = > \ $ detach ,
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
'r' = > \ $ remove ,
2012-08-30 01:54:39 +00:00
'f' = > \ $ force ,
'k=s' = > \ $ stype ,
2012-09-10 13:15:51 +00:00
'p=s' = > \ $ cputype ,
'v=s' = > \ $ vlan ) ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
my $ rhevm = ( keys % { $ rhevm_hash } ) [ 0 ] ;
my $ ref_rhevm = { 'name' = > $ rhevm ,
'user' = > $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { user } ,
'pw' = > $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { pw } } ;
my @ objs ;
if ( $ objlist ) {
@ objs = split ( ',' , $ objlist ) ;
foreach my $ obj ( @ objs ) {
if ( $ type eq "sd" ) {
if ( $ create ) {
if ( mkSD ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , $ obj ) ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$obj: create storage domain succeeded." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "I" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return ;
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
} elsif ( $ activate || $ deactivate || $ attach || $ detach || $ remove ) {
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
# get the name of datacenter
my $ vsdtab = xCAT::Table - > new ( 'virtsd' , - create = > 0 ) ;
my $ vsdent = $ vsdtab - > getAttribs ( { 'node' = > $ obj } , [ 'datacenter' ] ) ;
my $ datacenter = $ vsdent - > { datacenter } ;
unless ( $ datacenter ) {
$ datacenter = "Default" ;
my ( $ rc , $ dcid , $ sdid , $ stat ) ;
( $ rc , $ dcid , $ stat ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "datacenters" , $ datacenter ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$obj: failed to get datacenter: $datacenter." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return ;
( $ rc , $ sdid , $ stat ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "storagedomains" , $ obj ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$obj: failed to get storagedomains: $obj." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return ;
if ( $ activate || $ deactivate ) {
my $ rsp ;
if ( activate ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , "/api/datacenters/$dcid/storagedomains/$sdid" , $ obj , $ deactivate ) ) {
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$obj: failed." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
} else {
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$obj: succeeded." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "I" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
} elsif ( $ attach || $ detach ) {
my $ rsp ;
if ( attach ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , "/api/datacenters/$dcid/storagedomains" , "storage_domain" , $ sdid , $ detach ) ) {
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$obj: failed." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
} else {
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$obj: succeeded." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "I" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
} elsif ( $ remove ) {
if ( $ force ) {
# deactivate the storage domain
activate ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , "/api/datacenters/$dcid/storagedomains/$sdid" , $ obj , 1 ) ;
# detach the storage domain to the datacenter
attach ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , "/api/datacenters/$dcid/storagedomains" , "storage_domain" , $ sdid , 1 ) ;
if ( ! deleteSD ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , "/api/storagedomains/$sdid" , $ obj ) ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$obj: delete storage domain succeeded." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "I" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
2012-08-23 09:16:34 +00:00
} elsif ( $ type eq "tpl" ) {
if ( $ remove ) {
my ( $ rc , $ tplid , $ stat , $ response ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "templates" , "$obj" ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$obj: cannot find the template: $obj." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
generalaction ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , "/api/templates/$tplid" , "DELETE" , 1 ) ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
} elsif ( $ type eq "nw" ) {
if ( $ create ) {
# serach datacenter
unless ( $ datacenter ) {
$ datacenter = "Default" ;
my ( $ rc , $ dcid , $ stat ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "datacenters" , $ datacenter ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$obj: failed to get datacenter: $datacenter." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
# create the network
my $ api = "/api/networks" ;
my $ method = "POST" ;
my $ content = "<network><name>$obj</name><data_center id=\"$dcid\"/></network>" ;
2012-09-10 13:15:51 +00:00
if ( $ vlan ) {
$ content = "<network><name>$obj</name><data_center id=\"$dcid\"/><vlan id=\"$vlan\"/></network>" ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
my $ request = genreq ( $ ref_rhevm , $ method , $ api , $ content ) ;
my $ response ;
( $ rc , $ response ) = send_req ( $ ref_rhevm , $ request - > as_string ( ) ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$obj: $response" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
} else {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$obj: succeeded" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "I" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
} elsif ( $ remove ) {
my ( $ rc , $ nwid , $ stat ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "networks" , $ obj ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$obj: failed to get networks: $obj." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
generalaction ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , "/api/networks/$nwid" , "DELETE" , 1 ) ;
2012-09-10 13:15:51 +00:00
} elsif ( $ attach || $ detach ) {
unless ( $ cluster ) {
$ cluster = "Default" ;
my ( $ rc , $ clid , $ stat , $ response ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "clusters" , "$cluster" ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$obj: cannot find the cluster:$cluster." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
my $ nwid ;
( $ rc , $ nwid , $ stat ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "networks" , "$obj" ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$obj: cannot find the network." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
if ( $ attach ) {
my $ api = "/api/clusters/$clid/networks" ;
my $ method = "POST" ;
my $ content = "<network id=\"$nwid\"><name>$obj</name></network>" ;
my $ request = genreq ( $ ref_rhevm , $ method , $ api , $ content ) ;
my $ response ;
( $ rc , $ response ) = send_req ( $ ref_rhevm , $ request - > as_string ( ) ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$obj: $response" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
} else {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$obj: succeeded" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "I" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
} elsif ( $ detach ) {
generalaction ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , "/api/clusters/$clid/networks/$nwid" , "DELETE" , 1 ) ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
2012-08-30 01:54:39 +00:00
} elsif ( $ type eq "dc" ) {
my ( $ rc , $ dcid , $ stat , $ response ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "datacenters" , "$obj" ) ;
if ( $ create ) {
if ( ! $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$obj: data center has been created." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
unless ( $ stype && $ stype =~ /^(nfs|localfs)$/ ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$obj: the storage type needs to be specified by -k." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
# create the datacenter
my $ api = "/api/datacenters" ;
my $ method = "POST" ;
my $ content = "<data_center><name>$obj</name><storage_type>$stype</storage_type><version minor=\"0\" major=\"3\"/></data_center>" ;
my $ request = genreq ( $ ref_rhevm , $ method , $ api , $ content ) ;
my $ response ;
( $ rc , $ response ) = send_req ( $ ref_rhevm , $ request - > as_string ( ) ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$obj: $response" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
} else {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$obj: succeeded" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "I" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
} elsif ( $ remove ) {
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$obj: cannot find the data center." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
generalaction ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , "/api/datacenters/$dcid" , "DELETE" , 1 ) ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "cl" ) {
my ( $ rc , $ clid ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "clusters" , "$obj" ) ;
if ( $ create ) {
if ( ! $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$obj: cluster has been created." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
unless ( $ datacenter ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$obj: the datacenter for the cluster must be specified." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
my $ dcid ;
( $ rc , $ dcid ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "datacenters" , "$datacenter" ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$obj: failed to get the datacenter: $datacenter." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
unless ( $ cputype ) {
$ cputype = "Intel Penryn Family" ;
# create the datacenter
my $ api = "/api/clusters" ;
my $ method = "POST" ;
my $ content = "<cluster><name>$obj</name><data_center id=\"$dcid\"/><cpu id=\"$cputype\"/></cluster>" ;
my $ request = genreq ( $ ref_rhevm , $ method , $ api , $ content ) ;
my $ response ;
( $ rc , $ response ) = send_req ( $ ref_rhevm , $ request - > as_string ( ) ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$obj: $response" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
} else {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$obj: succeeded" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "I" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
} elsif ( $ remove ) {
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$obj: cannot find the cluster." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
generalaction ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , "/api/clusters/$clid" , "DELETE" , 1 , $ force ) ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
} else {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "The type: $type is not supported." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return ;
# configure host
# -a: approve the host that can be managed by rhev-m
# -n: configure the network for host
# -p: configure the power management for host.
# This will be used for rhev-m to check the power status of host, so that when SPM (Storage Pool Manager) host
# down, rhev-m could switch the SPM role to another host automatically.
# For rack mounted server, the ipmilan is used to do the power management. The IP of bmc and user:passwd are
# neccessary to be configured for power management.
# -e: activate the host
# -d: deactivate a host to maintanance mode
sub cfghost {
my $ callback = shift ;
my $ rhevm_hash = shift ;
my $ nodes = shift ;
my $ args = shift ;
2012-08-27 13:58:14 +00:00
my ( $ approve , $ network , $ power , $ activate , $ deactivate , $ remove , $ force ) ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
if ( $ args ) {
@ ARGV = @ { $ args } ;
GetOptions ( 'a' = > \ $ approve ,
'n' = > \ $ network ,
'p' = > \ $ power ,
'e' = > \ $ activate ,
2012-08-27 13:58:14 +00:00
'd' = > \ $ deactivate ,
'r' = > \ $ remove ,
'f' = > \ $ force ) ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
# Set the default user:pw for ipmi
my ( $ ipmiuser , $ ipmipw ) = ( 'USERID' , 'PASSW0RD' ) ;
my ( $ hment , $ ipmient ) ;
my % hyper ;
# get the IP, user, passwd for the bmc of the host if requiring to configure power management
if ( $ power ) {
my $ hmtab = xCAT::Table - > new ( 'nodehm' , - create = > 0 ) ;
$ hment = $ hmtab - > getNodesAttribs ( $ nodes , [ 'mgt' ] ) ;
my $ ipmitab = xCAT::Table - > new ( 'ipmi' , - create = > 0 ) ;
$ ipmient = $ ipmitab - > getNodesAttribs ( $ nodes , [ 'bmc' , 'username' , 'password' ] ) ;
#get the default password for bmc
my $ pwtab = xCAT::Table - > new ( 'passwd' , - create = > 0 ) ;
my $ pwent = $ pwtab - > getAttribs ( { 'key' = > 'ipmi' } , [ 'username' , 'password' ] ) ;
if ( $ pwent ) {
$ ipmiuser = $ pwent - > { 'username' } ;
$ ipmipw = $ pwent - > { 'password' } ;
# get the network parameters for the host if requiring to configure the network for host
2012-08-23 09:16:34 +00:00
if ( $ network || $ approve ) {
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
# get the network interface for host
my $ hyptab = xCAT::Table - > new ( 'hypervisor' , - create = > 0 ) ;
2012-08-23 09:16:34 +00:00
my $ hypent = $ hyptab - > getNodesAttribs ( $ nodes , [ 'interface' , 'datacenter' , 'cluster' ] ) ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
foreach my $ node ( @$ nodes ) {
if ( defined ( $ hypent - > { $ node } - > [ 0 ] ) ) {
$ hyper { $ node } { interface } = $ hypent - > { $ node } - > [ 0 ] - > { interface } ;
$ hyper { $ node } { datacenter } = $ hypent - > { $ node } - > [ 0 ] - > { datacenter } ;
2012-08-30 01:54:39 +00:00
$ hyper { $ node } { cluster } = $ hypent - > { $ node } - > [ 0 ] - > { cluster } ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
if ( ! $ hyper { $ node } { datacenter } ) {
2012-08-23 09:16:34 +00:00
$ hyper { $ node } { datacenter } = "Default" ;
if ( ! $ hyper { $ node } { cluster } ) {
$ hyper { $ node } { cluster } = "Default" ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
foreach my $ rhevm ( keys % { $ rhevm_hash } ) {
# generate the hash of rhevm which will be used for the action functions
my $ ref_rhevm = { 'name' = > $ rhevm ,
'user' = > $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { user } ,
'pw' = > $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { pw } } ;
if ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } ) {
foreach my $ rhevh ( keys % { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } } ) {
if ( $ rhevh eq $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } - > { $ rhevh } - > { node } - > [ 0 ] ) {
# get the host
my ( $ rc , $ hostid , $ hoststat ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "hosts" , $ rhevh ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$rhevh: host was not created." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
if ( $ approve ) {
if ( $ hoststat eq "pending_approval" ) {
2012-08-23 09:16:34 +00:00
# get the id of cluster
my ( $ rc , $ clusterid , $ clusterstat ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "clusters" , $ hyper { $ rhevh } { cluster } ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$rhevh: failed to get cluster: $hyper{$rhevh}{cluster}." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
my $ approved = 0 ;
# Create the host first
my $ api = "/api/hosts/$hostid/approve" ;
my $ method = "POST" ;
# Generate the content
2012-08-23 09:16:34 +00:00
my $ content = "<action><cluster id=\"$clusterid\"/></action>" ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
my $ request = genreq ( $ ref_rhevm , $ method , $ api , $ content ) ;
2012-08-23 09:16:34 +00:00
my $ response ;
( $ rc , $ response ) = send_req ( $ ref_rhevm , $ request - > as_string ( ) ) ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$rhevh: $response" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
} else {
my $ parser = XML::LibXML - > new ( ) ;
my $ doc = $ parser - > parse_string ( $ response ) ;
if ( $ doc ) {
my $ attr ;
if ( $ attr = getAttr ( $ doc , "/action/status/state" ) ) {
2012-08-23 09:16:34 +00:00
if ( $ attr eq "complete" ) {
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
$ approved = 1 ;
my $ rsp ;
if ( $ approved ) {
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$rhevh: approved." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "I" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
} else {
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$rhevh: failed to approve." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
} else {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$rhevh: the state of node is not correct for approve. Current state: $hoststat" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
if ( $ activate || $ deactivate ) {
my $ rsp ;
if ( activate ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , "/api/hosts/$hostid" , $ rhevh , $ deactivate ) ) {
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$rhevh: failed." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
} else {
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$rhevh: succeeded." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "I" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
# configure the network interface for a host
if ( $ network ) {
unless ( $ hyper { $ rhevh } { interface } ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$rhevh: the hypervisor.interface needs to be configured to configure the network for a host." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
if ( $ hoststat eq "maintenance" ) {
cfghypnw ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , $ rhevh , $ hyper { $ rhevh } { interface } , $ hyper { $ rhevh } { datacenter } ) ;
} else {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$rhevh: the hypervisor needs to be deactivated to maintenance state for the network configuring." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
if ( $ power ) {
# Configure the power management for a host
# for rack mounted machine, use the 'ipmilan' type of power management
if ( defined ( $ hment - > { $ rhevh } - > [ 0 ] ) && $ hment - > { $ rhevh } - > [ 0 ] - > { 'mgt' } ) {
if ( $ hment - > { $ rhevh } - > [ 0 ] - > { 'mgt' } eq "ipmi" ) {
# get the bmc IP, user, password for the bmc
my ( $ user , $ pw , $ addr ) = ( $ ipmiuser , $ ipmipw ) ;
if ( defined ( $ ipmient - > { $ rhevh } - > [ 0 ] ) && $ ipmient - > { $ rhevh } - > [ 0 ] - > { bmc } ) {
$ addr = $ ipmient - > { $ rhevh } - > [ 0 ] - > { bmc } ;
} else {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$rhevh: the ipmi.bmc was not set to know the hardware control point." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
if ( defined ( $ ipmient - > { $ rhevh } - > [ 0 ] ) && $ ipmient - > { $ rhevh } - > [ 0 ] - > { username } ) {
$ user = $ ipmient - > { $ rhevh } - > [ 0 ] - > { username } ;
if ( defined ( $ ipmient - > { $ rhevh } - > [ 0 ] ) && $ ipmient - > { $ rhevh } - > [ 0 ] - > { password } ) {
$ pw = $ ipmient - > { $ rhevh } - > [ 0 ] - > { password } ;
my $ doc = XML::LibXML - > createDocument ( ) ;
my $ root = $ doc - > createElement ( "host" ) ;
$ doc - > setDocumentElement ( $ root ) ;
my $ pm_ele = $ doc - > createElement ( "power_management" ) ;
$ root - > appendChild ( $ pm_ele ) ;
$ pm_ele - > setAttribute ( "type" , "ipmilan" ) ;
$ pm_ele - > appendTextChild ( "enabled" , "true" ) ;
$ pm_ele - > appendTextChild ( "address" , $ addr ) ;
$ pm_ele - > appendTextChild ( "username" , $ user ) ;
$ pm_ele - > appendTextChild ( "password" , $ pw ) ;
my $ api = "/api/hosts/$hostid" ;
my $ method = "PUT" ;
my $ request = genreq ( $ ref_rhevm , $ method , $ api , $ doc - > toString ) ;
my ( $ rc , $ response ) = send_req ( $ ref_rhevm , $ request - > as_string ( ) ) ;
my $ rsp ;
if ( $ rc ) {
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$rhevh: $response" ;
next ;
} else {
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$rhevh: Setting power management: $addr" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "I" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
} else {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$rhevh: the supported power management method: ipmi." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
} else {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$rhevh: the nodehm.mgt was not set to know the management method." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
} # end of power management configure
2012-08-27 13:58:14 +00:00
if ( $ remove ) {
if ( $ force ) {
# deactivate the host anyway
activate ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , "/api/hosts/$hostid" , $ rhevh , 1 ) ;
if ( waitforcomplete ( $ ref_rhevm , "/api/hosts/$hostid" , "/host/status/state=maintenance" , 30 ) ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$rhevh: failed to waiting the host gets to \"maintenance\" state." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
generalaction ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , "/api/hosts/$hostid" , "DELETE" , 1 ) ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
} # end of for each host
sub rmhost {
# List the host and virtual machine
# -s short
# -v display virtual machines which belongs to the host
sub lsvm {
my $ callback = shift ;
my $ rhevm_hash = shift ;
my $ args = shift ;
my $ nodes = shift ;
my ( $ short , $ vm4host ) ;
if ( $ args ) {
@ ARGV = @ { $ args } ;
GetOptions ( 's' = > \ $ short ,
'v' = > \ $ vm4host ) ;
foreach my $ rhevm ( keys % { $ rhevm_hash } ) {
# generate the hash of rhevm which will be used for the action functions
my $ ref_rhevm = { 'name' = > $ rhevm ,
'user' = > $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { user } ,
'pw' = > $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { pw } } ;
# Get the node that will be handled
my @ vms ;
my @ hyps ;
if ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } ) {
foreach my $ rhevh ( keys % { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } } ) {
if ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } - > { $ rhevh } - > { node } ) {
foreach my $ node ( @ { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } - > { $ rhevh } - > { node } } ) {
if ( $ rhevh eq $ node ) {
push @ hyps , $ rhevh ;
} else {
push @ vms , $ node ;
} elsif ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { node } ) {
push @ vms , @ { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { node } } ;
foreach my $ hyp ( @ hyps ) {
# Get the host
my ( $ rc , $ id , $ stat , $ response ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "hosts" , "$hyp" ) ;
unless ( $ rc ) {
my @ hostids = displaysrc ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , $ response , "hosts" , "" ) ;
# display the nics for the vm
my $ hostid = $ hostids [ 0 ] ;
( $ rc , $ id , $ stat , $ response ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "hosts:host_nics" , "/$hostid/nics" ) ;
unless ( $ rc ) {
displaysrc ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , $ response , "host_nics" , " " ) ;
# TODO, display the vm for host always?
if ( 1 || $ vm4host ) {
my ( $ rc , $ id , $ stat , $ response ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "vms" , "Host.name%3D$hyp" ) ;
unless ( $ rc ) {
displaysrc ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , $ response , "vms" , " " ) ;
# Display virtual machines
foreach my $ vm ( @ vms ) {
# Get vm
my ( $ rc , $ id , $ stat , $ response ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "vms" , $ vm ) ;
unless ( $ rc ) {
my @ vmids = displaysrc ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , $ response , "vms" , "" ) ;
# display the disks for the vm
my $ vmid = $ vmids [ 0 ] ;
my ( $ rc , $ id , $ stat , $ response ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "vms:disks" , "/$vmid/disks" ) ;
unless ( $ rc ) {
displaysrc ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , $ response , "disks" , " " ) ;
# display the nics for the vm
( $ rc , $ id , $ stat , $ response ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "vms:nics" , "/$vmid/nics" ) ;
unless ( $ rc ) {
displaysrc ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , $ response , "nics" , " " ) ;
# Create virtual machine
# Since the configuration for a vm is complicated, all the parameters will be gotten from vm table
sub mkvm {
my $ callback = shift ;
my $ rhevm_hash = shift ;
my $ nodes = shift ;
my $ upmac ; # used to update the mac table
my $ mactab = new xCAT:: Table ( 'mac' , - create = > 1 ) ;
# Get the attributes for the node from the vm table
my $ vmtab = xCAT::Table - > new ( 'vm' , - create = > 0 ) ;
2012-09-10 13:15:51 +00:00
my $ vment = $ vmtab - > getNodesAttribs ( $ nodes , [ 'master' , 'host' , 'cluster' , 'virtflags' , 'storage' , 'storagemodel' , 'memory' , 'cpus' , 'nics' , 'nicmodel' , 'bootorder' , 'vidproto' ] ) ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
# Generate the xml content for add the storage
# Note: this is an independent action after the vm creating
my $ adds = XML::LibXML - > createDocument ( ) ;
my $ asroot = $ adds - > createElement ( "disk" ) ;
$ adds - > setDocumentElement ( $ asroot ) ;
# set the disk type: system and data
my $ disktype_ele = $ adds - > createElement ( "type" ) ;
$ asroot - > appendChild ( $ disktype_ele ) ;
my $ disktype_t = XML::LibXML::Text - > new ( "system" ) ;
$ disktype_ele - > appendChild ( $ disktype_t ) ;
# set the bootable
my $ diskboot_ele = $ adds - > createElement ( "bootable" ) ;
$ asroot - > appendChild ( $ diskboot_ele ) ;
my $ diskboot_t = XML::LibXML::Text - > new ( "true" ) ;
$ diskboot_ele - > appendChild ( $ diskboot_t ) ;
my $ sd_ele = $ adds - > createElement ( "storage_domains" ) ;
$ asroot - > appendChild ( $ sd_ele ) ;
my $ sdid_ele = $ adds - > createElement ( "storage_domain" ) ;
$ sd_ele - > appendChild ( $ sdid_ele ) ;
# add size of disk
my $ sdsize_ele = $ adds - > createElement ( "size" ) ;
$ asroot - > appendChild ( $ sdsize_ele ) ;
my $ sdsize_t = XML::LibXML::Text - > new ( "" ) ;
$ sdsize_ele - > appendChild ( $ sdsize_t ) ;
# add the element for type of disk interface
my $ sdif_ele = $ adds - > createElement ( "interface" ) ;
$ asroot - > appendChild ( $ sdif_ele ) ;
my $ sdif_t = XML::LibXML::Text - > new ( "virtio" ) ;
$ sdif_ele - > appendChild ( $ sdif_t ) ;
# add the disk format element
my $ sdft_ele = $ adds - > createElement ( "format" ) ;
$ asroot - > appendChild ( $ sdft_ele ) ;
my $ sdfm_t = XML::LibXML::Text - > new ( "cow" ) ;
$ sdft_ele - > appendChild ( $ sdfm_t ) ;
# Generate the xml content for add network interface
# Note: this is an independent action after the vm creating
my $ addnw = XML::LibXML - > createDocument ( ) ;
my $ anwroot = $ addnw - > createElement ( "nic" ) ;
$ addnw - > setDocumentElement ( $ anwroot ) ;
# add the interface type element
my $ nwif_ele = $ addnw - > createElement ( "interface" ) ;
$ anwroot - > appendChild ( $ nwif_ele ) ;
my $ nwif_t = XML::LibXML::Text - > new ( "virtio" ) ;
$ nwif_ele - > appendChild ( $ nwif_t ) ;
# add the name element
my $ nwname_ele = $ addnw - > createElement ( "name" ) ;
$ anwroot - > appendChild ( $ nwname_ele ) ;
my $ nwname_t = XML::LibXML::Text - > new ( "nic1" ) ;
$ nwname_ele - > appendChild ( $ nwname_t ) ;
# add the network element which specify which network this nic
# will be added to
my $ nwnw_ele = $ addnw - > createElement ( "network" ) ;
$ anwroot - > appendChild ( $ nwnw_ele ) ;
my $ nwnwname_ele = $ addnw - > createElement ( "name" ) ;
$ nwnw_ele - > appendChild ( $ nwnwname_ele ) ;
my $ nwnwname_t = XML::LibXML::Text - > new ( "rhevm" ) ;
$ nwnwname_ele - > appendChild ( $ nwnwname_t ) ;
# create a mac element
my $ nwmac_ele = $ addnw - > createElement ( "mac" ) ;
foreach my $ rhevm ( keys % { $ rhevm_hash } ) {
my % node_hyp ;
my % hostid ;
my $ success = 0 ;
# generate the hash of rhevm which will be used for the action functions
my $ ref_rhevm = { 'name' = > $ rhevm ,
'user' = > $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { user } ,
'pw' = > $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { pw } } ;
# generate the node that will be handled
if ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } ) {
foreach my $ rhevh ( keys % { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } } ) {
if ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } - > { $ rhevh } - > { node } ) {
foreach ( @ { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } - > { $ rhevh } - > { node } } ) {
$ node_hyp { $ _ } { hyp } = $ rhevh ;
$ hostid { $ rhevh } = 1 ;
} elsif ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { node } ) {
foreach ( @ { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { node } } ) {
$ node_hyp { $ _ } { hyp } = "" ;
# get the host id
# this is used for the case that needs locate vm to a spcific host
foreach my $ host ( keys % hostid ) {
my ( $ rc , $ id , $ stat ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "hosts" , $ host ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "Cannot find $host in the rhevm." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return ;
$ hostid { $ host } = $ id ;
my @ nodes = ( keys % node_hyp ) ;
my $ macmac = $ mactab - > getNodesAttribs ( \ @ nodes , [ 'mac' ] ) ;
foreach my $ node ( @ nodes ) {
my $ myvment = $ vment - > { $ node } - > [ 0 ] ;
unless ( $ myvment ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: has NOT entry in vm table." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
# Check the existence of the node
my ( $ rc , $ id , $ stat ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "vms" , $ node ) ;
if ( ! $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: virtual machine has been created." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "I" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
#Create the virtual machine first
my $ api = "/api/vms" ;
my $ method = "POST" ;
# generate the content
# configure the template
my $ hastpl = 0 ;
my $ tplele ;
2012-09-10 13:15:51 +00:00
if ( $ myvment - > { master } ) {
$ tplele = "<template><name>$myvment->{master}</name></template>" ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
$ hastpl = 1 ;
} else {
$ tplele = "<template><name>Blank</name></template>" ;
# configure memory
my $ memele ;
if ( $ myvment - > { memory } ) {
my $ memsize = $ myvment - > { memory } ;
$ memsize =~ s/g/000000000/i ;
$ memsize =~ s/m/000000/i ;
$ memele = "<memory>$memsize</memory>" ;
} elsif ( ! $ hastpl ) {
$ memele = "<memory>2000000000</memory>" ;
# set the cpu
my $ cpuele ;
if ( $ myvment - > { cpus } ) {
my ( $ socketnum , $ corenum ) = split ( ':' , $ myvment - > { cpus } ) ;
unless ( $ corenum ) { $ corenum = 1 ; }
$ cpuele = "<cpu><topology cores=\"$socketnum\" sockets=\"$corenum\"/></cpu>" ;
} elsif ( ! $ hastpl ) {
$ cpuele = "<cpu><topology cores=\"1\" sockets=\"1\"/></cpu>"
# configure bootorder
# there's a bug that sequence is not correct to set two order, so currently just set one
my $ boele ;
if ( $ myvment - > { bootorder } ) {
my ( $ firstbr , $ secbr ) = split ( ',' , $ myvment - > { bootorder } ) ;
if ( $ secbr ) {
$ boele = "<os><boot dev=\"$firstbr\"/><boot dev=\"$secbr\"/><boot/></os>" ;
} else {
$ boele = "<os><boot dev=\"$firstbr\"/><boot/></os>" ;
} elsif ( ! $ hastpl ) {
$ boele = "<os><boot dev=\"network\"/><boot/></os>" ;
my $ disele ;
if ( $ myvment - > { vidproto } ) {
$ disele = "<display><type>$myvment->{vidproto}</type></display>" ;
2012-09-12 08:25:07 +00:00
} else {
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
$ disele = "<display><type>vnc</type></display>" ;
my $ affinity ;
if ( $ myvment - > { virtflags } ) {
# parse the specific parameters from vm.virtflags
my @ pairs = split ( ':' , $ myvment - > { virtflags } ) ;
foreach my $ pair ( @ pairs ) {
my ( $ name , $ value ) = split ( '=' , $ pair ) ;
if ( $ name eq "placement_affinity" ) {
# set the affinity for placement_policy
$ affinity = "<affinity>$value</affinity>"
if ( ! $ affinity && ! $ hastpl ) {
$ affinity = "<affinity>migratable</affinity>"
my $ hostele ;
if ( $ myvment - > { host } ) {
$ hostele = "<host id=\"$hostid{$myvment->{host}}\"/>" ;
2012-09-12 08:25:07 +00:00
my $ placement_policy ;
if ( $ affinity || $ hostele ) {
$ placement_policy = "<placement_policy>$hostele$affinity</placement_policy>" ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
# set the cluster for the vm
my $ clusterele ;
if ( $ myvment - > { cluster } ) {
$ clusterele = "<cluster><name>$myvment->{cluster}</name></cluster>" ;
} else {
$ clusterele = "<cluster><name>Default</name></cluster>" ;
my $ content = "<vm><type>server</type><name>$node</name>$clusterele$tplele$memele$cpuele$boele$placement_policy$disele</vm>" ;
my $ request = genreq ( $ ref_rhevm ,
$ method ,
$ api ,
$ content ) ;
my $ response ;
my $ vmid ;
( $ rc , $ response ) = send_req ( $ ref_rhevm , $ request - > as_string ( ) ) ;
if ( ! $ rc ) {
my $ parser = XML::LibXML - > new ( ) ;
my $ doc = $ parser - > parse_string ( $ response ) ;
my $ newvm ;
if ( defined ( $ doc - > findnodes ( "/vm/name" ) - > [ 0 ] ) ) {
$ newvm = $ doc - > findnodes ( "/vm/name" ) - > [ 0 ] - > textContent ( ) ;
if ( $ newvm ne $ node ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: create virtual machine failed." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
my $ vm = $ doc - > findnodes ( "/vm" ) - > [ 0 ] ;
$ vmid = $ vm - > getAttribute ( 'id' ) ;
$ success = 1 ;
} else {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , $ response ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
#Add the disk for the vm from storage domain
#Get the storage domain by name
my ( $ sdname , $ disksize , $ disktype ) = split ( ':' , $ myvment - > { storage } ) ;
if ( $ sdname ) {
2012-08-23 09:16:34 +00:00
if ( waitforcomplete ( $ ref_rhevm , "/api/vms/$vmid" , "/vm/status/state=down" , 30 ) ) {
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: failed to waiting the vm gets to \"down\" state." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
$ success = 0 ;
my $ sdid ;
( $ rc , $ sdid , $ stat ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "storagedomains" , $ sdname ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "Could not get the storage domain $sdname." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
if ( $ sdid ) {
$ api = "/api/vms/$vmid/disks" ;
$ method = "POST" ;
# generate the content
if ( $ disktype ) {
$ disktype_t - > setData ( $ disktype ) ;
if ( $ disktype eq "system" ) {
$ diskboot_t - > setData ( "true" ) ;
} else {
$ diskboot_t - > setData ( "false" ) ;
} else {
$ disktype_t - > setData ( "system" ) ;
$ diskboot_t - > setData ( "true" ) ;
# set the size of disk
if ( $ disksize ) {
$ disksize =~ s/g/000000000/i ;
$ disksize =~ s/m/000000/i ;
} else {
$ disksize = "5000000000" ; #5G is default
$ sdid_ele - > setAttribute ( "id" , $ sdid ) ;
$ sdsize_t - > setData ( $ disksize ) ;
# set the interface type and format for disk
if ( $ myvment - > { storagemodel } ) {
my ( $ iftype , $ iffmt ) = split ( ':' , $ myvment - > { storagemodel } ) ;
$ sdif_t - > setData ( $ iftype ) ;
$ sdfm_t - > setData ( $ iffmt ) ;
} else {
$ sdif_t - > setData ( "virtio" ) ;
$ sdfm_t - > setData ( "cow" ) ;
$ request = genreq ( $ ref_rhevm , $ method , $ api , $ adds - > toString ( ) ) ;
( $ rc , $ response ) = send_req ( $ ref_rhevm , $ request - > as_string ( ) ) ;
if ( ! $ rc ) {
my $ parser = XML::LibXML - > new ( ) ;
my $ doc = $ parser - > parse_string ( $ response ) ;
if ( defined ( $ doc - > findnodes ( "/fault" ) - > [ 0 ] ) ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: Add disk failed for virtual machine" ;
if ( $ doc - > findnodes ( "/fault/detail" ) - > [ 0 ] ) {
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , $ doc - > findnodes ( "/fault/detail" ) - > [ 0 ] - > textContent ( ) ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
my $ state ;
if ( defined ( $ doc - > findnodes ( "/disk/creation_status/state" ) - > [ 0 ] ) ) {
$ state = $ doc - > findnodes ( "/disk/creation_status/state" ) - > [ 0 ] - > textContent ( ) ;
if ( $ state =~ /fail/i ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: failed to add the disk." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
$ success = 1 ;
} else {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , $ response ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
# Add the network interface
#Get the network by name
my @ nics ;
if ( $ myvment - > { nics } ) {
@ nics = split ( /\|/ , $ myvment - > { nics } ) ;
if ( ! @ nics && ! $ hastpl ) {
# default is to add nic1 to manament network 'rhevm'
push @ nics , "rhevm:eth0:yes" ;
if ( @ nics ) {
2012-08-23 09:16:34 +00:00
if ( waitforcomplete ( $ ref_rhevm , "/api/vms/$vmid" , "/vm/status/state=down" , 30 ) ) {
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: failed to waiting the vm gets to \"down\" state." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
2012-09-12 08:25:07 +00:00
# if no installnic is specified, set the firstmac to mac.mac
my $ firstmac ;
# Search the nic
my % oldmac ;
( $ rc , undef , $ stat , $ response ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "vms:nics" , "/$vmid/nics" ) ;
unless ( $ rc ) {
my $ parser = XML::LibXML - > new ( ) ;
my $ doc = $ parser - > parse_string ( $ response ) ;
my @ nicnodes = $ doc - > findnodes ( "/nics/nic" ) ;
foreach my $ nic ( @ nicnodes ) {
if ( defined ( $ nic - > findnodes ( "name" ) ) ) {
my $ ethname = getAttr ( $ nic , "name" ) ;
my $ mac = getAttr ( $ nic , "mac" , "address" ) ;
$ oldmac { $ ethname } = $ mac ;
unless ( $ firstmac ) {
$ firstmac = $ mac ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
foreach my $ nic ( @ nics ) {
# format of nic: [networkname:ifname:installnic]
my ( $ nwname , $ ifname , $ instnic ) = split ( ':' , $ nic ) ;
2012-09-12 08:25:07 +00:00
if ( defined ( $ oldmac { $ ifname } ) ) {
# The nic has been defined, mostly by clone
if ( $ instnic ) {
$ upmac - > { $ node } - > { mac } = $ oldmac { $ ifname } ;
next ;
# start the configuring
$ success = 0 ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
my $ nwid ;
( $ rc , $ nwid , $ stat ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "networks" , "$nwname" ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "Could not get the network $nwname." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
2012-09-12 08:25:07 +00:00
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
$ api = "/api/vms/$vmid/nics" ;
$ method = "POST" ;
# generate the content
# set the nic interface type
if ( $ myvment - > { nicmodel } ) {
$ nwif_t - > setData ( $ myvment - > { nicmodel } ) ;
} else {
$ nwif_t - > setData ( "virtio" ) ;
$ nwname_t - > setData ( $ ifname ) ;
$ nwnwname_t - > setData ( $ nwname ) ;
# set the mac address element
# if no entry in mac.mac, and this is install nic, THEN use the existed mac
# otherwise create a new mac automatically by rhev-m
my $ orgmac ;
if ( $ instnic && defined ( $ macmac - > { $ node } - > [ 0 ] ) && defined ( $ macmac - > { $ node } - > [ 0 ] - > { 'mac' } ) ) {
$ orgmac = $ macmac - > { $ node } - > [ 0 ] - > { 'mac' } ;
$ anwroot - > appendChild ( $ nwmac_ele ) ;
$ nwmac_ele - > setAttribute ( "address" , $ orgmac ) ;
} else {
$ anwroot - > removeChild ( $ nwmac_ele ) ;
$ content = $ addnw - > toString ( ) ;
$ request = genreq ( $ ref_rhevm ,
$ method ,
$ api ,
$ content ) ;
( $ rc , $ response ) = send_req ( $ ref_rhevm , $ request - > as_string ( ) ) ;
if ( ! $ rc ) {
my $ parser = XML::LibXML - > new ( ) ;
my $ doc = $ parser - > parse_string ( $ response ) ;
if ( defined ( $ doc - > findnodes ( "/nic/mac" ) - > [ 0 ] ) ) {
my $ realmac = $ doc - > findnodes ( "/nic/mac" ) - > [ 0 ] - > getAttribute ( "address" ) ;
2012-09-12 08:25:07 +00:00
unless ( $ firstmac ) {
$ firstmac = $ realmac ;
if ( $ instnic ) {
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
$ upmac - > { $ node } - > { mac } = $ realmac ;
$ success = 1 ;
next ;
} else {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: failed to create virtual machine." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
} else {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , $ response ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
2012-09-12 08:25:07 +00:00
if ( ! $ upmac - > { $ node } - > { mac } && $ firstmac ) {
$ upmac - > { $ node } - > { mac } = $ firstmac ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
if ( $ success ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: Succeeded" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "I" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
$ mactab - > setNodesAttribs ( $ upmac ) ;
# Remove a virtual machine
sub rmvm {
my $ callback = shift ;
my $ rhevm_hash = shift ;
my $ args = shift ;
my $ force ;
if ( $ args ) {
@ ARGV = @ { $ args } ;
GetOptions ( 'f' = > \ $ force ) ;
foreach my $ rhevm ( keys % { $ rhevm_hash } ) {
my @ nodes ;
# generate the hash of rhevm which will be used for the action functions
my $ ref_rhevm = { 'name' = > $ rhevm ,
'user' = > $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { user } ,
'pw' = > $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { pw } } ;
# generate the node that will be handled
if ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } ) {
foreach my $ rhevh ( keys % { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } } ) {
if ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } - > { $ rhevh } - > { node } ) {
push @ nodes , @ { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } - > { $ rhevh } - > { node } } ;
} elsif ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { node } ) {
push @ nodes , @ { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { node } } ;
# perform the action against the node
foreach my $ node ( @ nodes ) {
# Get the ID of node
my ( $ rc , $ id , $ state ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "vms" , $ node ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: node was not defined in the rhevm." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
} elsif ( ! defined ( $ id ) ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: node was not defined in the rhevm." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
# Remove the vm
my $ api = "/api/vms/$id" ;
my $ method = "DELETE" ;
my $ content = "<action/>" ;
if ( $ force ) {
$ content = "<action><force>true</force></action>" ;
my $ request = genreq ( $ ref_rhevm ,
$ method ,
$ api ,
$ content ) ;
my $ response ;
( $ rc , $ response ) = send_req ( $ ref_rhevm , $ request - > as_string ( ) ) ;
if ( $ rc == 2 ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: succeeded." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "I" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
} else {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , $ response ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
# Change virtual machine
sub chvm {
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
my $ callback = shift ;
my $ rhevm_hash = shift ;
my $ nodes = shift ;
# Get the mac address for the nodes from the mac table
my $ mactab = new xCAT:: Table ( 'mac' , - create = > 1 ) ;
# Get the attributes for the nodes from the vm table
my $ vmtab = xCAT::Table - > new ( 'vm' , - create = > 0 ) ;
2012-09-10 13:15:51 +00:00
my $ vment = $ vmtab - > getNodesAttribs ( $ nodes , [ 'master' , 'host' , 'cluster' , 'virtflags' , 'storage' , 'storagemodel' , 'memory' , 'cpus' , 'nics' , 'nicmodel' , 'bootorder' , 'vidproto' ] ) ;
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
foreach my $ rhevm ( keys % { $ rhevm_hash } ) {
my % node_hyp ;
my % hostid ;
my $ success = 0 ;
# generate the hash of rhevm which will be used for the action functions
my $ ref_rhevm = { 'name' = > $ rhevm ,
'user' = > $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { user } ,
'pw' = > $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { pw } } ;
# generate the node that will be handled
if ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } ) {
foreach my $ rhevh ( keys % { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } } ) {
if ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } - > { $ rhevh } - > { node } ) {
foreach ( @ { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } - > { $ rhevh } - > { node } } ) {
$ node_hyp { $ _ } { hyp } = $ rhevh ;
$ hostid { $ rhevh } = 1 ;
} elsif ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { node } ) {
foreach ( @ { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { node } } ) {
$ node_hyp { $ _ } { hyp } = "" ;
# get the host id
# this is used for the case that needs locate vm to a spcific host
foreach my $ host ( keys % hostid ) {
my ( $ rc , $ id , $ stat ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "hosts" , $ host ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "Cannot find $host in the rhevm." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return ;
$ hostid { $ host } = $ id ;
my @ nodes = ( keys % node_hyp ) ;
my $ macmac = $ mactab - > getNodesAttribs ( \ @ nodes , [ 'mac' ] ) ;
foreach my $ node ( @ nodes ) {
my $ myvment = $ vment - > { $ node } - > [ 0 ] ;
unless ( $ myvment ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: has NOT entry in vm table." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
# Check the existence of the node
my ( $ rc , $ vmid , $ stat ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "vms" , $ node ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: virtual machine was not created." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "I" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
# generate the content
my $ tplele ;
2012-09-10 13:15:51 +00:00
if ( $ myvment - > { master } ) {
$ tplele = "<template><name>$myvment->{master}</name></template>" ;
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
# configure memory
my $ memele ;
if ( $ myvment - > { memory } ) {
my $ memsize = $ myvment - > { memory } ;
$ memsize =~ s/g/000000000/i ;
$ memsize =~ s/m/000000/i ;
$ memele = "<memory>$memsize</memory>" ;
# set the cpu
my $ cpuele ;
if ( $ myvment - > { cpus } ) {
my ( $ socketnum , $ corenum ) = split ( ':' , $ myvment - > { cpus } ) ;
unless ( $ corenum ) { $ corenum = 1 ; }
$ cpuele = "<cpu><topology cores=\"$socketnum\" sockets=\"$corenum\"/></cpu>" ;
# configure bootorder
# there's a bug that sequence is not correct to set two order, so currently just set one
my $ boele ;
if ( $ myvment - > { bootorder } ) {
my ( $ firstbr , $ secbr ) = split ( ',' , $ myvment - > { bootorder } ) ;
if ( $ secbr ) {
$ boele = "<os><boot dev=\"$firstbr\"/><boot dev=\"$secbr\"/><boot/></os>" ;
} else {
$ boele = "<os><boot dev=\"$firstbr\"/><boot/></os>" ;
my $ disele ;
if ( $ myvment - > { vidproto } ) {
$ disele = "<display><type>$myvment->{vidproto}</type></display>" ;
my $ affinity ;
if ( $ myvment - > { virtflags } ) {
# parse the specific parameters from vm.virtflags
my @ pairs = split ( ':' , $ myvment - > { virtflags } ) ;
foreach my $ pair ( @ pairs ) {
my ( $ name , $ value ) = split ( '=' , $ pair ) ;
if ( $ name eq "placement_affinity" ) {
# set the affinity for placement_policy
$ affinity = "<affinity>$value</affinity>"
my $ hostele ;
if ( $ myvment - > { host } ) {
$ hostele = "<host id=\"$hostid{$myvment->{host}}\"/>" ;
my $ placement_policy ;
if ( $ affinity ) {
$ placement_policy = "<placement_policy>$hostele$affinity</placement_policy>" ;
} elsif ( $ hostele ) {
$ affinity = "<affinity>migratable</affinity>" ;
$ placement_policy = "<placement_policy>$hostele$affinity</placement_policy>" ;
# set the cluster for the vm
my $ clusterele ;
if ( $ myvment - > { cluster } ) {
$ clusterele = "<cluster><name>$myvment->{cluster}</name></cluster>" ;
my $ api = "/api/vms/$vmid" ;
my $ method = "PUT" ;
my $ content = "<vm><type>server</type><name>$node</name>$clusterele$tplele$memele$cpuele$boele$placement_policy$disele</vm>" ;
my $ request = genreq ( $ ref_rhevm , $ method , $ api , $ content ) ;
my $ response ;
( $ rc , $ response ) = send_req ( $ ref_rhevm , $ request - > as_string ( ) ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: $response" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
} else {
my $ parser = XML::LibXML - > new ( ) ;
my $ doc = $ parser - > parse_string ( $ response ) ;
my $ state ;
if ( $ node eq getAttr ( $ doc , "/vm/name" ) ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: change vm completed." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "I" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
} else {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: change vm failed." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
# Clone the virtual machine
# create template first
sub clonevm {
my $ callback = shift ;
my $ rhevm_hash = shift ;
my $ args = shift ;
my ( $ template , $ basemaster ) ;
if ( $ args ) {
@ ARGV = @ { $ args } ;
GetOptions ( 't=s' = > \ $ template ,
'b' = > \ $ basemaster ) ;
my $ ref_rhevm ;
my @ nodes ;
foreach my $ rhevm ( keys % { $ rhevm_hash } ) {
# generate the hash of rhevm which will be used for the action functions
$ ref_rhevm = { 'name' = > $ rhevm ,
'user' = > $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { user } ,
'pw' = > $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { pw } } ;
# generate the node that will be handled
if ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } ) {
foreach my $ rhevh ( keys % { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } } ) {
if ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } - > { $ rhevh } - > { node } ) {
push @ nodes , @ { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } - > { $ rhevh } - > { node } } ;
} elsif ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { node } ) {
push @ nodes , @ { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { node } } ;
my $ node = $ nodes [ 0 ] ;
# create a template from a vm
if ( $ template ) {
# Get the ID of node
my ( $ rc , $ vmid , $ state ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "vms" , $ node ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: node was not defined in the rhevm." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return ;
if ( $ state ne "down" ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: vm needs to be shutdown to run the clone." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return ;
my $ api = "/api/templates" ;
my $ method = "POST" ;
my $ content = "<template><name>$template</name><vm id=\"$vmid\"/></template>" ;
my $ request = genreq ( $ ref_rhevm , $ method , $ api , $ content ) ;
my $ response ;
( $ rc , $ response ) = send_req ( $ ref_rhevm , $ request - > as_string ( ) ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
return ( 1 , $ response ) ;
} else {
my $ parser = XML::LibXML - > new ( ) ;
my $ doc = $ parser - > parse_string ( $ response ) ;
if ( $ doc - > findnodes ( "/template/status/state" ) - > [ 0 ] ) {
my $ state = $ doc - > findnodes ( "/template/status/state" ) - > [ 0 ] - > textContent ( ) ;
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$template: $state." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "I" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
} else {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$template: failed to get the status." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "I" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return ;
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
# Set the boot sequence for the vm
sub rsetboot {
my $ callback = shift ;
my $ rhevm_hash = shift ;
my $ args = shift ;
my ( $ showstat , $ bootdev ) ;
if ( $ args ) {
my $ arg = $ args - > [ 0 ] ;
if ( $ arg =~ /^stat/ ) {
$ showstat = 1 ;
} else {
$ bootdev = $ arg ;
} else {
$ showstat = 1 ;
my ( $ firstbr , $ secbr ) ;
if ( $ bootdev ) {
( $ firstbr , $ secbr ) = split ( ',' , $ bootdev ) ;
if ( ( $ firstbr && $ firstbr !~ /^(network|hd)$/ ) || ( $ secbr && $ secbr !~ /^(network|hd)$/ ) ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "Supported boot device: network, hd" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return 1 ;
foreach my $ rhevm ( keys % { $ rhevm_hash } ) {
my @ nodes ;
# generate the hash of rhevm which will be used for the action functions
my $ ref_rhevm = { 'name' = > $ rhevm ,
'user' = > $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { user } ,
'pw' = > $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { pw } } ;
# generate the node that will be handled
if ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } ) {
foreach my $ rhevh ( keys % { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } } ) {
if ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } - > { $ rhevh } - > { node } ) {
push @ nodes , @ { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } - > { $ rhevh } - > { node } } ;
} elsif ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { node } ) {
push @ nodes , @ { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { node } } ;
foreach my $ node ( @ nodes ) {
# Get the ID of vm
my ( $ rc , $ vmid , $ state , $ response ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "vms" , $ node ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: node was not defined in the rhevm." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
if ( $ showstat ) {
my $ parser = XML::LibXML - > new ( ) ;
my $ doc = $ parser - > parse_string ( $ response ) ;
my @ bootdevs = getAttr ( $ doc , "/vms/vm/os/boot" , "dev" ) ;
my $ bootlist = join ( ',' , @ bootdevs ) ;
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: $bootlist" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "I" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
# configure bootorder
my $ boele ;
if ( $ secbr ) {
$ boele = "<os><boot dev=\"$firstbr\"/><boot dev=\"$secbr\"/><boot/></os>" ;
} else {
$ boele = "<os><boot dev=\"$firstbr\"/><boot/></os>" ;
my $ api = "/api/vms/$vmid" ;
my $ method = "PUT" ;
my $ content = "<vm>$boele</vm>" ;
my $ request = genreq ( $ ref_rhevm , $ method , $ api , $ content ) ;
( $ rc , $ response ) = send_req ( $ ref_rhevm , $ request - > as_string ( ) ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: $response" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
} else {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: set boot order completed." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "I" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
#Migrate the virtual machine
sub rmigrate {
my $ callback = shift ;
my $ rhevm_hash = shift ;
my $ args = shift ;
my ( $ template , $ basemaster ) ;
unless ( $ args ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "Needs a target host." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
my $ host = $ args - > [ 0 ] ;
foreach my $ rhevm ( keys % { $ rhevm_hash } ) {
my @ nodes ;
# generate the hash of rhevm which will be used for the action functions
my $ ref_rhevm = { 'name' = > $ rhevm ,
'user' = > $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { user } ,
'pw' = > $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { pw } } ;
# generate the node that will be handled
if ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } ) {
foreach my $ rhevh ( keys % { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } } ) {
if ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } - > { $ rhevh } - > { node } ) {
push @ nodes , @ { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } - > { $ rhevh } - > { node } } ;
} elsif ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { node } ) {
push @ nodes , @ { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { node } } ;
foreach my $ node ( @ nodes ) {
# Get the ID of vm
my ( $ rc , $ vmid , $ state ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "vms" , $ node ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: node was not defined in the rhevm." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
my $ hostid ;
( $ rc , $ hostid , $ state ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "hosts" , $ host ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$host: host was not defined in the rhevm." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
# Remove the vm
my $ api = "/api/vms/$vmid/migrate" ;
my $ method = "POST" ;
my $ content = "<action><host id=\"$hostid\"/></action>" ;
my $ request = genreq ( $ ref_rhevm , $ method , $ api , $ content ) ;
my $ response ;
( $ rc , $ response ) = send_req ( $ ref_rhevm , $ request - > as_string ( ) ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: $response." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
} else {
my $ parser = XML::LibXML - > new ( ) ;
my $ doc = $ parser - > parse_string ( $ response ) ;
if ( $ doc - > findnodes ( "/action/status/state" ) - > [ 0 ] ) {
my $ state = $ doc - > findnodes ( "/template/status/state" ) - > [ 0 ] - > textContent ( ) ;
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: migrated to $host: $state." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "I" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
} else {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: failed to migrate to $host." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
# Hardware control
# rpower <vm> on/off/reset
sub power {
my $ callback = shift ;
my $ rhevm_hash = shift ;
my $ args = shift ;
foreach my $ rhevm ( keys % { $ rhevm_hash } ) {
my @ nodes ;
# generate the hash of rhevm which will be used for the action functions
my $ ref_rhevm = { 'name' = > $ rhevm ,
'user' = > $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { user } ,
'pw' = > $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { pw } } ;
# generate the node that will be handled
if ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } ) {
foreach my $ rhevh ( keys % { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } } ) {
if ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } - > { $ rhevh } - > { node } ) {
push @ nodes , @ { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } - > { $ rhevh } - > { node } } ;
} elsif ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { node } ) {
push @ nodes , @ { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { node } } ;
# perform the action against the node
foreach my $ node ( @ nodes ) {
# Get the ID of node
my ( $ rc , $ id , $ state ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "vms" , $ node ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: node was not defined in the rhevm." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
my $ output ;
if ( $ args - > [ 0 ] eq 'on' ) {
if ( $ state eq "up" || $ state eq "powering_up" ) {
$ output = "$node: on" ;
} else {
my ( $ rc , $ msg ) = power_action ( $ ref_rhevm , $ id , 'start' ) ;
if ( ! $ rc ) {
$ output = "$node: on" ;
} else {
$ output = "$node: $msg" ;
} elsif ( $ args - > [ 0 ] eq 'off' ) {
if ( $ state eq "down" || $ state eq "powering_down" || $ state eq "powered_down" ) {
$ output = "$node: off" ;
} else {
my ( $ rc , $ msg ) = power_action ( $ ref_rhevm , $ id , 'stop' ) ;
if ( ! $ rc ) {
$ output = "$node: off" ;
} else {
$ output = "$node: $msg" ;
} elsif ( $ args - > [ 0 ] eq 'reset' || $ args - > [ 0 ] eq 'boot' ) {
if ( $ state eq "up" || $ state eq "powering_up" ) {
my ( $ rc , $ msg ) = power_action ( $ ref_rhevm , $ id , 'stop' ) ;
if ( ! $ rc ) {
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
if ( waitforcomplete ( $ ref_rhevm , "/api/vms/$id" , "/vm/status/state=down" , 30 ) ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$node: failed to waiting the vm gets to \"down\" state." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
( $ rc , $ msg ) = power_action ( $ ref_rhevm , $ id , 'start' ) ;
if ( ! $ rc ) {
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
$ output = "$node: $args->[0]" ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
} else {
$ output = "$node: $msg" ;
} else {
$ output = "$node: $msg" ;
} else {
my ( $ rc , $ msg ) = power_action ( $ ref_rhevm , $ id , 'start' ) ;
if ( ! $ rc ) {
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
$ output = "$node: $args->[0]" ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
} else {
$ output = "$node: $msg" ;
} elsif ( $ args - > [ 0 ] eq 'softoff' ) {
if ( $ state eq "down" || $ state eq "powering_down" || $ state eq "powered_down" ) {
$ output = "$node: softoff" ;
} else {
my ( $ rc , $ msg ) = power_action ( $ ref_rhevm , $ id , 'shutdown' ) ;
if ( ! $ rc ) {
$ output = "$node: softoff" ;
} else {
$ output = "$node: $msg" ;
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
} elsif ( $ args - > [ 0 ] eq 'suspend' ) {
if ( $ state eq "suspended" ) {
$ output = "$node: suspended" ;
} else {
my ( $ rc , $ msg ) = power_action ( $ ref_rhevm , $ id , 'suspend' ) ;
if ( ! $ rc ) {
$ output = "$node: suspended" ;
} else {
$ output = "$node: $msg" ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
} elsif ( $ args - > [ 0 ] =~ /^stat/ ) {
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
if ( $ state eq "down" ) {
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
$ output = "$node: off" ;
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
} elsif ( $ state eq "up" ) {
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
$ output = "$node: on" ;
} else {
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
$ output = "$node: $state" ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , $ output ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "I" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
# Do the power control
sub power_action {
my $ rhevm = shift ;
my $ id = shift ;
my $ action = shift ;
my $ api = "/api/vms/$id/$action" ;
my $ method = "POST" ;
my $ content = "<action/>" ;
my $ request = genreq ( $ rhevm ,
$ method ,
$ api ,
$ content ) ;
my ( $ rc , $ response ) = send_req ( $ rhevm , $ request - > as_string ( ) ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
return ( 1 , $ response ) ;
} else {
my $ parser = XML::LibXML - > new ( ) ;
my $ doc = $ parser - > parse_string ( $ response ) ;
my $ state = $ doc - > findnodes ( "/action/status/state" ) - > [ 0 ] - > textContent ( ) ;
return ( 0 , $ state ) ;
return ( 1 ) ;
# Search resource inside rhev-m
# $orgtype: format: [type] or [container:type]
# [type] could be: datacenter, cluster ...
# [container:type could be: 'vms:nics' ('vms' is the container of nic, 'nics' is the real type), vms:disk
# $node: could be name for a resource; or the path of resource when start with '/'
# if no $node specified, search all resource with the '$type'
# $individual: do search for a resource individually
# return -1-parameter error; 11-nosuch id;
sub search_src {
my $ rhevm = shift ;
my $ orgtype = shift ;
my $ node = shift ;
my $ individual = shift ;
my $ api ;
my ( $ container , $ type ) ;
if ( $ orgtype =~ /:/ ) {
( $ container , $ type ) = split ( /:/ , $ orgtype ) ;
} else {
$ container = $ type = $ orgtype ;
my $ ispath ;
if ( $ node ) {
if ( $ node =~ /^\// ) {
# is a path
$ api = "/api/$container" . $ node ;
$ ispath = 1 ;
} else {
$ api = "/api/$container?search=$node" ;
} else {
$ api = "/api/$container" ;
my $ method = "GET" ;
my $ content = "" ;
my $ request = genreq ( $ rhevm , $ method , $ api , $ content ) ;
my ( $ rc , $ response ) = send_req ( $ rhevm , $ request - > as_string ( ) ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
return ( $ rc , $ response ) ;
} else {
my $ parser = XML::LibXML - > new ( ) ;
my $ doc = $ parser - > parse_string ( $ response ) ;
if ( $ doc ) {
my ( $ id , $ state , $ idstr , $ ststr ) ;
if ( $ type eq "vms" ) {
$ idstr = "/vms/vm" ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "hosts" ) {
$ idstr = "/hosts/host" ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "templates" ) {
$ idstr = "/templates/template" ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "storagedomains" ) {
if ( $ individual ) {
$ idstr = "/storage_domain" ;
} else {
$ idstr = "/storage_domains/storage_domain" ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "networks" ) {
if ( $ individual ) {
$ idstr = "/network" ;
} else {
$ idstr = "/networks/network" ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "datacenters" ) {
$ idstr = "/data_centers/data_center" ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "clusters" ) {
$ idstr = "/clusters/cluster" ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "disks" ) {
$ idstr = "/disks/disk" ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "nics" ) {
$ idstr = "/nics/nic" ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "host_nics" ) {
$ idstr = "/host_nics/host_nic" ;
} else {
return ( - 1 ) ;
my $ idnode ;
# network is special that does not support to serach a specific resource,
# so have to do the search by code from all the output
if ( $ type eq "networks" && $ node && ( ! $ ispath ) ) {
my @ nodes = $ doc - > findnodes ( $ idstr ) ;
foreach my $ n ( @ nodes ) {
if ( $ node eq getAttr ( $ n , "name" ) ) {
$ idnode = $ n ;
last ;
} else {
$ idnode = $ doc - > findnodes ( $ idstr ) - > [ 0 ] ;
if ( defined $ idnode ) {
$ id = $ idnode - > getAttribute ( 'id' ) ;
if ( $ type eq "vms" ) {
$ ststr = "/vms/vm/status/state" ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "hosts" ) {
$ ststr = "/hosts/host/status/state" ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "templates" ) {
$ ststr = "/templates/template/status/state" ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "storagedomains" ) {
if ( $ individual ) {
$ ststr = "/storage_domain/storage/type" ;
} else {
$ ststr = "/storage_domains/storage_domain/storage/type" ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "networks" ) {
$ ststr = "status/state" ;
$ doc = $ idnode ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "datacenters" ) {
$ ststr = "/data_centers/data_center/status/state" ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "clusters" ) {
$ ststr = "/clusters/cluster/name" ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "disks" ) {
$ ststr = "/disks/disk/status/state" ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "nics" ) {
$ ststr = "/nics/nic/name" ;
} elsif ( $ type eq "host_nics" ) {
$ ststr = "/host_nics/host_nic/status/state" ;
} else {
return ( - 1 ) ;
my $ statenode = $ doc - > findnodes ( $ ststr ) - > [ 0 ] ;
if ( defined $ statenode ) {
$ state = $ statenode - > textContent ( ) ;
# no id was found
if ( ! $ id ) {
return ( 11 ) ;
return ( 0 , $ id , $ state , $ response ) ;
} else {
return ( 11 ) ;
return ( 1 ) ;
# Get the value for a element from the xml of rest api response
sub getAttr {
my $ doc = shift ;
my $ path = shift ;
my $ att = shift ;
my @ nodes ;
if ( $ path ) {
# handle the cases that has multiple entries for one atributes like boot order
@ nodes = $ doc - > findnodes ( $ path ) ;
} else {
push @ nodes , $ doc ;
if ( @ nodes ) {
my @ value ;
foreach my $ node ( @ nodes ) {
if ( $ att ) {
push @ value , $ node - > getAttribute ( $ att ) ;
} else {
push @ value , $ node - > textContent ( ) ;
return join ( ',' , @ value ) ;
} else {
return "" ;
# It's a command that will be triggered from the httpd when the installation of rhev-h has finished
# Run nodeset and updatenodestat to update the status for the rhev-h
sub rhevhupdateflag {
my $ request = shift ;
my $ callback = shift ;
my $ subreq = shift ;
my $ node = $ request - > { node } ;
# run the nodeset xx next
$ subreq - > ( { command = > [ 'nodeset' ] , node = > $ node , arg = > [ 'next' ] } , $ callback ) ;
# run the 'updatenodestat <node> booted'
$ subreq - > ( { command = > [ 'updatenodestat' ] , node = > $ node , arg = > [ 'booted' ] } , $ callback ) ;
# use the md5 to authorize the passwd
sub authpw {
my $ passwd = shift ;
if ( $ passwd =~ /^\$1\$/ ) {
return $ passwd ;
} else {
my $ cmd = "openssl passwd -1 $passwd" ;
return xCAT::Utils - > runcmd ( $ cmd , - 1 ) ;
# Configure the network for host
# create the network for cluster if it does not exist
# configure the interface and add them to the corresponding network
sub cfghypnw {
my $ callback = shift ;
my $ ref_rhevm = shift ;
my $ host = shift ;
my $ interface = shift ;
my $ datacenter = shift ;
# the format of the interface attirbute
# networkname:interfacename:bootpro:IP:netmask:gateway
my @ if = split ( /\|/ , $ interface ) ;
foreach ( @ if ) {
my ( $ netname , $ ifname , $ bprotocol , $ ip , $ nm , $ gw ) = split ( ':' , $ _ ) ;
unless ( $ netname && $ ifname ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$host: Missing network name or interface name: $_." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
# get host id
my ( $ rc , $ hostid , $ stat ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "hosts" , $ host ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$host: host was not created." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
# get network interface and configure it
my $ nicid ;
my $ api = "/api/hosts/$hostid/nics" ;
my $ method = "GET" ;
my $ request = genreq ( $ ref_rhevm , $ method , $ api , "" ) ;
my $ response ;
( $ rc , $ response ) = send_req ( $ ref_rhevm , $ request - > as_string ( ) ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$host: $response" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
} else {
my $ parser = XML::LibXML - > new ( ) ;
my $ doc = $ parser - > parse_string ( $ response ) ;
my @ hostnics = $ doc - > findnodes ( "/host_nics/host_nic" ) ;
foreach my $ nicnode ( @ hostnics ) {
if ( $ ifname eq getAttr ( $ nicnode , "name" ) ) {
$ doc = $ nicnode ;
last ;
if ( $ doc ) {
my $ attr ;
if ( $ attr = getAttr ( $ doc , "" , "id" ) ) {
$ nicid = $ attr ;
} else {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$host: does not have interface $ifname." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
# get the network
my $ netid ;
if ( $ attr = getAttr ( $ doc , "network" , "id" ) ) {
$ netid = $ attr ;
2012-09-10 13:15:51 +00:00
# attach the nic to the network if needed
# search the network
my $ curnetid ;
( $ rc , $ curnetid , $ stat ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "networks" , $ netname ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
if ( $ rc == 11 ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$host: network: $netname does not exist." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
} else {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$host: failed to get the network: $netname." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
# detach the nic from current network if old != new
if ( $ netid && ( $ netid ne $ curnetid ) ) {
#detach the interface to the network
if ( attach ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , "/api/hosts/$hostid/nics/$nicid" , "network" , $ curnetid , 1 ) ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$host: failed to detach $ifname from $netname." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
# attach the interface to the network
if ( ! $ netid || ( $ netid ne $ curnetid ) ) {
if ( attach ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , "/api/hosts/$hostid/nics/$nicid" , "network" , $ curnetid ) ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$host: failed to attach $ifname to $netname." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
generalaction ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , "/api/hosts/$hostid/commitnetconfig" ) ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
# check the bootprotocol and network parameters, and configure if needed
if ( defined ( $ bprotocol ) && $ bprotocol =~ /^(dhcp|static)$/ ) {
2012-08-23 09:16:34 +00:00
my $ newpro ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
if ( $ attr = getAttr ( $ doc , "boot_protocol" ) ) {
if ( $ attr eq "dhcp" ) {
if ( $ bprotocol eq "static" ) {
$ newpro = "static" ;
} elsif ( $ attr eq "static" ) {
if ( $ bprotocol eq "dhcp" ) {
$ newpro = "dhcp" ;
} else {
my ( $ curip , $ curnm , $ curgw ) ;
if ( $ attr = getAttr ( $ doc , "ip" , "address" ) ) {
$ curip = $ attr ;
if ( $ attr = getAttr ( $ doc , "ip" , "netmask" ) ) {
$ curnm = $ attr ;
if ( $ attr = getAttr ( $ doc , "ip" , "gateway" ) ) {
$ curgw = $ attr ;
if ( $ ip ne $ curip || $ nm ne $ curnm || $ gw ne $ curgw ) {
$ newpro = "static" ;
2012-08-23 09:16:34 +00:00
} else {
$ newpro = $ bprotocol ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
2012-08-23 09:16:34 +00:00
# Set the attributes for the nic
$ api = "/api/hosts/$hostid/nics/$nicid" ;
$ method = "PUT" ;
my $ content ;
if ( defined ( $ newpro ) && $ newpro eq "dhcp" ) {
$ content = "<host_nic><boot_protocol>dhcp</boot_protocol></host_nic>" ;
} elsif ( defined ( $ newpro ) && $ newpro eq "static" ) {
$ content = "<host_nic><boot_protocol>static</boot_protocol><ip address=\"$ip\" netmask=\"$nm\" gateway=\"$gw\"/></host_nic>" ;
if ( defined ( $ newpro ) ) {
my $ request = genreq ( $ ref_rhevm , $ method , $ api , $ content ) ;
( $ rc , $ response ) = send_req ( $ ref_rhevm , $ request - > as_string ( ) ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$host: $response" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
2012-09-10 13:15:51 +00:00
next ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
} else {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$host: the boot procotol was not set or invalid." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
next ;
2012-08-23 09:16:34 +00:00
generalaction ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , "/api/hosts/$hostid/commitnetconfig" ) ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
return 0 ;
# Create a Storage Domain
# The parameters will be gotten from virtsd table
sub mkSD {
my $ callback = shift ;
my $ ref_rhevm = shift ;
my $ sd = shift ;
# get the informage for the SD
my ( $ rc , $ sdid , $ state ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "storagedomains" , $ sd ) ;
if ( ! $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$sd: storagedomains has been defined in the rhevm." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return 0 ;
# get the attributes for the SD
my $ vsdtab = xCAT::Table - > new ( 'virtsd' , - create = > 0 ) ;
my $ vsdent = $ vsdtab - > getAttribs ( { 'node' = > $ sd } , [ 'sdtype' , 'stype' , 'location' , 'host' , 'datacenter' ] ) ;
unless ( $ vsdent ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$sd: cannot find the definition for $sd in the virtsd table." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return 0 ;
unless ( $ vsdent - > { host } ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$sd: a SPM host needs to be specified." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return 0 ;
unless ( $ vsdent - > { stype } && $ vsdent - > { location } ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$sd: the sdtype and location need to be specified." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return 0 ;
2012-08-30 01:54:39 +00:00
unless ( $ vsdent - > { stype } =~ /^(nfs|localfs)$/ ) {
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
my $ rsp ;
2012-08-30 01:54:39 +00:00
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$sd: supported storage type: nfs, localfs." ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return 0 ;
# get the host as SPM
my $ hostid ;
( $ rc , $ hostid , $ state ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "hosts" , $ vsdent - > { host } ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$sd: cannot find the host $vsdent->{host}." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return 0 ;
# To create the SD
my $ api = "/api/storagedomains" ;
my $ method = "POST" ;
# Create the xml data
my $ doc = XML::LibXML - > createDocument ( ) ;
my $ root = $ doc - > createElement ( "storage_domain" ) ;
$ doc - > setDocumentElement ( $ root ) ;
$ root - > appendTextChild ( "name" , $ sd ) ;
# set the host will be the SPM
my $ host_ele = $ doc - > createElement ( "host" ) ;
$ root - > appendChild ( $ host_ele ) ;
$ host_ele - > setAttribute ( "id" , $ hostid ) ;
# set the location of storage
my $ storage_ele = $ doc - > createElement ( "storage" ) ;
$ root - > appendChild ( $ storage_ele ) ;
$ storage_ele - > appendTextChild ( "type" , $ vsdent - > { stype } ) ;
2012-08-30 01:54:39 +00:00
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
my ( $ address , $ path ) = split ( ':' , $ vsdent - > { location } ) ;
2012-08-30 01:54:39 +00:00
if ( $ vsdent - > { stype } eq "nfs" ) {
$ storage_ele - > appendTextChild ( "address" , $ address ) ;
$ storage_ele - > appendTextChild ( "path" , $ path ) ;
} elsif ( $ vsdent - > { stype } eq "localfs" ) {
$ storage_ele - > appendTextChild ( "path" , "/data/images/rhev" ) ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
if ( $ vsdent - > { sdtype } ) {
$ root - > appendTextChild ( "type" , $ vsdent - > { sdtype } ) ;
} else {
$ root - > appendTextChild ( "type" , "data" ) ;
my $ request = genreq ( $ ref_rhevm , $ method , $ api , $ doc - > toString ) ;
my $ response ;
( $ rc , $ response ) = send_req ( $ ref_rhevm , $ request - > as_string ( ) ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$sd: $response" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
2012-08-30 01:54:39 +00:00
return 0 ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
} else {
my $ parser = XML::LibXML - > new ( ) ;
my $ doc = $ parser - > parse_string ( $ response ) ;
if ( $ doc ) {
my $ sdid ;
if ( $ sdid = getAttr ( $ doc , "/storage_domain" , "id" ) ) {
2012-08-30 01:54:39 +00:00
if ( $ vsdent - > { stype } eq "localfs" ) {
#return directly
return $ sdid ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
# attach the storage domain to the datacenter
my $ dc = $ vsdent - > { datacenter } ;
unless ( $ dc ) { $ dc = "default" } ;
my $ dcid ;
( $ rc , $ dcid , $ state ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "datacenters" , $ dc ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$sd: $response" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return 0 ;
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
# attach the storage domain to the datacenter
if ( attach ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , "/api/datacenters/$dcid/storagedomains" , "storage_domain" , $ sdid ) ) {
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
my $ rsp ;
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$sd: failed to attach to datacenter:$dc." ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return 0 ;
# active the storage domain
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
if ( activate ( $ callback , $ ref_rhevm , "/api/datacenters/$dcid/storagedomains/$sdid" , $ sd ) ) {
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
my $ rsp ;
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$sd: failed to activate the storage domain." ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return 0 ;
return $ sdid ;
return 0 ;
# Activate or Deactive a resource
# 0 - suc; 1 - failed
sub activate {
my $ callback = shift ;
my $ ref_rhevm = shift ;
my $ path = shift ;
my $ name = shift ;
my $ deactivate = shift ;
my $ api ;
if ( $ deactivate ) {
$ api = $ path . "/deactivate" ;
} else {
$ api = $ path . "/activate" ;
my $ method = "POST" ;
my $ content = "<action/>" ;
my $ request = genreq ( $ ref_rhevm , $ method , $ api , $ content ) ;
my ( $ rc , $ response ) = send_req ( $ ref_rhevm , $ request - > as_string ( ) ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$name: $response" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return 1 ;
} else {
my $ parser = XML::LibXML - > new ( ) ;
my $ doc = $ parser - > parse_string ( $ response ) ;
if ( $ doc ) {
my $ attr ;
if ( $ attr = getAttr ( $ doc , "/action/status/state" ) ) {
if ( $ attr ne "complete" ) {
if ( waitforcomplte ( ) ) {
return 1 ;
} else {
return 0 ;
} else {
return 0 ;
return 1 ;
# Attach or Detach a resource
# type: network (for host nic), storage_domain (for sd)
# 0 - suc; 1 - failed
sub attach {
my $ callback = shift ;
my $ ref_rhevm = shift ;
my $ path = shift ;
my $ type = shift ;
my $ id = shift ;
my $ detach = shift ;
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
my $ method = "POST" ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
my $ api ;
my $ content ;
if ( $ type eq "storage_domain" ) {
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
if ( $ detach ) {
$ api = "$path/$id" ;
$ method = "DELETE" ;
$ content = "" ;
} else {
$ api = $ path ;
$ content = "<$type id=\"$id\"/>" ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
} else {
if ( $ detach ) {
2012-08-23 09:16:34 +00:00
$ api = $ path . "/detach" ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
} else {
2012-08-23 09:16:34 +00:00
$ api = $ path . "/attach" ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
$ content = "<action><$type id=\"$id\"/></action>" ;
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
my $ request = genreq ( $ ref_rhevm , $ method , $ api , $ content ) ;
my ( $ rc , $ response ) = send_req ( $ ref_rhevm , $ request - > as_string ( ) ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
# no output for detaching sd from datacenter
if ( $ rc == 2 && $ type eq "storage_domain" && $ detach ) {
return 0 ;
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$response:$rc" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return 1 ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
} else {
my $ parser = XML::LibXML - > new ( ) ;
my $ doc = $ parser - > parse_string ( $ response ) ;
if ( $ doc ) {
my $ attr ;
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
if ( $ type eq "storage_domain" ) {
2012-09-10 13:15:51 +00:00
if ( getAttr ( $ doc , "/storage_domain/status/state" =~ /(inactive|active)/ ) ) {
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
return 0 ;
} else {
return 1 ;
} else {
if ( "complete" eq getAttr ( $ doc , "/action/status/state" ) ) {
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
return 0 ;
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
} else {
2012-08-23 09:16:34 +00:00
return 1 ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
return 1 ;
# Common subroutine for general action of rest api
sub generalaction {
my $ callback = shift ;
my $ ref_rhevm = shift ;
my $ api = shift ;
2012-08-23 09:16:34 +00:00
my $ method = shift ;
my $ norsp = shift ;
2012-08-30 01:54:39 +00:00
my $ force = shift ;
2012-08-23 09:16:34 +00:00
unless ( $ method ) {
$ method = "POST" ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
my $ content = "<action/>" ;
2012-08-30 01:54:39 +00:00
if ( $ force ) {
$ content = "<action><force>true</force></action>" ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
my $ request = genreq ( $ ref_rhevm , $ method , $ api , $ content ) ;
my ( $ rc , $ response ) = send_req ( $ ref_rhevm , $ request - > as_string ( ) ) ;
2012-08-23 09:16:34 +00:00
# no need to handle response for DELETE
if ( $ norsp ) {
return ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
if ( $ rc ) {
2012-08-26 04:33:19 +00:00
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$response" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return 1 ;
# delete storage domain
sub deleteSD {
my $ callback = shift ;
my $ ref_rhevm = shift ;
my $ path = shift ;
my $ sd = shift ;
# get the attributes for the SD
my $ vsdtab = xCAT::Table - > new ( 'virtsd' , - create = > 0 ) ;
my $ vsdent = $ vsdtab - > getAttribs ( { 'node' = > $ sd } , [ 'host' ] ) ;
unless ( $ vsdent ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$sd: cannot find the definition for $sd in the virtsd table." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return 1 ;
unless ( $ vsdent - > { host } ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$sd: a SPM host needs to be specified." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return 1 ;
# get the id of host
my ( $ rc , $ hostid , $ stat ) = search_src ( $ ref_rhevm , "hosts" , $ vsdent - > { host } ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$sd: Cannot find the host: $vsdent->{host} for the storag domain." ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return 1 ;
my $ method = "DELETE" ;
my $ api = $ path ;
my $ content ;
$ content = "<storage_domain><host id=\"$hostid\"/><format>true</format></storage_domain>" ;
my $ request = genreq ( $ ref_rhevm , $ method , $ api , $ content ) ;
my $ response ;
( $ rc , $ response ) = send_req ( $ ref_rhevm , $ request - > as_string ( ) ) ;
# no need to handle response for DELETE
if ( $ rc ) {
# no output for detaching sd from datacenter
if ( $ rc == 2 ) {
return 0 ;
my $ rsp ;
push @ { $ rsp - > { data } } , "$response" ;
xCAT::MsgUtils - > message ( "E" , $ rsp , $ callback ) ;
return 1 ;
2012-08-20 13:49:43 +00:00
sub waitforcomplete {
my $ ref_rhevm = shift ;
my $ api = shift ;
my $ criteria = shift ;
my $ timeout = shift ;
unless ( $ timeout ) {
$ timeout = 10 ;
my ( $ path , $ target ) = split ( '=' , $ criteria ) ;
my $ method = "GET" ;
my $ content = "" ;
my $ start = Time::HiRes:: gettimeofday ( ) ;
while ( 1 ) {
my $ request = genreq ( $ ref_rhevm , $ method , $ api , $ content ) ;
my ( $ rc , $ response ) = send_req ( $ ref_rhevm , $ request - > as_string ( ) ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
return ( $ rc , $ response ) ;
} else {
my $ parser = XML::LibXML - > new ( ) ;
my $ doc = $ parser - > parse_string ( $ response ) ;
if ( $ doc ) {
if ( $ target eq getAttr ( $ doc , $ path ) ) {
return 0 ;
my $ now = Time::HiRes:: gettimeofday ( ) ;
if ( ( $ now - $ start ) > $ timeout ) {
return 2 ;
} else {
sleep ( 0.5 ) ;
return 1 ;
# Get the vid prameters for external video console program to display console
sub getrvidparms {
my $ callback = shift ;
my $ rhevm_hash = shift ;
my $ nodes = shift ;
foreach my $ rhevm ( keys % { $ rhevm_hash } ) {
my @ nodes ;
# generate the hash of rhevm which will be used for the action functions
my $ ref_rhevm = { 'name' = > $ rhevm ,
'user' = > $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { user } ,
'pw' = > $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { pw } } ;
# generate the node that will be handled
if ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } ) {
foreach my $ rhevh ( keys % { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } } ) {
if ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } - > { $ rhevh } - > { node } ) {
push @ nodes , @ { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { host } - > { $ rhevh } - > { node } } ;
} elsif ( defined $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { node } ) {
push @ nodes , @ { $ rhevm_hash - > { $ rhevm } - > { node } } ;
# perform the action against the node
foreach my $ node ( @ nodes ) {
my $ node = $ nodes - > [ 0 ] ;
my % consparam ;
$ consparam { method } = 'kvm' ;
# get the attributes for vm
my $ api = "/api/vms?search=$node" ;
my $ method = "GET" ;
my $ content = "" ;
my $ request = genreq ( $ ref_rhevm , $ method , $ api , $ content ) ;
my ( $ rc , $ response ) = send_req ( $ ref_rhevm , $ request - > as_string ( ) ) ;
my $ vmid ;
my $ rsp ;
if ( $ rc ) {
$ rsp - > { node } - > [ 0 ] - > { errorcode } = $ rc ;
$ rsp - > { node } - > [ 0 ] - > { name } - > [ 0 ] = $ node ;
$ rsp - > { node } - > [ 0 ] - > { error } = $ response ;
$ callback - > ( $ rsp ) ;
next ;
} else {
my $ parser = XML::LibXML - > new ( ) ;
my $ doc = $ parser - > parse_string ( $ response ) ;
if ( $ doc ) {
my $ attr ;
if ( $ attr = getAttr ( $ doc , "/vms/vm" , "id" ) ) {
$ vmid = $ attr ;
if ( $ attr = getAttr ( $ doc , "/vms/vm/display/type" ) ) {
$ consparam { vidproto } = $ attr ;
if ( $ attr = getAttr ( $ doc , "/vms/vm/display/address" ) ) {
$ consparam { server } = $ attr ;
if ( $ attr = getAttr ( $ doc , "/vms/vm/display/port" ) ) {
$ consparam { vidport } = $ attr ;
# get the password ticket for the external program to accesss the VNC
$ api = "/api/vms/$vmid/ticket" ;
$ method = "POST" ;
$ content = "<action><ticket><expiry>120</expiry></ticket></action>" ;
$ request = genreq ( $ ref_rhevm , $ method , $ api , $ content ) ;
( $ rc , $ response ) = send_req ( $ ref_rhevm , $ request - > as_string ( ) ) ;
if ( $ rc ) {
$ rsp - > { node } - > [ 0 ] - > { errorcode } = $ rc ;
$ rsp - > { node } - > [ 0 ] - > { name } - > [ 0 ] = $ node ;
$ rsp - > { node } - > [ 0 ] - > { error } = $ response ;
$ callback - > ( $ rsp ) ;
next ;
} else {
my $ parser = XML::LibXML - > new ( ) ;
my $ doc = $ parser - > parse_string ( $ response ) ;
if ( $ doc ) {
my $ attr ;
if ( $ attr = getAttr ( $ doc , "/action/ticket/value" ) ) {
$ consparam { password } = $ attr ;
$ rsp = ( ) ;
$ rsp - > { node } - > [ 0 ] - > { name } - > [ 0 ] = $ node ;
foreach ( keys % consparam ) {
$ rsp - > { node } - > [ 0 ] - > { data } - > [ 0 ] - > { desc } - > [ 0 ] = $ _ ;
$ rsp - > { node } - > [ 0 ] - > { data } - > [ 0 ] - > { contents } - > [ 0 ] = $ consparam { $ _ } ;
$ callback - > ( $ rsp ) ;
return ;
1 ;