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* jsTree 0.9.9a
* http://jstree.com/
* Copyright (c) 2009 Ivan Bozhanov (vakata.com)
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
* Date: 2009-10-06
(function($) {
// jQuery plugin
$.tree = {
datastores : { },
plugins : { },
defaults : {
data : {
async : false, // Are async requests used to load open_branch contents
type : "html", // One of included datastores
opts : { method: "GET", url: false } // Options passed to datastore
selected : false, // FALSE or STRING or ARRAY
languages : [], // ARRAY of string values (which will be used as CSS classes - so they must be valid)
ui : {
dots : true, // BOOL - dots or no dots
animation : 0, // INT - duration of open/close animations in miliseconds
scroll_spd : 4,
theme_path : false, // Path to the theme CSS file - if set to false and theme_name is not false - will lookup jstree-path-here/themes/theme-name-here/style.css
theme_name : "default",// if set to false no theme will be loaded
selected_parent_close : "select_parent", // false, "deselect", "select_parent"
selected_delete : "select_previous" // false, "select_previous"
types : {
"default" : {
clickable : true, // can be function
renameable : true, // can be function
deletable : true, // can be function
creatable : true, // can be function
draggable : true, // can be function
max_children : -1, // -1 - not set, 0 - no children, 1 - one child, etc // can be function
max_depth : -1, // -1 - not set, 0 - no children, 1 - one level of children, etc // can be function
valid_children : "all", // all, none, array of values // can be function
icon : {
image : false,
position : false
rules : {
multiple : false, // FALSE | CTRL | ON - multiple selection off/ with or without holding Ctrl
multitree : "none", // all, none, array of tree IDs to accept from
type_attr : "rel", // STRING attribute name (where is the type stored as string)
createat : "bottom", // STRING (top or bottom) new nodes get inserted at top or bottom
drag_copy : "ctrl", // FALSE | CTRL | ON - drag to copy off/ with or without holding Ctrl
drag_button : "left", // left, right or both
use_max_children : true,
use_max_depth : true,
max_children: -1,
max_depth : -1,
valid_children : "all"
lang : {
new_node : "New folder",
loading : "Loading ..."
callback : {
beforechange: function(NODE,TREE_OBJ) { return true },
beforeopen : function(NODE,TREE_OBJ) { return true },
beforeclose : function(NODE,TREE_OBJ) { return true },
beforemove : function(NODE,REF_NODE,TYPE,TREE_OBJ) { return true },
beforecreate: function(NODE,REF_NODE,TYPE,TREE_OBJ) { return true },
beforerename: function(NODE,LANG,TREE_OBJ) { return true },
beforedelete: function(NODE,TREE_OBJ) { return true },
beforedata : function(NODE,TREE_OBJ) { return { id : $(NODE).attr("id") || 0 } }, // PARAMETERS PASSED TO SERVER
ondata : function(DATA,TREE_OBJ) { return DATA; }, // modify data before parsing it
onparse : function(STR,TREE_OBJ) { return STR; }, // modify string before visualizing it
onhover : function(NODE,TREE_OBJ) { }, // node hovered
onselect : function(NODE,TREE_OBJ) { }, // node selected
ondeselect : function(NODE,TREE_OBJ) { }, // node deselected
onchange : function(NODE,TREE_OBJ) { }, // focus changed
onrename : function(NODE,TREE_OBJ,RB) { }, // node renamed
onmove : function(NODE,REF_NODE,TYPE,TREE_OBJ,RB) { }, // move completed
oncopy : function(NODE,REF_NODE,TYPE,TREE_OBJ,RB) { }, // copy completed
oncreate : function(NODE,REF_NODE,TYPE,TREE_OBJ,RB) { }, // node created
ondelete : function(NODE,TREE_OBJ,RB) { }, // node deleted
onopen : function(NODE,TREE_OBJ) { }, // node opened
onopen_all : function(TREE_OBJ) { }, // all nodes opened
onclose_all : function(TREE_OBJ) { }, // all nodes closed
onclose : function(NODE,TREE_OBJ) { }, // node closed
error : function(TEXT,TREE_OBJ) { }, // error occured
ondblclk : function(NODE,TREE_OBJ) { TREE_OBJ.toggle_branch.call(TREE_OBJ, NODE); TREE_OBJ.select_branch.call(TREE_OBJ, NODE); },
onrgtclk : function(NODE,TREE_OBJ,EV) { }, // right click - to prevent use: EV.preventDefault(); EV.stopPropagation(); return false
onload : function(TREE_OBJ) { },
oninit : function(TREE_OBJ) { },
onfocus : function(TREE_OBJ) { },
ondestroy : function(TREE_OBJ) { },
onsearch : function(NODES, TREE_OBJ) { NODES.addClass("search"); },
ondrop : function(NODE,REF_NODE,TYPE,TREE_OBJ) { },
check : function(RULE,NODE,VALUE,TREE_OBJ) { return VALUE; },
check_move : function(NODE,REF_NODE,TYPE,TREE_OBJ) { return true; }
plugins : { }
create : function () { return new tree_component(); },
focused : function () { return tree_component.inst[tree_component.focused]; },
reference : function (obj) {
var o = $(obj);
if(!o.size()) o = $("#" + obj);
if(!o.size()) return null;
o = (o.is(".tree")) ? o.attr("id") : o.parents(".tree:eq(0)").attr("id");
return tree_component.inst[o] || null;
rollback : function (data) {
for(var i in data) {
if(!data.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
var tmp = tree_component.inst[i];
var lock = !tmp.locked;
// if not locked - lock the tree
if(lock) tmp.lock(true);
// Cancel ongoing rename
tmp.inp = false;
if(data[i].selected) {
tmp.selected = $("#" + data[i].selected);
tmp.selected_arr = [];
.find("a.clicked").each( function () {
// if this function set the lock - unlock
if(lock) tmp.lock(false);
delete lock;
delete tmp;
drop_mode : function (opts) {
opts = $.extend(opts, { show : false, type : "default", str : "Foreign node" });
tree_component.drag_drop.foreign = true;
tree_component.drag_drop.isdown = true;
tree_component.drag_drop.moving = true;
tree_component.drag_drop.appended = false;
tree_component.drag_drop.f_type = opts.type;
tree_component.drag_drop.f_data = opts;
if(!opts.show) {
tree_component.drag_drop.drag_help = false;
tree_component.drag_drop.drag_node = false;
else {
tree_component.drag_drop.drag_help = $("<div id='jstree-dragged' class='tree tree-default'><ul><li class='last dragged foreign'><a href='#'><ins>&nbsp;</ins>" + opts.str + "</a></li></ul></div>");
tree_component.drag_drop.drag_node = tree_component.drag_drop.drag_help.find("li:eq(0)");
if($.tree.drag_start !== false) $.tree.drag_start.call(null, false);
drag_start : false,
drag : false,
drag_end : false
$.fn.tree = function (opts) {
return this.each(function() {
var conf = $.extend({},opts);
if(tree_component.inst && tree_component.inst[$(this).attr('id')]) tree_component.inst[$(this).attr('id')].destroy();
if(conf !== false) new tree_component().init(this, conf);
// core
function tree_component () {
return {
cntr : ++tree_component.cntr,
settings : $.extend({},$.tree.defaults),
init : function(elem, conf) {
var _this = this;
this.container = $(elem);
if(this.container.size == 0) return false;
tree_component.inst[this.cntr] = this;
if(!this.container.attr("id")) this.container.attr("id","jstree_" + this.cntr);
tree_component.inst[this.container.attr("id")] = tree_component.inst[this.cntr];
tree_component.focused = this.cntr;
this.settings = $.extend(true, {}, this.settings, conf);
if(this.settings.languages && this.settings.languages.length) {
this.current_lang = this.settings.languages[0];
var st = false;
var id = "#" + this.container.attr("id");
for(var ln = 0; ln < this.settings.languages.length; ln++) {
st = tree_component.add_css(id + " ." + this.settings.languages[ln]);
if(st !== false) st.style.display = (this.settings.languages[ln] == this.current_lang) ? "" : "none";
else this.current_lang = false;
if(this.settings.ui.theme_name !== false) {
if(this.settings.ui.theme_path === false) {
$("script").each(function () {
if(this.src.toString().match(/jquery\.tree.*?js$/)) { _this.settings.ui.theme_path = this.src.toString().replace(/jquery\.tree.*?js$/, "") + "themes/" + _this.settings.ui.theme_name + "/style.css"; return false; }
if(this.settings.ui.theme_path != "" && $.inArray(this.settings.ui.theme_path, tree_component.themes) == -1) {
tree_component.add_sheet({ url : this.settings.ui.theme_path });
this.container.addClass("tree-" + this.settings.ui.theme_name);
var type_icons = "";
for(var t in this.settings.types) {
if(!this.settings.types.hasOwnProperty(t)) continue;
if(!this.settings.types[t].icon) continue;
if( this.settings.types[t].icon.image || this.settings.types[t].icon.position) {
if(t == "default") type_icons += "#" + this.container.attr("id") + " li > a ins { ";
else type_icons += "#" + this.container.attr("id") + " li[rel=" + t + "] > a ins { ";
if(this.settings.types[t].icon.image) type_icons += " background-image:url(" + this.settings.types[t].icon.image + "); ";
if(this.settings.types[t].icon.position) type_icons += " background-position:" + this.settings.types[t].icon.position + "; ";
type_icons += "} ";
if(type_icons != "") tree_component.add_sheet({ str : type_icons });
if(this.settings.rules.multiple) this.selected_arr = [];
this.offset = false;
this.hovered = false;
this.locked = false;
if(tree_component.drag_drop.marker === false) tree_component.drag_drop.marker = $("<div>").attr({ id : "jstree-marker" }).hide().appendTo("body");
this.callback("oninit", [this]);
refresh : function (obj) {
if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED");
var _this = this;
if(obj && !this.settings.data.async) obj = false;
this.is_partial_refresh = obj ? true : false;
this.opened = Array();
if(this.settings.opened != false) {
$.each(this.settings.opened, function (i, item) {
if(this.replace(/^#/,"").length > 0) { _this.opened.push("#" + this.replace(/^#/,"")); }
this.settings.opened = false;
else {
this.container.find("li.open").each(function (i) { if(this.id) { _this.opened.push("#" + this.id); } });
if(this.selected) {
this.settings.selected = Array();
if(obj) {
$(obj).find("li:has(a.clicked)").each(function () {
if(this.id) _this.settings.selected.push("#" + this.id);
else {
if(this.selected_arr) {
$.each(this.selected_arr, function () {
if(this.attr("id")) _this.settings.selected.push("#" + this.attr("id"));
else {
if(this.selected.attr("id")) this.settings.selected.push("#" + this.selected.attr("id"));
else if(this.settings.selected !== false) {
var tmp = Array();
if((typeof this.settings.selected).toLowerCase() == "object") {
$.each(this.settings.selected, function () {
if(this.replace(/^#/,"").length > 0) tmp.push("#" + this.replace(/^#/,""));
else {
if(this.settings.selected.replace(/^#/,"").length > 0) tmp.push("#" + this.settings.selected.replace(/^#/,""));
this.settings.selected = tmp;
if(obj && this.settings.data.async) {
this.opened = Array();
obj = this.get_node(obj);
obj.find("li.open").each(function (i) { _this.opened.push("#" + this.id); });
if(obj.hasClass("open")) obj.removeClass("open").addClass("closed");
if(obj.hasClass("leaf")) obj.removeClass("leaf");
return this.open_branch(obj, true, function () { _this.reselect.apply(_this); });
var _this = this;
var _datastore = new $.tree.datastores[this.settings.data.type]();
if(this.container.children("ul").size() == 0) {
this.container.html("<ul class='ltr' style='direction:ltr;'><li class='last'><a class='loading' href='#'><ins>&nbsp;</ins>" + (this.settings.lang.loading || "Loading ...") + "</a></li></ul>");
_datastore.load(this.callback("beforedata",[false,this]),this,this.settings.data.opts,function(data) {
data = _this.callback("ondata",[data, _this]);
_datastore.parse(data,_this,_this.settings.data.opts,function(str) {
str = _this.callback("onparse", [str, _this]);
_this.container.empty().append($("<ul class='ltr'>").html(str));
reselect : function (is_callback) {
var _this = this;
if(!is_callback) this.cl_count = 0;
else this.cl_count --;
if(this.opened && this.opened.length) {
var opn = false;
for(var j = 0; this.opened && j < this.opened.length; j++) {
if(this.settings.data.async) {
var tmp = this.get_node(this.opened[j]);
if(tmp.size() && tmp.hasClass("closed") > 0) {
opn = true;
var tmp = this.opened[j].toString().replace('/','\\/');
delete this.opened[j];
this.open_branch(tmp, true, function () { _this.reselect.apply(_this, [true]); } );
this.cl_count ++;
else this.open_branch(this.opened[j], true);
if(this.settings.data.async && opn) return;
if(this.cl_count > 0) return;
delete this.opened;
if(this.cl_count > 0) return;
if(this.settings.ui.dots == false) this.container.children("ul:eq(0)").addClass("no_dots");
if(this.scrtop) {
delete this.scrtop;
if(this.settings.selected !== false) {
$.each(this.settings.selected, function (i) {
if(_this.is_partial_refresh) _this.select_branch($(_this.settings.selected[i].toString().replace('/','\\/'), _this.container), (_this.settings.rules.multiple !== false) );
else _this.select_branch($(_this.settings.selected[i].toString().replace('/','\\/'), _this.container), (_this.settings.rules.multiple !== false && i > 0) );
this.settings.selected = false;
this.callback("onload", [_this]);
get : function (obj, format, opts) {
if(!format) format = this.settings.data.type;
if(!opts) opts = this.settings.data.opts;
return new $.tree.datastores[format]().get(obj, this, opts);
attach_events : function () {
var _this = this;
.bind("mousedown.jstree", function (event) {
if(tree_component.drag_drop.isdown) {
tree_component.drag_drop.move_type = false;
return false;
.bind("mouseup.jstree", function (event) {
setTimeout( function() { _this.focus.apply(_this); }, 5);
.bind("click.jstree", function (event) {
return true;
$("li", this.container.get(0))
.live("click", function(event) { // WHEN CLICK IS ON THE ARROW
if(event.target.tagName != "LI") return true;
if(event.pageY - $(event.target).offset().top > _this.li_height) return true;
_this.toggle_branch.apply(_this, [event.target]);
return false;
$("a", this.container.get(0))
.live("click", function (event) { // WHEN CLICK IS ON THE TEXT OR ICON
if(event.which && event.which == 3) return true;
if(_this.locked) {
return _this.error("LOCKED");
_this.select_branch.apply(_this, [event.target, event.ctrlKey || _this.settings.rules.multiple == "on"]);
if(_this.inp) { _this.inp.blur(); }
return false;
.live("dblclick", function (event) { // WHEN DOUBLECLICK ON TEXT OR ICON
if(_this.locked) {
return _this.error("LOCKED");
_this.callback("ondblclk", [_this.get_node(event.target).get(0), _this]);
.live("contextmenu", function (event) {
if(_this.locked) {
return _this.error("LOCKED");
return _this.callback("onrgtclk", [_this.get_node(event.target).get(0), _this, event]);
.live("mouseover", function (event) {
if(_this.locked) {
return _this.error("LOCKED");
if(_this.hovered !== false && (event.target.tagName == "A" || event.target.tagName == "INS")) {
_this.hovered = false;
_this.callback("onhover",[_this.get_node(event.target).get(0), _this]);
.live("mousedown", function (event) {
if(_this.settings.rules.drag_button == "left" && event.which && event.which != 1) return true;
if(_this.settings.rules.drag_button == "right" && event.which && event.which != 3) return true;
if(_this.locked) return _this.error("LOCKED");
var obj = _this.get_node(event.target);
if(_this.settings.rules.multiple != false && _this.selected_arr.length > 1 && obj.children("a:eq(0)").hasClass("clicked")) {
var counter = 0;
for(var i in _this.selected_arr) {
if(!_this.selected_arr.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
if(_this.check("draggable", _this.selected_arr[i])) {
tree_component.drag_drop.origin_tree = _this;
counter ++;
if(counter > 0) {
if(_this.check("draggable", obj)) tree_component.drag_drop.drag_node = obj;
else tree_component.drag_drop.drag_node = _this.container.find("li.dragged:eq(0)");
tree_component.drag_drop.isdown = true;
tree_component.drag_drop.drag_help = $("<div id='jstree-dragged' class='tree " + ( _this.settings.ui.theme_name != "" ? " tree-" + _this.settings.ui.theme_name : "" ) + "' />").append("<ul class='" + _this.container.children("ul:eq(0)").get(0).className + "' />");
var tmp = tree_component.drag_drop.drag_node.clone();
if(_this.settings.languages.length > 0) tmp.find("a").not("." + _this.current_lang).hide();
tree_component.drag_drop.drag_help.find("li:eq(0)").removeClass("last").addClass("last").children("a").html("<ins>&nbsp;</ins>Multiple selection").end().children("ul").remove();
tree_component.drag_drop.dragged = _this.container.find("li.dragged");
else {
if(_this.check("draggable", obj)) {
tree_component.drag_drop.drag_node = obj;
tree_component.drag_drop.drag_help = $("<div id='jstree-dragged' class='tree " + ( _this.settings.ui.theme_name != "" ? " tree-" + _this.settings.ui.theme_name : "" ) + "' />").append("<ul class='" + _this.container.children("ul:eq(0)").get(0).className + "' />");
var tmp = obj.clone();
if(_this.settings.languages.length > 0) tmp.find("a").not("." + _this.current_lang).hide();
tree_component.drag_drop.isdown = true;
tree_component.drag_drop.foreign = false;
tree_component.drag_drop.origin_tree = _this;
tree_component.drag_drop.dragged = _this.container.find("li.dragged");
tree_component.drag_drop.init_x = event.pageX;
tree_component.drag_drop.init_y = event.pageY;
return false;
focus : function () {
if(this.locked) return false;
if(tree_component.focused != this.cntr) {
tree_component.focused = this.cntr;
off_height : function () {
if(this.offset === false) {
this.container.css({ position : "relative" });
this.offset = this.container.offset();
var tmp = 0;
tmp = parseInt($.curCSS(this.container.get(0), "paddingTop", true),10);
if(tmp) this.offset.top += tmp;
tmp = parseInt($.curCSS(this.container.get(0), "borderTopWidth", true),10);
if(tmp) this.offset.top += tmp;
this.container.css({ position : "" });
if(!this.li_height) {
var tmp = this.container.find("ul li.closed, ul li.leaf").eq(0);
this.li_height = tmp.height();
if(tmp.children("ul:eq(0)").size()) this.li_height -= tmp.children("ul:eq(0)").height();
if(!this.li_height) this.li_height = 18;
scroll_check : function (x,y) {
var _this = this;
var cnt = _this.container;
var off = _this.container.offset();
var st = cnt.scrollTop();
var sl = cnt.scrollLeft();
var h_cor = (cnt.get(0).scrollWidth > cnt.width()) ? 40 : 20;
if(y - off.top < 20) cnt.scrollTop(Math.max( (st - _this.settings.ui.scroll_spd) ,0)); // NEAR TOP
if(cnt.height() - (y - off.top) < h_cor) cnt.scrollTop(st + _this.settings.ui.scroll_spd); // NEAR BOTTOM
if(x - off.left < 20) cnt.scrollLeft(Math.max( (sl - _this.settings.ui.scroll_spd),0)); // NEAR LEFT
if(cnt.width() - (x - off.left) < 40) cnt.scrollLeft(sl + _this.settings.ui.scroll_spd); // NEAR RIGHT
if(cnt.scrollLeft() != sl || cnt.scrollTop() != st) {
tree_component.drag_drop.move_type = false;
tree_component.drag_drop.ref_node = false;
tree_component.drag_drop.scroll_time = setTimeout( function() { _this.scroll_check(x,y); }, 50);
scroll_into_view : function (obj) {
obj = obj ? this.get_node(obj) : this.selected;
if(!obj) return false;
var off_t = obj.offset().top;
var beg_t = this.container.offset().top;
var end_t = beg_t + this.container.height();
var h_cor = (this.container.get(0).scrollWidth > this.container.width()) ? 40 : 20;
if(off_t + 5 < beg_t) this.container.scrollTop(this.container.scrollTop() - (beg_t - off_t + 5) );
if(off_t + h_cor > end_t) this.container.scrollTop(this.container.scrollTop() + (off_t + h_cor - end_t) );
get_node : function (obj) {
return $(obj).closest("li");
get_type : function (obj) {
obj = !obj ? this.selected : this.get_node(obj);
if(!obj) return;
var tmp = obj.attr(this.settings.rules.type_attr);
return tmp || "default";
set_type : function (str, obj) {
obj = !obj ? this.selected : this.get_node(obj);
if(!obj || !str) return;
obj.attr(this.settings.rules.type_attr, str);
get_text : function (obj, lang) {
obj = this.get_node(obj);
if(!obj || obj.size() == 0) return "";
if(this.settings.languages && this.settings.languages.length) {
lang = lang ? lang : this.current_lang;
obj = obj.children("a." + lang);
else obj = obj.children("a:visible");
var val = "";
obj.contents().each(function () {
if(this.nodeType == 3) { val = this.data; return false; }
return val;
check : function (rule, obj) {
if(this.locked) return false;
var v = false;
// if root node
if(obj === -1) { if(typeof this.settings.rules[rule] != "undefined") v = this.settings.rules[rule]; }
else {
obj = !obj ? this.selected : this.get_node(obj);
if(!obj) return;
var t = this.get_type(obj);
if(typeof this.settings.types[t] != "undefined" && typeof this.settings.types[t][rule] != "undefined") v = this.settings.types[t][rule];
else if(typeof this.settings.types["default"] != "undefined" && typeof this.settings.types["default"][rule] != "undefined") v = this.settings.types["default"][rule];
if(typeof v == "function") v = v.call(null, obj, this);
v = this.callback("check", [rule, obj, v, this]);
return v;
check_move : function (nod, ref_node, how) {
if(this.locked) return false;
if($(ref_node).closest("li.dragged").size()) return false;
var tree1 = nod.parents(".tree:eq(0)").get(0);
var tree2 = ref_node.parents(".tree:eq(0)").get(0);
// if different trees
if(tree1 && tree1 != tree2) {
var m = $.tree.reference(tree2.id).settings.rules.multitree;
if(m == "none" || ($.isArray(m) && $.inArray(tree1.id, m) == -1)) return false;
var p = (how != "inside") ? this.parent(ref_node) : this.get_node(ref_node);
nod = this.get_node(nod);
if(p == false) return false;
var r = {
max_depth : this.settings.rules.use_max_depth ? this.check("max_depth", p) : -1,
max_children : this.settings.rules.use_max_children ? this.check("max_children", p) : -1,
valid_children : this.check("valid_children", p)
var nod_type = (typeof nod == "string") ? nod : this.get_type(nod);
if(typeof r.valid_children != "undefined" && (r.valid_children == "none" || (typeof r.valid_children == "object" && $.inArray(nod_type, $.makeArray(r.valid_children)) == -1))) return false;
if(this.settings.rules.use_max_children) {
if(typeof r.max_children != "undefined" && r.max_children != -1) {
if(r.max_children == 0) return false;
var c_count = 1;
if(tree_component.drag_drop.moving == true && tree_component.drag_drop.foreign == false) {
c_count = tree_component.drag_drop.dragged.size();
c_count = c_count - p.find('> ul > li.dragged').size();
if(r.max_children < p.find('> ul > li').size() + c_count) return false;
if(this.settings.rules.use_max_depth) {
if(typeof r.max_depth != "undefined" && r.max_depth === 0) return this.error("MOVE: MAX-DEPTH REACHED");
// check for max_depth up the chain
var mx = (r.max_depth > 0) ? r.max_depth : false;
var i = 0;
var t = p;
while(t !== -1) {
t = this.parent(t);
i ++;
var m = this.check("max_depth",t);
if(m >= 0) {
mx = (mx === false) ? (m - i) : Math.min(mx, m - i);
if(mx !== false && mx <= 0) return this.error("MOVE: MAX-DEPTH REACHED");
if(mx !== false && mx <= 0) return this.error("MOVE: MAX-DEPTH REACHED");
if(mx !== false) {
var incr = 1;
if(typeof nod != "string") {
var t = nod;
// possible async problem - when nodes are not all loaded down the chain
while(t.size() > 0) {
if(mx - incr < 0) return this.error("MOVE: MAX-DEPTH REACHED");
t = t.children("ul").children("li");
incr ++;
if(this.callback("check_move", [nod, ref_node, how, this]) == false) return false;
return true;
hover_branch : function (obj) {
if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED");
var _this = this;
var obj = _this.get_node(obj);
if(!obj.size()) return this.error("HOVER: NOT A VALID NODE");
if(!_this.check("clickable", obj)) return this.error("SELECT: NODE NOT SELECTABLE");
if(this.hovered) this.hovered.children("A").removeClass("hover");
this.hovered = obj;
select_branch : function (obj, multiple) {
if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED");
if(!obj && this.hovered !== false) obj = this.hovered;
var _this = this;
obj = _this.get_node(obj);
if(!obj.size()) return this.error("SELECT: NOT A VALID NODE");
if(!_this.check("clickable", obj)) return this.error("SELECT: NODE NOT SELECTABLE");
if(_this.callback("beforechange",[obj.get(0),_this]) === false) return this.error("SELECT: STOPPED BY USER");
if(this.settings.rules.multiple != false && multiple && obj.children("a.clicked").size() > 0) {
return this.deselect_branch(obj);
if(this.settings.rules.multiple != false && multiple) {
if(this.settings.rules.multiple != false && !multiple) {
for(var i in this.selected_arr) {
if(!this.selected_arr.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
this.callback("ondeselect", [this.selected_arr[i].get(0), _this]);
this.selected_arr = [];
if(this.selected && this.selected.children("A").hasClass("clicked")) {
this.callback("ondeselect", [this.selected.get(0), _this]);
if(!this.settings.rules.multiple) {
if(this.selected) {
this.callback("ondeselect", [this.selected.get(0), _this]);
this.selected = obj;
if(this.hovered !== false) {
this.hovered = obj;
this.selected.children("a").addClass("clicked").end().parents("li.closed").each( function () { _this.open_branch(this, true); });
this.callback("onselect", [this.selected.get(0), _this]);
this.callback("onchange", [this.selected.get(0), _this]);
deselect_branch : function (obj) {
if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED");
var _this = this;
var obj = this.get_node(obj);
if(obj.children("a.clicked").size() == 0) return this.error("DESELECT: NODE NOT SELECTED");
this.callback("ondeselect", [obj.get(0), _this]);
if(this.settings.rules.multiple != false && this.selected_arr.length > 1) {
this.selected_arr = [];
this.container.find("a.clicked").filter(":first-child").parent().each(function () {
if(obj.get(0) == this.selected.get(0)) {
this.selected = this.selected_arr[0];
else {
if(this.settings.rules.multiple != false) this.selected_arr = [];
this.selected = false;
this.callback("onchange", [obj.get(0), _this]);
toggle_branch : function (obj) {
if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED");
var obj = this.get_node(obj);
if(obj.hasClass("closed")) return this.open_branch(obj);
if(obj.hasClass("open")) return this.close_branch(obj);
open_branch : function (obj, disable_animation, callback) {
var _this = this;
if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED");
var obj = this.get_node(obj);
if(!obj.size()) return this.error("OPEN: NO SUCH NODE");
if(obj.hasClass("leaf")) return this.error("OPEN: OPENING LEAF NODE");
if(this.settings.data.async && obj.find("li").size() == 0) {
if(this.callback("beforeopen",[obj.get(0),this]) === false) return this.error("OPEN: STOPPED BY USER");
obj.children("ul:eq(0)").remove().end().append("<ul><li class='last'><a class='loading' href='#'><ins>&nbsp;</ins>" + (_this.settings.lang.loading || "Loading ...") + "</a></li></ul>");
var _datastore = new $.tree.datastores[this.settings.data.type]();
data = _this.callback("ondata", [data, _this]);
if(!data || data.length == 0) {
if(callback) callback.call();
str = _this.callback("onparse", [str, _this]);
// if(obj.children('ul:eq(0)').children('li').size() > 1) obj.children("ul").find('.loaading').parent().replaceWith(str); else
_this.open_branch.apply(_this, [obj]);
if(callback) callback.call();
return true;
else {
if(!this.settings.data.async) {
if(this.callback("beforeopen",[obj.get(0),this]) === false) return this.error("OPEN: STOPPED BY USER");
if(parseInt(this.settings.ui.animation) > 0 && !disable_animation ) {
obj.children("ul:eq(0)").slideDown(parseInt(this.settings.ui.animation), function() {
if(callback) callback.call();
} else {
if(callback) callback.call();
this.callback("onopen", [obj.get(0), this]);
return true;
close_branch : function (obj, disable_animation) {
if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED");
var _this = this;
var obj = this.get_node(obj);
if(!obj.size()) return this.error("CLOSE: NO SUCH NODE");
if(_this.callback("beforeclose",[obj.get(0),_this]) === false) return this.error("CLOSE: STOPPED BY USER");
if(parseInt(this.settings.ui.animation) > 0 && !disable_animation && obj.children("ul:eq(0)").size() == 1) {
obj.children("ul:eq(0)").slideUp(parseInt(this.settings.ui.animation), function() {
if(obj.hasClass("open")) obj.removeClass("open").addClass("closed");
else {
if(obj.hasClass("open")) obj.removeClass("open").addClass("closed");
if(this.selected && this.settings.ui.selected_parent_close !== false && obj.children("ul:eq(0)").find("a.clicked").size() > 0) {
obj.find("li:has(a.clicked)").each(function() {
if(this.settings.ui.selected_parent_close == "select_parent" && obj.children("a.clicked").size() == 0) this.select_branch(obj, (this.settings.rules.multiple != false && this.selected_arr.length > 0) );
this.callback("onclose", [obj.get(0), this]);
open_all : function (obj, callback) {
if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED");
var _this = this;
obj = obj ? this.get_node(obj) : this.container;
var s = obj.find("li.closed").size();
if(!callback) this.cl_count = 0;
else this.cl_count --;
if(s > 0) {
this.cl_count += s;
// maybe add .andSelf()
obj.find("li.closed").each( function () { var __this = this; _this.open_branch.apply(_this, [this, true, function() { _this.open_all.apply(_this, [__this, true]); } ]); });
else if(this.cl_count == 0) this.callback("onopen_all",[this]);
close_all : function (obj) {
if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED");
var _this = this;
obj = obj ? this.get_node(obj) : this.container;
// maybe add .andSelf()
obj.find("li.open").each( function () { _this.close_branch(this, true); });
set_lang : function (i) {
if(!$.isArray(this.settings.languages) || this.settings.languages.length == 0) return false;
if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED");
if(!$.inArray(i,this.settings.languages) && typeof this.settings.languages[i] != "undefined") i = this.settings.languages[i];
if(typeof i == "undefined") return false;
if(i == this.current_lang) return true;
var st = false;
var id = "#" + this.container.attr("id");
st = tree_component.get_css(id + " ." + this.current_lang);
if(st !== false) st.style.display = "none";
st = tree_component.get_css(id + " ." + i);
if(st !== false) st.style.display = "";
this.current_lang = i;
return true;
get_lang : function () {
if(!$.isArray(this.settings.languages) || this.settings.languages.length == 0) return false;
return this.current_lang;
create : function (obj, ref_node, position) {
if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED");
var root = false;
if(ref_node == -1) { root = true; ref_node = this.container; }
else ref_node = ref_node ? this.get_node(ref_node) : this.selected;
if(!root && (!ref_node || !ref_node.size())) return this.error("CREATE: NO NODE SELECTED");
var pos = position;
var tmp = ref_node; // for type calculation
if(position == "before") {
position = ref_node.parent().children().index(ref_node);
ref_node = ref_node.parents("li:eq(0)");
if(position == "after") {
position = ref_node.parent().children().index(ref_node) + 1;
ref_node = ref_node.parents("li:eq(0)");
if(!root && ref_node.size() == 0) { root = true; ref_node = this.container; }
if(!root) {
if(!this.check("creatable", ref_node)) return this.error("CREATE: CANNOT CREATE IN NODE");
if(ref_node.hasClass("closed")) {
if(this.settings.data.async && ref_node.children("ul").size() == 0) {
var _this = this;
return this.open_branch(ref_node, true, function () { _this.create.apply(_this, [obj, ref_node, position]); } );
else this.open_branch(ref_node, true);
// creating new object to pass to parseJSON
var torename = false;
if(!obj) obj = {};
else obj = $.extend(true, {}, obj);
if(!obj.attributes) obj.attributes = {};
if(!obj.attributes[this.settings.rules.type_attr]) obj.attributes[this.settings.rules.type_attr] = this.get_type(tmp) || "default";
if(this.settings.languages.length) {
if(!obj.data) { obj.data = {}; torename = true; }
for(var i = 0; i < this.settings.languages.length; i++) {
if(!obj.data[this.settings.languages[i]]) obj.data[this.settings.languages[i]] = ((typeof this.settings.lang.new_node).toLowerCase() != "string" && this.settings.lang.new_node[i]) ? this.settings.lang.new_node[i] : this.settings.lang.new_node;
else {
if(!obj.data) { obj.data = this.settings.lang.new_node; torename = true; }
obj = this.callback("ondata",[obj, this]);
var obj_s = $.tree.datastores.json().parse(obj,this);
obj_s = this.callback("onparse", [obj_s, this]);
var $li = $(obj_s);
if($li.children("ul").size()) {
if(!$li.is(".open")) $li.addClass("closed");
else $li.addClass("leaf");
var r = {
max_depth : this.settings.rules.use_max_depth ? this.check("max_depth", (root ? -1 : ref_node) ) : -1,
max_children : this.settings.rules.use_max_children ? this.check("max_children", (root ? -1 : ref_node) ) : -1,
valid_children : this.check("valid_children", (root ? -1 : ref_node) )
var nod_type = this.get_type($li);
if(typeof r.valid_children != "undefined" && (r.valid_children == "none" || ($.isArray(r.valid_children) && $.inArray(nod_type, r.valid_children) == -1))) return this.error("CREATE: NODE NOT A VALID CHILD");
if(this.settings.rules.use_max_children) {
if(typeof r.max_children != "undefined" && r.max_children != -1 && r.max_children >= this.children(ref_node).size()) return this.error("CREATE: MAX_CHILDREN REACHED");
if(this.settings.rules.use_max_depth) {
if(typeof r.max_depth != "undefined" && r.max_depth === 0) return this.error("CREATE: MAX-DEPTH REACHED");
// check for max_depth up the chain
var mx = (r.max_depth > 0) ? r.max_depth : false;
var i = 0;
var t = ref_node;
while(t !== -1 && !root) {
t = this.parent(t);
i ++;
var m = this.check("max_depth",t);
if(m >= 0) {
mx = (mx === false) ? (m - i) : Math.min(mx, m - i);
if(mx !== false && mx <= 0) return this.error("CREATE: MAX-DEPTH REACHED");
if(mx !== false && mx <= 0) return this.error("CREATE: MAX-DEPTH REACHED");
if(mx !== false) {
var incr = 1;
var t = $li;
while(t.size() > 0) {
if(mx - incr < 0) return this.error("CREATE: MAX-DEPTH REACHED");
t = t.children("ul").children("li");
incr ++;
if((typeof position).toLowerCase() == "undefined" || position == "inside")
position = (this.settings.rules.createat == "top") ? 0 : ref_node.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li").size();
if(ref_node.children("ul").size() == 0 || (root == true && ref_node.children("ul").children("li").size() == 0) ) {
if(!root) var a = this.moved($li,ref_node.children("a:eq(0)"),"inside", true);
else var a = this.moved($li,this.container.children("ul:eq(0)"),"inside", true);
else if(pos == "before" && ref_node.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").size())
var a = this.moved($li,ref_node.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"before", true);
else if(pos == "after" && ref_node.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position) + ")").size())
var a = this.moved($li,ref_node.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"after", true);
else if(ref_node.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").size())
var a = this.moved($li,ref_node.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"before", true);
var a = this.moved($li,ref_node.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:last").children("a:eq(0)"),"after",true);
if(a === false) return this.error("CREATE: ABORTED");
if(torename) {
return $li;
rename : function (obj, new_name) {
if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED");
obj = obj ? this.get_node(obj) : this.selected;
var _this = this;
if(!obj || !obj.size()) return this.error("RENAME: NO NODE SELECTED");
if(!this.check("renameable", obj)) return this.error("RENAME: NODE NOT RENAMABLE");
if(!this.callback("beforerename",[obj.get(0), _this.current_lang, _this])) return this.error("RENAME: STOPPED BY USER");
obj.parents("li.closed").each(function () { _this.open_branch(this) });
if(this.current_lang) obj = obj.find("a." + this.current_lang);
else obj = obj.find("a:first");
// Rollback
var rb = {};
rb[this.container.attr("id")] = this.get_rollback();
var icn = obj.children("ins").clone();
if((typeof new_name).toLowerCase() == "string") {
_this.callback("onrename", [_this.get_node(obj).get(0), _this, rb]);
else {
var last_value = "";
obj.contents().each(function () {
if(this.nodeType == 3) { last_value = this.data; return false; }
_this.inp = $("<input type='text' autocomplete='off' />");
.bind("mousedown", function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); })
.bind("mouseup", function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); })
.bind("click", function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); })
.bind("keyup", function (event) {
var key = event.keyCode || event.which;
if(key == 27) { this.value = last_value; this.blur(); return }
if(key == 13) { this.blur(); return; }
_this.inp.blur(function(event) {
if(this.value == "") this.value = last_value;
obj.get(0).style.display = "";
_this.inp = false;
_this.callback("onrename", [_this.get_node(obj).get(0), _this, rb]);
var spn = $("<span />").addClass(obj.attr("class")).append(icn).append(_this.inp);
obj.get(0).style.display = "none";
remove : function(obj) {
if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED");
var _this = this;
// Rollback
var rb = {};
rb[this.container.attr("id")] = this.get_rollback();
if(obj && (!this.selected || this.get_node(obj).get(0) != this.selected.get(0) )) {
obj = this.get_node(obj);
if(obj.size()) {
if(!this.check("deletable", obj)) return this.error("DELETE: NODE NOT DELETABLE");
if(!this.callback("beforedelete",[obj.get(0), _this])) return this.error("DELETE: STOPPED BY USER");
$parent = obj.parent();
if(obj.find("a.clicked").size()) {
var reset_selected = false;
_this.selected_arr = [];
this.container.find("a.clicked").filter(":first-child").parent().each(function () {
if(!reset_selected && this == _this.selected.get(0)) reset_selected = true;
if($(this).parents().index(obj) != -1) return true;
if(reset_selected) this.selected = this.selected_arr[0] || false;
obj = obj.remove();
if($parent.children("li").size() == 0) {
$li = $parent.parents("li:eq(0)");
this.callback("ondelete", [obj.get(0), this, rb]);
else if(this.selected) {
if(!this.check("deletable", this.selected)) return this.error("DELETE: NODE NOT DELETABLE");
if(!this.callback("beforedelete",[this.selected.get(0), _this])) return this.error("DELETE: STOPPED BY USER");
$parent = this.selected.parent();
var obj = this.selected;
if(this.settings.rules.multiple == false || this.selected_arr.length == 1) {
var stop = true;
var tmp = this.settings.ui.selected_delete == "select_previous" ? this.prev(this.selected) : false;
obj = obj.remove();
if($parent.children("li").size() == 0) {
$li = $parent.parents("li:eq(0)");
if(!stop && this.settings.rules.multiple != false) {
var _this = this;
this.selected_arr = [];
this.container.find("a.clicked").filter(":first-child").parent().each(function () {
if(this.selected_arr.length > 0) {
this.selected = this.selected_arr[0];
if(stop && tmp) this.select_branch(tmp);
this.callback("ondelete", [obj.get(0), this, rb]);
else return this.error("DELETE: NO NODE SELECTED");
next : function (obj, strict) {
obj = this.get_node(obj);
if(!obj.size()) return false;
if(strict) return (obj.nextAll("li").size() > 0) ? obj.nextAll("li:eq(0)") : false;
if(obj.hasClass("open")) return obj.find("li:eq(0)");
else if(obj.nextAll("li").size() > 0) return obj.nextAll("li:eq(0)");
else return obj.parents("li").next("li").eq(0);
prev : function(obj, strict) {
obj = this.get_node(obj);
if(!obj.size()) return false;
if(strict) return (obj.prevAll("li").size() > 0) ? obj.prevAll("li:eq(0)") : false;
if(obj.prev("li").size()) {
var obj = obj.prev("li").eq(0);
while(obj.hasClass("open")) obj = obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:last");
return obj;
else return obj.parents("li:eq(0)").size() ? obj.parents("li:eq(0)") : false;
parent : function(obj) {
obj = this.get_node(obj);
if(!obj.size()) return false;
return obj.parents("li:eq(0)").size() ? obj.parents("li:eq(0)") : -1;
children : function(obj) {
if(obj === -1) return this.container.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li");
obj = this.get_node(obj);
if(!obj.size()) return false;
return obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li");
toggle_dots : function () {
if(this.settings.ui.dots) {
this.settings.ui.dots = false;
else {
this.settings.ui.dots = true;
callback : function (cb, args) {
var p = false;
var r = null;
for(var i in this.settings.plugins) {
if(typeof $.tree.plugins[i] != "object") continue;
p = $.tree.plugins[i];
if(p.callbacks && typeof p.callbacks[cb] == "function") r = p.callbacks[cb].apply(this, args);
if(typeof r !== "undefined" && r !== null) {
if(cb == "ondata" || cb == "onparse") args[0] = r; // keep the chain if data or parse
else return r;
p = this.settings.callback[cb];
if(typeof p == "function") return p.apply(null, args);
get_rollback : function () {
var rb = {};
rb.html = this.container.html();
rb.selected = this.selected ? this.selected.attr("id") : false;
return rb;
moved : function (what, where, how, is_new, is_copy, rb) {
var what = $(what);
var $parent = $(what).parents("ul:eq(0)");
var $where = $(where);
if($where.is("ins")) $where = $where.parent();
// Rollback
if(!rb) {
var rb = {};
rb[this.container.attr("id")] = this.get_rollback();
if(!is_new) {
var tmp = what.size() > 1 ? what.eq(0).parents(".tree:eq(0)") : what.parents(".tree:eq(0)");
if(tmp.get(0) != this.container.get(0)) {
tmp = tree_component.inst[tmp.attr("id")];
rb[tmp.container.attr("id")] = tmp.get_rollback();
delete tmp;
if(how == "inside" && this.settings.data.async) {
var _this = this;
if(this.get_node($where).hasClass("closed")) {
return this.open_branch(this.get_node($where), true, function () { _this.moved.apply(_this, [what, where, how, is_new, is_copy, rb]); });
if(this.get_node($where).find("> ul > li > a.loading").size() == 1) {
setTimeout(function () { _this.moved.apply(_this, [what, where, how, is_new, is_copy]); }, 200);
if(what.size() > 1) {
var _this = this;
var tmp = this.moved(what.eq(0), where, how, false, is_copy, rb);
what.each(function (i) {
if(i == 0) return;
if(tmp) { // if tmp is false - the previous move was a no-go
tmp = _this.moved(this, tmp.children("a:eq(0)"), "after", false, is_copy, rb);
return what;
if(is_copy) {
_what = what.clone();
_what.each(function (i) {
this.id = this.id + "_copy";
$(this).find("li").each(function () {
this.id = this.id + "_copy";
else _what = what;
if(is_new) {
if(!this.callback("beforecreate", [this.get_node(what).get(0), this.get_node(where).get(0),how,this])) return false;
else {
if(!this.callback("beforemove", [this.get_node(what).get(0), this.get_node(where).get(0),how,this])) return false;
if(!is_new) {
var tmp = what.parents(".tree:eq(0)");
// if different trees
if(tmp.get(0) != this.container.get(0)) {
tmp = tree_component.inst[tmp.attr("id")];
// if there are languages - otherwise - no cleanup needed
if(tmp.settings.languages.length) {
var res = [];
// if new tree has no languages - use current visible
if(this.settings.languages.length == 0) res.push("." + tmp.current_lang);
else {
for(var i in this.settings.languages) {
if(!this.settings.languages.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
for(var j in tmp.settings.languages) {
if(!tmp.settings.languages.hasOwnProperty(j)) continue;
if(this.settings.languages[i] == tmp.settings.languages[j]) res.push("." + this.settings.languages[i]);
if(res.length == 0) return this.error("MOVE: NO COMMON LANGUAGES");
what = _what;
switch(how) {
case "before":
case "after":
case "inside":
if($where.parent().children("ul:first").size()) {
if(this.settings.rules.createat == "top") {
// restored this section
var tmp_node = $where.parent().children("ul:first").children("li:first");
if(tmp_node.size()) {
how = "before";
where = tmp_node;
else {
// restored this section
var tmp_node = $where.parent().children("ul:first").children(".last");
if(tmp_node.size()) {
how = "after";
where = tmp_node;
else {
if(!$where.parent().hasClass("open")) $where.parent().addClass("closed");
if($where.parent().hasClass("closed")) { this.open_branch($where); }
if($parent.find("li").size() == 0) {
var $li = $parent.parent();
if(!$li.is(".tree")) $li.children("ul").remove();
else {
// NO LONGER CORRECT WITH position PARAM - if(is_new && how != "inside") where = this.get_node(where).parents("li:eq(0)");
if(is_copy) this.callback("oncopy", [this.get_node(what).get(0), this.get_node(where).get(0), how, this, rb]);
else if(is_new) this.callback("oncreate", [this.get_node(what).get(0), ($where.is("ul") ? -1 : this.get_node(where).get(0) ), how, this, rb]);
else this.callback("onmove", [this.get_node(what).get(0), this.get_node(where).get(0), how, this, rb]);
return what;
error : function (code) {
return false;
lock : function (state) {
this.locked = state;
if(this.locked) this.container.children("ul:eq(0)").addClass("locked");
else this.container.children("ul:eq(0)").removeClass("locked");
cut : function (obj) {
if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED");
obj = obj ? this.get_node(obj) : this.container.find("a.clicked").filter(":first-child").parent();
if(!obj || !obj.size()) return this.error("CUT: NO NODE SELECTED");
tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes = false;
tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes = obj;
copy : function (obj) {
if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED");
obj = obj ? this.get_node(obj) : this.container.find("a.clicked").filter(":first-child").parent();
if(!obj || !obj.size()) return this.error("COPY: NO NODE SELECTED");
tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes = obj;
tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes = false;
paste : function (obj, position) {
if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED");
var root = false;
if(obj == -1) { root = true; obj = this.container; }
else obj = obj ? this.get_node(obj) : this.selected;
if(!root && (!obj || !obj.size())) return this.error("PASTE: NO NODE SELECTED");
if(!tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes && !tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes) return this.error("PASTE: NOTHING TO DO");
var _this = this;
var pos = position;
if(position == "before") {
position = obj.parent().children().index(obj);
obj = obj.parents("li:eq(0)");
else if(position == "after") {
position = obj.parent().children().index(obj) + 1;
obj = obj.parents("li:eq(0)");
else if((typeof position).toLowerCase() == "undefined" || position == "inside") {
position = (this.settings.rules.createat == "top") ? 0 : obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li").size();
if(!root && obj.size() == 0) { root = true; obj = this.container; }
if(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes && tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes.size()) {
var ok = true;
if(!root && !this.check_move(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes, obj.children("a:eq(0)"), "inside")) return false;
if(obj.children("ul").size() == 0 || (root == true && obj.children("ul").children("li").size() == 0) ) {
if(!root) var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,obj.children("a:eq(0)"),"inside", false, true);
else var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,this.container.children("ul:eq(0)"),"inside", false, true);
else if(pos == "before" && obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").size())
var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"before", false, true);
else if(pos == "after" && obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position) + ")").size())
var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"after", false, true);
else if(obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").size())
var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"before", false, true);
var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:last").children("a:eq(0)"),"after", false, true);
tree_component.cut_copy.copy_nodes = false;
if(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes && tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes.size()) {
var ok = true;
obj.parents().andSelf().each(function () {
if(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes.index(this) != -1) {
ok = false;
return false;
if(!ok) return this.error("Invalid paste");
if(!root && !this.check_move(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes, obj.children("a:eq(0)"), "inside")) return false;
if(obj.children("ul").size() == 0 || (root == true && obj.children("ul").children("li").size() == 0) ) {
if(!root) var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes,obj.children("a:eq(0)"),"inside");
else var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes,this.container.children("ul:eq(0)"),"inside");
else if(pos == "before" && obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").size())
var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"before");
else if(pos == "after" && obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position) + ")").size())
var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"after");
else if(obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").size())
var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:nth-child(" + (position + 1) + ")").children("a:eq(0)"),"before");
var a = this.moved(tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes,obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:last").children("a:eq(0)"),"after");
tree_component.cut_copy.cut_nodes = false;
search : function(str, func) {
var _this = this;
if(!str || (this.srch && str != this.srch) ) {
this.srch = "";
this.srch_opn = false;
this.srch = str;
if(!str) return;
if(!func) func = "contains";
if(this.settings.data.async) {
if(!this.srch_opn) {
var dd = $.extend( { "search" : str } , this.callback("beforedata", [false, this] ) );
type : this.settings.data.opts.method,
url : this.settings.data.opts.url,
data : dd,
dataType : "text",
success : function (data) {
_this.srch_opn = $.unique(data.split(","));
_this.search.apply(_this,[str, func]);
else if(this.srch_opn.length) {
if(this.srch_opn && this.srch_opn.length) {
var opn = false;
for(var j = 0; j < this.srch_opn.length; j++) {
if(this.get_node("#" + this.srch_opn[j]).size() > 0) {
opn = true;
var tmp = "#" + this.srch_opn[j];
delete this.srch_opn[j];
this.open_branch(tmp, true, function () { _this.search.apply(_this,[str, func]); } );
if(!opn) {
this.srch_opn = [];
_this.search.apply(_this,[str, func]);
else {
this.srch_opn = false;
var selector = "a";
if(this.settings.languages.length) selector += "." + this.current_lang;
this.callback("onsearch", [this.container.find(selector + ":" + func + "('" + str + "')"), this]);
else {
var selector = "a";
if(this.settings.languages.length) selector += "." + this.current_lang;
var nn = this.container.find(selector + ":" + func + "('" + str + "')");
nn.parents("li.closed").each( function () { _this.open_branch(this, true); });
this.callback("onsearch", [nn, this]);
add_sheet : tree_component.add_sheet,
destroy : function() {
this.callback("ondestroy", [this]);
$("#" + this.container.attr("id")).die("click.jstree").die("dblclick.jstree").die("mouseover.jstree").die("mouseout.jstree").die("mousedown.jstree");
this.container.removeClass("tree ui-widget ui-widget-content tree-default tree-" + this.settings.ui.theme_name).children("ul").removeClass("no_dots ltr locked").find("li").removeClass("leaf").removeClass("open").removeClass("closed").removeClass("last").children("a").removeClass("clicked hover search");
if(this.cntr == tree_component.focused) {
for(var i in tree_component.inst) {
if(i != this.cntr && i != this.container.attr("id")) {
tree_component.inst[this.cntr] = false;
tree_component.inst[this.container.attr("id")] = false;
delete tree_component.inst[this.cntr];
delete tree_component.inst[this.container.attr("id")];
tree_component.cntr --;
// instance manager
tree_component.cntr = 0;
tree_component.inst = {};
// themes
tree_component.themes = [];
// drag'n'drop stuff
tree_component.drag_drop = {
isdown : false, // Is there a drag
drag_node : false, // The actual node
drag_help : false, // The helper
dragged : false,
init_x : false,
init_y : false,
moving : false,
origin_tree : false,
marker : false,
move_type : false, // before, after or inside
ref_node : false, // reference node
appended : false, // is helper appended
foreign : false, // Is the dragged node a foreign one
droppable : [], // Array of classes that can be dropped onto the tree
open_time : false, // Timeout for opening nodes
scroll_time : false // Timeout for scrolling
tree_component.mouseup = function(event) {
var tmp = tree_component.drag_drop;
if(tmp.open_time) clearTimeout(tmp.open_time);
if(tmp.scroll_time) clearTimeout(tmp.scroll_time);
if(tmp.moving && $.tree.drag_end !== false) $.tree.drag_end.call(null, event, tmp);
if(tmp.foreign === false && tmp.drag_node && tmp.drag_node.size()) {
if(tmp.move_type) {
var tree1 = tree_component.inst[tmp.ref_node.parents(".tree:eq(0)").attr("id")];
if(tree1) tree1.moved(tmp.dragged, tmp.ref_node, tmp.move_type, false, (tmp.origin_tree.settings.rules.drag_copy == "on" || (tmp.origin_tree.settings.rules.drag_copy == "ctrl" && event.ctrlKey) ) );
tmp.move_type = false;
tmp.ref_node = false;
if(tmp.foreign !== false) {
if(tmp.drag_help) tmp.drag_help.remove();
if(tmp.move_type) {
var tree1 = tree_component.inst[tmp.ref_node.parents(".tree:eq(0)").attr("id")];
if(tree1) tree1.callback("ondrop",[tmp.f_data, tree1.get_node(tmp.ref_node).get(0), tmp.move_type, tree1]);
tmp.foreign = false;
tmp.move_type = false;
tmp.ref_node = false;
if(tree_component.drag_drop.marker) tree_component.drag_drop.marker.hide();
if(tmp.dragged && tmp.dragged.size()) tmp.dragged.removeClass("dragged");
tmp.dragged = false;
tmp.drag_help = false;
tmp.drag_node = false;
tmp.f_type = false;
tmp.f_data = false;
tmp.init_x = false;
tmp.init_y = false;
tmp.moving = false;
tmp.appended = false;
tmp.origin_tree = false;
if(tmp.isdown) {
tmp.isdown = false;
return false;
tree_component.mousemove = function(event) {
var tmp = tree_component.drag_drop;
var is_start = false;
if(tmp.isdown) {
if(!tmp.moving && Math.abs(tmp.init_x - event.pageX) < 5 && Math.abs(tmp.init_y - event.pageY) < 5) {
return false;
else {
if(!tmp.moving) {
tree_component.drag_drop.moving = true;
is_start = true;
if(tmp.open_time) clearTimeout(tmp.open_time);
if(tmp.drag_help !== false) {
if(!tmp.appended) {
if(tmp.foreign !== false) tmp.origin_tree = $.tree.focused();
tmp.w = tmp.drag_help.width();
tmp.appended = true;
tmp.drag_help.css({ "left" : (event.pageX + 5 ), "top" : (event.pageY + 15) });
if(is_start && $.tree.drag_start !== false) $.tree.drag_start.call(null, event, tmp);
if($.tree.drag !== false) $.tree.drag.call(null, event, tmp);
if(event.target.tagName == "DIV" && event.target.id == "jstree-marker") return false;
var et = $(event.target);
if(et.is("ins")) et = et.parent();
var cnt = et.is(".tree") ? et : et.parents(".tree:eq(0)");
// if not moving over a tree
if(cnt.size() == 0 || !tree_component.inst[cnt.attr("id")]) {
if(tmp.scroll_time) clearTimeout(tmp.scroll_time);
if(tmp.drag_help !== false) tmp.drag_help.find("li:eq(0) ins").addClass("forbidden");
tmp.move_type = false;
tmp.ref_node = false;
return false;
var tree2 = tree_component.inst[cnt.attr("id")];
if(tmp.scroll_time) clearTimeout(tmp.scroll_time);
tmp.scroll_time = setTimeout( function() { tree2.scroll_check(event.pageX,event.pageY); }, 50);
var mov = false;
var st = cnt.scrollTop();
if(event.target.tagName == "A" || event.target.tagName == "INS") {
// just in case if hover is over the draggable
if(et.is("#jstree-dragged")) return false;
if(tree2.get_node(event.target).hasClass("closed")) {
tmp.open_time = setTimeout( function () { tree2.open_branch(et); }, 500);
var et_off = et.offset();
var goTo = {
x : (et_off.left - 1),
y : (event.pageY - et_off.top)
var arr = [];
if(goTo.y < tree2.li_height/3 + 1 ) arr = ["before","inside","after"];
else if(goTo.y > tree2.li_height*2/3 - 1 ) arr = ["after","inside","before"];
else {
if(goTo.y < tree2.li_height/2) arr = ["inside","before","after"];
else arr = ["inside","after","before"];
var ok = false;
var nn = (tmp.foreign == false) ? tmp.origin_tree.container.find("li.dragged") : tmp.f_type;
$.each(arr, function(i, val) {
if(tree2.check_move(nn, et, val)) {
mov = val;
ok = true;
return false;
if(ok) {
switch(mov) {
case "before":
goTo.y = et_off.top - 2;
case "after":
goTo.y = et_off.top - 2 + tree2.li_height;
case "inside":
goTo.x -= 2;
goTo.y = et_off.top - 2 + tree2.li_height/2;
tmp.move_type = mov;
tmp.ref_node = $(event.target);
if(tmp.drag_help !== false) tmp.drag_help.find(".forbidden").removeClass("forbidden");
tree_component.drag_drop.marker.css({ "left" : goTo.x , "top" : goTo.y }).show();
if( (et.is(".tree") || et.is("ul") ) && et.find("li:eq(0)").size() == 0) {
var et_off = et.offset();
tmp.move_type = "inside";
tmp.ref_node = cnt.children("ul:eq(0)");
if(tmp.drag_help !== false) tmp.drag_help.find(".forbidden").removeClass("forbidden");
tree_component.drag_drop.marker.css({ "left" : (et_off.left + 10) , "top" : et_off.top + 15 }).show();
else if( (event.target.tagName != "A" && event.target.tagName != "INS") || !ok) {
if(tmp.drag_help !== false) tmp.drag_help.find("li:eq(0) ins").addClass("forbidden");
tmp.move_type = false;
tmp.ref_node = false;
return false;
return true;
$(function () {
$(document).bind("mousemove.jstree", tree_component.mousemove);
$(document).bind("mouseup.jstree", tree_component.mouseup);
// cut, copy, paste stuff
tree_component.cut_copy = {
copy_nodes : false,
cut_nodes : false
// css stuff
tree_component.css = false;
tree_component.get_css = function(rule_name, delete_flag) {
rule_name = rule_name.toLowerCase();
var css_rules = tree_component.css.cssRules || tree_component.css.rules;
var j = 0;
do {
if(css_rules.length && j > css_rules.length + 5) return false;
if(css_rules[j].selectorText && css_rules[j].selectorText.toLowerCase() == rule_name) {
if(delete_flag == true) {
if(tree_component.css.removeRule) document.styleSheets[i].removeRule(j);
if(tree_component.css.deleteRule) document.styleSheets[i].deleteRule(j);
return true;
else return css_rules[j];
while (css_rules[++j]);
return false;
tree_component.add_css = function(rule_name) {
if(tree_component.get_css(rule_name)) return false;
(tree_component.css.insertRule) ? tree_component.css.insertRule(rule_name + ' { }', 0) : tree_component.css.addRule(rule_name, null, 0);
return tree_component.get_css(rule_name);
tree_component.remove_css = function(rule_name) {
return tree_component.get_css(rule_name, true);
tree_component.add_sheet = function(opts) {
if(opts.str) {
var tmp = document.createElement("style");
if(tmp.styleSheet) {
tmp.styleSheet.cssText = opts.str;
else {
return tmp.sheet || tmp.styleSheet;
if(opts.url) {
if(document.createStyleSheet) {
try { document.createStyleSheet(opts.url); } catch (e) { };
else {
var newSS = document.createElement('link');
newSS.rel = 'stylesheet';
newSS.type = 'text/css';
newSS.media = "all";
newSS.href = opts.url;
// var styles = "@import url(' " + url + " ');";
// newSS.href ='data:text/css,'+escape(styles);
return newSS.styleSheet;
$(function () {
var u = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var v = (u.match( /.+(?:rv|it|ra|ie)[\/: ]([\d.]+)/ ) || [0,'0'])[1];
var css = '/* TREE LAYOUT */ .tree ul { margin:0 0 0 5px; padding:0 0 0 0; list-style-type:none; } .tree li { display:block; min-height:18px; line-height:18px; padding:0 0 0 15px; margin:0 0 0 0; /* Background fix */ clear:both; } .tree li ul { display:none; } .tree li a, .tree li span { display:inline-block;line-height:16px;height:16px;color:black;white-space:nowrap;text-decoration:none;padding:1px 4px 1px 4px;margin:0; } .tree li a:focus { outline: none; } .tree li a input, .tree li span input { margin:0;padding:0 0;display:inline-block;height:12px !important;border:1px solid white;background:white;font-size:10px;font-family:Verdana; } .tree li a input:not([class="xxx"]), .tree li span input:not([class="xxx"]) { padding:1px 0; } /* FOR DOTS */ .tree .ltr li.last { float:left; } .tree > ul li.last { overflow:visible; } /* OPEN OR CLOSE */ .tree li.open ul { display:block; } .tree li.closed ul { display:none !important; } /* FOR DRAGGING */ #jstree-dragged { position:absolute; top:-10px; left:-10px; margin:0; padding:0; } #jstree-dragged ul ul ul { display:none; } #jstree-marker { padding:0; margin:0; line-height:5px; font-size:1px; overflow:hidden; height:5px; position:absolute; left:-45px; top:-30px; z-index:1000; background-color:transparent; background-repeat:no-repeat; display:none; } #jstree-marker.marker { width:45px; background-position:-32px top; } #jstree-marker.marker_plus { width:5px; background-position:right top; } /* BACKGROUND DOTS */ .tree li li { overflow:hidden; } .tree > .ltr > li { display:table; } /* ICONS */ .tree ul ins { display:inline-block; text-decoration:none; width:16px; height:16px; } .tree .ltr ins { margin:0 4px 0 0px; } ';
if($.browser.msie) {
if($.browser.version == 6) css += '.tree li { height:18px; zoom:1; } .tree li li { overflow:visible; } .tree .ltr li.last { margin-top: expression( (this.previousSibling && /open/.test(this.previousSibling.className) ) ? "-2px" : "0"); } .marker { width:45px; background-position:-32px top; } .marker_plus { width:5px; background-position:right top; }';
if($.browser.version == 7) css += '.tree li li { overflow:visible; } .tree .ltr li.last { margin-top: expression( (this.previousSibling && /open/.test(this.previousSibling.className) ) ? "-2px" : "0"); }';
if($.browser.opera) css += '.tree > ul > li.last:after { content:"."; display: block; height:1px; clear:both; visibility:hidden; }';
if($.browser.mozilla && $.browser.version.indexOf("1.8") == 0) css += '.tree .ltr li a { display:inline; float:left; } .tree li ul { clear:both; }';
tree_component.css = tree_component.add_sheet({ str : css });
// Datastores
// HTML and JSON are included here by default
(function ($) {
$.extend($.tree.datastores, {
"html" : function () {
return {
get : function(obj, tree, opts) {
return obj && $(obj).size() ? $('<div>').append(tree.get_node(obj).clone()).html() : tree.container.children("ul:eq(0)").html();
parse : function(data, tree, opts, callback) {
if(callback) callback.call(null, data);
return data;
load : function(data, tree, opts, callback) {
if(opts.url) {
'type' : opts.method,
'url' : opts.url,
'data' : data,
'dataType' : "html",
'success' : function (d, textStatus) {
callback.call(null, d);
'error' : function (xhttp, textStatus, errorThrown) {
callback.call(null, false);
tree.error(errorThrown + " " + textStatus);
else {
callback.call(null, opts.static || tree.container.children("ul:eq(0)").html());
"json" : function () {
return {
get : function(obj, tree, opts) {
var _this = this;
if(!obj || $(obj).size() == 0) obj = tree.container.children("ul").children("li");
else obj = $(obj);
if(!opts) opts = {};
if(!opts.outer_attrib) opts.outer_attrib = [ "id", "rel", "class" ];
if(!opts.inner_attrib) opts.inner_attrib = [ ];
if(obj.size() > 1) {
var arr = [];
obj.each(function () {
arr.push(_this.get(this, tree, opts));
return arr;
if(obj.size() == 0) return [];
var json = { attributes : {}, data : {} };
if(obj.hasClass("open")) json.data.state = "open";
if(obj.hasClass("closed")) json.data.state = "closed";
for(var i in opts.outer_attrib) {
if(!opts.outer_attrib.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
var val = (opts.outer_attrib[i] == "class") ? obj.attr(opts.outer_attrib[i]).replace(/(^| )last( |$)/ig," ").replace(/(^| )(leaf|closed|open)( |$)/ig," ") : obj.attr(opts.outer_attrib[i]);
if(typeof val != "undefined" && val.toString().replace(" ","").length > 0) json.attributes[opts.outer_attrib[i]] = val;
delete val;
if(tree.settings.languages.length) {
for(var i in tree.settings.languages) {
if(!tree.settings.languages.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
var a = obj.children("a." + tree.settings.languages[i]);
if(opts.force || opts.inner_attrib.length || a.children("ins").get(0).style.backgroundImage.toString().length || a.children("ins").get(0).className.length) {
json.data[tree.settings.languages[i]] = {};
json.data[tree.settings.languages[i]].title = tree.get_text(obj,tree.settings.languages[i]);
if(a.children("ins").get(0).style.className.length) {
json.data[tree.settings.languages[i]].icon = a.children("ins").get(0).style.className;
if(a.children("ins").get(0).style.backgroundImage.length) {
json.data[tree.settings.languages[i]].icon = a.children("ins").get(0).style.backgroundImage.replace("url(","").replace(")","");
if(opts.inner_attrib.length) {
json.data[tree.settings.languages[i]].attributes = {};
for(var j in opts.inner_attrib) {
if(!opts.inner_attrib.hasOwnProperty(j)) continue;
var val = a.attr(opts.inner_attrib[j]);
if(typeof val != "undefined" && val.toString().replace(" ","").length > 0) json.data[tree.settings.languages[i]].attributes[opts.inner_attrib[j]] = val;
delete val;
else {
json.data[tree.settings.languages[i]] = tree.get_text(obj,tree.settings.languages[i]);
else {
var a = obj.children("a");
json.data.title = tree.get_text(obj);
if(a.children("ins").size() && a.children("ins").get(0).className.length) {
json.data.icon = a.children("ins").get(0).className;
if(a.children("ins").size() && a.children("ins").get(0).style.backgroundImage.length) {
json.data.icon = a.children("ins").get(0).style.backgroundImage.replace("url(","").replace(")","");
if(opts.inner_attrib.length) {
json.data.attributes = {};
for(var j in opts.inner_attrib) {
if(!opts.inner_attrib.hasOwnProperty(j)) continue;
var val = a.attr(opts.inner_attrib[j]);
if(typeof val != "undefined" && val.toString().replace(" ","").length > 0) json.data.attributes[opts.inner_attrib[j]] = val;
delete val;
if(obj.children("ul").size() > 0) {
json.children = [];
obj.children("ul").children("li").each(function () {
json.children.push(_this.get(this, tree, opts));
return json;
parse : function(data, tree, opts, callback) {
if(Object.prototype.toString.apply(data) === "[object Array]") {
var str = '';
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i ++) {
if(typeof data[i] == "function") continue;
str += this.parse(data[i], tree, opts);
if(callback) callback.call(null, str);
return str;
if(!data || !data.data) {
if(callback) callback.call(null, false);
return "";
var str = '';
str += "<li ";
var cls = false;
if(data.attributes) {
for(var i in data.attributes) {
if(!data.attributes.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
if(i == "class") {
str += " class='" + data.attributes[i] + " ";
if(data.state == "closed" || data.state == "open") str += " " + data.state + " ";
str += "' ";
cls = true;
else str += " " + i + "='" + data.attributes[i] + "' ";
if(!cls && (data.state == "closed" || data.state == "open")) str += " class='" + data.state + "' ";
str += ">";
if(tree.settings.languages.length) {
for(var i = 0; i < tree.settings.languages.length; i++) {
var attr = {};
attr["href"] = "";
attr["style"] = "";
attr["class"] = tree.settings.languages[i];
if(data.data[tree.settings.languages[i]] && (typeof data.data[tree.settings.languages[i]].attributes).toLowerCase() != "undefined") {
for(var j in data.data[tree.settings.languages[i]].attributes) {
if(!data.data[tree.settings.languages[i]].attributes.hasOwnProperty(j)) continue;
if(j == "style" || j == "class") attr[j] += " " + data.data[tree.settings.languages[i]].attributes[j];
else attr[j] = data.data[tree.settings.languages[i]].attributes[j];
str += "<a";
for(var j in attr) {
if(!attr.hasOwnProperty(j)) continue;
str += ' ' + j + '="' + attr[j] + '" ';
str += ">";
if(data.data[tree.settings.languages[i]] && data.data[tree.settings.languages[i]].icon) {
str += "<ins " + (data.data[tree.settings.languages[i]].icon.indexOf("/") == -1 ? " class='" + data.data[tree.settings.languages[i]].icon + "' " : " style='background-image:url(\"" + data.data[tree.settings.languages[i]].icon + "\");' " ) + ">&nbsp;</ins>";
else str += "<ins>&nbsp;</ins>";
str += ( (typeof data.data[tree.settings.languages[i]].title).toLowerCase() != "undefined" ? data.data[tree.settings.languages[i]].title : data.data[tree.settings.languages[i]] ) + "</a>";
else {
var attr = {};
attr["href"] = "";
attr["style"] = "";
attr["class"] = "";
if((typeof data.data.attributes).toLowerCase() != "undefined") {
for(var i in data.data.attributes) {
if(!data.data.attributes.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
if(i == "style" || i == "class") attr[i] += " " + data.data.attributes[i];
else attr[i] = data.data.attributes[i];
str += "<a";
for(var i in attr) {
if(!attr.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
str += ' ' + i + '="' + attr[i] + '" ';
str += ">";
if(data.data.icon) {
str += "<ins " + (data.data.icon.indexOf("/") == -1 ? " class='" + data.data.icon + "' " : " style='background-image:url(\"" + data.data.icon + "\");' " ) + ">&nbsp;</ins>";
else str += "<ins>&nbsp;</ins>";
str += ( (typeof data.data.title).toLowerCase() != "undefined" ? data.data.title : data.data ) + "</a>";
if(data.children && data.children.length) {
str += '<ul>';
for(var i = 0; i < data.children.length; i++) {
str += this.parse(data.children[i], tree, opts);
str += '</ul>';
str += "</li>";
if(callback) callback.call(null, str);
return str;
load : function(data, tree, opts, callback) {
if(opts.static) {
callback.call(null, opts.static);
else {
'type' : opts.method,
'url' : opts.url,
'data' : data,
'dataType' : "json",
'success' : function (d, textStatus) {
callback.call(null, d);
'error' : function (xhttp, textStatus, errorThrown) {
callback.call(null, false);
tree.error(errorThrown + " " + textStatus);