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# IBM(c) 2012 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
xCAT plugin to support PCM node management
These commands are designed to be called by PCM GUI.
package xCAT_plugin::pcmnodes;
use strict;
use warnings;
require xCAT::Table;
require xCAT::DBobjUtils;
require xCAT::Utils;
require xCAT::TableUtils;
require xCAT::NetworkUtils;
require xCAT::MsgUtils;
require xCAT::PCMNodeMgmtUtils;
# Globals.
# These 2 global variables are for storing the parse result of hostinfo file.
# These 2 global varialbes are set in lib xCAT::DBobjUtils->readFileInput.
# All database records.
my %allhostnames;
my %allbmcips;
my %allmacs;
my %allips;
my %allinstallips;
my %allnicips;
my %allracks;
my %allchassis;
# Define parameters for xcat requests.
my $request;
my $callback;
my $request_command;
my $command;
my $args;
# Put arguments in a hash.
my %args_dict;
=head3 handled_commands
Return list of commands handled by this plugin
sub handled_commands {
return {
addhost_hostfile => 'pcmnodes',
addhost_discover => 'pcmnodes',
removehost => 'pcmnodes',
updatehost => 'pcmnodes',
=head3 process_request
Process the command. This is the main call.
sub process_request {
my $lock = xCAT::PCMNodeMgmtUtils->acquire_lock();
unless ($lock){
setrsp_errormsg("Can not acquire lock, some process is operating node related actions.");
$request = shift;
$callback = shift;
$request_command = shift;
$command = $request->{command}->[0];
$args = $request->{arg};
if ($command eq "addhost_hostfile"){
} elsif ($command eq "removehost"){
} elsif ($command eq "updatehost"){
=head3 parse_args
Description : Parse arguments. We placed arguments into a directory %args_dict
Arguments : args - args of xCAT requests.
Returns : undef - parse succeed.
A string - parse arguments failed, the return value is error message.
sub parse_args{
foreach my $arg (@$args){
my @argarray = split(/=/,$arg);
my $arglen = @argarray;
if ($arglen > 2){
return "Illegal arg $arg specified.";
# translate the profile names into real group names in db.
if($argarray[0] eq "networkprofile"){
$args_dict{$argarray[0]} = "__NetworkProfile_".$argarray[1];
} elsif ($argarray[0] eq "imageprofile"){
$args_dict{$argarray[0]} = "__ImageProfile_".$argarray[1];
} elsif ($argarray[0] eq "hardwareprofile"){
$args_dict{$argarray[0]} = "__HardwareProfile_".$argarray[1];
} else{
$args_dict{$argarray[0]} = $argarray[1];
return undef;
=head3 addhost_hostfile
Description :
Create PCM nodes by importing hostinfo file.
This sub maps to request "addhost_hostfile", we need to call this command from CLI like following steps:
# ln -s /opt/xcat/bin/xcatclientnnr /opt/xcat/bin/addhost_hostfile
# addhost_hostfile file=/root/hostinfo.file networkprofile=network_cn imageprofile=rhel63_cn hardwareprofile=ipmi groups=group1,group2
The hostinfo file should be written like: (MAC address is mandatory attribute)
# Auto generate hostname for this node entry.
# Specified hostname node.
After this call finished, the compute node's info will be updated automatically in /etc/hosts, dns config, dhcp config, TFTP config...
sub addhost_hostfile {
# Parse arges.
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "[PCM nodes mgmt]Import PCM nodes through hostinfo file.\n");
my $retstr = parse_args();
if ($retstr){
# Make sure the specified parameters are valid ones.
# TODO: support privisioning template.
my @enabledparams = ('file', 'groups', 'networkprofile', 'hardwareprofile', 'imageprofile');
foreach my $argname (keys %args_dict){
if (! grep{ $_ eq $argname} @enabledparams){
setrsp_errormsg("Illegal attribute $argname specified.");
# validate hostinfo file.
if (! exists $args_dict{'file'}){
setrsp_errormsg("No hostinfo file specified.");
elsif(! (-e $args_dict{'file'})){
setrsp_errormsg("The hostinfo file not exists.");
# Get database records: all hostnames, all ips, all racks...
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "[PCM nodes mgmt]Getting database records.\n");
my $recordsref = xCAT::PCMNodeMgmtUtils->get_allnode_singleattrib_hash('nodelist', 'node');
%allhostnames = %$recordsref;
$recordsref = xCAT::PCMNodeMgmtUtils->get_allnode_singleattrib_hash('ipmi', 'bmc');
%allbmcips = %$recordsref;
$recordsref = xCAT::PCMNodeMgmtUtils->get_allnode_singleattrib_hash('mac', 'mac');
%allmacs = %$recordsref;
$recordsref = xCAT::PCMNodeMgmtUtils->get_allnode_singleattrib_hash('hosts', 'ip');
%allinstallips = %$recordsref;
$recordsref = xCAT::NetworkUtils->get_all_nicips(1);
%allips = %$recordsref;
# Merge all BMC IPs and install IPs into allips.
%allips = (%allips, %allbmcips, %allinstallips);
#my $recordsref = xCAT::PCMNodeMgmtUtils->get_allnode_singleattrib_hash('rack', 'rackname');
#%allracks = %$recordsref;
#my $recordsref = xCAT::PCMNodeMgmtUtils->get_allchassis(1);
#%allchassis = %$recordsref;
# Generate temporary hostnames for hosts entries in hostfile.
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "[PCM nodes mgmt]Generate temporary hostnames.\n");
my ($retcode_read, $retstr_read) = read_and_generate_hostnames($args_dict{'file'});
if ($retcode_read != 0){
# Parse and validate the hostinfo string. The real hostnames will be generated here.
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "[PCM nodes mgmt]Parsing hostinfo string and validate it.\n");
my ($hostinfo_dict_ref, $invalid_records_ref) = parse_hosts_string($retstr_read);
my %hostinfo_dict = %$hostinfo_dict_ref;
my @invalid_records = @$invalid_records_ref;
if (@invalid_records){
unless (%hostinfo_dict){
setrsp_errormsg("No valid host records found in hostinfo file.");
# Create the real hostinfo string in stanza file format.
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "[PCM nodes mgmt]Generating new hostinfo string.\n");
my ($retcode_gen, $retstr_gen) = gen_new_hostinfo_string(\%hostinfo_dict);
unless ($retcode_gen){
# call mkdef to create hosts and then call nodemgmt for node management plugins.
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "[PCM nodes mgmt]call mkdef to create pcm nodes.\n");
my $retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["mkdef"], stdin=>[$retstr_gen], arg=>['-z']}, $request_command, 0, 1);
my @nodelist = keys %hostinfo_dict;
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "[PCM nodes mgmt]call nodemgmt plugins.\n");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["kitcmd_nodemgmt_add"], node=>\@nodelist}, $request_command, 0, 1);
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["kitcmd_nodemgmt_finished"], node=>\@nodelist}, $request_command, 0, 1);
=head3 removehost
Description : Remove PCM nodes. After nodes removed, their info in /etc/hosts, dhcp, dns... will be removed automatically.
Arguments : N/A
sub removehost{
my $nodes = $request->{node};
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "[PCM nodes mgmt]Remove PCM nodes.\n");
# For remove nodes, we should call 'nodemgmt' in front of 'noderm'
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "[PCM nodes mgmt]call nodemgmt plugins.\n");
my $retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["kitcmd_nodemgmt_remove"], node=>$nodes}, $request_command, 0, 1);
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["kitcmd_nodemgmt_finished"], node=>$nodes}, $request_command, 0, 1);
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "[PCM nodes mgmt]call noderm to remove nodes.\n");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["noderm"], node=>$nodes}, $request_command, 0, 1);
=head3 updatehost
Description : Update PCM node profiles: imageprofile, networkprofile and hardwareprofile.
Arguments : N/A
sub updatehost{
my $nodes = $request->{node};
my %updated_groups;
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "[PCM nodes mgmt]Update PCM nodes settings.\n");
# Parse arges.
my $retstr = parse_args();
if ($retstr){
# Make sure the specified parameters are valid ones.
# TODO: support privisioning template.
my @enabledparams = ('networkprofile', 'hardwareprofile', 'imageprofile');
foreach my $argname (keys %args_dict){
if (! grep{ $_ eq $argname} @enabledparams){
setrsp_errormsg("Illegal attribute $argname specified.");
# Get current templates for all nodes.
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "[PCM nodes mgmt]Read database to get groups for all nodes.\n");
my %groupdict;
my $nodelstab = xCAT::Table->new('nodelist');
my $nodeshashref = $nodelstab->getNodesAttribs($nodes, ['groups']);
my %nodeshash = %$nodeshashref;
my %updatenodeshash;
foreach (keys %nodeshash){
my @groups;
my $attrshashref = $nodeshash{$_}[0];
my %attrshash = %$attrshashref;
if ($attrshash{'groups'}){
@groups = split(/,/, $attrshash{'groups'});
my $groupsref;
# Replace the old template name with new specified ones in args_dict
if(exists $args_dict{'networkprofile'}){
$groupsref = replace_item_in_array(\@groups, "NetworkProfile", $args_dict{'networkprofile'});
if(exists $args_dict{'hardwareprofile'}){
$groupsref = replace_item_in_array(\@groups, "HardwareProfile", $args_dict{'hardwareprofile'});
if(exists $args_dict{'imageprofile'}){
$groupsref = replace_item_in_array(\@groups, "ImageProfile", $args_dict{'imageprofile'});
$updatenodeshash{$_}{'groups'} = join (',', @$groupsref);
#update DataBase.
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "[PCM nodes mgmt]Update database records.\n");
my $nodetab = xCAT::Table->new('nodelist',-create=>1);
# call plugins
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "[PCM nodes mgmt]call nodemgmt plugins.\n");
my $retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["kitcmd_nodemgmt_update"], node=>$nodes}, $request_command, 0, 1);
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["kitcmd_nodemgmt_finished"], node=>$nodes}, $request_command, 0, 1);
=head3 replace_item_in_array
Description : Replace an item in a list with new value. This item should match specified pattern.
Arguments : arrayref - the list.
pattern - the pattern which the old item must match.
newitem - the updated value.
sub replace_item_in_array{
my $arrayref = shift;
my $pattern = shift;
my $newitem = shift;
my @newarray;
foreach (@$arrayref){
if ($_ =~ /__$pattern/){
push (@newarray, $_);
push(@newarray, $newitem);
return \@newarray;
=head3 gen_new_hostinfo_string
Description : Generate a stanza file format string used for 'mkdef' to create nodes.
Arguments : hostinfo_dict_ref - The reference of hostinfo dict.
Returns : (returnvalue, returnmsg)
returnvalue - 0, stands for generate new hostinfo string failed.
1, stands for generate new hostinfo string OK.
returnnmsg - error messages if generate failed.
- the new hostinfo string if generate OK.
sub gen_new_hostinfo_string{
my $hostinfo_dict_ref = shift;
my %hostinfo_dict = %$hostinfo_dict_ref;
# Get free ips list for all networks in network profile.
my @allknownips = keys %allips;
my $netprofileattrsref = xCAT::PCMNodeMgmtUtils->get_netprofile_nic_attrs($args_dict{'networkprofile'});
my %netprofileattr = %$netprofileattrsref;
my %freeipshash;
foreach (keys %netprofileattr){
my $netname = $netprofileattr{$_}{'network'};
if($netname and (! exists $freeipshash{$netname})) {
$freeipshash{$netname} = xCAT::PCMNodeMgmtUtils->get_allocable_staticips_innet($netname, \@allknownips);
# Get networkprofile's installip
my $noderestab = xCAT::Table->new('noderes');
my $networkprofile = $args_dict{'networkprofile'};
my $nodereshashref = $noderestab->getNodeAttribs($networkprofile, ['installnic']);
my %nodereshash = %$nodereshashref;
my $installnic = $nodereshash{'installnic'};
# Get node's provisioning method
my $provmethod = xCAT::PCMNodeMgmtUtils->get_imageprofile_prov_method($args_dict{'imageprofile'});
# compose the stanza string for hostinfo file.
my $hostsinfostr = "";
foreach my $item (keys %hostinfo_dict){
# Generate IPs for all interfaces.
my %ipshash;
foreach (keys %netprofileattr){
my $netname = $netprofileattr{$_}{'network'};
my $freeipsref;
if ($netname){
$freeipsref = $freeipshash{$netname};
my $nextip = shift @$freeipsref;
if (!$nextip){
return 0, "No sufficient IP address in network $netname for interface $_";
$ipshash{$_} = $nextip;
$allips{$nextip} = 0;
my $nicips = "";
foreach(keys %ipshash){
$nicips = "$_:$ipshash{$_},$nicips";
$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"nicips"} = $nicips;
# Generate IP address if no IP specified.
if (! exists $hostinfo_dict{$item}{"ip"}) {
if (exists $ipshash{$installnic}){
$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"ip"} = $ipshash{$installnic};
return 0, "No sufficient IP address for interface $installnic";
$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"objtype"} = "node";
$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"groups"} = "__Managed";
if (exists $args_dict{'networkprofile'}){$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"groups"} .= ",".$args_dict{'networkprofile'}}
if (exists $args_dict{'imageprofile'}){$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"groups"} .= ",".$args_dict{'imageprofile'}}
if (exists $args_dict{'hardwareprofile'}){$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"groups"} .= ",".$args_dict{'hardwareprofile'}}
# Update BMC records.
if (exists $netprofileattr{"bmc"}){
$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"mgt"} = "ipmi";
$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"chain"} = 'runcmd=bmcsetup,'.$provmethod;
if (exists $ipshash{"bmc"}){
$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"bmc"} = $ipshash{"bmc"};
} else{
return 0, "No sufficient IP addresses for BMC";
} else{
$hostinfo_dict{$item}{"chain"} = $provmethod;
# Generate the hostinfo string.
$hostsinfostr = "$hostsinfostr$item:\n";
my $itemdictref = $hostinfo_dict{$item};
my %itemdict = %$itemdictref;
foreach (keys %itemdict){
$hostsinfostr = "$hostsinfostr $_=\"$itemdict{$_}\"\n";
return 1, $hostsinfostr;
=head3 read_and_generate_hostnames
Description : Read hostinfo file and generate temporary hostnames for no-hostname specified ones.
Arguments : hostfile - the location of hostinfo file.
Returns : (returnvalue, returnmsg)
returnvalue - 0, stands for a failed return
1, stands for a success return
returnnmsg - error messages for failed return.
- the contents of the hostinfo string.
sub read_and_generate_hostnames{
my $hostfile = shift;
# Get 10000 temprary hostnames.
my $freehostnamesref = xCAT::PCMNodeMgmtUtils->gen_numric_hostnames("TMPHOSTS","", 4);
# Auto generate hostnames for "__hostname__" entries.
open(HOSTFILE, $hostfile);
my $filecontent = join("", <HOSTFILE>);
while ((index $filecontent, "__hostname__:") >= 0){
my $nexthost = shift @$freehostnamesref;
# no more valid hostnames to assign.
if (! $nexthost){
return 1, "Can not generate hostname automatically: No more valid hostnames available .";
# This hostname already specified in hostinfo file.
if ((index $filecontent, "$nexthost:") >= 0){
# This hostname should not in database.
if (exists $allhostnames{$nexthost}){
$filecontent =~ s/__hostname__/$nexthost/;
return 0, $filecontent;
=head3 parse_hosts_string
Description : Parse the hostinfo string and validate it.
Arguments : filecontent - The content of hostinfo file.
Returns : (hostinfo_dict, invalid_records)
hostinfo_dict - Reference of hostinfo dict. Key are hostnames and values is an attributes dict.
invalid_records - Reference of invalid records list.
sub parse_hosts_string{
my $filecontent = shift;
my %hostinfo_dict;
my @invalid_records;
my $nicstab = xCAT::Table->new('nics');
my $nodehashref = $nicstab->getNodeAttribs($args_dict{'networkprofile'}, ['hostnameformat']);
my $nameformat = $nodehashref->{'hostnameformat'};
my $nameformattype = xCAT::PCMNodeMgmtUtils->get_hostname_format_type($nameformat);
my %freehostnames;
# Parse hostinfo file string.
# Record duplicated items.
# We should go through list @::fileobjnames first as %::FILEATTRS is just a hash,
# it not tells whether there are some duplicated hostnames in the hostinfo string.
my %hostnamedict;
foreach my $hostname (@::fileobjnames){
if (exists $hostnamedict{$hostname}){
push @invalid_records, [$hostname, "Duplicated hostname defined"];
} else{
$hostnamedict{$hostname} = 0;
# Verify each node entry.
foreach (keys %::FILEATTRS){
my $errmsg = validate_node_entry($_, $::FILEATTRS{$_});
if ($errmsg) {
if ($_=~ /^TMPHOSTS/){
push @invalid_records, ["__hostname__", $errmsg];
} else{
push @invalid_records, [$_, $errmsg];
# We need generate hostnames for this entry.
if ($_=~ /^TMPHOSTS/)
# rack + numric hostname format, we must specify rack in node's definition.
my $numricformat;
# Need convert hostname format into numric format first.
if ($nameformattype eq "rack"){
if (! exists $::FILEATTRS{$_}{"rack"}){
push @invalid_records, ["__hostname__", "No rack info specified. Do specify it because the nameformat contains rack info."];
$numricformat = xCAT::PCMNodeMgmtUtils->rackformat_to_numricformat($nameformat, $::FILEATTRS{$_}{"rack"});
} else{
# pure numric hostname format
$numricformat = $nameformat;
# Generate hostnames based on numric hostname format.
if (! exists $freehostnames{$numricformat}){
$freehostnames{$numricformat} = xCAT::PCMNodeMgmtUtils->genhosts_with_numric_tmpl($numricformat);
my $hostnamelistref = $freehostnames{$numricformat};
my $nexthostname = shift @$hostnamelistref;
while (exists $allhostnames{$nexthostname}){
$nexthostname = shift @$hostnamelistref;
$hostinfo_dict{$nexthostname} = $::FILEATTRS{$_};
} else{
$hostinfo_dict{$_} = $::FILEATTRS{$_};
return (\%hostinfo_dict, \@invalid_records);
=head3 validate_node_entry
Description : Validate a node info hash.
Arguments : node_name - node hostname.
node_entry_ref - Reference of the node info hash.
Returns : errormsg
- undef: stands for no errror.
- valid string: stands for the error message of validation.
sub validate_node_entry{
my $node_name = shift;
my $node_entry_ref = shift;
my %node_entry = %$node_entry_ref;
# duplicate hostname found in hostinfo file.
if (exists $allhostnames{$node_name}) {
return "Specified hostname $node_name conflicts with database records.";
# Must specify either MAC or switch + port.
if (exists $node_entry{"mac"} ||
exists $node_entry{"switch"} && exists $node_entry{"port"}){
} else{
return "Neither MAC nor switch + port specified";
if (! xCAT::NetworkUtils->isValidHostname($node_name)){
return "Specified hostname: $node_name is invalid";
# validate each single value.
foreach (keys %node_entry){
if ($_ eq "mac"){
if (exists $allmacs{$node_entry{$_}}){
return "Specified MAC address $node_entry{$_} conflicts with MACs in database or hostinfo file";
}elsif(! xCAT::NetworkUtils->isValidMAC($node_entry{$_})){
return "Specified MAC address $node_entry{$_} is invalid";
$allmacs{$node_entry{$_}} = 0;
}elsif ($_ eq "ip"){
if (exists $allips{$node_entry{$_}}){
return "Specified IP address $node_entry{$_} conflicts with IPs in database or hostinfo file";
}elsif((xCAT::NetworkUtils->validate_ip($node_entry{$_}))[0][0] ){
return "Specified IP address $node_entry{$_} is invalid";
return "Specified IP address $node_entry{$_} is invalid";
}else {
#push the IP into allips list.
$allips{$node_entry{$_}} = 0;
}elsif ($_ eq "switch"){
#TODO: xCAT switch discovery enhance: verify whether switch exists.
}elsif ($_ eq "port"){
#TODO: xCAT switch discovery enhance: verify whether port exists.
}elsif ($_ eq "rack"){
if (not exists $allracks{$node_entry{$_}}){
return "Specified rack $node_entry{$_} not defined";
}elsif ($_ eq "chassis"){
if (not exists $allchassis{$node_entry{$_}}){
return "Specified chassis $node_entry{$_} not defined";
}elsif ($_ eq "unit"){
# Not a valid number.
if (!($node_entry{$_} =~ /^\d+$/)){
return "Specified unit $node_entry{$_} is a invalid number";
}elsif ($_ eq "height"){
# Not a valid number.
if (!($node_entry{$_} =~ /^\d+$/)){
return "Specified height $node_entry{$_} is a invalid number";
return "Invalid attribute $_ specified";
# For blades, don't support specify unit and height.
if(exists $node_entry{"chassis"} ){
if(exists $node_entry{"unit"}){
return "Can not specify 'unit' together with 'chassis'";
if(exists $node_entry{"height"}){
return "can not specify 'height' together with 'chassis'";
# push hostinfo into global dicts.
$allhostnames{$node_name} = 0;
return undef;
=head3 setrsp_invalidrecords
Description : Set response for processing invalid host records.
Arguments : recordsref - Refrence of invalid nodes list.
sub setrsp_invalidrecords
my $recordsref = shift;
my $rsp;
my $master=xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_Master();
# The total number of invalid records.
$rsp->{invalid_records_num} = scalar @$recordsref;
# We write details of invalid records into a file.
my ($fh, $filename) = xCAT::PCMNodeMgmtUtils->get_output_filename();
foreach (@$recordsref){
my @erroritem = @$_;
print $fh "nodename $erroritem[0], error: $erroritem[1]\n";
close $fh;
# Tells the URL of the details file.
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "Detailed response info placed in file: http://$master/$filename\n");
$rsp->{details} = "http://$master/$filename";
=head3 setrsp_errormsg
Description : Set response for error messages.
Arguments : errormsg - Error messages.
sub setrsp_errormsg
my $errormsg = shift;
my $rsp;
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "$errormsg\n");
$rsp->{error}->[0] = $errormsg;
=head3 setrsp_success
Description : Set response for successfully processed nodes.
Arguments : recordsref - Refrence of nodes list.
sub setrsp_success
my $recordsref = shift;
my $rsp;
my $master=xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_Master();
# The total number of success nodes.
$rsp->{success_nodes_num} = scalar @$recordsref;
my ($fh, $filename) = xCAT::PCMNodeMgmtUtils->get_output_filename();
foreach (@$recordsref){
print $fh "success: $_\n";
close $fh;
# Tells the URL of the details file.
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "Detailed response info placed in file: http://$master/$filename\n");
$rsp->{details} = "http://$master/$filename";