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# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
package xCAT_plugin::00kitnodebase;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
require xCAT::Utils;
require xCAT::Table;
require xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils;
xCAT plugin, which is also the default kit plugin.
These commands are called by node management commands,
should not be called directly by external.
The kit plugin framework is creating a common framework for kits' extension. The major feature of this framework is to update kits' related configuration files/services automatically while add/remove/update nodes.
According to design, if a kit wants have such a auto configure feature, it should create a xCAT plugin which implement commands "kitcmd_nodemgmt_add", "kitcmd_nodemgmt_remove"..., just like plugin "00kitnodebase".
For example, we create a kit for LSF, and want to update LSF's configuration file automatically updated while add/remove/update xCAT nodes, then we should create a xCAT plugin. This plugin will update LSF's configuration file and may also reconfigure/restart LSF service while these change happens.
If we have multi kits, and all these kits have such a plugin, then all these plugins will be called while we add/remove/update xCAT nodes. To configure these kits in one go by auto.
This plugin is a kit plugin, just for configure nodes' related configurations automatically. So that we do not need to run these make* commands manually after creating them.
About kit plugin naming: naming this plugin starts with "00" is a way for specifying plugin calling orders, we want to call the default kit plugin in front of other kit plugins.
=head3 handled_commands
Return list of commands handled by this plugin
sub handled_commands {
return {
kitnodeadd => '00kitnodebase',
kitnoderemove => '00kitnodebase',
kitnodeupdate => '00kitnodebase',
kitnoderefresh => '00kitnodebase',
=head3 process_request
Process the command. This is the main call.
sub process_request {
my $request = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $request_command = shift;
my $command = $request->{command}->[0];
my $argsref = $request->{arg};
my $nodelist = $request->{node};
my $retref;
my $rsp;
if($command eq 'kitnodeadd')
setrsp_progress("Updating hosts entries");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makehosts"], node=>$nodelist}, $request_command, 0, 2);
setrsp_progress("Updating DNS entries");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makedns"], node=>$nodelist}, $request_command, 0, 2);
setrsp_progress("Update DHCP entries");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makedhcp"], node=>$nodelist}, $request_command, 0, 2);
setrsp_progress("Update known hosts");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makeknownhosts"], node=>$nodelist}, $request_command, 0, 2);
my $firstnode = (@$nodelist)[0];
my $chaintab = xCAT::Table->new("chain");
my $chainref = $chaintab->getNodeAttribs($firstnode, ['chain']);
my $chainstr = $chainref->{'chain'};
my @chainarray = split(",", $chainstr);
if ($chainarray[0]){
setrsp_progress("Update nodes' boot settings");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["nodeset"], node=>$nodelist, arg=>[$chainarray[0]]}, $request_command, 0, 2);
my $isfsp = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->is_fsp_node([$firstnode]);
if ($isfsp) {
setrsp_progress("Updating FSP's IP address");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["rspconfig"], node=>$nodelist, arg=>['network=*']}, $request_command, 0, 2);
my $cmmref = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_nodes_cmm($nodelist);
my @cmmchassis = keys %$cmmref;
setrsp_progress("Update node's some attributes through 'rscan -u'");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["rscan"], node=>\@cmmchassis, arg=>['-u']}, $request_command, 0, 2);
setrsp_progress("Sets up connections for nodes to FSP");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["mkhwconn"], node=>$nodelist, arg=>['-t']}, $request_command, 0, 2);
setrsp_progress("Updating conserver configuration files");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makeconservercf"], node=>$nodelist}, $request_command, 0, 2);
elsif ($command eq 'kitnoderemove'){
setrsp_progress("Updating conserver configuration files");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makeconservercf"], node=>$nodelist, arg=>['-d']}, $request_command, 0, 2);
setrsp_progress("Update nodes' boot settings");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["nodeset"], node=>$nodelist, arg=>['offline']}, $request_command, 0, 2);
setrsp_progress("Update known hosts");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makeknownhosts"], node=>$nodelist, arg=>['-r']}, $request_command, 0, 2);
setrsp_progress("Update DHCP entries");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makedhcp"], node=>$nodelist, arg=>['-d']}, $request_command, 0, 2);
setrsp_progress("Updating DNS entries");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makedns"], node=>$nodelist, arg=>['-d']}, $request_command, 0, 2);
setrsp_progress("Updating hosts entries");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makehosts"], node=>$nodelist, arg=>['-d']}, $request_command, 0, 2);
elsif ($command eq 'kitnodeupdate'){
setrsp_progress("Updating hosts entries");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makehosts"], node=>$nodelist}, $request_command, 0, 2);
setrsp_progress("Updating DNS entries");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makedns"], node=>$nodelist}, $request_command, 0, 2);
setrsp_progress("Update DHCP entries");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makedhcp"], node=>$nodelist, arg=>['-d']}, $request_command, 0, 2);
# we should restart dhcp so that the node's records in /var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.lease can be clean up and re-generate.
system("/etc/init.d/dhcpd restart");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makedhcp"], node=>$nodelist}, $request_command, 0, 2);
setrsp_progress("Update known hosts");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makeknownhosts"], node=>$nodelist}, $request_command, 0, 2);
my $firstnode = (@$nodelist)[0];
my $profileref = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_nodes_profiles([$firstnode]);
my %profilehash = %$profileref;
if (exists $profilehash{$firstnode}{"ImageProfile"}){
setrsp_progress("Update nodes' boot settings");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["nodeset"], node=>$nodelist, arg=>['osimage='.$profilehash{$firstnode}{"ImageProfile"}]}, $request_command, 0, 2);
setrsp_progress("Updating conserver configuration files");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makeconservercf"], node=>$nodelist}, $request_command, 0, 2);
elsif ($command eq 'kitnoderefresh'){
setrsp_progress("Updating hosts entries");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makehosts"], node=>$nodelist}, $request_command, 0, 2);
setrsp_progress("Updating DNS entries");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makedns"], node=>$nodelist}, $request_command, 0, 2);
setrsp_progress("Update DHCP entries");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makedhcp"], node=>$nodelist}, $request_command, 0, 2);
setrsp_progress("Update known hosts");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makeknownhosts"], node=>$nodelist}, $request_command, 0, 2);
setrsp_progress("Updating conserver configuration files");
$retref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command=>["makeconservercf"], node=>$nodelist}, $request_command, 0, 2);
=head3 setrsp_progress
Description: generate progresss info and return to client.
Args: $msg - The progress message.
sub setrsp_progress
my $msg = shift;
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "$msg");
=head3 log_cmd_return
Description: Log commands return ref into log files.
Args: $return - command return ref.
sub log_cmd_return
my $return = shift;
if ($return){
if ($return->{error}){
my $errarrayref = $return->{error};
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "Command error message:".Dumper($errarrayref));
if ($return->{data}){
my $dataarrayref = $return->{data};
xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "Command output message:".Dumper($dataarrayref));