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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
package xCAT_plugin::blade;
$::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat';
if (defined $ENV{ENABLE_TRACE_CODE}) {
use xCAT::Enabletrace qw(loadtrace filter);
use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl";
#use Net::SNMP qw(:snmp INTEGER);
use xCAT::Table;
use Thread qw(yield);
use xCAT::Utils;
use xCAT::TableUtils;
use xCAT::NetworkUtils;
use xCAT::ServiceNodeUtils;
use xCAT::Usage;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Pty; #needed for ssh password login
use xCAT::GlobalDef;
use xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl;
use strict;
use LWP;
#use warnings;
my %mm_comm_pids;
#a 'browser' for http actions
my $browser;
use XML::Simple;
#use Data::Dumper;
use Storable qw(freeze thaw);
use IO::Select;
use IO::Handle;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday sleep);
use xCAT::DBobjUtils;
use Getopt::Long;
use xCAT::SvrUtils;
use xCAT::FSPUtils;
my $indiscover=0;
my $CALLBACK = undef;
my $verbose_cmd = undef;
my $vitals_info = undef; #used by 'rvitals <node> all' to show lcds info for Firebird blade
sub handled_commands {
return {
findme => 'blade',
getmacs => 'nodehm:getmac,mgt',
rscan => 'nodehm:mgt',
rpower => 'nodehm:power,mgt',
getbladecons => 'blade',
getrvidparms => 'nodehm:mgt',
rvitals => 'nodehm:mgt=blade|fsp',
rinv => 'nodehm:mgt',
rbeacon => 'nodehm:mgt',
rspreset => 'nodehm:mgt',
rspconfig => 'nodehm:mgt=blade|fsp', # Get into blade.pm for rspconfig if mgt equals blade or fsp
rbootseq => 'nodehm:mgt',
reventlog => 'nodehm:mgt',
switchblade => 'nodehm:mgt',
renergy => 'nodehm:mgt',
lsflexnode => 'blade',
mkflexnode => 'blade',
rmflexnode => 'blade',
my %macmap; #Store responses from rinv for discovery
my %uuidmap;
my $macmaptimestamp; #reflect freshness of cache
my $mmprimoid = '';#mmPrimary
my $beaconoid = ''; #ledBladeIdentity
my $erroroid = ''; #ledBladeError
my $infooid = ''; #ledBladeInfo
my $kvmoid = ''; #ledBladeKVM
my $mtoid = ''; #ledBladeMT
my $chassiserroroid = ''; #ChassisLedError
my $chassisinfooid = ''; #ChassisLedInfo
my $chassistempledoid = ''; #ChassisLedTemperature
my $chassisbeaconoid = ''; #ChassisLedIdentity
my $powerstatoid = '';#bladePowerState
my $powerchangeoid = '';#powerOnOffBlade
my $powerresetoid = '';#restartBlade
my $mpresetoid = ''; #restartBladeSMP
my $bladexistsoid = ''; #bladeExists
my $bladeserialoid = ''; #bladeHardwareVpdSerialNumber
my $blademtmoid = ''; #bladeHardwareVpdMachineType
my $bladeuuidoid = ''; #bladeHardwareVpdUuid
my $bladempveroid = ''; #bladeSysMgmtProcVpdRevision
my $bladempaveroid = '';#mmMainApplVpdRevisonNumber
my $bladempabuildidoid = '';#mmMainApplVpdBuildId
my $bladempadateoid = '';#mmMainApplVpdBuildDate
my $bladempbuildidoid = ''; #bladeSysMgmtProcVpdBuildId
my $bladebiosveroid = ''; #bladeBiosVpdRevision
my $bladebiosbuildidoid = ''; #bladeBiosVpdBuildId
my $bladebiosdateoid = ''; #bladeBiosVpdDate
my $bladediagveroid = ''; #bladeDiagsVpdRevision
my $bladediagbuildidoid = ''; #bladeDiagsVpdBuildId
my $bladediagdateoid = '';#bladeDiagsVpdDate
my $eventlogoid = '';#readEventLogString
my $clearlogoid = '.';#clearEventLog
my $chassisfanbase = '.';
my $blower1speedoid = '.';#blower2speed
my $blower2speedoid = '.';#blower2speed
my $blower3speedoid = '.';#blower2speed
my $blower4speedoid = '.';#blower2speed
my $blower1stateoid = '.';#blower1State
my $blower2stateoid = '.';#blower2State
my $blower3stateoid = '.';#blower2State
my $blower4stateoid = '.';#blower2State
my $blower1rpmoid = '.';#blower1SpeedRPM
my $blower2rpmoid = '.';#blower2SpeedRPM
my $blower3rpmoid = '.';#blower3SpeedRPM
my $blower4rpmoid = '.';#blower4SpeedRPM
my $blower1contstateoid = '.';#blower1Controllerstote
my $blower2contstateoid = '.';#blower2''
my $blower3contstateoid = '.';#blower3''
my $blower4contstateoid = '.';#blower4''
my $mmoname = #chassisName
{ 'mm' => '',
'cmm' => '.'};
my $mmotype = '';#bladeCenterVpdMachineType
my $mmomodel = '';#bladeCenterVpdMachineModel
my $mmoserial = '';#bladeCenterSerialNumber
my $bladeoname = '';#bladeName
my $bladeomodel = '';#bladeModel
my @macoids = (
'', #bladeMACAddress1Vpd
'', #bladeMACAddress2Vpd
'', #bladeMACAddress3Vpd
'', #bladeMACAddress4Vpd
my @dcmacoids = (
'', #bladeDaughterCard1MACAddress1Vpd
'', #bladeDaughterCard1MACAddress2Vpd
'', #bladeDaughterCard1MACAddress3Vpd
'', #bladeDaughterCard1MACAddress4Vpd
my @hsdcmacoids = (
'', #bladeHSDaughterCard1MACAddress1Vpd
'', #bladeHSDaughterCard1MACAddress2Vpd
'', #bladeHSDaughterCard1MACAddress3Vpd
'', #bladeHSDaughterCard1MACAddress4Vpd
my @sidecardoids = (
'', #bladeSideCardMACAddress1Vpd
'', #bladeSideCardMACAddress2Vpd
'', #bladeSideCardMACAddress3Vpd
'', #bladeSideCardMACAddress4Vpd
my @bootseqoids = (
'', #bootSequence1
'', #bootSequence2
'', #bootSequence3
'', #bootSequence4
my %bootdevices = (
0 => 'none',
1 => 'floppy',
2 => 'cdrom',
3 => 'hd0',
4 => 'hd1',
5 => 'hd2',
6 => 'hd3',
7 => 'net',
8 => 'iscsi',
9 => 'iscsicrit',
10 => 'hd4',
11 => 'usbflash',
12 => 'hypervisor',
13 => 'uefi',
14 => 'legacy'
my %bootnumbers = (
'none' => 0,
'f' => 1,
'floppy' => 1,
'c' => 2,
'cd' => 2,
'dvd' => 2,
'cdrom' => 2,
'dvdrom' => 2,
'h' => 3, #in absence of an index, presuming hd0 intended
'hd' => 3,
'hardisk' => 3,
'hd0' => 3,
'harddisk0' => 3,
'hd1' => 4,
'harddisk1' => 4,
'hd2' => 5,
'harddisk2' => 5,
'hd3' => 6,
'harddisk3' => 6,
'n' => 7,
'network' => 7,
'net' => 7,
'iscsi' => 8,
'iscsicrit' => 9,
'hd4' => 10,
'harddisk4' => 10,
'usbflash' => 11,
'hypervisor' => 12,
'flash' => 11,
'uefi' => 13,
'legacy' => 14,
'usb' => 11
my @rscan_attribs = qw(nodetype name id mtm serial mpa hcp groups mgt cons hwtype);
my @rscan_header = (
["type", "%-8s" ],
["name", "" ],
["id", "%-8s" ],
["type-model", "%-12s" ],
["serial-number", "%-15s" ],
["mpa", "" ],
["address", "%s\n" ]);
my $session;
my $slot;
my @moreslots;
my $didchassis = 0;
my @eventlog_array = ();
my $activemm;
my %mpahash;
my $currnode;
my $mpa;
my $mptype; # The type of mp node. For cmm, it's 'cmm'
my $mpatype; # The type of node's mpa. Used for SNMP OIDs.
my $mpauser;
my $mpapass;
my $allinchassis=0;
my $curn;
my @cfgtext;
my $status_noop="XXXno-opXXX";
my %telnetrscan; # Store the rscan result by telnet command line
sub fillresps {
my $response = shift;
my $mac = $response->{node}->[0]->{data}->[0]->{contents}->[0];
my $node = $response->{node}->[0]->{name}->[0];
unless ($mac) { return; } #The event that a bay is empty should not confuse
#xcat into having an odd mapping
$mac = uc($mac); #Make sure it is uppercase, the MM people seem to change their mind on this..
if ($mac =~ /........-....-....-....-............/) { #a uuid
$uuidmap{$mac} = $node;
} elsif ($mac =~ /->/) { #The new and 'improved' syntax for pBlades
$mac =~ /(\w+):(\w+):(\w+):(\w+):(\w+):(\w+)\s*->\s*(\w+):(\w+):(\w+):(\w+):(\w+):(\w+)/;
my $fmac=hex($3.$4.$5.$6);
my $lmac=hex($9.$10.$11.$12);
my $pfx = $1.$2;
foreach ($fmac..$lmac) {
my $key = $pfx.sprintf("%08x",$_);
$key =~ s/(\w{2})/$1:/g;
$key = uc($key);
$macmap{$key} = $node;
} else {
$macmap{$mac} = $node;
sub isallchassis {
my $bladesinchassis = 0;
if ($allinchassis) {
return 1;
foreach (1..14) {
my $tmp = $session->get([$bladexistsoid.".$_"]);
if ($tmp eq 1) { $bladesinchassis++ }
my $count = keys %{$mpahash{$mpa}->{nodes}};
if ($count >= $bladesinchassis) { $allinchassis++; return 1 }; #commands that affect entire are okayed, i.e eventlog clear
return 0;
sub resetmp {
my $data;
my $stat;
my $rc;
#$data = $session->set($mpresetoid.".$slot", 1);
$data = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([".".$mpresetoid,$slot,1,'INTEGER']));
unless ($data) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
return (0,"mpreset");
#if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
#if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
#if ($data->{$mpresetoid.".$slot"} == 1) {
# return (0, "mpreset");
#} else {
# return (1,"error");
sub waitforack {
my $sock = shift;
my $select = new IO::Select;
my $str;
if ($select->can_read(60)) { # Continue after 60 seconds, even if not acked...
if ($str = <$sock>) {
} else {
$select->remove($sock); #Block until parent acks data
sub walkelog {
my $session = shift;
my $oid = shift;
unless ($oid =~ /^\./) {
$oid = '.'.$oid;
my $retmap = undef;
my $current = 1;
my @bindlist;
my $varbind;
do {
foreach ($current..$current+31) { #Attempt to retrive 32 ents at a time, seems to be working...
push @bindlist,[$oid,$_];
$varbind = new SNMP::VarList(
foreach(@$varbind) {
unless (${_}->[2]) {last;}
if( ${_}->[2] =~ /NOSUCHINSTANCE/) {last;}
} while ($varbind->[31] and $varbind->[31]->[2] ne 'NOSUCHINSTANCE' and ($current < 2000));
return $retmap;
return undef;
my $count=0;
while ($varbind->[0] =~ /^$oid\.?(.*)/) {
if ($1) {
$retmap->{$1.".".$varbind->[1]}=$varbind->[2]; #If $1 is set, means key should
} else {
$retmap->{$varbind->[1]}=$varbind->[2]; #If $1 is set, means key should
return $retmap;
sub eventlog { #Tried various optimizations, but MM seems not to do bulk-request
#TODO: retrieval of non blade events, what should be syntax?
#TODO: try retrieving 5 at a time, then 1 at a time when that stops working
my $force;
"f" => \$force,
my $cmd=shift @ARGV;
my $data;
my @output;
my $oid = $eventlogoid;
unless ($cmd) {
if ($cmd eq 'all') {
$cmd=65535; #no MM has this many logs possible, should be a good number
if ($cmd =~ /^(\d+)$/) {
my $requestednumber=$1;
unless (@eventlog_array) {
#my $varbind=new SNMP::Varbind([$oid,0]);
#while ($data=$session->getnext($varbind)) {
# print Dumper($data);
# if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { printf $session->{ErrorStr}."\n"; }
# foreach (keys %$data) {
# $oid=$_;
# }
# unless (oid_base_match($eventlogoid,$oid)) {
# last;
# }
my $logents = walkelog($session,$oid);
foreach (sort {$a <=> $b} (keys %$logents)) {
push @eventlog_array,$logents->{$_}."\n";
#push @eventlog_array,$data->{$oid}; #TODO: filter against slot number, check for $allchassis for non-blade
my $numentries=0;
#my $allchassis = isallchassis;
foreach (@eventlog_array) {
my $sev=$1;
my $source=$2;
my $date=$3;
my $time=$4;
my $text=$5;
my $matchstring;
if ($slot > 0) {
} else {
if ($source =~ m/$matchstring$/i) { #MM guys changed their minds on capitalization
unshift @output,"$sev:$date $time $text"; #unshift to get it in a sane order
} else {
foreach (@moreslots) {
if ($source =~ m/$matchstring$/i) { #MM guys changed their minds on capitalization
unshift @output,"$sev:$date $time $text"; #unshift to get it in a sane order
if ($numentries >= $requestednumber) {
return (0,@output);
if ($cmd eq "clear") {
unless ($force or isallchassis) {
return (1,"Cannot clear eventlogs except for entire chassis");
if ($didchassis) { return 0, "eventlog cleared" }
my $varbind = new SNMP::Varbind([$clearlogoid,0,1,'INTEGER']);
$data = $session->set($varbind);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($varbind->[2] eq 1) {
return 0, "eventlog cleared";
sub setoid {
my $oid = shift;
my $offset = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $type = shift;
unless ($type) { $type = 'INTEGER'; }
my $varbind = new SNMP::Varbind([$oid,$offset,$value,$type]);
my $data = $session->set($varbind);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
return 0,$varbind;
sub enabledefaultalerts {
#Customizers: most oids are listed, and some commented out. uncomment if you want to get them
#deprecated options are in, but commented, will elect to use what the MM official strategy suggests
my @enabledalerts = (
#Deprecated '', #critical temperature
#deprecated '', #critical voltage
#deprecated '', #critical blower
'', #critical power
#deprecated '', #critical Hard drive
#deprecated '', #critical VRM
#deprecated '', #critical switch module
#deprecated '', #critical config
'', #critical blade
'', #critical IO
'', #critical storage
'', #critical chassis
'', #critical fan
#deprecated '', #warn single blower
#deprecated '', #warn temp
#deprecated '', #warn volt
#deprecated '', #warn backup MM
#deprecated '', #warn tray/KVM switch prob
'', #warn log full
'', #warn blade warning
'', #warn io warning
'', #warn storage warning
'', #warn power module
'', #warn chassis
'', #warn cooling
#deprecated '', #info power off
#deprecated '', #info power on
#deprecated '', #info PFA
'', #info inventory (insert/remove)
'', #info 75% events
'', #info net reconfig
#deprecated '', #info throttling
#deprecated '', #info power management
#annoying '', #info login events
'', #info blade events
'', #info IO events
'', #info storage events
'', #info power module events
'', #info chassis events
'', #info blower event
'', #info power on/off
foreach (@enabledalerts) {
sub mpaconfig {
#OIDs of interest:
# snmpCommunityEntryCommunityIpAddress2
#remoteAlertIdEntryStatus (0 invalid, 2 enable)
my $mpa=shift;
my $user=shift;
my $pass=shift;
my $node=shift;
my $nodeid=shift;
my @morenodeids;
if ($nodeid =~ /-(.*)/) {
my $highid = $1;
$nodeid =~ s/-.*//;
@morenodeids = ($nodeid+1..$highid);
if (scalar @moreslots) {
push @morenodeids,@moreslots;
my $parameter;
my $value;
my $assignment;
my $returncode=0;
my $textid=0;
if ($didchassis) { return 0, @cfgtext } #"Chassis already configured for this command" }
foreach $parameter (@_) {
$assignment = 0;
$value = undef;
if ($parameter =~ /=/) {
$assignment = 1;
($parameter,$value) = split /=/,$parameter,2;
if ($parameter =~ /^ntp$/) {
my $result = ntp($value);
$returncode |= shift(@$result);
push @cfgtext,@$result;
elsif ($parameter =~ /^network$/) {
my $data = $session->get(['',0]);
push @cfgtext,"MM IP: $data";
$data = $session->get(['',0]);
push @cfgtext,"MM Hostname: $data";
$data = $session->get(['',0]);
push @cfgtext,"Gateway: $data";
$data = $session->get(['',0]);
push @cfgtext,"Subnet Mask: $data";
elsif ($parameter eq "textid") {
$textid = 1;
if ($assignment) {
my $txtid = ($value =~ /^\*/) ? $node : $value;
my $extrabay=2;
foreach(@morenodeids) {
setoid("",$_,$txtid.", slot $extrabay",'OCTET');
} else {
my $data;
if ($slot > 0) {
$data = $session->get([$bladeoname,$nodeid]);
else {
$data = $session->get([$mmoname->{$mptype},0]);
push @cfgtext,"textid: $data";
foreach(@morenodeids) {
$data = $session->get([$bladeoname,$_]);
push @cfgtext,"textid: $data";
elsif ($parameter =~ /^snmpcfg$/i) {
my $data = $session->get(['',0]);
if ($data) {
push @cfgtext,"SNMP: enabled";
else {
push @cfgtext,"SNMP: disabled";
elsif ($parameter =~ /^snmpdest/ or $parameter eq "snmpdest") {
if ($parameter eq "snmpdest") {
$parameter = "snmpdest1";
$parameter =~ /snmpdest(\d+)/;
if ($1 > 3) {
$returncode |= 1;
push(@cfgtext,"Only up to three snmp destinations may be defined");
my $dstindex = $1;
if ($assignment) {
my $restorev1agent = 0;
if (($session->get(['',0])) == 1) { #per the BLADE MIB, this *must* be zero in order to change SNMP IPs
setoid("",1,1,'INTEGER'); #access type: read-traps, don't give full write access to the community
if ($restorev1agent) { #If we had to transiently disable the v1 agent, put it back the way it was
my $data = $session->get(["".(2+$dstindex).".1"]);
push @cfgtext,"SP SNMP Destination $1: $data";
elsif ($parameter =~ /^community/i) {
if ($assignment) {
my $data = $session->get([""]);
push @cfgtext,"SP SNMP Community: $data";
elsif ($parameter =~ /^alert/i) {
if ($assignment) {
if ($value =~ /^enable/i or $value =~ /^en/i or $value =~ /^on$/i) {
setoid('',12,'xCAT configured SNMP','OCTET'); #Set a description so the MM doesn't flip out
setoid('',12,4); #Set Dest12 to SNMP
setoid('',12,2); #enable dest12
setoid('',0,0); #Enable SNMP traps
} elsif ($value =~ /^disable/i or $value =~ /^dis/i or $value =~ /^off$/i) {
setoid('',12,0); #Disable alert dest 12
setoid('',0,1); #Disable SNMP traps period
my $data = $session->get(['']);
if ($data == 2) {
push @cfgtext,"SP Alerting: enabled";
} elsif (defined $data and $data == 0) {
push @cfgtext,"SP Alerting: disabled";
} else {
$returncode |= 1;
push @cfgtext,"Unable to get alert configuration (is SNMP enabled?)";
} elsif ($parameter =~ /^solcfg/i) {
my $data = $session->get(['.',0]);
if ($data) {
push @cfgtext,"solcfg: enabled on mm";
} else {
push @cfgtext,"solcfg: disabled on mm";
} else {
$returncode |= 1;
push(@cfgtext,"Unrecognized argument $parameter");
unless ($textid) {
return $returncode,@cfgtext;
sub switchblade {
#OIDS of interest:
# media tray ownership
# kvm ownership
my @args=@_;
my $data;
my @rettext;
my $domt=0;
my $dokvm=0;
my $targnum=$slot;
if ($args[1] =~ /^\d+$/) {
$targnum = $args[1];
if ($args[0] eq "list" or $args[0] eq "stat") {
$data = $session->get([""]);
push @rettext,"Media Tray slot: $data";
$data = $session->get([""]);
push @rettext,"KVM slot: $data";
} elsif ($args[0] eq "both") {
} elsif ($args[0] eq "mt" or $args[0] eq "media") {
} elsif ($args[0] eq "kvm" or $args[0] eq "video") {
if ($domt) {
$data = $session->get([""]);
push @rettext,"Media Tray slot: $data";
if ($dokvm) {
$data = $session->get([""]);
push @rettext,"KVM slot: $data";
return 0,@rettext;
sub bootseq {
my @args=@_;
my $data;
my @order=();
if ($args[0] eq "list" or $args[0] eq "stat") {
foreach my $oid (@bootseqoids) {
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1, $session->{ErrorStr}); }
push @order,$bootdevices{$data};
return (0,join(',',@order));
} else {
foreach (@args) {
my @neworder=(split /,/,$_);
push @order,@neworder;
my $number=@order;
if ($number > 4) {
return (1,"Only four boot sequence entries allowed");
my $nonespecified=0;
foreach (@order) {
unless (defined($bootnumbers{$_})) { return (1,"Unsupported device $_"); }
unless ($bootnumbers{$_}) { $nonespecified = 1; }
if ($nonespecified and $bootnumbers{$_}) { return (1,"Error: cannot specify 'none' before a device"); }
unless ($bootnumbers{$order[0]}) {
return (1,"Error: cannot specify 'none' as first device");
foreach (3,2,1,0) {
my $param = $bootnumbers{$order[$_]};
unless ($param) {
$param = 0;
my $varbind = new SNMP::Varbind([$bootseqoids[$_],$slot,$param,'INTEGER']);
$data = $session->set($varbind);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
foreach (0,1,2,3) {
my $param = $bootnumbers{$order[$_]};
if ($param) {
my $varbind = new SNMP::Varbind([$bootseqoids[$_],$slot,$param,'INTEGER']);
$data = $session->set($varbind);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
return bootseq('list');
sub cleantemp {
#Taken a bladecenter string, reformat/convert to be consistent with ipmi presentation choices
my $temp = shift;
my $tnum;
$temp =~ /(\d+\.\d+) Centigrade/;
$temp =~ s/ = /:/;
$temp =~ s/\+(\d+)/$1/; #remove + sign from temperature readings if put in
$temp =~ s/Centigrade/C/; #remove controversial use of Centigrade
if ($tnum) {
$temp .= " (".sprintf("%.2f",$tnum*(9/5)+32)." F)";
return $temp;
sub collect_health_summary { #extracts the health summary table
my %summarymap;
my %idmap;
my $varbind = new SNMP::VarList(
while ($varbind->[0]->[0] eq '.') {
$idmap{$varbind->[0]->[1]} = $varbind->[0]->[2];
my $numentries = scalar (keys %idmap);
my @bindlist;
foreach (1..$numentries) {
push @bindlist,['.',$_];
my $sevbind = new SNMP::VarList(@bindlist);
my $id;
my $bladeid;
foreach (@$sevbind) {
$id = $_->[1];
$bladeid = $idmap{$id};
$summarymap{$bladeid}->{$id}->{severity} = $_->[2];
foreach (1..$numentries) {
push @bindlist,['.',$_];
my $detailbind = new SNMP::VarList(@bindlist);
foreach (@$detailbind) {
$id = $_->[1];
$bladeid = $idmap{$id};
$summarymap{$bladeid}->{$id}->{detail} = $_->[2];
return \%summarymap;
my %chassiswidevitals;
sub vitals {
my @output;
my $tmp;
my @vitems;
if ( $#_ == 0 && $_[0] eq '' ) { pop @_; push @_,"all" } #-- default is all if no argument given
if ( defined $slot and $slot > 0 ) { #-- blade query
foreach (@_) {
if ($_ eq 'all') {
push @vitems,qw(temp voltage wattage summary fan);
push @vitems,qw(errorled beaconled infoled kvmled mtled);
} elsif ($_ =~ '^led') {
push @vitems,qw(errorled beaconled infoled kvmled mtled);
} else {
push @vitems,split( /,/,$_);
verbose_message("slotid:$slot, options:@vitems.");
} else { #-- chassis query
foreach (@_) {
if ($_ eq 'all') {
push @vitems,qw(voltage wattage power summary);
push @vitems,qw(errorled beaconled infoled templed);
push @vitems,qw(fan blower);
push @vitems,qw(ammtemp ambient);
} elsif ($_ =~ '^led') {
push @vitems,qw(errorled beaconled infoled templed);
} elsif ($_ =~ '^cool') {
push @vitems,qw(fan blower);
} elsif ($_ =~ '^temp') {
push @vitems,qw(ammtemp ambient);
} else {
push @vitems,split( /,/,$_);
verbose_message("for chassis, options:@vitems.");
if (grep /fan/,@vitems or grep /blower/,@vitems) { #We'll lump blowers and fans together for blades, besides, BCS fans
#use the 'blower' OIDs anyway
unless (defined $chassiswidevitals{blower}) {
if (grep /fan/,@vitems) { #Only put in fans if fan requested, use of word 'blower' would indicate omitting the 'fans'
#For those wondering why 'power supply' fans are considered relevant to a particular blade,
#note that blades capable of taking high speed daughtercards have holes along the edges.
#Those holes are air intakes fed by the PSU exhaust, to get cooler air into the expansion area
unless (defined $chassiswidevitals{fan}) {
my $tmp;
if ( defined $slot and $slot > 0) { #-- querying some blade
if (grep /watt/,@vitems) {
my $tmp_oid = "";
if ($slot < 8) {
$tmp_oid .= ($slot+16);
#$tmp = $session->get(["".($slot+16)]);
} else {
$tmp_oid .= ($slot+9);
#$tmp = $session->get(["".($slot+9)]);
$tmp = $session->get([$tmp_oid]);
unless ($tmp =~ /Not Readable/) {
if ($tmp =~ /(\d+)W/) {
$tmp = "$1 Watts (". int($tmp * 3.413+0.5)." BTUs/hr)";
$tmp =~ s/^/Power Usage:/;
push @output,"$tmp";
} else {
verbose_message("OID:$tmp_oid, value:$tmp.");
my @bindlist;
my $bindobj;
if (grep /voltage/,@vitems) {
for my $idx (15..40) {
push @bindlist,[".$idx",$slot];
$bindobj= new SNMP::VarList(@bindlist);
$session->get($bindobj); #[".$idx.$slot"]);
for my $tmp (@$bindobj) {
if ($tmp and defined $tmp->[2] and $tmp->[2] !~ /Not Readable/ and $tmp->[2] ne "") {
$tmp->[2] =~ s/ = /:/;
push @output,$tmp->[2];
} else {
verbose_message("OID:$tmp->[0].$tmp->[1], value:$tmp->[2].");
if (grep /temp/,@vitems) {
for my $idx (6..20) {
if ($idx eq 11) {
push @bindlist,[".$idx",$slot];
$bindobj= new SNMP::VarList(@bindlist);
my $tnum;
for my $tmp (@$bindobj) {
if ($tmp and defined $tmp->[2] and $tmp->[2] !~ /Not Readable/ and $tmp->[2] ne "") {
my $restype=$tmp->[0];
$restype =~ s/^.*\.(\d*)$/$1/;
if ($restype =~ /^([6789])$/) {
$tmp->[2] = "CPU ".($1 - 5)." Temp: ".$tmp->[2];
push @output,cleantemp($tmp->[2]);
} else {
verbose_message("OID:$tmp->[0].$tmp->[1], value:$tmp->[2].");
unless (defined $chassiswidevitals{ambient}) {
$chassiswidevitals{ambient} = [];
my @ambientbind=([".","0"],
if ($mpatype eq 'cmm') {
pop @ambientbind;
my $targ = new SNMP::VarList(@ambientbind);
my $tempidx=1;
for my $result (@$targ) {
#if ($result->[2] eq "NOSUCHINSTANCE") {
if ($result->[2] =~ /NOSUCH/) {
verbose_message("OID:$result->[0].$result->[1], value:$result->[2].");
push @{$chassiswidevitals{ambient}},"Ambient ".$tempidx++." :".cleantemp($result->[2]);
foreach (@{$chassiswidevitals{ambient}}) {
push @output,$_;
if (grep /blower/,@vitems) { #We'll lump blowers and fans together for blades, besides, BCS fans
#use the 'blower' OIDs anyway
foreach (@{$chassiswidevitals{blower}}) {
push @output,$_;
} elsif (grep /fan/,@vitems) {
foreach (@{$chassiswidevitals{blower}}) {
push @output,$_;
foreach (@{$chassiswidevitals{fan}}) {
push @output,$_;
if (grep /summary/,@vitems) {
unless ($chassiswidevitals{healthsummary}) {
$chassiswidevitals{healthsummary} = collect_health_summary();
foreach (values %{$chassiswidevitals{healthsummary}->{$slot}}) {
push @output,"Status: ".$_->{severity}.", ".$_->{detail};
foreach (@moreslots) {
foreach (values %{$chassiswidevitals{healthsummary}->{$_}}) {
push @output,"Status: ".$_->{severity}.", ".$_->{detail};
my %ledresults=();
my $ledstring="";
if (grep /led/,@vitems) {
$session = new SNMP::Session(
DestHost => $mpa,
Version => '3',
SecName => $mpauser,
AuthProto => 'SHA',
AuthPass => $mpapass,
PrivProto => 'DES',
SecLevel => 'authPriv',
UseNumeric => 1,
Retries => 1, # Give up sooner to make commands go smoother
Timeout=>300000000, #Beacon, for one, takes a bit over a second to return
PrivPass => $mpapass);
my @bindset = (
my $bindlist = new SNMP::VarList(@bindset);
foreach (@$bindlist) {
$ledresults{$_->[0] .".". $_->[1]}=$_->[2];
if (grep /errorled/,@vitems) {
my $stat = $ledresults{".".$erroroid.".".$slot}; #$session->get([$erroroid.".".$slot]);
if ($stat==1) {
push @output,"Error LED: on";
#$tmp="Error led: ".$stat;
if (grep /beaconled/,@vitems) {
my $stat = $ledresults{".".$beaconoid.".".$slot}; #$session->get([$beaconoid.".".$slot]);
if ($stat==1) { $stat = "on"; }
elsif ($stat==2) { $stat = "blinking"; }
if ($stat) {
$tmp="Beacon led: ".$stat;
push @output,"$tmp";
if (grep /infoled/,@vitems) {
my $stat = $ledresults{".".$infooid.".".$slot}; #$session->get([$infooid.".".$slot]);
if ($stat==1) {
push @output,"Info led: on";
if (grep /kvmled/,@vitems) {
my $stat = $ledresults{".".$kvmoid.".".$slot}; #$session->get([$kvmoid.".".$slot]);
if ($stat==1) { $stat = "on"; }
elsif ($stat==2) { $stat = "blinking"; }
if ($stat) {
$tmp="KVM led: ".$stat;
push @output,$tmp;
if (grep /mtled/,@vitems) {
my $stat = $ledresults{".".$mtoid.".".$slot}; #$session->get([$mtoid.".".$slot]);
if ($stat==1) { $stat = "on"; }
elsif ($stat==2) { $stat = "blinking"; }
if ($stat) {
$tmp="MT led: ".$stat;
push @output,"$tmp";
if (grep /led/,@vitems and not $ledstring) {
push @output,"No active LEDS";
} else { #-- chassis query
if (grep /blower/,@vitems) {
foreach (@{$chassiswidevitals{blower}}) {
push @output,$_;
} elsif (grep /fan/,@vitems) {
foreach (@{$chassiswidevitals{blower}}) {
push @output,$_;
foreach (@{$chassiswidevitals{fan}}) {
push @output,$_;
if ((grep /volt/,@vitems) and ($mpatype ne 'cmm')) {
my $voltbase = "";
my %voltlabels = ( 1=>"+5V", 2=>"+3.3V", 3=>"+12V", 5=>"-5V", 6=>"+2.5V", 8=>"+1.8V" );
foreach my $idx ( keys %voltlabels ) {
unless ((not $tmp) or $tmp =~ /Not Readable/) {
push @output,sprintf("Voltage %s: %s",$voltlabels{$idx},$tmp);
if ($tmp =~ /^NOSUCH/) {
verbose_message("OID:$voltbase.$idx.0, value:$tmp.");
if (grep /ammtemp/,@vitems) {
#push @output,sprintf("AMM temp: %s",$tmp) if $tmp !~ /NOSUCHINSTANCE/;
push @output,sprintf("AMM temp: %s",$tmp) if $tmp !~ /^NOSUCH/;
if ($tmp =~ /^NOSUCH/) {
verbose_message("OID:., value:$tmp.");
if (grep /ambient/,@vitems) {
my %oids = ();
if ($mpatype ne 'cmm') {
%oids = (
"Ambient 1",".",
"Ambient 2",".",
} else {
%oids = ("Ambient 1",".");
foreach my $oid ( keys %oids ) {
#push @output,sprintf("%s: %s",$oid,$tmp) if $tmp !~ /NOSUCHINSTANCE/;
push @output,sprintf("%s: %s",$oid,$tmp) if $tmp !~ /^NOSUCH/;
if ($tmp =~ /^NOSUCH/) {
verbose_message("OID:$oids{$oid}, value:$tmp.");
if (grep /watt/,@vitems) {
#push @output,sprintf("Total power used: %s (%d BTUs/hr)",$tmp,int($tmp * 3.412+0.5)) if $tmp !~ /NOSUCHINSTANCE/;
push @output,sprintf("Total power used: %s (%d BTUs/hr)",$tmp,int($tmp * 3.412+0.5)) if $tmp !~ /^NOSUCH/;
if ($tmp =~ /^NOSUCH/) {
verbose_message("OID:., value:$tmp.");
if (grep /power/,@vitems) {
my %oids = ();
if ($mpatype ne 'cmm') {
%oids = (
else {
%oids = ("PD1",".");
foreach my $oid ( keys %oids ) {
#push @output,sprintf("%s: %s",$oid,$tmp) if $tmp !~ /NOSUCHINSTANCE/;
push @output,sprintf("%s: %s",$oid,$tmp) if $tmp !~ /^NOSUCH/;
if ($tmp =~ /^NOSUCH/) {
verbose_message("OID:$oids{$oid}, value:$tmp.");
if (grep /errorled/,@vitems) {
my $stat = $session->get([$chassiserroroid]);
if ($stat==0) { $stat = "off"; } elsif ($stat==1) { $stat = "on"; }
$tmp="Error led: ".$stat;
push @output,"$tmp";
if (grep /infoled/,@vitems) {
my $stat = $session->get([$chassisinfooid]);
if ($stat==0) { $stat = "off"; } elsif ($stat==1) { $stat = "on"; }
$tmp="Info led: ".$stat;
push @output,"$tmp";
if (grep /templed/,@vitems) {
my $stat = $session->get([$chassistempledoid]);
if ($stat==0) { $stat = "off"; } elsif ($stat==1) { $stat = "on"; }
$tmp="Temp led: ".$stat;
push @output,"$tmp";
if (grep /beaconled/,@vitems) {
my $stat = $session->get([$chassisbeaconoid]);
if ($stat==0) { $stat = "off"; } elsif ($stat==1) { $stat = "on"; }
elsif ($stat==2) { $stat = "blinking"; } elsif ($stat==3) { $stat = "not available"; }
$tmp="Beacon led: ".$stat;
push @output,"$tmp";
if (grep /summary/,@vitems) {
if ($tmp==0) { $tmp = "critical"; } elsif ($tmp==2) { $tmp = "nonCritical"; }
elsif ($tmp==4) { $tmp = "systemLevel"; } elsif ($tmp==255) { $tmp = "normal"; }
push @output,"Status: $tmp";
sub populatefanvitals {
#This function populates the fan section of the chassis wide vitals hash
my @bindlist = (
my $bind = new SNMP::VarList(@bindlist);
my %faninfo;
foreach (@$bind) {
#if ($_->[2] eq "NOSUCHINSTANCE") {
if ($_->[2] =~ /^NOSUCH/) {
verbose_message("OID:$_->[0].$_->[1], value:$_->[2].");
my $restype=$_->[0];
$restype =~ s/^.*\.(\d*)$/$1/;
my $idx=$_->[1];
if ($restype eq "3") {
} elsif ($restype eq "5") {
} elsif ($restype eq "6") {
} elsif ($restype eq "7") {
foreach (sort keys %faninfo) {
my $text="Fan pack $_:";
if (defined $faninfo{$_}->{rpm}) {
$text.=" ".$faninfo{$_}->{rpm};
if (defined $faninfo{$_}->{percentage}) {
$text .=" (".$faninfo{$_}->{percentage}."%)";
$text .= " RPM";
} elsif (defined $faninfo{$_}->{percentage}) {
$text .= " ".$faninfo{$_}->{percentage}."% RPM";
if ($faninfo{$_}->{state} eq "2") {
$text .= " Warning";
} elsif ($faninfo{$_}->{state} eq "3") {
$text .= " Error";
if ($faninfo{$_}->{cstate} eq "1") {
$text .= " (firmware update in progress)";
} elsif ($faninfo{$_}->{cstate} eq "2") {
$text .= " (not present)";
} elsif ($faninfo{$_}->{cstate} eq "3") {
$text .= " (communication failure";
push @{$chassiswidevitals{fan}},$text;
sub by_number {
if ($a < $b) {
} elsif ($a > $b) {
} else {
sub populateblowervitals {
my %blowerstats=();
my @bindoid = ();
if ($mpatype ne 'cmm') {
@bindoid = (
} else {
foreach my $fanentry (3..6) {
foreach (1..10) {
push @bindoid, [$chassisfanbase.$fanentry, "$_"];
my $bind = new SNMP::VarList(@bindoid);
foreach (@$bind) {
#if ($_->[2] eq "NOSUCHINSTANCE") {
if ($_->[2] =~ /^NOSUCH/) {
verbose_message("OID:$_->[0].$_->[1], value:$_->[2].");
if ($mpatype ne 'cmm') {
my $idx=$_->[0];
$idx =~ s/^.*\.(\d*)$/$1/;
if ($idx < 10) {
$blowerstats{$idx}->{percentage}=~ s/^[^\d]*(\d*)[^\d].*$/$1/;
} elsif ($idx < 20) {
} elsif ($idx < 30) {
} elsif ($idx < 40) {
} else {
my $idx = $_->[1];
my $tmp_type = $_->[0];
$tmp_type =~ s/^.*\.(\d*)$/$1/;
if ($tmp_type eq 3) {
$blowerstats{$idx}->{percentage}=~ s/^(\d*)%.*$/$1/;
} elsif ($tmp_type eq 4) {
} elsif ($tmp_type eq 5) {
} elsif ($tmp_type eq 6) {
foreach my $blowidx (sort by_number keys %blowerstats) {
my $bdata=$blowerstats{$blowidx};
my $text="Blower/Fan $blowidx:";
if (defined $bdata->{rpm}) {
$text.=$bdata->{rpm}." RPM (".$bdata->{percentage}."%)";
} else {
$text.=$bdata->{percentage}."% RPM";
if ($bdata->{state} == 2) {
$text.=" Warning state";
} elsif ($bdata->{state} == 3) {
$text.=" Bad state";
} elsif ($bdata->{state} == 0) {
$text .= " Unknown state";
} elsif ($bdata->{state} == 1) {
$text .= " Good state";
if ($bdata->{cstate} == 1) {
$text .= " Controller flashing";
} elsif ($bdata->{cstate} == 2) {
$text .= " Not present";
} elsif ($bdata->{cstate} == 3) {
$text .= " Communication failure to controller";
push @{$chassiswidevitals{blower}},$text;
sub rscan {
my $args = shift;
my @values;
my $result;
my %opt;
@ARGV = @$args;
$Getopt::Long::ignorecase = 0;
local *usage = sub {
my $usage_string=xCAT::Usage->getUsage("rscan");
return( join('',($_[0],$usage_string)));
if ( !GetOptions(\%opt,qw(V|verbose w x z u))){
if ( defined($ARGV[0]) ) {
return(1,usage("Invalid argument: @ARGV\n"));
if (exists($opt{x}) and exists($opt{z})) {
return(1,usage("-x and -z are mutually exclusive\n"));
# Get the mm type from the telnet cli
my $mmtypestr;
if (defined($telnetrscan{'mm'}) && defined ($telnetrscan{'mm'}{'type'})) {
$mmtypestr = $telnetrscan{'mm'}{'type'};
} else {
$mmtypestr = "mm";
my $mmname = $session->get([$mmoname->{$mptype},0]);;
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) {
my $mmtype = $session->get([$mmotype,0]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) {
my $mmmodel = $session->get([$mmomodel,0]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) {
my $mmserial = $session->get([$mmoserial,0]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) {
push @values,join(",",$mmtypestr,$mmname,0,"$mmtype$mmmodel",$mmserial,$mpa,$mpa);
my $namemax = length($mmname);
my $mpamax = length($mpa);
foreach (1..14) {
my $tmp = $session->get([$bladexistsoid.".$_"]);
if ($tmp eq 1) {
my $type = $session->get([$blademtmoid,$_]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) {
$type =~ s/Not available/null/i;
my $model = $session->get([$bladeomodel,$_]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) {
$model =~ s/Not available/null/i;
my $serial = $session->get([$bladeserialoid,$_]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) {
$serial =~ s/Not available/null/i;
my $name = $session->get([$bladeoname,$_]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) {
# The %telnetrscan has the entires for the fsp. For NGP ppc blade, set the ip of fsp.
if (defined($telnetrscan{$_}{'0'}) && $telnetrscan{$_}{'0'}{'type'} eq "fsp") {
# give the NGP ppc blade an internal specific name to identify
push @values, join( ",","ppcblade",$name,$_,"$type$model",$serial,$mpa,$telnetrscan{$_}{'0'}{'ip'});
} elsif (defined($telnetrscan{$_}{'1'}) && $telnetrscan{$_}{'1'}{'type'} eq "fsp") {
# give the NGP ppc blade an internal specific name to identify
push @values, join( ",","ppcblade",$name,$_,"$type$model",$serial,$mpa,$telnetrscan{$_}{'1'}{'ip'});
} else {
push @values, join( ",","blade",$name,$_,"$type$model",$serial,$mpa,"");
my $namelength = length($name);
$namemax = ($namelength > $namemax) ? $namelength : $namemax;
my $mpalength = length($mpa);
$mpamax = ($mpalength > $mpamax) ? $mpalength : $mpamax;
my $format = sprintf "%%-%ds",($namemax+2);
$rscan_header[1][1] = $format;
$format = sprintf "%%-%ds",($mpamax+2);
$rscan_header[5][1] = $format;
if (exists($opt{x})) {
$result = rscan_xml($mpa,\@values);
elsif ( exists( $opt{z} )) {
$result = rscan_stanza($mpa,\@values);
else {
foreach ( @rscan_header ) {
$result .= sprintf @$_[1],@$_[0];
foreach (@values ){
my @data = split /,/;
if ($data[0] eq "ppcblade") {
$data[0] = "blade";
my $i = 0;
foreach (@rscan_header) {
$result .= sprintf @$_[1],$data[$i++];
if (!exists($opt{w}) && !exists($opt{u})) {
my @tabs = qw(mp nodehm nodelist nodetype vpd ppc);
my %db = ();
foreach (@tabs) {
$db{$_} = xCAT::Table->new( $_, -create=>1, -autocommit=>0 );
if ( !$db{$_} ) {
return(1,"Error opening '$_'" );
my @msg4update;
foreach (@values) {
my @data = split /,/;
my $type = $data[0];
my $name = $data[1];
my $id = $data[2];
my $mtm= $data[3];
my $serial = $data[4];
my $fspip = $data[6];
# ignore the blade server which status is 'Comm Error'
if ($name =~ /Comm Error/) {
if (exists($opt{u})) {
## TRACE_LINE print "Rscan: orig_name [$name]\n";
# search the existed node for updating
# for the cmm, using the type-serial number to match
my $matched = 0;
if ($type eq "cmm") {
my @vpdlist = $db{vpd}->getAllNodeAttribs(['node','serial','mtm']);
foreach (@vpdlist) {
if ($_->{'mtm'} eq $mtm && $_->{'serial'} eq $serial) {
push @msg4update, sprintf("%-7s$format Matched To =>$format", $type, '['.$name.']', '['.$_->{'node'}.']');
$name = $_->{'node'};
$matched = 1;
} elsif ($type eq "blade" || $type eq "ppcblade") {
# for the blade server, using the mp.mpa and mp.id to match
my @mplist = $db{mp}->getAllNodeAttribs(['node','mpa','id']);
foreach (@mplist) {
if ($_->{'mpa'} eq $mpa && $_->{'id'} eq $id) {
push @msg4update, sprintf("%-7s$format Matched To =>$format", "blade", '['.$name.']', '['.$_->{'node'}.']');
$name = $_->{'node'};
$matched = 1;
## TRACE_LINE print "Rscan: matched_name[$name]\n";
if (!$matched) {
my $displaytype = ($type eq "ppcblade") ? "blade" : $type;
push @msg4update, sprintf("%-7s$format NOT Matched. MM [%s]: Slot ID [%s]", $displaytype, '['.$name.']',$mpa, $id);
# Update the ppc table for the fsp and ppcblade
my ($k1,$u1);
$k1->{node} = $name;
if ($type eq "ppcblade") {
#$u1->{hcp} = $fspip;
$u1->{nodetype} = "blade";
$u1->{id} = "1";
$u1->{parent} = $mpa;
$db{ppc}{commit} = 1;
# Update the entry in mp table for ppcblade and general blade
my ($k11,$u11);
$k11->{node} = $name;
$u11->{mpa} = $mpa;
$u11->{id} = $id;
if ($type eq "ppcblade") {
$u11->{nodetype} = "blade";
} else {
$u11->{nodetype} = $type;
$db{mp}{commit} = 1;
my ($k2,$u2);
$k2->{node} = $name;
if ($type eq "ppcblade") {
$u2->{mgt} = "fsp";
$u2->{cons} = "fsp";
} else {
$u2->{mgt} = "blade";
if($type eq "blade"){
$u2->{cons} = "blade";
$db{nodehm}{commit} = 1;
my ($k3,$u3);
$k3->{node} = $name;
my $append;
if ($type eq "ppcblade") {
$append = "blade";
} else {
$append = $type;
$u3->{groups} = $append.",all";
my $tmp_groups = $db{nodelist}->getNodeAttribs($name,['groups']);
if (defined($tmp_groups) and defined($tmp_groups->{groups})) {
$u3->{groups} =$tmp_groups->{groups};
my @groups_array = split /,/,$tmp_groups->{groups};
if (!grep(/^$append$/, @groups_array)) {
$u3->{groups} .= ",$append";
if (!grep(/^all$/, @groups_array)) {
$u3->{groups} .= ",all";
$db{nodelist}{commit} = 1;
my ($k4, $u4);
$k4->{node} = $name;
if ($type eq "ppcblade"){
$u4->{nodetype} = "ppc,osi";
} elsif ($type eq "blade") {
$u4->{nodetype} = "mp,osi";
} elsif ($type eq "mm" || $type eq "cmm") {
$u4->{nodetype} = "mp";
$db{nodetype}{commit} = 1;
my ($k5, $u5);
$k5->{node} = $name;
$u5->{mtm} = $data[3];
$u5->{serial} = $data[4];
$db{vpd}{commit} = 1;
foreach ( @tabs ) {
if ( exists( $db{$_}{commit} )) {
if (exists($opt{u})) {
$result = join("\n", @msg4update);
return (0,$result);
sub rscan_xml {
my $mpa = shift;
my $values = shift;
my $xml;
foreach (@$values) {
my @data = split /,/;
my $i = 0;
my $type = $data[0];
my $origtype = $type;
if ($type eq "ppcblade") {
$type = "blade";
# ignore the blade server which status is 'Comm Error'
if ($data[1] =~ /Comm Error/) {
my $href = {
Node => { }
foreach ( @rscan_attribs ) {
my $d = $data[$i++];
my $ignore;
if ( /^name$/ ) {
} elsif ( /^nodetype$/ ) {
if ($origtype eq "ppcblade") {
$d = "ppc,osi";
} elsif ($origtype eq "blade") {
$d = "mp,osi";
} else {
$d = "mp";
} elsif ( /^groups$/ ) {
$d = "$type,all";
} elsif ( /^mgt$/ ) {
if ($origtype eq "ppcblade") {
$d = "fsp";
} else {
$d = "blade";
} elsif ( /^cons$/ ) {
if($origtype eq "blade"){
$d = "blade";
} elsif ($origtype eq "ppcblade"){
$d = "fsp";
} else {
$ignore = 1;
} elsif ( /^mpa$/ ) {
$d = $mpa;
} elsif ( /^hwtype$/ ) {
if ($origtype eq "ppcblade") {
$d = "blade";
} else {
$d = $type;
} elsif (/^id$/) {
# for the NGP ppc blade, add the slotid to mp.id
if ($origtype eq "ppcblade") {
$href->{Node}->{slotid} = $d;
$d = "1";
} elsif (/^hcp/) {
if ($origtype eq "ppcblade") {
$href->{Node}->{parent} = $mpa;
} else {
$ignore = 1;
if (!$ignore) {
$href->{Node}->{$_} = $d;
$xml.= XMLout($href,NoAttr=>1,KeyAttr=>[],RootName=>undef);
return( $xml );
sub rscan_stanza {
my $mpa = shift;
my $values = shift;
my $result;
foreach (@$values) {
my @data = split /,/;
my $i = 0;
my $type = $data[0];
my $origtype = $type;
if ($type eq "ppcblade") {
$type = "blade";
# ignore the blade server which status is 'Comm Error'
if ($data[1] =~ /Comm Error/) {
$result .= "$data[1]:\n\tobjtype=node\n";
foreach ( @rscan_attribs ) {
my $d = $data[$i++];
my $ignore;
if ( /^name$/ ) {
} elsif ( /^nodetype$/ ) {
if ($origtype eq "ppcblade") {
$d = "ppc,osi";
} elsif ($origtype eq "blade") {
$d = "mp,osi";
} else {
$d = "mp";
} elsif ( /^groups$/ ) {
$d = "$type,all";
} elsif ( /^mgt$/ ) {
if ($origtype eq "ppcblade") {
$d = "fsp";
} else {
$d = "blade";
} elsif ( /^cons$/ ) {
if($origtype eq "blade"){
$d = "blade";
} elsif ($origtype eq "ppcblade"){
$d = "fsp";
} else {
$ignore = 1;
} elsif ( /^mpa$/ ) {
$d = $mpa;
} elsif ( /^hwtype$/ ) {
if ($origtype eq "ppcblade") {
$d = "blade";
} else {
$d = $type;
} elsif (/^id$/) {
# for the NGP ppc blade, add the attirbute 'slotid' that match to mp.id
if ($origtype eq "ppcblade") {
$result .= "\tslotid=$d\n";
$d = "1";
} elsif (/^hcp/) {
if ($origtype eq "ppcblade") {
$result .= "\tparent=$mpa\n";
} else {
$ignore = 1;
if (!$ignore) {
$result .= "\t$_=$d\n";
return( $result );
sub getmacs {
my ($node, @args) = @_;
my $display = ();
my $byarp = ();
my $installnic = undef;
#foreach my $arg (@args) {
# if ($arg eq "-d") {
# $display = "yes";
# } elsif ($arg eq "--arp") {
# $byarp = "yes";
# }
while (@args) {
my $arg = shift @args;
if ($arg eq "-d") {
$display = "yes";
} elsif ($arg eq "--arp") {
$byarp = "yes";
} elsif ($arg eq "-i") {
$installnic = shift @args;
$installnic =~ s/eth|en//;
if ($byarp eq "yes") {
my $output = xCAT::SvrUtils->get_mac_by_arp([$node], $display);
my @ret = ();
foreach my $n (keys %$output) {
if ($n ne $node) {
push @ret, $output->{$n};
return (0, @ret);
my @macs = ();
(my $code,my @orig_macs)=inv('mac');
my $ignore_gen_mac = 0;
foreach my $mac (@orig_macs) {
if ($mac =~ /(.*) -> (.*)/) {
#Convert JS style mac ranges to pretend to be simple
#this is not a guarantee of how the macs work, but
#this is as complex as this function can reasonably accomodate
#if you need more complexity, the auto-discovery process
#can actually cope
my $basemac = $1;
my $lastmac = $2;
push @macs, $basemac;
$basemac =~ s/mac address \d: //i;
$lastmac =~ s/mac address \d: //i;
while ($basemac ne $lastmac) {
$basemac =~ s/://g;
# Since 32bit Operating System can only handle 32bit integer,
# split the mac address as high 24bit and low 24bit
$basemac =~ /(......)(......)/;
my ($basemac_h6, $basemac_l6) = ($1, $2);
my $macnum_l6 = hex($basemac_l6);
my $macnum_h6 = hex($basemac_h6);
$macnum_l6 += 1;
if ($macnum_l6 > 0xFFFFFF) {
$macnum_h6 += 1;
my $newmac_l6 = sprintf("%06X", $macnum_l6);
$newmac_l6 =~ /(......)$/;
$newmac_l6 = $1;
my $newmac_h6 = sprintf("%06X", $macnum_h6);
my $newmac = $newmac_h6.$newmac_l6;
$newmac =~ s/(..)(..)(..)(..)(..)(..)/$1:$2:$3:$4:$5:$6/;
my $newidx = scalar(@macs)+1;
push @macs,"MAC Address $newidx: ".$newmac;
$basemac = $newmac;
# If one mac address has -> as a range, this must be a system P blade.
# Then ignore the following mac with prefix "mac address"
$ignore_gen_mac = 1;
} elsif (!$ignore_gen_mac || $mac =~ /\w+ mac address \d:/i) {
push @macs, $mac;
my $midx=0;
my @midxary;
if (defined($installnic)) {
push @midxary, $installnic;
} else {
my $nrtab = xCAT::Table->new('noderes');
if ($nrtab) {
my $nent = $nrtab->getNodeAttribs($curn,['primarynic','installnic']);
if ($nent) {
my $mkey;
if (defined $nent->{installnic}) { #Prefer the install nic
} elsif (defined $nent->{primarynic}) { #see if primary nic was set
if ($mkey) {
while ( $nent->{$mkey} =~ /[en|eth](\d+)/g ) {
push @midxary,$1;
#} elsif ($display !~ /yes/){
# return -1, "please set noderes.installnic or noderes.primarynic";
if ($code==0) {
if ($display =~ /yes/) {
my $allmac = join("\n", @macs);
return 0,":The mac address is:\n$allmac";
if (!@midxary) {
push @midxary, '0';
my @allmacs;
foreach my $midx ( @midxary) {
(my $macd,my $mac) = split (/:/,$macs[$midx],2);
$mac =~ s/\s+//g;
$mac =~ s/(.*)/\L$1/g;
if ($macd !~ /mac address \d/i) {
return 1,"Unable to retrieve MAC address for interface $midx from Management Module";
if ( $#midxary == 0 ) { #-- backward compatibility mode - do not add host name to mac.mac if only one iface is used
push @allmacs,$mac;
} else {
push @allmacs,$mac."!".$curn."e".$midx;
my $macstring = join("|",@allmacs);
my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new('mac',-create=>1);
return 0,":mac.mac set to $macstring";
} else {
return $code,$macs[0];
sub inv {
my @invitems;
my $data;
my @output;
my $updatetable;
"t|table" => \$updatetable,
foreach (@ARGV) {
push @invitems,split( /,/,$_);
my $item;
unless (scalar(@invitems)) {
@invitems = ("all");
my %updatehash;
while (my $item = shift @invitems) {
if ($item =~ /^all/) {
push @invitems,(qw(mtm serial mac firm));
if ($item =~ /^firm/) {
push @invitems,(qw(bios diag mprom mparom));
if ($item =~ /^bios/ and $mptype !~ /mm/) {
my $biosver;
my $biosbuild;
my $biosdate;
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
push @output,"BIOS: $biosver ($biosbuild $biosdate)";
if ($item =~ /^diag/ and $mptype !~ /mm/) {
my $diagver;
my $diagdate;
my $diagbuild;
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
$diagver = $data;
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
$diagbuild = $data;
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
$diagdate = $data;
push @output,"Diagnostics: $diagver ($diagbuild $diagdate)";
if ($item =~ /^[sm]prom/ and $mptype !~ /mm/) {
my $spver;
my $spbuild;
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
push @output,"BMC/Mgt processor: $spver ($spbuild)";
if ($item =~ /^mparom/) {
my $mpabuild;
my $mpaver;
my $mpadate;
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
push @output,"Management Module firmware: $mpaver ($mpabuild $mpadate)";
if ($item =~ /^model/ or $item =~ /^mtm/) {
if ($mptype eq 'cmm') {
my $type = $session->get(['', '0']);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
my $model = $session->get(['', '0']);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
push @output, "Machine Type/Model: ".$type.$model;
} else {
my $type=$session->get([$blademtmoid,$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
my $model = $session->get([$bladeomodel, $slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
push @output,"Machine Type/Model: ".$type.$model;
if ($item =~ /^uuid/ or $item =~ /^guid/) {
if ($mptype eq 'cmm') {
$data=$session->get(['.', '1']);
} else {
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
$data =~ s/ //;
$data =~ s/ /-/;
$data =~ s/ /-/;
$data =~ s/ /-/;
$data =~ s/ /-/;
$data =~ s/ //g;
push @output,"UUID/GUID: ".$data;
if ($item =~ /^serial/) {
if ($mptype eq 'cmm') {
} else {
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
push @output,"Serial Number: ".$data;
if ($item =~ /^mac/) {
foreach (0..3) {
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($data =~ /:/) {
push @output,"MAC Address ".($_+1).": ".$data;
foreach (0..3) {
my $oid=$hsdcmacoids[$_].".$slot";
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($data =~ /:/) {
push @output,"HS Daughter card MAC Address ".($_+1).": ".$data;
foreach (0..3) {
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($data =~ /:/) {
push @output,"Daughter card 1 MAC Address ".($_+1).": ".$data;
foreach (0..3) {
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($data =~ /:/) {
push @output,"Side card MAC Address ".($_+1).": ".$data;
if ($updatetable and keys %updatehash) {
my $vpdtab = xCAT::Table->new('vpd');
return (0,@output);
sub power {
my $subcommand = shift;
my $data;
my $stat;
my $validsub=0;
unless ($slot > 0) {
if ($subcommand eq "reset" or $subcommand eq "boot") {
$data = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([".",0,1,'INTEGER']));
unless ($data) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
return (0,"reset");
} else {
return (1,"$subcommand unsupported on the management module");
#get stat first
$data = $session->get([$powerstatoid.".".$slot]);
if ($data == 1) {
$stat = "on";
} elsif ( $data == 0) {
$stat = "off";
} else {
$stat= "error";
my $old_stat=$stat;
if ($subcommand eq "softoff") {
$data = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([".".$powerchangeoid,$slot,2,'INTEGER']));
unless ($data) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
$stat = "softoff";
if ($old_stat eq "off") { $stat .= " $status_noop"; }
if ($subcommand eq "off") {
$data = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([".".$powerchangeoid,$slot,0,'INTEGER']));
unless ($data) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
$stat = "off";
if ($old_stat eq "off") { $stat .= " $status_noop"; }
if ($subcommand eq "on" or ($subcommand eq "boot" and $stat eq "off")) {
$data = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([".".$powerchangeoid,$slot,1,'INTEGER']));
unless ($data) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($subcommand eq "boot") { $stat .= " " . ($data ? "on" : "off"); }
if ($subcommand eq "on") {
$stat = ($data ? "on" : "off");
if ($old_stat eq "on") { $stat .= " $status_noop"; }
} elsif ($subcommand eq "reset" or ($subcommand eq "boot" and $stat eq "on")) {
$data = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([".".$powerresetoid,$slot ,1,'INTEGER']));
unless ($data) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($subcommand eq "boot") { $stat = "on reset"; } else { $stat = "reset"; }
} elsif (not $validsub) {
return 1,"Unknown/Unsupported power command $subcommand";
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($stat) { return (0,$stat); }
sub beacon {
my $subcommand = shift;
my $data;
unless ($subcommand) { $subcommand = "stat"; }
if ($subcommand eq "stat") {
} elsif ($subcommand eq "on") {
$data = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([$beaconoid,$slot , 1,'INTEGER']));
} elsif ($subcommand eq "off") {
$data = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([$beaconoid,$slot , 0,'INTEGER']));
} elsif ($subcommand eq "blink") {
$data = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([$beaconoid,$slot , 2,'INTEGER']));
} else {
return (1,"$subcommand unsupported");
$session = new SNMP::Session(
DestHost => $mpa,
Version => '3',
SecName => $mpauser,
AuthProto => 'SHA',
AuthPass => $mpapass,
PrivProto => 'DES',
SecLevel => 'authPriv',
UseNumeric => 1,
Retries => 1, # Give up sooner to make commands go smoother
Timeout=>300000000, #Beacon, for one, takes a bit over a second to return
PrivPass => $mpapass);
my $stat = $session->get([$beaconoid.".".$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($stat==0) {
return (0,"off");
} elsif ($stat==1) {
return (0,"on");
} elsif ($stat==2) {
return (0,"blink");
} elsif ($stat==3) {
return (0,"unsupported");
# The oids which are used in the renergy command
my $bladetype_oid = "."; #bladeCenterVpdMachineType
my $pdstatus_oid = "."; #fuelGaugeStatus
my $pdpolicy_oid = "."; #fuelGaugePowerManagementPolicySetting
my $pdmodule1_oid = "."; #fuelGaugeFirstPowerModule
my $pdmodule2_oid = "."; #fuelGaugeSecondPowerModule
my $pdavailablepower_oid = "."; #fuelGaugeTotalPower
my $pdreservepower_oid = "."; #fuelGaugeAllocatedPower
my $pdremainpower_oid = "."; #fuelGaugeRemainingPower
my $pdinused_oid = "."; #fuelGaugePowerInUsed
my $chassisDCavailable_oid = "."; #chassisTotalDCPowerAvailable
my $chassisACinused_oid = "."; #chassisTotalACPowerInUsed
my $chassisThermalOutput_oid = "."; #chassisTotalThermalOutput
my $chassisFrontTmp_oid = "."; #frontPanelTemp
my $mmtemp_oid = "."; #mmTemp
my $bladewidth_oid = "."; #bladeWidth
my $curallocpower_oid = "."; #pd1ModuleAllocatedPowerCurrent
my $maxallocpower_oid = "."; #pd1ModuleAllocatedPowerMax
my $minallocpower_oid = "."; #pd1ModuleAllocatedPowerMin
my $powercapability_oid = "."; #pd1ModulePowerCapabilities
my $powercapping_oid = "."; #bladeDetailsMaxPowerConfig
my $effCPU_oid = "."; #bladeDetailsEffectiveClockRate
my $maxCPU_oid = "."; #bladeDetailsMaximumClockRate
my $savingstatus_oid = "."; #bladeDetailsPowerSaverMode
my $dsavingstatus_oid = "."; #bladeDetailsDynamicPowerSaver
my $dsperformance_oid = "."; #bladeDetailsDynamicPowerFavorPerformanceOverPower
# The meaning of obj fuelGaugePowerManagementPolicySetting
my %pdpolicymap = (
'0' => "redundantWithoutPerformanceImpact",
'1' => "redundantWithPerformanceImpact",
'2' => "nonRedundant",
'3' => "redundantACPowerSource",
'4' => "acPowerSourceWithBladeThrottlingAllowed",
'255' => "notApplicable",
# The meaning of obj pd1/2ModulePowerCapabilities
my %capabilitymap = (
'0' => "noAbility",
'1' => "staticPowerManagement",
'2' => "fixedPowerManagement",
'3' => "dynamicPowerManagement",
'4' => "dynamicPowerMeasurement1",
'5' => "dynamicPowerMeasurement2",
'6' => "dynamicPowerMeasurement2",
'255' => "notApplicable",
# The valid attributes the renergy command can support
# 1 for readonly; 2 for write; 3 readwrite
my %mm_valid_items = (
'all' => 1,
'pd1all' => 1,
'pd2all' => 1,
'pd1status' => 1,
'pd2status' => 1,
'pd1policy' => 1,
'pd2policy' => 1,
'pd1powermodule1' => 1,
'pd1powermodule2' => 1,
'pd2powermodule1' => 1,
'pd2powermodule2' => 1,
'pd1avaiablepower' => 1,
'pd2avaiablepower' => 1,
'pd1reservedpower' => 1,
'pd2reservedpower' => 1,
'pd1remainpower' => 1,
'pd2remainpower' => 1,
'pd1inusedpower' => 1,
'pd2inusedpower' => 1,
'availableDC' => 1,
'averageAC' => 1,
'thermaloutput' => 1,
'ambienttemp' => 1,
'mmtemp' => 1,
my %blade_valid_items = (
'all' => 1,
'averageDC' => 1,
'cappingmaxmin' => 0,
'cappingmax' => 0,
'cappingmin' => 0,
'capability' => 1,
'cappingvalue' => 1,
'cappingwatt' => 0,
'cappingperc' => 0,
'CPUspeed' => 1,
'maxCPUspeed' => 1,
'savingstatus' => 3,
'dsavingstatus' => 3,
# use the slot number of serverblade to get the powerdomain number
# and the bay number in the powerdomain
sub getpdbayinfo {
my ($bc_type, $slot) = @_;
my $pdnum = 0;
my $pdbay = 0;
if ($bc_type =~ /^1886|7989|8852$/) { # for blade center H
if ($slot < 8) {
$pdnum = 1;
$pdbay = $slot + 16;
} elsif ($slot < 15) {
$pdnum = 2;
$pdbay = $slot + 16 -7;
} elsif ($bc_type =~ /^8740|8750$/) { # for blade center HT
if ($slot < 7) {
$pdnum = 1;
$pdbay = $slot + 22;
} elsif ($slot < 13) {
$pdnum = 2;
$pdbay = $slot + 12 -6;
} elsif ($bc_type =~ /^8720|8730$/) { # for blade center T
if ($slot < 5) {
$pdnum = 1;
$pdbay = $slot + 12;
} elsif ($slot < 9) {
$pdnum = 2;
$pdbay = $slot + 2 -4;
} elsif ($bc_type =~ /^8720|8730$/) { # for blade center S
if ($slot < 7) {
$pdnum = 1;
$pdbay = $slot + 17;
} else { # for common blade center
if ($slot < 7) {
$pdnum = 1;
$pdbay = $slot + 10;
} elsif ($slot < 15) {
$pdnum = 2;
$pdbay = $slot - 6;
return ($pdnum, $pdbay);
# command to hand the renergy request
sub renergy {
my ($mpa, $node, $slot, @items) = @_;
if (!$mpa) {
return (1, "The attribute [mpa] needs to be set for the node $node.");
if (!$slot && ($mpa ne $node)) {
return (1, "The attribute [id] needs to be set for the node $node.");
# the type of blade center
my $bc_type = "";
#check the validity of all the attributes
my @readlist = ();
my %writelist = ();
my @r4wlist = ();
foreach my $item (@items) {
if (!$item) {
if ($item =~ /^all$/) {
if ($mpa eq $node) {
#handle the mm itself
push @readlist, ('pd1status','pd2status','pd1policy','pd2policy',
} else {
push @readlist, ('averageDC','capability','cappingvalue','CPUspeed','maxCPUspeed','savingstatus','dsavingstatus');
} elsif ($item =~ /^pd1all$/) {
push @readlist, ('pd1status','pd1policy','pd1powermodule1',
} elsif ($item =~ /^pd2all$/) {
push @readlist, ('pd2status','pd2policy','pd2powermodule1',
} elsif ($item =~ /^cappingmaxmin$/) {
push @readlist, ('cappingmin','cappingmax');
} elsif ($item =~ /(.*)=(.*)/) {
my $name = $1;
my $value = $2;
if ($mpa eq $node) {
if ($mm_valid_items{$name} < 2) {
return (1, "$name is NOT writable.");
} else {
if ($blade_valid_items{$name} < 2) {
return (1, "$name is NOT writable.");
$writelist{$name} = $value;
#if ($name eq "cappingwatt" || $name eq "cappingperc") {
# push @r4wlist, ('cappingmin','cappingmax');
} else {
if ($mpa eq $node) {
if ($mm_valid_items{$item} != 1 && $mm_valid_items{$item} != 3) {
return (1, "$item is NOT a valid attribute.");
} else {
if ($blade_valid_items{$item} != 1 && $blade_valid_items{$item} != 3) {
return (1, "$item is NOT a valid attribute.");
push @readlist, $item;
# does not support to read and write in one command
if ( @readlist && %writelist ) {
return (1, "Cannot handle read and write in one command.");
if (scalar(keys %writelist) > 1) {
return (1, "renergy cannot set multiple attributes at one command.");
if (! (@readlist || %writelist) ) {
return (1, "Does not get any valid attributes.");
if ((!@readlist) && %writelist) {
push @readlist, @r4wlist;
# get the blade center type first
if (grep (/^averageAC|averageDC|cappingmax|cappingmin|capability$/, @readlist)) {
$bc_type =$session->get([$bladetype_oid]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
my @output = ();
foreach my $item (sort(@readlist)) {
my $oid = "";
if ($item eq "pd1status") {
$oid = $pdstatus_oid.".1";
} elsif ($item eq "pd2status") {
$oid = $pdstatus_oid.".2";
} elsif ($item eq "pd1policy") {
$oid = $pdpolicy_oid.".1";
} elsif ($item eq "pd2policy") {
$oid = $pdpolicy_oid.".2";
} elsif ($item eq "pd1powermodule1") {
$oid = $pdmodule1_oid.".1";
} elsif ($item eq "pd2powermodule1") {
$oid = $pdmodule1_oid.".2";
} elsif ($item eq "pd1powermodule2") {
$oid = $pdmodule2_oid.".1";
} elsif ($item eq "pd2powermodule2") {
$oid = $pdmodule2_oid.".2";
} elsif ($item eq "pd1avaiablepower") {
$oid = $pdavailablepower_oid.".1";
} elsif ($item eq "pd2avaiablepower") {
$oid = $pdavailablepower_oid.".2";
} elsif ($item eq "pd1reservedpower") {
$oid = $pdreservepower_oid.".1";
} elsif ($item eq "pd2reservedpower") {
$oid = $pdreservepower_oid.".2";
} elsif ($item eq "pd1remainpower") {
$oid = $pdremainpower_oid.".1";
} elsif ($item eq "pd2remainpower") {
$oid = $pdremainpower_oid.".2";
} elsif ($item eq "pd1inusedpower") {
$oid = $pdinused_oid.".1";
} elsif ($item eq "pd2inusedpower") {
$oid = $pdinused_oid.".2";
} elsif ($item eq "availableDC") {
$oid = $chassisDCavailable_oid;
} elsif ($item eq "thermaloutput") {
$oid = $chassisThermalOutput_oid;
} elsif ($item eq "ambienttemp") {
$oid = $chassisFrontTmp_oid;
} elsif ($item eq "mmtemp") {
$oid = $mmtemp_oid;
} elsif ($item eq "averageAC") {
# just for management module
$oid = $chassisACinused_oid;
} elsif ($item eq "averageDC") {
# just for server blade
my ($pdnum, $pdbay) = getpdbayinfo($bc_type, $slot);
$oid = $curallocpower_oid;
$oid =~ s/pdnum/$pdnum/;
$oid = $oid.".".$pdbay;
} elsif ($item eq "cappingmax") {
my ($pdnum, $pdbay) = getpdbayinfo($bc_type, $slot);
$oid = $maxallocpower_oid;
$oid =~ s/pdnum/$pdnum/;
$oid = $oid.".".$pdbay;
} elsif ($item eq "cappingmin") {
my ($pdnum, $pdbay) = getpdbayinfo($bc_type, $slot);
$oid = $minallocpower_oid;
$oid =~ s/pdnum/$pdnum/;
$oid = $oid.".".$pdbay;
} elsif ($item eq "capability") {
my ($pdnum, $pdbay) = getpdbayinfo($bc_type, $slot);
$oid = $powercapability_oid;
$oid =~ s/pdnum/$pdnum/;
$oid = $oid.".".$pdbay;
} elsif ($item eq "cappingvalue") {
$oid = $powercapping_oid.".".$slot;
} elsif ($item eq "CPUspeed") {
$oid = $effCPU_oid.".".$slot;
} elsif ($item eq "maxCPUspeed") {
$oid = $maxCPU_oid.".".$slot;
} elsif ($item eq "savingstatus") {
$oid = $savingstatus_oid.".".$slot;
} elsif ($item eq "dsavingstatus") {
$oid = $dsavingstatus_oid.".".$slot;
} else {
push @output, "$item is NOT a valid attribute.";
if ($oid ne "") {
my $data=$session->get([$oid]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($data ne ""
&& $data ne "NOSUCHINSTANCE"
&& $data ne "notApplicable" ) {
if ($item =~ /pd[1|2]policy/) {
push @output, "$item: $pdpolicymap{$data}";
} elsif ($item eq "capability") {
push @output, "$item: $capabilitymap{$data}";
} elsif ($item =~/cappingvalue|averageDC|cappingmax|cappingmin/) {
if ($item eq "cappingvalue" && $data eq "0") {
push @output,"$item: na";
} else {
my $bladewidth = $session->get([$bladewidth_oid.".$slot"]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
$data =~ s/W$//;
foreach (1..$bladewidth-1) {
$oid =~ /(\d+)$/;
my $next = $1+$_;
$oid =~ s/(\d+)$/$next/;
my $nextdata=$session->get([$oid]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
$nextdata =~ s/W$//;
$data += $nextdata;
push @output, "$item: $data"."W";
} elsif ($item eq "savingstatus") {
if ($data eq "0") {
push @output,"$item: off";
} elsif ($data eq "1") {
push @output, "$item: on";
} else {
push @output,"$item: na";
} elsif ($item eq "dsavingstatus") {
# get the favor performance
my $pdata=$session->get([$dsperformance_oid.".".$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($data eq "0") {
push @output,"$item: off";
} elsif ($data eq "1" && $pdata eq "0") {
push @output, "$item: on-norm";
} elsif ($data eq "1" && $pdata eq "1") {
push @output, "$item: on-maxp";
} else {
push @output,"$item: na";
} else {
push @output,"$item: $data";
} else {
push @output,"$item: na";
# save the values gotten for setting
my @setneed;
if (scalar(keys %writelist)) {
@setneed = @output;
@output = ();
# Handle the setting operation
foreach my $item (keys %writelist) {
my $oid = "";
my $svalue;
my $capmax;
my $capmin;
if ($item eq "cappingwatt" || $item eq "cappingperc") {
if (0) {
foreach my $i (@setneed) {
if ($i =~ /^cappingmax: (\d*)W/) {
$capmax = $1;
} elsif ($i =~ /^cappingmin: (\d*)W/) {
$capmin = $1;
if (! (defined ($capmax) && defined ($capmin))) {
return (1, "Cannot get the value of cappingmin or cappingmax.");
if ($item eq "cappingwatt" && ($writelist{$item} > $capmax || $writelist{$item} < $capmin)) {
return (1, "The set value should be in the range $capmin - $capmax.");
if ($item eq "cappingperc") {
if ($writelist{$item} > 100 || $writelist{$item} < 0) {
return (1, "The percentage value should be in the range 0 - 100");
$writelist{$item} = int (($capmax-$capmin)*$writelist{$item}/100 + $capmin);
my $data = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([$powercapping_oid, $slot, $writelist{$item} ,'INTEGER']));
unless ($data) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
my $ndata=$session->get([$powercapping_oid.".".$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($ndata ne $writelist{$item}) {
return (1, "$item: set operation failed.");
} elsif ($item eq "savingstatus") {
if ($writelist{$item} eq "on") {
$svalue = "1";
} elsif ($writelist{$item} eq "off") {
$svalue = "0";
} else {
return (1, "The setting value should be on|off.");
# static power saving and dynamic power saving cannot be turn on at same time
if ($svalue eq "1") {
my $gdata = $session->get([$dsavingstatus_oid.".".$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($gdata eq "1") {
return (1, "The attributes savingstatus and dsavingstatus cannot be turn on at same time.");
# get the attribute static power save
my $data=$session->get([$savingstatus_oid.".".$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($data eq "NOSUCHINSTANCE" || $data eq "notApplicable" || $data eq "255") {
return (1, "Does not supported by this blade server.");
if ($data ne $svalue) {
# set it
my $sdata = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([$savingstatus_oid, $slot, $svalue ,'INTEGER']));
unless ($sdata) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
my $ndata=$session->get([$savingstatus_oid.".".$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($ndata ne $svalue) {
return (1, "Set operation failed.");
} elsif ($item eq "dsavingstatus") {
if ($writelist{$item} eq "on-norm") {
$svalue = "1";
} elsif ($writelist{$item} eq "on-maxp") {
$svalue = "2";
} elsif ($writelist{$item} eq "off") {
$svalue = "0";
} else {
return (1, "The setting value should be one of on-norm|on-maxp|off.");
# static power saving and dynamic power saving cannot be turn on at same time
if ($svalue gt "0") {
my $gdata = $session->get([$savingstatus_oid.".".$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($gdata eq "1") {
return (1, "The attributes savingstatus and dsavingstatus cannot be turn on at same time.");
# get the attribute dynamic power save
my $data = $session->get([$dsavingstatus_oid.".".$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($data eq "NOSUCHINSTANCE" || $data eq "notApplicable" || $data eq "255") {
return (1, "Does not supported by this blade server.");
# get the attribute favor performance
my $pdata = $session->get([$dsperformance_oid.".".$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($pdata eq "NOSUCHINSTANCE" || $pdata eq "notApplicable" || $pdata eq "255") {
$pdata = "255";
# turn off the dynamic power save
if ($svalue eq "0" && ($data eq "1" || $pdata eq "1")) {
if ($data eq "1") {
my $sdata = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([$dsavingstatus_oid, $slot, "0" ,'INTEGER']));
unless ($sdata) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
my $ndata=$session->get([$dsavingstatus_oid.".".$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($ndata ne "0") {
return (1, "Set operation failed.");
if ($pdata eq "1") {
my $sdata = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([$dsperformance_oid, $slot, "0" ,'INTEGER']));
unless ($sdata) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
my $ndata=$session->get([$dsperformance_oid.".".$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($ndata ne "0") {
return (1, "Set operation failed.");
# trun on the dynamic power save but trun off the favor performance
if ($svalue eq "1" && ($data eq "0" || $pdata eq "1")) {
if ($data eq "0") {
my $sdata = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([$dsavingstatus_oid, $slot, "1" ,'INTEGER']));
unless ($sdata) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
my $ndata=$session->get([$dsavingstatus_oid.".".$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($ndata ne "1") {
return (1, "Set operation failed.");
if ($pdata eq "1") {
my $sdata = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([$dsperformance_oid, $slot, "0" ,'INTEGER']));
unless ($sdata) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
my $ndata=$session->get([$dsperformance_oid.".".$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($ndata ne "0") {
return (1, "Set operation failed.");
# trun on the dynamic power save and trun on the favor performance
if ($svalue eq "2" && $pdata eq "255") {
return (1, "The on-maxp is NOT supported.");
if ($svalue eq "2" && ($data eq "0" || $pdata eq "0")) {
if ($data eq "0") {
my $sdata = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([$dsavingstatus_oid, $slot, "1" ,'INTEGER']));
unless ($sdata) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
my $ndata=$session->get([$dsavingstatus_oid.".".$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($ndata ne "1") {
return (1, "Set operation failed.");
if ($pdata eq "0") {
my $sdata = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([$dsperformance_oid, $slot, "1" ,'INTEGER']));
unless ($sdata) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
my $ndata=$session->get([$dsperformance_oid.".".$slot]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($ndata ne "1") {
return (1, "Set operation failed.");
push @output, "$item: Set operation succeeded.";
return (0, @output);
# the mib object of complex table
my $comp_table_oid = "."; #scalableComplexTable
my $comppart_table_oid = "."; #scalableComplexPartitionTable
my $compnode_table_oid = "."; #scalableComplexNodeTable
# the mib object used for flexnode management
my $comp_id_oid = "."; #scalableComplexIdentifier
my $comp_part_num_oid = "."; #scalableComplexNumPartitions
my $comp_node_num_oid = "."; #scalableComplexNumNodes
# following two oid are used for create partition
my $comp_node_start_oid = "."; #scalableComplexPartStartSlot
my $comp_partnode_num_oid = "."; #scalableComplexPartNumNodes
# operate for the partition
my $comp_action_oid = "."; #scalableComplexAction
# oid for complex partitions
my $comp_part_comp_id_oid = "."; #scalableComplexId
my $comp_part_mode_oid = "."; #scalableComplexPartitionMode
my $comp_part_nodenum_oid = "."; #scalableComplexPartitionNumNodes
my $comp_part_status_oid = "."; #scalableComplexPartitionStatus
my $comp_part_action_oid = "."; #scalableComplexPartitionAction
#oid for complex nodes
my $comp_node_slot_oid = "."; #scalableComplexNodeSlot
my $comp_node_type_oid = "."; #scalableComplexNodeType
my $comp_node_res_oid = "."; #scalableComplexNodeResources
my $comp_node_role_oid = "."; #scalableComplexNodeRole
my $comp_node_state_oid = "."; #scalableComplexNodeState
my $comp_node_cid_oid = "."; #scalableComplexNodeComplexID
my $comp_node_pid_oid = "."; #scalableComplexNodePartitionID
my $comp_node_lid_oid = "."; #scalableComplexNodeLogicalID
my $comp_node_action_oid = "."; #scalableComplexNodeAction
my %compdata = ();
# get all the attributes for a specified complex
sub getcomplex {
my ($complex_id) = @_;
my $oid = $comp_part_num_oid.".$complex_id";
my $data = $session->get([$oid]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
$compdata{$complex_id}{'Partition number'} = $data;
$oid = $comp_node_num_oid.".$complex_id";
$data = $session->get([$oid]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
$compdata{$complex_id}{'Complex node number'} = $data;
# get all the attributes for a partition which belong a certain complex
sub getcomppart {
my ($complex_id, $part_id) = @_;
my $oid = $comp_part_mode_oid.".$complex_id".".$part_id";
my $data = $session->get([$oid]);
if ($data == 1) {
$data = "partition";
} elsif ($data == 2) {
$data = "standalone";
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
$compdata{$complex_id}{'partition'}{$part_id}{'Partition Mode'} = $data;
$oid = $comp_part_nodenum_oid.".$complex_id".".$part_id";
$data = $session->get([$oid]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
$compdata{$complex_id}{'partition'}{$part_id}{'Partition node number'} = $data;
$oid = $comp_part_status_oid.".$complex_id".".$part_id";
$data = $session->get([$oid]);
if ($data == 1) {
$data = "poweredoff";
} elsif ($data == 2) {
$data = "poweredon";
} elsif ($data == 3) {
$data = "resetting";
} else {
$data = "invalid";
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
$compdata{$complex_id}{'partition'}{$part_id}{'Partition status'} = $data;
# get all the attributes for a node in a complex
sub getcomnode {
my ($node_id) = @_;
my $oid = $comp_node_lid_oid.".$node_id";
my $node_logic_id = $session->get([$oid]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
$oid = $comp_node_cid_oid.".$node_id";
my $complex_id = $session->get([$oid]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
$oid = $comp_node_pid_oid.".$node_id";
my $part_id = $session->get([$oid]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
$oid = $comp_node_slot_oid.".$node_id";
my $slot_id = $session->get([$oid]);
if($part_id == 255) {
$part_id = "unassigned";
$node_logic_id = $slot_id;
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
$compdata{$complex_id}{'partition'}{$part_id}{'node'}{$node_logic_id}{'Node slot'} = $slot_id;
$oid = $comp_node_type_oid.".$node_id";
my $data = $session->get([$oid]);
if ($data == 1) {
$data = "processor";
} elsif ($data == 2) {
$data = "memory";
} elsif ($data == 3) {
$data = "io";
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
$compdata{$complex_id}{'partition'}{$part_id}{'node'}{$node_logic_id}{'Node type'} = $data;
$oid = $comp_node_res_oid.".$node_id";
my $data = $session->get([$oid]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
$compdata{$complex_id}{'partition'}{$part_id}{'node'}{$node_logic_id}{'Node resource'} = $data;
$oid = $comp_node_role_oid.".$node_id";
my $data = $session->get([$oid]);
if ($data == 1) {
$data = "primary";
} elsif ($data == 2) {
$data = "secondary";
} else {
$data = "unassigned";
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
$compdata{$complex_id}{'partition'}{$part_id}{'node'}{$node_logic_id}{'Node role'} = $data;
$oid = $comp_node_state_oid.".$node_id";
my $data = $session->get([$oid]);
if ($data == 1) {
$data = "poweredoff";
} elsif ($data == 2) {
$data = "poweredon";
} elsif ($data == 3) {
$data = "resetting";
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
$compdata{$complex_id}{'partition'}{$part_id}{'node'}{$node_logic_id}{'Node state'} = $data;
return ($complex_id, $part_id, $node_logic_id);
# display the flexnodes for amm
sub lsflexnode {
my ($mpa, $node, $slot, @moreslot) = @_;
my @output = ();
%compdata = ();
# if specify the mpa as node, then list all the complex, partition and node in this chassis
if ($node eq $mpa) {
my @attrs = ($comp_id_oid);
while (1) {
my $orig_oid = $attrs[0];
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
# if success of getnext, the @attrs will be set to (obj,iid,val,type)
my $complex_obj = $attrs[0];
my $complex_id = $attrs[1];
if ($orig_oid =~ /^$complex_obj/) {
# search all the partitions in the complex
my @part_attrs = ($comp_part_comp_id_oid.".$complex_id");
while (1) {
my $orig_part_oid = $part_attrs[0];
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
my $part_obj = $part_attrs[0];
my $part_id = $part_attrs[1];
if ($orig_part_oid =~ /^$part_obj/) {
&getcomppart($complex_id, $part_id);
} else {
@part_attrs = ($part_obj.".$part_id");
} # end of searching partition
} else {
@attrs = ($complex_obj.".$complex_id");
} # end of searching complex
# search all the nodes in the complex
my @node_attrs = ($comp_node_slot_oid);
while (1) {
my $orig_node_oid = $node_attrs[0];
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
my $node_obj = $node_attrs[0];
my $node_id = $node_attrs[1];
if ($orig_node_oid =~ /^$node_obj/) {
} else {
@node_attrs = ($node_obj.".$node_id");
# display complex, parition and nodes in a chassis
foreach my $comp (keys %compdata) {
push @output, "Complex - $comp";
foreach my $compattr (keys %{$compdata{$comp}}) {
if ($compattr ne "partition") {
push @output, "..$compattr - $compdata{$comp}{$compattr}";
} else {
foreach my $part (sort(keys %{$compdata{$comp}{'partition'}})) {
push @output, "..Partition = $part";
foreach my $partattr (keys %{$compdata{$comp}{'partition'}{$part}}) {
if ($partattr ne "node") {
push @output, "....$partattr - $compdata{$comp}{'partition'}{$part}{$partattr}";
} else {
foreach my $node (sort(keys %{$compdata{$comp}{'partition'}{$part}{'node'}})) {
if ($node eq "unassigned") {
push @output, "....Node - $node (slot id)";
} else {
push @output, "....Node - $node (logic id)";
foreach my $nodeattr (keys %{$compdata{$comp}{'partition'}{$part}{'node'}{$node}}) {
push @output, "......$nodeattr - $compdata{$comp}{'partition'}{$part}{'node'}{$node}{$nodeattr}";
} #end of node go ghrough
} #end of partition attributes
} #end of parition go through
} #end of complex attributes
} #end of complex go through
} else { # display the information of a node
my @slots = ($slot, @moreslot);
my @sortslots = sort(@slots);
foreach (0..$#sortslots-1) {
if ($sortslots[$_]+1 != $sortslots[$_+1]) {
return (1, "The slots used to create flexed node should be consecutive.");
#get the slot information
my $complex_flag = "";
my $part_flag = "";
foreach my $slot (@sortslots) {
my ($complex_id, $part_id, $node_id) = &getcomnode($slot);
if ($complex_id eq "NOSUCHINSTANCE") {
return (1, "This node should belong to a complex.");
if ($complex_flag ne "" && $complex_flag ne $complex_id) {
return (1, "All the slots of this flexnode should be located in one complex.");
} else {
$complex_flag = $complex_id;
if ($part_flag ne "" && $part_flag ne $part_id) {
return (1, "All the slots of this flexnode should belong to one parition.");
} else {
$part_flag = $part_id;
if ($slot eq $sortslots[0]) {
my $oid = $comp_part_status_oid.".$complex_id".".$part_id";
my $data = $session->get([$oid]);
if ($data == 1) {
$data = "poweredoff";
} elsif ($data == 2) {
$data = "poweredon";
} elsif ($data == 3) {
$data = "resetting";
} else {
$data = "invalid";
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
push @output, "Flexnode state - $data";
push @output, "Complex id - $complex_id";
push @output, "Partition id - $part_id";
foreach my $nodeattr (keys %{$compdata{$complex_id}{'partition'}{$part_id}{'node'}{$node_id}}) {
push @output, "Slot$slot: $nodeattr - $compdata{$complex_id}{'partition'}{$part_id}{'node'}{$node_id}{$nodeattr}";
return (0, @output);
# Create a flexnode
sub mkflexnode {
my ($mpa, $node, $slot, @moreslot) = @_;
my @slots = ($slot, @moreslot);
# the slots assigned for a partition must be consecutive
my @sortslots = sort(@slots);
foreach (0..$#sortslots-1) {
if ($sortslots[$_]+1 != $sortslots[$_+1]) {
return (1, "The slots used to create flexed node should be consecutive.");
# get the status of all the nodes
my $complex_id = "";
foreach my $slot (@sortslots) {
#get the complex of the node
my $oid = $comp_node_cid_oid.".$slot";
my $node_comp = $session->get([$oid]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($node_comp eq 'NOSUCHINSTANCE') {
return (1, "The slot [$slot] is NOT a member of a complex.");
# all the nodes should be located in one complex
if ($complex_id ne "" && $node_comp ne $complex_id) {
return (1, "All the slots of this flexnode should be located in one complex.");
} else {
$complex_id = $node_comp;
$oid = $comp_node_pid_oid.".$slot";
my $node_part = $session->get([$oid]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($node_part ne '255') {
return (1, "The slot [$slot] has been assigned to one partition.");
$oid = $comp_node_state_oid.".$slot";
my $node_state = $session->get([$oid]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($node_state != 1) { # 1 is power off
return (1, "The slot [$slot] is NOT in power off state.");
# set the startslot
my $startslot = @sortslots[0];
$session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([$comp_node_start_oid, $complex_id, $startslot, 'INTEGER']));
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
# set the slot number
my $slotnum = $#sortslots+1;
$session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([$comp_partnode_num_oid, $complex_id, $slotnum, 'INTEGER']));
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
# create the partition
$session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([$comp_action_oid, $complex_id, 3, 'INTEGER']));
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
# check to make sure the parition has been created
my $waiting = 60; #waiting time before creating parition take affect
while ($waiting > 0) {
sleep 1;
my $oid = $comp_node_pid_oid.".$slot";
my $node_part = $session->get([$oid]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($node_part ne '255') {
my $slotlist = join(',', @slots);
return (0, "Creating flexed node succeeded with slots: $slotlist.");
return (1, "Failed to create the flexnode.");
# remove a flexnode
sub rmflexnode {
my ($mpa, $node, $slot, @moreslot) = @_;
my @slots = ($slot, @moreslot);
# get the status of all the nodes
my $complex_id = "";
my $part_id = "";
foreach my $slot (@slots) {
#get the complex of the node
my $oid = $comp_node_cid_oid.".$slot";
my $node_comp = $session->get([$oid]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($node_comp eq 'NOSUCHINSTANCE') {
return (1, "The slot [$slot] is NOT a member of one complex.");
# all the nodes should be located in one complex
if ($complex_id ne "" && $node_comp ne $complex_id) {
return (1, "All the slots of this node should be located in one complex.");
} else {
$complex_id = $node_comp;
# get the partition of the node
$oid = $comp_node_pid_oid.".$slot";
my $node_part = $session->get([$oid]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($node_part eq '255') {
return (1, "The slot [$slot] was NOT assigned to a partition.");
# all the nodes should belong to one parition
if ($part_id ne "" && $node_part ne $part_id) {
return (1, "All the slots of this flexnode should belong to one parition.");
} else {
$part_id = $node_part;
$oid = $comp_node_state_oid.".$slot";
my $node_state = $session->get([$oid]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($node_state != 1) { # 1 is power off
return (1, "The slot [$slot] is NOT in power off state.");
my $output = $session->set(new SNMP::Varbind([$comp_part_action_oid.".$complex_id", $part_id, 1, 'INTEGER']));
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
# check to make sure the parition has been deleted
my $waiting = 60; #waiting time before delete parition take affect
while ($waiting > 0) {
sleep 1;
my $oid = $comp_part_comp_id_oid.".$complex_id".".$part_id";
my $part_comp = $session->get([$oid]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
if ($part_comp eq 'NOSUCHINSTANCE') {
return (0, "The flexnode has been removed successfully.");
return (1, "Failed to remove the flexnode.");
sub bladecmd {
$mpa = shift;
my $node = shift;
$currnode = $node;
$slot = shift;
if ($slot =~ /-/) {
$slot =~ s/-(.*)//;
@moreslots = ($slot+1..$1);
} else {
@moreslots = ();
my $user = shift;
my $pass = shift;
my $command = shift;
my @args = @_;
my $error;
if ($slot > 0) {
my $tmp = $session->get([$bladexistsoid.".$slot"]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { return (1,$session->{ErrorStr}); }
unless ($tmp eq 1) { return (1,"Target bay empty"); }
if ($command eq "rbeacon") {
return beacon(@args);
} elsif ($command eq "rpower") {
return power(@args);
} elsif ($command eq "rvitals") {
my ($rc, @result) = vitals(@args);
if (defined($vitals_info) and defined($vitals_info->{$currnode})) {
my $attr = $vitals_info->{$currnode};
my $fsp_api = ($::XCATROOT) ? "$::XCATROOT/sbin/fsp-api" : "/opt/xcat/sbin/fsp-api";
my $cmd = "$fsp_api -a query_lcds -T 0 -t 0:$$attr[3]:$$attr[0]:$currnode: 2>&1";
my $res = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($res !~ /error/i) {
my @array = split(/\n/, $res);
foreach my $a (@array) {
my ($name,$data) = split(/:/, $a);
if ($data =~ /1\|(\w[\w\s]*)/) {
push @result, "Current LCD: $1";
} else {
push @result, "Current LCD: blank";
return ($rc, @result);
#return vitals(@args);
} elsif ($command =~ /r[ms]preset/) {
return resetmp(@args);
} elsif ($command eq "rspconfig") {
return mpaconfig($mpa,$user,$pass,$node,$slot,@args);
} elsif ($command eq "rbootseq") {
return bootseq(@args);
} elsif ($command eq "switchblade") {
return switchblade(@args);
} elsif ($command eq "getmacs") {
return getmacs($node, @args);
} elsif ($command eq "rinv") {
return inv(@args);
} elsif ($command eq "reventlog") {
return eventlog(@args);
} elsif ($command eq "rscan") {
return rscan(\@args);
} elsif ($command eq "renergy") {
return renergy($mpa, $node, $slot, @args);
} elsif ($command eq "lsflexnode") {
return lsflexnode($mpa, $node, $slot, @moreslots);
} elsif ($command eq "mkflexnode") {
return mkflexnode($mpa, $node, $slot, @moreslots);
} elsif ($command eq "rmflexnode") {
return rmflexnode($mpa, $node, $slot, @moreslots);
return (1,"$command not a supported command by blade method");
sub handle_depend {
my $request = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $doreq = shift;
my $dp = shift;
my %node = ();
my $dep = @$dp[0];
my $dep_hash = @$dp[1];
# send all dependencies (along w/ those dependent on nothing)
# build moreinfo for dependencies
my %mpa_hash = ();
my @moreinfo=();
my $reqcopy = {%$request};
my @nodes=();
foreach my $node (keys %$dep) {
my $mpa = @{$dep_hash->{$node}}[0];
push @{$mpa_hash{$mpa}{nodes}},$node;
push @{$mpa_hash{$mpa}{ids}}, @{$dep_hash->{$node}}[1];
foreach (keys %mpa_hash) {
push @nodes, @{$mpa_hash{$_}{nodes}};
push @moreinfo, "\[$_\]\[" . join(',',@{$mpa_hash{$_}{nodes}}) ."\]\[" . join(',',@{$mpa_hash{$_}{ids}}) . "\]";
$reqcopy->{node} = \@nodes;
my $start = Time::HiRes::gettimeofday();
# build list of dependent nodes w/delays
while(my ($name,$h) = each(%$dep) ) {
foreach ( keys %$h ) {
if ( $h->{$_} =~ /(^\d+$)/ ) {
$node{$_} = $1/1000.0;
# send each dependent node as its delay expires
while (%node) {
my @noderange = ();
my $delay = 0.1;
my $elapsed = Time::HiRes::gettimeofday()-$start;
# sort in ascending delay order
foreach (sort {$node{$a} <=> $node{$b}} keys %node) {
if ($elapsed < $node{$_}) {
$delay = $node{$_}-$elapsed;
push @noderange,$_;
delete $node{$_};
if (@noderange) {
foreach my $node (@noderange) {
my $mpa = @{$dep_hash->{$node}}[0];
push @{$mpa_hash{$mpa}{nodes}},$node;
push @{$mpa_hash{$mpa}{ids}}, @{$dep_hash->{$node}}[1];
$reqcopy = {%$request};
foreach (keys %mpa_hash) {
push @nodes, @{$mpa_hash{$_}{nodes}};
push @moreinfo, "\[$_\]\[" . join(',',@{$mpa_hash{$_}{nodes}}) ."\]\[" . join(',',@{$mpa_hash{$_}{ids}}) . "\]";
$reqcopy->{node} = \@nodes;
# clear global hash variable
%mpahash = ();
# millisecond sleep
return 0;
sub build_depend {
my $noderange = shift;
my $exargs = shift;
my $depstab = xCAT::Table->new('deps');
my $mptab = xCAT::Table->new('mp');
my %dp = ();
my %no_dp = ();
my %mpa_hash;
if (!defined($depstab)) {
unless ($mptab) {
return("Cannot open mp table");
my $depset = $depstab->getNodesAttribs($noderange,[qw(nodedep msdelay cmd)]);
foreach my $node (@$noderange) {
my $delay = 0;
my $dep;
my @ent = @{$depset->{$node}}; #$depstab->getNodeAttribs($node,[qw(nodedep msdelay cmd)]);
foreach my $h ( @ent ) {
if ( grep(/^@$exargs[0]$/, split /,/, $h->{cmd} )) {
if (exists($h->{nodedep})) { $dep=$h->{nodedep}; }
if (exists($h->{msdelay})) { $delay=$h->{msdelay}; }
if (!defined($dep)) {
$no_dp{$node} = 1;
else {
foreach my $n (split /,/,$dep ) {
if ( !grep( /^$n$/, @$noderange )) {
return( "Missing dependency on command-line: $node -> $n" );
} elsif ( $n eq $node ) {
next; # ignore multiple levels
$dp{$n}{$node} = $delay;
# if there are dependencies, add any non-dependent nodes
if (scalar(%dp)) {
foreach (keys %no_dp) {
if (!exists( $dp{$_} )) {
$dp{$_}{$_} = -1;
# build hash of all nodes in preprocess_request() format
my @namelist = keys %dp;
my $mphash = $mptab->getNodesAttribs(\@namelist,['mpa','id']);
while(my ($name,$h) = each(%dp) ) {
my $ent=$mphash->{$name}->[0]; #$mptab->getNodeAttribs($name,['mpa', 'id']);
if (!defined($ent->{mpa})) {
return("no mpa defined for node $name");
my $id = (defined($ent->{id})) ? $ent->{id} : "";
push @{$mpa_hash{$name}},$ent->{mpa};
push @{$mpa_hash{$name}},$id;
@namelist = keys %$h;
my $mpsubhash = $mptab->getNodesAttribs(\@namelist,['mpa','id']);
foreach ( keys %$h ) {
if ( $h->{$_} =~ /(^\d+$)/ ) {
my $ent=$mpsubhash->{$_}->[0]; #$mptab->getNodeAttribs($_,['mpa', 'id']);
if (!defined($ent->{mpa})) {
return("no mpa defined for node $_");
my $id = (defined($ent->{id})) ? $ent->{id} : "";
push @{$mpa_hash{$_}},$ent->{mpa};
push @{$mpa_hash{$_}},$id;
return( [\%dp,\%mpa_hash] );
sub httplogin {
#TODO: Checked for failed login here.
my $mpa = shift;
my $user = shift;
my $pass = shift;
my $prefix="http://";
my $url="http://$mpa/shared/userlogin.php";
$browser = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $response = $browser->post("$prefix$mpa/shared/userlogin.php",{userid=>$user,password=>$pass,login=>"Log In"});
if ($response->{_rc} eq '301') { #returned when https is enabled
$response = $browser->post("$prefix$mpa/shared/userlogin.php",{userid=>$user,password=>$pass,login=>"Log In"});
$response = $browser->post("$prefix$mpa/shared/welcome.php",{timeout=>1,save=>""});
unless ($response->{_rc} =~ /^2.*/) {
$response = $browser->post("$prefix$mpa/shared/welcomeright.php",{timeout=>1,save=>""});
unless ($response->{_rc} =~ /^2.*/) {
return undef;
return $prefix;
sub get_kvm_params {
my $mpa = shift;
my $method=shift;
my $response = $browser->get("$method$mpa/private/vnc_only.php");
my $html = $response->{_content};
my $destip;
my $rbs;
my $fwrev;
my $port;
foreach (split /\n/,$html) {
if (/<param\s+name\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"\s+value\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"/) {
if ($1 eq 'ip') {
} elsif ($1 eq 'rbs') {
$rbs = $2;
} elsif ($1 eq 'cdl') {
my $ba;
unless (defined $destip and defined $rbs) { #Try another way
$response = $browser->get("$method$mpa/private/remotecontrol.js.php");
if ($response->{_rc} == 404) { #In some firmwares, its "shared" instead of private
$response = $browser->get("$method$mpa/shared/remotecontrol.js.php");
$html = $response->{_content};
foreach (split /\n/,$html) {
if (/<param\s+name\s*=\s*"?([^"]*)"?\s+value\s*=\s*"?([^"]*)"?/i) {
if ($1 eq 'ip') {
} elsif ($1 eq 'rbs') {
$rbs = $2;
#} elsif ($1 eq 'ba') {
# $ba=$2; #NOTE: This is the username and password. The client seems to required it for this version of firmware, not exporting for SECURITY
} elsif ($1 eq 'cdl') {
} elsif ($1 eq 'port') {
return ($destip,$rbs,$fwrev,$port,$ba);
sub getbladecons {
my $noderange = shift;
my $callback=shift;
my $mpatab = xCAT::Table->new('mpa');
my $passtab = xCAT::Table->new('passwd');
my $tmp;
my $user="USERID";
if ($passtab) {
if (defined($tmp)) {
$user = $tmp->{username};
my %mpausers;
my %checkedmpas=();
my $mptab=xCAT::Table->new('mp');
my $mptabhash = $mptab->getNodesAttribs($noderange,['mpa','id']);
foreach my $node (@$noderange) {
my $rsp = {node=>[{name=>[$node]}]};
my $ent=$mptabhash->{$node}->[0]; #$mptab->getNodeAttribs($node,['mpa', 'id']);
if (defined($ent->{mpa})) {
if (defined($checkedmpas{$ent->{mpa}}) or not defined $mpatab) {
if (defined($mpausers{$ent->{mpa}})) {
} else {
} else {
($tmp)=$mpatab->getNodeAttribs($ent->{mpa}, ['username']);
if (defined($tmp) and defined $tmp->{username}) {
} else {
} else {
$rsp->{node}->[0]->{error}=["no mpa defined"];
if (defined($ent->{id})) {
} else {
sub preprocess_request {
my $request = shift;
#if ($request->{_xcatdest}) { return [$request]; } #exit if preprocessed
if ($request->{_xcatpreprocessed}->[0] == 1 ) { return [$request]; }
my $callback=shift;
my @requests;
#display usage statement if -h is present or no noderage is specified
my $noderange = $request->{node}; #Should be arrayref
my $command = $request->{command}->[0];
my $extrargs = $request->{arg};
my @exargs=($request->{arg});
if (ref($extrargs)) {
my $usage_string=xCAT::Usage->parseCommand($command, @exargs);
if ($usage_string) {
$request = {};
#parse the arguments for commands
if ($command eq "getmacs") {
my (@mpnodes, @fspnodes, @nohandle);
filter_nodes($request, \@mpnodes, \@fspnodes, \@nohandle);
if (@nohandle) {
$callback->({data=>"Cannot figure out plugin for nodes:@nohandle"});
if (@mpnodes) {
$noderange = \@mpnodes;
my @args = @exargs;
while (@args) {
my $arg = shift @args;
if ($arg =~ /^-V|--verbose|-d|--arp$/) {
} elsif ($arg =~ /^-i$/) {
my $int = shift @args;
if (defined($int) && $int =~ /^(eth|en)\d$/) {
} elsif ($arg eq '') {
$usage_string= ":Error arguments\n";
$usage_string .=xCAT::Usage->getUsage($command);
$request = {};
} else {
$request = {};
} elsif ($command eq "renergy") {
if (! @exargs) {
$usage_string="Missing arguments\n";
$usage_string .=xCAT::Usage->getUsage($command);
$request = {};
#} elsif ($command eq "rspconfig") {
} elsif ($command =~ /^(rspconfig|rvitals)$/) {
# All the nodes with mgt=blade or mgt=fsp will get here
# filter out the nodes for blade.pm
my (@mpnodes, @fspnodes, @nohandle);
filter_nodes($request, \@mpnodes, \@fspnodes, \@nohandle);
if (@nohandle) {
$callback->({data=>"Cannot figure out plugin for nodes:@nohandle"});
if (@mpnodes) {
$noderange = \@mpnodes;
} else {
$request = {};
if (!$noderange) {
$usage_string="Missing Noderange\n";
$usage_string .=xCAT::Usage->getUsage($command);
$request = {};
#get the MMs for the nodes in order to figure out which service nodes to send the requests to
my $mptab = xCAT::Table->new("mp");
unless ($mptab) {
$callback->({data=>["Cannot open mp table"]});
$request = {};
my %mpa_hash=();
my $mptabhash = $mptab->getNodesAttribs($noderange,['mpa','id','nodetype']);
if ($request->{command}->[0] eq "getbladecons") { #Can handle it here and now
return [];
foreach my $node (@$noderange) {
my $ent=$mptabhash->{$node}->[0]; #$mptab->getNodeAttribs($node,['mpa', 'id']);
if (defined($ent->{mpa})) { push @{$mpa_hash{$ent->{mpa}}{nodes}}, $node;}
elsif ($indiscover) {
} else {
$callback->({data=>["no mpa defined for node $node"]});
$request = {};
if (defined($ent->{id})) { push @{$mpa_hash{$ent->{mpa}}{ids}}, $ent->{id};}
else { push @{$mpa_hash{$ent->{mpa}}{ids}}, "";}
if (defined($ent->{nodetype})) { push @{$mpa_hash{$ent->{mpa}}{nodetype}}, $ent->{nodetype};}
else { push @{$mpa_hash{$ent->{mpa}}{nodetype}}, "mm";}
# find service nodes for the MMs
# build an individual request for each service node
my $service = "xcat";
my @mms=keys(%mpa_hash);
my $sn = xCAT::ServiceNodeUtils->get_ServiceNode(\@mms, $service, "MN");
# build each request for each service node
foreach my $snkey (keys %$sn)
#print "snkey=$snkey\n";
my $reqcopy = {%$request};
$reqcopy->{'_xcatdest'} = $snkey;
$reqcopy->{_xcatpreprocessed}->[0] = 1;
my $mms1=$sn->{$snkey};
my @moreinfo=();
my @nodes=();
foreach (@$mms1) {
push @nodes, @{$mpa_hash{$_}{nodes}};
push @moreinfo, "\[$_\]\[" . join(',',@{$mpa_hash{$_}{nodes}}) ."\]\[" . join(',',@{$mpa_hash{$_}{ids}}) . "\]\[" . join(',',@{$mpa_hash{$_}{nodetype}}) . "\]";
$reqcopy->{node} = \@nodes;
#print "nodes=@nodes\n";
push @requests, $reqcopy;
return \@requests;
# Fliter the nodes that are NGP ppc blade node or common fsp node
# For rspconfig network, the NGP ppc blade will be included in the group of mp, othewise in the fsp group
# For getmacs -D, the NGP ppc blade will be included in the group of common fsp, otherwise in the mp group
sub filter_nodes{
my ($req, $mpnodes, $fspnodes, $nohandle) = @_;
my (@nodes,@args,$cmd);
if (defined($req->{'node'})) {
@nodes = @{$req->{'node'}};
} else {
return 1;
if (defined($req->{'command'})) {
$cmd = $req->{'command'}->[0];
if (defined($req->{'arg'})) {
@args = @{$req->{'arg'}};
# get the nodes in the mp table
my $mptabhash;
my $mptab = xCAT::Table->new("mp");
if ($mptab) {
$mptabhash = $mptab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes, ['mpa','nodetype']);
# get the parent of the service processor
# for the NGP ppc blade, the ppc.parent is the mpa
my $ppctabhash;
my $ppctab = xCAT::Table->new("ppc");
if ($ppctab) {
$ppctabhash = $ppctab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes,['nodetype']);
my (@mp, @ngpfsp, @commonfsp, @unknow);
my %fspparent;
# Get the parent for each node
foreach (@nodes) {
if (defined ($mptabhash->{$_}->[0]->{'mpa'})) {
if (defined ($ppctabhash->{$_}->[0]->{'nodetype'}) && ($ppctabhash->{$_}->[0]->{'nodetype'} eq "blade")) {
push @ngpfsp, $_;
else {
# Non NGP power blade
push @mp, $_;
} elsif (defined ($ppctabhash->{$_}->[0]->{'nodetype'})) {
# otherwise, this is a general power node
push @commonfsp, $_;
} else {
push @unknow, $_;
push @{$mpnodes}, @mp;
push @{$fspnodes}, @commonfsp;
if (@args && ($cmd eq "rspconfig")) {
if (!(grep /^(cec_off_policy|pending_power_on_side)/, @args)) {
push @{$mpnodes}, @ngpfsp;
} else {
push @{$fspnodes}, @ngpfsp;
} elsif($cmd eq "getmacs") {
if (@args && (grep /^-D$/,@args)) {
push @{$fspnodes}, @ngpfsp;
} else {
push @{$mpnodes}, @ngpfsp;
} elsif ($cmd eq "rvitals") {
push @{$mpnodes}, @ngpfsp;
} else {
push @{$fspnodes}, @ngpfsp;
push @{$nohandle}, @unknow;
## TRACE_LINE print "Nodes filter: nodetype [commp:@mp,ngpp:@ngpfsp,comfsp:@commonfsp]. mpnodes [@{$mpnodes}], fspnodes [@{$fspnodes}]\n";
return 0;
sub build_more_info{
my $noderange=shift;
my $callback=shift;
unless ($noderange) { return []; }
my $mptab = xCAT::Table->new("mp");
my @moreinfo=();
unless ($mptab) {
$callback->({data=>["Cannot open mp table"]});
return @moreinfo;
my %mpa_hash=();
my $mptabhash = $mptab->getNodesAttribs($noderange,['mpa','id','nodetype']);
foreach my $node (@$noderange) {
my $ent=$mptabhash->{$node}->[0]; #$mptab->getNodeAttribs($node,['mpa', 'id']);
if (defined($ent->{mpa})) { push @{$mpa_hash{$ent->{mpa}}{nodes}}, $node;}
else {
$callback->({data=>["no mpa defined for node $node"]});
return @moreinfo;;
if (defined($ent->{id})) { push @{$mpa_hash{$ent->{mpa}}{ids}}, $ent->{id};}
else { push @{$mpa_hash{$ent->{mpa}}{ids}}, "";}
if (defined($ent->{nodetype})) { push @{$mpa_hash{$ent->{mpa}}{nodetype}}, $ent->{nodetype};}
else { push @{$mpa_hash{$ent->{mpa}}{nodetype}}, "mm";}
foreach (keys %mpa_hash) {
push @moreinfo, "\[$_\]\[" . join(',',@{$mpa_hash{$_}{nodes}}) ."\]\[" . join(',',@{$mpa_hash{$_}{ids}}) . "\]\[" . join(',',@{$mpa_hash{$_}{nodetype}}) . "\]";
return \@moreinfo;
sub verbose_message {
my $data = shift;
if (!defined($CALLBACK) or !defined($verbose_cmd)) {
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$yr,$wday,$yday,$dst) = localtime(time);
my $time = sprintf "%04d%02d%02d.%02d:%02d:%02d", $yr+1900,$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec;
$data = "$time ($$) $verbose_cmd:".$data;
my %rsp;
$rsp{data} = [$data];
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", \%rsp, $CALLBACK);
sub process_request {
$SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = sub {
foreach (keys %mm_comm_pids) {
kill 2, $_;
exit 0;
my $request = shift;
my $callback = shift;
# Since switch.pm and lsslp.pm both create a MacMap object (which requires SNMP), SNMP is still required at xcatd start up.
# So do not bother trying to do this require in an eval.
#eval {
require SNMP;
#if ($@) { $callback->{error=>['Missing SNMP perl support'],errorcode=>[1]}; return; }
my $doreq = shift;
my $level = shift;
my $noderange = $request->{node};
my $command = $request->{command}->[0];
my @exargs;
unless ($command) {
return; #Empty request
if (ref($request->{arg})) {
@exargs = @{$request->{arg}};
} else {
@exargs = ($request->{arg});
if (grep /-V|--verbose/, @exargs) {
$CALLBACK = $callback;
$verbose_cmd = $command;
my $moreinfo;
if ($request->{moreinfo}) { $moreinfo=$request->{moreinfo}; }
else { $moreinfo=build_more_info($noderange,$callback);}
if ($command eq "rpower" and grep(/^on|off|boot|reset|cycle$/, @exargs)) {
if ( my ($index) = grep($exargs[$_]=~ /^--nodeps$/, 0..$#exargs )) {
splice(@exargs, $index, 1);
} else {
# handles 1 level of dependencies only
if (!defined($level)) {
my $dep = build_depend($noderange,\@exargs);
if ( ref($dep) ne 'ARRAY' ) {
if (scalar(%{@$dep[0]})) {
handle_depend( $request, $callback, $doreq, $dep );
return 0;
# only 1 node when changing textid to something other than '*'
if ($command eq "rspconfig" and grep(/^textid=[^*]/,@exargs)) {
if ( @$noderange > 1 ) {
$callback->({error=>["Single node required when changing textid"],
my $bladeuser = 'USERID';
my $bladepass = 'PASSW0RD';
my $blademaxp = 64;
#my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
my $mpatab = xCAT::Table->new('mpa');
my $mptab = xCAT::Table->new('mp');
my $tmp;
my @entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("blademaxp");
my $site_entry = $entries[0];
if(defined($site_entry)) {
$blademaxp = $site_entry;
#if ($sitetab) {
# ($tmp)=$sitetab->getAttribs({'key'=>'blademaxp'},'value');
# if (defined($tmp)) { $blademaxp=$tmp->{value}; }
if ($request->{environment}->[0]->{XCAT_BLADEUSER}) {
} else {
my $passtab = xCAT::Table->new('passwd');
if ($passtab) {
if (defined($tmp)) {
$bladeuser = $tmp->{username};
$bladepass = $tmp->{password};
if ($request->{command}->[0] eq "findme") {
my $mptab = xCAT::Table->new("mp");
unless ($mptab) { return 2; }
my @bladents = $mptab->getAllNodeAttribs([qw(node)]);
my @blades;
foreach (@bladents) {
push @blades,$_->{node};
my %invreq;
$invreq{node} = \@blades;
$invreq{arg} = ['mac,uuid'];
$invreq{command} = ['rinv'];
my $mac;
my $ip = $request->{'_xcat_clientip'};
my $arptable = `/sbin/arp -n`;
my @arpents = split /\n/,$arptable;
foreach (@arpents) {
if (m/^($ip)\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s/) {
#Only refresh the the cache when the request permits and no useful answer
if ($macmaptimestamp < (time() - 300)) { #after five minutes, invalidate cache
%macmap = ();
unless ($request->{cacheonly}->[0] or $macmap{$mac} or $macmaptimestamp > (time() - 20)) { #do not refresh cache if requested not to, if it has an entry, or is recent
%macmap = ();
my $reqs = preprocess_request(\%invreq,\&fillresps);
my @reql;
if ($reqs) { @reql = @{$reqs}; }
foreach (@reql) {
%invreq = %$_;
my $found=0;
if ($mac and $macmap{$mac}) {
} else {
foreach (@{$request->{mac}}) {
if ($1 and $macmap{$1}) {
$mac = $1; #the mac of consequence is identified here
my $node;
if ($found) {
$node = $macmap{$mac};
} else {
my $ruid;
foreach $ruid (@{$request->{uuid}}) {
my $uuid = uc($ruid);
if ($uuid and $uuidmap{$uuid}) {
$node = $uuidmap{$uuid};
$uuid =~ s/(..)(..)(..)(..)-(..)(..)-(..)(..)/$4$3$2$1-$6$5-$8$7/;
if ($uuid and $uuidmap{$uuid}) {
$node = $uuidmap{$uuid};
unless ($node) {
return 1; #failure
if ($mac) {
my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new('mac',-create=>1);
undef $mactab;
#my %request = (
# command => ['makedhcp'],
# node => [$macmap{$mac}]
# );
$request->{noderange} = [$node];
%{$request}=(); #Clear request. it is done
return 0;
my $children = 0;
$SIG{CHLD} = sub { my $cpid; while (($cpid = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG)) > 0) { if ($mm_comm_pids{$cpid}) { delete $mm_comm_pids{$cpid}; $children--; } } };
my $inputs = new IO::Select;;
foreach my $info (@$moreinfo) {
## TRACE_LINE print "Target info: node [$2], mpa [$1], slotid [$3], mptype [$4].\n";
my $mpa=$1;
my @nodes=split(',', $2);
my @ids=split(',', $3);
my @mptypes=split(',', $4);
my $user=$bladeuser;
my $pass=$bladepass;
my $ent;
if (defined($mpatab)) {
my @user_array = $mpatab->getNodeAttribs($mpa, qw(username password));
foreach my $entry (@user_array) {
if ($entry->{username}) {
if ($entry->{username} =~ /^USERID$/ or $entry->{username} !~ /^HMC$/) {
$ent = $entry;
if (defined($ent->{password})) { $pass = $ent->{password}; }
if (defined($ent->{username})) { $user = $ent->{username}; }
$mpahash{$mpa}->{username} = $user;
$mpahash{$mpa}->{password} = $pass;
for (my $i=0; $i<@nodes; $i++) {
my $node=$nodes[$i];;
my $nodeid=$ids[$i];
my $mptype=$mptypes[$i];
my @mpas = (keys %mpahash);
my $mpatypes = $mptab->getNodesAttribs(\@mpas, ['nodetype']);
my $sub_fds = new IO::Select;
foreach $mpa (sort (keys %mpahash)) {
if (defined($mpatypes->{$mpa}->[0]->{'nodetype'})) {
$mpahash{$mpa}->{mpatype} =$mpatypes->{$mpa}->[0]->{'nodetype'};
while ($children > $blademaxp) { forward_data($callback,$sub_fds); }
my $cfd;
my $pfd;
socketpair($pfd, $cfd,AF_UNIX,SOCK_STREAM,PF_UNSPEC) or die "socketpair: $!";
my $cpid = xCAT::Utils->xfork;
unless (defined($cpid)) { die "Fork error"; }
unless ($cpid) {
eval {
if ($@) { die "$@"; }
die "blade plugin encountered a general error while communication with $mpa";
$mm_comm_pids{$cpid} = 1;
close ($pfd);
while ($sub_fds->count > 0 or $children > 0) {
while (forward_data($callback,$sub_fds)) {}
sub clicmds {
my $mpa=shift;
my $user=shift;
my $pass=shift;
my $node=shift;
my $nodeid=shift;
my %args=@_;
my $value;
my @unhandled;
my %handled = ();
my $result;
my @tcmds = qw(snmpcfg sshcfg network swnet pd1 pd2 textid network_reset rscanfsp initnetwork solcfg userpassword USERID);
verbose_message("start deal with $mptype CLI options:@{$args{cmds}}.");
# most of these commands should be able to be done
# through SNMP, but they produce various errors.
foreach my $cmd (@{$args{cmds}}) {
if ($cmd =~ /^swnet|pd1|pd2|sshcfg|rscanfsp|USERID|userpassword|=/) {
if (($cmd =~ /^textid/) and ($nodeid > 0)) {
push @unhandled,$cmd;
my ($command,$value) = split /=/,$cmd,2;
#$command =~ /^swnet/) allows for swnet1, swnet2, etc.
if (grep(/^$command$/,@tcmds) || $command =~ /^swnet/) {
$handled{$command} = $value;
if ($cmd =~ /-V|--verbose/) {
push @unhandled,$cmd;
unless (%handled) {
verbose_message("no option needed to be handled with $mptype CLI.");
my $curruser = $user;
my $currpass = $pass;
my $nokeycheck=0; #default to checking ssh key
if ($args{defaultcfg}) {
$currpass = "PASSW0RD";
} else {
if ($args{curruser}) { $curruser = $args{curruser}; $nokeycheck=1; }
if ($args{currpass}) { $currpass = $args{currpass}; $nokeycheck=1; }
if ($args{nokeycheck}) {
my $promote_pass = $pass; #used for genesis state processing
my $curraddr = $mpa;
if ($args{curraddr}) {
$curraddr = $args{curraddr};
} elsif (defined($handled{'initnetwork'})) {
# get the IP of mpa from the hosts.otherinterfaces
my $hoststab = xCAT::Table->new('hosts');
if ($hoststab) {
my $hostdata = $hoststab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['otherinterfaces']);
if (!$hostdata->{'otherinterfaces'}) {
return ([1,\@unhandled,"Cannot find the temporary IP from the hosts.otherinterfaces"]);
} else {
$curraddr = $hostdata->{'otherinterfaces'};
require xCAT::SSHInteract;
my $t;
verbose_message("start SSH mpa:$mpa session for node:$node.");
eval {
$t = new xCAT::SSHInteract(
Prompt=>'/system> $/'
my $errmsg=$@;
if ($errmsg) {
if ($errmsg =~ /Known_hosts issue/) {
$errmsg = "The entry for $mpa in known_hosts table is out of date, pls run 'makeknownhosts $mpa -r' to delete it from known_hosts table.";
push @cfgtext, $errmsg;
return([1, \@unhandled, $errmsg]);
if ($errmsg =~ /Login Failed/) {
$errmsg = "Failed to login to $mpa";
if ($curraddr ne $mpa) { $errmsg .= " (currently at $curraddr)" }
push @cfgtext,$errmsg;
} else {
push @cfgtext, $errmsg;
#die $@;
my $Rc=1;
if ($t and not $t->atprompt) { #we sshed in, but we may be forced to deal with initial password set
my $output = $t->get();
if ($output =~ /Enter current password/) {
if (defined($handled{USERID})) {
$promote_pass = $handled{USERID};
verbose_message("deal with genesis state for mpa:$mpa.");
my $result=$t->getline();
$result =~ s/\s*//;
while ($result eq "") {
$result = $t->getline();
$result =~ s/\s*//;
if ($result =~ /not compliant/) {
push @cfgtext,"The current account password has expired, please modify it first";
return ([1,\@unhandled,"Management module refuses requested password as insufficiently secure, try another password"]);
$t->waitfor(match=>"/system> /");
$t->cmd("accseccfg -rc 0 -pe 0 -pi 0 -ct 0 -lp 0 -lf 0 -T system:mm[1]");
$t->waitfor(match=>"/system> /");
$t->cmd("accseccfg -rc 0 -pe 0 -pi 0 -ct 0 -lp 0 -lf 0 -T system:mm[2]");
$t->waitfor(match=>"/system> /");
} elsif (not $t) {#ssh failed.. fallback to a telnet attempt for older AMMs with telnet disabled by default
verbose_message("start telnet mpa:$curraddr session for node:$node.");
require Net::Telnet;
$t = new Net::Telnet(
Prompt=>'/system> $/'
$Rc = $t->open($curraddr);
if ($Rc) {
$Rc = $t->login($user,$pass);
if (!$Rc) {
push @cfgtext,$t->errmsg;
$Rc = 0;
my $mm;
my @data = $t->cmd("list -l 2");
foreach (@data) {
if (/(mm\[\d+\])\s+primary/) {
$mm = $1;
if (!defined($mm)) {
push @cfgtext,"Cannot find primary MM";
@data = ();
my $reset;
foreach (keys %handled) {
if (/^snmpcfg/) { $result = snmpcfg($t,$handled{$_},$user,$pass,$mm); }
elsif (/^sshcfg$/) { $result = sshcfg($t,$handled{$_},$user,$mm); }
elsif (/^network$/) { $result = network($t,$handled{$_},$mpa,$mm,$node,$nodeid); }
elsif (/^initnetwork$/) { $result = network($t,$handled{$_},$mpa,$mm,$node,$nodeid,1); $reset=1; }
elsif (/^swnet/) { $result = swnet($t,$_,$handled{$_}); }
elsif (/^pd1|pd2$/) { $result = pd($t,$_,$handled{$_}); }
elsif (/^textid$/) { $result = mmtextid($t,$mpa,$handled{$_},$mm); }
elsif (/^rscanfsp$/) { $result = rscanfsp($t,$mpa,$handled{$_},$mm); }
elsif (/^solcfg$/) { $result = solcfg($t,$handled{$_},$mm); }
elsif (/^network_reset$/) { $result = network($t,$handled{$_},$mpa,$mm,$node,$nodeid,1); $reset=1; }
elsif (/^(USERID)$/) {$result = passwd($t, $mpa, $1, "=".$handled{$_}, $promote_pass, $mm);}
elsif (/^userpassword$/) {$result = passwd($t, $mpa, $1, $handled{$_}, $promote_pass, $mm);}
if (!defined($result)) {next;}
push @data, "$_: @$result";
$Rc |= shift(@$result);
push @cfgtext,@$result;
# dealing with SNMP v3 disable in genesis state#
if ($promote_pass ne $pass) {
snmpcfg($t, 'disable', $user, $promote_pass, $mm);
if ($reset) {
$t->cmd("reset -T system:$mm");
push @data, "The management module has been reset to load the configuration";
verbose_message("finished SSH mpa:$curraddr session for node:$node.");
# Enable/Disable the sol against the mm and blades
# The target node is mm, but all the blade servers belongs to this mm will be
# handled implicated
sub solcfg {
my $t = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $mm = shift;
if ($value !~ /^enable|disable$/i) {
return([1,"Invalid argument '$value' (enable|disable)"]);
my $setval;
if ($value eq "enable") {
$setval = "enabled";
} else {
$setval = "disabled";
my @output;
my $rc = 0;
my @data = $t->cmd("sol -status $setval -T system:$mm");
if (grep (/OK/, @data)) {
push @output, "$value: succeeded on $mm";
} else {
push @output, "$value: failed on $mm";
$rc = 1;
# Get the component list
my @data = $t->cmd("list -l 2");
foreach (@data) {
if (/^\s*(blade\[\d+\])\s+/) {
my @ret = $t->cmd("sol -status $setval -T $1");
if (grep (/OK/, @ret)) {
push @output, "$value: succeeded on $1";
} else {
push @output, "$value: failed on $1";
$rc = 1;
return ([$rc, @output]);
# Scan the fsp for the NGP ppc nodes
sub rscanfsp {
my $t = shift;
my $mpa = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $mm = shift;
my @blade;
# Get the component list
my @data = $t->cmd("list -l 2");
foreach (@data) {
if (/^\s*(blade\[\d+\])\s+/) {
push @blade, $1;
if (/(mm\[\d+\])\s+primary/) {
# get the type of mm
@data = $t->cmd("info -T system:$1");
if (grep /(Mach type\/model: Chassis Management Module)|(Mach type\/model: CMM)|(Product Name:.*Chassis Management Module)/, @data) {
$telnetrscan{'mm'}{'type'} = "cmm";
# Get the interface side of fsp
# mm[1] -> eth1; mm[2] -> eth0;
my $ifside;
if ($mm =~ /\[(\d)\]/) {
if ($1 eq "1") {
$ifside = "1";
} elsif ($1 eq "2") {
$ifside = "0";
} else {
$ifside = $1;
foreach (@blade) {
my $id = $1;
# get the hardware type, only get the fsp for PPC blade
@data = $t->cmd("info -T system:$_");
if (! grep /(Product Name: IBM Flex System p)|(Mach type\/model:.*PPC)|(Mach type\/model: pITE)|(Mach type\/model: IBM Flex System p)|(Firebird)/, @data) {
@data = $t->cmd("ifconfig -T system:$_");
my $side;
foreach (@data) {
if (/eth(\d)/) {
if ($1 eq $ifside) {
$side = $1;
$telnetrscan{$id}{$side}{'side'} = $side;
$telnetrscan{$id}{$side}{'type'} = "fsp";
} else {
undef $side;
if (/-i (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/ && defined($side)) {
$telnetrscan{$id}{$side}{'ip'} = $1;
## TRACE_LINE print "rscanfsp found: blade[$id] - ip [$telnetrscan{$id}{$side}{'ip'}], type [$telnetrscan{$id}{$side}{'type'}], side [$telnetrscan{$id}{$side}{'side'}].\n";
return [0];
sub mmtextid {
my $t = shift;
my $mpa = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $mm = shift;
$value = ($value =~ /^\*/) ? $mpa : $value;
my @data = $t->cmd("config -name $value -T system:$mm");
if (!grep(/OK/i,@data)) {
my @data = $t->cmd("config -name \"$value\" -T system"); #on cmms, this identifier is frequently relevant...
return undef; #([0,"textid: $value"]);
sub get_blades_for_mpa {
my $mpa = shift;
my %blades_hash = ();
my $mptab = xCAT::Table->new('mp');
my $ppctab = xCAT::Table->new('ppc');
my @attribs = qw(id pprofile parent hcp);
if (!defined($mptab) or !defined($ppctab)) {
return undef;
my @nodearray = $mptab->getAttribs({mpa=>$mpa,nodetype=>"blade"}, qw(node));
my @blades = ();
my $nodesattrs;
if (!(@nodearray)) {
return (\%blades_hash);
} else {
foreach (@nodearray) {
if (defined($_->{node})) {
push @blades, $_->{node};
$nodesattrs = $ppctab->getNodesAttribs(\@blades, \@attribs);
foreach my $node (@blades) {
my @values = ();
my $att = $nodesattrs->{$node}->[0];
if (!defined($att)) {
} elsif ($att and $att->{parent} and ($att->{parent} ne $mpa)) {
my $request;
my $nodetype = "blade";
my $hcp_ip = xCAT::FSPUtils::getIPaddress($request, $nodetype, $att->{hcp});
if (!defined($hcp_ip) or ($hcp_ip == -3)) {
push @values, $att->{id};
push @values, '0';
push @values, '0';
push @values, $hcp_ip;
push @values, "blade";
push @values, $mpa;
$blades_hash{$node} = \@values;
verbose_message("values for node:$node, value:@values.");
return (\%blades_hash);
sub passwd {
my $t = shift;
my $mpa = shift;
my $user = shift;
my $pass = shift;
my $oldpass = shift;
my $mm = shift;
if ($pass =~ /^=/) {
$pass=~ s/=//;
} elsif ($pass =~ /=/) {
($user,$pass) = split /=/,$pass;
if (!$pass) {
return ([1, "No param specified for '$user'"]);
my $mpatab = xCAT::Table->new('mpa');
if ($mpatab) {
my ($ent)=$mpatab->getAttribs({mpa=>$mpa, username=>$user},qw(password));
#my $oldpass = 'PASSW0RD';
#if (defined($ent->{password})) {$oldpass = $ent->{password}};
my @data = ();
if ($oldpass ne $pass) {
my $cmd = "users -n $user -op $oldpass -p $pass -T system:$mm";
my @data = $t->cmd($cmd);
if (!grep(/OK/i, @data)) {
return ([1, @data]);
@data = ();
my $snmp_cmd = "users -n $user -ap sha -pp des -ppw $pass -T system:$mm";
@data = $t->cmd($snmp_cmd);
if (!grep(/ok/i, @data)) {
my $cmd = "users -n $user -op $pass -p $oldpass -T system:$mm";
my @back_pwd = $t->cmd($cmd);
if (!grep(/OK/i, @back_pwd)) {
return ([1, @data]);
if ($user eq "USERID") {
my $fsp_api = ($::XCATROOT) ? "$::XCATROOT/sbin/fsp-api" : "/opt/xcat/sbin/fsp-api";
my $blades = &get_blades_for_mpa($mpa);
if (!defined($blades)) {
return ([1, "Find blades failed for $mpa"]);
my @failed_blades = ();
foreach (keys %$blades) {
my $node_name = $_;
my $att = $blades->{$node_name};
my $con_cmd = "$fsp_api -a query_connection -T 0 -t 0:$$att[3]:$$att[0]:$node_name: 2>&1";
#print "===>query_con_cmd=$con_cmd\n";
my $res = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($con_cmd, -1);
if ($res =~ /No connection information found/i) {
next; #we don't need to update password for FSPs that havn't created DFM links#
} elsif ($res =~ /The hdwr_svr daemon is not currently running/i) {
return ([1, "Update password for 'hdwr_svr' failed because the 'hdwr_svr' daemon is not currently running. Please recreate the connections between blades and hdwr_svr."]);
my $hws_cmd = "$fsp_api -a reset_hws_pw -u $user -p $oldpass -P $pass -T 0 -t 0:$$att[3]:$$att[0]:$node_name: 2>&1";
#print "===>set_hws_cmd=$hws_cmd\n";
$res = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($hws_cmd, -1);
if ($res =~ /Error/i) {
push @failed_blades, $node_name;
if (scalar(@failed_blades)) {
my $fblades = join (',',@failed_blades);
return ([1, "Update password of HMC for '$fblades' failed. Please recreate the DFM connections for them."]);
} else {
#TODO: add new user if name mismatches what MM alread understands..
#additionally, may have to delete USERID in this event
} else {
return ([1, "Update password for $user in 'mpa' table failed"]);
return ([0, "Success"]);
sub pd {
my $t = shift;
my $pd = shift;
my $value = shift;
my @result;
if ($value) {
if ($value !~ /^nonred|redwoperf|redwperf$/) {
return([1,"Invalid power management (redwoperf|redwperf|nonred)"]);
my @data = $t->cmd("fuelg $pd -os $value");
if (!grep(/OK/i,@data)) {
return([0,"$pd: $value"]);
my @data = $t->cmd("fuelg");
my @pds = split /--------------/,join('',@data);
$pd =~ /pd(\d)/;
$pds[$1] =~ /Power Management Policy:\s+(.*)\n/;
sub network {
my $t = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $mpa = shift;
my $mm = shift;
my $node = shift;
my $slot = shift;
my $reset = shift;
my $cmd;
if ($mpa eq $node) {
# The network setting for the mm
$cmd = "ifconfig -eth0 -c static -r auto -d auto -m 1500 -T system:$mm";
} else {
# The network setting for the service processor of blade
my @data = $t->cmd("ifconfig -T system:blade[$slot]");
# get the active interface
# MM[1] - FSP eth1 MM[2] - FSP eth0
my $if;
if ($mm =~ /\[(\d)\]/) {
if($1 eq "1") {
$if = "eth1";
} elsif($1 eq "2") {
$if = "eth0";
} else {
$if = "eth".$1;
} else {
foreach (@data) {
if (/eth(\d)/) { $if = "eth".$1; last;}
if (!$if) {return ([1, "Cannot find the interface of blade."])};
$cmd = "ifconfig -$if -c static -T system:blade[$slot]";
my ($ip,$host,$gateway,$mask);
if ($value) {
if ($value !~ /\*/) {
($ip,$host,$gateway,$mask) = split /,/,$value;
if (!$ip and !$host and !$gateway and !$mask) {
return([1,"No changes specified"]);
if ($mpa ne $node) {
$host = undef;
else {
if ( $value !~ /^\*$/) {
return([1,"Invalid format: 'network=*'"]);
if ($mpa eq $node) { #for network configure to management module
my %nethash = xCAT::DBobjUtils->getNetwkInfo([$node]);
my $gate = $nethash{$node}{gateway};
my $result;
if ($gate) {
$result = xCAT::NetworkUtils::toIP($gate);
if (@$result[0] == 0) {
$gateway = @$result[1];
$mask = $nethash{$node}{mask};
#the host is only needed for the mpa network configuration
$host = $node;
my $hosttab = xCAT::Table->new( 'hosts' );
if ($hosttab) {
my ($ent) = $hosttab->getNodeAttribs($node,['ip']);
if (defined($ent)) {
$ip = $ent->{ip};
unless ($ip) {
$ip = xCAT::NetworkUtils->getipaddr($node);
} else {
my $ppctab = xCAT::Table->new( 'ppc' );
if ($ppctab) {
my $ppcent = $ppctab->getNodeAttribs($node,['hcp']);
if (defined($ppcent)) {
$ip = $ppcent->{hcp};
my %nethash = xCAT::DBobjUtils->getNetwkInfo([$ip]);
my $gate = $nethash{$ip}{gateway};
my $result;
if ($gate) {
$result = xCAT::NetworkUtils::toIP($gate);
if (@$result[0] == 0) {
$gateway = @$result[1];
$mask = $nethash{$ip}{mask};
} else {
return([1,"No changes specified"]);
if ($ip) { $cmd.=" -i $ip"; }
if ($host) { $cmd.=" -n $host"; }
if ($gateway){ $cmd.=" -g $gateway"; }
if ($mask) { $cmd.=" -s $mask"; }
## TRACE_LINE print "The cmd to set for the network = $cmd\n";
my @data = $t->cmd($cmd);
if (!@data) {
return ([1,"Failed"]);
my @result = grep(/These configuration changes will become active/,@data);
## TRACE_LINE print " rc = @data\n";
if (!@result) {
if (!(@result = grep (/OK/,@data))) {
} elsif (defined($reset)) {
@result = ();
if ($ip) { push @result,"IP: $ip"; }
if ($host) { push @result,"Hostname: $host"; }
if ($gateway){ push @result,"Gateway: $gateway"; }
if ($mask) { push @result,"Subnet Mask: $mask"; }
sub swnet {
my $t = shift;
my $command = shift;
my $value = shift;
my @result;
my ($ip,$gateway,$mask);
#default is switch[1]. if the user specificed a number, use it instead
my $switch = "switch[1]";
if ($command !~ /^swnet$/) {
my $switchNum = $command;
$switchNum =~ s/swnet//;
$switch = "switch[$switchNum]";
if (!$value) {
my @data = $t->cmd("ifconfig -T system:$switch");
my $s = join('',@data);
if ($s =~ /-i\s+(\S+)/) { $ip = $1; }
if ($s =~ /-g\s+(\S+)/) { $gateway = $1; }
if ($s =~ /-s\s+(\S+)/) { $mask = $1; }
else {
my $cmd =
"ifconfig -em disabled -ep enabled -pip enabled -T system:$switch";
($ip,$gateway,$mask) = split /,/,$value;
if (!$ip and !$gateway and !$mask) {
return([1,"No changes specified"]);
if ($ip) { $cmd.=" -i $ip"; }
if ($gateway){ $cmd.=" -g $gateway"; }
if ($mask) { $cmd.=" -s $mask"; }
my @data = $t->cmd($cmd);
@result = grep(/OK/i,@data);
if (!@result) {
if ($ip) { push @result,"Switch IP: $ip"; }
if ($gateway){ push @result,"Gateway: $gateway"; }
if ($mask) { push @result,"Subnet Mask: $mask"; }
sub snmpcfg {
my $t = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $uid = shift;
my $pass = shift;
my $mm = shift;
if ($value !~ /^enable|disable$/i) {
return([1,"Invalid argument '$value' (enable|disable)"]);
# Check the type of mm
my @data = $t->cmd("info -T system:$mm");
if (grep(/: Chassis Management Module/, @data) && $mptype ne "cmm") {
#return ([1,"The hwtype attribute should be set to \'cmm\' for a Chassis Management Module."]);
# Query users on MM
my $id;
if ($mptype =~ /^[a]?mm$/) {
@data = $t->cmd("users -T system:$mm");
my ($user) = grep(/\d+\.\s+$uid/, @data);
if (!$user) {
return([1,"Cannot find user: '$uid' on MM"]);
$user =~ /^(\d+)./;
$id = $1;
} elsif ($mptype eq "cmm") {
@data = $t->cmd("users -n $uid -T system:$mm");
if (! grep (/Account is active/, @data)) {
return([1,"Cannot find user: '$uid' on MM"]);
} else {
return([1,"Hardware type [$mptype] is not supported. Valid types: mm,cmm."]);
my $pp = ($value =~ /^enable$/i) ? "des" : "none";
if ($pp eq "des") {
@data = $t->cmd("snmp -a3 -on -T system:$mm");
} else {
@data = $t->cmd("snmp -a3 -off -T system:$mm");
my $cmd;
if ($mptype =~ /^[a]?mm$/) {
$cmd= "users -$id -ap sha -at write -ppw $pass -pp $pp -T system:$mm";
} elsif ($mptype eq "cmm"){
$cmd= "users -n $uid -ap sha -at set -ppw $pass -pp $pp -T system:$mm";
@data = $t->cmd($cmd);
if (grep(/OK/i,@data)) {
return([0,"SNMP $value: OK"]);
sub sshcfg {
my $t = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $uid = shift;
my $mm = shift;
my $fname = ((xCAT::Utils::isAIX()) ? "/.ssh/":"/root/.ssh/")."id_rsa.pub";
if ($value) {
if ($value !~ /^enable|disable$/i) {
return([1,"Invalid argument '$value' (enable|disable)"]);
# Does MM support SSH
my @data = $t->cmd("sshcfg -hk rsa -T system:$mm");
if (grep(/Error: Command not recognized/,@data)) {
return([1,"SSH supported on AMM with minimum firmware BPET32"]);
# Check the type of mm
@data = $t->cmd("info -T system:$mm");
if (grep(/: Chassis Management Module/, @data) && $mptype ne "cmm") {
#return ([1,"The hwtype attribute should be set to \'cmm\' for a Chassis Management Module."]);
$mptype="cmm"; #why in the world wouldn't we have just done this from the get go????
# Get firmware version on MM
if ($mptype =~ /^[a]?mm$/) {
@data = $t->cmd("update -a -T system:$mm");
my ($line) = grep(/Build ID:\s+\S+/, @data);
# Minumum firmware version BPET32 required for SSH
$line =~ /(\d.)/;
if (hex($1) < hex(32)) {
return([1,"SSH supported on AMM with minimum firmware BPET32"]);
# Get SSH key on Management Node
unless (open(RSAKEY,"<$fname")) {
return([1,"Error opening '$fname'"]);
my ($sshkey)=<RSAKEY>;
if ($sshkey !~ /\s+(\S+\@\S+$)/) {
return([1,"Cannot find userid\@host in '$fname'"]);
my $login = $1;
# Query users on MM
my $user;
@data = $t->cmd("users -T system:$mm");
if ($mptype =~ /^[a]?mm$/) {
($user) = grep(/\d+\.\s+$uid/, @data);
} elsif ($mptype eq "cmm") {
my $getin; # The userid is wrapped insied the lines with keywords 'Users' and 'User Permission Groups'
foreach my $line (@data) {
if ($line =~ /^Users$/) {
$getin = 1;
} elsif ($line =~ /^User Permission Groups$/) {
if ($getin) {
if (($line =~ /^([^\s]+)$/) && ($uid eq $1)) {
$user = $uid;
if (!$user) {
return([1,"Cannot find user: '$uid' on MM"]);
$user =~ /^(\d+)./;
my $id = $1;
# Determine is key already exists on MM
if ($mptype =~ /^[a]?mm$/) {
@data = $t->cmd("users -$id -pk all -T system:$mm");
} elsif ($mptype eq "cmm") {
@data = $t->cmd("users -n $uid -ki all -T system:$mm");
# Query if enabled/disabled
if (!$value) {
my @ddata = $t->cmd("sshcfg -T system:$mm");
if (my ($d) = grep(/^-cstatus\s+(\S+)$/,@ddata)) {
if ($d=~ /\s(\S+)$/) {
if ($1=~ /^disabled/i) {
return([0,"SSH: disabled"]);
# Find login
foreach (split(/Key\s+/,join('',@data))) {
if (/-cm\s+$login/) {
return([0,"SSH: enabled"]);
return([0,"SSH: disabled"]);
# Remove existing keys for this login
foreach (split(/Key\s+/,join('',@data))) {
if (/-cm\s+$login/) {
my $key = $1;
if ($mptype =~ /^[a]?mm$/) {
@data = $t->cmd("users -$id -pk -$key -remove -T system:$mm");
} elsif ($mptype eq "cmm") {
@data = $t->cmd("users -n $uid -remove -ki $key -T system:$mm");
if ($value =~ /^disable$/i) {
if (!grep(/^OK$/i, @data)) {
return([1,"SSH Key not found on MM"]);
# Make sure SSH key is generated on MM
@data = $t->cmd("sshcfg -hk rsa -T system:$mm");
if (!grep(/ssh-rsa/,@data)) {
@data = $t->cmd("sshcfg -hk gen -T system:$mm");
if (!grep(/^OK$/i, @data)) {
# Wait for SSH key generation to complete
my $timeout = time+240;
while (1) {
if (time >= $timeout) {
return([1,"SSH key generation timeout"]);
@data = $t->cmd("sshcfg -hk rsa -T system:$mm");
if (grep(/ssh-rsa/,@data)) {
# Transfer SSH key from Management Node to MM
$sshkey =~ s/@/\@/;
if ($mptype =~ /^[a]?mm$/) {
$t->cmd("users -$id -at set -T system:$mm");
@data = $t->cmd("users -$id -pk -T system:$mm -add $sshkey");
} elsif ($mptype eq "cmm") {
$t->cmd("users -n $uid -at set -T system:$mm");
@data = $t->cmd("users -n $uid -add -kf openssh -T system:$mm -key \"$sshkey\"");
if ($data[0]=~/Error/i) {
if ($data[0]=~/Error writing data for option -add/i) {
return([1,"Maximum number of SSH keys reached for this chassis"]);
} elsif (! grep /OK/, @data) {
# Enable ssh on MM
@data = $t->cmd("ports -sshe on -T system:$mm");
return([0,"SSH $value: OK"]);
sub ntp {
my $value = shift;
my @result;
my $data = $session->get(['',0]);
if ($data =~ /NOSUCHOBJECT/) {
return([1,"NTP Not supported"]);
if ($value) {
my ($ntp,$ip,$f,$v3) = split /,/,$value;
if ($ntp) {
if ($ntp !~ /^enable|disable$/i) {
return([1,"Invalid argument '$ntp' (enable|disable)"]);
if ($v3) {
if ($v3 !~ /^enable|disable$/i) {
return([1,"Invalid argument '$v3' (enable|disable)"]);
if (!$ntp and !$ip and !$f and !$v3) {
return([1,"No changes specified"]);
if ($ntp) {
my $d = ($ntp =~ /^enable$/i) ? 1 : 0;
push @result,"NTP: $ntp";
if ($ip) {
push @result,"NTP Server: $ip";
if ($f) {
push @result,"NTP Frequency: $f";
if ($v3) {
my $d = ($v3 =~ /^enable$/i) ? 1 : 0;
push @result,"NTP v3: $v3";
my $d = (!$data) ? "disabled" : "enabled";
push @result,"NTP: $d";
$data = $session->get(['',0]);
push @result,"NTP Server: $data";
$data = $session->get(['',0]);
push @result,"NTP Frequency: $data (minutes)";
$data = $session->get(['',0]);
$d = (!$data) ? "disabled" : "enabled";
push @result,"NTP v3: $d";
sub forward_data {
my $callback = shift;
my $fds = shift;
my @ready_fds = $fds->can_read(1);
my $rfh;
my $rc = @ready_fds;
foreach $rfh (@ready_fds) {
my $data;
if ($data = <$rfh>) {
while ($data !~ /ENDOFFREEZE6sK4ci/) {
$data .= <$rfh>;
eval { print $rfh "ACK\n"; }; #Ignore ack loss due to child giving up and exiting, we don't actually explicitly care about the acks
my $responses=thaw($data);
foreach (@$responses) {
} else {
yield; #Try to avoid useless iterations as much as possible
return $rc;
sub dompa {
my $out = shift;
$mpa = shift;
my $mpahash = shift;
my $command=shift;
my %namedargs=@_;
my @exargs=@{$namedargs{-args}};
my $node;
my $args = \@exargs;
#Handle http commands on their own
if ($command eq "getrvidparms") {
my $user = $mpahash->{$mpa}->{username};
my $pass = $mpahash->{$mpa}->{password};
my $method;
unless ($method=httplogin($mpa,$user,$pass)) {
foreach $node (sort (keys %{$mpahash->{$mpa}->{nodes}})) {
my %outh;
%outh = (
error=>["Unable to perform http login to $mpa"],
print $out freeze([\%outh]);
print $out "\nENDOFFREEZE6sK4ci\n";
(my $target, my $authtoken, my $fwrev, my $port, my $ba) = get_kvm_params($mpa,$method);
#an http logoff would invalidate the KVM token, so we can't do it here
#For the instant in time, banking on the http session timeout to cleanup for us
#It may be possible to provide the session id to client so it can logoff when done, but
#that would give full AMM access to the KVM client
foreach $node (sort (keys %{$mpahash->{$mpa}->{nodes}})) {
my $slot = $mpahash->{$mpa}->{nodes}->{$node};
$slot =~ s/-.*//;
my @output = ();
if ($port) {
#if ($ba) { #SECURITY: This exposes AMM credentials, use at own risk
# push(@output,"ba:$ba");
my %outh;
foreach (@output) {
(my $tag, my $text)=split /:/,$_,2;
push (@{$outh{node}->[0]->{data}},{desc=>[$tag],contents=>[$text]});
print $out freeze([\%outh]);
print $out "\nENDOFFREEZE6sK4ci\n";
# Handle telnet commands before SNMP
if ($command eq "rspconfig") {
foreach $node (sort (keys %{$mpahash->{$mpa}->{nodes}})) {
my $slot = $mpahash->{$mpa}->{nodes}->{$node}; #this should preserve '-' in multi-blade configs
my $user = $mpahash->{$mpa}->{username};
my $pass = $mpahash->{$mpa}->{password};
$mptype = $mpahash->{$mpa}->{nodetype}->{$node};
my $rc;
my $result;
if ($mpa eq $node && $mptype && $mptype !~ /^mm|cmm$/) {
push @cfgtext, "Hardware type $mptype is not supported. Valid types(mm,cmm).\n";
$rc = 1;
$args = [];
} else {
$result = clicmds($mpa,$user,$pass,$node,$slot,cmds=>\@exargs);
$rc |= @$result[0];
$args = @$result[1];
foreach(@cfgtext) {
my %output;
(my $desc,my $text) = split (/:/,$_,2);
unless ($text) {
} else {
$desc =~ s/^\s+//;
$desc =~ s/\s+$//;
if ($desc) {
$text =~ s/^\s+//;
$text =~ s/\s+$//;
$output{node}->[0]->{errorcode} = $rc;
# Don't use the {error} keyword to avoid the auto added 'Error'
# in the output especially for part of the nodes failed.
#if ($rc) {
# $output{node}->[0]->{error}->[0]=$text;
#} else {
# $output{node}->[0]->{data}->[0]->{contents}->[0]=$text;
print $out freeze([\%output]);
print $out "\nENDOFFREEZE6sK4ci\n";
if ($command eq "rscan") {
foreach $node (sort (keys %{$mpahash->{$mpa}->{nodes}})) {
my $slot = $mpahash->{$mpa}->{nodes}->{$node}; #this should preserve '-' in multi-blade configs
my $user = $mpahash->{$mpa}->{username};
my $pass = $mpahash->{$mpa}->{password};
$mptype = $mpahash->{$mpa}->{nodetype}->{$node};
my $rc;
my $result;
if ($mptype eq "cmm") {
# For the cmm, call the rscanfsp to discover the fsp for ppc blade
my @telargs = ("rscanfsp");
# Only telnet commands
unless ( @$args ) {
if($command ne "getmacs"){
verbose_message("start deal with SNMP session.");
$mpauser= $mpahash->{$mpa}->{username};
$mpapass = $mpahash->{$mpa}->{password};
$session = new SNMP::Session(
DestHost => $mpa,
Version => '3',
SecName => $mpauser,
AuthProto => 'SHA',
AuthPass => $mpapass,
PrivProto => 'DES',
SecLevel => 'authPriv',
UseNumeric => 1,
Retries => 1, # Give up sooner to make commands go smoother
Timeout=>10000000, #Beacon, for one, takes a bit over a second to return
PrivPass => $mpapass);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) {return 1,$session->{ErrorStr}; }
unless ($session and keys %$session) {
my %err=(node=>[]);
foreach (keys %{$mpahash{$mpa}->{nodes}}) {
push (@{$err{node}},{name=>[$_],error=>["Cannot communicate with $mpa"],errorcode=>[1]});
print $out freeze([\%err]);
print $out "\nENDOFFREEZE6sK4ci\n";
return 1,"General error establishing SNMP communication";
my $tmp = $session->get([$mmprimoid.".1"]);
if ($session->{ErrorStr}) { print $session->{ErrorStr}; }
$activemm = ($tmp ? 1 : 2);
my @outhashes;
if ($command eq "reventlog" and isallchassis) {
#Add a dummy node for eventlog to get non-blade events
#get new node status
my %oldnodestatus=(); #saves the old node status
my @allerrornodes=();
my $check=0;
my $global_check=1;
my @entries = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("nodestatus");
my $site_entry = $entries[0];
if(defined($site_entry)) {
if ($site_entry =~ /0|n|N/) { $global_check=0; }
#my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
#if ($sitetab) {
# (my $ref) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'nodestatus'}, 'value');
# if ($ref) {
# if ($ref->{value} =~ /0|n|N/) { $global_check=0; }
# }
if ($command eq 'rpower') {
if (($global_check) && ($args->[0] ne 'stat') && ($args->[0] ne 'status') && ($args->[0] ne 'state')) {
my @allnodes=keys %{$mpahash->{$mpa}->{nodes}};
#save the old status
my $nodelisttab = xCAT::Table->new('nodelist');
if ($nodelisttab) {
my $tabdata = $nodelisttab->getNodesAttribs(\@allnodes, ['node', 'status']);
foreach my $node (@allnodes)
my $tmp1 = $tabdata->{$node}->[0];
if ($tmp1) {
if ($tmp1->{status}) { $oldnodestatus{$node}=$tmp1->{status}; }
else { $oldnodestatus{$node}=""; }
#print "oldstatus:" . Dumper(\%oldnodestatus);
#set the new status to the nodelist.status
my %newnodestatus=();
my $newstat;
if (($args->[0] eq 'off') || ($args->[0] eq 'softoff')) {
my $newstat=$::STATUS_POWERING_OFF;
} else {
#get the current nodeset stat
if (@allnodes>0) {
my $nsh={};
my ($ret, $msg)=xCAT::SvrUtils->getNodesetStates(\@allnodes, $nsh);
if (!$ret) {
foreach (keys %$nsh) {
my $newstat=xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl->getNodeStatusFromNodesetState($_, "rpower");
#print "newstatus" . Dumper(\%newnodestatus);
xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl::setNodeStatusAttributes(\%newnodestatus, 1);
if ($command eq "rvitals") {
if ((scalar(@$args) == 1 and $args->[0] eq '') or grep (/all/,@$args)) {
$vitals_info = &get_blades_for_mpa($mpa);
foreach $node (sort (keys %{$mpahash->{$mpa}->{nodes}})) {
$curn = $node;
$mptype = $mpahash->{$mpa}->{nodetype}->{$node};
$mpatype = $mpahash->{$mpa}->{mpatype};
my ($rc,@output) = bladecmd($mpa,$node,$mpahash->{$mpa}->{nodes}->{$node},$mpahash->{$mpa}->{username},$mpahash->{$mpa}->{password},$command,@$args);
#print "output=@output\n";
my $no_op=0;
if ($rc) { $no_op=1; }
elsif (@output>0) {
if ($output[0] =~ /$status_noop/) {
$output[0] =~ s/ $status_noop//; #remove the simbols that meant for use by node statu
#print "output=@output\n";
#update the node status
if (($check) && ($no_op)) {
push(@allerrornodes, $node);
foreach(@output) {
my %output;
if ( $command eq "rscan" ) {
$output{data} = [$_];
else {
(my $desc,my $text) = split (/:/,$_,2);
unless ($text) {
} else {
$desc =~ s/^\s+//;
$desc =~ s/\s+$//;
if ($desc) {
$text =~ s/^\s+//;
$text =~ s/\s+$//;
$output{node}->[0]->{errorcode} = $rc;
if ($rc) {
} else {
print $out freeze([\%output]);
print $out "\nENDOFFREEZE6sK4ci\n";
if ($check) {
#print "allerrornodes=@allerrornodes\n";
#revert the status back for there is no-op for the nodes
my %old=();
foreach my $node (@allerrornodes) {
my $stat=$oldnodestatus{$node};
if (exists($old{$stat})) {
my $pa=$old{$stat};
push(@$pa, $node);
else {
xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl::setNodeStatusAttributes(\%old, 1);
verbose_message("SNMP session completed.");
#my $msgtoparent=freeze(\@outhashes); # = XMLout(\%output,RootName => 'xcatresponse');
#print $out $msgtoparent; #$node.": $_\n";
# generate hardware tree, called from lstree.
sub genhwtree
my $nodelist = shift; # array ref
my $callback = shift;
my %hwtree;
# get mm and bladeid
my $mptab = xCAT::Table->new('mp');
unless ($mptab)
my $rsp = {};
$rsp->{data}->[0] = "Can not open mp table.\n";
xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback, 1);
my @entries = $mptab->getAllNodeAttribs(['node','mpa','id']);
foreach my $node (@$nodelist)
# read mp.mpa, mp.id.
my $mpent = $mptab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['mpa','id']);
if ($mpent)
if ($mpent->{mpa} eq $node)
# it's mm, need to list all blades managed by this mm
foreach my $ent (@entries)
# need to exclude mm if needed.
if ($ent->{mpa} eq $ent->{node})
elsif ($ent->{mpa} =~ /$node/)
$hwtree{$node}{$ent->{id}} = $ent->{node};
# it's blade
$hwtree{$mpent->{mpa}}{$mpent->{id}} = $node;
return \%hwtree;