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package xCAT::PasswordUtils;
use xCAT::Table;
my $ipmiuser = "USERID"; # default username to apply if nothing specified
my $ipmipass = "PASSW0RD"; # default password to apply if nothing specified
my $bladeuser = "USERID"; # default username to apply if nothing specified
my $bladepass = "PASSW0RD"; # default password to apply if nothing specified
# Picks the IPMI authentication to use with or deploy to a BMC
# mandatory arguments:
# noderange: a list reference to nodes (e..g. ["node1","node2"])
# optional parameters:
# ipmihash: a prefetched hash reference of relevant ipmi table data
# mphash: a prefetched hash of relevent mp table
# A hash reference with usernames and passwords, e.g.: { 'node1' => { 'username' => 'admin', 'password' => 'reallysecure' }, 'node2' => { 'username' => 'admin', 'password' => 'reallysecure' } }
sub getIPMIAuth {
#the algorithm intended is as follows:
#Should the target have a valid ipmi.username/ipmi.password, that is preferred above all else
#Otherwise, if it is a blade topology, then synchronize with the management module password parameters in mpa by default
#if still not defined, but it is a blade topology, then use 'blade' passwd table values
#if still not defined, use 'ipmi' table values
#if still not defined, use the defaults hardcoded into this file
my %args = @_;
my $noderange = $args{noderange};
my $ipmihash = $args{ipmihash};
my $mphash = $args{mphash};
my $tmp;
my %authmap;
unless ($ipmihash) { #in the event that calling code does not pass us a prefetched set of values, pull it ourselves
my $ipmitab = xCAT::Table->new('ipmi',-create=>0);
if ($ipmitab) { $ipmihash = $ipmitab->getNodesAttribs($noderange,['username','password']); }
unless ($mphash) {
my $mptab = xCAT::Table->new('mp',-create=>0);
if ($mptab) { $mphash = $mptab->getNodesAttribs($noderange,['mpa','id']); }
my $passtab = xCAT::Table->new('passwd');
if ($passtab) {
if (defined($tmp)) {
$ipmiuser = $tmp->{username};
$ipmipass = $tmp->{password};
if (defined($tmp)) {
$bladeuser = $tmp->{username};
$bladepass = $tmp->{password};
my $mpatab;
if ($mphash) { $mpatab = xCAT::Table->new('mpa',-create=>0); }
my %mpaauth;
foreach $node (@$noderange) {
if ($mphash and ref $mphash->{$node} and $mphash->{$node}->[0]->{mpa}) { #this appears to be a Flex or similar config, tend to use blade credentials
if ($bladeuser) { $authmap{$node}->{username}=$bladeuser; $authmap{$node}->{cliusername}=$bladeuser;}
if ($bladepass) { $authmap{$node}->{password}=$bladepass; $authmap{$node}->{clipassword}=$bladepass;}
my $mpa = $mphash->{$node}->[0]->{mpa};
if (not $mpaauth{$mpa} and $mpatab) {
my $mpaent = $mpatab->getNodeAttribs($mpa,[qw/username password/],prefetchcache=>1); #TODO: this might make more sense to do as one retrieval, oh well
if (ref $mpaent and $mpaent->{username}) { $mpaauth{$mpa}->{username} = $mpaent->{username} }
if (ref $mpaent and $mpaent->{password}) { $mpaauth{$mpa}->{password} = $mpaent->{password} }
$mpaauth{$mpa}->{checked} = 1; #remember we already looked this up, to save lookup time even if search was fruitless
if ($mpaauth{$mpa}->{username}) { $authmap{$node}->{username} = $mpaauth{$mpa}->{username}; $authmap{$node}->{cliusername}=$mpaauth{$mpa}->{username}; }
if ($mpaauth{$mpa}->{password}) { $authmap{$node}->{password} = $mpaauth{$mpa}->{password} ; $authmap{$node}->{clipassword}=$mpaauth{$mpa}->{password} }
unless (ref $ipmihash and ref $ipmihash->{$node}) {
if ($ipmihash->{$node}->[0]->{username}) { $authmap{$node}->{username}=$ipmihash->{$node}->[0]->{username} }
if ($ipmihash->{$node}->[0]->{password}) { $authmap{$node}->{password}=$ipmihash->{$node}->[0]->{password} }
return \%authmap;